Neće biti Maddena 09 na PC-ju!

Neće biti Maddena 09 na PC-ju! Iako kod nas Američki fudbal nije popularno popularan sport, ljubitelje Maddena će sigurno razočarati vest da je EA odustao od nove verzije za PC platformu. Kao glavni krivac za ovaj potez se navodi piraterija zbog koje EA gubi ogroman novac(a ne kvalitet samih izdanja). U nastavku teksta možete pročitati deo intervjua koji je napravio sajt Game Daily a koji se tiče ove problematike.





BIZ: My last question is going to be about Madden 2009 for the PC. You did say in your blog that you had ideas on how to revitalize the PC for sports games. Can you talk a little about how you can exploit the platform?

Moore: Well, it's disappointing, and as I said, it would be an unpopular decision, but we're running a business. It's been very challenging for us over the past few years. People took some of what I said out of context – 'serious business challenges on the PC.' Well, the sentence actually [says] 'for the sports category on the PC.'

And – rightly or wrongly – we've built sports games to take advantage of the plasma televisions, and the new hi-def experiences that people are having in their homes. We've also built them to be very social. So whether it's playing online, or equally likely, two or four of you in the room together, the PC business has just…waned. For every – I don't have the numbers, but for every…do you have the numbers yet?

EA rep David Tinson: I do. So to give you an example… Last year, for every 30 copies on PS2, we'd sell one PC. And that's PS2. We're doing things on the PC in other parts of the world, FIFA Online, FIFA Street Online.

Moore: The bottom line is we've got to bring games to the PC consumer in a different way than we currently are right now, which is a packaged goods model, yeah with online element – but there's got to be deeper online.

If that consumer wants to buy sports games and they don't want to play on their televisions – I recognize that. We need to find different and innovate ways to be able to do that. And I need to protect my intellectual property. Piracy's a big issue on the PC. I can't turn a blind eye to the fact that it's very difficult for us…and we lose money making a game. At some point, I have an obligation not to bring out products that lose money.

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