Hellgate – London Equipment List (walkthrough)

Hellgate - London Equipment List

Game Version:
Guide Version: 1.50
By: Jake Zahn
Date: 12/28/2007

				Table of Contents

  Universal		X1000
    Basic		X2000
    Invoker		X2001
    Caster		X2002
    Conjurer		X2003
    Basic		X3000
    Military		X3001
    Quartermaster	X3002
    Rifleman		X3003
    Basic		X4000
    Order		X4001
    Defender		X4002
    Swordsman		X4003
  Cabalist		X5001
  Hunter		X5002
  Templar		X5003
  Armor			X6001
  Weapons		X6002


This will be a complete listing of all the basic Weapons and Armor that is
available to be found in Single-Player Hellgate: London. Multi-player is very
dynamic and is much harder to test on than SP, so I probably will not be
supporting it. Even so, the SP values should be close to the MP values, if not

The purpose of this listing will be to allow you to better plan your Attribute
point distribution. It will not go into detail on the various properties that
Weapons/Armor can have. There is already a nice list of these by
RagnarokExcelsior over here:


Currently, only the Weapons and about 4/5 of the Armor is complete (100% of
Vendor-bought Armor is complete). The next version will go in one of the
following directions:

- Add a Property (Enhanced/Rare/Legendary) Attribute cost list
- Add a Armor/Weapon Vendor availability listing
- Perfecting the Armor lists (the missing sets are not found in Vendors)


The recent SP Patch (0.6) slightly lowers almost all of the Weapon/Armor
Attribute requirements, Weapons/Armor with stats predating this Patch will
have a '*' preceding their name.


If you would like to see the items this list discusses, the screenshots can be
found in the albums below.




Any websites wishing to post this guide may do so as long as credit is given 
and no content is altered in any way.


RagnarokExcelsior - Inspiring me to do this with his property listing.

vakEirn79 - Clarifying Shield Penetration stacking.


Version 0.33 - 11/28/07
	Templar Weapons Complete

Version 0.66 - 12/01/07
	Cabalist Weapons Complete

Version 1.00 - 12/09/07
	Hunter Weapons Complete
	Unique Item section added

Version 1.25 - 12/11/07
	Armor section skeletons added
	Screenshot Photo Album links added to Intro

Version 1.30 - 12/14/07
	Fleshed-out Templar Armor section
	Several minor stat mix-ups corrected

Version 1.35 - 12/19/07
	Added majority of Cabalist Armor
	Added missing Baneblaster Weapon
	Updated Cabalist Weapons for Patch 0.6

Version 1.40 - 12/23/07
	Added majority of Templar Armor
	Added missing Shockwave and Grasper Weapons
	Updated Templar Weapons for Patch 0.6

Version 1.50 - 12/28/07
	Added majority of Hunter Armor
	Added missing NM version of the Mongoose Launcher
	Added suspiciously absent Firefox Launchers
	Updated Hunter Weapons for Patch 0.6
	Added BUGS/ODDITIES section
	Various spelling/typo fixes
	Fixed skill Use Rate property values


- Hunter Military Armor has three mis-named/leveled sets (Rad, Defender, and
  Beefeater), as well as the Rifleman Armor bonus on one of its Sets (Rad). I
  believe those three sets should actually be the Destrider, Shadowdancer, and
  Occultist Sets.

- The Templar Overlord Armor is mislabeled as Onslaught.

- The Templar Order and Swordsman armor lines' Item Levels do not match up with
  their Cabalist/Hunter counterparts.

- The Templar Sentinel Girdeon has the wrong Properties and Item Level.


Armor comes in Sets of seven or more pieces. Each equipment slot has at least
one piece per set, but most early Sets include multiple pieces for each. Sets
with an Item Level of 26 or higher have only one piece per slot.

Armor will be grouped by Set. Sets are listed first by Faction and Type, then
by Item Level, followed by Type (explained below). Immediately following the
Set's name header are the combined statistics for all pieces of that set.

Various Item Levels have multiple Sets with different inherent attributes.
These are grouped together under the same heading, as their other statistics
are usually identical.

Explanation of Format

Slot = Which equipment slot the item uses.
Armor = The amount added to your Armor total.
Shields = The amount added to your Shield total.
Equip Cost = What attributes you'll need to have to use it.
	     *NOTE* - These are cumulative with all equipped items.
Item Level = The item's level. Determines the minimum level a character has
	     to be to use it.
Inherent Attributes = The special properties that the item has by default.

Explanation of Type

Each Faction has three Types of armor; Basic, Faction, and Class. Any Class in
a Faction can wear all Types of that Faction's available armor.

Basic: Meant for low-level characters and has no special properties.
Faction: May have special properties useful to any of a Faction's Classes.
Class: May have special properties useful to one of a Faction's Classes.

Equipment Slot Order


Item -> Character Levels

For iLevels 1-5: cLevel = 1
For iLevels 6-10: cLevel = (iLevel - 4)
For iLevels 11-20: cLevel = (iLevel - 5)
For iLevels 21-30: cLevel = (iLevel - 6)
For iLevels 31-40: cLevel = (iLevel - 7)
For iLevels 41-50: cLevel = (iLevel - 8)

			    /////Universal\\				   X1000

Universal Armor can be worn by any Faction.

Clothes range from iLevel 1-3, have no properties or attribute costs, and come
in various colors and styles. Clothing Sets (Color + Style)  have 5 pieces; a
piece for each slot except Head and Hands.


Dark Blue
Light Blue


Ribbed (Shirts Only)


This section encompasses the Evoker and Summoner classes.

Invoker armor can increase your Power Pool Regeneration or increase the
strength of Elemental Effects. It relies on Strength and Stamina.

Caster armor has no Armor value, is meant for Evokers, and decreases the
Power cost for Evoker skills. It can also increase the Use Rate of Evoker
skills or add Shield Penetration. It relies on Stamina and Willpower.

Conjurer armor is meant for Summoners and increases Minion Damage. It can also
increase Minion Armor or Minion Health. It relies on Strength and Willpower.

				 Basic					   X2000


Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Item Level: 1
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Head
Armor: 1
Shields: 4
Equip Cost: N/A
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 1
Shields: 3
Equip Cost: N/A
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Gorehide Breastplate/Vest
Slot: Chest
Armor: 2
Shields: 6
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Hands
Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: N/A
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Waist
Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: N/A
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Legs
Armor: 2
Shields: 5
Equip Cost: N/A
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Armor: 1
Shields: 4
Equip Cost: N/A
Inherent Attributes: N/A


Armor: 12
Shields: 36
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Item Level: 3
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Head
Armor: 2
Shields: 6
Equip Cost: N/A
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 1
Shields: 4
Equip Cost: N/A
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Gorehide Breastplate/Cordwain/Vest
Slot: Chest
Armor: 3
Shields: 8
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Fingerless Gloves/Gloves/High Gloves
Slot: Hands
Armor: 1
Shields: 4
Equip Cost: N/A
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Waist
Armor: 1
Shields: 3
Equip Cost: N/A
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Legs
Armor: 2
Shields: 6
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Armor: 2
Shields: 5
Equip Cost: N/A
Inherent Attributes: N/A


Armor: 15
Shields: 45
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Item Level: 5
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Head
Armor: 2
Shields: 7
Equip Cost: N/A
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 2
Shields: 5
Equip Cost: N/A
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Gorehide Cordwain/Corslet
Slot: Chest
Armor: 4
Shields: 10
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Clutes/High Gloves
Slot: Hands
Armor: 1
Shields: 5
Equip Cost: N/A
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Waist
Armor: 1
Shields: 4
Equip Cost: N/A
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Legs
Armor: 3
Shields: 8
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Armor: 2
Shields: 6
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A


Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str, ? Stam
Item Level: 8
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Head
Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str, ? Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 2
Shields: 7
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Gorehide Corslet
Slot: Chest
Armor: 5
Shields: 13
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Hands
Armor: 2
Shields: 6
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Waist
Armor: 2
Shields: 5
Equip Cost: N/A
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Legs
Armor: 4
Shields: 11
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str, ? Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

				Invoker					   X2001


Armor: 19
Shields: 57
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 6 Stam
Item Level: 7
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Destrider)
		     42/min Power Regeneration (Shadowdancer)

Slot: Head
Armor: 3
Shields: 9
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Destrider)
		     6/min Power Regeneration (Shadowdancer)

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 2
Shields: 7
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Destrider)
		     6/min Power Regeneration (Shadowdancer)

Slot: Chest
Armor: 4
Shields: 13
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Destrider)
		     6/min Power Regeneration (Shadowdancer)

Slot: Hands
Armor: 2
Shields: 6
Equip Cost: N/A
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Destrider)
		     6/min Power Regeneration (Shadowdancer)

Slot: Waist
Armor: 2
Shields: 4
Equip Cost: N/A
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Destrider)
		     6/min Power Regeneration (Shadowdancer)

Slot: Legs
Armor: 3
Shields: 10
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Destrider)
		     6/min Power Regeneration (Shadowdancer)

Slot: Feet
Armor: 3
Shields: 8
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Destrider)
		     6/min Power Regeneration (Shadowdancer)


Armor: 26
Shields: 72
Equip Cost: 8 Str, 8 Stam
Item Level: 10
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Head
Armor: 4
Shields: 11
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 3
Shields: 8
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Chest
Armor: 6
Shields: 17
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Hands
Armor: 3
Shields: 7
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Waist
Armor: 2
Shields: 6
Equip Cost: N/A
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Legs
Armor: 4
Shields: 13
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Armor: 4
Shields: 10
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A


Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str, ? Stam
Item Level: 13
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Head
Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str, ? Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str, ? Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Chest
Armor: 7
Shields: 20
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Hands
Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str, ? Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Waist
Armor: 3
Shields: 7
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Legs
Armor: 5
Shields: 12
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Armor: 4
Shields: 12
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A


Armor: 36
Shields: 102
Equip Cost: 12 Str, 12 Stam
Item Level: 16
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Hidden)
		     +112% Elemental Effects Strength (Dreamweaver)
		     56/min Power Regeneration (Mistwalker)

Slot: Head
Armor: 6
Shields: 16
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Hidden)
		     +16% Elemental Effects Strength (Dreamweaver)
		     8/min Power Regeneration (Mistwalker)

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 4
Shields: 12
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Hidden)
		     +16% Elemental Effects Strength (Dreamweaver)
		     8/min Power Regeneration (Mistwalker)

Slot: Chest
Armor: 8
Shields: 24
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Hidden)
		     +16% Elemental Effects Strength (Dreamweaver)
		     8/min Power Regeneration (Mistwalker)

Slot: Hands
Armor: 4
Shields: 10
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Hidden)
		     +16% Elemental Effects Strength (Dreamweaver)
		     8/min Power Regeneration (Mistwalker)

Slot: Waist
Armor: 3
Shields: 8
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Hidden)
		     +16% Elemental Effects Strength (Dreamweaver)
		     8/min Power Regeneration (Mistwalker)

Slot: Legs
Armor: 6
Shields: 18
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Hidden)
		     +16% Elemental Effects Strength (Dreamweaver)
		     8/min Power Regeneration (Mistwalker)

Slot: Feet
Armor: 5
Shields: 14
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Hidden)
		     +16% Elemental Effects Strength (Dreamweaver)
		     8/min Power Regeneration (Mistwalker)


Armor: 42
Shields: 118
Equip Cost: 15 Str, 15 Stam
Item Level: 19
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Head
Armor: 7
Shields: 18
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 5
Shields: 14
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Chest
Armor: 9
Shields: 28
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Hands
Armor: 5
Shields: 12
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Waist
Armor: 3
Shields: 9
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Legs
Armor: 7
Shields: 21
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Armor: 6
Shields: 16
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A


Armor: 47
Shields: 132
Equip Cost: 17 Str, 17 Stam
Item Level: 22
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Head
Armor: 8
Shields: 21
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 5
Shields: 16
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Chest
Armor: 10
Shields: 31
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Hands
Armor: 5
Shields: 13
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Waist
Armor: 4
Shields: 10
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Legs
Armor: 8
Shields: 23
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Armor: 7
Shields: 18
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A


Armor: 53
Shields: 147
Equip Cost: 20 Str, 20 Stam
Item Level: 25
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Tenebrous)
		     70/min Power Regeneration (Slighthand)

Slot: Head
Armor: 9
Shields: 23
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Tenebrous)
		     10/min Power Regeneration (Slighthand)

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 6
Shields: 17
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Tenebrous)
		     10/min Power Regeneration (Slighthand)

Slot: Chest
Armor: 12
Shields: 35
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 5 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Tenebrous)
		     10/min Power Regeneration (Slighthand)

Slot: Hands
Armor: 6
Shields: 14
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Tenebrous)
		     10/min Power Regeneration (Slighthand)

Slot: Waist
Armor: 4
Shields: 12
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Tenebrous)
		     10/min Power Regeneration (Slighthand)

Slot: Legs
Armor: 9
Shields: 26
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Tenebrous)
		     10/min Power Regeneration (Slighthand)

Slot: Feet
Armor: 7
Shields: 20
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Tenebrous)
		     10/min Power Regeneration (Slighthand)

    ////CRYPT KEEPER\\

Armor: 58
Shields: 163
Equip Cost: 24 Str, 24 Stam
Item Level: 28
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Head
Armor: 10
Shields: 26
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 6
Shields: 19
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Chest
Armor: 13
Shields: 38
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 6 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Hands
Armor: 6
Shields: 16
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Waist
Armor: 5
Shields: 13
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Legs
Armor: 10
Shields: 29
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Armor: 8
Shields: 22
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A


Armor: 60
Shields: 169
Equip Cost: 24 Str, 24 Stam
Item Level: 29
Inherent Attributes: +168% Elemental Effects Strength

Slot: Head
Armor: 10
Shields: 26
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +24% Elemental Effects Strength

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 7
Shields: 20
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +24% Elemental Effects Strength

Slot: Chest
Armor: 13
Shields: 40
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 6 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +24% Elemental Effects Strength

Slot: Hands
Armor: 7
Shields: 17
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +24% Elemental Effects Strength

Slot: Waist
Armor: 5
Shields: 13
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +24% Elemental Effects Strength

Slot: Legs
Armor: 10
Shields: 30
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +24% Elemental Effects Strength

Slot: Feet
Armor: 8
Shields: 23
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +24% Elemental Effects Strength


Armor: 64
Shields: 180
Equip Cost: 24 Str, 24 Stam
Item Level: 31
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Head
Armor: 11
Shields: 28
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 7
Shields: 21
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Chest
Armor: 14
Shields: 42
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 6 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Hands
Armor: 7
Shields: 18
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Waist
Armor: 5
Shields: 14
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Legs
Armor: 11
Shields: 32
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Armor: 9
Shields: 25
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A


Armor: 66
Shields: 188
Equip Cost: 26 Str, 26 Stam
Item Level: 33
Inherent Attributes: +168% Elemental Effects Strength
		     77/min Power Regeneration

Slot: Head
Armor: 11
Shields: 30
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +24% Elemental Effects Strength
		     11/min Power Regeneration

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 7
Shields: 22
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +24% Elemental Effects Strength
		     11/min Power Regeneration

Slot: Chest
Armor: 15
Shields: 44
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 6 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +24% Elemental Effects Strength
		     11/min Power Regeneration

Slot: Hands
Armor: 7
Shields: 18
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +24% Elemental Effects Strength
		     11/min Power Regeneration

Slot: Waist
Armor: 6
Shields: 15
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +24% Elemental Effects Strength
		     11/min Power Regeneration

Slot: Legs
Armor: 11
Shields: 33
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 5 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +24% Elemental Effects Strength
		     11/min Power Regeneration

Slot: Feet
Armor: 9
Shields: 26
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +24% Elemental Effects Strength
		     11/min Power Regeneration


Armor: 69
Shields: 194
Equip Cost: 27 Str, 27 Stam
Item Level: 34
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Sunfire)
		     77/min Power Regeneration (Trickster)

Slot: Head
Armor: 11
Shields: 30
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Sunfire)
		     11/min Power Regeneration (Trickster)

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 8
Shields: 23
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Sunfire)
		     11/min Power Regeneration (Trickster)

Slot: Chest
Armor: 15
Shields: 46
Equip Cost: 7 Str, 7 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Sunfire)
		     11/min Power Regeneration (Trickster)

Slot: Hands
Armor: 8
Shields: 19
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Sunfire)
		     11/min Power Regeneration (Trickster)

Slot: Waist
Armor: 6
Shields: 15
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Sunfire)
		     11/min Power Regeneration (Trickster)

Slot: Legs
Armor: 11
Shields: 34
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 5 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Sunfire)
		     11/min Power Regeneration (Trickster)

Slot: Feet
Armor: 10
Shields: 27
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Sunfire)
		     11/min Power Regeneration (Trickster)


Armor: 72
Shields: 210
Equip Cost: 29 Str, 29 Stam
Item Level: 37
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Head
Armor: 12
Shields: 33
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 5 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 8
Shields: 25
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Chest
Armor: 16
Shields: 49
Equip Cost: 7 Str, 7 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Hands
Armor: 8
Shields: 21
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Waist
Armor: 6
Shields: 16
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Legs
Armor: 12
Shields: 37
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 5 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Armor: 10
Shields: 29
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A


Armor: 80
Shields: 225
Equip Cost: 32 Str, 32 Stam
Item Level: 40
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Head
Armor: 13
Shields: 35
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 5 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 9
Shields: 26
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Chest
Armor: 18
Shields: 53
Equip Cost: 8 Str, 8 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Hands
Armor: 9
Shields: 22
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Waist
Armor: 7
Shields: 18
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Legs
Armor: 13
Shields: 40
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 6 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Armor: 11
Shields: 31
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A


Armor: 83
Shields: 234
Equip Cost: 32 Str, 32 Stam
Item Level: 42
Inherent Attributes: +224% Elemental Effects Strength

Slot: Head
Armor: 14
Shields: 37
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 5 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +32% Elemental Effects Strength

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 9
Shields: 28
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +32% Elemental Effects Strength

Slot: Chest
Armor: 18
Shields: 55
Equip Cost: 8 Str, 8 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +32% Elemental Effects Strength

Slot: Hands
Armor: 9
Shields: 23
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +32% Elemental Effects Strength

Slot: Waist
Armor: 7
Shields: 18
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +32% Elemental Effects Strength

Slot: Legs
Armor: 14
Shields: 41
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 6 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +32% Elemental Effects Strength

Slot: Feet
Armor: 12
Shields: 32
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +32% Elemental Effects Strength


Armor: 84
Shields: 239
Equip Cost: 33 Str, 33 Stam
Item Level: 43
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Extraplanar)
		     91/min Power Regeneration (Chaos)

Slot: Head
Armor: 14
Shields: 38
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 5 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Extraplanar)
		     13/min Power Regeneration (Chaos)

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 9
Shields: 28
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Extraplanar)
		     13/min Power Regeneration (Chaos)

Slot: Chest
Armor: 19
Shields: 56
Equip Cost: 8 Str, 8 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Extraplanar)
		     13/min Power Regeneration (Chaos)

Slot: Hands
Armor: 9
Shields: 23
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Extraplanar)
		     13/min Power Regeneration (Chaos)

Slot: Waist
Armor: 7
Shields: 19
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Extraplanar)
		     13/min Power Regeneration (Chaos)

Slot: Legs
Armor: 14
Shields: 42
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 6 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Extraplanar)
		     13/min Power Regeneration (Chaos)

Slot: Feet
Armor: 12
Shields: 33
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 5 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Extraplanar)
		     13/min Power Regeneration (Chaos)


Armor: 91
Shields: 255
Equip Cost: 36 Str, 36 Stam
Item Level: 46
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Head
Armor: 15
Shields: 40
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 6 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 10
Shields: 30
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Chest
Armor: 20
Shields: 60
Equip Cost: 9 Str, 9 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Hands
Armor: 10
Shields: 25
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Waist
Armor: 8
Shields: 20
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Legs
Armor: 15
Shields: 45
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 6 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Armor: 13
Shields: 35
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 5 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A


Armor: 91
Shields: 261
Equip Cost: 37 Str, 37 Stam
Item Level: 47
Inherent Attributes: +224% Elemental Effects Strength
		     98/min Power Regeneration

Slot: Head
Armor: 15
Shields: 41
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 6 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +32% Elemental Effects Strength
		     14/min Power Regeneration

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 10
Shields: 31
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +32% Elemental Effects Strength
		     14/min Power Regeneration

Slot: Chest
Armor: 20
Shields: 61
Equip Cost: 9 Str, 9 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +32% Elemental Effects Strength
		     14/min Power Regeneration

Slot: Hands
Armor: 10
Shields: 26
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +32% Elemental Effects Strength
		     14/min Power Regeneration

Slot: Waist
Armor: 8
Shields: 20
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +32% Elemental Effects Strength
		     14/min Power Regeneration

Slot: Legs
Armor: 15
Shields: 46
Equip Cost: 7 Str, 7 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +32% Elemental Effects Strength
		     14/min Power Regeneration

Slot: Feet
Armor: 13
Shields: 36
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 5 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +32% Elemental Effects Strength
		     14/min Power Regeneration

				 Caster					   X2002


Shields: 183
Equip Cost: 17 Stam, 7 Will
Item Level: 8
Inherent Attributes: -7% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Head
Shields: 29
Equip Cost: 3 Stam, 1 Will
Inherent Attributes: -1% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Shoulder
Shields: 22
Equip Cost: 2 Stam, 1 Will
Inherent Attributes: -1% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Chest
Shields: 43
Equip Cost: 4 Stam, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: -1% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Hands
Shields: 18
Equip Cost: 2 Stam, 1 Will
Inherent Attributes: -1% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Waist
Shields: 14
Equip Cost: 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: -1% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Legs
Shields: 32
Equip Cost: 3 Stam, 1 Will
Inherent Attributes: -1% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Feet
Shields: 25
Equip Cost: 2 Stam, 1 Will
Inherent Attributes: -1% Evoker Skill Power Cost


Shields: 209
Equip Cost: 19 Stam, 7 Will
Item Level: 9
Inherent Attributes: -7-14% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     +7-14% Evoker Skill Use Rate

Slot: Head
Shields: 31
Equip Cost: 3 Stam, 1 Will
Inherent Attributes: -1% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     +1-2% Evoker Skill Use Rate

Slot: Shoulder
Shields: 23
Equip Cost: 2 Stam, 1 Will
Inherent Attributes: -1% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     +1-2% Evoker Skill Use Rate

Slot: Chest
Shields: 47
Equip Cost: 5 Stam, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: -1% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Vestments)
		     -2% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Surplice)
		     +1-2% Evoker Skill Use Rate

Slot: Hands
Shields: 20
Equip Cost: 2 Stam, 1 Will
Inherent Attributes: -1% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     +1-2% Evoker Skill Use Rate

Slot: Waist
Shields: 16
Equip Cost: 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: -1% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Sash)
		     -2% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Cord)
		     +1-2% Evoker Skill Use Rate

Slot: Legs
Shields: 35
Equip Cost: 3 Stam, 1 Will
Inherent Attributes: -1% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     +1-2% Evoker Skill Use Rate

Slot: Feet
Shields: 27
Equip Cost: 3 Stam, 1 Will
Inherent Attributes: -1% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Shoes)
		     -2% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Waders)
		     +1-2% Evoker Skill Use Rate


Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Stam, ? Will
Item Level: 12
Inherent Attributes: -7-14% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Head
Shields: 38
Equip Cost: 5 Stam, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: -2% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Shoulder
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Stam, ? Will
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Chest
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Stam, ? Will
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Hands
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Stam, ? Will
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Waist
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Stam, ? Will
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Legs
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Stam, ? Will
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Shields: 34
Equip Cost: 4 Stam, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: -1% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Shoes)
		     -2% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Waders)


Shields: 276
Equip Cost: 26 Stam, 12 Will
Item Level: 14
Inherent Attributes: -7-14% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Head
Shields: 43
Equip Cost: 4 Stam, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: -1% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Jawbone)
		     -2% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Shroud)

Slot: Shoulder
Shields: 32
Equip Cost: 3 Stam, 1 Will
Inherent Attributes: -1% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Badge)
	             -2% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Bedizens)

Slot: Chest
Shields: 65
Equip Cost: 6 Stam, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: -1% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Vestments)
		     -2% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Surplice)

Slot: Hands
Shields: 27
Equip Cost: 2 Stam, 1 Will
Inherent Attributes: -1% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Cuffs)
		     -2% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Sleeves)

Slot: Waist
Shields: 22
Equip Cost: 2 Stam, 1 Will
Inherent Attributes: -1% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Sash)
		     -2% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Cord)

Slot: Legs
Shields: 49
Equip Cost: 5 Stam, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: -2% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Feet
Shields: 38
Equip Cost: 4 Stam, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: -1% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Shoes)
		     -2% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Waders)


Shields: 322
Equip Cost: 32 Stam, 15 Will
Item Level: 17
Inherent Attributes: -14-28% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     70% Shield Penetration (Adamantine)
		     +14-28% Evoker Skill Use Rate (Restorative)

Slot: Head
Shields: 50
Equip Cost: 5 Stam, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: -3% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Vizard)
		     -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Cornuthaum)
		     10% Shield Penetration (Adamantine)
		     +2-3% Evoker Skill Use Rate (Restorative)

Slot: Shoulder
Shields: 38
Equip Cost: 4 Stam, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: -2% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Bedizens)
		     -3% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Albs)
		     10% Shield Penetration (Adamantine)
		     +2-3% Evoker Skill Use Rate (Restorative)

Slot: Chest
Shields: 76
Equip Cost: 8 Stam, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: -2% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Surplice)
		     -3% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Chasulbe)
		     10% Shield Penetration (Adamantine)
		     +2-3% Evoker Skill Use Rate (Restorative)

Slot: Hands
Shields: 32
Equip Cost: 3 Stam, 1 Will
Inherent Attributes: -3% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Gussets)
		     -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Duellos)
		     10% Shield Penetration (Adamantine)
		     +2-3% Evoker Skill Use Rate (Restorative)

Slot: Waist
Shields: 25
Equip Cost: 2 Stam, 1 Will
Inherent Attributes: -3% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Braid)
		     -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Hold)
		     10% Shield Penetration (Adamantine)
		     +2-3% Evoker Skill Use Rate (Restorative)

Slot: Legs
Shields: 57
Equip Cost: 6 Stam, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: -2% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Salwars)
		     -3% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Jodhpurs)
		     -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Trews)
		     10% Shield Penetration (Adamantine)
		     +2-3% Evoker Skill Use Rate (Restorative)

Slot: Feet
Shields: 44
Equip Cost: 4 Stam, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: -3% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Hip-Waders)
		     -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Strolls)
		     10% Shield Penetration (Adamantine)
		     +2-3% Evoker Skill Use Rate (Restorative)


Shields: 336
Equip Cost: 32 Stam, 15 Will
Item Level: 18
Inherent Attributes: -14-28% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Head
Shields: 53
Equip Cost: 5 Stam, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: -2% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Shroud)
		     -3% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Vizard)

Slot: Shoulder
Shields: 40
Equip Cost: 4 Stam, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: -2% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Bedizens)
		     -3% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Albs)

Slot: Chest
Shields: 79
Equip Cost: 8 Stam, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: -2% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Surplice)
		     -3% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Chasulbe)

Slot: Hands
Shields: 33
Equip Cost: 3 Stam, 1 Will
Inherent Attributes: -2% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Sleeves)
		     -3% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Gussets)

Slot: Waist
Shields: 26
Equip Cost: 2 Stam, 1 Will
Inherent Attributes: -3% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Sleeves)

Slot: Legs
Shields: 59
Equip Cost: 6 Stam, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: -3% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Feet
Shields: 46
Equip Cost: 4 Stam, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: -2% Evoker Skill Power Cost


Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Stam, ? Will
Item Level: 21
Inherent Attributes: -14-28% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Head
Shields: 60
Equip Cost: 6 Stam, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: -2% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Shroud)
		     -3% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Vizard)

Slot: Shoulder
Shields: 45
Equip Cost: 4 Stam, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: -2% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Bedizens)
		     -3% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Albs)

Slot: Chest
Shields: 90
Equip Cost: 9 Stam, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: -2% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Surplice)
		     -3% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Chasulbe)

Slot: Hands
Shields: 38
Equip Cost: 4 Stam, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: -2% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Sleeves)
		     -3% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Gussets)

Slot: Waist
Shields: 30
Equip Cost: 3 Stam, 1 Will
Inherent Attributes: -3% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Legs
Shields: 68
Equip Cost: 7 Stam, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: -2% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Salwars)
		     -3% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Jodhpurs)

Slot: Feet
Shields: 53
Equip Cost: 5 Stam, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: -2% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Waders)
		     -3% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Hip-Waders)


Shields: 413
Equip Cost: 41 Stam, 19 Will
Item Level: 23
Inherent Attributes: -21-28% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Head
Shields: 65
Equip Cost: 6 Stam, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: -3% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Shoulder
Shields: 49
Equip Cost: 5 Stam, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: -3% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Chest
Shields: 97
Equip Cost: 10 Stam, 5 Will
Inherent Attributes: -3% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Chasulbe)
		     -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Chiton)

Slot: Hands
Shields: 40
Equip Cost: 4 Stam, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: -3% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Gussets)
		     -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Duellos)

Slot: Waist
Shields: 32
Equip Cost: 3 Stam, 1 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Legs
Shields: 73
Equip Cost: 7 Stam, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: -3% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Jodhpurs)
		     -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Trews)

Slot: Feet
Shields: 57
Equip Cost: 6 Stam, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: -3% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Hip-Waders)
		     -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost (Strolls)


Shields: 475
Equip Cost: 44 Stam, 20 Will
Item Level: 27
Inherent Attributes: -28% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     +21-28% Evoker Skill Use Rate (Harmonic)

Slot: Head
Shields: 74
Equip Cost: 7 Stam, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     +3-4% Evoker Skill Use Rate (Harmonic)

Slot: Shoulder
Shields: 56
Equip Cost: 5 Stam, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     +3-4% Evoker Skill Use Rate (Harmonic)

Slot: Chest
Shields: 112
Equip Cost: 11 Stam, 5 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     +3-4% Evoker Skill Use Rate (Harmonic)

Slot: Hands
Shields: 47
Equip Cost: 4 Stam, 1 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     +3-4% Evoker Skill Use Rate (Harmonic)

Slot: Waist
Shields: 37
Equip Cost: 3 Stam, 1 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     +3-4% Evoker Skill Use Rate (Harmonic)

Slot: Legs
Shields: 84
Equip Cost: 8 Stam, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     +3-4% Evoker Skill Use Rate (Harmonic)

Slot: Feet
Shields: 65
Equip Cost: 6 Stam, 1 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     +3-4% Evoker Skill Use Rate (Harmonic)


Shields: 505
Equip Cost: 51 Stam, 24 Will
Item Level: 29
Inherent Attributes: -28% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Head
Shields: 79
Equip Cost: 8 Stam, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Shoulder
Shields: 59
Equip Cost: 6 Stam, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Chest
Shields: 119
Equip Cost: 12 Stam, 6 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Hands
Shields: 50
Equip Cost: 5 Stam, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Waist
Shields: 40
Equip Cost: 4 Stam, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Legs
Shields: 89
Equip Cost: 9 Stam, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Feet
Shields: 69
Equip Cost: 7 Stam, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost


Shields: 534
Equip Cost: 52 Stam, 24 Will
Item Level: 31
Inherent Attributes: -28% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     100% Shield Penetration

Slot: Head
Shields: 84
Equip Cost: 8 Stam, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     15% Shield Penetration

Slot: Shoulder
Shields: 63
Equip Cost: 6 Stam, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     15% Shield Penetration

Slot: Chest
Shields: 123
Equip Cost: 13 Stam, 6 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     15% Shield Penetration

Slot: Hands
Shields: 53
Equip Cost: 5 Stam, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     15% Shield Penetration

Slot: Waist
Shields: 42
Equip Cost: 4 Stam, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     15% Shield Penetration

Slot: Legs
Shields: 95
Equip Cost: 9 Stam, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     15% Shield Penetration

Slot: Feet
Shields: 74
Equip Cost: 7 Stam, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     15% Shield Penetration


Shields: 566
Equip Cost: 55 Stam, 26 Will
Item Level: 33
Inherent Attributes: -28% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Head
Shields: 89
Equip Cost: 9 Stam, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Shoulder
Shields: 67
Equip Cost: 6 Stam, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Chest
Shields: 133
Equip Cost: 13 Stam, 6 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Hands
Shields: 55
Equip Cost: 5 Stam, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Waist
Shields: 44
Equip Cost: 4 Stam, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Legs
Shields: 100
Equip Cost: 10 Stam, 5 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Feet
Shields: 78
Equip Cost: 8 Stam, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost


Shields: 596
Equip Cost: 58 Stam, 28 Will
Item Level: 35
Inherent Attributes: -28% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     100% Shield Penetration (Onslaught)
		     +28-35% Evoker Skill Use Rate (Onslaught & Reanimator)

Slot: Head
Shields: 94
Equip Cost: 9 Stam, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     15% Shield Penetration (Onslaught)
		     +4-5% Evoker Skill Use Rate (Onslaught & Reanimator)

Slot: Shoulder
Shields: 70
Equip Cost: 7 Stam, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     15% Shield Penetration (Onslaught)
		     +4-5% Evoker Skill Use Rate (Onslaught & Reanimator)

Slot: Chest
Shields: 140
Equip Cost: 14 Stam, 7 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     15% Shield Penetration (Onslaught)
		     +4-5% Evoker Skill Use Rate (Onslaught & Reanimator)

Slot: Hands
Shields: 58
Equip Cost: 6 Stam, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     15% Shield Penetration (Onslaught)
		     +4-5% Evoker Skill Use Rate (Onslaught & Reanimator)

Slot: Waist
Shields: 47
Equip Cost: 4 Stam, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     15% Shield Penetration (Onslaught)
		     +4-5% Evoker Skill Use Rate (Onslaught & Reanimator)

Slot: Legs
Shields: 105
Equip Cost: 10 Stam, 5 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     15% Shield Penetration (Onslaught)
		     +4-5% Evoker Skill Use Rate (Onslaught & Reanimator)

Slot: Feet
Shields: 82
Equip Cost: 8 Stam, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     15% Shield Penetration (Onslaught)
		     +4-5% Evoker Skill Use Rate (Onslaught & Reanimator)


Shields: 658
Equip Cost: 66 Stam, 32 Will
Item Level: 39
Inherent Attributes: -28% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Head
Shields: 103
Equip Cost: 10 Stam, 5 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Shoulder
Shields: 77
Equip Cost: 8 Stam, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Chest
Shields: 155
Equip Cost: 16 Stam, 8 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Hands
Shields: 65
Equip Cost: 6 Stam, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Waist
Shields: 52
Equip Cost: 5 Stam, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Legs
Shields: 116
Equip Cost: 12 Stam, 6 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Feet
Shields: 90
Equip Cost: 9 Stam, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost


Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Stam, ? Will
Item Level: 41
Inherent Attributes: -28% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Head
Shields: 108
Equip Cost: 14 Stam, 7 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Shoulder
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Stam, ? Will
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Chest
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Stam, ? Will
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Hands
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Stam, ? Will
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Waist
Shields: 54
Equip Cost: 7 Stam, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Legs
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Stam, ? Will
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Stam, ? Will
Inherent Attributes: N/A


Shields: 720
Equip Cost: 71 Stam, 33 Will
Item Level: 43
Inherent Attributes: -28% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     100% Shield Penetration

Slot: Head
Shields: 113
Equip Cost: 11 Stam, 5 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     20% Shield Penetration

Slot: Shoulder
Shields: 86
Equip Cost: 8 Stam, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     20% Shield Penetration

Slot: Chest
Shields: 169
Equip Cost: 17 Stam, 8 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     20% Shield Penetration

Slot: Hands
Shields: 70
Equip Cost: 7 Stam, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     20% Shield Penetration

Slot: Waist
Shields: 56
Equip Cost: 5 Stam, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     20% Shield Penetration

Slot: Legs
Shields: 127
Equip Cost: 13 Stam, 6 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     20% Shield Penetration

Slot: Feet
Shields: 99
Equip Cost: 10 Stam, 5 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     20% Shield Penetration


Shields: 749
Equip Cost: 75 Stam, 36 Will
Item Level: 45
Inherent Attributes: -28% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     +35-42% Evoker Skill Use Rate (Havoc)

Slot: Head
Shields: 118
Equip Cost: 12 Stam, 6 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     +5-6% Evoker Skill Use Rate (Havoc)

Slot: Shoulder
Shields: 88
Equip Cost: 9 Stam, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     +5-6% Evoker Skill Use Rate (Havoc)

Slot: Chest
Shields: 176
Equip Cost: 18 Stam, 9 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     +5-6% Evoker Skill Use Rate (Havoc)

Slot: Hands
Shields: 73
Equip Cost: 7 Stam, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     +5-6% Evoker Skill Use Rate (Havoc)

Slot: Waist
Shields: 59
Equip Cost: 6 Stam, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     +5-6% Evoker Skill Use Rate (Havoc)

Slot: Legs
Shields: 132
Equip Cost: 13 Stam, 6 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     +5-6% Evoker Skill Use Rate (Havoc)

Slot: Feet
Shields: 103
Equip Cost: 10 Stam, 5 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     +5-6% Evoker Skill Use Rate (Havoc)


Shields: 781
Equip Cost: 77 Stam, 37 Will
Item Level: 47
Inherent Attributes: -28% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Head
Shields: 122
Equip Cost: 12 Stam, 6 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Shoulder
Shields: 92
Equip Cost: 9 Stam, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Chest
Shields: 184
Equip Cost: 18 Stam, 9 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Hands
Shields: 77
Equip Cost: 7 Stam, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Waist
Shields: 61
Equip Cost: 6 Stam, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Legs
Shields: 138
Equip Cost: 14 Stam, 7 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost

Slot: Feet
Shields: 107
Equip Cost: 11 Stam, 5 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost


Shields: 811
Equip Cost: 80 Stam, 38 Will
Item Level: 49
Inherent Attributes: -28% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     100% Shield Penetration
		     +35-42% Evoker Skill Use Rate

Slot: Head
Shields: 127
Equip Cost: 13 Stam, 6 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     20% Shield Penetration
		     +5-6% Evoker Skill Use Rate (Havoc)

Slot: Shoulder
Shields: 95
Equip Cost: 9 Stam, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     20% Shield Penetration
		     +5-6% Evoker Skill Use Rate (Havoc)

Slot: Chest
Shields: 191
Equip Cost: 19 Stam, 9 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     20% Shield Penetration
		     +5-6% Evoker Skill Use Rate (Havoc)

Slot: Hands
Shields: 80
Equip Cost: 8 Stam, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     20% Shield Penetration
		     +5-6% Evoker Skill Use Rate (Havoc)

Slot: Waist
Shields: 64
Equip Cost: 6 Stam, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     20% Shield Penetration
		     +5-6% Evoker Skill Use Rate (Havoc)

Slot: Legs
Shields: 143
Equip Cost: 14 Stam, 7 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     20% Shield Penetration
		     +5-6% Evoker Skill Use Rate (Havoc)

Slot: Feet
Shields: 111
Equip Cost: 11 Stam, 5 Will
Inherent Attributes: -4% Evoker Skill Power Cost
		     20% Shield Penetration
		     +5-6% Evoker Skill Use Rate (Havoc)

				Conjurer				   X2003


Armor: 16
Shields: 83
Equip Cost: 7 Str, 17 Will
Item Level: 8
Inherent Attributes: +29% Minion Damage
		     +28% Minion Health

Slot: Head
Armor: 2
Shields: 13
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage
		     +4% Minion Health

Flared Shoulder
Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 2
Shields: 10
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: +4% Minion Damage
		     +4% Minion Health

Slot: Chest
Armor: 4
Shields: 19
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: +6% Minion Damage
		     +4% Minion Health

Slot: Hands
Armor: 2
Shields: 8
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     +4% Minion Health

Slot: Waist
Armor: 1
Shields: 7
Equip Cost: 1 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     +4% Minion Health

Slot: Legs
Armor: 3
Shields: 14
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage
		     +4% Minion Health

Slot: Feet
Armor: 2
Shields: 12
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     +4% Minion Health


Armor: 18
Shields: 91
Equip Cost: 8 Str, 20 Will
Item Level: 9
Inherent Attributes: +29% Minion Damage

Slot: Head
Armor: 3
Shields: 14
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage

Flared Shoulder
Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 2
Shields: 10
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: +4% Minion Damage

Slot: Chest
Armor: 4
Shields: 21
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 6 Will
Inherent Attributes: +6% Minion Damage

Slot: Hands
Armor: 2
Shields: 9
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage

Slot: Waist
Armor: 1
Shields: 8
Equip Cost: 1 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage

Slot: Legs
Armor: 3
Shields: 16
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage

Slot: Feet
Armor: 3
Shields: 13
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage


Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str, ? Will
Item Level: 11
Inherent Attributes: +29% Minion Damage

Slot: Head
Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str, ? Will
Inherent Attributes: N/A

*Flared Shoulder
Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 2
Shields: 12
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: +4% Minion Damage

Slot: Chest
Armor: 5
Shields: 24
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 7 Will
Inherent Attributes: +6% Minion Damage

Slot: Hands
Armor: 2
Shields: 11
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage

Slot: Waist
Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str, ? Will
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Legs
Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str, ? Will
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str, ? Will
Inherent Attributes: N/A


Armor: 27
Shields: 132
Equip Cost: 12 Str, 28 Will
Item Level: 15
Inherent Attributes: +29% Minion Damage

Slot: Head
Armor: 4
Shields: 21
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 3
Shields: 15
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: +4% Minion Damage

Slot: Chest
Armor: 6
Shields: 30
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 7 Will
Inherent Attributes: +6% Minion Damage

Slot: Hands
Armor: 3
Shields: 13
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage

Slot: Waist
Armor: 2
Shields: 11
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage

Slot: Legs
Armor: 5
Shields: 23
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 5 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage

Slot: Feet
Armor: 4
Shields: 19
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage


Armor: 27
Shields: 148
Equip Cost: 15 Str, 32 Will
Item Level: 17
Inherent Attributes: +29% Minion Damage

Slot: Head
Armor: 4
Shields: 23
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 5 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage

Boneshoulder/Shoulder Shell
Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 3
Shields: 17
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: +4% Minion Damage

Slot: Chest
Armor: 6
Shields: 34
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 8 Will
Inherent Attributes: +6% Minion Damage

Slot: Hands
Armor: 3
Shields: 15
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage

Slot: Waist
Armor: 2
Shields: 13
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage

Slot: Legs
Armor: 5
Shields: 25
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 6 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage

Slot: Feet
Armor: 4
Shields: 21
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage

    ////GUARDIAN - PYRIC\\

Armor: 29
Shields: 153
Equip Cost: 15 Str, 32 Will
Item Level: 18
Inherent Attributes: +29% Minion Damage
		     +42% Minion Health (Pyric)
		     +70% Minion Armor (Guardian)

Slot: Head
Armor: 4
Shields: 24
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 5 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage
		     +6% Minion Health (Pyric)
		     +10% Minion Armor (Guardian)

Shoulder Shell/Spine Shoulders
Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 3
Shields: 18
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: +4% Minion Damage
		     +6% Minion Health (Pyric)
		     +10% Minion Armor (Guardian)

Slot: Chest
Armor: 7
Shields: 35
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 8 Will
Inherent Attributes: +6% Minion Damage
		     +6% Minion Health (Pyric)
		     +10% Minion Armor (Guardian)

Slot: Hands
Armor: 3
Shields: 15
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     +6% Minion Health (Pyric)
		     +10% Minion Armor (Guardian)

Slot: Waist
Armor: 2
Shields: 13
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     +6% Minion Health (Pyric)
		     +10% Minion Armor (Guardian)

Slot: Legs
Armor: 6
Shields: 26
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 6 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage
		     +6% Minion Health (Pyric)
		     +10% Minion Armor (Guardian)

Slot: Feet
Armor: 4
Shields: 22
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     +6% Minion Health (Pyric)
		     +10% Minion Armor (Guardian)


Armor: 33
Shields: 167
Equip Cost: 16 Str, 36 Will
Item Level: 20
Inherent Attributes: +29% Minion Damage

Slot: Head
Armor: 5
Shields: 26
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 6 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 4
Shields: 19
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: +4% Minion Damage

Slot: Chest
Armor: 7
Shields: 38
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 9 Will
Inherent Attributes: +6% Minion Damage

Slot: Hands
Armor: 4
Shields: 17
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage

Slot: Waist
Armor: 2
Shields: 14
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage

Slot: Legs
Armor: 6
Shields: 29
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 6 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage

Slot: Feet
Armor: 5
Shields: 24
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 5 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage


Armor: 38
Shields: 197
Equip Cost: 19 Str, 42 Will
Item Level: 24
Inherent Attributes: +29% Minion Damage

Slot: Head
Armor: 6
Shields: 31
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 7 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage

Shoulder Shell
Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 4
Shields: 22
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 5 Will
Inherent Attributes: +4% Minion Damage

Slot: Chest
Armor: 8
Shields: 45
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 10 Will
Inherent Attributes: +6% Minion Damage

Slot: Hands
Armor: 4
Shields: 20
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage

Slot: Waist
Armor: 3
Shields: 17
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage

Slot: Legs
Armor: 7
Shields: 34
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 7 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage

Slot: Feet
Armor: 6
Shields: 28
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 6 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage

    ////WARDEN - VOLTAIC\\

Armor: 42
Shields: 210
Equip Cost: 20 Str, 44 Will
Item Level: 26
Inherent Attributes: +29% Minion Damage
		     +56% Minion Health (Voltaic)

Slot: Head
Armor: 6
Shields: 33
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 7 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage
		     +8% Minion Health (Voltaic)

Spine Shoulders
Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 5
Shields: 24
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 5 Will
Inherent Attributes: +4% Minion Damage
		     +8% Minion Health (Voltaic)

Slot: Chest
Armor: 9
Shields: 48
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 11 Will
Inherent Attributes: +6% Minion Damage
		     +8% Minion Health (Voltaic)

Slot: Hands
Armor: 5
Shields: 21
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     +8% Minion Health (Voltaic)

Slot: Waist
Armor: 3
Shields: 18
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     +8% Minion Health (Voltaic)

Slot: Legs
Armor: 8
Shields: 36
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 8 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage
		     +8% Minion Health (Voltaic)

Slot: Feet
Armor: 6
Shields: 30
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 6 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     +8% Minion Health (Voltaic)


Armor: 46
Shields: 237
Equip Cost: 24 Str, 51 Will
Item Level: 30
Inherent Attributes: +29% Minion Damage
		     +108% Minion Armor (Preserver)

Slot: Head
Armor: 7
Shields: 37
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 8 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage
		     +15% Minion Armor (Preserver)

Spine Shoulders
Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 5
Shields: 27
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 6 Will
Inherent Attributes: +4% Minion Damage
		     +15% Minion Armor (Preserver)

Slot: Chest
Armor: 10
Shields: 54
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 12 Will
Inherent Attributes: +6% Minion Damage
		     +15% Minion Armor (Preserver)

Slot: Hands
Armor: 5
Shields: 24
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 5 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     +15% Minion Armor (Preserver)

Slot: Waist
Armor: 3
Shields: 20
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     +15% Minion Armor (Preserver)

Slot: Legs
Armor: 9
Shields: 41
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 9 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage
		     +15% Minion Armor (Preserver)

Slot: Feet
Armor: 7
Shields: 34
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 7 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     +15% Minion Armor (Preserver)


Armor: 48
Shields: 253
Equip Cost: 25 Str, 53 Will
Item Level: 32
Inherent Attributes: +29% Minion Damage

Slot: Head
Armor: 7
Shields: 40
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 8 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage

Spine Shoulders
Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 5
Shields: 29
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 6 Will
Inherent Attributes: +4% Minion Damage

Slot: Chest
Armor: 11
Shields: 58
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 13 Will
Inherent Attributes: +6% Minion Damage

Slot: Hands
Armor: 5
Shields: 25
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 5 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage

Slot: Waist
Armor: 4
Shields: 22
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage

Slot: Legs
Armor: 9
Shields: 43
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 10 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage

Slot: Feet
Armor: 7
Shields: 36
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 7 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage


Armor: 52
Shields: 264
Equip Cost: 27 Str, 57 Will
Item Level: 34
Inherent Attributes: +29% Minion Damage
		     +70% Minion Health
		     +105% Minion Armor

Slot: Head
Armor: 8
Shields: 42
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 9 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage
		     +10% Minion Health
		     +15% Minion Armor

Spine Shoulders
Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 6
Shields: 30
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 7 Will
Inherent Attributes: +4% Minion Damage
		     +10% Minion Health
		     +15% Minion Armor

Slot: Chest
Armor: 11
Shields: 61
Equip Cost: 7 Str, 14 Will
Inherent Attributes: +6% Minion Damage
		     +10% Minion Health
		     +15% Minion Armor

Slot: Hands
Armor: 5
Shields: 24
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 5 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     +10% Minion Health
		     +15% Minion Armor

Slot: Waist
Armor: 4
Shields: 23
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     +10% Minion Health
		     +15% Minion Armor

Slot: Legs
Armor: 10
Shields: 46
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 10 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage
		     +10% Minion Health
		     +15% Minion Armor

Slot: Feet
Armor: 8
Shields: 38
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 8 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     +10% Minion Health
		     +15% Minion Armor


Armor: 54
Shields: 280
Equip Cost: 28 Str, 59 Will
Item Level: 36
Inherent Attributes: +29% Minion Damage
		     +70% Minion Health (Prismatic)

Slot: Head
Armor: 8
Shields: 44
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 9 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage
		     +10% Minion Health (Prismatic)

Spine Shoulders
Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 6
Shields: 32
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 7 Will
Inherent Attributes: +4% Minion Damage
		     +10% Minion Health (Prismatic)

Slot: Chest
Armor: 12
Shields: 64
Equip Cost: 7 Str, 14 Will
Inherent Attributes: +6% Minion Damage
		     +10% Minion Health (Prismatic)

Slot: Hands
Armor: 6
Shields: 28
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 6 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     +10% Minion Health (Prismatic)

Slot: Waist
Armor: 4
Shields: 24
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     +10% Minion Health (Prismatic)

Slot: Legs
Armor: 10
Shields: 48
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 11 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage
		     +10% Minion Health (Prismatic)

Slot: Feet
Armor: 8
Shields: 40
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 8 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     +10% Minion Health (Prismatic)


Armor: 56
Shields: 293
Equip Cost: 29 Str, 63 Will
Item Level: 38
Inherent Attributes: +29% Minion Damage

Slot: Head
Armor: 8
Shields: 46
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 10 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage

Spine Shoulders
Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 6
Shields: 34
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 7 Will
Inherent Attributes: +4% Minion Damage

Slot: Chest
Armor: 13
Shields: 67
Equip Cost: 7 Str, 15 Will
Inherent Attributes: +6% Minion Damage

Slot: Hands
Armor: 6
Shields: 29
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 6 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage

Slot: Waist
Armor: 4
Shields: 25
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 5 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage

Slot: Legs
Armor: 11
Shields: 50
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 11 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage

Slot: Feet
Armor: 8
Shields: 42
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 9 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage


Armor: 65
Shields: 337
Equip Cost: 33 Str, 71 Will
Item Level: 44
Inherent Attributes: +29% Minion Damage
		     +84% Minion Health (Phantasmic)
		     +140% Minion Armor (Vault)

Slot: Head
Armor: 10
Shields: 53
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 11 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage
		     +12% Minion Health (Phantasmic)
		     +20% Minion Armor (Vault)

Spine Shoulders
Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 7
Shields: 38
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 8 Will
Inherent Attributes: +4% Minion Damage
		     +12% Minion Health (Phantasmic)
		     +20% Minion Armor (Vault)

Slot: Chest
Armor: 14
Shields: 77
Equip Cost: 8 Str, 17 Will
Inherent Attributes: +6% Minion Damage
		     +12% Minion Health (Phantasmic)
		     +20% Minion Armor (Vault)

Slot: Hands
Armor: 7
Shields: 34
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 7 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     +12% Minion Health (Phantasmic)
		     +20% Minion Armor (Vault)

Slot: Waist
Armor: 5
Shields: 29
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 5 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     +12% Minion Health (Phantasmic)
		     +20% Minion Armor (Vault)

Slot: Legs
Armor: 12
Shields: 58
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 13 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage
		     +12% Minion Health (Phantasmic)
		     +20% Minion Armor (Vault)

Slot: Feet
Armor: 10
Shields: 48
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 10 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     +12% Minion Health (Phantasmic)
		     +20% Minion Armor (Vault)


Armor: 70
Shields: 363
Equip Cost: 38 Str, 79 Will
Item Level: 48
Inherent Attributes: +29% Minion Damage

Slot: Head
Armor: 10
Shields: 57
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 12 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage

Spine Shoulders
Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 8
Shields: 42
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 9 Will
Inherent Attributes: +4% Minion Damage

Slot: Chest
Armor: 16
Shields: 83
Equip Cost: 9 Str, 19 Will
Inherent Attributes: +6% Minion Damage

Slot: Hands
Armor: 8
Shields: 36
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 8 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage

Slot: Waist
Armor: 5
Shields: 31
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 6 Will
Inherent Attributes: 3% Minion Damage

Slot: Legs
Armor: 13
Shields: 62
Equip Cost: 7 Str, 14 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage

Slot: Feet
Armor: 10
Shields: 52
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 11 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage


Armor: 72
Shields: 377
Equip Cost: 38 Str, 80 Will
Item Level: 50
Inherent Attributes: +29% Minion Damage
		     +84% Minion Health
		     +140% Minion Armor

Slot: Head
Armor: 11
Shields: 59
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 13 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage
		     +12% Minion Health
		     +20% Minion Armor

Spine Shoulders
Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 8
Shields: 43
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 9 Will
Inherent Attributes: +4% Minion Damage
		     +12% Minion Health
		     +20% Minion Armor

Slot: Chest
Armor: 16
Shields: 86
Equip Cost: 9 Str, 19 Will
Inherent Attributes: +6% Minion Damage
		     +12% Minion Health
		     +20% Minion Armor

Slot: Hands
Armor: 8
Shields: 38
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 8 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     +12% Minion Health
		     +20% Minion Armor

Slot: Waist
Armor: 5
Shields: 32
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 6 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     +12% Minion Health
		     +20% Minion Armor

Slot: Legs
Armor: 13
Shields: 65
Equip Cost: 7 Str, 14 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage
		     +12% Minion Health
		     +20% Minion Armor

Slot: Feet
Armor: 11
Shields: 54
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 11 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     +12% Minion Health
		     +20% Minion Armor


This section encompasses the Engineer and Marksman classes.

Military armor can increase Movement Speed or Evasion. It relies on Strength
and Stamina.

Quartermaster armor is meant for Engineers and increases Minion Damage. It can
also increase Minion Health or add Shield Penetration. It relies on Strength
and Willpower.

Rifleman armor has no Armor value, and is meant for Marksmen. It can increase
Damage or the Use Rate of Marksman skills. It relies on Accuracy and Stamina.

				 Basic					   X3000


Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str, ? Stam
Item Level: 1
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Crash Helmet
Slot: Head
Armor: 1
Shields: 6
Equip Cost: N/A
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 1
Shields: 4
Equip Cost: N/A
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Aramid Fiber Vest
Slot: Chest
Armor: 1
Shields: 8
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Hands
Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: N/A
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Waist
Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: N/A
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Legs
Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: N/A
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: N/A
Inherent Attributes: N/A


Armor: 8
Shields: 49
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Item Level: 3
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Head
Armor: 1
Shields: 8
Equip Cost: N/A
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Pads/Patch/Shoulder Cap
Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 1
Shields: 6
Equip Cost: N/A
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Aramid Fiber Jack/Aramid Fiber Vest/Ballistic Vest
Slot: Chest
Armor: 2
Shields: 11
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Driver Gloves
Slot: Hands
Armor: 1
Shields: 5
Equip Cost: N/A
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Waist
Armor: 1
Shields: 4
Equip Cost: N/A
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Legs
Armor: 1
Shields: 8
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Half Boots/Low Boots
Slot: Feet
Armor: 1
Shields: 7
Equip Cost: N/A
Inherent Attributes: N/A


Armor: 13
Shields: 70
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 5 Stam
Item Level: 6
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Hard Hat/Headguard
Slot: Head
Armor: 2
Shields: 11
Equip Cost: N/A
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 2
Shields: 8
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Ballistic Armor/Vest
Slot: Chest
Armor: 3
Shields: 16
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Hands
Armor: 1
Shields: 7
Equip Cost: N/A
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Waist
Armor: 1
Shields: 6
Equip Cost: N/A
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Legs
Armor: 2
Shields: 12
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

High Boots
Slot: Feet
Armor: 2
Shields: 10
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A


Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str, ? Stam
Item Level: 8
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Head
Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str, ? Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str, ? Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Ballistic Armor
Slot: Chest
Armor: 3
Shields: 19
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Hands
Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str, ? Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Waist
Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str, ? Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Legs
Armor: 3
Shields: 16
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Jump Boots
Slot: Feet
Armor: 2
Shields: 13
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

				 Military				   X3001


Armor: 16
Shields: 104
Equip Cost: 7 Str, 7 Stam
Item Level: 8
Inherent Attributes: +7-14% Marksman Skill Use Rate

WAG Helm
Slot: Head
Armor: 2
Shields: 14
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +1-2% Marksman Skill Use Rate

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 2
Shields: 11
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +1-2% Marksman Skill Use Rate

Terminator Vest
Slot: Chest
Armor: 4
Shields: 22
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +1-2% Marksman Skill Use Rate

Slot: Hands
Armor: 2
Shields: 10
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +1-2% Marksman Skill Use Rate

Slot: Waist
Armor: 1
Shields: 7
Equip Cost: N/A
Inherent Attributes: +1-2% Marksman Skill Use Rate

Plated Leathers
Slot: Legs
Armor: 3
Shields: 17
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +1-2% Marksman Skill Use Rate

Slot: Feet
Armor: 2
Shields: 13
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +1-2% Marksman Skill Use Rate


Armor: 18
Shields: 111
Equip Cost: 7 Str, 7 Stam
Item Level: 9
Inherent Attributes: N/A

WAG Helm
Slot: Head
Armor: 3
Shields: 16
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 2
Shields: 12
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Terminator Vest
Slot: Chest
Armor: 4
Shields: 23
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Hands
Armor: 2
Shields: 10
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Waist
Armor: 1
Shields: 8
Equip Cost: N/A
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Plated Leathers
Slot: Legs
Armor: 3
Shields: 18
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Armor: 3
Shields: 14
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A


Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str, ? Stam
Item Level: 13
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Head
Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str, ? Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str, ? Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Chest
Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str, ? Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Hands
Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str, ? Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Waist
Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str, ? Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

*Impact Leggings
Slot: Legs
Armor: 4
Shields: 24
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str, ? Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A


Armor: 27
Shields: 148
Equip Cost: 12 Str, 12 Stam
Item Level: 15
Inherent Attributes: N/A

WAG Helm
Slot: Head
Armor: 4
Shields: 23
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 3
Shields: 17
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Terminator Vest
Slot: Chest
Armor: 6
Shields: 34
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Hands
Armor: 3
Shields: 15
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Waist
Armor: 2
Shields: 11
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Plated Leathers
Slot: Legs
Armor: 5
Shields: 27
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Armor: 4
Shields: 21
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A


Armor: 27
Shields: 156
Equip Cost: 12 Str, 12 Stam
Item Level: 16
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Hidden)
		     +14 Evasion (Dreamweaver)
		     +21% Movement Speed (Mistwalker)

Farsights/SA-13 Headgear/Truesights
Slot: Head
Armor: 4
Shields: 24
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Hidden)
		     +2 Evasion (Dreamweaver)
		     +3% Movement Speed (Mistwalker)

Impact Pads/Slants/Steadiers
Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 3
Shields: 18
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Hidden)
		     +2 Evasion (Dreamweaver)
		     +3% Movement Speed (Mistwalker)

Ballistica/Body Armor/Safeguard
Slot: Chest
Armor: 6
Shields: 36
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Hidden)
		     +2 Evasion (Dreamweaver)
		     +3% Movement Speed (Mistwalker)

Slot: Hands
Armor: 3
Shields: 16
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Hidden)
		     +2 Evasion (Dreamweaver)
		     +3% Movement Speed (Mistwalker)

Ammo Belt/Packer/Web Belt
Slot: Waist
Armor: 2
Shields: 12
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Hidden)
		     +2 Evasion (Dreamweaver)
		     +3% Movement Speed (Mistwalker)

Impact Leggings/Leg Plates/Locktights
Slot: Legs
Armor: 5
Shields: 28
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Hidden)
		     +2 Evasion (Dreamweaver)
		     +3% Movement Speed (Mistwalker)

Slot: Feet
Armor: 4
Shields: 22
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Hidden)
		     +2 Evasion (Dreamweaver)
		     +3% Movement Speed (Mistwalker)


Armor: 31
Shields: 179
Equip Cost: 15 Str, 15 Stam
Item Level: 19
Inherent Attributes: N/A

SA-13 Headgear
Slot: Head
Armor: 5
Shields: 28
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Impact Pads/Steadiers
Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 3
Shields: 21
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Ballistica/Body Armor
Slot: Chest
Armor: 7
Shields: 41
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Hands
Armor: 3
Shields: 18
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Ammo Belt/Web Belt
Slot: Waist
Armor: 2
Shields: 14
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Impact Leggings/Leg Plates
Slot: Legs
Armor: 6
Shields: 32
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Armor: 5
Shields: 25
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A


Armor: 36
Shields: 203
Equip Cost: 17 Str, 17 Stam
Item Level: 22
Inherent Attributes: N/A

SA-13 Headgear
Slot: Head
Armor: 5
Shields: 31
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 4
Shields: 23
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Ballistica/Body Armor/Safeguard
Slot: Chest
Armor: 8
Shields: 47
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Hands
Armor: 4
Shields: 21
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Web Belt
Slot: Waist
Armor: 3
Shields: 16
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Impact Leggings/Locktights
Slot: Legs
Armor: 7
Shields: 36
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Armor: 5
Shields: 29
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A


Armor: 39
Shields: 226
Equip Cost: 20 Str, 20 Stam
Item Level: 25
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Tenebrous)
		     +28% Movement Speed (Slighthand)

Slot: Head
Armor: 6
Shields: 35
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Tenebrous)
		     +4% Movement Speed (Slighthand)

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 4
Shields: 26
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Tenebrous)
		     +4% Movement Speed (Slighthand)

Body Armor/Safeguard
Slot: Chest
Armor: 9
Shields: 52
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 5 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Tenebrous)
		     +4% Movement Speed (Slighthand)

Slot: Hands
Armor: 4
Shields: 23
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Tenebrous)
		     +4% Movement Speed (Slighthand)

Ammo Belt/Packer
Slot: Waist
Armor: 3
Shields: 17
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Tenebrous)
		     +4% Movement Speed (Slighthand)

Leg Plates
Slot: Legs
Armor: 7
Shields: 41
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Tenebrous)
		     +4% Movement Speed (Slighthand)

Slot: Feet
Armor: 6
Shields: 32
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Tenebrous)
		     +4% Movement Speed (Slighthand)

    ////CRYPT KEEPER\\

Armor: 43
Shields: 250
Equip Cost: 24 Str, 24 Stam
Item Level: 28
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Head
Armor: 6
Shields: 38
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 5
Shields: 29
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Chest
Armor: 10
Shields: 58
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 6 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Hands
Armor: 5
Shields: 26
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Waist
Armor: 3
Shields: 19
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Legs
Armor: 8
Shields: 45
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Armor: 6
Shields: 35
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A


Armor: 45
Shields: 257
Equip Cost: 24 Str, 24 Stam
Item Level: 29
Inherent Attributes: +21 Evasion

Slot: Head
Armor: 7
Shields: 40
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +3 Evasion

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 5
Shields: 30
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +3 Evasion

Slot: Chest
Armor: 10
Shields: 59
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 6 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +3 Evasion

Slot: Hands
Armor: 5
Shields: 26
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +3 Evasion

Slot: Waist
Armor: 3
Shields: 20
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +3 Evasion

Slot: Legs
Armor: 8
Shields: 46
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +3 Evasion

Slot: Feet
Armor: 7
Shields: 36
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +3 Evasion


Armor: 48
Shields: 275
Equip Cost: 24 Str, 24 Stam
Item Level: 31
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Head
Armor: 7
Shields: 42
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 5
Shields: 32
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Chest
Armor: 11
Shields: 63
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 6 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Hands
Armor: 5
Shields: 28
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Waist
Armor: 4
Shields: 21
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Legs
Armor: 9
Shields: 49
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Armor: 7
Shields: 39
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A


Armor: 50
Shields: 289
Equip Cost: 26 Str, 26 Stam
Item Level: 33
Inherent Attributes: +21 Evasion
		     +28% Movement Speed

Slot: Head
Armor: 7
Shields: 44
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +3 Evasion
		     +4% Movement Speed

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 6
Shields: 33
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +3 Evasion
		     +4% Movement Speed

Slot: Chest
Armor: 11
Shields: 67
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 6 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +3 Evasion
		     +4% Movement Speed

Slot: Hands
Armor: 6
Shields: 30
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +3 Evasion
		     +4% Movement Speed

Slot: Waist
Armor: 4
Shields: 22
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +3 Evasion
		     +4% Movement Speed

Slot: Legs
Armor: 9
Shields: 52
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 5 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +3 Evasion
		     +4% Movement Speed

Slot: Feet
Armor: 7
Shields: 41
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +3 Evasion
		     +4% Movement Speed


Armor: 53
Shields: 296
Equip Cost: 27 Str, 27 Stam
Item Level: 34
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Sunfire)
		     +28% Movement Speed (Trickster)

Slot: Head
Armor: 8
Shields: 46
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Sunfire)
		     +4% Movement Speed (Trickster)

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 6
Shields: 34
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Sunfire)
		     +4% Movement Speed (Trickster)

Slot: Chest
Armor: 11
Shields: 68
Equip Cost: 7 Str, 7 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Sunfire)
		     +4% Movement Speed (Trickster)

Slot: Hands
Armor: 6
Shields: 30
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Sunfire)
		     +4% Movement Speed (Trickster)

Slot: Waist
Armor: 4
Shields: 23
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Sunfire)
		     +4% Movement Speed (Trickster)

Slot: Legs
Armor: 10
Shields: 53
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 5 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Sunfire)
		     +4% Movement Speed (Trickster)

Slot: Feet
Armor: 8
Shields: 42
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Sunfire)
		     +4% Movement Speed (Trickster)


Armor: 54
Shields: 320
Equip Cost: 29 Str, 29 Stam
Item Level: 37
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Head
Armor: 8
Shields: 49
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 5 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 6
Shields: 37
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Chest
Armor: 12
Shields: 74
Equip Cost: 7 Str, 7 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Hands
Armor: 6
Shields: 33
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Waist
Armor: 4
Shields: 25
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Legs
Armor: 10
Shields: 57
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 5 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Armor: 8
Shields: 45
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A


Armor: 60
Shields: 343
Equip Cost: 32 Str, 32 Stam
Item Level: 40
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Head
Armor: 9
Shields: 53
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 5 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 7
Shields: 40
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Chest
Armor: 13
Shields: 79
Equip Cost: 8 Str, 8 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Hands
Armor: 7
Shields: 35
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Waist
Armor: 4
Shields: 26
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Legs
Armor: 11
Shields: 62
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 6 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Armor: 9
Shields: 48
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A


Armor: 63
Shields: 359
Equip Cost: 32 Str, 32 Stam
Item Level: 42
Inherent Attributes: +21 Evasion

Slot: Head
Armor: 9
Shields: 55
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 5 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +3 Evasion

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 7
Shields: 41
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +3 Evasion

Slot: Chest
Armor: 14
Shields: 83
Equip Cost: 8 Str, 8 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +3 Evasion

Slot: Hands
Armor: 7
Shields: 37
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +3 Evasion

Slot: Waist
Armor: 5
Shields: 28
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +3 Evasion

Slot: Legs
Armor: 12
Shields: 64
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 6 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +3 Evasion

Slot: Feet
Armor: 9
Shields: 51
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +3 Evasion


Armor: 63
Shields: 367
Equip Cost: 33 Str, 33 Stam
Item Level: 43
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Extraplanar)
		     +35% Movement Speed (Chaos)

Slot: Head
Armor: 9
Shields: 56
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 5 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Extraplanar)
		     +5% Movement Speed (Chaos)

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 7
Shields: 42
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Extraplanar)
		     +5% Movement Speed (Chaos)

Slot: Chest
Armor: 14
Shields: 85
Equip Cost: 8 Str, 8 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Extraplanar)
		     +5% Movement Speed (Chaos)

Slot: Hands
Armor: 7
Shields: 38
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Extraplanar)
		     +5% Movement Speed (Chaos)

Slot: Waist
Armor: 5
Shields: 28
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Extraplanar)
		     +5% Movement Speed (Chaos)

Slot: Legs
Armor: 12
Shields: 66
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 6 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Extraplanar)
		     +5% Movement Speed (Chaos)

Slot: Feet
Armor: 9
Shields: 52
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 5 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Extraplanar)
		     +5% Movement Speed (Chaos)


Armor: 69
Shields: 390
Equip Cost: 36 Str, 36 Stam
Item Level: 46
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Head
Armor: 10
Shields: 60
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 6 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 8
Shields: 45
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Chest
Armor: 15
Shields: 90
Equip Cost: 9 Str, 9 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Hands
Armor: 8
Shields: 40
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Waist
Armor: 5
Shields: 30
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Legs
Armor: 13
Shields: 70
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 6 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Armor: 10
Shields: 55
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 5 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A


Armor: 69
Shields: 398
Equip Cost: 37 Str, 37 Stam
Item Level: 47
Inherent Attributes: +21 Evasion
		     +35% Movement Speed

Slot: Head
Armor: 10
Shields: 61
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 6 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +3 Evasion
		     +5% Movement Speed

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 8
Shields: 46
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +3 Evasion
		     +5% Movement Speed

Slot: Chest
Armor: 15
Shields: 92
Equip Cost: 9 Str, 9 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +3 Evasion
		     +5% Movement Speed

Slot: Hands
Armor: 8
Shields: 41
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +3 Evasion
		     +5% Movement Speed

Slot: Waist
Armor: 5
Shields: 31
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +3 Evasion
		     +5% Movement Speed

Slot: Legs
Armor: 13
Shields: 71
Equip Cost: 7 Str, 7 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +3 Evasion
		     +5% Movement Speed

Slot: Feet
Armor: 10
Shields: 56
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 5 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +3 Evasion
		     +5% Movement Speed

				 Quartermaster				   X3002


Armor: 43
Shields: 33
Equip Cost: 17 Str, 7 Will
Item Level: 8
Inherent Attributes: +29% Minion Damage

Slot: Head
Armor: 7
Shields: 5
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 1 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage

CAS-42 Shoulders
Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 5
Shields: 4
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 1 Will
Inherent Attributes: +4% Minion Damage

Ballistic Vest
Slot: Chest
Armor: 10
Shields: 7
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: +6% Minion Damage

Slot: Hands
Armor: 4
Shields: 4
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 1 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage

Slot: Waist
Armor: 4
Shields: 2
Equip Cost: 1 Str
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage

Ballistic Leg Guards
Slot: Legs
Armor: 7
Shields: 6
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 1 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage

Combat Boots
Slot: Feet
Armor: 6
Shields: 5
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 1 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage


Armor: 46
Shields: 36
Equip Cost: 19 Str, 7 Will
Item Level: 9
Inherent Attributes: +29% Minion Damage
		     +28% Minion Health

Slot: Head
Armor: 7
Shields: 5
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 1 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage
		     +4% Minion Health

CAS-42 Shoulders
Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 5
Shields: 4
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 1 Will
Inherent Attributes: +4% Minion Damage
		     +4% Minion Health

Ballistic Vest
Slot: Chest
Armor: 10
Shields: 8
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: +6% Minion Damage
		     +4% Minion Health

Slot: Hands
Armor: 5
Shields: 4
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 1 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     +4% Minion Health

Slot: Waist
Armor: 4
Shields: 3
Equip Cost: 1 Str
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     +4% Minion Health

Ballistic Leg Guards
Slot: Legs
Armor: 8
Shields: 7
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 1 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage
		     +4% Minion Health

Combat Boots
Slot: Feet
Armor: 7
Shields: 5
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 1 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     +4% Minion Health


Armor: 62
Shields: 48
Equip Cost: 26 Str, 12 Will
Item Level: 14
Inherent Attributes: +29% Minion Damage

Slot: Head
Armor: 10
Shields: 7
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 7
Shields: 5
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 1 Will
Inherent Attributes: +4% Minion Damage

Arclight Armor/Ballistic Vest
Slot: Chest
Armor: 14
Shields: 11
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: +6% Minion Damage

Slot: Hands
Armor: 6
Shields: 5
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 1 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage

Slot: Waist
Armor: 5
Shields: 4
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 1 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage

Actuated Leg Guards/Ballistic Leg Guards
Slot: Legs
Armor: 11
Shields: 9
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage

Steeltoe Boots
Slot: Feet
Armor: 9
Shields: 7
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage


Armor: 72
Shields: 58
Equip Cost: 32 Str, 15 Will
Item Level: 17
Inherent Attributes: +29% Minion Damage
		     70% Shield Penetration (Adamantine)
		     +42% Minion Health (Restorative)

Slot: Head
Armor: 12
Shields: 8
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage
		     10% Shield Penetration (Adamantine)
		     +6% Minion Health (Restorative)

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 8
Shields: 6
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: +4% Minion Damage
		     10% Shield Penetration (Adamantine)
		     +6% Minion Health (Restorative)

Arclight Armor/Armored Jacket
Slot: Chest
Armor: 17
Shields: 13
Equip Cost: 8 Str, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: +6% Minion Damage
		     10% Shield Penetration (Adamantine)
		     +6% Minion Health (Restorative)

Slot: Hands
Armor: 7
Shields: 6
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 1 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     10% Shield Penetration (Adamantine)
		     +6% Minion Health (Restorative)

Slot: Waist
Armor: 4
Shields: 6
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 1 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     10% Shield Penetration (Adamantine)
		     +6% Minion Health (Restorative)

Actuated Leg Guards/Striders
Slot: Legs
Armor: 13
Shields: 11
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage
		     10% Shield Penetration (Adamantine)
		     +6% Minion Health (Restorative)

Jackboots/Strider Boots
Slot: Feet
Armor: 11
Shields: 8
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     10% Shield Penetration (Adamantine)
		     +6% Minion Health (Restorative)


Armor: 78
Shields: 60
Equip Cost: 32 Str, 15 Will
Item Level: 18
Inherent Attributes: +29% Minion Damage

Slot: Head
Armor: 12
Shields: 9
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 9
Shields: 7
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: +4% Minion Damage

Arclight Armor/Armored Jacket
Slot: Chest
Armor: 18
Shields: 13
Equip Cost: 8 Str, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: +6% Minion Damage

Slot: Hands
Armor: 8
Shields: 7
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 1 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage

Slot: Waist
Armor: 7
Shields: 4
Equip Cost: 2 Str, 1 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage

Slot: Legs
Armor: 13
Shields: 11
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage

Jackboots/Steeltoe Boots
Slot: Feet
Armor: 11
Shields: 9
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage


Armor: 89
Shields: 69
Equip Cost: 38 Str, 17 Will
Item Level: 21
Inherent Attributes: +29% Minion Damage

Slot: Head
Armor: 14
Shields: 10
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 10
Shields: 8
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: +4% Minion Damage

Arclight Armor/Armored Jacket
Slot: Chest
Armor: 20
Shields: 15
Equip Cost: 9 Str, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: +6% Minion Damage

Slot: Hands
Armor: 9
Shields: 8
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage

Slot: Waist
Armor: 8
Shields: 5
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 1 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage

Actuated Leg Guards/Striders
Slot: Legs
Armor: 15
Shields: 13
Equip Cost: 7 Str, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage

Slot: Feet
Armor: 13
Shields: 10
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage


Armor: 95
Shields: 72
Equip Cost: 41 Str, 19 Will
Item Level: 23
Inherent Attributes: +29% Minion Damage

Slot: Head
Armor: 15
Shields: 11
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 11
Shields: 8
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: +4% Minion Damage

Titanium Jack
Slot: Chest
Armor: 22
Shields: 16
Equip Cost: 10 Str, 5 Will
Inherent Attributes: +6% Minion Damage

Slot: Hands
Armor: 9
Shields: 8
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage

Slot: Waist
Armor: 8
Shields: 5
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 1 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage

Striders/Titanium Sheaths
Slot: Legs
Armor: 16
Shields: 13
Equip Cost: 7 Str, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage

Jackboots/Strider Boots
Slot: Feet
Armor: 14
Shields: 11
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage


Armor: 109
Shields: 83
Equip Cost: 44 Str, 20 Will
Item Level: 27
Inherent Attributes: +29% Minion Damage
		     +56% Minion Health (Harmonic)

Slot: Head
Armor: 17
Shields: 12
Equip Cost: 7 Str, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage
		     +8% Minion Health (Harmonic)

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 12
Shields: 9
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: +4% Minion Damage
		     +8% Minion Health (Harmonic)

Titanium Jack
Slot: Chest
Armor: 25
Shields: 19
Equip Cost: 11 Str, 5 Will
Inherent Attributes: +6% Minion Damage
		     +8% Minion Health (Harmonic)

Slot: Hands
Armor: 11
Shields: 9
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     +8% Minion Health (Harmonic)

Slot: Waist
Armor: 9
Shields: 6
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 1 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     +8% Minion Health (Harmonic)

Titanium Sheaths
Slot: Legs
Armor: 19
Shields: 16
Equip Cost: 8 Str, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage
		     +8% Minion Health (Harmonic)

Strider Boots
Slot: Feet
Armor: 16
Shields: 12
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     +8% Minion Health (Harmonic)


Armor: 116
Shields: 90
Equip Cost: 51 Str, 24 Will
Item Level: 29
Inherent Attributes: +29% Minion Damage

Slot: Head
Armor: 18
Shields: 13
Equip Cost: 8 Str, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 13
Shields: 10
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: +4% Minion Damage

Titanium Jack
Slot: Chest
Armor: 26
Shields: 20
Equip Cost: 12 Str, 6 Will
Inherent Attributes: +6% Minion Damage

Slot: Hands
Armor: 12
Shields: 10
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage

Slot: Waist
Armor: 10
Shields: 7
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage

Titanium Sheaths
Slot: Legs
Armor: 20
Shields: 17
Equip Cost: 9 Str, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage

Strider Boots
Slot: Feet
Armor: 17
Shields: 13
Equip Cost: 7 Str, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage


Armor: 123
Shields: 96
Equip Cost: 52 Str, 24 Will
Item Level: 31
Inherent Attributes: +29% Minion Damage
		     100% Shield Penetration

Slot: Head
Armor: 19
Shields: 14
Equip Cost: 8 Str, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage
		     15% Shield Penetration

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 14
Shields: 11
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: +4% Minion Damage
		     15% Shield Penetration

Titanium Jack
Slot: Chest
Armor: 28
Shields: 21
Equip Cost: 13 Str, 6 Will
Inherent Attributes: +6% Minion Damage
		     15% Shield Penetration

Slot: Hands
Armor: 12
Shields: 11
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     15% Shield Penetration

Slot: Waist
Armor: 11
Shields: 7
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     15% Shield Penetration

Titanium Sheaths
Slot: Legs
Armor: 21
Shields: 18
Equip Cost: 9 Str, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage
		     15% Shield Penetration

Strider Boots
Slot: Feet
Armor: 18
Shields: 14
Equip Cost: 7 Str, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     15% Shield Penetration


Armor: 130
Shields: 99
Equip Cost: 55 Str, 26 Will
Item Level: 33
Inherent Attributes: +29% Minion Damage

Slot: Head
Armor: 20
Shields: 15
Equip Cost: 9 Str, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 15
Shields: 11
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: +4% Minion Damage

Titanium Jack
Slot: Chest
Armor: 30
Shields: 22
Equip Cost: 13 Str, 6 Will
Inherent Attributes: +6% Minion Damage

Slot: Hands
Armor: 13
Shields: 11
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage

Slot: Waist
Armor: 11
Shields: 7
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage

Titanium Sheaths
Slot: Legs
Armor: 22
Shields: 18
Equip Cost: 10 Str, 5 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage

Strider Boots
Slot: Feet
Armor: 19
Shields: 15
Equip Cost: 8 Str, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage


Armor: 137
Shields: 106
Equip Cost: 58 Str, 28 Will
Item Level: 35
Inherent Attributes: +29% Minion Damage
		     +70% Minion Health (Onslaught & Reanimator)
		     100% Shield Penetration (Onslaught)

Slot: Head
Armor: 21
Shields: 16
Equip Cost: 9 Str, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage
		     +10% Minion Health (Onslaught & Reanimator)
		     15% Shield Penetration (Onslaught)

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 16
Shields: 12
Equip Cost: 7 Str, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: +4% Minion Damage
		     +10% Minion Health (Onslaught & Reanimator)
		     15% Shield Penetration (Onslaught)

Titanium Jack
Slot: Chest
Armor: 31
Shields: 23
Equip Cost: 14 Str, 7 Will
Inherent Attributes: +6% Minion Damage
		     +10% Minion Health (Onslaught & Reanimator)
		     15% Shield Penetration (Onslaught)

Slot: Hands
Armor: 14
Shields: 12
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     +10% Minion Health (Onslaught & Reanimator)
		     15% Shield Penetration (Onslaught)

Slot: Waist
Armor: 12
Shields: 8
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     +10% Minion Health (Onslaught & Reanimator)
		     15% Shield Penetration (Onslaught)

Titanium Sheaths
Slot: Legs
Armor: 23
Shields: 19
Equip Cost: 10 Str, 5 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage
		     +10% Minion Health (Onslaught & Reanimator)
		     15% Shield Penetration (Onslaught)

Strider Boots
Slot: Feet
Armor: 20
Shields: 16
Equip Cost: 8 Str, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     +10% Minion Health (Onslaught & Reanimator)
		     15% Shield Penetration (Onslaught)


Armor: 151
Shields: 117
Equip Cost: 66 Str, 32 Will
Item Level: 39
Inherent Attributes: +29% Minion Damage

Slot: Head
Armor: 24
Shields: 17
Equip Cost: 10 Str, 5 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 17
Shields: 13
Equip Cost: 8 Str, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: +4% Minion Damage

Titanium Jack
Slot: Chest
Armor: 34
Shields: 26
Equip Cost: 16 Str, 8 Will
Inherent Attributes: +6% Minion Damage

Slot: Hands
Armor: 15
Shields: 13
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage

Slot: Waist
Armor: 13
Shields: 9
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage

Titanium Sheaths
Slot: Legs
Armor: 26
Shields: 22
Equip Cost: 12 Str, 6 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage

Strider Boots
Slot: Feet
Armor: 22
Shields: 17
Equip Cost: 9 Str, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage


Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str, ? Will
Item Level: 41
Inherent Attributes: +29% Minion Damage

Slot: Head
Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str, ? Will
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str, ? Will
Inherent Attributes: N/A

*Titanium Jack
Slot: Chest
Armor: 36
Shields: 27
Equip Cost: 21 Str, 10 Will
Inherent Attributes: +6% Minion Damage

Slot: Hands
Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str, ? Will
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Waist
Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str, ? Will
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Legs
Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str, ? Will
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str, ? Will
Inherent Attributes: N/A


Armor: 165
Shields: 126
Equip Cost: 71 Str, 33 Will
Item Level: 43
Inherent Attributes: +29% Minion Damage
		     100% Shield Penetration

Slot: Head
Armor: 26
Shields: 19
Equip Cost: 11 Str, 5 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage
		     20% Shield Penetration

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 19
Shields: 14
Equip Cost: 8 Str, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: +4% Minion Damage
		     20% Shield Penetration

Titanium Jack
Slot: Chest
Armor: 38
Shields: 28
Equip Cost: 17 Str, 8 Will
Inherent Attributes: +6% Minion Damage
		     20% Shield Penetration

Slot: Hands
Armor: 16
Shields: 14
Equip Cost: 7 Str, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     20% Shield Penetration

Slot: Waist
Armor: 14
Shields: 9
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 2 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     20% Shield Penetration

Titanium Sheaths
Slot: Legs
Armor: 28
Shields: 23
Equip Cost: 13 Str, 6 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage
		     20% Shield Penetration

Strider Boots
Slot: Feet
Armor: 24
Shields: 19
Equip Cost: 10 Str, 5 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     20% Shield Penetration


Armor: 172
Shields: 133
Equip Cost: 75 Str, 36 Will
Item Level: 45
Inherent Attributes: +29% Minion Damage
		     +84% Minion Health (Havoc)

Slot: Head
Armor: 27
Shields: 20
Equip Cost: 12 Str, 6 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage
		     +12% Minion Health (Havoc)

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 20
Shields: 15
Equip Cost: 9 Str, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: +4% Minion Damage
		     +12% Minion Health (Havoc)

Titanium Jack
Slot: Chest
Armor: 39
Shields: 29
Equip Cost: 18 Str, 9 Will
Inherent Attributes: +6% Minion Damage
		     +12% Minion Health (Havoc)

Slot: Hands
Armor: 17
Shields: 15
Equip Cost: 7 Str, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     +12% Minion Health (Havoc)

Slot: Waist
Armor: 15
Shields: 10
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     +12% Minion Health (Havoc)

Titanium Sheaths
Slot: Legs
Armor: 29
Shields: 24
Equip Cost: 13 Str, 6 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage
		     +12% Minion Health (Havoc)

Strider Boots
Slot: Feet
Armor: 25
Shields: 20
Equip Cost: 10 Str, 5 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     +12% Minion Health (Havoc)


Armor: 179
Shields: 137
Equip Cost: 77 Str, 37 Will
Item Level: 47
Inherent Attributes: +29% Minion Damage

Slot: Head
Armor: 28
Shields: 20
Equip Cost: 12 Str, 6 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 20
Shields: 15
Equip Cost: 9 Str, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: +4% Minion Damage

Titanium Jack
Slot: Chest
Armor: 41
Shields: 31
Equip Cost: 18 Str, 9 Will
Inherent Attributes: +6% Minion Damage

Slot: Hands
Armor: 18
Shields: 15
Equip Cost: 7 Str, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage

Slot: Waist
Armor: 15
Shields: 10
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage

Titanium Sheaths
Slot: Legs
Armor: 31
Shields: 26
Equip Cost: 14 Str, 7 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage

Strider Boots
Slot: Feet
Armor: 26
Shields: 20
Equip Cost: 11 Str, 5 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage


Armor: 185
Shields: 144
Equip Cost: 80 Str, 38 Will
Item Level: 49
Inherent Attributes: +29% Minion Damage
		     100% Shield Penetration
		     +84% Minion Health

Slot: Head
Armor: 29
Shields: 21
Equip Cost: 13 Str, 6 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage
		     20% Shield Penetration
		     +12% Minion Health

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 21
Shields: 16
Equip Cost: 9 Str, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: +4% Minion Damage
		     20% Shield Penetration
		     +12% Minion Health

Titanium Jack
Slot: Chest
Armor: 42
Shields: 32
Equip Cost: 19 Str, 9 Will
Inherent Attributes: +6% Minion Damage
		     20% Shield Penetration
		     +12% Minion Health

Slot: Hands
Armor: 19
Shields: 16
Equip Cost: 8 Str, 4 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     20% Shield Penetration
		     +12% Minion Health

Slot: Waist
Armor: 16
Shields: 11
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 3 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     20% Shield Penetration
		     +12% Minion Health

Titanium Sheaths
Slot: Legs
Armor: 32
Shields: 27
Equip Cost: 14 Str, 7 Will
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage
		     20% Shield Penetration
		     +12% Minion Health

Strider Boots
Slot: Feet
Armor: 26
Shields: 21
Equip Cost: 11 Str, 5 Will
Inherent Attributes: +3% Minion Damage
		     20% Shield Penetration
		     +12% Minion Health

				 Rifleman				   X3003


Shields: 123
Equip Cost: 7 Accu, 17 Stam
Item Level: 8
Inherent Attributes: +7-14% Marksman Skill Use Rate

Slot: Head
Shields: 19
Equip Cost: 1 Accu, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +1-2% Marksman Skill Use Rate

Slot: Shoulder
Shields: 14
Equip Cost: 1 Accu, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +1-2% Marksman Skill Use Rate

Slot: Chest
Shields: 29
Equip Cost: 2 Accu, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +1-2% Marksman Skill Use Rate

Slot: Hands
Shields: 12
Equip Cost: 1 Accu, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +1-2% Marksman Skill Use Rate

Slot: Waist
Shields: 10
Equip Cost: 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +1-2% Marksman Skill Use Rate

Slot: Legs
Shields: 22
Equip Cost: 1 Accu, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +1-2% Marksman Skill Use Rate

Slot: Feet
Shields: 17
Equip Cost: 1 Accu, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +1-2% Marksman Skill Use Rate


Shields: 132
Equip Cost: 7 Accu, 19 Stam
Item Level: 9
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Head
Shields: 21
Equip Cost: 1 Accu, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Shoulder
Shields: 16
Equip Cost: 1 Accu, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Chest
Shields: 31
Equip Cost: 2 Accu, 5 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Hands
Shields: 13
Equip Cost: 1 Accu, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Waist
Shields: 10
Equip Cost: 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Legs
Shields: 23
Equip Cost: 1 Accu, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Shields: 18
Equip Cost: 1 Accu, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A


Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Accu, ? Stam
Item Level: 11
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Head
Shields: 24
Equip Cost: 2 Accu, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Shoulder
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Accu, ? Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Chest
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Accu, ? Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Hands
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Accu, ? Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Waist
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Accu, ? Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Legs
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Accu, ? Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Accu, ? Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A


Shields: 174
Equip Cost: 12 Accu, 28 Stam
Item Level: 15
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Head
Shields: 30
Equip Cost: 2 Accu, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Shoulder
Shields: 23
Equip Cost: 1 Accu, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Chest
Shields: 46
Equip Cost: 3 Accu, 7 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Hands
Shields: 19
Equip Cost: 1 Accu, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Waist
Shields: 15
Equip Cost: 1 Accu, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Scaled Leggings
Slot: Legs
Shields: 34
Equip Cost: 2 Accu, 5 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Shields: 27
Equip Cost: 2 Accu, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A


Shields: 214
Equip Cost: 15 Accu, 32 Stam
Item Level: 17
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Head
Shields: 34
Equip Cost: 2 Accu, 5 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Shoulder
Shields: 25
Equip Cost: 2 Accu, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Chestguard/Reflex Armor
Slot: Chest
Shields: 50
Equip Cost: 4 Accu, 8 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Hands
Shields: 21
Equip Cost: 1 Accu, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Waist
Shields: 17
Equip Cost: 1 Accu, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Reflex Guards
Slot: Legs
Shields: 38
Equip Cost: 3 Accu, 6 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Shields: 29
Equip Cost: 2 Accu, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

    ////GUARDIAN - PYRIC\\

Shields: 225
Equip Cost: 15 Accu, 32 Stam
Item Level: 18
Inherent Attributes: +21-28% Damage (Guardian)
		     +14-21% Marksman Skill Use Rate (Pyric)

Slot: Head
Shields: 35
Equip Cost: 2 Accu, 5 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +3-4% Damage (Guardian)
		     +2-3% Marksman Skill Use Rate (Pyric)

Slot: Shoulder
Shields: 26
Equip Cost: 2 Accu, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +3-4% Damage (Guardian)
		     +2-3% Marksman Skill Use Rate (Pyric)

Chestguard/Multitask Plate/Reflex Armor
Slot: Chest
Shields: 53
Equip Cost: 4 Accu, 8 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +3-4% Damage (Guardian)
		     +2-3% Marksman Skill Use Rate (Pyric)

Slot: Hands
Shields: 22
Equip Cost: 1 Accu, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +3-4% Damage (Guardian)
		     +2-3% Marksman Skill Use Rate (Pyric)

Slot: Waist
Shields: 18
Equip Cost: 1 Accu, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +3-4% Damage (Guardian)
		     +2-3% Marksman Skill Use Rate (Pyric)

Jambarts/Reflex Guards/Scaled Leggings
Slot: Legs
Shields: 40
Equip Cost: 3 Accu, 6 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +3-4% Damage (Guardian)
		     +2-3% Marksman Skill Use Rate (Pyric)

Slot: Feet
Shields: 31
Equip Cost: 2 Accu, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +3-4% Damage (Guardian)
		     +2-3% Marksman Skill Use Rate (Pyric)


Shields: 245
Equip Cost: 16 Accu, 36 Stam
Item Level: 20
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Head
Shields: 38
Equip Cost: 3 Accu, 6 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Shoulder
Shields: 29
Equip Cost: 2 Accu, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Chestguard/Reflex Armor
Slot: Chest
Shields: 58
Equip Cost: 4 Accu, 9 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Hands
Shields: 24
Equip Cost: 1 Accu, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Waist
Shields: 19
Equip Cost: 1 Accu, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Reflex Guards/Scaled Leggings
Slot: Legs
Shields: 43
Equip Cost: 3 Accu, 6 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Shields: 34
Equip Cost: 2 Accu, 5 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A


Shields: 285
Equip Cost: 19 Accu, 42 Stam
Item Level: 24
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Head
Shields: 45
Equip Cost: 3 Accu, 7 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Shoulder
Shields: 34
Equip Cost: 2 Accu, 5 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Multitask Plate
Slot: Chest
Shields: 67
Equip Cost: 5 Accu, 10 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Hands
Shields: 28
Equip Cost: 2 Accu, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Waist
Shields: 22
Equip Cost: 1 Accu, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Jambarts/Reflex Guards
Slot: Legs
Shields: 50
Equip Cost: 3 Accu, 7 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Shields: 39
Equip Cost: 3 Accu, 6 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

    ////VOLTAIC - WARDEN\\

Shields: 306
Equip Cost: 20 Accu, 44 Stam
Item Level: 26
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Warden)
		     +21-28% Marksman Skill Use Rate (Voltaic)

Slot: Head
Shields: 48
Equip Cost: 3 Accu, 7 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Warden)
		     +3-4% Marksman Skill Use Rate (Voltaic)

Slot: Shoulder
Shields: 36
Equip Cost: 2 Accu, 5 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Warden)
		     +3-4% Marksman Skill Use Rate (Voltaic)

Multitask Plate
Slot: Chest
Shields: 72
Equip Cost: 5 Accu, 11 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Warden)
		     +3-4% Marksman Skill Use Rate (Voltaic)

Slot: Hands
Shields: 30
Equip Cost: 2 Accu, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Warden)
		     +3-4% Marksman Skill Use Rate (Voltaic)

Slot: Waist
Shields: 24
Equip Cost: 1 Accu, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Warden)
		     +3-4% Marksman Skill Use Rate (Voltaic)

Slot: Legs
Shields: 54
Equip Cost: 4 Accu, 8 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Warden)
		     +3-4% Marksman Skill Use Rate (Voltaic)

Slot: Feet
Shields: 42
Equip Cost: 3 Accu, 6 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Warden)
		     +3-4% Marksman Skill Use Rate (Voltaic)


Shields: 347
Equip Cost: 24 Accu, 61 Stam
Item Level: 30
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Crafted)
		     +28-35% Damage (Preserver)

Slot: Head
Shields: 54
Equip Cost: 4 Accu, 8 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Crafted)
		     +4-5% Damage (Preserver)

Slot: Shoulder
Shields: 41
Equip Cost: 3 Accu, 6 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Crafted)
		     +4-5% Damage (Preserver)

Multitask Plate
Slot: Chest
Shields: 82
Equip Cost: 6 Accu, 12 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Crafted)
		     +4-5% Damage (Preserver)

Slot: Hands
Shields: 34
Equip Cost: 2 Accu, 5 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Crafted)
		     +4-5% Damage (Preserver)

Slot: Waist
Shields: 27
Equip Cost: 2 Accu, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Crafted)
		     +4-5% Damage (Preserver)

Slot: Legs
Shields: 61
Equip Cost: 4 Accu, 9 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Crafted)
		     +4-5% Damage (Preserver)

Slot: Feet
Shields: 48
Equip Cost: 3 Accu, 7 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Crafted)
		     +4-5% Damage (Preserver)


Shields: 367
Equip Cost: 25 Accu, 63 Stam
Item Level: 32
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Head
Shields: 58
Equip Cost: 4 Accu, 8 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Shoulder
Shields: 43
Equip Cost: 3 Accu, 6 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Multitask Plate
Slot: Chest
Shields: 86
Equip Cost: 6 Accu, 13 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Hands
Shields: 36
Equip Cost: 2 Accu, 5 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Waist
Shields: 29
Equip Cost: 2 Accu, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Legs
Shields: 65
Equip Cost: 5 Accu, 10 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Shields: 50
Equip Cost: 3 Accu, 7 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A


Shields: 387
Equip Cost: 27 Accu, 67 Stam
Item Level: 34
Inherent Attributes: +28-35% Damage
		     +28-35% Marksman Skill Use Rate

Slot: Head
Shields: 61
Equip Cost: 4 Accu, 9 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +4-5% Damage
		     +4-5% Marksman Skill Use Rate

Slot: Shoulder
Shields: 46
Equip Cost: 3 Accu, 7 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +4-5% Damage
		     +4-5% Marksman Skill Use Rate

Multitask Plate
Slot: Chest
Shields: 91
Equip Cost: 7 Accu, 14 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +4-5% Damage
		     +4-5% Marksman Skill Use Rate

Slot: Hands
Shields: 38
Equip Cost: 2 Accu, 5 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +4-5% Damage
		     +4-5% Marksman Skill Use Rate

Slot: Waist
Shields: 30
Equip Cost: 2 Accu, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +4-5% Damage
		     +4-5% Marksman Skill Use Rate

Slot: Legs
Shields: 68
Equip Cost: 5 Accu, 10 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +4-5% Damage
		     +4-5% Marksman Skill Use Rate

Slot: Feet
Shields: 53
Equip Cost: 4 Accu, 8 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +4-5% Damage
		     +4-5% Marksman Skill Use Rate


Shields: 408
Equip Cost: 28 Accu, 69 Stam
Item Level: 36
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Masterwork)
		     +28-35% Marksman Skill Use Rate (Prismatic)

Slot: Head
Shields: 64
Equip Cost: 4 Accu, 9 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Masterwork)
		     +4-5% Marksman Skill Use Rate (Prismatic)

Slot: Shoulder
Shields: 48
Equip Cost: 3 Accu, 7 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Masterwork)
		     +4-5% Marksman Skill Use Rate (Prismatic)

Multitask Plate
Slot: Chest
Shields: 96
Equip Cost: 7 Accu, 14 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Masterwork)
		     +4-5% Marksman Skill Use Rate (Prismatic)

Slot: Hands
Shields: 40
Equip Cost: 3 Accu, 6 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Masterwork)
		     +4-5% Marksman Skill Use Rate (Prismatic)

Slot: Waist
Shields: 32
Equip Cost: 2 Accu, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Masterwork)
		     +4-5% Marksman Skill Use Rate (Prismatic)

Slot: Legs
Shields: 72
Equip Cost: 5 Accu, 11 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Masterwork)
		     +4-5% Marksman Skill Use Rate (Prismatic)

Slot: Feet
Shields: 56
Equip Cost: 4 Accu, 8 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Masterwork)
		     +4-5% Marksman Skill Use Rate (Prismatic)


Shields: 329
Equip Cost: 29 Accu, 73 Stam
Item Level: 38
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Head
Shields: 67
Equip Cost: 5 Accu, 10 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Shoulder
Shields: 50
Equip Cost: 3 Accu, 7 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Multitask Plate
Slot: Chest
Shields: 101
Equip Cost: 7 Accu, 15 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Hands
Shields: 42
Equip Cost: 3 Accu, 6 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Waist
Shields: 34
Equip Cost: 2 Accu, 5 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Legs
Shields: 76
Equip Cost: 5 Accu, 11 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Shields: 59
Equip Cost: 4 Accu, 9 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A


Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Accu, ? Stam
Item Level: 42
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Head
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Accu, ? Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Shoulder
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Accu, ? Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

*Multitask Plate
Slot: Chest
Shields: 110
Equip Cost: 11 Accu, 22 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Hands
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Accu, ? Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Waist
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Accu, ? Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Legs
Shields: 83
Equip Cost: 8 Accu, 16 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Accu, ? Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A


Shields: 489
Equip Cost: 33 Accu, 71 Stam
Item Level: 44
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Flawless)
		     +35-42% Damage (Vault)
		     +35-42% Marksman Skill Use Rate (Phantasmic)

Slot: Head
Shields: 77
Equip Cost: 5 Accu, 11 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Flawless)
		     +5-6% Damage (Vault)
		     +5-6% Marksman Skill Use Rate (Phantasmic)

Slot: Shoulder
Shields: 58
Equip Cost: 4 Accu, 8 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Flawless)
		     +5-6% Damage (Vault)
		     +5-6% Marksman Skill Use Rate (Phantasmic)

Multitask Plate
Slot: Chest
Shields: 115
Equip Cost: 8 Accu, 17 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Flawless)
		     +5-6% Damage (Vault)
		     +5-6% Marksman Skill Use Rate (Phantasmic)

Slot: Hands
Shields: 48
Equip Cost: 3 Accu, 7 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Flawless)
		     +5-6% Damage (Vault)
		     +5-6% Marksman Skill Use Rate (Phantasmic)

Slot: Waist
Shields: 38
Equip Cost: 2 Accu, 5 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Flawless)
		     +5-6% Damage (Vault)
		     +5-6% Marksman Skill Use Rate (Phantasmic)

Slot: Legs
Shields: 86
Equip Cost: 6 Accu, 13 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Flawless)
		     +5-6% Damage (Vault)
		     +5-6% Marksman Skill Use Rate (Phantasmic)

Slot: Feet
Shields: 67
Equip Cost: 5 Accu, 10 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A (Flawless)
		     +5-6% Damage (Vault)
		     +5-6% Marksman Skill Use Rate (Phantasmic)


Shields: 531
Equip Cost: 38 Accu, 79 Stam
Item Level: 48
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Head
Shields: 83
Equip Cost: 6 Accu, 12 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Shoulder
Shields: 62
Equip Cost: 4 Accu, 9 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Multitask Plate
Slot: Chest
Shields: 125
Equip Cost: 9 Accu, 19 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Hands
Shields: 52
Equip Cost: 4 Accu, 8 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Waist
Shields: 42
Equip Cost: 3 Accu, 6 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Legs
Shields: 94
Equip Cost: 7 Accu, 14 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Shields: 73
Equip Cost: 5 Accu, 11 Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A


Shields: 551
Equip Cost: 38 Accu, 80 Stam
Item Level: 50
Inherent Attributes: +35-42% Damage
		     +35-42% Marksman Skill Use Rate

Slot: Head
Shields: 86
Equip Cost: 6 Accu, 13 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +5-6% Damage
		     +5-6% Marksman Skill Use Rate

Slot: Shoulder
Shields: 65
Equip Cost: 4 Accu, 9 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +5-6% Damage
		     +5-6% Marksman Skill Use Rate

Multitask Plate
Slot: Chest
Shields: 130
Equip Cost: 9 Accu, 19 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +5-6% Damage
		     +5-6% Marksman Skill Use Rate

Slot: Hands
Shields: 54
Equip Cost: 4 Accu, 8 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +5-6% Damage
		     +5-6% Marksman Skill Use Rate

Slot: Waist
Shields: 43
Equip Cost: 3 Accu, 6 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +5-6% Damage
		     +5-6% Marksman Skill Use Rate

Slot: Legs
Shields: 97
Equip Cost: 7 Accu, 14 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +5-6% Damage
		     +5-6% Marksman Skill Use Rate

Slot: Feet
Shields: 76
Equip Cost: 5 Accu, 11 Stam
Inherent Attributes: +5-6% Damage
		     +5-6% Marksman Skill Use Rate


This section encompasses the Guardian and Blademaster classes.

Order armor has no Shields, and can increase Special Damage Effects Defense or
Hit Points. It relies on Strength.

Defender armor has no Shields, adds Physical Thorns Damage, and is meant for
Guardians. It can grant Shield Penetration or increase your Total Armor Value.
It relies on Strength and Stamina.

Swordsman armor increases Melee Speed and is meant for Blademasters. It can
add Shield Penetration or increase the Use Rate of Blademaster skills. It
relies on Strength.

				 Basic					   X4000


Armor: ?
Equip Cost: ?
Item Level: 1
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Head
Armor: ?
Equip Cost: N/A
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 3
Equip Cost: N/A
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Chest
Armor: ?
Equip Cost: N/A
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Hands
Armor: 3
Equip Cost: N/A
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Waist
Armor: 2
Equip Cost: N/A
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Legs
Armor: 5
Equip Cost: 1 Str
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Armor: 4
Equip Cost: N/A
Inherent Attributes: N/A


Armor: 36 or 39
Equip Cost: 5-8 Str
Item Level: 3
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Head
Armor: 6
Equip Cost: N/A
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 4
Equip Cost: N/A (Shoulders/Gorget)
	    1 Str (Besagews)
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Chest
Armor: 8
Equip Cost: 3 Str
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Hands
Armor: 4
Equip Cost: N/A (Bracers/Wristbands)
	    1 Str (Gloves)
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Waist
Armor: 3
Equip Cost: N/A
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Cuisses/Leg Guards/Leggings
Slot: Legs
Armor: 6
Equip Cost: 2 Str
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Armor: 5
       8 (Punters)
Equip Cost: N/A (Boots)
	    1 Str (Kicks/Punters)
Inherent Attributes: N/A


Armor: 51 or 56
Equip Cost: 12 Str
Item Level: 6
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Head
Armor: 8
Equip Cost: N/A
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 6
Equip Cost: 2 Str
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Chest
Armor: 12
Equip Cost: 4 Str
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Arm Guards/Gloves
Slot: Hands
Armor: 5
Equip Cost: 1 Str
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Waist
Armor: 4
Equip Cost: N/A
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Leg Guards/Legplates
Slot: Legs
Armor: 9
Equip Cost: 3 Str
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Armor: 7
       12 (Punters)
Equip Cost: 2 Str
Inherent Attributes: N/A


Armor: ?
Equip Cost: ?
Item Level: 8
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Head
Armor: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 7
Equip Cost: 2 Str
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Chest
Armor: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Hands
Armor: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Waist
Armor: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Legs
Armor: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Armor: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str
Inherent Attributes: N/A

				  Order					   X4001


Armor: 72
Equip Cost: 16 Str
Item Level: 7
Inherent Attributes: +77 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +189 Hit Points

Slot: Head
Armor: 11
Equip Cost: 3 Str
Inherent Attributes: +11 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +27 Hit Points

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 8
Equip Cost: 2 Str
Inherent Attributes: +11 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +27 Hit Points

Slot: Chest
Armor: 17
Equip Cost: 4 Str
Inherent Attributes: +11 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +27 Hit Points

Slot: Hands
Armor: 7
Equip Cost: 1 Str
Inherent Attributes: +11 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +27 Hit Points

Slot: Waist
Armor: 6
Equip Cost: 1 Str
Inherent Attributes: +11 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +27 Hit Points

Plated Legs
Slot: Legs
Armor: 13
Equip Cost: 3 Str
Inherent Attributes: +11 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +27 Hit Points

Slot: Feet
Armor: 10
Equip Cost: 2 Str
Inherent Attributes: +11 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +27 Hit Points


Armor: 91
Equip Cost: 20 Str
Item Level: 10
Inherent Attributes: +98 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Head
Armor: 14
Equip Cost: 3 Str
Inherent Attributes: +14 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 11
Equip Cost: 2 Str
Inherent Attributes: +14 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Chest
Armor: 21
Equip Cost: 5 Str
Inherent Attributes: +14 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Hands
Armor: 9
Equip Cost: 2 Str
Inherent Attributes: +14 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Waist
Armor: 7
Equip Cost: 1 Str
Inherent Attributes: +14 Special Damage Effects Defense

Plated Legs
Slot: Legs
Armor: 16
Equip Cost: 4 Str
Inherent Attributes: +14 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Feet
Armor: 13
Equip Cost: 3 Str
Inherent Attributes: +14 Special Damage Effects Defense


Armor: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str
Item Level: 13
Inherent Attributes: +119 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Head
Armor: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Chest
Armor: 26
Equip Cost: 8 Str
Inherent Attributes: +17 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Hands
Armor: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Waist
Armor: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Legs
Armor: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Armor: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str
Inherent Attributes: N/A


Armor: 129
Equip Cost: 29 Str
Item Level: 16
Inherent Attributes: +140 Special Damage Effects Defense (Brigadier & Pyric)
		     +196 Special Damage Effects Defense (Guardian)
		     +252 Hit Points (Pyric)

Slot: Head
Armor: 20
Equip Cost: 5 Str
Inherent Attributes: +20 Special Damage Effects Defense (Brigadier & Pyric)
		     +28 Special Damage Effects Defense (Guardian)
		     +36 Hit Points (Pyric)

Besagews/Crossed Shoulders/Gorget/Spaulders
Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 15
Equip Cost: 3 Str
Inherent Attributes: +20 Special Damage Effects Defense (Brigadier & Pyric)
		     +28 Special Damage Effects Defense (Guardian)
		     +36 Hit Points (Pyric)

Slot: Chest
Armor: 30
Equip Cost: 7 Str
Inherent Attributes: +20 Special Damage Effects Defense (Brigadier & Pyric)
		     +28 Special Damage Effects Defense (Guardian)
		     +36 Hit Points (Pyric)

Arm Guards/Bracers/Heavy Gauntlets/Wristbands
Slot: Hands
Armor: 13
Equip Cost: 3 Str
Inherent Attributes: +20 Special Damage Effects Defense (Brigadier & Pyric)
		     +28 Special Damage Effects Defense (Guardian)
		     +36 Hit Points (Pyric)

Belt/Girdeon/Studded Belt/Truss
Slot: Waist
Armor: 10
Equip Cost: 2 Str
Inherent Attributes: +20 Special Damage Effects Defense (Brigadier & Pyric)
		     +28 Special Damage Effects Defense (Guardian)
		     +36 Hit Points (Pyric)

Cuisses/Heavy Leg Plates/Leg Guards/Plated Legs
Slot: Legs
Armor: 23
Equip Cost: 5 Str
Inherent Attributes: +20 Special Damage Effects Defense (Brigadier & Pyric)
		     +28 Special Damage Effects Defense (Guardian)
		     +36 Hit Points (Pyric)

Slot: Feet
Armor: 18
Equip Cost: 4 Str
Inherent Attributes: +20 Special Damage Effects Defense (Brigadier & Pyric)
		     +28 Special Damage Effects Defense (Guardian)
		     +36 Hit Points (Pyric)


Armor: 149
Equip Cost: 33 Str
Item Level: 19
Inherent Attributes: +161 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Head
Armor: 23
Equip Cost: 5 Str
Inherent Attributes: +23 Special Damage Effects Defense

Besagews/Crossed Shoulders
Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 17
Equip Cost: 4 Str
Inherent Attributes: +23 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Chest
Armor: 35
Equip Cost: 8 Str
Inherent Attributes: +23 Special Damage Effects Defense

Arm Guards
Slot: Hands
Armor: 15
Equip Cost: 3 Str
Inherent Attributes: +23 Special Damage Effects Defense

Belt/Studded Belt
Slot: Waist
Armor: 12
Equip Cost: 2 Str
Inherent Attributes: +23 Special Damage Effects Defense

Cuisses/Leg Guards
Slot: Legs
Armor: 26
Equip Cost: 6 Str
Inherent Attributes: +23 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Feet
Armor: 21
Equip Cost: 5 Str
Inherent Attributes: +23 Special Damage Effects Defense


Armor: 168
Equip Cost: 38 Str
Item Level: 22
Inherent Attributes: +182 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Head
Armor: 26
Equip Cost: 6 Str
Inherent Attributes: +26 Special Damage Effects Defense

Besagews/Crossed Shoulders
Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 20
Equip Cost: 4 Str
Inherent Attributes: +26 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Chest
Armor: 39
Equip Cost: 9 Str
Inherent Attributes: +26 Special Damage Effects Defense

Arm Guards/Bracers
Slot: Hands
Armor: 17
Equip Cost: 4 Str
Inherent Attributes: +26 Special Damage Effects Defense

Belt/Studded Belt
Slot: Waist
Armor: 13
Equip Cost: 3 Str
Inherent Attributes: +26 Special Damage Effects Defense

Cuisses/Leg Guards
Slot: Legs
Armor: 30
Equip Cost: 7 Str
Inherent Attributes: +26 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Feet
Armor: 23
Equip Cost: 5 Str
Inherent Attributes: +26 Special Damage Effects Defense

    ////VOLTAIC - WARDEN\\

Armor: 188
Equip Cost: 44 Str
Item Level: 25
Inherent Attributes: +203 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +315 Hit Points (Voltaic)

Slot: Head
Armor: 29
Equip Cost: 7 Str
Inherent Attributes: +29 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +45 Hit Points (Voltaic)

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 22
Equip Cost: 5 Str
Inherent Attributes: +29 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +45 Hit Points (Voltaic)

Slot: Chest
Armor: 44
Equip Cost: 11 Str
Inherent Attributes: +29 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +45 Hit Points (Voltaic)

Arm Guards/Heavy Gauntlets
Slot: Hands
Armor: 19
Equip Cost: 4 Str
Inherent Attributes: +29 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +45 Hit Points (Voltaic)

Girdeon/Studded Belt
Slot: Waist
Armor: 15
Equip Cost: 3 Str
Inherent Attributes: +29 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +45 Hit Points (Voltaic)

Heavy Leg Plates/Leg Guards
Slot: Legs
Armor: 33
Equip Cost: 8 Str
Inherent Attributes: +29 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +45 Hit Points (Voltaic)

Slot: Feet
Armor: 26
Equip Cost: 6 Str
Inherent Attributes: +29 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +45 Hit Points (Voltaic)


Armor: 208
Equip Cost: 51 Str
Item Level: 28
Inherent Attributes: +224 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Head
Armor: 32
Equip Cost: 8 Str
Inherent Attributes: +32 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 24
Equip Cost: 6 Str
Inherent Attributes: +32 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Chest
Armor: 48
Equip Cost: 12 Str
Inherent Attributes: +32 Special Damage Effects Defense

Heavy Gauntlets
Slot: Hands
Armor: 21
Equip Cost: 5 Str
Inherent Attributes: +32 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Waist
Armor: 16
Equip Cost: 4 Str
Inherent Attributes: +32 Special Damage Effects Defense

Heavy Leg Plates
Slot: Legs
Armor: 37
Equip Cost: 9 Str
Inherent Attributes: +32 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Feet
Armor: 29
Equip Cost: 7 Str
Inherent Attributes: +32 Special Damage Effects Defense


Armor: 214
Equip Cost: 51 Str
Item Level: 29
Inherent Attributes: +315 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Head
Armor: 33
Equip Cost: 8 Str
Inherent Attributes: +45 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 25
Equip Cost: 6 Str
Inherent Attributes: +45 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Chest
Armor: 50
Equip Cost: 12 Str
Inherent Attributes: +45 Special Damage Effects Defense

Heavy Gauntlets
Slot: Hands
Armor: 21
Equip Cost: 5 Str
Inherent Attributes: +45 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Waist
Armor: 17
Equip Cost: 4 Str
Inherent Attributes: +45 Special Damage Effects Defense

Heavy Leg Plates
Slot: Legs
Armor: 38
Equip Cost: 9 Str
Inherent Attributes: +45 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Feet
Armor: 30
Equip Cost: 7 Str
Inherent Attributes: +45 Special Damage Effects Defense


Armor: 227
Equip Cost: 52 Str
Item Level: 31
Inherent Attributes: +245 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Head
Armor: 35
Equip Cost: 8 Str
Inherent Attributes: +35 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 26
Equip Cost: 6 Str
Inherent Attributes: +35 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Chest
Armor: 53
Equip Cost: 13 Str
Inherent Attributes: +35 Special Damage Effects Defense

Heavy Gauntlets
Slot: Hands
Armor: 23
Equip Cost: 5 Str
Inherent Attributes: +35 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Waist
Armor: 18
Equip Cost: 4 Str
Inherent Attributes: +35 Special Damage Effects Defense

Heavy Leg Plates
Slot: Legs
Armor: 40
Equip Cost: 9 Str
Inherent Attributes: +35 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Feet
Armor: 32
Equip Cost: 7 Str
Inherent Attributes: +35 Special Damage Effects Defense


Armor: 240
Equip Cost: 55 Str
Item Level: 33
Inherent Attributes: +306 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +371 Hit Points

Slot: Head
Armor: 37
Equip Cost: 9 Str
Inherent Attributes: +49 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +53 Hit Points

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 28
Equip Cost: 6 Str
Inherent Attributes: +49 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +53 Hit Points

Slot: Chest
Armor: 56
Equip Cost: 13 Str
Inherent Attributes: +49 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +53 Hit Points

Heavy Gauntlets
Slot: Hands
Armor: 24
Equip Cost: 5 Str
Inherent Attributes: +49 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +53 Hit Points

Slot: Waist
Armor: 19
Equip Cost: 4 Str
Item Level: 34
Inherent Attributes: +12 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +53 Hit Points

Heavy Leg Plates
Slot: Legs
Armor: 43
Equip Cost: 10 Str
Inherent Attributes: +49 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +53 Hit Points

Slot: Feet
Armor: 33
Equip Cost: 8 Str
Inherent Attributes: +49 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +53 Hit Points


Armor: 246
Equip Cost: 57 Str
Item Level: 34
Inherent Attributes: +266 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +378 Hit Points (Prismatic)

Slot: Head
Armor: 38
Equip Cost: 9 Str
Inherent Attributes: +38 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +54 Hit Points (Prismatic)

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 29
Equip Cost: 7 Str
Inherent Attributes: +38 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +54 Hit Points (Prismatic)

Slot: Chest
Armor: 57
Equip Cost: 14 Str
Inherent Attributes: +38 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +54 Hit Points (Prismatic)

Heavy Gauntlets
Slot: Hands
Armor: 25
Equip Cost: 5 Str
Inherent Attributes: +38 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +54 Hit Points (Prismatic)

Slot: Waist
Armor: 19
Equip Cost: 4 Str
Inherent Attributes: +38 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +54 Hit Points (Prismatic)

Heavy Leg Plates
Slot: Legs
Armor: 44
Equip Cost: 10 Str
Inherent Attributes: +38 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +54 Hit Points (Prismatic)

Slot: Feet
Armor: 34
Equip Cost: 8 Str
Inherent Attributes: +38 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +54 Hit Points (Prismatic)


Armor: 266
Equip Cost: 62 Str
Item Level: 37
Inherent Attributes: +287 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Head
Armor: 41
Equip Cost: 10 Str
Inherent Attributes: +41 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 31
Equip Cost: 7 Str
Inherent Attributes: +41 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Chest
Armor: 62
Equip Cost: 15 Str
Inherent Attributes: +41 Special Damage Effects Defense

Heavy Gauntlets
Slot: Hands
Armor: 27
Equip Cost: 6 Str
Inherent Attributes: +41 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Waist
Armor: 21
Equip Cost: 5 Str
Inherent Attributes: +41 Special Damage Effects Defense

Heavy Leg Plates
Slot: Legs
Armor: 47
Equip Cost: 11 Str
Inherent Attributes: +41 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Feet
Armor: 37
Equip Cost: 8 Str
Inherent Attributes: +41 Special Damage Effects Defense


Armor: 285
Equip Cost: 66 Str
Item Level: 40
Inherent Attributes: +308 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Head
Armor: 44
Equip Cost: 10 Str
Inherent Attributes: +44 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 33
Equip Cost: 8 Str
Inherent Attributes: +44 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Chest
Armor: 66
Equip Cost: 16 Str
Inherent Attributes: +44 Special Damage Effects Defense

Heavy Gauntlets
Slot: Hands
Armor: 29
Equip Cost: 6 Str
Inherent Attributes: +44 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Waist
Armor: 22
Equip Cost: 5 Str
Inherent Attributes: +44 Special Damage Effects Defense

Heavy Leg Plates
Slot: Legs
Armor: 51
Equip Cost: 12 Str
Inherent Attributes: +44 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Feet
Armor: 40
Equip Cost: 9 Str
Inherent Attributes: +44 Special Damage Effects Defense


Armor: 297
Equip Cost: 69 Str
Item Level: 42
Inherent Attributes: +434 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Head
Armor: 46
Equip Cost: 11 Str
Inherent Attributes: +62 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 35
Equip Cost: 8 Str
Inherent Attributes: +62 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Chest
Armor: 69
Equip Cost: 17 Str
Inherent Attributes: +62 Special Damage Effects Defense

Heavy Gauntlets
Slot: Hands
Armor: 30
Equip Cost: 7 Str
Inherent Attributes: +62 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Waist
Armor: 23
Equip Cost: 5 Str
Inherent Attributes: +62 Special Damage Effects Defense

Heavy Leg Plates
Slot: Legs
Armor: 53
Equip Cost: 12 Str
Inherent Attributes: +62 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Feet
Armor: 41
Equip Cost: 9 Str
Inherent Attributes: +62 Special Damage Effects Defense


Armor: 304
Equip Cost: 71 Str
Item Level: 43
Inherent Attributes: +329 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +441 Hit Points

Slot: Head
Armor: 47
Equip Cost: 11 Str
Inherent Attributes: +47 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +63 Hit Points

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 35
Equip Cost: 8 Str
Inherent Attributes: +47 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +63 Hit Points

Slot: Chest
Armor: 71
Equip Cost: 17 Str
Inherent Attributes: +47 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +63 Hit Points

Heavy Gauntlets
Slot: Hands
Armor: 31
Equip Cost: 7 Str
Inherent Attributes: +47 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +63 Hit Points

Slot: Waist
Armor: 24
Equip Cost: 5 Str
Inherent Attributes: +47 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +63 Hit Points

Heavy Leg Plates
Slot: Legs
Armor: 54
Equip Cost: 13 Str
Inherent Attributes: +47 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +63 Hit Points

Slot: Feet
Armor: 42
Equip Cost: 10 Str
Inherent Attributes: +47 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +63 Hit Points


Armor: 324
Equip Cost: 75 Str
Item Level: 46
Inherent Attributes: +350 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Head
Armor: 50
Equip Cost: 12 Str
Inherent Attributes: +50 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 38
Equip Cost: 9 Str
Inherent Attributes: +50 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Chest
Armor: 75
Equip Cost: 18 Str
Inherent Attributes: +50 Special Damage Effects Defense

Heavy Gauntlets
Slot: Hands
Armor: 33
Equip Cost: 7 Str
Inherent Attributes: +50 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Waist
Armor: 25
Equip Cost: 6 Str
Inherent Attributes: +50 Special Damage Effects Defense

Heavy Leg Plates
Slot: Legs
Armor: 58
Equip Cost: 13 Str
Inherent Attributes: +50 Special Damage Effects Defense

Slot: Feet
Armor: 45
Equip Cost: 10 Str
Inherent Attributes: +50 Special Damage Effects Defense


Armor: 330
Equip Cost: 77 Str
Item Level: 47
Inherent Attributes: +469 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +469 Hit Points

Slot: Head
Armor: 51
Equip Cost: 12 Str
Inherent Attributes: +67 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +67 Hit Points

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 38
Equip Cost: 9 Str
Inherent Attributes: +67 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +67 Hit Points

Slot: Chest
Armor: 77
Equip Cost: 18 Str
Inherent Attributes: +67 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +67 Hit Points

Heavy Gauntlets
Slot: Hands
Armor: 33
Equip Cost: 7 Str
Inherent Attributes: +67 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +67 Hit Points

Slot: Waist
Armor: 26
Equip Cost: 6 Str
Inherent Attributes: +67 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +67 Hit Points

Heavy Leg Plates
Slot: Legs
Armor: 59
Equip Cost: 14 Str
Inherent Attributes: +67 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +67 Hit Points

Slot: Feet
Armor: 46
Equip Cost: 11 Str
Inherent Attributes: +67 Special Damage Effects Defense
		     +67 Hit Points

				 Defender				   X4002


Armor: 92
Equip Cost: 29 Str, 7 Stam
Item Level: 8
Inherent Attributes: 8 Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Head
Armor: 14
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 11
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Chest
Armor: 22
Equip Cost: 7 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 2 Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Hands
Armor: 9
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Waist
Armor: 7
Equip Cost: 2 Str
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Legs
Armor: 16
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Feet
Armor: 13
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage


Armor: 101
Equip Cost: 30 Str, 7 Stam
Item Level: 9
Inherent Attributes: 8 Physical Thorns Damage
		     +14% to Total Armor Value

Slot: Head
Armor: 16
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage
		     +2% to Total Armor Value

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 12
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage
		     +2% to Total Armor Value

Slot: Chest
Armor: 23
Equip Cost: 7 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 2 Physical Thorns Damage
		     +2% to Total Armor Value

Slot: Hands
Armor: 10
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage
		     +2% to Total Armor Value

Harness/Kidney Belt
Slot: Waist
Armor: 8
Equip Cost: 2 Str
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage
		     +2% to Total Armor Value

Slot: Legs
Armor: 18
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage
		     +2% to Total Armor Value

Slot: Feet
Armor: 14
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage
		     +2% to Total Armor Value


Armor: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str, ? Stam
Item Level: 12
Inherent Attributes: 8 Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Head
Armor: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str, ? Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 14
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Chest
Armor: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str, ? Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Hands
Armor: 12
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Waist
Armor: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str, ? Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Legs
Armor: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str, ? Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Armor: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str, ? Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A


Armor: 138
Equip Cost: 42 Str, 12 Stam
Item Level: 14
Inherent Attributes: 8 Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Head
Armor: 22
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 16
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Chest
Armor: 32
Equip Cost: 10 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 2 Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Hands
Armor: 14
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage

Kidney Belt
Slot: Waist
Armor: 11
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Legs
Armor: 24
Equip Cost: 7 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Feet
Armor: 19
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage


Armor: 161
Equip Cost: 52 Str, 15 Stam
Item Level: 17
Inherent Attributes: 11 Physical Thorns Damage
		     70% Shield Penetration (Adamantine)
		     +21% to Total Armor Value (Restorative)

Slot: Head
Armor: 25
Equip Cost: 8 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 2 Physical Thorns Damage
		     10% Shield Penetration (Adamantine)
		     +3% to Total Armor Value (Restorative)

Pauldrons/Shoulder Plates/Spaulders
Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 19
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage
		     10% Shield Penetration (Adamantine)
		     +3% to Total Armor Value (Restorative)

Aketon/Brigandine/Plate Armor
Slot: Chest
Armor: 38
Equip Cost: 12 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 3 Physical Thorns Damage
		     10% Shield Penetration (Adamantine)
		     +3% to Total Armor Value (Restorative)

Slot: Hands
Armor: 16
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage
		     10% Shield Penetration (Adamantine)
		     +3% to Total Armor Value (Restorative)

Girdle/Kidney Belt/War Belt
Slot: Waist
Armor: 13
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage
		     10% Shield Penetration (Adamantine)
		     +3% to Total Armor Value (Restorative)

Slot: Legs
Armor: 28
Equip Cost: 9 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 2 Physical Thorns Damage
		     10% Shield Penetration (Adamantine)
		     +3% to Total Armor Value (Restorative)

Groundpounders/Stompers/Tanker Boots
Slot: Feet
Armor: 22
Equip Cost: 7 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage
		     10% Shield Penetration (Adamantine)
		     +3% to Total Armor Value (Restorative)


Armor: 169
Equip Cost: 53 Str, 15 Stam
Item Level: 18
Inherent Attributes: 11 Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Head
Armor: 26
Equip Cost: 8 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 2 Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 20
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Chest
Armor: 40
Equip Cost: 12 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 3 Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Hands
Armor: 17
Equip Cost: 7 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage

Girdle/Kidney Belt
Slot: Waist
Armor: 13
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Legs
Armor: 30
Equip Cost: 9 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 2 Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Feet
Armor: 23
Equip Cost: 7 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage


Armor: 192
Equip Cost: 60 Str, 17 Stam
Item Level: 21
Inherent Attributes: 11 Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Head
Armor: 30
Equip Cost: 9 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 2 Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 23
Equip Cost: 7 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Chest
Armor: 45
Equip Cost: 14 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 3 Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Hands
Armor: 19
Equip Cost: 8 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage

Girdle/Kidney Belt
Slot: Waist
Armor: 15
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Legs
Armor: 34
Equip Cost: 10 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 2 Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Feet
Armor: 26
Equip Cost: 8 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage


Armor: 205
Equip Cost: 65 Str, 19 Stam
Item Level: 23
Inherent Attributes: 11 Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Head
Armor: 32
Equip Cost: 10 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 2 Physical Thorns Damage

Pauldrons/Shoulder Plates
Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 24
Equip Cost: 7 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage

Brigandine/Plate Armor
Slot: Chest
Armor: 49
Equip Cost: 15 Str, 5 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 3 Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Hands
Armor: 20
Equip Cost: 8 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Waist
Armor: 16
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Legs
Armor: 36
Equip Cost: 11 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 2 Physical Thorns Damage

Groundpounders/Tanker Boots
Slot: Feet
Armor: 28
Equip Cost: 9 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage


Armor: 238
Equip Cost: 73 Str, 20 Stam
Item Level: 27
Inherent Attributes: 12 Physical Thorns Damage
		     +28% to Total Armor Value (Harmonic)

Slot: Head
Armor: 37
Equip Cost: 11 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 2 Physical Thorns Damage
		     +4% to Total Armor Value (Harmonic)

Shoulder Plates
Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 28
Equip Cost: 8 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage
		     +4% to Total Armor Value (Harmonic)

Plate Armor
Slot: Chest
Armor: 56
Equip Cost: 17 Str, 5 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 4 Physical Thorns Damage
		     +4% to Total Armor Value (Harmonic)

Slot: Hands
Armor: 23
Equip Cost: 9 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage
		     +4% to Total Armor Value (Harmonic)

War Belt
Slot: Waist
Armor: 19
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 1 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage
		     +4% to Total Armor Value (Harmonic)

Slot: Legs
Armor: 42
Equip Cost: 13 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 2 Physical Thorns Damage
		     +4% to Total Armor Value (Harmonic)

Tanker Boots
Slot: Feet
Armor: 33
Equip Cost: 10 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage
		     +4% to Total Armor Value (Harmonic)


Armor: 254
Equip Cost: 79 Str, 24 Stam
Item Level: 29
Inherent Attributes: 14 Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Head
Armor: 40
Equip Cost: 12 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 3 Physical Thorns Damage

Shoulder Plates
Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 30
Equip Cost: 9 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage

Plate Armor
Slot: Chest
Armor: 59
Equip Cost: 18 Str, 6 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 4 Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Hands
Armor: 25
Equip Cost: 10 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage

War Belt
Slot: Waist
Armor: 20
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Legs
Armor: 45
Equip Cost: 14 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 3 Physical Thorns Damage

Tanker Boots
Slot: Feet
Armor: 35
Equip Cost: 10 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage


Armor: 268
Equip Cost: 83 Str, 24 Stam
Item Level: 31
Inherent Attributes: 14 Physical Thorns Damage
		     100% Shield Penetration

Slot: Head
Armor: 42
Equip Cost: 13 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 3 Physical Thorns Damage
		     15% Shield Penetration

Shoulder Plates
Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 32
Equip Cost: 9 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage
		     15% Shield Penetration

Plate Armor
Slot: Chest
Armor: 63
Equip Cost: 19 Str, 6 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 4 Physical Thorns Damage
		     15% Shield Penetration

Slot: Hands
Armor: 26
Equip Cost: 11 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage
		     15% Shield Penetration

War Belt
Slot: Waist
Armor: 21
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage
		     15% Shield Penetration

Slot: Legs
Armor: 47
Equip Cost: 14 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 3 Physical Thorns Damage
		     15% Shield Penetration

Tanker Boots
Slot: Feet
Armor: 37
Equip Cost: 11 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage
		     15% Shield Penetration


Armor: 283
Equip Cost: 87 Str, 26 Stam
Item Level: 33
Inherent Attributes: 15 Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Head
Armor: 44
Equip Cost: 13 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 3 Physical Thorns Damage

Shoulder Plates
Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 33
Equip Cost: 10 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage

Plate Armor
Slot: Chest
Armor: 67
Equip Cost: 20 Str, 6 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 5 Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Hands
Armor: 28
Equip Cost: 11 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage

War Belt
Slot: Waist
Armor: 22
Equip Cost: 6 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Legs
Armor: 50
Equip Cost: 15 Str, 5 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 3 Physical Thorns Damage

Tanker Boots
Slot: Feet
Armor: 39
Equip Cost: 12 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage


Armor: 298
Equip Cost: 92 Str, 28 Stam
Item Level: 35
Inherent Attributes: 15 Physical Thorns Damage
		     100% Shield Penetration (Onslaught)
		     +35% to Total Armor Value (Onslaught & Reanimator)

Slot: Head
Armor: 47
Equip Cost: 14 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 3 Physical Thorns Damage
		     15% Shield Penetration (Onslaught)
		     +5% to Total Armor Value (Onslaught & Reanimator)

Shoulder Plates
Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 35
Equip Cost: 10 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage
		     15% Shield Penetration (Onslaught)
		     +5% to Total Armor Value (Onslaught & Reanimator)

Plate Armor
Slot: Chest
Armor: 70
Equip Cost: 21 Str, 7 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 5 Physical Thorns Damage
		     15% Shield Penetration (Onslaught)
		     +5% to Total Armor Value (Onslaught & Reanimator)

Slot: Hands
Armor: 29
Equip Cost: 12 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage
		     15% Shield Penetration (Onslaught)
		     +5% to Total Armor Value (Onslaught & Reanimator)

War Belt
Slot: Waist
Armor: 23
Equip Cost: 7 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage
		     15% Shield Penetration (Onslaught)
		     +5% to Total Armor Value (Onslaught & Reanimator)

Slot: Legs
Armor: 53
Equip Cost: 16 Str, 5 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 3 Physical Thorns Damage
		     15% Shield Penetration (Onslaught)
		     +5% to Total Armor Value (Onslaught & Reanimator)

Tanker Boots
Slot: Feet
Armor: 41
Equip Cost: 12 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage
		     15% Shield Penetration (Onslaught)
		     +5% to Total Armor Value (Onslaught & Reanimator)


Armor: 329
Equip Cost: 109 Str, 32 Stam
Item Level: 39
Inherent Attributes: 15 Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Head
Armor: 52
Equip Cost: 16 Str, 5 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 3 Physical Thorns Damage

Shoulder Plates
Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 39
Equip Cost: 12 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage

Plate Armor
Slot: Chest
Armor: 77
Equip Cost: 24 Str, 8 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 5 Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Hands
Armor: 32
Equip Cost: 13 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage

War Belt
Slot: Waist
Armor: 26
Equip Cost: 8 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Legs
Armor: 58
Equip Cost: 18 Str, 6 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 3 Physical Thorns Damage

Tanker Boots
Slot: Feet
Armor: 45
Equip Cost: 14 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 1 Physical Thorns Damage


Armor: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str, ? Stam
Item Level: 41
Inherent Attributes: ? Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Head
Armor: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str, ? Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str, ? Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Chest
Armor: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str, ? Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Hands
Armor: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str, ? Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Waist
Armor: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str, ? Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Legs
Armor: 61
Equip Cost: 24 Str, 8 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 4 Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Feet
Armor: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str, ? Stam
Inherent Attributes: N/A


Armor: 358
Equip Cost: 112 Str, 33 Stam
Item Level: 43
Inherent Attributes: 22 Physical Thorns Damage
		     100% Shield Penetration

Slot: Head
Armor: 56
Equip Cost: 17 Str, 5 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 4 Physical Thorns Damage
		     20% Shield Penetration

Shoulder Plates
Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 42
Equip Cost: 13 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 2 Physical Thorns Damage
		     20% Shield Penetration

Plate Armor
Slot: Chest
Armor: 85
Equip Cost: 26 Str, 8 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 6 Physical Thorns Damage
		     20% Shield Penetration

Slot: Hands
Armor: 35
Equip Cost: 14 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 2 Physical Thorns Damage
		     20% Shield Penetration

War Belt
Slot: Waist
Armor: 28
Equip Cost: 8 Str, 2 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 2 Physical Thorns Damage
		     20% Shield Penetration

Slot: Legs
Armor: 63
Equip Cost: 19 Str, 6 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 4 Physical Thorns Damage
		     20% Shield Penetration

Tanker Boots
Slot: Feet
Armor: 49
Equip Cost: 15 Str, 5 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 2 Physical Thorns Damage
		     20% Shield Penetration


Armor: 374
Equip Cost: 117 Str, 36 Stam
Item Level: 45
Inherent Attributes: 22 Physical Thorns Damage
		     +42% to Total Armor Value (Havoc)

Slot: Head
Armor: 59
Equip Cost: 18 Str, 6 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 4 Physical Thorns Damage
		     +6% to Total Armor Value (Havoc)

Shoulder Plates
Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 44
Equip Cost: 13 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 2 Physical Thorns Damage
		     +6% to Total Armor Value (Havoc)

Plate Armor
Slot: Chest
Armor: 88
Equip Cost: 27 Str, 9 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 6 Physical Thorns Damage
		     +6% to Total Armor Value (Havoc)

Slot: Hands
Armor: 37
Equip Cost: 15 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 2 Physical Thorns Damage
		     +6% to Total Armor Value (Havoc)

War Belt
Slot: Waist
Armor: 29
Equip Cost: 9 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 2 Physical Thorns Damage
		     +6% to Total Armor Value (Havoc)

Slot: Legs
Armor: 66
Equip Cost: 20 Str, 6 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 4 Physical Thorns Damage
		     +6% to Total Armor Value (Havoc)

Tanker Boots
Slot: Feet
Armor: 51
Equip Cost: 15 Str, 5 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 2 Physical Thorns Damage
		     +6% to Total Armor Value (Havoc)


Armor: 391
Equip Cost: 121 Str, 37 Stam
Item Level: 47
Inherent Attributes: 22 Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Head
Armor: 61
Equip Cost: 18 Str, 6 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 4 Physical Thorns Damage

Shoulder Plates
Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 46
Equip Cost: 14 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 2 Physical Thorns Damage

Plate Armor
Slot: Chest
Armor: 92
Equip Cost: 28 Str, 9 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 6 Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Hands
Armor: 38
Equip Cost: 15 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 2 Physical Thorns Damage

War Belt
Slot: Waist
Armor: 31
Equip Cost: 9 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 2 Physical Thorns Damage

Slot: Legs
Armor: 69
Equip Cost: 21 Str, 7 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 4 Physical Thorns Damage

Tanker Boots
Slot: Feet
Armor: 54
Equip Cost: 16 Str, 5 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 2 Physical Thorns Damage


Armor: 407
Equip Cost: 126 Str, 38 Stam
Item Level: 49
Inherent Attributes: 22 Physical Thorns Damage
		     100% Shield Penetration
		     +42% to Total Armor Value

Slot: Head
Armor: 64
Equip Cost: 19 Str, 6 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 4 Physical Thorns Damage
		     20% Shield Penetration
		     +6% to Total Armor Value

Shoulder Plates
Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 48
Equip Cost: 14 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 2 Physical Thorns Damage
		     20% Shield Penetration
		     +6% to Total Armor Value

Plate Armor
Slot: Chest
Armor: 95
Equip Cost: 29 Str, 9 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 6 Physical Thorns Damage
		     20% Shield Penetration
		     +6% to Total Armor Value

Slot: Hands
Armor: 40
Equip Cost: 16 Str, 4 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 2 Physical Thorns Damage
		     20% Shield Penetration
		     +6% to Total Armor Value

War Belt
Slot: Waist
Armor: 32
Equip Cost: 9 Str, 3 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 2 Physical Thorns Damage
		     20% Shield Penetration
		     +6% to Total Armor Value

Slot: Legs
Armor: 72
Equip Cost: 22 Str, 7 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 4 Physical Thorns Damage
		     20% Shield Penetration
		     +6% to Total Armor Value

Tanker Boots
Slot: Feet
Armor: 56
Equip Cost: 17 Str, 5 Stam
Inherent Attributes: 2 Physical Thorns Damage
		     20% Shield Penetration
		     +6% to Total Armor Value

				Swordsman				   X4003


Armor: 61
Shields: 61
Equip Cost: 29 Str
Item Level: 8
Inherent Attributes: +18% Melee Speed
		     +7-14% Blademaster Skill Use Rate

Slot: Head
Armor: 10
Shields: 10
Equip Cost: 4 Str
Inherent Attributes: +4% Melee Speed
		     +1-2% Blademaster Skill Use Rate (Mistwalker Clomps)

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 7
Shields: 7
Equip Cost: 3 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed
		     +1-2% Blademaster Skill Use Rate (Mistwalker Clomps)

Slot: Chest
Armor: 14
Shields: 14
Equip Cost: 7 Str
Inherent Attributes: +4% Melee Speed
		     +1-2% Blademaster Skill Use Rate (Mistwalker Clomps)

Slot: Hands
Armor: 6
Shields: 6
Equip Cost: 4 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed
		     +1-2% Blademaster Skill Use Rate (Mistwalker Clomps)

Slot: Waist
Armor: 5
Shields: 5
Equip Cost: 2 Str
Inherent Attributes: +1% Melee Speed
		     +1-2% Blademaster Skill Use Rate (Mistwalker Clomps)

Slot: Legs
Armor: 11
Shields: 11
Equip Cost: 5 Str
Inherent Attributes: +3% Melee Speed
		     +1-2% Blademaster Skill Use Rate (Mistwalker Clomps)

Slot: Feet
Armor: 8
Shields: 8
Equip Cost: 4 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed
		     +1-2% Blademaster Skill Use Rate (Mistwalker Clomps)


Armor: 77
Shields: 77
Equip Cost: 30 Str
Item Level: 9
Inherent Attributes: +18% Melee Speed

Slot: Head
Armor: 10
Shields: 10
Equip Cost: 5 Str
Inherent Attributes: +4% Melee Speed

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 8
Shields: 8
Equip Cost: 3 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed

Slot: Chest
Armor: 16
Shields: 16
Equip Cost: 7 Str
Inherent Attributes: +4% Melee Speed

Slot: Hands
Armor: 7
Shields: 7
Equip Cost: 4 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed

Slot: Waist
Armor: 5
Shields: 5
Equip Cost: 2 Str
Inherent Attributes: +1% Melee Speed

Slot: Legs
Armor: 12
Shields: 12
Equip Cost: 5 Str
Inherent Attributes: +3% Melee Speed

Slot: Feet
Armor: 9
Shields: 9
Equip Cost: 4 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed


Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str
Item Level: 11
Inherent Attributes: +18% Melee Speed

Slot: Head
Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 9
Shields: 9
Equip Cost: 5 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed

Slot: Chest
Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Hands
Armor: 8
Shields: 8
Equip Cost: 6 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed

Slot: Waist
Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Legs
Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str
Inherent Attributes: N/A


Armor: 97
Shields: 97
Equip Cost: 46 Str
Item Level: 15
Inherent Attributes: +18% Melee Speed

Slot: Head
Armor: 15
Shields: 15
Equip Cost: 7 Str
Inherent Attributes: +4% Melee Speed

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 11
Shields: 11
Equip Cost: 5 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed

Slot: Chest
Armor: 23
Shields: 23
Equip Cost: 11 Str
Inherent Attributes: +4% Melee Speed

Slot: Hands
Armor: 10
Shields: 10
Equip Cost: 6 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed

Slot: Waist
Armor: 8
Shields: 8
Equip Cost: 3 Str
Inherent Attributes: +1% Melee Speed

Slot: Legs
Armor: 17
Shields: 17
Equip Cost: 8 Str
Inherent Attributes: +3% Melee Speed

Slot: Feet
Armor: 13
Shields: 13
Equip Cost: 6 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed


Armor: 108
Shields: 108
Equip Cost: 62 Str
Item Level: 17
Inherent Attributes: +18% Melee Speed

Slot: Head
Armor: 17
Shields: 17
Equip Cost: 8 Str
Inherent Attributes: +4% Melee Speed

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 13
Shields: 13
Equip Cost: 6 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed

Slot: Chest
Armor: 25
Shields: 25
Equip Cost: 12 Str
Inherent Attributes: +4% Melee Speed

Slot: Hands
Armor: 11
Shields: 11
Equip Cost: 6 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed

Slot: Waist
Armor: 8
Shields: 8
Equip Cost: 4 Str
Inherent Attributes: +1% Melee Speed

Slot: Legs
Armor: 19
Shields: 19
Equip Cost: 9 Str
Inherent Attributes: +3% Melee Speed

Slot: Feet
Armor: 15
Shields: 15
Equip Cost: 7 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed


Armor: 112
Shields: 112
Equip Cost: 53 Str
Item Level: 18
Inherent Attributes: +18% Melee Speed
		     70% Shield Penetration (Dreamweaver)
		     +14-21% Blademaster Skill Use Rate (Mistwalker)

Slot: Head
Armor: 18
Shields: 18
Equip Cost: 8 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed
		     10% Shield Penetration (Dreamweaver)
		     +2-3% Blademaster Skill Use Rate (Mistwalker Clomps)

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 13
Shields: 13
Equip Cost: 6 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed
		     10% Shield Penetration (Dreamweaver)
		     +2-3% Blademaster Skill Use Rate (Mistwalker Clomps)

Slot: Chest
Armor: 26
Shields: 26
Equip Cost: 12 Str
Inherent Attributes: +3% Melee Speed
		     10% Shield Penetration (Dreamweaver)
		     +2-3% Blademaster Skill Use Rate (Mistwalker Clomps)

Slot: Hands
Armor: 11
Shields: 11
Equip Cost: 7 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed
		     10% Shield Penetration (Dreamweaver)
		     +2-3% Blademaster Skill Use Rate (Mistwalker Clomps)

Slot: Waist
Armor: 9
Shields: 9
Equip Cost: 4 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed
		     10% Shield Penetration (Dreamweaver)
		     +2-3% Blademaster Skill Use Rate (Mistwalker Clomps)

Slot: Legs
Armor: 20
Shields: 20
Equip Cost: 9 Str
Inherent Attributes: +3% Melee Speed
		     10% Shield Penetration (Dreamweaver)
		     +2-3% Blademaster Skill Use Rate (Mistwalker Clomps)

Slot: Feet
Armor: 15
Shields: 15
Equip Cost: 7 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed
		     10% Shield Penetration (Dreamweaver)
		     +2-3% Blademaster Skill Use Rate (Mistwalker Clomps)


Armor: 123
Shields: 123
Equip Cost: 56 Str
Item Level: 20
Inherent Attributes: +18% Melee Speed

Slot: Head
Armor: 19
Shields: 19
Equip Cost: 9 Str
Inherent Attributes: +4% Melee Speed

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 14
Shields: 14
Equip Cost: 6 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed

Slot: Chest
Armor: 29
Shields: 29
Equip Cost: 13 Str
Inherent Attributes: +4% Melee Speed

Slot: Hands
Armor: 12
Shields: 12
Equip Cost: 7 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed

Slot: Waist
Armor: 10
Shields: 10
Equip Cost: 4 Str
Inherent Attributes: +1% Melee Speed

Slot: Legs
Armor: 22
Shields: 22
Equip Cost: 10 Str
Inherent Attributes: +3% Melee Speed

Slot: Feet
Armor: 17
Shields: 17
Equip Cost: 7 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed


Armor: 143
Shields: 143
Equip Cost: 65 Str
Item Level: 24
Inherent Attributes: +18% Melee Speed

Slot: Head
Armor: 22
Shields: 22
Equip Cost: 10 Str
Inherent Attributes: +4% Melee Speed

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 17
Shields: 17
Equip Cost: 7 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed

Slot: Chest
Armor: 34
Shields: 34
Equip Cost: 15 Str
Inherent Attributes: +4% Melee Speed

Slot: Hands
Armor: 14
Shields: 14
Equip Cost: 8 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed

Slot: Waist
Armor: 11
Shields: 11
Equip Cost: 5 Str
Inherent Attributes: +1% Melee Speed

Slot: Legs
Armor: 25
Shields: 25
Equip Cost: 11 Str
Inherent Attributes: +3% Melee Speed

Slot: Feet
Armor: 20
Shields: 20
Equip Cost: 9 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed


Armor: 153
Shields: 153
Equip Cost: 70 Str
Item Level: 26
Inherent Attributes: +18% Melee Speed
		     +21-28% Blademaster Skill Use Rate (Slighthand)

Slot: Head
Armor: 24
Shields: 24
Equip Cost: 11 Str
Inherent Attributes: +4% Melee Speed
		     +3-4% Blademaster Skill Use Rate (Slighthand)

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 18
Shields: 18
Equip Cost: 8 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed
		     +3-4% Blademaster Skill Use Rate (Slighthand)

Slot: Chest
Armor: 36
Shields: 36
Equip Cost: 16 Str
Inherent Attributes: +4% Melee Speed
		     +3-4% Blademaster Skill Use Rate (Slighthand)

Slot: Hands
Armor: 15
Shields: 15
Equip Cost: 9 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed
		     +3-4% Blademaster Skill Use Rate (Slighthand)

Slot: Waist
Armor: 12
Shields: 12
Equip Cost: 5 Str
Inherent Attributes: +1% Melee Speed
		     +3-4% Blademaster Skill Use Rate (Slighthand)

Slot: Legs
Armor: 27
Shields: 27
Equip Cost: 12 Str
Inherent Attributes: +3% Melee Speed
		     +3-4% Blademaster Skill Use Rate (Slighthand)

Slot: Feet
Armor: 21
Shields: 21
Equip Cost: 9 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed
		     +3-4% Blademaster Skill Use Rate (Slighthand)


Armor: 174
Shields: 174
Equip Cost: 81 Str
Item Level: 30
Inherent Attributes: +18% Melee Speed
		     100% Shield Penetration (Thetan)

Slot: Head
Armor: 27
Shields: 27
Equip Cost: 12 Str
Inherent Attributes: +4% Melee Speed
		     15% Shield Penetration (Thetan)

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 20
Shields: 20
Equip Cost: 9 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed
		     15% Shield Penetration (Thetan)

Slot: Chest
Armor: 41
Shields: 41
Equip Cost: 19 Str
Inherent Attributes: +4% Melee Speed
		     15% Shield Penetration (Thetan)

Slot: Hands
Armor: 17
Shields: 17
Equip Cost: 10 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed
		     15% Shield Penetration (Thetan)

Slot: Waist
Armor: 14
Shields: 14
Equip Cost: 6 Str
Inherent Attributes: +1% Melee Speed
		     15% Shield Penetration (Thetan)

Slot: Legs
Armor: 31
Shields: 31
Equip Cost: 14 Str
Inherent Attributes: +3% Melee Speed
		     15% Shield Penetration (Thetan)

Slot: Feet
Armor: 24
Shields: 24
Equip Cost: 11 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed
		     15% Shield Penetration (Thetan)


Armor: 183
Shields: 183
Equip Cost: 86 Str
Item Level: 32
Inherent Attributes: +18% Melee Speed

Slot: Head
Armor: 29
Shields: 29
Equip Cost: 13 Str
Inherent Attributes: +4% Melee Speed

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 22
Shields: 22
Equip Cost: 10 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed

Slot: Chest
Armor: 43
Shields: 43
Equip Cost: 20 Str
Inherent Attributes: +4% Melee Speed

Slot: Hands
Armor: 18
Shields: 18
Equip Cost: 11 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed

Slot: Waist
Armor: 14
Shields: 14
Equip Cost: 6 Str
Inherent Attributes: +1% Melee Speed

Slot: Legs
Armor: 32
Shields: 32
Equip Cost: 15 Str
Inherent Attributes: +3% Melee Speed

Slot: Feet
Armor: 25
Shields: 25
Equip Cost: 11 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed


Armor: 194
Shields: 194
Equip Cost: 90 Str
Item Level: 34
Inherent Attributes: +18% Melee Speed
		     100% Shield Penetration
		     +28-35% Blademaster Skill Use Rate

Slot: Head
Armor: 30
Shields: 30
Equip Cost: 14 Str
Inherent Attributes: +4% Melee Speed
		     15% Shield Penetration
		     +4-5% Blademaster Skill Use Rate

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 23
Shields: 23
Equip Cost: 10 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed
		     15% Shield Penetration
		     +4-5% Blademaster Skill Use Rate

Slot: Chest
Armor: 46
Shields: 46
Equip Cost: 21 Str
Inherent Attributes: +4% Melee Speed
		     15% Shield Penetration
		     +4-5% Blademaster Skill Use Rate

Slot: Hands
Armor: 19
Shields: 19
Equip Cost: 11 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed
		     15% Shield Penetration
		     +4-5% Blademaster Skill Use Rate

Slot: Waist
Armor: 15
Shields: 15
Equip Cost: 7 Str
Inherent Attributes: +1% Melee Speed
		     15% Shield Penetration
		     +4-5% Blademaster Skill Use Rate

Slot: Legs
Armor: 34
Shields: 34
Equip Cost: 15 Str
Inherent Attributes: +3% Melee Speed
		     15% Shield Penetration
		     +4-5% Blademaster Skill Use Rate

Slot: Feet
Armor: 27
Shields: 27
Equip Cost: 12 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed
		     15% Shield Penetration
		     +4-5% Blademaster Skill Use Rate


Armor: 204
Shields: 204
Equip Cost: 95 Str
Item Level: 36
Inherent Attributes: +18% Melee Speed
		     +28-35% Blademaster Skill Use Rate (Trickster)

Slot: Head
Armor: 32
Shields: 32
Equip Cost: 14 Str
Inherent Attributes: +4% Melee Speed
		     +4-5% Blademaster Skill Use Rate (Trickster)

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 24
Shields: 24
Equip Cost: 11 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed
		     +4-5% Blademaster Skill Use Rate (Trickster)

Slot: Chest
Armor: 48
Shields: 48
Equip Cost: 22 Str
Inherent Attributes: +4% Melee Speed
		     +4-5% Blademaster Skill Use Rate (Trickster)

Slot: Hands
Armor: 20
Shields: 20
Equip Cost: 12 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed
		     +4-5% Blademaster Skill Use Rate (Trickster)

Slot: Waist
Armor: 16
Shields: 16
Equip Cost: 7 Str
Inherent Attributes: +1% Melee Speed
		     +4-5% Blademaster Skill Use Rate (Trickster)

Slot: Legs
Armor: 36
Shields: 36
Equip Cost: 16 Str
Inherent Attributes: +3% Melee Speed
		     +4-5% Blademaster Skill Use Rate (Trickster)

Slot: Feet
Armor: 28
Shields: 28
Equip Cost: 13 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed
		     +4-5% Blademaster Skill Use Rate (Trickster)


Armor: 214
Shields: 214
Equip Cost: 99 Str
Item Level: 38
Inherent Attributes: +18% Melee Speed

Slot: Head
Armor: 34
Shields: 34
Equip Cost: 15 Str
Inherent Attributes: +4% Melee Speed

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 25
Shields: 25
Equip Cost: 11 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed

Slot: Chest
Armor: 50
Shields: 50
Equip Cost: 23 Str
Inherent Attributes: +4% Melee Speed

Slot: Hands
Armor: 21
Shields: 21
Equip Cost: 13 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed

Slot: Waist
Armor: 17
Shields: 17
Equip Cost: 7 Str
Inherent Attributes: +1% Melee Speed

Slot: Legs
Armor: 38
Shields: 38
Equip Cost: 17 Str
Inherent Attributes: +3% Melee Speed

Slot: Feet
Armor: 29
Shields: 29
Equip Cost: 13 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed


Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str
Item Level: 42
Inherent Attributes: +18% Melee Speed

Slot: Head
Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Chest
Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Hands
Armor: 23
Shields: 23
Equip Cost: 18 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed

Slot: Waist
Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Legs
Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str
Inherent Attributes: N/A

Slot: Feet
Armor: ?
Shields: ?
Equip Cost: ? Str
Inherent Attributes: N/A


Armor: 245
Shields: 245
Equip Cost: 112 Str
Item Level: 44
Inherent Attributes: +18% Melee Speed
		     100% Shield Penetration (Lucid)
		     +35-42% Blademaster Skill Use Rate (Chaos)

Slot: Head
Armor: 38
Shields: 38
Equip Cost: 17 Str
Inherent Attributes: +4% Melee Speed
		     20% Shield Penetration (Lucid)
		     +5-6% Blademaster Skill Use Rate (Chaos)

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 29
Shields: 29
Equip Cost: 13 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed
		     20% Shield Penetration (Lucid)
		     +5-6% Blademaster Skill Use Rate (Chaos)

Slot: Chest
Armor: 58
Shields: 58
Equip Cost: 26 Str
Inherent Attributes: +4% Melee Speed
		     20% Shield Penetration (Lucid)
		     +5-6% Blademaster Skill Use Rate (Chaos)

Slot: Hands
Armor: 24
Shields: 24
Equip Cost: 14 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed
		     20% Shield Penetration (Lucid)
		     +5-6% Blademaster Skill Use Rate (Chaos)

Slot: Waist
Armor: 19
Shields: 19
Equip Cost: 8 Str
Inherent Attributes: +1% Melee Speed
		     20% Shield Penetration (Lucid)
		     +5-6% Blademaster Skill Use Rate (Chaos)

Slot: Legs
Armor: 43
Shields: 43
Equip Cost: 19 Str
Inherent Attributes: +3% Melee Speed
		     20% Shield Penetration (Lucid)
		     +5-6% Blademaster Skill Use Rate (Chaos)

Slot: Feet
Armor: 34
Shields: 34
Equip Cost: 15 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed
		     20% Shield Penetration (Lucid)
		     +5-6% Blademaster Skill Use Rate (Chaos)


Armor: 265
Shields: 265
Equip Cost: 123 Str
Item Level: 48
Inherent Attributes: +18% Melee Speed

Slot: Head
Armor: 42
Shields: 42
Equip Cost: 19 Str
Inherent Attributes: +4% Melee Speed

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 31
Shields: 31
Equip Cost: 14 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed

Slot: Chest
Armor: 62
Shields: 62
Equip Cost: 28 Str
Inherent Attributes: +4% Melee Speed

Slot: Hands
Armor: 26
Shields: 26
Equip Cost: 16 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed

Slot: Waist
Armor: 21
Shields: 21
Equip Cost: 9 Str
Inherent Attributes: +1% Melee Speed

Slot: Legs
Armor: 47
Shields: 47
Equip Cost: 21 Str
Inherent Attributes: +3% Melee Speed

Slot: Feet
Armor: 36
Shields: 36
Equip Cost: 16 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed


Armor: 277
Shields: 277
Equip Cost: 126 Str
Item Level: 50
Inherent Attributes: +18% Melee Speed
		     100% Shield Penetration
		     +35-42% Blademaster Skill Use Rate

Slot: Head
Armor: 43
Shields: 43
Equip Cost: 19 Str
Inherent Attributes: +4% Melee Speed
		     20% Shield Penetration
		     +5-6% Blademaster Skill Use Rate

Slot: Shoulder
Armor: 32
Shields: 32
Equip Cost: 14 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed
		     20% Shield Penetration
		     +5-6% Blademaster Skill Use Rate

Slot: Chest
Armor: 65
Shields: 65
Equip Cost: 29 Str
Inherent Attributes: +4% Melee Speed
		     20% Shield Penetration
		     +5-6% Blademaster Skill Use Rate

Slot: Hands
Armor: 27
Shields: 27
Equip Cost: 16 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed
		     20% Shield Penetration
		     +5-6% Blademaster Skill Use Rate

Slot: Waist
Armor: 22
Shields: 22
Equip Cost: 9 Str
Inherent Attributes: +1% Melee Speed
		     20% Shield Penetration
		     +5-6% Blademaster Skill Use Rate

Slot: Legs
Armor: 49
Shields: 49
Equip Cost: 22 Str
Inherent Attributes: +3% Melee Speed
		     20% Shield Penetration
		     +5-6% Blademaster Skill Use Rate

Slot: Feet
Armor: 38
Shields: 38
Equip Cost: 17 Str
Inherent Attributes: +2% Melee Speed
		     20% Shield Penetration
		     +5-6% Blademaster Skill Use Rate


Weapons will be listed first by Faction, then by Type, then damage element, and
lastly by the item's level. An explanation of the various Types can be found
immediately following the Format Explanation below.

Explanation of Format

Mod Types = What types of Mods can be equipped to it.
Damage = How much, and what kind(s) of, damage the weapon does. Damage
	 abbreviations are found below.
Damage Type = Either Direct, Splash, Field, Beam, or Power. Splash can hit
	      multiple targets, Field places a large AoE on the ground that
	      lasts for several seconds, Beam will lock on and/or travel
	      through targets, and Power is only for Loci weapons and is
	      factored into various Cabalistic skills.
Critical Chance = Chance to cause a critical hit.
RoF = How fast the weapon is.
Beams/Projectiles: Each beam/projectile does the listed damage.
Interrupt Strength = Determines how often an attack will momentarily stun an
Critical Damage = How much damage is added on a critical hit.
Range = How close you need to be for the weapon to hit.
Damage of Poison Effect = The percent of damage done if the enemy is afflicted
			  with the Poison status effect.
Power of Shock Effect = How much of the shock damage is taken by the enemy if
			they're afflicted by Electrocution.
XXXX Attack Strength = The higher the number, the better the chance of
		       inflicting the associated status effect.
Equip Cost = What attributes you'll need to have to use it.
	     *NOTE - These are cumulative with all equipped items.
Item Level = The item's level. Determines the minimum level a character has to
	     be to use it, as well as what Mods can be equipped to it.
Inherent Attributes = The special properties that the item has by default.
Notes = Anything that doesn't fit into the above will be listed here.

Explanation of Type

Beam = These fire a beam(s) of energy that locks on to a target(s).
Foci = These are required to use various Cabalist skills. They add
       their properties to the skills in question.
Grappler = These fire a clawed hook that damages and then drags the targeted
	   enemy next to you.
HARP = These weapons will immobilize their target.
Hive = These weapons release a cloud of insects that do damage over an
       extended period of time and can jump to multiple targets.
Melee = Close-combat weapons.
Mind Control = These will cause the targeted demon(s) to fight for you.
Pulse = After a ~3 second charge up, the weapon fires a short burst of power.
Ranged-Arching = Fires an arching projectile.
Ranged-Projectile = Fires a projectile(s).
Ranged-Rapidfire = Fires a near-continuous stream of ammunition.
Ranged-Sticky = Fires a projectile(s) that sticks in place for ~2-3 seconds
		before exploding.
Shield = Armor that can be used with the Shield Bash skill to attack.
Streaming = These weapons will fire continuously. The damage output drops the
	    longer the attack lasts (minimum of 25%).

Damage Abbreviations

E = Electrical
F = Fire
P = Physical
S = Spectral
T = Toxic

Item -> Character Levels

For iLevels 1-5: cLevel = 1
For iLevels 6-10: cLevel = (iLevel - 4)
For iLevels 11-20: cLevel = (iLevel - 5)
For iLevels 21-30: cLevel = (iLevel - 6)
For iLevels 31-40: cLevel = (iLevel - 7)
For iLevels 41-50: cLevel = (iLevel - 8)

			    /////Cabalist\\				   X5001

This section encompasses the Evoker and Summoner classes.



Jade Hydra
Mod Types: Fuel, Relic
Damage: 21-42/sec (T)
Damage Type: Beam
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Constant
Beams: 7
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 10m
Equip Cost: 12 Accu
Item Level: 16
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Uses energy meter; the more you attack, the less damage you'll do.

Emerald Chimera
Mod Types: Fuel, Relic
Damage: 32-64/sec (T)
Damage Type: Beam
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Constant
Beams: 7
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 10m
Equip Cost: 20 Accu
Item Level: 29
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Uses energy meter; the more you attack, the less damage you'll do.

Viridian Drake
Mod Types: Fuel, Relic
Damage: 46-92/sec (T)
Damage Type: Beam
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Constant
Beams: 7
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 10m
Equip Cost: 30 Accu
Item Level: 46
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Uses energy meter; the more you attack, the less damage you'll do.



Cabalistic Locus
Mod Types: Relic
Damage: 19 (S)
Damage Type: Power
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 80 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 15m
All Elemental Strength: 8
Equip Cost: 4 Will
Item Level: 1
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

Cabalistic Axis
Mod Types: Relic
Damage: 22 (S)
Damage Type: Power
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 80 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 15m
All Elemental Strength: 12
Equip Cost: 5 Will
Item Level: 3
Inherent Attributes: -10% Evocation Skill Power Cost
Notes: N/A

Cabalistic Radiant
Mod Types: Relic
Damage: 25 (S)
Damage Type: Power
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 80 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 15m
All Elemental Strength: 18
Equip Cost: 6 Will
Item Level: 5
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

Cabalistic Lens
Mod Types: Relic
Damage: 29 (S)
Damage Type: Power
Critical Chance: 8%
RoF: 80 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 15m
Critical Damage: 40%
All Elemental Strength: 19
Equip Cost: 7 Will
Item Level: 7
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

Cabalistic Prism
Mod Types: Relic
Damage: 33 (S)
Damage Type: Power
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 80 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 15m
All Elemental Strength: 22
Equip Cost: 8 Will
Item Level: 9
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

Cabalistic Core
Mod Types: Relic
Damage: 37 (S)
Damage Type: Power
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 80 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 15m
All Elemental Strength: 26
Equip Cost: 10 Will
Item Level: 11
Inherent Attributes: +10% Evocation Skill Use Rate
Notes: N/A

Enigmatic Locus
Mod Types: Relic
Damage: 43 (S)
Damage Type: Power
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 80 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 15m
All Elemental Strength: 29
Equip Cost: 11 Will
Item Level: 13
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

Enigmatic Axis
Mod Types: Relic
Damage: 44 (S)
Damage Type: Power
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 80 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 15m
All Elemental Strength: 33
Equip Cost: 12 Will
Item Level: 15
Inherent Attributes: -10% Evocation Skill Power Cost
Notes: N/A

Enigmatic Radiant
Mod Types: Relic
Damage: 48 (S)
Damage Type: Power
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 80 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 15m
All Elemental Strength: 42
Equip Cost: 13 Will
Item Level: 17
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

Enigmatic Lens
Mod Types: Relic
Damage: 51 (S)
Damage Type: Power
Critical Chance: 8%
RoF: 80 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 15m
Critical Damage: 40%
All Elemental Strength: 40
Equip Cost: 14 Will
Item Level: 19
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

Enigmatic Prism
Mod Types: Relic
Damage: 55 (S)
Damage Type: Power
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 80 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 15m
All Elemental Strength: 43
Equip Cost: 16 Will
Item Level: 21
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

Enigmatic Core
Mod Types: Relic
Damage: 59 (S)
Damage Type: Power
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 80 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 15m
All Elemental Strength: 47
Equip Cost: 17 Will
Item Level: 23
Inherent Attributes: +10% Evocation Skill Use Rate
Notes: N/A

Arcane Locus
Mod Types: Relic
Damage: 67 (S)
Damage Type: Power
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 80 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 15m
All Elemental Strength: 50
Equip Cost: 18 Will
Item Level: 25
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

Arcane Axis
Mod Types: Relic
Damage: 66 (S)
Damage Type: Power
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 80 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 15m
All Elemental Strength: 54
Equip Cost: 19 Will
Item Level: 27
Inherent Attributes: -10% Evocation Skill Power Cost
Notes: N/A

Arcane Radiant
Mod Types: Relic
Damage: 70 (S)
Damage Type: Power
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 80 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 15m
All Elemental Strength: 66
Equip Cost: 20 Will
Item Level: 29
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

Arcane Lens
Mod Types: Relic
Damage: 73 (S)
Damage Type: Power
Critical Chance: 8%
RoF: 80 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 15m
Critical Damage: 40%
All Elemental Strength: 61
Equip Cost: 22 Will
Item Level: 31
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

Arcane Prism
Mod Types: Relic
Damage: 77 (S)
Damage Type: Power
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 80 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 15m
All Elemental Strength: 64
Equip Cost: 23 Will
Item Level: 33
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

Arcane Core
Mod Types: Relic
Damage: 81 (S)
Damage Type: Power
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 80 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 15m
All Elemental Strength: 68
Equip Cost: 24 Will
Item Level: 35
Inherent Attributes: +10% Evocation Skill Use Rate
Notes: N/A

Locus of the Master
Mod Types: Relic
Damage: 92 (S)
Damage Type: Power
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 80 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 15m
All Elemental Strength: 71
Equip Cost: 25 Will
Item Level: 37
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

Axis of the Master
Mod Types: Relic
Damage: 88 (S)
Damage Type: Power
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 80 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 15m
All Elemental Strength: 75
Equip Cost: 26 Will
Item Level: 39
Inherent Attributes: -10% Evocation Skill Power Cost
Notes: N/A

Radiant of the Master
Mod Types: Relic
Damage: 92 (S)
Damage Type: Power
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 80 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 15m
All Elemental Strength: 90
Equip Cost: 28 Will
Item Level: 41
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

Lens of the Master
Mod Types: Relic
Damage: 95 (S)
Damage Type: Power
Critical Chance: 8%
RoF: 80 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 15m
Critical Damage: 40%
All Elemental Strength: 82
Equip Cost: 29 Will
Item Level: 43
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

Prism of the Master
Mod Types: Relic
Damage: 99 (S)
Damage Type: Power
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 80 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 15m
All Elemental Strength: 85
Equip Cost: 30 Will
Item Level: 45
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

Core of the Master
Mod Types: Relic
Damage: 103 (S)
Damage Type: Power
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 80 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 15m
All Elemental Strength: 89
Equip Cost: 31 Will
Item Level: 47
Inherent Attributes: +10% Evocation Skill Use Rate
Notes: N/A



HARP Pistol
Mod Types: None
Damage: 1-2/sec (E)
Damage Type: Beam
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Constant
Interrupt Strength: 24
Range: 15m
Power of Shock Effect: 25%
Shock Attack Strength: 35
Equip Cost: 3 Accu, 3 Will
Item Level: 3
Inherent Attributes: Immobilizes Enemies
		     Stop Strength: 25
		     Shield Overload: 400%
Notes: Uses energy meter; the more you attack, the less damage you'll do.

Mod Types: None
Damage: 15-22/sec (E)
Damage Type: Beam
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Constant
Beams: 2
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 25m
Power of Shock Effect: 25%
Shock Attack Strength: 690
Equip Cost: 11 Accu, 9 Str
Item Level: 19
Inherent Attributes: Immobilizes Enemies
		     Stop Strength: 105
		     Shield Overload: 400%
Notes: Uses energy meter; the more you attack, the less damage you'll do.

HARP Pistol Mk2
Mod Types: Battery
Damage: 3-6/sec (E)
Damage Type: Beam
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Constant
Interrupt Strength: 124
Range: 15m
Power of Shock Effect: 25%
Shock Attack Strength: 140
Equip Cost: 11 Accu, 13 Will
Item Level: 24
Inherent Attributes: Immobilizes Enemies
		     Stop Strength: 130
		     Shield Overload: 400%
Notes: Uses energy meter; the more you attack, the less damage you'll do.

Mod Types: Battery
Damage: 24-34/sec (E)
Damage Type: Beam
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Constant
Beams: 3
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 25m
Power of Shock Effect: 25%
Shock Attack Strength: 1,140
Equip Cost: 17 Accu, 14 Str
Item Level: 34
Inherent Attributes: Immobilizes Enemies
		     Stop Strength: 180
		     Shield Overload: 400%
Notes: Uses energy meter; the more you attack, the less damage you'll do.

HARP Pistol Mk3
Mod Types: Battery
Damage: 5-9/sec (E)
Damage Type: Beam
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Constant
Interrupt Strength: 190
Range: 15m
Power of Shock Effect: 25%
Shock Attack Strength: 210
Equip Cost: 16 Accu, 19 Will
Item Level: 38
Inherent Attributes: Immobilizes Enemies
		     Stop Strength: 200
		     Shield Overload: 400%
Notes: Uses energy meter; the more you attack, the less damage you'll do.



Wasp Hive
Mod Types: Fuel, Relic
Damage: 3-6/sec/1.5m (T)
Damage Type: Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 37 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 35m
Equip Cost: 6 Accu
Item Level: 1
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Insects home in on the nearest target, including breakables.

Hive Crystal
Mod Types: Relic
Damage: 28-47/sec/1.5m for 5 seconds (T)
Damage Type: Field
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 40 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 38
Range: 30m
Equip Cost: 8 Accu
Item Level: 13
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Fires an arching dart that releases the insects ~2-3 seconds after it

Windhopper Hive
Mod Types: Fuel, Relic
Damage: 12-18/sec/1.5m (T)
Damage Type: Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 37 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 1
Range: 35m
Equip Cost: 27 Accu
Item Level: 23
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Insects home in on the nearest target, including breakables.

Hive Shard
Mod Types: Relic
Damage: 57-94/sec/1.5m for 5 seconds (T)
Damage Type: Field
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 40 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 93
Range: 30m
Equip Cost: 18 Accu
Item Level: 35
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Fires an arching dart that releases the insects ~2-3 seconds after it
Swarm Hive
Mod Types: Fuel, Relic
Damage: 19-28/sec/1.5m (T)
Damage Type: Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 37 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 2
Range: 35m
Equip Cost: 46 Accu
Item Level: 42
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Fires an arching dart that releases the insects ~2-3 seconds after it

				Mind Control

Puppet Master
Mod Types: None
Damage: N/A
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Constant
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 25m
Equip Cost: 8 Accu, 6 Will
Item Level: 17
Inherent Attributes: Mind Control Strength: 95
Notes: Uses energy meter; the more you attack, the less damage you'll do.

Puppet Lord
Mod Types: None
Damage: N/A
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Constant
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 25m
Equip Cost: 11 Accu, 9 Will
Item Level: 26
Inherent Attributes: Mind Control Strength: 140
Notes: Uses energy meter; the more you attack, the less damage you'll do.

Id Pulsar
Mod Types: None
Damage: N/A
Damage Type: Field
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Constant
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 20m
Equip Cost: 28 Accu, 28 Will
Item Level: 32
Inherent Attributes: Mind Control Strength: 17 in a 1.5m radius for 5 seconds;
		     field lasts 4 seconds.
Notes: Uses energy meter; the more you attack, the less damage you'll do.

Mod Types: None
Damage: N/A
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Constant
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 25m
Equip Cost: 18 Accu, 14 Will
Item Level: 43
Inherent Attributes: Mind Control Strength: 225
Notes: Uses energy meter; the more you attack, the less damage you'll do.

			      Ranged - Projectile


Tempest Rifle
Mod Types: Battery
Damage: 5-8 (E)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 42 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 29
Range: 20m
Equip Cost: 8 Accu
Item Level: 4
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Projectile splits into four projectiles after ~10m.

Electric Eel Ejector
Mod Types: Battery, Relic
Damage: 1 (E)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 75 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 1
Range: 20m
Power of Shock Effect: 25%
Shock Attack Strength: 155
Equip Cost: 29 Accu
Item Level: 27
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Projectile sticks to a target, doing extra damage over ~3 seconds.

Lightning Leech Launcher
Mod Types: Battery, Relic
Damage: 1 (E)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 75 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 2
Range: 20m
Power of Shock Effect: 25%
Shock Attack Strength: 190
Equip Cost: 35 Accu
Item Level: 34
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Projectile sticks to a target, doing extra damage over ~3 seconds.

Typhoon Rifle
Mod Types: Battery
Damage: 19-30 (E)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 42 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 195
Range: 20m
Equip Cost: 40 Accu
Item Level: 39
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Projectile splits into eight projectiles almost immediately.


Mod Types: Ammo, Fuel, Relic
Damage: 2-3 (P), 2-4/sec for 3 seconds (P)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 42 shots/min
Projectiles: 6
Interrupt Strength: 22
Range: 20m
Equip Cost: 7 Accu, 7 Str
Item Level: 20
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Randomly fires the projectiles in a wide cross-like pattern.

Mod Types: Fuel, Relic
Damage: 2-5 (P), 1-3/2.5 (P)
Damage Type: Direct, Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 150 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 1
Range: 30m
Equip Cost: 7 Accu, 4 Str
Item Level: 15
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Projectiles can bounce around and hit multiple targets.


Mod Types: Battery, Relic, Rocket
Damage: 13-22/1.5m (T)
Damage Type: Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 60 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 14
Range: 20m
Damage of Poison Effect: 50%
Poison Attack Strength: 39
Equip Cost: 11 Accu, 5 Str
Item Level: 9
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

Mod Types: Ammo, Fuel, Relic
Damage: 10-19 (T)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 150 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 12
Range: 20m
Damage of Poison Effect: 100%
Poison Attack Strength: 65
Equip Cost: 8 Accu, 8 Str
Item Level: 22
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Projectiles have minor homing.

				Ranged - Rapidfire


Mod Types: Fuel, Relic
Damage: 5-7 (F)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 120 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 6
Range: 15m
Ignite Attack Strength: 7
Equip Cost: 6 Accu
Item Level: 10
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Mimics the effects of the Firestorm Skill.

Mod Types: Fuel, Relic
Damage: 16-23 (F)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 120 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 26
Range: 15m
Ignite Attack Strength: 26
Equip Cost: 24 Accu
Item Level: 49
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Mimics the effects of the Firestorm Skill.


Mod Types: Fuel
Damage: 2-6/1.5m (T)
Damage Type: Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 240 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 2
Range: 20m
Equip Cost: 5 Accu, 2 Str
Item Level: 7
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

Mod Types: Fuel
Damage: 4-10/1.5m (T)
Damage Type: Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 300 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 7
Range: 20m
Equip Cost: 14 Accu, 7 Str
Item Level: 27
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

Mod Types: Fuel
Damage: 6-15/1.5m (T)
Damage Type: Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 300 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 11
Range: 20m
Equip Cost: 21 Accu, 10 Str
Item Level: 41
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

			       Ranged - Sticky


Blaze Pistol
Mod Types: Fuel, Rocket, Tech
Damage: 8-14/3m (F)
Damage Type: Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 37 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 15m
Ignite Attack Strength: 12
Equip Cost: 2 Accu, 2 Str
Item Level: 1
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

Blastblaze Pistol
Mod Types: Battery, Fuel, Tech
Damage: 37-61/3m (F)
Damage Type: Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 37 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 1
Range: 15m
Ignite Attack Strength: 72
Equip Cost: 9 Accu, 9 Str
Item Level: 25
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

Chaos Pistol
Mod Types: Battery, Fuel, Rocket
Damage: 50-82/3m (F)
Damage Type: Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 37 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 2
Range: 15m
Ignite Attack Strength: 102
Equip Cost: 12 Accu, 12 Str
Item Level: 37
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A


Spectral Spiker
Mod Types: Relic
Damage: 12-21 (S)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 100 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 12
Range: 15m
Equip Cost: 14 Accu
Item Level: 21
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Vampiric; if a demon dies after being hit by this, you gain life.

Ethereal Spiker
Mod Types: Relic
Damage: 16-28 (S)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 100 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 17
Range: 15m
Equip Cost: 19 Accu
Item Level: 31
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Vampiric; if a demon dies after being hit by this, you gain life.

Celestial Spiker
Mod Types: Relic
Damage: 19-34 (S)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 120 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 25
Range: 15m
Equip Cost: 28 Accu
Item Level: 48
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Vampiric; if a demon dies after being hit by this, you gain life.



Mod Types: Fuel
Damage: 9-16/sec/2m for 1.5 seconds (F)
Damage Type: Field
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Field Damage
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 23m
Ignite Attack Strength: 50
Equip Cost: 7 Accu, 5 Str
Item Level: 6
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Uses energy meter; the more you attack, the less damage you'll do.

Lava Launcher
Mod Types: Fuel
Damage: 14-25/sec/2m for 1.5 seconds (F)
Damage Type: Field
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Field Damage
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 23m
Ignite Attack Strength: 90
Equip Cost: 13 Accu, 8 Str
Item Level: 14
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Uses energy meter; the more you attack, the less damage you'll do.

Magma Cannon
Mod Types: Fuel
Damage: 36-64/sec/2m for 1.5 seconds (F)
Damage Type: Field
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Field Damage
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 23m
Ignite Attack Strength: 265
Equip Cost: 36 Accu, 24 Str
Item Level: 49
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Uses energy meter; the more you attack, the less damage you'll do.


Mod Types: Battery, Fuel
Damage: 24-59/sec (S)
Damage Type: Beam
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 240 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 5m
Phase Attack Strength: 41
Equip Cost: 33 Accu
Item Level: 29
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Uses energy meter; the more you attack, the less damage you'll do.

Mod Types: Battery
Damage: 36-87/sec (S)
Damage Type: Beam
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 240 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 5m
Phase Attack Strength: 63
Equip Cost: 51 Accu
Item Level: 47
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Uses energy meter; the more you attack, the less damage you'll do.


Mod Types: Fuel
Damage: 9-31/sec/2m for 1.5 seconds (T)
Damage Type: Field
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Field Damage
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 12m
Damage of Poison Effect: 50%
Poison Attack Strength: 35
Equip Cost: 13 Accu
Item Level: 10
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Uses energy meter; the more you attack, the less damage you'll do.

BioTox Rifle
Mod Types: Fuel, Relic
Damage: 31-51/sec, 1-3/3m (T)
Damage Type: Beam, Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Constant
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 20m
Damage of Poison Effect: 50%
Poison Attack Strength: 195
Equip Cost: 20 Accu, 10 Str
Item Level: 22
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Uses energy meter; the more you attack, the less damage you'll do.

Mod Types: Fuel
Damage: 18-65/sec/2m for 1.5 seconds (T)
Damage Type: Field
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Field Damage
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 12m
Damage of Poison Effect: 50%
Poison Attack Strength: 85
Equip Cost: 31 Accu
Item Level: 30
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Uses energy meter; the more you attack, the less damage you'll do.

Mod Types: Fuel
Damage: 23-82/sec/2m for 1.5 seconds (T)
Damage Type: Field
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Field Damage
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 12m
Damage of Poison Effect: 50%
Poison Attack Strength: 110
Equip Cost: 40 Accu
Item Level: 40
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Uses energy meter; the more you attack, the less damage you'll do.

			    /////Hunter\\				   X5002

This section encompasses the Engineer and Marksman classes.



XM803 Zeus Rifle
Mod Types: Battery, Tech
Damage: 20-74/sec (E)
Damage Type: Beam
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Constant
Interrupt Strength: 3
Range: 20m
Power of Shock Effect: 25%
Ignite Attack Strength: 37
Equip Cost: 21 Accu
Item Level: 11
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Uses energy meter; the more you attack, the less damage you'll do.

XM923 Zeus Rifle
Mod Types: Battery, Tech
Damage: 58-159/sec (E)
Damage Type: Beam
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Constant
Interrupt Strength: 9
Range: 20m
Power of Shock Effect: 25%
Ignite Attack Strength: 95
Equip Cost: 50 Accu
Item Level: 34
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Uses energy meter; the more you attack, the less damage you'll do.


Nanodyne Firestarter
Mod Types: Fuel, Relic
Damage: 19-23/sec (F)
Damage Type: Beam
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Constant
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 20m
Ignite Attack Strength: 190
Equip Cost: 10 Accu
Item Level: 15
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Uses energy meter; the more you attack, the less damage you'll do.

Nanodyne Igniter
Mod Types: Fuel, Relic
Damage: 39-47/sec (F)
Damage Type: Beam
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Constant
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 20m
Ignite Attack Strength: 440
Equip Cost: 23 Accu
Item Level: 40
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Uses energy meter; the more you attack, the less damage you'll do.


Nanodyne Venom Lance
Mod Types: Battery, Fuel, Tech
Damage: 63-83/sec (T)
Damage Type: Beam
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Constant
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 20m
Damage of Poison Effect: 35%
Poison Attack Strength: 120
Equip Cost: 30 Accu
Item Level: 20
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Uses energy meter; the more you attack, the less damage you'll do.



XM666 Bladesaw
Mod Types: Battery
Damage: 129-145/sec (P)
Damage Type: Beam
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Constant
Interrupt Strength: 9
Range: 2m
Equip Cost: 10 Accu, 21 Str
Item Level: 16
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Uses energy meter; the more you attack, the less damage you'll do.

XM666 Bladefrenzy
Mod Types: Battery
Damage: 200-226/sec (P)
Damage Type: Beam
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Constant
Interrupt Strength: 16
Range: 2m
Equip Cost: 17 Accu, 34 Str
Item Level: 30
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Uses energy meter; the more you attack, the less damage you'll do.

			   Ranged - Arching


XM107 Firefox Launcher
Mod Types: Battery, Fuel, Rocket, Tech
Damage: 14-17/4m (F), 4/sec/4m for 3 seconds (F)
Damage Type: Splash, Field
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 30 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 12
Range: 40m
Equip Cost: 12 Accu
Item Level: 4
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

Grenade Launcher
Mod Types: Fuel, Rocket
Damage: 7-15/3.5m (P), 7-15/3.5m (F)
Damage Type: Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 30 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 52
Range: 20m
Equip Cost: 11 Accu
Item Level: 9
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

Arclight RDX Grenade Launcher
Mod Types: Fuel, Rocket
Damage: 16-31/3.5m (P), 16-31/3.5m (F)
Damage Type: Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 30 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 147
Range: 20m
Equip Cost: 26 Accu
Item Level: 29
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

XM237 Firefox Launcher
Mod Types: Battery, Fuel, Rocket, Tech
Damage: 47-57/4m (F), 14-17/sec/4m for 3 seconds (F)
Damage Type: Splash, Field
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 30 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 78
Range: 40m
Equip Cost: 57 Accu
Item Level: 37
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

Arclight Cannonade
Mod Types: Fuel, Rocket
Damage: 23-42/3.5m (P), 23-42/3.5m (F)
Damage Type: Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 30 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 209
Range: 20m
Equip Cost: 35 Accu
Item Level: 42
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A


Nanodyne Hellcat MIRV
Mod Types: Fuel, Relic, Rocket
Damage: 16-20/2m (S)
Damage Type: Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 75 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 58
Range: 40m
Equip Cost: 34 Accu
Item Level: 21
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Warhead explodes into ~8 projectiles.

Nanodyne Hellhound MIRV
Mod Types: Fuel, Relic, Rocket
Damage: 31-38/2m (S)
Damage Type: Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 75 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 123
Range: 40m
Equip Cost: 67 Accu
Item Level: 47
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Warhead explodes into ~8 projectiles.

			  Ranged - Projectile


F-S Rail Pistol
Mod Types: Ammo, Battery
Damage: 52-62 (E)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 1%
RoF: 30 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 34
Range: 40m
Critical Damage: 50%
Equip Cost: 27 Accu
Item Level: 25
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

Nanodyne Shockstorm
Mod Types: Battery, Fuel, Relic
Damage: 5-8 (P), 5-8 (E)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 75 shots/min
Projectiles: 5
Interrupt Strength: 3
Range: 20m
Power of Shock Effect: 10%
Stun Attack Strength: 450
Shock Attack Strength: 150
Equip Cost: 42 Accu
Item Level: 26
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

Nanodyne Ballistic Cannon
Mod Types: Battery, Fuel, Relic
Damage: 15-20/0.3m (E)
Damage Type: Splash
Critical Chance: 1%
RoF: 120 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 3
Range: 40m
Critical Damage: 50%
Equip Cost: 55 Accu
Item Level: 31
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Projectile can ricochet up to 4 times.

Nanodyne Surge Cannon
Mod Types: Battery, Fuel, Relic
Damage: 7-11 (P), 7-11 (E)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 85 shots/min
Projectiles: 5
Interrupt Strength: 5
Range: 20m
Power of Shock Effect: 10%
Stun Attack Strength: 750
Shock Attack Strength: 250
Equip Cost: 69 Accu
Item Level: 46
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A


XM41 Thermal Bolter
Mod Types: Fuel, Tech
Damage: 3-4 (F), 2-3/2.5m (F)
Damage Type: Direct, Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 85 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 2
Range: 20m
Ignite Strength: 7
Equip Cost: 4 Accu
Item Level: 2
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

XM108 Trident Launcher
Mod Types: Battery, Fuel, Rocket, Tech
Damage: 3 (P), 5-6/1m (F)
Damage Type: Direct, Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 40 shots/min
Projectiles: 6
Interrupt Strength: 11
Range: 20m
Equip Cost: 19 Accu
Item Level: 7
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

Arclight Combustion Gun
Mod Types: Ammo, Fuel, Tech
Damage: 5/1.5m (F)
Damage Type: Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 30 shots/min
Projectiles: 10
Interrupt Strength: 4
Range: 20m
Ignite Attack Strength: 28
Equip Cost: 23 Accu
Item Level: 12
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

XM42 Convection Bolter
Mod Types: Fuel, Tech
Damage: 7-9 (F), 4-5/2.8m (F)
Damage Type: Direct, Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 100 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 9
Range: 20m
Ignite Strength: 25
Equip Cost: 14 Accu
Item Level: 16
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

XM43 Chrome Bolter
Mod Types: Fuel, Tech
Damage: 8-10 (F), 4-6/3m (F)
Damage Type: Direct, Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 120 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 14
Range: 20m
Ignite Strength: 37
Equip Cost: 21 Accu
Item Level: 26
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

Arclight Explosive Cannon
Mod Types: Ammo, Fuel, Tech
Damage: 10-12/1.5m (F)
Damage Type: Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 30 shots/min
Projectiles: 10
Interrupt Strength: 9
Range: 20m
Ignite Attack Strength: 68
Equip Cost: 54 Accu
Item Level: 35
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A


Arclight Cluster Rifle
Mod Types: Battery, Fuel, Relic, Rocket, Tech
Damage: 7-11 (P), 4-7/3m (P)
Damage Type: Direct, Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 66 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 10
Range: 20m
Equip Cost: 28 Accu
Item Level: 17
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Projectile can pass through targets.

XMS5 Jackhammer
Mod Types: Battery, Tech
Damage: 12-17 (P)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 37 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 29
Range: 14m
Stun Attack Strength: 250
Equip Cost: 22 Accu
Item Level: 21
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Fires a spread of ammunition.

XM171 Thermo Cannon
Mod Types: Rocket, Tech
Damage: 40-62 (P), 40-62/6m (P)
Damage Type: Direct, Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 24 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 130
Range: 35m
Stun Attack Strength: 140
Equip Cost: 48 Accu
Item Level: 24
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Projectile can pass through targets.

XMS10 Jackhammer
Mod Types: Battery, Tech
Damage: 18-24 (P)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 37 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 45
Range: 14m
Stun Attack Strength: 380
Equip Cost: 32 Accu
Item Level: 34
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Fires a spread of ammunition.


F-S 'Poseidon' SNPR
Mod Types: Ammo, Battery, Fuel, Tech
Damage: 50-60 (S)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 3%
RoF: 28 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 30
Range: 40m
Critical Damage: 50%
Equip Cost: 18 Accu
Item Level: 6
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

F-S 'Triton' SNPR
Mod Types: Ammo, Battery, Fuel, Tech
Damage: 102-125 (S)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 3%
RoF: 24 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 75
Range: 40m
Critical Damage: 50%
Equip Cost: 38 Accu
Item Level: 18
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

F-S 'Loki' SNPR
Mod Types: Ammo, Battery, Fuel, Tech
Damage: 172-207 (S)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 3%
RoF: 26 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 154
Range: 40m
Critical Damage: 50%
Equip Cost: 73 Accu
Item Level: 39
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

			   Ranged - Rapidfire


F-S Volt Rifle
Mod Types: Ammo, Battery, Fuel, Relic, Tech
Damage: 5-6 (E)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 400 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 2
Range: 25m
Shock Attack Strength: 6
Equip Cost: 18 Accu
Item Level: 8
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

F-S Electropulse Rifle
Mod Types: Ammo, Battery, Fuel, Relic, Tech
Damage: 9-10 (E)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 400 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 5
Range: 25m
Shock Attack Strength: 13
Equip Cost: 36 Accu
Item Level: 22
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

F-S Shock Rifle
Mod Types: Ammo, Battery, Fuel, Relic, Tech
Damage: 14-16 (E)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 400 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 8
Range: 25m
Shock Attack Strength: 21
Equip Cost: 58 Accu
Item Level: 38
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A


Arclight Thermite Rifle
Mod Types: Fuel, Relic
Damage: 5-9 (F)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 400 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 1
Range: 25m
Ignite Attack Strength: 3
Equip Cost: 23 Accu
Item Level: 11
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

Arclight Exothermic Rifle
Mod Types: Fuel, Relic
Damage: 7-12 (F)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 600 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 3
Range: 25m
Ignite Attack Strength: 15
Equip Cost: 46 Accu
Item Level: 27
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

Arclight Fusion Rifle
Mod Types: Fuel, Relic
Damage: 9-15 (F)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 600 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 5
Range: 25m
Ignite Attack Strength: 35
Equip Cost: 69 Accu
Item Level: 43
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A


M51 Cadet Rifle
Mod Types: None
Damage: 5 (P)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 240 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 1
Range: 25m
Equip Cost: 8 Accu
Item Level: 1
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

Mod Types: Ammo
Damage: 2-4 (P)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 240 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 25m
Equip Cost: 5 Accu
Item Level: 1
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

XM55 20mm Rifle
Mod Types: Ammo, Battery, Tech
Damage: 5-6 (P)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 300 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 2
Range: 25m
Equip Cost: 11 Accu
Item Level: 3
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

M3 Perforator
Mod Types: Ammo, Fuel, Tech
Damage: 5-7 (P)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 300 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 4
Range: 25m
Equip Cost: 14 Accu
Item Level: 13
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

F-S 'Talon' Launcher
Mod Types: Battery, Fuel, Relic, Rocket
Damage: 11-15/1.5m (P)
Damage Type: Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 200 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 8
Range: 40m
Equip Cost: 29 Accu
Item Level: 14
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

XM57 25mm Rifle
Mod Types: Ammo, Battery, Tech
Damage: 12-14 (P)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 300 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 6
Range: 25m
Equip Cost: 30 Accu
Item Level: 17
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

XM313 Raptor
Mod Types: Battery, Fuel, Relic
Damage: 2-5 (P)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 600 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 5
Range: 18m
Stun Attack Strength: 28
Equip Cost: 18 Accu, 9 Str
Item Level: 19
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: A single attack lasts for ~3 seconds.

XM63 25mm Rifle
Mod Types: Ammo, Battery, Tech
Damage: 20-23 (P)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 300 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 10
Range: 25m
Equip Cost: 50 Accu
Item Level: 32
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

XM314 Falcon
Mod Types: Battery, Fuel, Relic
Damage: 4-7 (P)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 600 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 9
Range: 18m
Stun Attack Strength: 46
Equip Cost: 29 Accu, 14 Str
Item Level: 33
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: A single attack lasts for ~3 seconds.

M3 Eviscerator
Mod Types: Ammo, Fuel, Tech
Damage: 10-14 (P)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 300 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 10
Range: 25m
Equip Cost: 31 Accu
Item Level: 36
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

F-S 'Steelhook' Launcher
Mod Types: Battery, Fuel, Relic, Rocket
Damage: 25-34/1.5m (P)
Damage Type: Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 200 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 23
Range: 40m
Equip Cost: 74 Accu
Item Level: 44
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

XM66 30mm Rifle
Mod Types: Ammo, Battery, Tech
Damage: 27-32 (P)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 300 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 15
Range: 25m
Equip Cost: 72 Accu
Item Level: 48
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

XM315 Predator
Mod Types: Battery, Fuel, Relic
Damage: 5-10 (P)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 600 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 13
Range: 18m
Stun Attack Strength: 67
Equip Cost: 41 Accu, 20 Str
Item Level: 50
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: A single attack lasts for ~3 seconds.

			    Ranged - Sticky


F-S 'Mongoose' Launcher
Mod Types: Fuel, Rocket
Damage: 30-43/3.5m (E)
Damage Type: Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 80 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 130
Range: 25m
Power of Shock Effect: 15%
Stun Attack Strength: 140
Shock Attack Strength: 140
Equip Cost: 39 Accu
Item Level: 24
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

F-S 'Mongoose' Launcher (Nightmare Version)
Mod Types: Fuel, Rocket
Damage: 47-66/3.5m (E)
Damage Type: Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 80 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 215
Range: 25m
Power of Shock Effect: 15%
Stun Attack Strength: 225
Shock Attack Strength: 225
Equip Cost: 63 Accu
Item Level: 41
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A


F-S Tactical "Spiker"
Mod Types: Battery, Rocket
Damage: 7-11/2m (F)
Damage Type: Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 37 shots/min
Projectiles: 7
Interrupt Strength: 13
Range: 20m
Ignite Attack Strength: 47
Equip Cost: 17 Accu
Item Level: 23
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Mines persist for ~12 seconds and explode upon contact with an enemy.

F-S Tactical "Impaler"
Mod Types: Battery, Rocket
Damage: 12-19/2m (F)
Damage Type: Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 37 shots/min
Projectiles: 7
Interrupt Strength: 25
Range: 20m
Ignite Attack Strength: 89
Equip Cost: 31 Accu
Item Level: 47
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Mines persist for ~12 seconds and explode upon contact with an enemy.



F-S 'Grizzly' Rifle
Mod Types: Battery, Relic, Tech
Damage: 28-40/sec/1.5m for 2 seconds (P)
Damage Type: Field
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Field Damage
Interrupt Strength: 38
Range: 20m
Stun Attack Strength: 160
Equip Cost: 37 Accu, 17 Str
Item Level: 28
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Uses energy meter; the more you attack, the less damage you'll do.
       Will not work in Drones.

F-S 'Grinder' Cannon
Mod Types: Battery, Relic, Tech
Damage: 39-57/sec/1.5m for 2 seconds (P)
Damage Type: Field
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Field Damage
Interrupt Strength: 56
Range: 20m
Stun Attack Strength: 235
Equip Cost: 54 Accu, 25 Str
Item Level: 43
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Uses energy meter; the more you attack, the less damage you'll do.
       Will not work in Drones.

			    /////Templar\\				   X5003

This section encompasses the Blademaster and Guardian classes. Guardians have
the ability to use Shields as a weapon by using their Shield Bash skill. Which
is why they are included here, rather than the Armor section.



Hand Grappler
Mod Types: None
Damage: 4-6 (P)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 27 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 20
Range: 16m
Stun Attack Strength: 18
Equip Cost: 3 Accu, 2 Str
Item Level: 2
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

Mod Types: Battery
Damage: 6-8 (P)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 27 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 30
Range: 16m
Stun Attack Strength: 120
Equip Cost: 4 Accu, 2 Str
Item Level: 4
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

Charged Hook
Mod Types: Battery
Damage: 4-12 (P), 4-12 (E)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 30 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 100
Range: 16m
Power of Shock Effect: 100%
Stun Attack Strength: 330
Shock Attack Strength: 330
Equip Cost: 10 Accu, 7 Str
Item Level: 18
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

RiP Infuser
Mod Types: Battery
Damage: 9-10 (P), 5 (E), 5 (T)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 33 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 160
Range: 16m
Power of Shock Effect: 100%
Damage of Poison Effect: 20%
Stun Attack Strength: 510
Ignite Attack Strength: 340
Phase Attack Strength: 510
Equip Cost: 15 Accu, 10 Str
Item Level: 30
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

Combustion Gripper
Mod Types: Battery
Damage: 7-14 (P), 3-7 (F), 3-7 (S)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 33 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 175
Range: 16m
Stun Attack Strength: 277
Ignite Attack Strength: 462
Phase Attack Strength: 370
Equip Cost: 17 Accu, 11 Str
Item Level: 33
Inherent Attributes: N/A


Phase Grappler
Mod Types: Battery
Damage: 2-6 (P), 4-11 (S)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 27 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 55
Range: 16m
Stun Attack Strength: 39
Phase Attack Strength: 97
Equip Cost: 6 Accu, 4 Str
Item Level: 9
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

Spectral Tendril
Mod Types: Battery
Damage: 12-22 (S)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 30 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 120
Range: 16m
Stun Attack Strength: 195
Phase Attack Strength: 390
Equip Cost: 12 Accu, 8 Str
Item Level: 22
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A



Shock Blade
Mod Types: Battery, Relic
Damage: 4-38 (E)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Very Slow
Interrupt Strength: 45
Range: 2m
Power of Shock Effect: 25%
Shock Attack Strength: 27
Equip Cost: 10 Will
Item Level: 7
Inherent Attributes: 120% Shield Overload
Notes: N/A

Jacob's Lasher
Mod Types: Battery
Damage: 14-31 (E), 5-10/2m (E)
Damage Type: Direct, Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Slow
Interrupt Strength: 80
Range: 2m
Power of Shock Effect: 25%
Shock Attack Strength: 180
Equip Cost: 5 Accu, 10 Will
Item Level: 14
Inherent Attributes: 100% Shield Overload
Notes: N/A

Lightning Sword
Mod Types: Battery
Damage: 11-63 (E)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Fast
Interrupt Strength: 110
Range: 2m
Power of Shock Effect: 50%
Shock Attack Strength: 120
Equip Cost: 13 Will
Item Level: 20
Inherent Attributes: 100% Shield Overload
Notes: Uses energy meter; the more you attack, the less damage you'll do.

Meteor Blade
Mod Types: Fuel, Relic
Damage: 12-32 (E), 8-22/2m (E)
Damage Type: Direct, Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Fast
Interrupt Strength: 135
Range: 2m
Equip Cost: 9 Accu, 16 Will
Item Level: 25
Inherent Attributes: 70% Shield Overload
Notes: N/A

Mod Types: Fuel, Relic
Damage: 29-40/1.5m (E)
Damage Type: Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Fast
Interrupt Strength: 120
Range: 2m
Power of Shock Effect: 25%
Shock Attack Strength: 170
Equip Cost: 10 Str, 19 Will
Item Level: 30
Inherent Attributes: 50% Shield Overload
Notes: N/A

Mod Types: Battery
Damage: 16-97 (E)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Fast
Interrupt Strength: 190
Range: 2m
Power of Shock Effect: 50%
Shock Attack Strength: 200
Equip Cost: 22 Will
Item Level: 36
Inherent Attributes: 90% Shield Overload
Notes: Uses energy meter; the more you attack, the less damage you'll do.

Mod Types: Battery
Damage: 31-66 (E), 10-22/2m (E)
Damage Type: Direct, Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Slow
Interrupt Strength: 240
Range: 2m
Power of Shock Effect: 25%
Shock Attack Strength: 500
Equip Cost: 15 Accu, 27 Will
Item Level: 46
Inherent Attributes: 100% Shield Overload
Notes: N/A


Molten Edge
Mod Types: Fuel, Relic
Damage: 14-21 (F)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Normal
Interrupt Strength: 35
Range: 2m
Ignite Attack Strength: 11
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 4 Will
Item Level: 5
Inherent Attributes: 100% Shield Overload
Notes: N/A

Mod Types: Fuel, Relic
Damage: 6-30 (F), 1-9/2.5m (F)
Damage Type: Direct, Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Normal
Interrupt Strength: 53
Range: 2m
Ignite Attack Strength: 40
Equip Cost: 11 Will
Item Level: 12
Inherent Attributes: 90% Shield Overload
Notes: N/A

Mod Types: Battery
Damage: 4-6 (F)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Fast
Interrupt Strength: 85
Range: 2m
Equip Cost: 12 Will
Item Level: 15
Inherent Attributes: 90% Shield Overload
Notes: N/A

Mod Types: Relic
Damage: 33-37 (F)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 2%
RoF: Very Fast
Interrupt Strength: 120
Range: 2m
Critical Damage: 200%
Equip Cost: 8 Str, 14 Will
Item Level: 22
Inherent Attributes: 80% Shield Overload
Notes: N/A

Flame Column
Mod Types: Fuel, Relic
Damage: 9-13 (F), 17-24/3m (F)
Damage Type: Direct, Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Slow
Interrupt Strength: 53
Range: 2m
Ignite Attack Strength: 155
Equip Cost: 26 Will
Item Level: 27
Inherent Attributes: 80% Shield Overload
Notes: N/A

Mod Types: Relic
Damage: 44-48 (F)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 2%
RoF: Very Fast
Interrupt Strength: 170
Range: 2m
Critical Damage: 200%
Equip Cost: 11 Str, 20 Will
Item Level: 32
Inherent Attributes: 80% Shield Overload
Notes: N/A

Mod Types: Fuel, Relic
Damage: 16-22 (F), 28-39/3m (F)
Damage Type: Direct, Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Slow
Interrupt Strength: 195
Range: 2m
Ignite Attack Strength: 270
Equip Cost: 44 Will
Item Level: 50
Inherent Attributes: 80% Shield Overload
Notes: N/A


Mod Types: None
Damage: 11-16 (P)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Very Fast
Interrupt Strength: 15
Range: 2m
Critical Damage: 100%
Equip Cost: 4 Will
Item Level: 1
Inherent Attributes: 50% Shield Overload
Notes: N/A

Templar Broadsword
Mod Types: Relic
Damage: 13-18 (P)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Normal
Interrupt Strength: 20
Range: 2m
Equip Cost: 4 Will
Item Level: 2
Inherent Attributes: 100% Shield Overload
Notes: N/A

Mod Types: Relic
Damage: 7-15 (P), 5-11/2m (P)
Damage Type: Direct, Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Normal
Interrupt Strength: 75
Range: 2m
Equip Cost: 8 Str, 3 Will
Item Level: 8
Inherent Attributes: 80% Shield Overload
Notes: N/A

Muramasa Katana
Mod Types: None
Damage: 20-27 (P)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 3%
RoF: Very Fast
Interrupt Strength: 60
Range: 2m
Critical Damage: 150%
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 5 Will
Item Level: 10
Inherent Attributes: 80% Shield Overload
Notes: N/A

Holy Negotiator
Mod Types: Relic
Damage: 32-51 (P)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Very Slow
Interrupt Strength: 158
Range: 2m
Equip Cost: 11 Str, 9 Will
Item Level: 19
Inherent Attributes: 120% Shield Overload
Notes: N/A

Jagged Edge
Mod Types: Fuel, Relic
Damage: 12-18 (P), 16-25/2m (P)
Damage Type: Direct, Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Normal
Interrupt Strength: 260
Range: 2m
Equip Cost: 11 Str, 18 Will
Item Level: 24
Inherent Attributes: 70% Shield Overload
Notes: N/A

Mod Types: Fuel, Relic
Damage: 17-25 (P), 23-35/2m (P)
Damage Type: Direct, Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Normal
Interrupt Strength: 400
Range: 2m
Equip Cost: 16 Str, 26 Will
Item Level: 38
Inherent Attributes: 70% Shield Overload
Notes: N/A

Masamune Nodachi
Mod Types: None
Damage: 73-97 (P)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 3%
RoF: Very Fast
Interrupt Strength: 210
Range: 2m
Critical Damage: 150%
Equip Cost: 13 Str, 17 Will
Item Level: 40
Inherent Attributes: 80% Shield Overload
Notes: N/A


Phantasmic Reaper
Mod Types: Relic
Damage: 7-10 (S), 5-7/1.5m (S)
Damage Type: Direct, Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Slow
Interrupt Strength: 23
Range: 2m
Phase Attack Strength: 20
Equip Cost: 6 Will
Item Level: 4
Inherent Attributes: 90% Shield Overload
Notes: N/A

Mod Types: Relic
Damage: 28-32 (S)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Very Slow
Interrupt Strength: 150
Range: 2m
Equip Cost: 17 Will
Item Level: 13
Inherent Attributes: 120% Shield Overload
Notes: N/A

Mod Types: Fuel, Relic
Damage: 18-32/2.5m (S)
Damage Type: Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Normal
Interrupt Strength: 100
Range: 2m
Equip Cost: 18 Will
Item Level: 18
Inherent Attributes: 60% Shield Overload
Notes: N/A

Righteous Star
Mod Types: Battery, Relic
Damage: 31-34
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 5%
RoF: Slow
Interrupt Strength: 115
Range: 2m
Critical Damage: 50%
Phase Attack Strength: 375
Equip Cost: 23 Will
Item Level: 21
Inherent Attributes: 110% Shield Overload
Notes: N/A

Phase Blade
Mod Types: Battery, Relic
Damage: 35-52 (S)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Slow
Interrupt Strength: 155
Range: 2m
Phase Attack Strength: 165
Equip Cost: 10 Accu, 23 Will
Item Level: 29
Inherent Attributes: 110% Shield Overload
Notes: N/A

Rift Ripper
Mod Types: Fuel, Relic
Damage: 33-60/2.5m (S)
Damage Type: Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Normal
Interrupt Strength: 220
Range: 2m
Equip Cost: 38 Will
Item Level: 42
Inherent Attributes: 60% Shield Overload
Notes: N/A

Mod Types: Battery
Damage: 56-60
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 5%
RoF: Slow
Interrupt Strength: 230
Range: 2m
Critical Damage: 50%
Phase Attack Strength: 720
Equip Cost: 43 Will
Item Level: 44
Inherent Attributes: 110% Shield Overload
Notes: N/A


Corrupt Blade
Mod Types: Relic
Damage: 11-16 (T)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Fast
Interrupt Strength: 13
Range: 2m
Damage of Poison Effect: 50%
Poison Attack Strength: 8
Equip Cost: 6 Will
Item Level: 3
Inherent Attributes: 90% Shield Overload
Notes: N/A

Mod Types: Fuel, Relic
Damage: 15-26 (T)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 5%
RoF: Very Fast
Interrupt Strength: 28
Range: 2m
Critical Damage: 100%
Equip Cost: 6 Accu, 5 Will
Item Level: 9
Inherent Attributes: 80% Shield Overload
Notes: N/A

Hive Blade
Mod Types: Fuel
Damage: 12-20 (T), 7-13/2.5m (T)
Damage Type: Direct, Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Slow
Interrupt Strength: 48
Range: 2m
Damage of Poison Effect: 40%
Poison Attack Strength: 52
Equip Cost: 17 Will
Item Level: 17
Inherent Attributes: 90% Shield Overload
Notes: N/A

Steel Adder
Mod Types: Fuel
Damage: 36-46 (T)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Normal
Interrupt Strength: 75
Range: 2m
Damage of Poison Effect: 75%
Poison Attack Strength: 320
Equip Cost: 20 Will
Item Level: 28
Inherent Attributes: 100% Shield Overload
Notes: N/A

Swarm Edge
Mod Types: Fuel
Damage: 20-34 (T), 13-22/2.5m (T)
Damage Type: Direct, Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Slow
Interrupt Strength: 90
Range: 2m
Damage of Poison Effect: 40%
Poison Attack Strength: 95
Equip Cost: 29 Will
Item Level: 34
Inherent Attributes: 90% Shield Overload
Notes: N/A

Adamantine Asp
Mod Types: Fuel
Damage: 56-72 (T)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Normal
Interrupt Strength: 125
Range: 2m
Damage of Poison Effect: 75%
Poison Attack Strength: 520
Equip Cost: 32 Will
Item Level: 48
Inherent Attributes: 100% Shield Overload
Notes: N/A



Mod Types: Battery, Fuel
Damage: 64 (E)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 7 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 33
Range: 10m
Power of Shock Effect: 10%
Shock Attack Strength: 48
Equip Cost: 15 Accu
Item Level: 11
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Fires a shock-wave outward in all directions.

Mod Types: Battery, Fuel
Damage: 88-96 (E)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 7 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 55
Range: 10m
Power of Shock Effect: 10%
Shock Attack Strength: 78
Equip Cost: 22 Accu
Item Level: 20
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Fires a shock-wave outward in all directions.

Mod Types: Battery, Fuel
Damage: 168-184 (E)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 7 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 118
Range: 10m
Power of Shock Effect: 10%
Shock Attack Strength: 159
Equip Cost: 45 Accu
Item Level: 45
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Fires a shock-wave outward in all directions.

Mod Types: Battery, Fuel, Rocket
Damage: 6-7 (E), 6-7 (S)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 12 shots/min
Beams: 7
Interrupt Strength: 330
Range: 10m
Power of Shock Effect: 50%
Shock Attack Strength: 175
Phase Attack Strength: 175
Equip Cost: 33 Accu, 27 Str
Item Level: 31
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Fires beams directly forward in a rectangular pattern.


Mod Types: Battery, Fuel
Damage: 50-65 (F)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 12 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 16
Range: 7m
Ignite Attack Strength: 22
Equip Cost: 17 Accu
Item Level: 14
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Fires a shock-wave outward in all directions.

Mod Types: Battery, Fuel
Damage: 75-102 (F)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 12 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 29
Range: 7m
Ignite Attack Strength: 38
Equip Cost: 29 Accu
Item Level: 27
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Fires a shock-wave outward in all directions.

Mod Types: Battery, Fuel
Damage: 125-170 (F)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 12 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 51
Range: 7m
Ignite Attack Strength: 66
Equip Cost: 49 Accu
Item Level: 49
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Fires a shock-wave outward in all directions.


Mod Types: Battery, Fuel
Damage: 72-102 (P)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 10 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 83
Range: 8m
Stun Attack Strength: 350
Equip Cost: 33 Accu
Item Level: 31
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Fires a shock-wave outward in all directions.

Mod Types: Battery, Fuel
Damage: 96-132 (P)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 10 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 110
Range: 8m
Stun Attack Strength: 460
Equip Cost: 42 Accu
Item Level: 42
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Fires a shock-wave outward in all directions.


Mod Types: Battery, Fuel
Damage: 63-81 (S)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 6 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 10
Range: 11m
Phase Attack Strength: 136
Equip Cost: 20 Accu
Item Level: 17
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Fires a shock-wave outward in all directions.

Mod Types: Battery, Fuel
Damage: 90-126 (S)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 6 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 16
Range: 11m
Phase Attack Strength: 221
Equip Cost: 31 Accu
Item Level: 30
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Fires a shock-wave outward in all directions.


Mod Types: Battery, Fuel
Damage: 42-49 (T)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 8 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 13
Range: 9m
Damage of Poison Effect: 75%
Ignite Attack Strength: 280
Equip Cost: 26 Accu
Item Level: 24
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Fires a shock-wave outward in all directions.

Mod Types: Battery, Fuel
Damage: 56-70 (T)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 8 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 19
Range: 9m
Damage of Poison Effect: 75%
Ignite Attack Strength: 390
Equip Cost: 36 Accu
Item Level: 35
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Fires a shock-wave outward in all directions.

			       Ranged - Arching


Mod Types: Battery, Fuel
Damage: 7-13/sec/5.5m for 3 seconds (E)
Damage Type: Field
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 80 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 19
Range: 10m
Power of Shock Effect: 50%
Shock Attack Strength: 255
Equip Cost: 15 Accu
Item Level: 13
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

Mod Types: Battery, Fuel
Damage: 11-19/sec/5.5m for 3 seconds (E)
Damage Type: Field
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 80 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 33
Range: 10m
Power of Shock Effect: 50%
Shock Attack Strength: 420
Equip Cost: 24 Accu
Item Level: 24
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

Mod Types: Battery, Fuel
Damage: 18-30/sec/5.5m for 3 seconds (E)
Damage Type: Field
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 80 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 54
Range: 10m
Power of Shock Effect: 50%
Shock Attack Strength: 675
Equip Cost: 38 Accu
Item Level: 41
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A


Firefield Caster
Mod Types: Fuel, Relic, Rocket
Damage: 1-2/3.5m (F), 4-8/sec/4m for 2 seconds (F)
Damage Type: Splash, Field
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 30 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 60
Range: 20m
Ignite Attack Strength: 175
Equip Cost: 9 Accu
Item Level: 10
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

Firefield Catapulter
Mod Types: Fuel, Relic, Rocket
Damage: 2-3/3.5m (F), 9-16/sec/4m for 2 seconds (F)
Damage Type: Splash, Field
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 33 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 150
Range: 20m
Ignite Attack Strength: 400
Equip Cost: 20 Accu
Item Level: 25
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

Firefield Launcher
Mod Types: Fuel, Relic, Rocket
Damage: 3-5/3.5m (F), 14-24/sec/4m (F) for 2 seconds
Damage Type: Splash, Field
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 37 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 240
Range: 20m
Ignite Attack Strength: 625
Equip Cost: 30 Accu
Item Level: 46
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A


Mod Types: Fuel, Relic, Rocket
Damage: 5-9/3.5m (E), 5-9/3.5m (S)
Damage Type: Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 30 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 40
Range: 20m
Power of Shock Effect: 50%
Shock Attack Strength: 100
Phase Attack Strength: 100
Equip Cost: 8 Accu
Item Level: 6
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

Mod Types: Fuel, Relic, Rocket
Damage: 9-16/3.5m (E), 9-16/3.5m (S)
Damage Type: Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 30 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 100
Range: 20m
Power of Shock Effect: 50%
Shock Attack Strength: 220
Phase Attack Strength: 220
Equip Cost: 17 Accu
Item Level: 18
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

Shock Cannon
Mod Types: Fuel, Relic, Rocket
Damage: 15-27/3.5m (E), 15-27/3.5m (S)
Damage Type: Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 30 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 190
Range: 20m
Power of Shock Effect: 50%
Shock Attack Strength: 400
Phase Attack Strength: 400
Equip Cost: 31 Accu
Item Level: 36
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

			      Ranged - Projectile


Mod Types: Relic, Tech
Damage: 10-15 (S)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 50 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 8
Range: 15m
Phase Attack Strength: 25
Equip Cost: 3 Accu, 3 Str
Item Level: 1
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

Mod Types: Relic, Tech
Damage: 28-39 (S)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 60 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 45
Range: 15m
Phase Attack Strength: 200
Equip Cost: 9 Accu, 9 Str
Item Level: 16
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

Mod Types: Relic, Tech
Damage: 47-65 (S)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 60 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 105
Range: 15m
Phase Attack Strength: 440
Equip Cost: 20 Accu, 20 Str
Item Level: 40
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A


Mod Types: Ammo, Fuel, Relic
Damage: 15-24 (T)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 50 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 13
Range: 20m
Equip Cost: 17 Accu, 8 Str
Item Level: 23
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Fires a dart that splits into 3 darts after a short distance.

Plague Spreader
Mod Types: Ammo, Fuel, Relic
Damage: 15-24 (T)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 60 shots/min
Projectiles: 3
Interrupt Strength: 16
Range: 20m
Equip Cost: 20 Accu, 10 Str
Item Level: 29
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Projectiles fire in a roughly triangular shape.

				Ranged - Rapidfire


Thorn Bolter
Mod Types: Ammo, Tech
Damage: 4-7 (P)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 600 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 12m
Stun Attack Strength: 7
Equip Cost: 14 Accu, 23 Str
Item Level: 26
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A


Vorpal Slasher
Mod Types: Ammo, Battery, Relic, Tech
Damage: 9-14 (S)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 400 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 20
Range: 20m
Equip Cost: 22 Accu, 22 Str
Item Level: 37
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A

Vorpal Ripper
Mod Types: Ammo, Battery, Relic, Tech
Damage: 11-17 (S)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 400 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 25
Range: 20m
Equip Cost: 27 Accu, 27 Str
Item Level: 47
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: N/A



Flanged Shield
Mod Types: N/A
Damage: 4-6 (P), 4-6 (F)
Damage Type: Direct
Armor: 128
Shields: N/A
Critical Chance: 0%
Interrupt Strength: 38
Stun Attack Strength: 850
Ignite Attack Strength: 21
Equip Cost: 8 Str, 2 Stam
Item Level: 13
Inherent Attributes: +35 defense against all effects
		     +63 stun defense
Notes: N/A


Scarab Shield
Mod Types: N/A
Damage: 5-6 (P)
Damage Type: Direct
Armor: 25
Shields: N/A
Critical Chance: 0%
Interrupt Strength: 8
Stun Attack Strength: 175
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 3 Stam
Item Level: 1
Inherent Attributes: +37 stun defense
Notes: N/A

Power Shield
Mod Types: N/A
Damage: 4-9 (P)
Damage Type: Direct
Armor: 28
Shields: 28
Critical Chance: 0%
Interrupt Strength: 13
Stun Attack Strength: 280
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 5 Stam
Item Level: 3
Inherent Attributes: +70 stun defense
Notes: N/A

Razor Shield
Mod Types: N/A
Damage: 4-21 (P)
Damage Type: Direct
Armor: 60
Shields: N/A
Critical Chance: 0%
Interrupt Strength: 20
Stun Attack Strength: 400
Equip Cost: 1 Str, 5 Stam
Item Level: 6
Inherent Attributes: +25 defense against all effects
Notes: N/A

Guardian Shield
Mod Types: N/A
Damage: 9-11 (P)
Damage Type: Direct
Armor: 81
Shields: N/A
Critical Chance: 0%
Interrupt Strength: 25
Stun Attack Strength: 600
Equip Cost: 4 Str, 6 Stam
Item Level: 8
Inherent Attributes: +120 stun defense
Notes: N/A

Sentinel Shield
Mod Types: N/A
Damage: 18-26 (P)
Damage Type: Direct
Armor: 90
Shields: 100
Critical Chance: 0%
Interrupt Strength: 45
Stun Attack Strength: 1,000
Equip Cost: 16 Stam
Item Level: 16
Inherent Attributes: +100 stun defense
Notes: N/A

Blockade Shield
Mod Types: N/A
Damage: 15-19 (P)
Damage Type: Direct
Armor: 176
Shields: N/A
Critical Chance: 0%
Interrupt Strength: 50
Stun Attack Strength: 1,650
Equip Cost: 7 Str, 10 Stam
Item Level: 18
Inherent Attributes: +220 stun defense
Notes: N/A

Agent Shield
Mod Types: N/A
Damage: 4-21 (P)
Damage Type: Direct
Armor: 100
Shields: 150
Critical Chance: 0%
Interrupt Strength: 58
Stun Attack Strength: 1,250
Equip Cost: 20 Stam
Item Level: 21
Inherent Attributes: +187 stun defense
Notes: N/A

Great Shield
Mod Types: N/A
Damage: 18-26 (P)
Damage Type: Direct
Armor: 245
Shields: N/A
Critical Chance: 0%
Interrupt Strength: 65
Stun Attack Strength: 1,680
Equip Cost: 8 Str, 8 Stam
Item Level: 24
Inherent Attributes: +420 stun defense
Notes: N/A

Polaris Shield
Mod Types: N/A
Damage: 21-27 (P)
Damage Type: Direct
Armor: 330
Shields: N/A
Critical Chance: 0%
Interrupt Strength: 78
Critical Damage: 500%
Stun Attack Strength: 2,475
Equip Cost: 13 Str, 13 Stam
Item Level: 29
Inherent Attributes: +330 stun defense
Notes: N/A

Dominion Shield
Mod Types: N/A
Damage: 14-23 (P)
Damage Type: Direct
Armor: 144
Shields: 144
Critical Chance: 0%
Interrupt Strength: 85
Stun Attack Strength: 1,440
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 22 Stam
Item Level: 32
Inherent Attributes: +360 stun defense
Notes: N/A

Bulwark Shield
Mod Types: N/A
Damage: 26-35 (P)
Damage Type: Direct
Armor: 263
Shields: N/A
Critical Chance: 0%
Interrupt Strength: 93
Stun Attack Strength: 1,950
Equip Cost: 12 Str, 18 Stam
Item Level: 35
Inherent Attributes: +390 stun defense
Notes: N/A

Citadel Shield
Mod Types: N/A
Damage: 34-44 (P)
Damage Type: Direct
Armor: 203
Shields: 225
Critical Chance: 0%
Interrupt Strength: 108
Stun Attack Strength: 2,250
Equip Cost: 35 Stam
Item Level: 41
Inherent Attributes: +337 stun defense
Notes: N/A

Imperial Shield
Mod Types: N/A
Damage: 34-42 (P)
Damage Type: Direct
Armor: 420
Critical Chance: 0%
Interrupt Strength: 115
Stun Attack Strength: 2,880
Equip Cost: 14 Str, 14 Stam
Item Level: 44
Inherent Attributes: +720 stun defense
Notes: N/A

Zenith Shield
Mod Types: N/A
Damage: 40-68 (P)
Damage Type: Direct
Armor: 540
Critical Chance: 10%
Interrupt Strength: 130
Critical Damage: 500%
Stun Attack Strength: 4,050
Equip Cost: 20 Str, 20 Stam
Item Level: 50
Inherent Attributes: +270 stun defense
Notes: N/A


Beacon Shield
Mod Types: N/A
Damage: 7-9 (P), 7-9 (S)
Damage Type: Direct
Armor: 75
Shields: 45
Critical Chance: 0%
Interrupt Strength: 33
Stun Attack Strength: 750
Phase Attack Strength: 37
Equip Cost: 12 Stam
Item Level: 11
Inherent Attributes: +75 stun defense
Notes: N/A

Banded Shield
Mod Types: N/A
Damage: 9-11 (P), 9-11 (S)
Damage Type: Direct
Armor: 278
Shields: N/A
Critical Chance: 0%
Interrupt Strength: 70
Stun Attack Strength: 1,500
Phase Attack Strength: 150
Equip Cost: 7 Str, 18 Stam
Item Level: 26
Inherent Attributes: +50 defense against all effects
Notes: N/A

Diadem Shield
Mod Types: N/A
Damage: 9-14 (P), 9-14 (S)
Damage Type: Direct
Armor: 210
Shields: 126
Critical Chance: 0%
Interrupt Strength: 100
Stun Attack Strength: 2,100
Phase Attack Strength: 105
Equip Cost: 32 Stam
Item Level: 38
Inherent Attributes: +210 stun defense
Notes: N/A

Domination Shield
Mod Types: N/A
Damage: 16-20 (P), 16-20 (S)
Damage Type: Direct
Armor: 472
Shields: N/A
Critical Chance: 0%
Interrupt Strength: 123
Stun Attack Strength: 2,550
Phase Attack Strength: 382
Equip Cost: 11 Str, 31 Stam
Item Level: 47
Inherent Attributes: +80 defense against all effects
		     +510 stun defense
Notes: N/A



Mod Types: Fuel
Damage: 3-5/1m (F)
Damage Type: Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 120 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 12m
Ignite Attack Strength: 60
Equip Cost: 23 Accu
Item Level: 26
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Uses energy meter; the more you attack, the less damage you'll do.

Hellfire Scorcher
Mod Types: Fuel
Damage: 4-6/1m (F)
Damage Type: Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 120 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 12m
Ignite Attack Strength: 76
Equip Cost: 29 Accu
Item Level: 34
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Uses energy meter; the more you attack, the less damage you'll do.

Mod Types: Fuel
Damage: 6-7/1m (F)
Damage Type: Splash
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: 120 shots/min
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 12m
Ignite Attack Strength: 96
Equip Cost: 37 Accu
Item Level: 44
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Notes: Uses energy meter; the more you attack, the less damage you'll do.


This section deals with the various Unique Items. A Unique Item always has the
same properties (though magnitude of those properties may vary), so they're
somewhat similar to Basic Items. Unique Items do not appear in Equipment Vendor
inventories, but they can appear in Crafting Vendor inventories in earlier
versions. SP Patch 1 stopped this.

Due to the rarity of Unique Items, this section will likely be infrequently

Items are listed first by Faction, then by Item Level.

				 Armor					   X6001


*John Luc's Pittards
Type: Invoker
Slot: Hands
Armor: 11
Shields: 27
Equip Cost: 5 Str, 5 Stam, 39 Will
Item Level: 49
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Special Abilities: +709 Stun Defense
		   +469 Poison Defense
		   +56% Minion Armor
		   +33 Power Points


*SuE Steadiers
Type: Military
Slot: Head
Armor: 4
Shields: 23
Equip Cost: 3 Str, 10 Stam, 2 Will
Item Level: 22
Inherent Attributes: N/A
Special Abilities: +5 Accuracy
		   +5 Stamina
		   +6 Willpower
		   +32 Luck

*Ihringer's Encasement
Type: Quartermaster
Slot: Head
Armor: 30
Shields: 22
Equip Cost: 17 Str, 28 Will
Item Level: 50
Inherent Attributes: +5% Minion Damage
Special Abilities: +706 Ignite Defense
		   +554 Phase Defense
		   +39% Minion Armor


*Sol's Invictus
Type: Defender
Slot: Chest
Armor: 65
Equip Cost: 36 Str, 8 Stam, 7 Will
Item Level: 32
Inherent Attributes: 18 Physical Thorns Damage
Special Abilities: 9 Spectral Thorns Damage
		   +518 Stun Defense
		   +8% to Total Armor Value

*Lord Bryn's Burgonet
Type: Defender
Slot: Head
Armor: 60
Equip Cost: 24 Str, 8 Stam, 28 Will
Item Level: 46
Inherent Attributes: 20% Shield Penetration
Special Abilities: +1,123 Shock Defense
		   +437 Ignite Defense
		   +175 Special Damage Effect Defense
		   +50 Luck

				Weapons					   X6002


*The Grandmaster
Weapon Type: Mind Control
Damage: N/A
Damage Type: N/A
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Constant
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 25m
Equip Cost: 10 Accu, 8 Will
Item Level: 17
Inherent Attributes: Mind Control Strength: 126
Notes: Uses energy meter; the more you attack, the less damage you'll do.

*Kalika's Catharsis
Weapon Type: Mind Control
Damage: N/A
Damage Type: N/A
Critical Chance: 0%
RoF: Constant
Interrupt Strength: 0
Range: 20m
Equip Cost: 36 Accu, 36 Will
Item Level: 32
Inherent Attributes: Mind Control Strength: 17 in a 2.5m radius for 5 seconds;
		     field lasts 4 seconds.
Notes: Uses energy meter; the more you attack, the less damage you'll do.



*Keeper of the North Star
Weapon Type: Shield
Damage: 23-29 (P)
Damage Type: Direct
Critical Chance: 10%
Interrupt Strength: 85
Critical Damage: 500%
Stun Attack Strength: 2,700
Equip Cost: 18 Str, 18 Stam, 29 Will
Item Level: 32
Inherent Attributes: +360 Stun Defense
Special Attributes: +3 Thorns Skill
		    +2 Aura of Deflection Skill
		    +1 Angelic Orator Skill
		    -12% Swordsmanship skills Power Cost
Notes: N/A


If you find any errors, or anything I've missed, you can E-Mail me at
Offkorn_69@yahoo.com. Make sure that 'Hellgate' is in the subject line.

If you've found an Item I've missed, I'd like you to:

1) Tell me what general area you found it in (unless Unique)
2) What version of the game you're playing
3) Whether you were playing SP or MP
4) Include a screenshot (especially if Unique)

You will get credited in the credit section upon the next update.


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