Monkey Island 3 – Curse of Monkey Island (šifre)

Monkey Island 3 - Curse of Monkey Island

Chapter skip:
Press [Shift] + V followed by X during the sea 
fights in chapter three to
advance to chapter 4.

View ending sequence:
Press [Shift] + W.
Working clock:
The Curse of Monkey Island integrates itself with the 
Windows clock. On Plunder Island, the clock in Puerto 
Pullo chimes accurately on every hour and half hour. 
In addition, having Guybrush look at the clock gives 
you an accurate (and humorous) time of day, to the second.

More Gold Teeth:
First give Captain Blondebeard a stick of gum. Then 
pop it with the pin. Chew a piece of gum and give it 
to him. Pick up the gold teeth and put it in the chewed 
gum. pop the gum and pick up the other gold tooth.

Submitted by: Juampi Zapata

To go to the underwater scene try to pick up water (on blood island) for about 26 times. 
Then Guybrush will go underwater.

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