Neverwinter Nights – Hordes of the Underdark (šifre)
Neverwinter Nights - Hordes of the Underdark
Submitted by: conner54
Press ~ during game play to display the console window and type DebugMode 1
(case sensitive) to enable cheat mode. Then, press ~ again and press [Tab]
to view the debug commands. Press [Tab] to scroll through the commands. You
can enter one of the following case-sensitive codes at the console window to
activate the corresponding cheat function. The message "Success" will confirm
correct code entry. If the message "Entered Target Mode" appears, click on
the desired character to apply the cheat.
Note: If you alter your character, load the "nwnplayer.ini" file in the game
folder and set the following lines in order to continue past the module you
are currently on:
Single Player Enforce Legal Characters=0
Single Player ItemLevelRestrictions=0
Cheats: (case sensitive)(X is a number)
Code Result
SetCHA X - Sets your Charisma
SetSTR X - Sets your Strength
SetINT X - Sets your Intelligence
SetWIS X - Sets your Wisdom
SetCON X - Sets your Constitution
dm_givegold X - Gives the X amount of gold to you
GetLevel X - Raises you an additional X amount of levels
dm_god - Makes you invulneralble
dm_heal - Full health
GiveXP # - Give # amount of experience points
SetDEX x - Set Dexterity attribute
dm_givelevel x - Set character level
dm_mylittlepony - Ride a hobby horse
dm_cowsfromhell - Killer flying cows
ModSaveFort - Set character's fortitude save modifier
ModSaveReflex - Set character's reflex save modifier
ModSaveWill - Set character's will save modifier
ModSpellResistance x - Set character's spell resistance modifier
SetAge x - Set character's age
SetAttackBase x - Set character's base attack
SetAppearance - Change character's race (human, elf, etc.)
by nobodeez 4/4/2005
1) Start NWN
2) On Main Menu, choose "Multiplayer"
3) Type in your "Player Name" and "Password".
4) Do NOT choose remember password or Create New Account.
5) Click "OK"
6) Click "New Internet/LAN Game"
7) Click "NWN: Hordes of the Underdark"
8) Under "Sever Name:" leave or write "Server" in.
9) Write in a Player Password
10) Click "Advanced Options"
11) UNcheck: Item Level Restrictions, Enforce Legal Characters, and Post Game To Internet
12) Leave Game Type as is.
13) Click "OK"
14) NOW click "Hordes of the Underdark: Chapter 1"
15) Click "Create New Character" and create your character or choose "Select Premade Character".
[NOTE: Suggest creating new character so there is no confusion with copies.]
16) Let game find server and log in. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE ONLINE. It will, suprisingly find
the Server you just created and log in.
17) Create your character starting at Gender, etc. then hit "Play"
18) Play game and it will level up your new character. Choose Manual or Automatic according to
your choice of leveling up. [NOTE: Automatic will give you only one class and choose all
recommended choices. If you are particular, choose Manual. You get 15 levels, so choose all
you want within this procedure.] Level up and then rest. After the dream, you will be attacked
by one drow in your room, who steals all your stuff. This is the reason for this whole cheat.
19) After talking to the Inn Keeper's daughter, click Options and SAVE CHARACTER. Wait until server
responds that "Your character was exported successfully."
20) Click Options again, the "Save" and save the game in an empty slot. Name it something easy to
find like "HOTU has relic"
21) Click "Options" again and "Exit to Main Menu".
22) "Quit Neverwinter Nights?" choose "Yes"
23) "Do you want to save your local character?" choose "No".
24) Now start a NEW game where you can take your freshly saved character to load him/her up with STUFF.
25) When you get to the "Choose Available Character" screen, there will be 2 (two) copies of your new
character. The one you want to DELETE is the one who is unarmed. The one you are going to load up
has the Yawning Portal Dagger as his/her Main Weapon.
26) Take your character with the Yawning Portal Dagger and load them up with equipment, gold,
whatever you can get. DO NOT SELL YOUR ROGUE STONE. Once you have them the way you want them,
be sure to PLACE A DIFFERENT WEAPON IN THEIR HAND before saving the character and exiting, so
you can easily see which character has nothing (blast that drow thief!) and which one is loaded
for the kill. After saving your character, exit the module.
27) Click "Multiplayer" again. Put in your password.
28) Click "Load Internet/LAN Game" and then choose "HOTU has relic" -- or whatever
you named it. Click "Load".
29) It will again mysteriously find the server and log in. (you are still not online)
30) Here's where it really counts: You again have 2 (two) characters with the same name.
One has the Yawning Portal Dagger and little else, the other has a different weapon.
Choose the character with the different weapon. Click "Play".
31) A box pops up saying: "A version of this character already exists in the savegame.
Which version would you like to use?" The one in the Save Game that is currently checked
is in his/her underwear and is holding the Yawning Portal Dagger. The Char. List one is the
character with all his/her STUFF. Choose that one (unless you're masochistic).
32) Once in the game, you want to check your character to be sure they have their stuff.
33) Click "Options" and "Save" and name THIS game "HOTU relic and loaded" or
something you'll remember.
34) Click "Options" again and "Exit to Main Menu".
35) "Quit Neverwinter Nights?" choose "Yes"
36) "Do you want to save your local character?" choose "No".
37) Now you can load your saved game and play anytime you want.
S. Carpenter /
Press ~ during game play and type DebugMode 1 (case sensitive) to enable cheat mode. Move the
pointer to your desired destination, then hold the Left Mouse Button and press [Keypad Plus].
One hit kills:
Press ~ during game play and type DebugMode 1 (case sensitive) to enable cheat mode. Move the
pointer over your target, then hold the Left Mouse Button and press Y. Note: This also can be
used to bash doors, chests, and other containers.
Easy level ups:
Press ~ during game play and type DebugMode 1 (case sensitive) to enable cheat mode. Then, enter
GiveXP (without a value after it) at the console window. The game will continue to level your
character up until you reach maximum level.
Maximum gold:
Press ~ during game play and type DebugMode 1 (case sensitive) to enable cheat mode. Then, enter
dm_givegold (without a value after it) at the console window. The game will give you the maximum
amount of gp you can hold (over 8,000,000).
All expansion chapters in single player mode:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before
proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "nwnplayer.ini" file in the game folder.
Find the "CODEWORD XP2=" line, and change it to:
CODEWORD XP2=barkeater
Note: If the line does not exist, create it under the "[Game Options]" heading.
Extra gore and critical hit chunks:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before
proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "nwnplayer.ini" file in the game folder and look
under the "[Game Options]" heading. Change the "Memory Level=1" line to change it to
"Memory Level=2" and
"Memory Access=1" to "Memory Access=2".
Заняття на курсах англійської мови проходять у школах, а матеріали для самопідготовки розміщені на онлайн-платформі. Любительку мультиків важко посадити за навчання? Завдяки Disney принцесам вмовляти більше не доведеться. Кожен урок – це маленька англійська пригода. Якщо ви також вирішили найняти репетитора з англійської мови в Києві або вам потрібен приватний носій для розмовних практик, в SARGOI ви зможете підібрати найбільш відповідний для вас варіант. Ви зможете оцінити переваги навчання у нас:
Теми курсу є самостійними, тому ви можете обрати ті, які вас найбільше цікавлять, і вивчати саме їх. Для цього вам знадобиться володіння англійською не нижче рівня pre-intermediate (бажано – intermediate) і, звісно, бажання вчитися. Безкоштовні онлайн-курси для підготовки до ЗНО з англійської мови Навчання в групі може бути корисним для тих, хто бажає вивчати англійську мову у веселій та дружній атмосфері та має бажання спілкуватися з іншими студентами. Групове навчання також може бути корисним для тих, хто бажає навчатися за більш доступною ціною.
They’re laced with butters (murumuru, cupuaçu, and tucuma) that do two things other than sound exotic and cool: They make the powder feel really soft, and they create a pretty, dewy glow — kind of like you just drank a piña colada mixed by Brian Flanagan (a.k.a. the world’s cutest bartender) on a beach. Also, you have perfect cheekbones in this scenario. Hey, a girl can dream. The combination of Murumuru, Cupuacu and Tucuma Butter from the Amazon leaves the skin feeling silky soft, conditioned and moisturized. The unique sponge applicator is specially designed to be used with the creamy bronzer formula. Ja rumen, žal potem ne bo zate. Meni pa rdečkast izgleda bolj kot ne kot da sem se opekla, mi ne paše k polti :D. Saj če veš, da ga ne bi nosila je res škoda vrčt denar vstran. Jaz sem približno vedela, da bo odtenek dober zame, pa tudi sam finiš mi je zanimiv. Zdaj bom pa videla kako bo ta sheen poleti, ko se bom mastila kot velikonočno jajce :D.
Cotton Swabs 600 count, 100 cotton Hypoallergenic Paper Stick Cotton Swabs It may look odd, but this mushroom-shaped drain protector will be the best thing to ever happen your plumbing — and it’s earned a 4.7-star overall rating after 32,000 reviews. It catches hair and wraps it around the cylinder for later removal, while the numerous perforations allow water to flow through — so you won’t be standing in a pond while you shower. 365 Everyday Value, Eggs Brown Cage Free Non-GMO Fed Medium, 18 Count RRP: £6.99 Be the first to review and help other customers Returns are quick and easy; they’ll usually be processed in as little as 5 to 7 days! We’ve gone paperless, you can return via our returns portal here. The Deep Brown shade is a good match for my brows, but it’s not necessarily a deep brown shade. I could have perhaps gone for Black Brown shade instead. It does lean a little warm, but I can make it work. The bristles on the brush are so stiff, that they apply the gel to the brows, but then also comb it off the brows too.
Тушь для ресниц – основной косметический продукт, наряду с губной помадой. Сложно найти девушку, которая никогда не использовала это средство. Однако редко кто пользуется не черной, а, например, коричневой тушью. А зря. Цветная тушь выпускается в оттенке «черно-коричневый» и позволяет создать дополнительный объем на ресницах. Её основным преимуществом можно считать доступную цену – 250 рублей за единицу товара. MASCARAD – ЭТО ПОЛЁТ ФАНТАЗИИ И МАССА ВАРИАНТОВ ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ:алоэ-для-ресниц
Довольно неприятными будут ощущения при попадании подводки на слизистую глаз. Внешний вид подводки напоминает обыкновенную тушь для ресниц, но она по своему составу существенно от нее отличается. Ощутимым плюсом будет то, что при помощи одного движения можно будет нарисовать идеально ровную линию. Патрик Та, автор многих образов Адрианы Лимы, Беллы Хадид и Эмили Ратажковски, советует гелевое средство Inglot. «Чтобы сделать стрелки с идеальными хвостиками, сначала очертите их тенями с помощью скошенной кисти, а потом наносите гелевую подводку», — говорит Патрик. И предупреждает, что смывается это средство непросто — запаситесь мицеллярной водой и несколькими ватными дисками.
Software developer Evolution is credited with coming up with the first big live casino game show, Dream Catcher. However, Monopoly Live is seen by many as the game-changer in the new category of online casino entertainment. Live game shows offer players unpredictably huge winnings on a grand stage. The list of live game shows keeps growing at almost all online casinos. Present online slot Boo Casino slots are currently the big focus of this online casino in New Zealand. In total, there are several hundred – all of these booked by the best game developers in the world – so you can be playing modern, jackpot-level online slots you’re looking for! There are 75+ online casinos available to NZ players. If you check back to our list of the best online casinos, you’ll be able to see which ones our experts recommend. Currently JackpotCity online casino is considered a top pick due to it’s lucrative welcome bonus, low minimum deposit and great selection of online pokies.
If there is a question that is still weighing on your mind about online casinos then please do contact us, in 2023. Whenever you click the Gamble text under your winning amount youll be taken to a new screen which has an old grainy style with pixelated graphics like youd expect from video poker machines in eras gone by with one playing card rapidly flickering back and forth between red and black, he illegally parked his car. As such, the free money will be credited to the player’s account. This game features a large spinning wheel that players can spin to win big prizes, resulting in a 500x stake payout. A: All things considered, I would say they are better online. For one thing, you almost never see a blackjack (ace and 10) pay 6 to 5 only online, while this is becoming the norm in land casinos in the United States.
For an online poker room to be ranked high on our list, it needs to display some kind of certificate regarding its security and the random number generator. Quality protection protocols are key when playing in an online casino or internet poker room. These protocols ensure that your private data and financial transactions will be safe and sound while you enjoy a game of poker. Since WPT Global’s launch last year, it has been intensely growing in popularity, with many updates added to make the player’s experience as best as… At its most basic, this game is a pretty good platform for playing with thousands of players from all over the world. It has multiple language support and is available on PC, mobile and other consoles, so you never know whom you’re going to get at your table. It’s a bit too easy to burn through your chips, but you can go back every day for more free chips, so it’s not essential to indulge in in-game purchases.
They are playing real strip poker with the baywatch crew… The registrar of 123strippoker is ENOM, LLC and the name expires on 2024-07-29. According to open source data, you can reach the owner at but please make sure you have a good reason for unsolicited messages. Their country of residence is United States of America. cloud servers They are playing real strip poker with the baywatch crew… They are playing real strip poker with the baywatch crew… Rebel Strip Poker runs on the following operating systems: Windows. The download file has a size of 3.9MB. Rebel Strip Poker runs on the following operating systems: Windows. The download file has a size of 3.9MB. They are playing real strip poker with the baywatch crew…
The path to profitability is one that is already rarely traveled by the majority of sports bettors. Sportsbooks skew the odds in their favor to ensure they generate long-term profit, meaning that most sports bettors, many of whom never graduate from the “casual” stage of betting, lose more money than they win. While RTP is important, also consider fun themes and bonus features when choosing the best paying slots on DraftKings Casino for you. This list provides high RTP slots across a variety of exciting themes like fantasy, rock music, vampires, game shows, and more. With great winning potential and engaging gameplay, these highest RTP slots provide thrilling action and chances to win big on DraftKings online casino. The line “so many options, hard to choose” is often tossed around in iGaming. Online slot games are the best example of this. Some online casinos are loaded with thousands of different slot games, and that’s no hyperbole. And here’s where it gets even trickier: everyone has their idea of the best slot. What’s a smash hit for one player might just be a miss for another.
Founded in 1998 and headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, Rush Street Gaming operates six brick-and-mortar casino locations in the U.S. and Canada. In 2010, the parent company of the BetRivers Casino opened a SugarHouse Casino in Philadelphia, PA. It became the state’s first casino to offer online sports betting in 2019. Each sweepstakes casino is different when it comes to how many free coins you can accumulate and how you earn them. For example, some casinos will offer you 5,000 gold coins plus 10 free sweeps coins for signing up or as part of a package on your first deposit. Other sweepstakes casinos may require a promo code or it could be automatically added to your account. Here’s what you need to know about signing up and if there are deposits needed. At our live Australian casino, with many in Atlantic City hoping that they would revitalise the places failing fortunes. BGO Casino: 10 Free Spins No Deposit Bonus, this top-class establishment welcomes players from Australia and the rest of the world. We all love flowers and it is great to have them on the slot reels, be sure to sign up to a new casino.
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Заняття на курсах англійської мови проходять у школах, а матеріали для самопідготовки розміщені на онлайн-платформі. Любительку мультиків важко посадити за навчання? Завдяки Disney принцесам вмовляти більше не доведеться. Кожен урок – це маленька англійська пригода. Якщо ви також вирішили найняти репетитора з англійської мови в Києві або вам потрібен приватний носій для розмовних практик, в SARGOI ви зможете підібрати найбільш відповідний для вас варіант. Ви зможете оцінити переваги навчання у нас:
Теми курсу є самостійними, тому ви можете обрати ті, які вас найбільше цікавлять, і вивчати саме їх. Для цього вам знадобиться володіння англійською не нижче рівня pre-intermediate (бажано – intermediate) і, звісно, бажання вчитися. Безкоштовні онлайн-курси для підготовки до ЗНО з англійської мови Навчання в групі може бути корисним для тих, хто бажає вивчати англійську мову у веселій та дружній атмосфері та має бажання спілкуватися з іншими студентами. Групове навчання також може бути корисним для тих, хто бажає навчатися за більш доступною ціною.
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A big thank you for your post.Really looking forward to read more. Awesome.
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They’re laced with butters (murumuru, cupuaçu, and tucuma) that do two things other than sound exotic and cool: They make the powder feel really soft, and they create a pretty, dewy glow — kind of like you just drank a piña colada mixed by Brian Flanagan (a.k.a. the world’s cutest bartender) on a beach. Also, you have perfect cheekbones in this scenario. Hey, a girl can dream. The combination of Murumuru, Cupuacu and Tucuma Butter from the Amazon leaves the skin feeling silky soft, conditioned and moisturized. The unique sponge applicator is specially designed to be used with the creamy bronzer formula. Ja rumen, žal potem ne bo zate. Meni pa rdečkast izgleda bolj kot ne kot da sem se opekla, mi ne paše k polti :D. Saj če veš, da ga ne bi nosila je res škoda vrčt denar vstran. Jaz sem približno vedela, da bo odtenek dober zame, pa tudi sam finiš mi je zanimiv. Zdaj bom pa videla kako bo ta sheen poleti, ko se bom mastila kot velikonočno jajce :D.
Cotton Swabs 600 count, 100 cotton Hypoallergenic Paper Stick Cotton Swabs It may look odd, but this mushroom-shaped drain protector will be the best thing to ever happen your plumbing — and it’s earned a 4.7-star overall rating after 32,000 reviews. It catches hair and wraps it around the cylinder for later removal, while the numerous perforations allow water to flow through — so you won’t be standing in a pond while you shower. 365 Everyday Value, Eggs Brown Cage Free Non-GMO Fed Medium, 18 Count RRP: £6.99 Be the first to review and help other customers Returns are quick and easy; they’ll usually be processed in as little as 5 to 7 days! We’ve gone paperless, you can return via our returns portal here. The Deep Brown shade is a good match for my brows, but it’s not necessarily a deep brown shade. I could have perhaps gone for Black Brown shade instead. It does lean a little warm, but I can make it work. The bristles on the brush are so stiff, that they apply the gel to the brows, but then also comb it off the brows too.
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Тушь для ресниц – основной косметический продукт, наряду с губной помадой. Сложно найти девушку, которая никогда не использовала это средство. Однако редко кто пользуется не черной, а, например, коричневой тушью. А зря. Цветная тушь выпускается в оттенке «черно-коричневый» и позволяет создать дополнительный объем на ресницах. Её основным преимуществом можно считать доступную цену – 250 рублей за единицу товара. MASCARAD – ЭТО ПОЛЁТ ФАНТАЗИИ И МАССА ВАРИАНТОВ ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ:алоэ-для-ресниц
Довольно неприятными будут ощущения при попадании подводки на слизистую глаз. Внешний вид подводки напоминает обыкновенную тушь для ресниц, но она по своему составу существенно от нее отличается. Ощутимым плюсом будет то, что при помощи одного движения можно будет нарисовать идеально ровную линию. Патрик Та, автор многих образов Адрианы Лимы, Беллы Хадид и Эмили Ратажковски, советует гелевое средство Inglot. «Чтобы сделать стрелки с идеальными хвостиками, сначала очертите их тенями с помощью скошенной кисти, а потом наносите гелевую подводку», — говорит Патрик. И предупреждает, что смывается это средство непросто — запаситесь мицеллярной водой и несколькими ватными дисками.
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Software developer Evolution is credited with coming up with the first big live casino game show, Dream Catcher. However, Monopoly Live is seen by many as the game-changer in the new category of online casino entertainment. Live game shows offer players unpredictably huge winnings on a grand stage. The list of live game shows keeps growing at almost all online casinos. Present online slot Boo Casino slots are currently the big focus of this online casino in New Zealand. In total, there are several hundred – all of these booked by the best game developers in the world – so you can be playing modern, jackpot-level online slots you’re looking for! There are 75+ online casinos available to NZ players. If you check back to our list of the best online casinos, you’ll be able to see which ones our experts recommend. Currently JackpotCity online casino is considered a top pick due to it’s lucrative welcome bonus, low minimum deposit and great selection of online pokies.
If there is a question that is still weighing on your mind about online casinos then please do contact us, in 2023. Whenever you click the Gamble text under your winning amount youll be taken to a new screen which has an old grainy style with pixelated graphics like youd expect from video poker machines in eras gone by with one playing card rapidly flickering back and forth between red and black, he illegally parked his car. As such, the free money will be credited to the player’s account. This game features a large spinning wheel that players can spin to win big prizes, resulting in a 500x stake payout. A: All things considered, I would say they are better online. For one thing, you almost never see a blackjack (ace and 10) pay 6 to 5 only online, while this is becoming the norm in land casinos in the United States.
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For an online poker room to be ranked high on our list, it needs to display some kind of certificate regarding its security and the random number generator. Quality protection protocols are key when playing in an online casino or internet poker room. These protocols ensure that your private data and financial transactions will be safe and sound while you enjoy a game of poker. Since WPT Global’s launch last year, it has been intensely growing in popularity, with many updates added to make the player’s experience as best as… At its most basic, this game is a pretty good platform for playing with thousands of players from all over the world. It has multiple language support and is available on PC, mobile and other consoles, so you never know whom you’re going to get at your table. It’s a bit too easy to burn through your chips, but you can go back every day for more free chips, so it’s not essential to indulge in in-game purchases.
They are playing real strip poker with the baywatch crew… The registrar of 123strippoker is ENOM, LLC and the name expires on 2024-07-29. According to open source data, you can reach the owner at but please make sure you have a good reason for unsolicited messages. Their country of residence is United States of America. cloud servers They are playing real strip poker with the baywatch crew… They are playing real strip poker with the baywatch crew… Rebel Strip Poker runs on the following operating systems: Windows. The download file has a size of 3.9MB. Rebel Strip Poker runs on the following operating systems: Windows. The download file has a size of 3.9MB. They are playing real strip poker with the baywatch crew…
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The path to profitability is one that is already rarely traveled by the majority of sports bettors. Sportsbooks skew the odds in their favor to ensure they generate long-term profit, meaning that most sports bettors, many of whom never graduate from the “casual” stage of betting, lose more money than they win. While RTP is important, also consider fun themes and bonus features when choosing the best paying slots on DraftKings Casino for you. This list provides high RTP slots across a variety of exciting themes like fantasy, rock music, vampires, game shows, and more. With great winning potential and engaging gameplay, these highest RTP slots provide thrilling action and chances to win big on DraftKings online casino. The line “so many options, hard to choose” is often tossed around in iGaming. Online slot games are the best example of this. Some online casinos are loaded with thousands of different slot games, and that’s no hyperbole. And here’s where it gets even trickier: everyone has their idea of the best slot. What’s a smash hit for one player might just be a miss for another.
Founded in 1998 and headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, Rush Street Gaming operates six brick-and-mortar casino locations in the U.S. and Canada. In 2010, the parent company of the BetRivers Casino opened a SugarHouse Casino in Philadelphia, PA. It became the state’s first casino to offer online sports betting in 2019. Each sweepstakes casino is different when it comes to how many free coins you can accumulate and how you earn them. For example, some casinos will offer you 5,000 gold coins plus 10 free sweeps coins for signing up or as part of a package on your first deposit. Other sweepstakes casinos may require a promo code or it could be automatically added to your account. Here’s what you need to know about signing up and if there are deposits needed. At our live Australian casino, with many in Atlantic City hoping that they would revitalise the places failing fortunes. BGO Casino: 10 Free Spins No Deposit Bonus, this top-class establishment welcomes players from Australia and the rest of the world. We all love flowers and it is great to have them on the slot reels, be sure to sign up to a new casino.
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Crown Melbourne is promising to be the safest casino in the world after spending more than $20 million developing new swipe-card technology forcing poker machine players to set binding limits on losses and time spent gambling. Crown has faced a string of inquiries in Sydney, Melbourne and Perth in recent years that uncovered a swathe of misdeeds. The probes found Crown, which was part-owned by billionaire James Packer at the time, unsuitable to run casinos in each city. © 2024 Australian Associated Press. All rights reserved. A Victorian royal commission, headed by former Federal Court judge Ray Finkelstein QC, in 2021 found Crown’s conduct was “illegal, dishonest, unethical and exploitative” but stopped short of suggesting the government strip its casino licence. Exclusive to Crown Rewards Members.