Star Wars – Knights of the Old Republic – Darth Revan (walkthrough)
Star Wars - Knights of the Old Republic - Darth Revan
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Former Dark Lord aka Revan Guide by Sword Laker
Last Updated at 8:27 PM 4/19/2008
Series title: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
Publisher : Lucas Arts
Developer : BioWare Corp
Obsidian Entertainment
Genre : Role-Playing Game
Universe : Star Wars
Release time: July 2003 (PC/XBox KotOR1)
August 2004 (XBox KotOR2)
February 2005 (PC KotOR2)
Platform : XBox, PC
Content : Anything about Dark Lord Revan
Started : November 12th, 2006
Version : 0.50i
Author : Sword Laker
E-mail :
Table of Content
01. Introduction [itr]
02. Appearance Profile [apf]
02a. Name [nme]
02b. Gender [gdr]
02c. Species [spc]
02d. Age [agx]
02e. Height [hgh]
02f. Weight [wgh]
02g. Birth Place [brp]
02h. Eye Colour [eyc]
02i. Costume [cst]
03. Occupation Profile [opf]
03a. Ranks [rnk]
03b. Alignment [alg]
03c. Biography [bgy]
04. Companion Profile [cpf]
04a. Malak [mlk]
04b. Trask Ulgo [tsk]
04c. Carth Onasi [cao]
04d. Mission Vao [msv]
04e. Zaalbar [zar]
04f. Bastila Shan [bts]
04g. T3M4 Utility Droid [utd]
04h. Canderous Ordo [cdo]
04i. Juhani [jhn]
04k. Jolee Bindo [jlb]
04l. HK-47 [h47]
05. Summary Profile [spf]
06. The Origin [ogn]
07. Version History [vrs]
08. Contact and Feedback [caf]
09. Credit [crd]
<| 01. Introduction [itr] |>
So welcome to another guide (or FAQ or anything you would like to call it)
of the best series of Star Wars. Here goes my second FAQ. A little experience
from the last time help me out at least a little today.
Revan Guide? Does the name confuse you? Yes, I'm sure it does. I guess the
question in the your mind is: "What the heck is this guide all about?" Yes a
question that is must and should be answer. Here goes: read the content above,
it says: "Anything about Dark Lord Revan". That's exactly what this guide is.
This is neither a gameplay guide nor walkthrough. Not really a plot guide but
some sort of that. This guide will cover every information about Revan the Dark
Lord that is mentioned throughout the Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
series. Including various things range from how high he is to what his eyes'
colour is. Yeah, I don't mean I can find everything in great detail such as how
many teeth he has or what's his favourite music band, but I'll try the best I
can, to find everything at least in this game.
Next, ask me who Revan is. If you can't answer this question then I guess
you shouldn't read this guide. Revan is a fallen Jedi who holds a large role
of the galaxy in the Old Republic era and the protagonist or player character
of the first game of the Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic series. In some
aspects, you can say that Revan is the protagonist of the whole series. New
information is revealed in every game of the series, bringing his identity
closer to the light. Well, just because this guy is really a mysterious one with
information about him shattered in every place, this guide is here for you.
This guide is incomplete. I haven't played KotOR2 yet. Nothing about KotOR2
Due the nature of a plot guide, this file contain serious major spoilers.
So at least for now, finish the first game and read at your own risk. Enjoy.
I'll say it once more. English is not my native language. Grammatical
corrections are welcomed here and I'm very grateful to whoever help me improving
my English. I'm waiting for it.
If you're reading this file online, I recommend downloading it now. You'll
need a lot of time to read a FAQ, especially this one.
3956 BBY means three thousands and nine hundreds and fifty-six years before
the battle of Yavin (Episode IV). It's a mark of the Star Wars timeline.
So there were a couple of troubles. After some lengthy and very complicated
events, I managed to get to a .... generally a good school. Computer upgraded
with a nice processor and a considerable amount of RAM but ..... *suitable*
So I guess this thing still not completely freezes. If I managed to get
this thing run correctly according to my schedule, that might be next summer.
And here I'm giving you a schedule: summer 2008. That's pretty much I can
say. And I don't wanna hope anymore.
Keep your eyes open on section 08 with each update. That's where I put
the most interesting non-Star Wars related stuff.
<| 02. Appearance Profile [apf] |>
This section concerns general information and figures about Revan.
<| 02a. Name [nme] |>
Revan the Dark Lord. He used another in his crew file of Endar Spire,
which is chosen by the player. Anything else? Has he got a family name? At
least remain unknown in the first game.
Conclusion: Revan and nothing more.
<| 02b. Gender [gdr] |>
Nothing can tell you about that. However, he *does* has some problems with
his gender. Though you choose to be FEMALE, Master Dorak of Dantooine Jedi
Academy still refers to Reven as MALE (his, he). I just don't understand what
the heck BioWare thought. They seemed to be sleeping, but *I* will refer to
him as male: he and his, though I prefer a female one. And yeah, HE WAS
At Sean's request: Revan's gender can be defined in KotOR2 by the player
character in a conversation with Atton Rand, a NPC party member.
DarthMuffin: Canonical Revan's gender is male. Referred in "The New
Essential Chronology".
James Cooper: LucasArts has come right out and said Revan is male.
My own comments: I don't like that *canonical gender* at all. Don't like
the way he is a male one, don't like the way much of his identity is revealed
like that.
Conclusion: Unidentified, but canonically male (I don't like that).
Every contribution with this topic breaks my effort to deny that ugly
confirmation from Lucas Arts.
<| 02c. Species [spc] |>
There's nothing I need to say.
Conclusion: Human.
<| 02d. Age [agx] |>
I don't remember if Calo Nord or anyone else ever mentioned Revan as a
*young* one. The masters of Dantooine Jedi Academy said that he was an adult
when he came there under the identity of a Republic recuit, so I guess he's
not a teen. Being taken as an infant, reaching the title of Jedi Knight,
earning reputation among the Order, leading a war for years. I guess it takes
more than twenty years.
Conslusion: Presumably about 25 - 35 (in 3956 BBY).
<| 02e. Height [hgh] |>
First, see this picture. Not sure whether it's still available.
I'm really neither the author nor someone know what that picture is about,
but I've got a purpose here. Do you realize that Revan's height is only about
Malak's shoulder? Malak is two meter tall so I guess it's quite enough for a
conclusion with this funny picture. :)
From Matthew Lord_Of_carnage: Hey dude I'de simply like to point out that in
the picture with Reven and Malik (the hight thing) Its not really a fair example
because in the game Malik towers above *all* the characters, hes like 8 foot
tall, so I'de just like to say Reven is probably 6 - 6'5ish,
Sorry but you made quite many mistakes out there. I didn't think it was
English at the first time I saw your e-mail. Also I have no idea how many meters
are equivalent to one foot either, my country just doesn't use that. Still,
thanks a lot for this contribution.
It's your own judge about this. Not much I can do beside putting your
opinions here if you have some. :D
Message from Jens Ostendorf:
| 1 foot (ft) = 30.48 cm; 1 inch (in) = 2.54 cm. |
| |
| So if someone is 6 feet tall, his height is approximately 1.83 m. |
| (1.8288, to be more precise) |
| |
| Therefore Matthew Lord_Of_carnage was not quite in sync with you, |
| since you thought Revan to be about 1.80 m tall, or 5 ft 11 in in |
| imperial measurement. He said Revan to be somewhat between 6 ft and 6 |
| ft 5 in, which, in metric measurement, is between 1.83 and 1.96 m. |
| Considerably taller than you think Revan to be. And wrong, in my |
| opinion. I think 1.80 m is quite correct. |
| |
| Hey, Matthew Lord_Of_Carnage, just how tall do you think the people in |
| the Star Wars universe are? How tall, for example, are Zaalbar and |
| Chewbacca? When Zaalbar is as tall as Chewbacca, Darth Revan cannot be |
| taller than 5 ft 11 in, considering how much taller Zaalbar is. No way! |
A very nice one. Special thanks for this contribution.
Conclusion: About 180cm.
<| 02f. Weight [wgh] |>
Nothing can say. Do you care about that?
Conclusion: Unknown (Presumably about 80kg, matching his height).
<| 02g. Birth Place [brp] |>
Another mystery about this. We really know nothing. I've never heard of
anything or anyone ever tell about that, except for a response in a dialogue
with Bastila Shan.
Conclusion: Unknown (Possibly Deralia).
<| 02h. Eye Colour [eyc] |>
Remember the Revan's Mask removing scene occured when Malak reveal Revan's
identity on Leviathan? That's *true Revan*. Look at his/her eyes. Clear but...
Comment from Mark van Ginkel: You state Revan's eyecolor as yellow, judging
it from the scene where Revan is revealed his past on the Levithian. There's
only problem there, at that point in time, Revan is the Dark Lord of the Sith
and corrupted by the dark side. You can't judge his original eye color from that
scene because the yellow eyes are a side effect of dark side corruption.
Well, I didn't guarantee his eyes' colour. But that's right, the conclusion
shouldn't be like that.
Conclusion: Unknown (Yellow while on Dark Side).
<| 02k. Costume [cst] |>
Go to Google, change to search image tab and type in Revan. That's the
shortest way. It is great if you can tell me something more about this.
Conclusion: Distinct costume includes: Mandalorian mask, black robe, hooded
cloak, metal armour.
So yeah, very special thanks to Tom Davies, let's make it "hooded black
robe" though "black hooded robe" isn't incorrect at all.
<| 03. Occupation Profile [opf] |>
This profile includes infos about Revan's works and his activities, which
can't be told with his appearance.
<| 03a. Ranks [rnk] |>
This requires the plot's understanding and the experiences of the game. In
another way, you need to play and then later ask yourself: "What happened?".I'll
also cover some figures here which I found on the Internet and weren't mentioned
in the game.
Conclusion: Jedi Knight of the Jedi Order; Supreme General of Mandalorian
Wars; Dark Lord of the Sith; Taris Swoop Champion.
<| 03b. Alignment [rnk] |>
No the heck anyone can tell us about that. It depends on nothing but the one
who plays the game. But one thing here. Even if you play as a light Jedi, the
truth is that Revan has *EVER* tasted the Dark Side before, which makes him
*darker* than you think. For any who doesn't understand what I'm about to give
you, I can explain at least a little for you. Count Dooku, Jolee Bindo, Kyle
Katarn and possibly Jaden Korr. You got it? The ones who possess both the Dark
and the Light Side of the Force.
This doesn't mean a neutral alignment, remember it. Here's a nice link.
Comment from Mark van Ginkel: You state in the end that Revan is a gray
jedi, but this isn't true. He was at one point Darth Revan who was undoubtfully
evil and dark sided. After getting his mind erased and recieving false memories
from the Jedi council, it is up to the player to decide Revan's alignment.
Canon states that Revan reformed and used this new chance to stay on the light
side, but he isn't exactly a gray jedi because of this.
Hmm ... make some senses. It's quite silly calling him a Gray Jedi anyway.
Conclusion: Dark Side until captured. Later up for the player to decide.
<| 03c. Biography [bgy] |>
First of all, he started like the others. Revan's homeworld remains unknown
for now, where he was taken when he was young from his family.
Learning at the Coruscant Academy, Revan was really somewhat *special*. He
was the one who was strong in the Force, showing much potential to his Masters.
Charismatic, headstrong and proud, Revan earned much admiration among the Order.
With his close friend Malak, the pair often came for Master Jedi Zhar Lestin for
additional training. Their lust of knowledge wasn't ignored by the Masters, but
was seen as eagerness and exuberance of the youth. As Master Zhar stated :
"someday would be the champion of the Order".
In 3976 BBY, the Mandalorian Wars began. Carefully prepared for the main
objective, defeating the Republic, with conquered planets which didn't provoke
retaliation, they launched a massive assault in 3,963 BBY. The Jedi Order was
asked for assistance, but denied due to the caution for another conflict. This
was the time Revan, who has rallied many Padawans, Knights and even Masters to
his noble goal of defeating the invaders. His closest friend, Malak was the
first to join him. Gaining the entire command of the Republic fleet, Revan with
his clever tactics brought the ultimate victory for the whole galaxy. However,
instead of returning to the Order, Revan, Malak and their brethrens disappeared.
Well, I don't understand this part very well. I guess it was explained more
clearly in KotOR2.
For a year, Revan and Malak found the Star Forge, a space station built by
the Infinite Empire of Rakata with the power of the Dark Side with the hidden
Star Maps over the galaxy. The Dark power of the Star Forge corrupted them. But
Revan was the more clever one, who wasn't possessed by the Dark Side as much as
his companion Malak.
Returning to the Republic, Revan claimed the title of the Dark Lord of the
Sith with Malak as the apprentice. For two years, they were invincible,
conquering the galaxy. A slim hope shone for the Jedi and the Republic, Bastila
Shan, a young Jedi who has mastered the rare art of Battle Mediation, which can
turn the tides of the whole of a battle.
In 3957 BBY, Revan and Malak were lured into a battle by a Jedi fleet, in
which Bastila was. Bastila used Battle Meditation to board Revan's flagship.
It is Bastila who led the Jedi strike team to confront Revan face to face. In
his master's jeopardy, Malak instead of trying to save his Revan, ordered his
ship to fire on flagship on where both Bastila and Revan were. Revan was knocked
unconscious. Instead of leaving Revan on the flaming ship, Bastila carried him,
escaping from death just on time. Without the knowledge of his master's
survival, Malak seized the throne, claiming the title of the Dark Lord.
Revan then was brought to the Jedi Council. His mind was badly damaged, thus
taking away his memories. With the power of the Force, the Jedi Masters
reprogrammed Revan's mind with a new identity. A raw Republic recruit, a loyal
one to the Republic with a completely new name, directly called to serve on the
Endar Spire, whose officer in charge was Bastila Shan herself. From here,
Revan's life had changed.
<// Here's where the first game started \>>
Fearing for Bastila's Battle Meditation, which could give Malak an ending
like Revan's as he had seen, he tirelessly hunted down the young Jedi. In an
ambush, a squad of Sith Fighter attacked Endar Spire. Awakened by the
explosions, reformed Revan met Trask Ulgo, a crew member of the Endar Spire.
When searching for Bastila, they were noticed by Carth Onasi, the ship's pilot,
and were told to get to the escape pod as soon as possible. On the way, Trask
Ulgo was slain by Darth Bandon, Malak's apprentice, making the Carth and
reformed Revan were the only crew member left on the ship. The two got away in
escape pod to the planet of Taris, leaving the burning ship behind.
Awakened on Taris, Revan had a vision of a Bastila Shan fighting with Revan
himself/herself. The two entered Lower City with a stolen Sith uniform and made
a deal to won the Tarisian Season Opener swoop race that was believed to be the
only way to free Bastila. However, in order to win, the Prototype accelerator,
which was stolen by the Black Vulkars, needed to be recovered. In the Taris
Undercity, Revan met Mission Vao, a teenage scoundrel, helped her to find her
Wookie friend Zaalbar, who gave Revan a life debt for the rescue, and entered
the Black Vulkars' base. Encountered by Kandon, Brejik's right-hand man, Revan
was offered to represent Black Vulkars in the race at the cost of treachery.
1A. Revan declined Kandon's offer, killing him and recovered the stolen
engine. Revan won the race in the name of the Hidden Beks but Brejik showed his
treachery, accused the Hidden Beks of cheating with the prototype accelerator
and withdrew the prize, Bastila.
1B. Revan accepted Kandon's offer with extra 500 credits. Returning to
Hidden Beks' hideout, Revan assassinated Gadon then later won the race under the
Black Vulkars' banner. However, Brejik showed his treachery, revealed Bastila's
Jedi identity and withdrew his prize.
Bastila used the Force to break her cage and freed herself. Suprised and
angered, Brejik ordered his gangsmen to kill everyone. Revan killed Brejik with
the help of Bastila and then explained to her why he was there. They then
returned to the apartment in where their hideout was.
Revan once more had the vision in which he had been fighting with Bastila.
This time, it is revealed that he was knocked out by an explosion.
Attracted by Revan's victory in the swoop race, Canderous Ordo, a
Mandalorian mercenary of Davik Kang, made a deal with him to escape the planet.
Revan purchased T3-M4 Utility Droid and stole the Launch Code in the Sith base
for Canderous, then they both approach the Ebon Hawk, Davik's vessel, with Revan
as an applicant. They encountered Davik and another mercenary of his, Calo Nord,
a bounty hunter. Meanwhile, in the space, Malak ordered his bombing fleet to
open fire on Taris. Defeating Davik and Calo under the Sith's fire, Revan and
Canderous stole the Ebon Hawk and escaped the collapsing planet in time. They
then decided to stay refuge on Dantooine, on where a Jedi Academy was.
There Revan was trained to be a Jedi once more as a *special case* without
an option left. Under the guidance of Vrook Lamar, Vandar Torake, Zhar Lestin
and the Chronicler Dorak, he finished his initial training quickly. Vrook Lamar
somewhat showed disagreement. Revan's final test to end his apprenticeship was
to clear the taint of the sacred groove, which was Juhani, a fallen Padawan of
the Academy. Revan later found Juhani at the groove and was attacked by her. No
matched for Revan's power, Juhani was defeated.
2A. Revan convinced Juhani to return to the Academy as the path of the light
still opened for her. Then she was forgiven by the Council, once more walked in
the light, ending Revan's test.
2B. Revan decided to kill Juhani, ending his trial in violence and blood.
A vision that Revan and Bastila both shared led them to a ruin in Dantooine,
in where Revan and Malak had been once. Here they found a Star Map and the
existence the Star Forge. They pair were ordered to find the missing Star Maps
and the Star Forge using the Force connection they shared for an ultimate goal:
stop Malak.
The Star Map they found revealed the other Star Maps' locations: Tatooine,
Kashyyyk, Manaan, Korriban. Revan visited each of them, collecting the missing
maps one by one.
On Kashyyyk, Revan met an old Jedi named Jolee Bindo, who had been there
for over twenty years to help the Wookiees. The planet, also was the Zaalbar's
homeworld, had been living in slavery with hidden contracts with Czerka
Cooperation which were made by Chuundar, Zaalbar's brother.
On Tatooine, Revan hunted a Krayt Dragon and found Star Map in its lair.
Also on this planet, Revan might have reunited with his assassin droid HK-47.
However, the droid didn't recognize him and called him specially "master",
not like he called other humans as "meatbag".
On Manaan, Revan faced a giant shark in the deep ocean and got involved
into several cases which made his place "the accused" in the Manaan court.
On Korriban, Revan disguised as an exiled Jedi and learned as an apprentice
in a Sith Academy. He found the Star Map in the tomb of Naga Sadow, a powerful
Sith Lord, in his final trial to become a "true Sith".
Calo Nord, the one who escaped the Taris bombardment and also seemingly
informed Malak about Revan's existence, was hired to assassinate Revan but fail
and killed. Darth Bandon, Malak's apprentice and the murderer of Trask Ulgo in
the Endar Spire attack, was the second one to assassinate Revan but got the same
3A. During the search, Revan and Bastila found Helena, Bastila's mother and
learnt about the death of Bastila's father. Revan helped the grievous daughter
to settle down with her mother. Leaving Bastila's mother, they fell in love.
Bastila tried to deny their feelings, eventually ended their arguements with a
3B. During the search, Carth confided to Revan about his life as a Republic
pilot. He was betrayed by his mentor, Saul Karath under command of the old Dark
Lord - Revan, and lost his family in the same hand. Revan found his son, Dustil
Onasi in the Sith Academy on Korriban, reuniting the long lost family. Revan
and Carth later fell in love. Carth started to forget his wife and promised to
protect the woman he loved - Revan.
<// I repeat: Revan's gender is completely unidentified \>>
Leaving the world on where Revan found the fourth Star Map, the Ebon Hawk
was caught by the tractor beam of Leviathan, Malak's flagship. Carth, Revan and
Bastila were captured, painfully interrogated and revealed about the destruction
of Dantooine by Saul Karath. After Saul Karath left the hall, a crew member of
the Ebon Hawk, who was hiding when Malak's troop searched the vessel, rescue the
captive three. They headed to the ship's bridge to hunt down Saul while the rest
of the party returned to the Ebon Hawk.
Encountering Saul on the bridge, the trio defeated him with many other
guards. They then faced Malak the Dark Lord himself. Malak revealed Revan's true
identity while Bastila tried to clear the reason of her action.
4A. Revan forgave Bastila, understanding that she had no choice and faced
Malak in battle.
4B. Angered, Revan accused Bastila and the Jedi of using him, claiming that
they were no better than the Sith.
With Bastila and Carth stunned, Malak and faced Revan in a solo duel. Malak
lost his ground and had to use the Force to constrain Revan. Bastila, awakened,
jumped into the battle and prevented Malak from hurting Revan. The door closed
with Malak and Bastila behind. Revan and the rest of the party escaped with
the Ebon Hawk as well as his true identity is revealed to everyone. However,
Revan didn't lose the faith of his companions.
With the final Star Map found, Revan's party headed to the revealed location
of the Star Forge. While aproaching the station, the Ebon Hawk was hit by a
strange energy and crashed on an unknown world, which was actually Rakata Prime,
the homeland of the Infinite Empire of Rakata. Revan there was gotten into the
war of the Rakatan tribes. Eventually made his way to the temple with his Force
gifted companions, Juhani and Jolee, Revan found Bastila turned to the dark
side, waiting for him on the roof of the temple. Bastila persuaded Revan to
claim his rightful place from Malak, the throne of the Dark Lord, with her help.
Revan here made a choice that change the fate of the galaxy.
5A. Rejecting Bastila's temptation, Revan remained on the path of the light.
Bastila left the world with her G-Wing in angered. Revan disable the energy
source and call for the Republic for a massive assault on the Star Forge.
5B. Tempted by the future of power and domination, Revan slew Jolee and
Juhani in cold blood. Returning the Ebon Hawk, the party was shocked by the
Revan's turning to the Dark Side. Carth ran away, saying Revan wasn't the one he
loved. Mission Vao and Zaalbar were slain mercilessly. The rest of the party
headed to the Star Forge and for the Republic for a massive assault, which would
weaken Malak's defense.
Boarding the Star Forge, Revan faced the Malak's droid army, heavy troops
and many Dark Jedi. With three-quarter of them slain, Revan stepped to the Star
Forge's Command Center.
5AA. There Revan faced Bastila, using her Battle Meditation to maintain the
Star Forge defense. Too far from reaching Revan's mastery, Bastila was defeated
effortlessly. Flabbergasted by Revan's power from the Light, she begged him to
strike her down. Revan, with the love and the bond they both shared, returned
Bastila to the light and faced Malak in final duel.
5AB. Revan, with overpowered mastery, defeated Bastila effortlessly. Casting
off the love and the bond they shared, Revan ended Bastila's life with a single
5B. Revan and Bastila faced the three strongest apprentices of Malak and
defeated them without effort. Bastila remained at the Command Center, using her
Battle Meditation to maintain the Star Forge's defense against the Republic
fleet. With overwhelmed number and the assistance from the inside, the Republic
force fell before the Star Forge, ending the life of Admiral McDodona and Jedi
Master Vandar Torake.
The final moment of Malak came when Revan walked into the platform. The two
duelled. Malak, even with the stored energy from several wounded Jedi, was no
matched for his former master.
5A. In Malak's final words, he confessed the mistakes he made for following
Revan to the Dark Side. If he had been captured by Jedi and returned to path of
light, things wouldn't had been the same. Malak's life ended in regret and
darkness. Revan's party escaped from the blowing space station and celebrated
the final victory on the ground of the Rakata Prime's temple.
5B. In Malak's final words, he confesses the righteousness of the Revan's
throne, saying Revan was everything but nothing, belong neither to the dark nor
the light. The evil was defeated by another evil, putting the galaxy into an
era of darkness and destruction with the second enthronement of Revan, Dark Lord
of the Sith.
The later fate of Revan remains unknown to us. I believe something was
revealed in KotOR2 and expect for even more in KotOR3.
<| 04. Companion Profile [cpf] |>
Here are some "inhabitants" of Star Wars, everyone who has ever stepped the
same steps with Revan's. The list is in order of chronologic appearance.
<| 04a. Malak [mlk] |>
Species: Human
Homeworld: Unknown
Occupation: Jedi Knight of the Jedi Order (Former), Jedi General
(Mandalorian Wars), Sith Apprentice (Former), Dark Lord of the Sith.
Being the closest friend of Revan's, the two shared many similarities in
their destiny.
Malak's childhood remains unknown, but he was trained at the same time with
Revan and presumably at the same Jedi Academy. Also, Malak was one of the most
promising student of the Academy with many talents, notably his swordsmanship.
In the Mandalorian Wars, When Revan called for his fellows in the Academy,
Malak was the first to join him. With the gifted power of Malak and the perfect
strategies of Revan, the two led the Republic to the final victory. However,
sharing the same fate with Revan, Malak fell to the Dark Side. Unlike Revan,
Malak relied completely on power of the Star Forge, letting himself fully
possessed by the dark energy.
When Bastila Shan led her strike team to neutralize Revan face-to-face,
Malak ordered his ship to fire Revan's flagship, in effort to eliminate both
his most dangerous enemy and the master whose place he had been wanting. He
failed, but only the Bastila's survival could reach Malak's ears. Then,
obviously, Malak claimed the title of the Dark Lord.
Fearing for the Battle Meditation, he hunted down Bastila for a long time.
After the destruction of Endar Spire, Malak destoyed the world of Taris in
order to eliminate Bastila. Once more, he failed.
Learning the truth from Calo Nord, a survivor of the destruction of Taris,
Malak sent both Calo and Darth Bandon to assassinate Revan and Bastila. And both
The effort of Malak was paid when he captured Bastila on his own ship,
turning her to the Dark Side. However, it was Bastila's turning to the Dark
Side somewhat which had ended Malak's life on the Star Forge.
Malak was ambitious when he was young which led him to the path of the dark
side. Possessed by the dark side, Malak slowly lost the humanity, becoming
merciless and hungry for power and domination. After such time, Malak wasn't
entirely evil. In his death, he regreted following Revan to the dark path,
asking himself what would had been if he had had enough strength to return to
the light.
<| 04b. Trask Ulgo [tsk] |>
Species: Human
Homeworld: Unknown
Occupation: Republic Troop
A crew member of Endar Spire and the bunkmate of Revan after his *rebirth*,
Trask was the one who awoke Revan and led him to the bridge.
During the escape, Trask sacrificed himself by distracting Darth Bandon in
order to clear Revan's way.
Trask Ulgo served as the tutorial instructor for the game process.
He also possibly has some connection with Selven, a Tarisan bounty huntress,
who also had a bounty on her head due to the assassination of the whole Ulgo
family, with whom Trask might has some relations.
Bah, according to what the game showed, we cannot confirmed 100% that Bandon
killed him. He might appear later in something else, even KotOR3, who knows?
<| 04c. Carth Onasi [cao] |>
Species: Human
Homeworld: Telos
Occupation: Republic Troop
A distrustful man who was betrayed by his mentor. His mentor, specifically
Saul Karath, followed Revan, turned against the Republic and destroyed the world
of Telos, Carth's homeworld, as a proof of his loyalty. Carth's wife died in the
attack and his son, Dustil went missing.
Carth later became a crew member of the Endar Spire and the one who has led
Revan to escape that had saved both of them.
Following Revan, Carth found the once-in-a-lifetime-opportunity to revenge.
Killing Saul Karath on the bridge of his own ship, Carth then learned the true
identity of Revan, but didn't lose his faith that he had given to his party
Carth Onasi was a love interest of Revan, who made her forget his deceased
wife and later was the woman he loved.
<| 04d. Mission Vao [msv] |>
Species: Twi'lek
Homeworld: Unknown, grew on Taris
Occupation: Inhabitant of Taris
Mission Vao, a blue skin Twi'lek whose brother named Griff Vao, was an
orphan born on an unknown planet and taken to Taris as a stowaway by her
On Taris, Griff addicted to pazaak and spent an enormous amount of money on
it. He later met Lena, a Twi'lek dancing girl and left the planet with her,
leaving his sister on Taris. Mission the always thought it was Lena who made
her brother forget about his little sister.
Mission then met Zaalbar, a Wookie, in an quarrel with the Vulkars, and they
became good friends. They were somewhat *wanderers* on Taris, searching for
stuff in the dangerous Undercity.
One day, Zaalbar was caught by Gamorrean slavers in the Undercity sewers
when he was trying to clear Mission's escape. Mission ran into reformed Revan
for help, with the promise of taking him into the Black Vulkars' base. With
Zaalbar freed, Mission kept her promise to Revan and ever since, thet became
companions of Revan, following him everywhere.
Mission met Lena in coincident and was explained that it was Griff who
decided to leave her, not Lena. Revan and Mission found Griff as a prisoner
of the Tusken Raiders. Taking him out, Mission was angered to learn the truth.
Before dissapearing forever, Griff took a tach gland which was brought from
Kashyyyk and 200 credits away, all from Revan. However, Mission prepared herself
for such things about her brother, accepted that no one was perfect and felt
happy about the reunion.
<// Tusken Raiders are called Sand People in this game \>>
Comment from Mark van Ginkel: The game is actually correct in calling them
Sandmen instead of Tusken Raiders. They weren't called Tusken Raiders until
they attacked and took over Fort Tusken (Hence Tusken Raiders), which they did
only a few years before Star Wars Episode 1. At this point in time, they are
only known as Sandmen.
I didn't say "Sand People" was incorrect but let's admit: I'm impressed ...
Despite being a Twi'lek, Mission Vao spoke Republic Basic instead of Twi'lek
<| 04e. Zaalbar [zar] |>
Species: Wookie
Homeworld: Kashyyyk
Occupation: *Madclaw*
Zaalbar was a Wookie born on Kashyyyk like the others, brother of Chuundar
and son of the Wookie Chieftain Freyyr. Chuundar, secretly made deals with the
Czerka Cooperation, offered his Wookie fellow as slaves, was discovered by
Zaalbar. Zaalbar went mad and attacked his brother, which had broken a Wookie
rule. For that, Zaalbar was exiled from the planet as a "madclaw". Traveled to
Taris, there Zaalbar met Mission Vao and a deep friendship grew between the two.
Oneday, in the sewers of Undercity on Taris, Zaalbar was caught and held
captive by the Gamorrean slavers. He was later freed by Revan and swore a life
debt, which made both him and Mission become the companions of Revan.
During the search of Star Forge, Revan visited Kashyyyk, with Zaalbar by his
sides, was intercepted by Chuundar, praised by the Wookiees as a Cheiftain and
a great hero. Chuundar asked Revan to kill an exiled Wookie in the Shadowlands,
who was actually Freyyr, the former Wookie cheiftain and the father of Zaalbar
and Chuundar. Revan then raised a revolt for the Wookiees against the slavers,
killing Chuundar. Freyyr returned to his rightful place and Zaalbar returned to
Revan's party, continuing the incompleted quest.
<// That's the *light ending* for Kashyyyk \>>
Zaalbar was also nicknamed *Big Z* by Mission.
<| 04f. Bastila Shan [bts] |>
Species: Human
Homeworld: Talravin
Occupation: Padawan of the Jedi Order, Sith Apprentice.
Bastila Shan was born on Talravin and had a childhood that was close to her
father, an adventurer whose name was unknown. However, Bastila wasn't very fond
of her mother, Helena Shan. Separated from her family by the Jedi Order, she
still kept memories about her family.
At the Dantooine Jedi Academy, Bastila Shan mastered the rare art of Battle
Mediation. She was among those followed the wisdom of the Jedi Masters and
denied the Revan's call for the Mandalorian Wars.
After the fall of Revan, Bastila used Battle Meditation and led her strike
team to capture Revan on his own ship. They narrowly escaped when Revan's ship
was fired by the Malak's one. Then she became the in-charged officer of Endar
Spire, to *take care* of the reformed Revan.
During the search for the Star Forge, Basila and Revan met Helena,
Bastila's mother, in the catina of Anchorhead on Tatooine, where they learned
the death of her father. Helena asked them to find the holocron of her husband
so she could kept his image. Bastila seemingly denied, said they would do if
they had time. Revan was the one who resolved the contradiction between the
mother and the daughter. Bastila realized she hated her mother unreasonably as
Helena admitted she wasn't a good mother. In the end, Helena revealed that
Bastila's father died in the effort of earning money to save his wife from the
disease. Bastila gave her five hundreds credits and told her to find a doctor
on Coruscant. She also decided to give her father's holocron to Helena, leaving
a seemingly happy ending.
<// It's only the happy ending. There's another, which is darker \>>
The rest of her story followed closely to Revan's, from the attack of the
Endar Spire to the defeat of Malak.
Bastila was a theoretical person, always keeping the Jedi Master's lectures
about the dark side and the forbiddances of Jedi. During the journey with Revan,
she kept muttering the lectures around his ears, even when they were in love.
With the lectures, she tried to deny their love, defending that it was forbidden
for the Jedi, for both of them. They finally ended all their talks with a kiss.
Another love interest of Revan.
<| 04g. T3M4 Utility Droid [utd] |>
Species: Utility droid
Homeworld: None
Occupation: None
A T3-series customized utility droid made by Janice Nall on Taris for the
crimelord Davik Kang. This droid was intergrated with combat armor and blaster,
which weren't available for normal ones, in additional for the exceptional
lock-picking and computer-slicing skills. The droid originally was made for
Canderous Ordo, but was passed to Revan to assist him in infiltrating the Sith
Base on Taris. T3M4 was one among ten members of Revan's party in the search for
the Star Forge.
<| 04h. Canderous Ordo [cdo] |>
Species: Mandalorian
Homeworld: Ordo
Occupation: Mandalorian Troop (Former), Mercenary of Davik Kang.
Born as a Mandalorian, trained as a warrior, Canderous was one of many
others that participated in the Mandalorian Wars. Fighting through many
battlefields and reaching the rank of commander, Canderous was a veteran soldier
among the Mandalorian force in the war. However, facing Revan, Canderous had the
same ending like his brethrens: defeat and failure.
Leaving the war, Canderous worked as a mercenary for Davik Kang on Taris
and became one of the top men along with the bounty hunter Calo Nord. Seeing the
time to free himself from the Sith blockade and the seemingly treachery of his
boss, he helped Revan to get inside Davik's estate and stole the smuggling
vessel Ebon Hawk, escaping Taris with the party just in time.
Canderous was a veteran warrior with considerable physical strength and
tactical skills. He kept fondness for the wars he fought in the past, trying to
share it with other soldiers, but dissapointed when many didn't, notably Carth
Onasi, who was once on the otherside of the battlefield with him.
During the search for the Star Forge, Canderous showed apparent admiration
to Revan for what he had done in the war. When Bastila declared Revan's return
to the dark side to the party, he was the first to join, saying it was his honor
to fight and fight with Revan.
<| 04i. Juhani [jhn] |>
Species: Cathar
Homeworld: Cathar
Occupation: Padawan of the Jedi Order
Juhani was born on Cathar, bearing the image of Jedi to her dreams in her
childhood. After the destruction of Cathar, her family escaped to Taris and live
in the Lower City. As ailens, they was disrespected. Her life was hard, with her
father died and her mother working as hard as possible and gave all the food for
her. Oneday she broke down and didn't recover. She was enslaved for the money
that her mother had borrowed. This was the worst time of her life.
In slavery, she kept her memories about the Jedi as the guardians and the
protectors of the innocent, hoping for a better life. Then she was freed by a
Jedi, who in her opinions, was like Revan perfectly. Taking the trip to
Dantooine, she was accepted to be a Student in the Jedi Academy and trained by
Jedi Master Quatra. But later, with the hot-tempred nature of Cathar, she
attacked attacked her master in anger and fell the dark side. There the tainted
the kath hounds, driving them mad. However, she was soon redeemed by Revan, as
his final test to end the the apprenticeship and become a Padawan. She learned
that it was only a lesson that her master tried to gave her. Right after her
redemption, she was promoted to Padawan and ordered to accompany Revan in his
Juhani showed some seemingly romance with some other female character.
Notably, she's the first lesbian in the history of Star Wars.
<| 04k. Jolee Bindo [jlb] |>
Species: Human
Homeworld: Unknown
Occupation: Padawan of the Jedi Order (Former)
Jolee Bindo was a gray Jedi, which made him do what he felt right. He broke
the Jedi code more than once, and considered to be a brash and reckless by his
masters. He and one of his friends, stole from the rich and gave to the poor,
considered it "tax on the greedy". He lost the trust to the Order and left.
He went exiled in the Shadowlands of Kashyyyk, helping Wookies and amusing
himself with the Star Map.
Jolee has prejudices against the wisdom of the Jedi and the Jedi code.
Remarkably, his opinions about love that he said to Revan. He never admitted
that he was a Jedi, "just a guy with the lightsaber". He shared many of his
old stories to Revan during the search for the Star Forge.
Oh, he admitted he was a Jedi when Revan turned to the Dark Side on Lehon!
Well, that's weird.
<| 04l. HK-47 [h47] |>
Species: Protocol/Assassin droid
Homeworld: Unknown
Occupation: Assassin of the Dark Lord
HK-47 was a assassin droid which was built by Revan to eliminate those who
he believed, would destabilize the galaxy. The droid passed himself through many
owners' hand. Owned by a gangster and a senator, HK-47 killed many people, both
good and bad. Eventually, he was taken to Yuka Laka's droid ship in Anchorhead,
Tatooine and purchased by Revan. When Revan revealed his identity, his
deactivated functions recovered, he was also revealed to belong to Revan.
HK-47's apprearance is more like a protocol droid's, though he's merely an
assassin droid. He showed apparent thirst for violence and carnage as the
assassin's nature. He was loyal and friendly to who he indentified as "master".
Any organic lifeform, with him, was identified as "meatbag". This was later
revealed to be because of Malak.
<// Nice quote \>>
"Definition: 'Love' is making a shot to the knees of a target 120 kilometers
away using an Aratech sniper rifle with a tri-light scope. Statement: This
definition, I am told, is subject to interpretation. Obviously, love is a matter
of odds. Not many meatbags could make such a shot, and fewer would derive love
from it. Yet for me, love is knowing your target, putting them in your targeting
reticle, and together, achieving a singular purpose, against statistically long
HK-47 seems to be the only character from Star Wars to managed to get into
the GameFAQs' Character Battle. If this guy appeared in Armed & Dangerous. That
would be even better :D
<| 05. Summary Profile [spf] |>
First name: Revan
Last name: Unknown (Presumably none)
Gender: Canonically male
Species: Human
Age: About 25 - 35
Homeworld: Unknown (Possibly Deralia)
Height: About 180cm
Weight: Unknown (Presumably about 80kg, matching his height)
Eye colour: Unknown (Yellow while on Dark Side)
Distinct costume: Mandalorian mask
Black robe
Hooded cloak
Metal armour
Alignment: Dark Side (until captured), later unidentified
Occupation: Sith Empire (Dark Lord)
Jedi Order (Jedi Knight)
Galatic Republic (Jedi General)
Speciality: Force Sensitive
Companions: Malak
Trask Ulgo
Carth Onasi
Mission Vao
Bastila Shan
Canderous Ordo
Jolee Bindo
Brief biography: Jedi Knight of the Jedi Order
Rebelled against the Jedi Council's will
Led the Republic to the Maldalorian Wars' victory
Fell to the Dark Side
Enthroned as the Dark Lord of the Sith
Betrayed by his apprentice and captured by the Jedi
Gained a new identity as a Republic recuit
Trained in the way of the Jedi the second time
Learned the lost identity in an escape from his old betrayer
Found the Star Forge and defeated the new Dark Lord
<| 06. The Origin [ogn] |>
First let's talk about the Star Wars of sir Lucas, the trilogies those have
started it all.
Star Wars is a science fiction trilogy movies created by Geogre Lucas long
ago. The movies set themselves in an entirely fictitious universe, which is
being expanded day by day by either the trademark owner and the fans. Until now,
six movies have been released devided into two trilogy. Geogre Lucas set the
release date of the Sequel trilogy in a long far future and we'll have to wait
for a very long time. Now Lucas is collecting suggestions from fans for the
upcoming trilogy. The scripts are now also available for free viewing.
The Prequel Trilogy Episode I The Phantom Menace (1999)
Episode II Attack of the Clones (2002)
Episode III Revenge of the Sith (2005)
The Original Trilogy Episode IV A New Hope (1977)
Episode V The Empire Strikes Back (1981)
Episode VI Return of the Jedi (1983)
The Sequel Trilogy Episode VII The Fallen Hero (2021)
Episode VIII A Republic in Crisis (2024)
Episode IX The Final Victory (2027)
<// Note that the release time might change unexpectedly \>>
NOTE: The Sequel Trilogy is reported to be fake. I have seen this one,
but according to many people those informations are completely untrue. I
will leave this here for those of you who need it.
Star Wars itself also have made into many video games, ranging from many
gernes (some were exclusive for certain platforms) and was among the most
sucessful video games which have the origin from the silver screen.
Notable Star Wars games.
Jedi Knight series: Dark Force (1995)
Mystery of the Sith (1997)
Jedi Outcast (2001)
Jedi Academy (2003)
Rogue Squadron series: Rogue Squadron (1998)
Rogue Strike (2001)
Rogue Leader (2003)
KotOR series: Knights of the Old Republic (2003)
The Sith Lords (2004/2005)
Galaxies series: An Empire Divided (2003)
Jump to Lightspeed (2004)
Rage of the Wookiees (2006)
Battlefront series: Battlefront (2004)
Battlefront 2 (2005)
LEGO series: LEGO Star Wars (2005)
The Original Trilogy (2006)
The Complete Saga (2007)
Empire at War series: Empire At War (2006)
Forces of Corruption (2007 Expansion)
Other games: Yoda Stories (1997)
Star Wars Episode I Racer (1999)
Rebellions (2001)
Force Commander (2001)
Jedi Power Battles (2001)
Galatic Battleground (2002)
Clone Wars (2002)
Naboo Starfighter (2002)
Republic Commando (2005)
Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005)
The Force Unleashed (Working title)
In 1997 - 2003, Star Wars games titles were released like rains. However,
their quality was questionable. Most titles such as Rebellions, Force Commander
and Galatic Battleground were failures. Often, they were rated average and
mediocre. Rogue Squadron and Jedi Knight were considered the best series of Star
Wars at that time. Recently, Lucas Arts reduced the number of Star Wars titles,
which has clearly rises quality of Star Wars video games. Knights of the Old
Republic, Republic Commando, Battlefront, LEGO Star Wars and Empire At War
gained various degrees of success, especially Knights of the Old Republic,
winning the honor title "Game of the Year" in 2003. Lucas Arts is also now
developing a working title name "The Force Unleashed". The game takes place
between the Episode III and IV (perhaps involved Mace Windu and the survivors
of Order 66 somehow) and focuses on the Jedi force powers, mainly the
telekenesis (taking advantage of the physic engine). Originally the game's
release date was set in November of 2007, but soon pushed back until 2008.
The Force Unleashed was announced on Wii in September 2007 with exclusive
contents and utilization of the controllers to simulate the Lightsaber and
Force powers. A Lightsaber-shaped Wii controller was also announced, for the
price of $20.
What the hell is wrong with Lucas Arts??? Where is the PC version??????
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic was one among many Star Wars "expanded
universe" fanchises. Unlike the others, KotOR set itself in an even further past
of the timeline, almost four thousands years before, in the Old Republic era.
Despite the differences from the movies, the game was a great success in the
history of Star Wars, gaining many awards. Largely, it was BioWare, the
developer who has a long history of legendary RPGs, has brought the game such
The game's genre was the classical RPG, using the rule of D20, a modified
version of Dungeons & Dragons created by the Wizards of the Coast.
Due to the complication of the genre, BioWare's games are not among the
popular RPGs in the games community. The players, especially players who like
quick action games, can barely get on with the game. Often, they stop playing
after a couple of hours of 'clicking and understand nothing'. This game is
considered the simplest RPG which uses the rules of Wizards of the Coast, with
the auto-leveling feature, few classes and the simple visual interface taken
from the 3rd person shooter games.
With statistics and some rules from the Star Wars RPG (also created by
Wizards of the Coast), the game allows the player to experience through a number
of classes, from the regular soldiers with no Force powers or Lightsaber at all,
to the powerful Jedi. However, the game was criticised to be not exactly depict
the universe of Star Wars. An example was the Lightsaber, in the movies is a
one-hit-kill powerful weapon while in the game, is only counted as a regular
melee weapon, which require several hits to take down the opponent, with some
negligible extra features.
The game bear many resembles to BioWare's RPGs in the past, such as the
successful series of Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights. Beside the nature
gameplay of classical RPG, many other features such as mathematical questions,
puzzle games, etc and notably the defending case as a lawyer in the court. The
character Bastila Shan somewhat was another version of Lady Aribeth of
Tylmarande, an important character in Neverwinter Nights. The name "Canderous"
was also used in Baldur's Gate 2 - Shadow of Amn, another success of BioWare
in the past. The game combined both the Star Wars and "BioWare" game style.
The second game of the series of released in late 2004 on XBox and early
2005 on PC with improved gameplay and some new features, such as the new
Influence system (which was also later used in Neverwinter Nights 2 by Obsidian
Entertainment). However, the second game was not positively criticised as the
first one for many reasons.
<// That's what they say, don't ask me since I haven't played it yet \>>
The series focuses on the life of Revan, a Dark Lord in the time in when
the game was set. While the first game tells the story of the Dark Lord at the
time he lost his mind, the second game reveals some information about the fall
to dark side of Revan. However, the due to the non-linear story nature of the
classical RPGs, confirmed Revan's stories and informations by the official
sources were never truly recognized by fans. Some depict the informations which
are opposite to the official sources' confirmation (female gender, Dark Side
alignment, etc) as an 'alternate universe'.
Setting in the same universe, KotOR and the movie Original Trilogy bears
many similarities. In fact, the BioWare's KotOR has taken many ideas from the
old trilogy to creat the KotOR today. An example was the game's poster. The
Original Trilogy movies' posters often feature a large figure of the Dark Lord
Darth Vader at the back as the landscape while Darth Malak, KotOR's antagonist
and the Dark Lord, also stands as large figure at the back in the game's poster.
Both of the protagonist's vessels can also be seen. Others' feature including
important key characters, various other characters and a few ships.
Similarities and references between KotOR and the original Star Wars.
In KotOR In Star Wars
_Many striking resembles Darth Revan Darth Vader
between Revan and Darth Vader
(see below)
_Protagonist's party includes T3M4 R2D2
a utility droid and an protocol HK-47 C3PO
_A pair of companions with a Mission Vao Han Solo
scoundrel and a Wookie Zaalbar Chewbacca
_Injured Dark Lord antagonist Malak Darth Vader
with a digital-pitched voice
_Protagonist's party uses a Ebon Hawk Millennium Falcon
smuggling vessel as the
traveling vehicle
_The ultimate Dark Side Star Forge Death Star
_Bounty hunter antagonist Calo Nord Boba Fett
Comment from Mark van Ginkel: You compare the Star Forge and the Death Star
as the 'ultimate weapons' of their era. But technically, the Star Forge isn't a
weapon, but a highly sophisticated factory. It has no actual fire power on
itself, it does however have the ability to channel the dark side of the force
to drastically lower the resources and time required to produce droids and
warships. But it is still a factory, not a weapon, and as such it can't really
be compared to the death star.
Sorry, let's find another word .... here we go: instrument. I guess that's
Both Star Wars and KotOR follow a classical motive of story with the hero
and old wise man. The protagonist assumes the role of both the hero and the
villain, but only partially in the game. The role of the Jedi Masters is not
obvious. In some aspects, it was Jolee Bindo who had truly played as the old
wise man.
The protagonist of the game, Revan, was a special one. With the role of
both the Dark Lord and the savior, Revan earned a considerable adoration among
the community. To find out about the making of Revan, we have to turn back to
the time of the ancient Darth Vader himself. Many details we see on Revan
today were from the old Vader. However, to be free from the old generations
of villains with bulky and disgusting appearanace, Revan is much different,
also due to the fact that Revan plays the role of both the hero and the
Similarities between the two Dark Lords.
Darth Revan Darth Vader
_Both have participated in Mandalorian Wars Clone Wars
large conflicts, ending with Seriously damaged Severely burnt body
the fall to the Dark Side mind which then with lost limbs and
and severely injuries which was replaced arms
seemed unhealable.
_Both were gifted with Force
sensitivity and were considered
the most powerful Jedi of the
_Both have their own protocol HK-47 C3PO
droid and relations with Reunited on Constructed on
Tatooine Tatooine Tatooine
_Similar attires with dark cloak
and metal armour
_The racing capability because Swoop Race Podrace
of the natural Force sentivity
With those references, KotOR was considerable *the most Star Wars-ish* of
all, even more than the Jedi Knight series, which was very close to the movies.
Today (04/02/07), I have just finished watching the Original Trilogy a few
hours ago. I myself think that both the Original Trilogy and KotOR have got
some flaws. The strange thing here is those flaws are almost the same. Many
elements of KotOR were inspired by the Original Trilogy, so much that BioWare
even copied the flaws of the movies into their game. This is not a bug, not
a gameplay problem, but something ACTUALLY can be improved easily with the 21st
century technology. These flaws were fixed in the Prequel Trilogy as well as
most other modern Star Wars games. They are:
_The lightsaber, first of all. If you have played the Jedi Knight series and
watched the Prequel Trilogy, you'll see how well were the Lightsaber effects
handled. The lightsabers seemed to appear incorrectly. Even in some scenes,
the lightsabers were blinking and flickering. In KotOR, they were ugly in my
opinions. Just two layer of 2D textures crossing into each other.
_The blaster bolts. In the Prequel Trilogy, they were white with coloured
outlines. In the Original Trilogy and KotOR, they were pure red and somewhat
That's all I can think of for now. BioWare's guys must have been crazy
after watching the Original Trilogy that day.
Also I realized many similarities in the storyline of the two. Both
protagonists had a simple life as their roles were seemingly insignificant
[Tatooine farmboy/Republic new recuit]. Destiny pushed them into meeting with
important Jedi [Obi-wan Kenobi/Bastila Shan] and they later seeked guidance
from greater wise masters [Yoda/Members of Jedi Council in Dantooine Academy]
to become a Jedi. Both of them were first denied but later accepted to be
trained. Their true identities were revealed shockingly with close relation to
the antagonist [son/former master and friend] by the antagonist himself. Both
of the stories ended with massive assault [Battle of Endor/Battle of Rakatan
Prime] on the enemy space station [Death Star/Star Forge], which earlier
served as the factor of the storyline. Both assaults were delayed by the
advantages belonging to the antagonist's force [Energy shield/Battle
Meditation]. Both celebrations of victory took place on the planet above where
the battle have just finished.
<| 07. Version History [vrs] |>
Version 0.000....01 (November 10th, 2006)
_Started writing a few things.
Version 0.01 (November 18th, 2006)
_Finished title logo.
_Finished section 02.
Version 0.2 (December 8th, 2006)
_Finished section 03.
Version 0.3 (December 17th, 2006)
_Finished section 04
Version 0.35 (December 18th, 2006)
_Finished section 05
Version 0.4 (December 20th, 2006)
_Finished section 06
Version 0.45 (December 20th, 2006)
_Finished them all!
Version 0.47 (December 23rd, 2006)
_Posted on
_Merry Christmas!
Version 0.471 (January 6th, 2007)
_Permission given to
Version 0.475 (January 12th, 2007)
_Changed some infos
Version 0.476 (March 1st, 2007)
_Added contributions of Tom Davies and "Linda".
Version 0.477b (March 7th, 2007)
_Added infos about Force Unleashed
_Received "Linda" Sean e-mail
Version 0.477b (Again - March 16th, 2007)
_"Anonymous helper"
Version 0.477c (Again - April 1st, 2007)
_DarthMuffin comments about Revan's gender
Version 0.48 (April 2nd, 2007)
_The Original Trilogy
Version 0.48b (April 6th, 2007)
_Similarities of KotOR and the Original Trilogy storyline
_Happy birthday (April 7th) to my most beloved one, though I can't see her
Version 0.48c (April 9th, 2007)
_Another comment on Revan's gender. Seems to be an arguable topic, huh?
Version 0.49 (July 4th, 2007)
_Got failed the test
_Write some goodbye word to you, I'm going to cry now
Version 0.5 (August 31st, 2007)
_Telling you that I'm still alive and my next schedule.
Version 0.5b (September 3rd, 2007)
_Revan's height.
Version 0.5c (October 26th, 2007)
_Add some credits
Version 0.5d (November 13th, 2007)
_Contribution from Jens Ostendorf about Revan's height
_Lost one of my hard disk last week and lost pretty much stuff :(
That's why I need to download this one from GameFAQs since all copies from my
computer are lost.
Version 0.5e (December 4th, 2007)
_Permission given to and
_Added a lot of things out there in various sections
_About to Christmas, isn't it?
Version 0.5f (December 23th, 2007)
_Merry Christmas
Version 0.5g (Febuary 2nd, 2008)
_Happy lunar new year
_Fixed a lot of things
Version 0.5h (April 4th, 2008)
_Mass Effect's gonna come to PC in May, but does it matter if I couldn't even
touch KotOR2?
_My life just gets stuck a little terribly.
_Hmmm ... almost forgot ... Still Remains splitted up.
_Renew section 08.
Version 0.5i (April 19th, 2008)
_It's Hayden Christensen again, isn't it? Not my intention.
_Going through a really hard time, you know.
_Permisison given to and
<| 08. Contact and Feedback [caf] |>
I've decided to make this section new. This time, it's quite serious.
If you have been watching this FAQ closely (I'm not sure if anyone do), you
will surely get my story.
I'm just a guy who was born on friday (probably, I'm trying to find
something to blame) and now in a very desperate state.
First, let's start with the story of this FAQ. This FAQ was made six months
after my first one, which is a Scoundrel FAQ for KotOR1. I didn't finish KotOR1
at that time, and I planned to do so in summer, with a new graphic card.
However, there was a couple of serious troubles (serious enough to change my
life) and I wasn't able to finished it. But I still managed to get a computer
upgrade soon later, only to find that the graphic card was nearly exactly the
same. So .... I think you get it: this FAQ got stuck for almost two years just
because of a ridiculously f***ing problem.
As for myself, I've been in troubles for the whole of my life. Still now.
And this time, it is another serious one (much more serious than the last one).
Just a slim ray of hope shone in life and it's about to disappear.
Every little effort of my was in vain, as concluded.
So don't send me an e-mail unless you want to
_Give me a new graphic card (PCI Express).
_Give me a pistol or a revolver with at least two rounds.
_Sponsor me to study aboard. Just somewhere away from here.
_Tell me some nice ways to end my life.
Stop telling me to be strong and try on. I'm just sick of that. This misery
will never end. I know what my life is.
So here you go:
Just one more, if you don't see any other update before the 1st of July,
then feel free to edit, copy, steal or whatever you want to do with this FAQ.
I guess I won't be alive at that time to prosecute you.
This FAQ is legally available on;;;; and
"Troubles will never cease and fortune will cheat on you."
<| 09. Credit [crd] |>
My special thanks to:
_Geogre Lucas: for making Star Wars.
_BioWare and Obsidian aka Reborn Black Isle: for developing this series and a
whole bunch of other nice RPGs.
_Lucas Arts: for publishing Armed And Dangerous and many Star Wars games.
_Anyone who has contributed their work whether little or much to create Revan.
(That includes Geogre Lucas for making Darth Vader and many more)
_Anyone who was bothered reading this.
_CJayC for
_Wikipedia and Wookieepedia for such great informations and databases.
_Tom Davies for one of the best English lesson I've ever had.
_Sean aka "Linda" for your contribution. ;))
_An "anonymous helper", who has given a slim hope in my life.
_Darth Muffin for your guides at and your message.
_James Cooper for another notification about Revan's gender, something that I
definitely don't like at all.
_Stephen Root for your contribution.
_Matthew Lord_Of_carnage for your contribution.
_Dustflower13 for your messages. Thanks a lot.
_Emma for your message too. You see, I'm still alive. :D
_John Smith for your straight comments.
_Haven the Wise for your comment and your offer.
_Jens Ostendorf for the best contribution ever since.
_Mark van Ginkel for some great and frank comments.
_Corey Poysor for your contribution.
_No thank for God for letting me existed in this world.
_No thank for the goverment for not improving this stupid education system and
letting too many terrible things happen. Especially the APEC in 2006.
(Hmmm ... I think the contributors list is in chronological order)
-=+ This FAQ is copyright 2006 - 2008 Sword Laker +=-
< - > End here < - >
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