Shogo – Mobile Armor Division (šifre)
Shogo - Mobile Armor Division Press "T" for Talk then type: ----------------------------- MPGOD - Godmode MPKFA - Full Ammo, Armor, and Health MPHEALTH - Full Health MPAMMO - Full Ammo MPARMOR - Full Armor MPCLIP - Clipping Mode on/off MPPOS - Show Position on/off MPCAMERA - Adjust Camera on/off MPMECH - Change your mech MPLIGHTSCAPE - Adjust Light Scape on/off MPTEARS - Reload Weapons MPFRAMRATE 0 - Turns frame rate off. MPFRAMRATE 1 - Turns frame rate on. MPPOS - Toggles coordinates. MPANIME - Anime type explosions Coke Machine Trick ------------------ When you first start the game, where you meet Admiral Akkaraju you can see people working on computers below where he is. Go down the stairs and jump on the tables. You'll find a quarter. Go back to the area where the coke machines are and insert your quarter in the machine to the right. SHOWFRAMERATE 1/0 - Show framerate WORLD levelname - Go to level (see levelnames) Select Level ------------ Press ~ to display the command line, then type worldwith a name from the following list: These are the valid levelnames: ------------------------------- 01_Ambush 02_Quarters 03_MCA_Dock 04_Shuttlebay 05_LZ_Minotaur 06_Entrance 07_Avernus1 08_Airshafts 09_Comm1 10_Comm2 12_Comm3 13_New_MCA 14_Maritropa1 15_Depot 16_Slums 17_Lost_Cat 18_Slums 19_Rendezvous 20_Maritropa1 21_Maritropa2 22_Tram 24_CMC_Sec1 25_CMC_Sec2 26_Tram 27_New_MCA 28_Airshipdock 29_Airship 30_Research 31_Avernus1 32_Museum 33_Quarters 34_Energy_Plant 34_Spires 35_Command 35_Fortress 36_Elevator 36_Kato_Center 37_Gabriel