Legendary Sonic Chaos (šifre)

Legendary Sonic Chaos

Submitted by: conner54
Type these cheats in character select screen , 
press 'Delete' if you type wrong 

Cheat              Result 
igotcatslife     - To start with 9 lifes
masterofthisgame - To see my piccy :) 
givemesomerings  - To start with 50 rings 
makeithard       - To disable rings in levels 
warptolava       - To warp to Lava Reef Zone 
warptoangel      - To warp to Angel Island Zone 
warptomushroom   - To warp to Mushroom Hill Zone 
warptomarble     - To warp to Marble Garden Zone 
warptoice        - To warp to Ice Cap Zone 
warptohill       - To warp to Hill Top Zone 
warptosky        - To warp to last battle 
stayaway         - To disable badniks in levels 
savetheplanet    - To see the ending scene

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