Rainbow Six – Rogue Spear (šifre)

Rainbow Six - Rogue Spear

Update by: Will V

Press [Enter] during game play to display the communication 
window. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate 
the corresponding cheat function.

Effect                                  Code
Map draw AI normal colors             - normalcolors  
Map draw AI panicked colors           - panickedcolors  
Map draw AI ROE colors                - roestatecolors  
Map draw AI ROE speed colors          - roespeedcolors  
Map draw AI combat state colors       - combatstatecolors  
Map draw AI behavior colors           - behaviorcolors  
Map draw AI psycological state colors - psychstatecolors  
Map draw AI threat awareness colors   - threatawarenesscolors  
Map draw AI aware colors              - awarenessstatecolors  
Map draw AI alertness colors          - alertnessstatecolors  
Map draw AI plan colors               - aiplancolors  
Map draw level maps                   - levelmaps  
Map draw test plan                    - testplan  
Map draw plan                         - drawplan  
Map draw path point links             - pathpointlinks  
Map draw cover points                 - coverpoints  
Map draw path points                  - pathpoints  
Map draw object walls                 - objectwalls  
Map draw obstacle walls               - obstaclewalls  
Team invisible mode                   - teamshadow  
Invisible mode                        - theshadowknows  
Debug keys activated                  - debugkeys  
Fart mode                             - silentbutdeadly or 
Monocle mode                          - monocle  
2D players                            - turnpunchkick  
Heavy breathing                       - 1-900  
Clodhopper mode                       - clodhopper  
Mega head mode                        - meganoggin  
Big head mode                         - bignoggin  
Refill inventory                      - 5fingerdiscount  
Victory conditions                    - explore  
Disable AI                            - nobrainer  
Stumpy mode                           - stumpy  
Team god mode                         - teamgod  
Avatar god mode                       - avatargod  
Wounding shots kill                   - wounddeath

Submitted by e.kirk@england.com

Here is a tip with ammo. When your on your last bullet on 
your primary or secondary weapon, reload,and you'll get full 
ammo without wasting a clip.

Submitted by blizz240


flashbang grenade:
Throw a flashbang grenade into a room before you enter. 
The stunning effect may give you time to get the drop 
on the room's occupants. 

When planning a mission, make sure you duplicate critical 
skills within your assault team. For example, if you know 
you'll need an electronics expert, take two so you'll have 
a spare if one gets killed. 

Equip All:
Don't forget to properly equip your team members. It's easy 
to hit the "Equip All" button once you have a good general-
purpose kit. Unfortunately, this won't put a sniper rifle in 
your sniper's hands or a breaching ring where you need it. 

Use any break:
Use any break in the action to change magazines. There is never 
a good time to run out of bullets. 

Double Your MEN!:
Press enter on your keyboard. Then go to an area with terrorists 
Then type gunsalldownmen and all the terrorists in sight will turn 
into your men.
This Cheat/Hint submitted by Killing_Bart 

DEMO Version Cheats:
Invulnerable Team
Press ";" Then type in teamgod
This Cheat/Hint submitted by Killing_Bart 
Ammo Refill
Press ";" Then type: 5fingerdiscount
This Cheat/Hint submitted by Killing_Bart 

Explore Mode:
Press ";" Then type in: explore
This Cheat/Hint submitted by Killing_Bart 

Selected Played Invincible:
Press ";" Then type: playergod

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