Realms of the Haunting (walkthrough)

Realms of the Haunting

Submitted by: Dj Simo

Realms Of The Haunting
Interactive Adventure by GREMLIN

A   solution  by  Lu  Richardson  (For  Cheet  Sheets  Magazine  -

General tips:

I know you don't need to be told to swing the old cursor around to
see  what there is in each room, so I won't. However, I would like
to  say that you should use the Page Down key to see what's on the
floor, because otherwise you'll miss lots of goodies.

By  the  way, when you see open boxes on the floor and look inside
to  get  the  ammo  they usually contain, look at  them  from  all
angles. A high side can hide vital items.

During  your first steps around the house, and once you  have  the
gun,  don't  waste  precious ammunition shooting  at  windows  and
mirrors; you only do that sort of thing later on, and only if your
gun needs reloading - saves doing it when someone is nearly on top
of you and trying their best to kill you.

As   always,  examine  every  item  you  pick  up  at  the   first
opportunity. Sometimes certain objects contain other items.

I  presume  you'll be playing in Easy Mode, i. e.,  you  click  on
something  and, if you are carrying the right article,  the  right
thing  will  happen.  Later  on, this is  particularly  handy  for
opening  doors  in  a hurry if you've got half the  population  of
monsters,  and their friends and relations, at your heels.  That's
not  exactly  the moment you would choose to rummage  around  your
pockets  to find the correct key. Of course, if you are trying  to
solve a puzzle, this helpful option doesn't work: you have to pick
the right item to put in the right place.

This  is a tough game, and if you want to stay alive, it is a good
idea  to  do a "dry run" of a few rooms at a time so that you  can
learn  the  lay of the land, as it were. You can't afford  to  get
badly hurt, since there are precious few healing potions (and  not
all  that  much ammunition, for that matter) and the  further  you
advance, the less you'll find. Also, you can't hang around looking
for  items  too long, as in some rooms the nasties regenerate  and
they'll be on top of you while you are busy staring at the  floor.
Apart  from  this  being  dangerous,  you  have  to  use  up  more
ammunition. So, you see, if you've done a dry run and know exactly
where everything is, you can be in and out in a jiffy.

Sometimes you get attacked from all sides, so you'll have to  work
out ways of getting away with a minimum of damage. Save every time
you have a successful run.


As  to combat, don't rush into rooms but rather walk cautiously in
and  wait  a  few seconds to see if something nasty  materializes;
then  you  can  kill it from a safe distance. Keep away  from  the
monsters  whenever possible, running around and walking  backwards
if  necessary - only don't walk into another room in which another
nasty can be generated to attack you from the rear - nor get  into
a  corner  if you can help it. Finding a good spot from where  you
can  kill  but  be  safe at the same time, can be pretty  crucial.
Sometimes  you  can hide behind something and hit without  getting
hit.  This  is  particularly  useful when  you  use  self-charging
weapons which take a while to recharge. However, if you keep  very
still,  the monsters might ignore you, so move about to lure  them
to you.

One  important  thing to remember is that some monsters  can't  go
through doors (may be they are too big!) so, stand where the  door
can't shut because you are in the way, and keep blasting. If  they
come too close, you can always retreat, shut the door and open  it
again  later. Stairs are good, too: sometimes you can stay at  the
foot, or half way up, and do a lot of damage without getting hurt.

If the opposition is too much for you, RUN!


Keep an eye on your colt if you are using it: when it runs out  of
bullets you have to reload and you can be cut to ribbons while you
are  doing that. Back away while you are reloading; obviously,  it
is not a good idea to be caught in a corner on those occasions.

Indeed,  if you have to fight at close quarters, the guns are  not
much  use  and  it  is  best to use the  sword.  Try  it  out  for
yourselves.  To tell you the truth, I found that,  no  matter  how
sophisticated the weapons got as I went along, they  still  didn't
do  all  that much damage. At times, it is important to  find  out
which weapon does the most harm to certain monsters.

You  will  gather from all this that this game is not  a  straight
forward shoot'em up - you will depend heavily on strategy to  stay
out of trouble.

SAVE  A  LOT. Fortunately, you can save your game at the beginning
of  each chapter and use the F9 option for saving when you attempt
a  dangerous task and also when you succeed, or the F10 option  to
go back, if you fail; but don't use this option in the middle of a
puzzle, since it won't work. Unfortunately, there are only 9 slots
and  20  chapters, so it would be a good idea to copy the first  9
saved games on a floppy or a directory you've created, so that you
can overwrite the old ones.

OK, if you are ready, here we go.


CHAPTER I: Shadows

Watch the Intro. I know there is a walkthrough in the manual,  but
here  is  a  better one. In the dark room at the  start,  look  at
everything that can be examined, even the paintings. Look  out  of
the windows. There is a small table with some ammo (get it) and  a

Step  out towards the light, but turn right along the corridor  to
have a look. Here are some more doors which cannot be opened yet.

Go  into  the  lit room and pick up the ammo on the table  by  the
window. You'll notice a note is typing itself in the typewriter. I
could  do  with a machine like that... Get the note and everything
on  the  table.  Read all the notes and examine everything  you've
found so far.

Now  click on one of the doors and walk to the right to  see  what
there  is.  Turn  around and walk towards  the  window.  Note  the
footprints and the decapitated rat on the floor. You can close the
window, if you like. Personally, I'd bolt it AND bar it.

Go  up the stairs and click on the candles to light them. Go on up
the  stairs to see what there is and come back here. Go to the end
of  the  corridor and examine the painting. Light one  candle  and
then walk across to the other - light it and glue yourself to  the
wall  till the fireball trap is triggered (it blows the window  at
the other end of the corridor). Get the key and unlock the door in
this corridor. Go in and watch. Oo-er... Scary, innit?

CHAPTER II: Signs and Portents

When  the  video clip is over, light the candles, find  the  light
switch on the wall and turn it on. Pick up everything on the table
and  read the letters. You won't need the three masks, but you can
get  them if you like. Get the rusty sword and the shield  by  the
fireplace and also the letter on the floor by the shield. Read all
the  letters. Click on the gramophone. Click on the  face  of  the
clock  and keep clicking till one hand points at 12 and the  other
at  6:  the door will open. This will mean something to you  later

Pick  up  all the statuettes. Go to the sarcophagus and  click  on
each indentation on the floor around it to place the statuettes on
them.  You'll  notice you are going to need  some  more.  I  think
that's about it.

Now  click  on a book in the bookcase to the right of the  picture
and  it will swing open. Save and ready your gun. Don't rush in  -
advance  slowly  and start blasting away the moment  you  see  the
nasty. Don't waste ammo, four bullets will do it.

Continue to a room with a fence, where you can see some lava: step
into  it, wait a few seconds and dispose of the nasty. There  will
be  a  cave-in behind you, but don't let it worry you. You've  got
worse  problems than that. Have a quick look at the square  hollow
by the shields to the right of the entrance. Go on.

At  the  room with the water, pause till a nasty comes out of  the
pool  and shoot it. Quickly, pick up the ammo at the foot  of  the
stairs,  to your right, and get out through the opposite  passage.
Monsters continue appearing here at regular intervals.

At  the foot of the stairs, equip your sword - if you've used  the
regulation four shots for each nasty, your gun will need reloading
and,  if you back off up the stairs while you are doing it, you'll
be  attacked  from the rear. As soon as the nasty  appears,  start
hacking  and don't leave off until it drops. You should  get  away
without a scratch.

Moving on, you'll come to a chamber with a pentagram on the floor.
To  your left, a locked door; beyond that, a passage going off  to
the left. To your right, at the end of the wall, a cupboard and  a
passage  going off to the right. In front of you, to the right,  a
couple of boxes containing ammo.

Move  across the room and turn your back on the wall. As  soon  as
you  look down to pick up the ammo, you'll hear a noise. Look  up,
aim  a shot at the nasty and run around the room while you reload.
You should be able to kill it without it getting at you.Again,  be

Go to the cupboard and pick up the ball and the ammo below, on the
floor. Go to the door and click on the indentation; the ball  will
be  placed automatically in it and the door will open. Don't  rush
in. Wait till the nasty materialises and shoot it, backing off  if
necessary.  Now go in, pick up all the ammo by the chair  and  the
scroll  on  the table. Look at this scroll - it's  a  map  of  the
Mausoleum and you will recognize at the top the chamber  with  the
pool  and also the room you are in just now. Examine the  rest  of
the  map  and  note "regardez" (in case you did German  at  school
instead of French, it means "look"). "What's on the other side  of
the door?", at the bottom of the map, doesn't sound good to me. At
any  rate,  you'll  be  able to consult it whenever  you  want  to
orientate yourself.

OK,  on  the other piece of furniture you'll find a healing potion
(which  you should not need at all right now) and a paper. Have  a
look  at  it. Save and open the door by clicking on the  ball  and
then on the indentation again.

Turn  left and go through the passage to the left. As soon as  the
nasty  appears  turn around and run back into the room,  otherwise
you'll  be  attacked from behind. Dodging at speed, you should  be
able to kill both nasties without getting hurt.

Now  it's safe to go through the passage, but: equip the sword and
save  your game. Go along the corridor and turn to enter the room,
do  so  cautiously and, as soon as three nasties pop up  from  the
floor, back off, turn quickly to the right and hack away with  the
sword. As soon as the monster which was at your back is dead,  run
off  up  the stairs, equip the gun and come back to pick  off  the
other three. I am afraid you are going to sustain some damage, but
you  might  like to know I got away with the loss  of  only  three
sections of the green bar.

Once  it is safe, go in and pick up the shotgun, the ammo and  the
two healing potions. Don't use the potions unless you must: by the
way,  the  roundish bottles give you a few health points  and  the
narrow  bottles a lot more. Back to the room with the pentagram  -
this time, follow the passage by the cupboard.

Careful.  Peek around corners. If you hear a clanking noise,  wait
till it dies down, when go around the corner and blast the monster
robot  while it's walking away from you. There are three  in  this
section,   keep  your  distance;  you  must  blow  these  monsters
completely away, i.e., don't let them lay about on the ground.

Next, you step into a room on top of some stairs. There is a  door
on  the  left, let's go through it. There is a triangular dais  in
the middle and, near the entrance there is door A, next to it door
B  and, behind the sarcophagus, a secret door C.Pull the lever  of
door  A and go through. Go along the corridor. You will see a door
in  the  corridor in front of you - there are also a lot of guards
and you should try to clear them before you do anything else. Wait
till the first passes by and go after it. Go right around shooting
all  the  guards around the corridor; if they get too close,  run.
While  going around you will see a blind alley in which there  are
two  guards. Kill them. I don't know about you, but I'm  beginning
to  suspect  that  those  big pentagrams on  the  floor  spew  out
monsters. Dur...

OK,  you've done your best, go back to the door you saw  from  the
passage.  Go  in and search the boxes for ammo. When you've  done,
pull  the  lever you'll see by the bars and be ready to  open  the
door and run to the left and straight into the open door. Turn  to
your  left and shoot the nasty. Run to the other end of  the  room
and  take  the key on the wall. Face the door and be  prepared  to
shoot  another guard. Start picking up ammo from the  boxes.  Save
yet again.

Go  to the door and open it - DO NOT step out. If you can see  any
guards  wandering about and within range, shoot them. Inch forward
till  you hear a message. Oh, dear, I think we've upset them, now.
Back  off immediately into the room. There are some of those nasty
robots out there, and the pentagram will no doubt spew out the odd
guard. Keep opening the door and shooting at whatever you can see,
but  on no account must you find yourself outside and locked  out.
You should be able to destroy all three robots from the safety  of
the room.

When  you've  done,  leave  and go  back  to  the  room  with  the
triangular dais. Let's go through door B. Advance slowly till  you
see  a  room with a golden circle in the distance. Save your game.
Press  CapsLock to get into Run Mode, run in like mad and to  your
right,  click on the circle with the hand near the pentagram,  run
to  the other side of the room and click on the other two circles,
then  run to an short passage to the left of the pentagram section
and  press the last of the circles. DO NOT pick a fight  with  the
robots.  When  you press the last circle, they'll collapse.  Blast
them away. You should be able to do all this without getting hurt.

Now  step up over the pentagram and click on the wall to read  the
message, then back off onto the pentagram and you'll be teleported
to  a  hall  with  two huge statues. Advance to the  one  you  are
facing, to the right of it and behind the columns, up against  the
wall.  Click  on the statue and choose the option of speaking  the
words.  Turn  to your left and, from the relative  safety  of  the
columns, shoot the two nasties which will turn up.

Go  through the newly opened passage. Oo, it's dark in here.  Keep
going till you come to a door which is missing something. Go  back
to  the  hall with the statues.As you come out you'll  notice  two
doors, to the right and left - ignore them for now and advance  to
the  archway on the right. Go through the door you'll find  there.
To  your  left  there is a portcullis which leads  to  the  secret
entrance  C behind the sarcophagus in the room with the triangular
dais,  so ignore it for now. Go instead through the door with  the
writing on it, go right in, turn around and shoot the guard  which
will appear. Pick up the ammo.

Come  out of this room and go left along a corridor; enter a weird
door.  Go  up to the throne and read the messages to the left  and
right,  then  sit on it. Watch. This is something  which  must  be

Go out of this room and keep left. Go through two doors to a store
room,  get  the ammo; then go back to the hall, turn left  and  go
through  the  door  without a lock. Oops! I think  that,  at  this
point,  a  spot of healing potion wouldn't come amiss. Turn  right
around  and  see  if you can spot a potion by the  door  you  just
crashed  through. Now follow the corridor with great  care:  there
are  three  guards  to slaughter, lurking inside  the  room.  When
you've killed them, click on the portcullis three times to get  it
open.  Pick up the ammo and go upstairs: you'll no doubt recognise
where you are, so get back to the hall.

Now is the time to go to the door with the keyhole and open it. Go
in  and follow the corridor till you come to a large room. Hug the
right  and,  in the second room you'll come to, you will  find  an
altar. Click on it and watch the video. Take the artifact.

When the clip is over, back off to the right and start blasting at
the  two horrors which will come at you. A very handy weapon, this
staff,  it seems to replenish itself with ammo. Walk back  to  the
entrance, turn your back on the stairs and turn left to visit  the
other  half of this complex. You will have spied the pentagram  on
the floor and no doubt, like me, you'll smell a rat.

Change  to run mode with CapsLock and run like the wind  into  the
chamber  you'll see at the other side of the bridge.  Turn  around
and start blasting. Now pick up the potions and leave.

At  the  hall,  go through the door behind the statue  which  sunk
through  the floor. As you enter, you get into another  video.  It
doesn't matter which lines you choose. Watch. Oh, boy, are  we  in
trouble!  As soon as the clip is over, blast one of the  skeletons
with the staff and run through the gap to deal with the other two.
You should get minimal damage, but get well topped up with healing
potions before you proceed.

Now you can go to the door with the missing something and click on
the  hollow. You can go in. Search carefully behind and around the
tombs, either side of the corridor, till you come to the water (at
least, I think it's water).

Next,  take  one  side of the water and then the other,  searching
still  (there is a statuette to be found), but giving a wide berth
to the altar at the top. Save half way through so that you make no
mistakes. When you've searched all the nooks and crannies,  go  to
the  other  end of the water, opposite the altar so that  you  are
facing  it square on. Save. Click on CapsLock and run (on  water?)
to  the  altar.  Watch the video: then pick up the potions,  hitch
your trousers up and run out of this place, dodging skeletons,  as
fast  as you can. You'll probably have to zig-zag through.  You'll
get  the  odd blow here and there, but that's better than  staying
behind and getting killed. The skeletons seem to come back to life
after  you've shot them unless you blast them when they  go  down:
don't even bother. There's just too many of them.

Make your way back to the bookcase through which you came in.  You
might  meet a couple of bad guys on the way there, but by now  you
know  how  to  handle  them. In the room with the  statues,  don't
attempt to get up the stairs because you'll be locked it. Instead,
go  through the archway to the right, open the portcullis  to  the
left  and  go  through  the secret door C to  the  room  with  the
triangular  dais. When you reach the room with the  cave-in,  find
the  square recess by the shields and click on it to get a  secret
door  opened.  This  will  let you through.  When  you  reach  the
library,  you'll meet Rebecca who then joins you. Just  watch  the

CHAPTER III: Keeper of Time

At   the   library,  examine  your  inventory  and   discuss   the
sarcophagus. Don't put the statuette you are carrying  on  one  of
the  indentations - you are going to need it. Go out of  the  door
and look to your left, because a nasty is about to materialize.

Go downstairs, ready to come back up at a run. As soon as you step
on  a  certain part of the corridor, two nasties will pop up  from
nowhere,  one of them behind you: so dodge, run up the stairs  and
turn,  backing  off and shooting as you go. When that's  done,  go
down the stairs again.

Now,  a  lot  of  doors will be unlocked and I  don't  suppose  it
matters in which order you visit them but, as is my custom  unless
a  have good reason to do otherwise, I will hug the left wall. So,
the  first  room you come to contains a green dome. The  next  one
along is locked. The next one is a bedroom: go in, turn around and
turn  the  light  on  with  the  switch.  Find  a  potion  on  the
mantlepiece and move the chest. Aha.

Come  out  of the door through which you came in and try the  door
which  was locked before - it is now open. Look around.  Right  by
the door, on the floor, you'll see a tile of a different colour to
the  rest. Click on it and the other door will open. Inside you'll
find  a  map of the house which I couldn't figure out. May be  you

Go  back  to the bedroom and cross it to exit through the opposite
door. Outside, click on the sword to open the door to the left. Go
upstairs and stop at the first landing - there is a door  to  your
right.  This appears to be an armoury. Find the ammo, look at  the
painting  and pick up the scroll from the top of the bookcase.  If
you don't get out quick, two skeletons will give you heck. If they
appear, don't forget to blast them to smithereens when they  fall,
otherwise  they'll  get up again. OK, leave and  continue  up  the

In  this room there is a circular stone, this apparently being the
Tower  Gate; and we are told we are not properly dressed, so let's
leave for now. Go all the way down the stairs and continue to  hug
the  left  wall. Open the next door and you'll see some paintings.
Step  smartly back, there is a nasty behind the door -  tease  him
out and let it chase you, for a change. Once you've killed it,  go
into  the picture gallery. At the other end you'll find a  helmet.
Get it and use it to see a nice video. Look at the map. Go through
the door to the left of the map and you'll be in the dark room  in
which the game started. Right, I think we've covered this section.

Now  go  to the lit room with the typewriter and take the door  to
the  right. In this room there is a scroll (I hope you are looking
at  each item as you get it). Go through the next door to  a  room
with  a  fire. Look at the maps. When the fire flares up, pick  up
the crystal inside it. Open the door cautiously, you are about  to
be  attacked by two nasties, so be ready to back off. When  you've
killed  them,  go back to the room with the typewriter.  Take  the
door  to  your right and cross the corridor to the room  with  the
green dome. Click on it.

Watch the video, ask for a key and accept the test. At the end, go
to  the  window and get the masks. Click on the gem to  get  back.

CHAPTER IV: Tales from the Tower

Well, I guess we'd better get ourselves to the Tower Gate, so  out
of  this  room, turn left, through the door, through the  opposite
door, to the left and up the stairs. In the Tower Gate room, stand
on the stone and use the masks. Watch.

You  meet Raphael, the guardian of the Tower, who gives you a long
schpiel. I don't know about you, but I haven't understood one word
anyone  has said so far. Still, who cares, I'm having fun,  aren't
you?  Right,  when he has done, follow the path and branch  either
left or right, it doesn't matter. Have a look around. If you click
on  the  stones with glowing runes on them, you get healed  -  use
them  only  if you need to. You'll be coming back here. Eventually
you'll go through a shimmering gate and wind up on another stone.

You will find yourself on a courtyard, where statues whisper words
I  couldn't quite make out. I hope they weren't rude.  I  mean  to
say. You will see three doors, one is boarded up. The one next  to
it contains nothing (as far as I could see, and it was pitch dark)
but a nasty. Take my advice and leave it alone; nothing worse than
fighting what you cannot see. The next door along was locked. So I
had  a search around and I found the key in the round pond. Unlock
the door, go on in and pick up the scroll. This upsets someone and
a  lot  of nasties appear. No sweat. Shoot them through the window
or  stand  at the open door, press End to tilt down and just  keep
blasting at them till they are all dead. No need to step  out  and
get  yourself hurt. When the coast is clear, go back to the  stone
and use the masks. Watch.

CHAPTER V: The Offering

>From where you are, keep going left: you'll eventually come to  a
mantel  stone with the rune for Heled/Earth (as well as  the  camp
fire). Stand on it - as you step off, a circle with a hand appears
on the wall (press it) and the green runes explode. Go through the
door,  left, and downstairs. (Don't bother with the stairs to  the
right,  they  are blocked). Note the circle on the  wall  and  the
pentagram  on  the  floor. Standing on the stairs,  shoot  at  the
circle.  See? A pillar raises from the floor. When it comes  down,
go  through the door to the left. Advance the length of this hall,
stand on the square recess and turn around. Wait a few seconds and
two  nasties will drop from above. Kill them and then tilt forward
with  PgDown and click on the circle to put the statuette  on  it.
The  pillar  will raise - take the key. When it goes  down  again,
retrieve  the statuette and go through the door. You could  go  up
the stairs, but there is nothing there.

Outside the door, keep on till you see two torn doors. As  you  go
through  the  archway, you'll hear a noise and three  huge  demons
with axes will appear. Turn around and run to the stairs. You have
to  lure  them,  one by one (there are three of them)  on  to  the
pentagram  and then shoot the circle, whereupon they get squashed.
Most  satisfying.  Just run forward till you  see  them  and  then
double  back  -  they should follow you. When you've  crushed  all
three,  go on through the archway and you will see two doors,  one
of  which  you cannot reach because of the crates. Open the  other
one,  turn around, switch the light on, turn around and  pull  the
lever. Face the door.

Are  you  ready?  Open the door and run to the  stairs,  there  is
another demon after you. Dispose of it the usual way. Now you  can
go  back and work your way around the crates to the now accessible
door. Go right and through the other door and get the goodies.  As
you  come out, you get attacked again. Go down the stairs  to  the
right,  in  front  of you. Follow corridor till you  come  into  a
cavern.  Keep right and you'll meet a Spirit. Watch.  Continue  to
keep  right  and you'll find a passage. You will come out  at  the

Now, this is a rather difficult section because it is so very dark
and you don't have a compass. Examine the map of the caves and see
if  that will do you any good. Personally, I kept to the right and
hoped  for  the best. You'll be continually beset by those  flying
horrors.  Basically, what you need to do is to find a red  crystal
and  a  red daemon to the East. There is also an altar and, behind
it,  a  teleporter. Also some goodies. But this is not  essential.
Nevertheless, feel free to explore as you please.

As  I  said, I cannot give you exact directions because I couldn't
see  where I was going, but keeping to the right got me to the red
crystal  and eventually, to the red demon. Click on it, watch  the
video and use the red crystal. This takes you to the next chapter.

CHAPTER VI: Journal of Evil

As you walk straight on and a slab drops and uncovers some stairs,
be careful: there are two extra-nasty beasties - try to shoot them
from the stairs and dodge the green spells they throw at you. When
you've killed them, advance and you'll see moving platforms. Press
End  so that you are looking down, and work your way across.  When
you  get to the other end, turn left and up the stairs. Go through
the  door. Don't forget to investigate all open crates: throughout
this section, look for the switches to turn the light on.

Keeping  left, go through the first door to a room with  suits  of
armour.  Look  around: there is a potion on top of  the  bookcase.
Enter  the  next door. It's a bedroom. Underneath the  bed  is  an
important  staff. Look inside the chest and get  the  potions  and
check out the wardrobe - there is a locked locker in it. If you go
through  the  next  door  you'll see a mantel  stone  which  isn't

Go  along to the next door and pause. If you hear a swishing noise
close  by,  stay put till it dies away. Then, open the door,  turn
right  and kill the monster: a gun won't probably do it.  However,
the  staff you've just picked up does not replenish itself, so you
should  keep,  if  you  can,  it for really  awkward  occasions  -
preferably, to the very end of the game. Afterwards, switch to the
gun and look inside the crate. Turn around and go up the stairs.

In  the  next  room there are lots of gorillas (or at least,  they
look  like gorillas). You will have to entice them one by one down
the stairs while you shoot them. There is quite a lot of them,  so
keep  going  up  into  the room and down the stairs.  When  you've
killed them all, stay in the room with the flickering lights. Open
the door and turn left, till you get to a corridor, then right  to
face  one  of those swishing monsters - blast him as you  back  up
into the corridor.

Actually,  this is a dead end, but it should have been  useful  to
destroy the creature. Go back to the door ant go right look around
and you will see a gap in the balustrade. If you look closely, you
will  see a switch on the wall by this gap: turn the light on  and
go  up  a short flight of stairs into an observatory. Look  around
and take everything on the table. Go back to the bedroom.

In  the bedroom, examine everything you've just taken. You'll find
a  key  inside the Journal (read it). Use it on the locker to  get
the last statuette. Go out and through the opposite door, and find
the door with the hole through which you entered this section.  Go
down  the stairs and turn left. Be ready for another one of  those
gorillas.  When  you've killed it, advance to the lit  square  and
click  on  the  breastplate. Watch. At the end of  the  video,  be
prepared to move quickly and deal with a couple of nasties. In the
lit  recess  you'll find a couple of potions. Continue  along  the
left and you'll come to a small wooden door.

Enter and look to your left: you'll see a silhouette of the staff.
Click  on  it  and the stone will raise. Step on  it  and  we  are
through to the library.

CHAPTER VII: Beyond the Gate

Place  the  two statuettes in the remaining indentations  and  the
sarcophagus  will open. Go down the ladder and along the  corridor
till  you  come to a gigantic clock. Look at the walls around  it.
Find the double stairs and go up. Use the End key to look down and
see  the controls for the clock hands. Click on them till you  set
them  to  six o'clock (as you saw in the Library). Now press  Home
and  click on the circle with the hand on the wall. This will open
the door at the other end of the hall.

Equip  the shield and go through: go up the stairs and follow  the
corridor till you get to a place where you can hear water. Equip a
gun,  go  left, shoot the two headed creature and get the chalice.
Click  on the waterspout to fill it. Leave and turn left. Go along
here  and  down  the stairs till you stop on the circular  mosaic.

Turn left and advance to the door. Throw the chalice of water  (it
should  be equipped, like a weapon) at the door and it will  open.
Get  the dagger. Watch. With the dagger equipped, go back  to  the
mosaic. Watch.

CHAPTER VIII: The Mark of the Beast

At  the  end  of  the  video turn left (the  other  room  contains
nothing, so don't bother) and go to the archway. Look at the lock.
Turn around and go back to the stairs.

There  is a reception committee waiting for you, so don't  go  all
the way up the stairs. Leave about three rungs between you and the
monsters.  Equip the self-charging staff (blue skulls)  and  watch
the  creatures. Every time they turn around away from you,  go  up
the  stairs and shoot, then quickly go down again. The spells they
hurl  at  you  cannot hurt you this way. First kill the  bloke  in
black (a James Bond look-alike - you'll be meeting more like  him,
and they get deadlier). The green demon is tougher; but keep going
up  and  down  till you destroy it. When they are  dead,  continue
along the corridor till you come to the square block, go along one
of  the  sides  and another creature will materialize,  shoot  it,
taking  cover behind the block if you need to. Descend  cautiously
to  the clock room and entice the green demons you will see  there
up  the stairs. You can play hide and seek behind the block - keep
running around it, shooting, and back again. Run around the  block
till you destroy!
  the creature. Do it all once more to destroy the other.

Now  go  back to the library; be prepared to meet another  one  of
those blokes in black, but he won't be a problem: just dodge  side
to side while shooting at him.

Once there, save before you leave the library by the door. As  you
turn  right and get to the end of the corridor, there will be  two
monsters  waiting  from you, one coming from upstairs,  the  other
coming from downstairs. Hug the right wall and deal first with the
one  from downstairs. Draw him into the corridor, shooting as  you
go,  then  ran  past him, down the stairs and along  the  corridor
shooting.  If necessary, run around him again and keep moving  and
shooting  along  the  corridor. You don't  need  to  get  the  guy
upstairs but, if you want to, use the same tactics of hit and run.

Go into the room with the typewriter and, from there, to the hall.
Be  careful, there will be one of those blokes in black soon. Step
into the hall, the rune will explode and the creature will appear.
Dodge behind the suit of armour on your right and shoot till  he's

Open  the door by the light switch (there is a card to pick up  as
well,  before you go through). You have a new section to  explore,
and  the  whole thing is as confusing as ever. Consult your  house
map,  see if that helps you. Not only there are many doors,  going
in  all  directions:  but since you have to run  the  gauntlet  of
endless  monsters, and that means you have to run around  so  that
they  can't lay their mitts on you, you often lose your  sense  of
direction. Again, most rooms are so alike, you don't know  whether
you've been to them or not!

The  most important thing here is to get a statuette. So, from the
first  door, keep left and open the first one you come to.  Inside
you'll see a pentagram surrounded by candles. Start lighting  them
and  a  monster  will appear. Do your stuff and kill  him.  Finish
lighting the candles. Watch. A REAL nasty appears - don't let  him
catch  you. Keep going round the room shooting at him. When he  is
dead, pick up the statuette. Go through the next door and up  some
stairs and open the locker. Inside, some ammo and a potion.  Leave
through the other door. Keep going left and opening doors. In some
stairs  going  down  and  blocked there is another  cupboard  with
goodies in it.

You will come to the dinning hall. Jump on the table (press A) and
get the potions. Leave through the other door. If going through  a
door  takes you to a place you've been already, go back  and  take
the next door to the left.
You  should find your way outdoors. Going down some stairs, you'll
see others going up in front of you. Before you go up them, search
the  courtyard for a potion. Also, figure out which is the nearest
place  in which you can take refuge because you are going to leave
in  a  hurry. Then, go up the stairs, open the door, and kill  the
beast from the doorway. Go in, walk around to a niche opposite the
door, grab the blunderbuss you'll see there and start running  out
of  this room and find your way to the nearest door: the courtyard
will  be  heaving with monsters. You can deal with all the baddies
shooting  at  them  through the windows or from  the  door  you've

OK,  when you are sure you've explored all this section, find  the
door  with  the panel beside it for which you need the  statuette.
Click  on the indentation to open the door. Walk in and wait  till
the monologue is over.

CHAPTER IX: By The Seven Be Bound

Turn  quickly to the door and turn the light on, then run  up  and
down  shooting at the monster which will have materialized.  Don't
attempt  to  do  it in the dark, he'll get you for sure.  Pick  up
everything you can lay your hands on and examine it.

Turn to the door, open it and, without leaving the room, shoot the
monsters in the corridor. Then go out, retrieve the statuette  and
take  the  door to your right. In the courtyard, go to the  mantel
stone for another video clip.

Go through the only door available and keep right till you come to
a  door for which you also need the statuette. Go in and take  the
door  to the left. This is a maze, and the only advice I can  give
you  is  follow the corridors in which there are a lot of  squishy
rats.  Ugh.  This will take you to a room with a pool  in  it.  Go
around  it  and enter a double door - ignore the two doors  either
side, there is nothing in them. As you advance into this room, you
get another video clip.


CHAPTER X: The Key of Tears

At  the  end of the video, pick up a green crystal. Go behind  the
altar, look at the painting, turn around and pull the lever to  go
through the doors to the right.

In, stand on the stone and use the mask. When you get to the other
side,  don't hang around. Go quickly through the shimmering  gate.
Once  inside  you'll be reasonably safe - there  are  very  wicked
flying dragons out there. The best thing to use on them is a magic
weapon.  Consult the map for the Tower and figure  out  where  you
are. You should recognise quite easily where you started from  (if
in  doubt,  take a quick peek outside). Check the symbol  for  the
Raquia  gate  and  figure out how to get there. Consult  your  map
every time you reach a shimmering gate to make sure you are on the
right tack. If in your travels you find there is a beast where you
want to go, shoot it from afar.

Eventually,  you will make it to the stone and you'll  reach  your
destination. Ah, it's nice to be outdoors, breathe that fresh air,
listen  to the birds singing... and keep a sharp look out for  the
odd monster. Mainly, you are heading for the tower. Head away from
the  stone, over the bridge and take any road you like, try right:
when you run out of road, go through the gaps in the hedges. After
a  good  wander  around, you'll eventually hit the stairs  to  the
tower. But first, you have to deal with the maze. As you enter it,
you'll get a video clip. Next, consult the map of the maze and see
where everything is.

First,  the earplugs. They are just by the side of the pool.  Then
the  jewelled  haunch. There is a switch behind  the  bench  which
lowers the block and allows you to grab the meat. Go on to get the
pipes. You have to jump on the two blocks - try it in Running Mode
(CapsLock): missing will set you back some health points. Finally,
the  ring.  You have to be very patient and get onto the  floating
platforms. Falling off you cost you a lot of health points if  not
all.  So get out of Running Mode, press End to look down, and wait
patiently  till you get the chance of stepping on the slabs.  Once
you've got the ring, come back the same way.

Now  it's just a matter of leaving this spot and keeping  left  to
get  to  the tower. Before you enter, examine all the items.  Once
in,  use the haunch on the beast. Click on the portcullis  to  get
in.  I suppose there are other ways to get to the beginning of the
puzzles, but I just hugged the left wall and eventually I got to a
room with lots of stairs and moving platforms.

The trick here is to get to the other room without making the bell
ring.  Since you are allowed to touch the floor once, we might  as
well  make  the most of it. Go down the stairs to the  left,  walk
more  or  less along the left wall till you see some stairs  going
up.  Climb up and jump across to a slab, turn right and jump  onto
the sliding platform; when it gets to the other side jump onto the
up and down block and walk to the end of it. Turn left and jump on
the  moving  platform. Turn left and, when the platform  hits  the
wall,  jump on the next block. Walk along here to the end  (ignore
the lever), turn left and jump onto the next moving platform. Turn
right and, when you get there, jump into the corridor.

Go  through the door and have a look at the centre block  and  the
indentation below it. We are going to open all the doors, starting
from  the first on the left; however, do not step inside just like
that,  first have a look. Some are not safe. By the way, you  want
to  stand  well back, otherwise the doors don't have room  to  fly

Right.  At the first door, with the musical notes on it, play  the
pipes.  Go in and get the oil and the spectacles. Move on  to  the
next  door with a face on it. For this you need a password,  which
you  don't yet have. Move on to the next door. Look at the  statue
before  you go in and wear the earplugs, i.e., "use" them.  Go  in
and take the key from the belt of the statue.

Go  to  the next door and open it. Look at the floor: it  is  ice,
best not venture on it yet.

The  next door is a library. You automatically use the oil on  the
hinges, so that the door doesn't make a noise on opening. Use  the
spectacles and you see some rays. Jump the two between you and the
desk,  pick  up  the scroll, turn around and jump twice  again  to
reach the door. Have a look at the scroll.

Go  on  to the next door. This is a chapel. Advance to the  window
and  pick up all the gems (you'll have to use Home to get the  red
one).  Now use End to look at the pentagram below. All you  do  is
click  on  a  gem and then on the proper point. R  is  red,  O  is
orange,  Y is yellow, G is green, I is dark blue, B is light  blue
and V is violet. At the end you get a key.

Next  door. Look at the floor - something peculiar about it.  Best
not try it yet. Go to the door with the face and say Spirit. Go in
and pick up the warm potion from the fire (don't get too close  or
you'll get burned). Take it to the room with the ice and use it on
the  floor. Go in and pick up the armlet. Then go to the room with
the funny floor, use the armlet and go in. Open the other door, go
in  and open the locker (I guess with the rainbow key) and get the
potion and the gem.

Go  and  place  the gem in the indentation; when the  block  comes
down,  stand on it; when it goes up, walk along the glass platform
to the corridor in front.

Open  the door and have a good look. You have to pick your way  to
the opposite corner to the left without the gems exploding. Crouch
(press  Z)  so  that you can see the gems in your path.  You  must
steer  a course where you see no gems to your left or right  (nor,
of  course, in front of you!). If you see even a glimpse of a  gem
either  side of you, move slightly till you have a clear space  in
front.  First  advance towards the opposite corner to  the  right,
then  go  along  the wall for a bit, then turn  left  and  advance
diagonally, then turn right and advance to the gem in the  corner.
Pick  it  up an use it on the ring. Turn around and wait till  the
gems disappear. Now go to the double doors on the left and go  in.
Stand on the pedestal and use the ring. Watch.

CHAPTER XI: Captive Angel

Now, the good news is that you have to go all the way back to  the
mosaic circle and the lock. The bad news is that your path will be
heaving with monsters. How are you off for healing potions?

Leave this room. When you get to the bell room, see if you can get
away with dropping onto the floor and walking up the stairs on the
other side. Find your way out of the Tower.

At  the  maze,  use  the map and work your  way  out.  Before  you
actually  leave it, change to Run Mode and run, dodging,  all  the
way  to the mantel stone. When you get to the Tower, press End  to
see where you are going and make it to the first shimmering gates.
Consult  the map and work out your route to the Earth stone.  Keep
going  and  mind  out for those flying dragons.  From  the  stone,
you'll get to the other one.

When  you  come out in the altar room, inch slowly to  the  stairs
down  (use End). Stop at the very first and crouch. Hit the  James
Bond  first and, if you don't want to spend half an hour  shooting
at the demon with the axe, run out of this room.

Now follow the crunchy ratty road but listen carefully - there are
lots of those scissory monsters around. You should be able to pick
them off by getting behind them as they move away and then backing
off into other corridors. Don't get cornered.

Once you've found your way out and back into the house, you should
recognize the way to the library. Go down the sarcophagus and  all
the way to the lock. As you advance to it, you get a video and the
chance  to  converse with the guy you've just  freed.  Talk  about
everything - Rebecca will remember if you need to recall it.

CHAPTER XII: St. Michael's

Wot, Marks and Spencers? Here?

Go  along  the stairs and step on the stone. Save immediately  you
arrive, because you are going to be attacked; turn to the left and
run  like mad to a double door which has a red rune on it. As  you
approach it blasts. Get in quick, and shut the door. Turn to  face
it.  To the right, open a little cupboard and get a magical torch.
Look down and click on the mat to get a wand.

Now,  to save myself the trouble of repeating it till you are sick
of it, you must carry the torch in your hand at all times (i.e, if
you  pick something else up, look at it, and then equip the  torch
once  more).  Every time you see a red or green rune,  stand  well
away  from it and fire with the wand to dispel it and make a  door
available. Got it? I will warn you when to equip a weapon. So, try
the  door  to the right. It's locked, so try the one on  the  left
instead. This leads to a kitchen. In the fridge, there is  a  key.
You can go out by the door to the left of the fridge. Move towards
the  foot of the stairs, turn around and blast the runes away.  Go
to through the door to the left. Clicking on the remote control on
the  table,  the  TV  starts. Look at  it.  Have  a  look  around,
observing the locked door, and leave.

Go through the door opposite. At the end of a short corridor there
is another door. Equip a weapon. Go through, turn to your left and
turn the light on. Go down to the landing and, as soon as you hear
a  roar,  turn around and go back up through the door. Come  back,
creep  down to the landing and, with a bit of luck, you should  be
able  to pick off two of the monsters. Go down the stairs and deal
with  the  third, dodging and running around. Ignore  the  monster
behind  bars, only don't get too close. Look around and  note  the
ornate door - a candle opposite it can be lit. Blast the rune  and
go  through  to the laboratory. Here you'll find a healing  potion
and  an ornate key (on the floor, by the door). Leave and use  the
key  on  the  ornate door. Go through and have a look.  Make  sure
you're holding the right equipment (wand and torch).

Go  all the way to the front door and start up the stairs. Go  for
the  door  to the left. Inside, you'll find a wardrobe.  Open  it,
stand back and blast. Go inside and slide the panel. You'll find a
cupboard  that opens in front of you. Blast the rune you can  see,
switch the light on. The other cupboard is locked. Leave.

Go to the next door on the left. Do the necessaries and go through
to  a  bathroom. Switch the light on. Before you unlock the  other
door  with the key from the fridge, equip a weapon. Open the door,
turn to your left to turn the switch on and step into the room. As
soon as the three nasties appear run out of the door and close it.
Let  them  simmer down for a bit and then open the door  and  pick
them  off.  If  they  come too close, shut the door.  When  you've
killed  them, go in and get a key from the bedside table. Go  back
to the wardrobe and unlock the little cupboard. Get the key.

Now  you  could go to the front door and unlock the  locked  door.
Don't. Instead, go round through the TV room and in through there,
otherwise you get sandwiched between two nasties. From the TV room
door, you can kill them at your leisure; as ever, if they come too
close, shut the door. When you've killed them, go in and take  the
three books from the bookcase. The brown one will explode in  your
hand  and fall on the floor. Press PgDown to see and pick  it  up.
When  you  examine it, you'll see it contains a key.  Examine  the
other two books.

Go  to  the  front door. Equip a weapon. I'm telling  you,  it  is
positively  chock-a-block full of monsters  out  there.  Open  the
double doors and shut one of them, then shoot at whatever you  can
see. Shut the other door. If you have a magic weapon, wait till it
recharges.  Keep  doing this till you've cleared  the  opposition.
Unfortunately,  when the noise has died down and you  know  you've
killed them all, you've only got to step out of the house for some
more  to  materialize. Get back in and do it again. This  time  it
will be safe to go on to the church. Well, relatively safe. Weapon
at the ready, step in and step smartly back again - a monster will
drop  from above. Keep retreating and shooting. When you've killed
the beast, examine the floor where he exploded and get the coin.

Go  back  into the church, put the coin in the collection box  and
the  door will open. Go right in and examine the window behind the
altar.  Watch  -  you end up with two feathers.  Walk  around  the
pulpit and get the notebook. Read it.

Try  the door of the chapel and it will be locked. Go back to  the
church  door and turn right. Go in through that door. Pick up  the
tiara in the first stage and go on up to pick up a key in the next
stage.  Go back to the chapel and unlock the door. Make  sure  you
have  a  weapon  ready.  Go in and have a look  around.  Note  the
painting  to your left. Examine the statue, put a red  feather  in
the  slot and then the tiara on the statue. Two monsters pop up  -
you  know  what  to  do.  Get out and keep opening  the  door  and
shutting  it and shooting at them till you kill them. Go back  in,
take  the red feather and put the green feather in its stead.  The
painting will open. Go in and get the helm. Watch.

CHAPTER XIII: Sword of the Dragon

Take  the  two potions from inside the painting. Go to the  mantel

When  you get to the Tower, examine the map to know how to get  to
your  next  destination. Remember to watch out  for  those  flying
dragons - only magic weapons seem to do the trick. When you get to
Aqura,  go along the path and find a door to the central  complex.
Wander around here: you are looking for a circular dais with a red
motif. Step on that to get to another level.

Examine the fountain. Note the four shimmering doors. Look at  the
floor and you'll see two small circular plaques, one with an  eye,
the  other with a chalice. Click on the one with an eye and you'll
pop  up in an room with stairs going up and down. The idea  is  to
climb  as high as you can and spot the magnifying glass.  Take  it
and find the small round plaque (climb up and down stairs till you
do)  and click on it to get back to the fountain. Do the same with
other circular plaque to get the chalice.

Once  back at the fountain use the chalice filled with water as  a
weapon  to open all four doors (refill the chalice by clicking  on
the  water). With all the doors open, go around collecting all the
items  available.  Use the magnifying glass on  closed  panels  to
reveal  words. Then combine the items by using one on  the  other,
thus:  cylinder  +  flint, pestle + mortar,  red  powder  +  black
powder.  The  fan  you  cannot combine with  anything.  The  panel
without words can be opened to produce a scroll - look at  it,  it
says  BURN. Go to the panel which says BURN and combine the scroll
with  the  cylinder + flint. Open the panel to  get  some  tinder,
combine  it with the cylinder + flint to get fire. Open the  panel
which says GRIND and get the hookah. To open the panel which  says
BONG,  combine the snow and the cylinder + flint. You  get  amber:
combine it with the pestle + mortar to get incense. I hope  I  got
all that right!

Now  go  to the fountain and place the fan on the panel  with  the
cloud, the burning tinder on the panel with the flame, the incense
on the panel with the yellow square and the snow on the panel with
the  double  wave.  Rebecca will then  tell  you  to  combine  the
offerings. Combine the snow + hookah, add the incense to it,  then
the fire, and then the fan. Click on the water. Watch. You get the
Dragon Sword.

CHAPTER XIV: Vengeful Souls

Find  the  circular dais with the white motif to get back  to  the
first area. Go back to the mantel stone.

Back  at  the  Tower, consult your map and go to  the  Haled/Earth
stone.  On  the way, mind out for flying dragons. I  found  myself
going  on  a road crossing over another - three of those exploding
creatures were wandering up and down below, so I killed them at my
leisure  and then got myself over there and picked up the  healing
potions  they  dropped. You might like to go around  killing  some
more for more potions - always, of course, from a safe distance.

When  you  get to the stone and step on it, you get another  video
clip. Just watch.


Nothing  much  you can do at the moment, so just  watch  the  next

CHAPTER XV: Where the Dead Lie

When you are in charge, take the notices and read them. Leave  and
have  a  look  at the cells next to yours. The first one  contains
nothing,  but  the second one has a nice little cache  of  goodies
plus  a  map. Continue and go up the stairs. Before you  open  the
next  door, be ready for action. Open it, step into the room  and,
when the 007 types appear, get out quick and fight from the safety
of  the  door, closing it whenever they come too close. You  might
have to nip in and entice them towards you.

At  the end, go through the room and open the door. As soon as you
step  out  of  the garden, hundreds of the blokes  in  black  will
appear. This is getting tedious. You can do two things: run around
like a headless chicken and get killed every five minutes, or find
shelter  and dispose of them one by one. I rushed out  and  looked
for  somewhere to get into and couldn't find any place (especially
since everyone was shooting at me like there was not tomorrow  and
I  couldn't linger), so I opted to get back behind the  doors  and
try the old trick. It took aaages.

However, it was worth while. At the end, go straight for a gate  -
you'll come to a door with a rune which cannot be opened. Turn  to
the  right, advance, and you'll see three lots of fire.  Click  on
them  to  use the journal on them and then shoot at them to  close
the walls. Go through the door which will open (it seemed the only
one that did), also to the right of the fires. Follow along here.


Continue along a tunnel but, before you leave it, try and shoot as
many  of the monsters outside without getting hurt. If things  get
too  hot,  it's CapsLock time and run in a straight line till  you
get into the maze. Consult the Graveyard Maze map and do your best
to  get  to  the middle without being slaughtered.  You  know  the
tactics - hide and hit, hit and run, or just plain run.

When you get to the centre, stand on the mantel stone and use  the
mask.  Turn  right around and be prepared for one of those  flying
dragons. Consult your map and figure out where you are and how  to
get  to the Shaol mantel stone. Along the way, you will meet  many
of  those  exploding  monsters  which,  since  they  drop  healing
potions,  are  well-worth killing, specially from  a  distance.  A
bunch  of  them  came at me on the path, so I retreated  into  the
shimmering  gate, which they could not enter: I waited  till  they
turned  their back on me, nipped out and shot them. I collected  a
nice lot of potions like that. At any rate, continue to the stone,
which  will  not  work. Go on, till you come to a gap.  Shoot  the
creature  on  the other side then leap, and go and  enter  another
shimmering gate: inside, the sword and the shrive. Now you've  got
them,  you can go back to the mantel stone and this time  it  will

When  you get to the other side, go through the gate and  talk  to
the guardian. Because there is only one green crystal, you are  on
your  own when you enter the gate. You turn up on top of a  shelf.
You have to get down from there, braving a Speedy Gonzalez monster
(there are plenty of others). A fully charged dagger seems to kill
them off, but run backwards from them while you are shooting,  and
don't let them touch you. Listen for them and be prepared.

At  any  rate, go around the perimeter of this chamber.  You  will
find  four sets of double openings and some brains on the  ground.
You  will also come to a machine. It seems you have to feed it  16
brains before you can escape from here. Look behind the machine to
get  another  brain. And now it's a question of  going  into  each
opening and searching for the brains. I tried to map the place and
I  gave up; may be you are more patient or have the time. Just  be
thorough. In the circular chambers where there is a heart,  you'll
find  more brains down below. When I collected 15 brains, I simply
could not find the 16th. Then I noticed that, when you clicked  on
the hearts so that they descended, a new brain appeared below.

This, however, could have been a bug. As a matter of fact, my game
kept  crashing in this particular section - in a one-hour session,
it crashed 11 times!

When you've fed the machine all 16 brains, the round platform will
come down and then you can leave through the archway. Watch.

You'll  be  in  another scenario talking to  another  you  on  the
throne.  Turn around and click on the red pillar and talk  to  the
guy. Watch.

The  good  news  is  that all you have to do here  is  destroy  16
mirrors.  The  bad  news  is that, out of  each,  comes  a  pretty
unbeatable monster. Soon, I was surrounded by them and I could not
destroy  them even through I tried every weapon on them. So,  here
is  the  answer:  before you move from the  red  pillar,  equip  a
reliable weapon (i.e., that will shoot quickly without you  having
to  wait  for  it to recharge, such as the shotgun), move  up  the
stairs to your left or right (without falling in), take the second
corridor and start shooting mirrors, without pausing. The bad guys
seem to disappear. There are 12 mirrors in the inner corridor and,
from  the  throne,  you  can advance to  enter  into  the  chamber
opposite and shoot another four. The one in the centre has another
mirror at the back. Again, move quickly so that the baddies  don't
get  at  you. At the end, go back to the throne, which  will  come
down, letting you through. Watch.

CHAPTER XVII: Father of Lies

Go back under the arch. A lot of puzzles to solve here. Step up to
the  circle on the wall, click on it, and a wall will slide behind
you,  to  your  left.  Throughout this section,  save  before  you
attempt  a puzzle; try various things till you get it right,  then
reload and do it correctly. It will help to press End so that  you
see  where you are going. Don't use F9 and F10 to save and  reload
half way through a puzzle, or the whole thing will reset and leave
you high and dry.

You  might  prefer  not  to look at the solutions,  so  shut  your

Checkerboard: Stand on the third square from the left (brown), and
assuming that North is in front of you, go N 3 times, W 2 times, N
2  times and E 3 times. Enter and press the hand. Turn around  and
go  to the edge. With N behind you now, advance S x 2, E x 2, S  x
3,  W  x 1, N x 1, W x 1, S x 1, W x 2, S x 1. OK, go to the  next
niche on your left.

The  stepping stones: You have to get across the room  by  walking
over the stepping stones, which can be moved with the controls  on
the  wall to the right. First try using them to see how the blocks
move.  Then, facing, as it were, North, imagine that  you  have  7
spaces  going down, which we will call them, N to S, 1 to  7;  and
then  4 spaces going across, which we will call, W to E, A  to  D.
You  need to place blocks in the following spaces: 7A, 6B, 5C, 4B,
3C,  2C,  1B.  Then, pressing End to see what you are doing,  walk
transversally on the blocks and get into the corridor.  Press  the
hand in the circle and return the way you came.

Shooting mirrors: You'll find yourself in a room in which, if  you
step on the red spots, you get a fireball where it hurts. What you
have  to  do here is to smash four mirrors without getting  fried.
You  can  jump over the red spots ahead or diagonally, or you  can
walk around them diagonally, though this is more difficult. If you
imagine that the room ahead of you is divided in squares, 7  x  5,
and  that  ahead  of you is North, draw yourself  a  little  graph
whereby  from  N to S the 7 squares are 1 to 7, and from  West  to
East,  A,  B, C, D and E. From outside, jump diagonally to  square
7B,  then  to  6C and then ahead to 4C. If you turn to  your  left
you'll  see a mirror coming backwards and forwards. Wait  till  it
moves forwards and shoot it. Next, jump to 3D, 2E and 1D and shoot
the  mirror; now to 2E, 4E, 6E and 7D; shoot the mirror.  Finally,
6C, 4C, 2C and shoot the mirror. It is Ok now to walk about on all
squares, so go to 1A and go through to the corridor. Jump  on  the
pedestal. Walk to !
  7E  to  find  the exit. Still keeping left, go on  to  the  next

Big  guns:  What you have to do here is to clear a  path  for  the
lower  and upper guns so that they can shoot out more mirrors.  Go
behind  the  panel  with the levers and the button  and  face  the
blocks.  Supposing the levers were numbered 1 to 7, from  left  to
right, pull 2, 3, 7 and 5; then press the button and the gun  will
shoot  the mirror. Press the button again. Now you've got to clear
a  path  for the upper gun. Pull 2, 6, 5. Press the button  twice.
Next puzzle.

The gems: This is easy-peasy. Advance to the contraption and click
about  30 times on it's right side to turn it. Fire (press on  the
centre) to reveal some gems. Now click on the left side to turn it
to  the  first gem and shoot it. Shoot all the gems  and  you  can

The maze: You'll find a crystal maze which you must enter. Look at
all  the circles with the hands. Press on the top right hand  side
one  and on the bottom left hand side one. Now walk into the  maze
and press the other circle with the hand you'll see on a pedestal.

The  floating balls: You have to break a mirror by bouncing a shot
from ball to ball. You will see some dials in front of you. Taking
the  red point at the top as 1 and going around clockwise, set the
dials  as follows: first row, 1, 1, 5, 1; second row, 3, 6, 1,  8;
third row, 1, 8, 8, 7. This should do the trick. Time to move on.

The kaleidoscope: Apply your right shoulder to the wall and follow
it.  If you come across a mirror, keep your right shoulder  on  it
and  continue.  Eventually you'll come to a circle  with  a  hand.
Press it, apply your left shoulder to the wall and go out the  way
you came in.

As  you  come  out  to the circle on the wall, this  is  the  last
puzzle;  move  on  to the next niche, from where you  started  the
first  puzzle.  Face the circle, click on it until it  goes  dark.
Turn  around and face the entrance. This I will call 1. Turn  left
and  go on to the next circle - 2. Now, counting circles and going
left, click on circle 4 and, finally, on circle 8. However, before
you click on that one, have a look at and the corridor leading  to
the kaleidoscope puzzle: you are going to have to retreat here  in
a  hurry.  So,  click at the circle and you'll hear an  irritating
laugh.  Look  at the arch in the centre, just long enough  to  see
what's  coming and retreat into the corridor in such a way that  a
narrow slit allows you to shoot a the guy whereas he can't get  at
you. When you've killed him, click on his body to get a parchment.
You can now go through the arch.

You've had it very easy so far, and it's about time the game got a
little  tougher. Before you go through the arch, equip  your  most
effective weapon. I would advise you to save and have a trial run,
just  so  that  you know what is there. When you are  through  the
arch,  don't hang about. Pick up the potion behind you,  run  over
the  bridge  and enter the castle - there are a couple of  potions
along  the  left  wall. I think you are going to  need  them.  Run
towards  the centre and find the green stone. As you move  to  the
right  to  get to the path leading to it, you'll see  Rebecca.  Be
nice. Watch.

Get  immediately  behind  the tallest stone  for  some  shelter  -
although  you  are mainly fighting the guy with the  sword,  watch
your  back.  Basically, if you position yourself correctly  behind
the  stone, his balls of fire will not affect you, whereas you can
fire  Aelf's dagger at him and wait for it to recharge in comfort.
Once you've killed him, retrieve the shrive and the sword and then
go  and visit the Keep near by, where you'll find a familiar scene
and also a healing potion. Go back to the green stone and click on


Don't panic! Don't panic!

Pick  up the potions, on the floor and on the shelf of the window,
and  enter the cave. Hug the right wall. There is no way  you  are
going  to  escape the hordes of monsters who are going  to  assail
you,  so  pick  convenient spots to kill them with  a  minimum  of
damage  to yourself. I lost count of the number I had to kill  and
of the healing potions I needed.

When you come out of the cave, still hugging the right wall, cross
the  river  and follow the wooden path (don't fall off)  and  then
cross  the  bridge. Here, behind the stone wall, is  another  good
spot  to  do some more killing. Then, go around with wall  and  to
your  right. Follow the path along the rock wall (retreat and kill
the  monsters, if you need to; but don't get caught in the  open),
and  then  cross the wooden bridge. There is trouble ahead.  Enter
the  other  cave and fight your way (or run) to the mantel  stone.
Save before you go through.

CHAPTER XIX: The Gathering

This  is  just a video clip, in which you have a choice. Say  that
time  is  on  your  side, and do not kill Florentine.  Watch  what

CHAPTER XX: The Devil Take the Hindmost...

Save   immediately.  You  are  in  the  courtyard  of  the  house,
surrounded by nasties and you must make it as quickly as  possible
to  the hall and out of the front door. Have a trial run to remind
yourself of the way - go through the double door in front  of  you
and  keep  mostly left. I shouldn't hang around to fight with  the
James Bond look-alikes, there are too many of them.

Save before you burst into the hall: there, the granddaddy of  all
monsters  will materialize. Find yourself a good defending  point.
The  best  spot  is  the column to the left of the  door  -  wedge
yourself  in  the  corner so that the monster  can't  get  at  you
whereas you can certainly shoot all your weapons at him, one after
the  other. At any rate, when you've destroyed the monster (a very
tough cookie) you can go through the door. Watch.

End of story.

Written for Cheet Sheets Magazine ( Feel  free
to  circulate,  distribute or use on your web  site,  giving  FULL
credit  to  the  author and Cheet Sheets Magazine. Keep  all  text
intact with NO alterations.

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