Schizm – Mysterious Journey (šifre)

Schizm - Mysterious Journey

Submitted by: rickHH

Beginning - The Living Ships:

Hannah starts her adventure in a town on a living ship
floating in the middle of the ocean. Her primary goal is
to rendezvous with Sam, but to do this she must investigate
her environment for clues.

Go forward four times. Pan right and ascend the ramp directly
in front of you. As you reach the top you will be treated to
an eerie optical effect that is a harbinger of things to come.

To the right is another ramp. Follow this ramp to the top.
Take a step toward the three benches in the middle of the
platform. Pan to the right until the cursor changes into a
magnifying glass when over a purple rectangle on a round table.
This is the first of many mission logs of the missing crewmembers
you will find during the course of the game. Click to get a
close-up and then listen to two messages from Tomlin.

Zoom out from this close-up and pan to the left of the benches
until you get a directional arrow indicating the large cupola-
type structure. Approach the structure.

You can either push the button on the left pillar (a finger
cursor will indicate that you can interact with it) or just
walk directly into the structure. Whatever your choice, you
will enter an elevator. Pan left and push the up arrow on the

When you have reached the top, pan left to find the exit from
the elevator. Exit and pan to the right to see a broken bridge.
Pan back to the left until the directional arrow points
straight ahead. Walk towards the reddish sky. Hannah will
wonder aloud as to the whereabouts of the inhabitants of this
small village.

Climb the ramp on the right that appears in front of you.

Once you arrive at the top of the ramp, you can knock on the
door of the house to your left. No one answers.

Ignore the buzzing bees and pan slightly to the right. Walk
towards the translucent pear-shaped object. Zoom-in on the
strip of symbols-this shows the numbering system of the alien
planet. Make a notation of these symbols and number them from
top to bottom as 0 to 10. Make a mental note that the solution
inside the object rests at the number 5.

Continue on until you have reached the parts for the hints
listed below:

Pay close attention to all sounds within the game that relate
to colors, directions, etc

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