Shadowgrounds Survivor
Submitted by: RM
While playing, press [F8] to bring up the console, then type any of the
following cheat codes. Use up and down arrow to cycle through previously
used codes.
Set 1: With these codes, please include externInclude developer: in
front of the code. For example: externInclude developer:open_door to
open a door.
Code Result
main - Developer Scripting/Keys Enabled (*)
open_door - Open Door Close to You
spawn_alienattack - Alien Attack!
reloadstuff - Ammo for All Weapons/Flashlight
givestuff - All Weapons
warpforward - Warp 300 Units Forward
warpmore - Warp 3000 Units Forward
fullhealth - Full Health
giveallkeys - Get All Keys
loseallkeys - Lose All Keys
openallremotedoors - Open All Remote Doors
closeallremotedoors - Close All Remote Doors
immortal - God Mode
stuffed - God Mode, Full Health, All Weapons, etc.
(*) The debug menu is a text menu, where you use F2 and F3 to select which
option you want. Then you use F4 to accept that option. There are sub-menus for
some of the choices too. After an option is selected, you can repeatedly hit F4
to re-run that cheat multiple times.
Set 2: These codes do NOT need anything entered before them.
Code Result
setMissionSuccessCounter 1 - Win Current Mission
setMissionFailureCounter 1 - Lose Current Mission
hideGUI - Hide GUI
showGUI - Show GUI
disableAllAI - Disable All AI
enableAllAI - Enable All AI
enableHostileAI - Enemies Don't Move
disableHostileAI - Enemies Move Again