Hearts of Iron II: Doomsday – Patch v1.1

Hearts of Iron II: DoomsdayKompanija Paradox Interactive je objavila prvi patch za nastavak popularne igre Hearts of Iron II, a nastavak nosi naziv Doomsday. Ovaj patch podiže postojeću verziju igre na v1.1 i time ispravlja nekolicinu bugova. Njega možete preuzeti sa donjeg linka, a listu ispravki možete pogledati u nastavku teksta.

Hearts of Iron II:  Doomsday v1.1 Patch (5Mb) Hearts of Iron II – Doomsday v1.1 Patch

—- Changes for 1.1 ——————————

******* Gameplay Balancing *******
– Tweaked formula for calculating how much can be convoyed on a given amount of transports.
– Changed auto convoy code so it evens out shipping better between days
– Autoslider overproduced supplies, this will no longer happen.
– Auto sliders will now allow you to run deficits in supply and money if you have enough of them and has prioritized production
– Reduced chance of getting terrain specific combat traits.
– The cost of doing intelligence actions will now depends of the size of the country. This is implemented the same way as in diplomacy action.
– Dissallowed trading away units given as expiditionary forces
– Rewrote development (production) system to avoid bugs with finishdates changing alot even late in developments.
– Improved distribution of convoys when scarce.
– Autoproduction prioritizes money when negative, reducing dissent overrides building supply stockpile
– Changed so indirect approach minister gives bonus instead of penalty for building transport/destroyer
– Developments that havent started to be built doesnt use supply
– Summary Global manipulation no longer always succeeds.
– Smear campaign mission should now work correctly
– Tool tip for attrition displayed should now display the correct value.
– It is no longer possible to build level 2 nuclear reactor with tech for only level 1.
– Players can no longer demand units from non-allied countries in the open negotiation screen.
– Now the auto trade only make proposals two days a week,
– Fixed a problem with occupying allies territories sometimes when attacking adjacent to their territory.
– Reduced naval experience gain.
– IC sliders are now update when a production is started or cancelled
– There is no longer possible to perform an airborne assault with low org.
– Sometime when you found partisans you will not see any effect. This is caused by a province can have a negative revolt risk that is not displayed to the user.
– Only one leader per battle can gain a leader trait.
– Divisions “sea transported” no longer looses 50% org.
– Players will now loose a spy when counter espionage fails.

******* AI Improvements *******
– Improved auto-leader assignment to behave better.
– Fixed problem with AI "forgetting" about some divisions after invasions
– AI will no longer swap divisions around between units indefinitly.
– Improved AI’s handling of creating large fleet formations.
– Improved AI setting up ASW fleets.
– Fixed auto and ai trader which sometimes created strange deals.
– AI now assembles invasion shipping somewhat faster and with less risk of aborts
– Added research priorities for escort figher, escort carrier for many countries.
– Added AI spy priorities for many countries.
– Added new AI for 1945 scenario.
– Fixed bug in garrison AI moving around wrong number of troops
– Made transport ai keep somewhat less escorts with transport fleets
– New ai file parameter max_staging_distance, controls the maximum distance from a staging province the ai can do invasions. Defafault 10, suggested use is to keep it at 10 or lower while setting the old max_distance parameter high for any country that is supposed to do invasions worldwide
– Added min_core_attack_fleets for England.
– Increased invasion max_distance for USA.
– New ai file parameter min_core_attack_fleets, sets how many attack fleets (usually >15 ships) that a nation have to keep close to home, default 0
– Fixed some more stuff to do with invasions
– The AI should no longer unload nukes and change mission.
– The AI should no longer do spy actions I allied countries.
– The AI no longer ignores nuclear reactors for installation strikes
– All AI countries had their air threshold raised to 80/80
– JAP min attack fleets raised from 2 to 3
– JAP min CORE province attack fleets raised from 0 to 1
– USA min attack fleets raised from 3 to 4
– USA min CORE province attack fleets raised from 0 to 1
– HUN neutrality raised to 150
– HUN had new conditions added to lower his neutrality, Germany partitions CZE with HUN
– CHI Industry to the interior event redone into several events
– JAP had some garrison and front changes when he attacks CHI

******* Bugfixes *******
– Fixed problem with handsoff cheat not always stopping all pauses
– Removed some inconsitencies with Escort Carriers.
– There is no longer a CTD when coup’ing nations that isn’t member of an alliance.
– Succesfully delay tech team popup and history log should now be correct.
– Generals can no longer get the trait "unknown string wanted".
– When you do an assassinate minister action you will now always get a popup.
– Fixed a problem with ban from alliance.
– Fixed CTD when giving units in multiplayer
– Improved a few messages.
– Fixed ctd when country selected in spy screen was annexed.
– Fixed exploit with assigning brigades to wrong unit type
– Fixed serial productions of province improvements only using manpower for first building
– Steal blueprint should now work correctly.
– Now the player will get a popup when lost a minister to an assassination
– Intel: A discovered "Send spy" mission now gives no popup for the receiving nation
– The text in end screen after a finish victory in the winter war is now correct.
– The bug where the users get a message that he had performed a spy action the he hasn’t ordered should now be fixed.
– The game should no longer crash when you annex UK as Gremany
– Send spy and counter espionage popups will no longer be showed for country that isn’t affected by the actions.
– The CTD when leader died should now be gone.
– Puppets should no longer leave alliance at reload.
– The rank icon will nolonger be buged for noname leaders.
– Global manipulation should now work correctly.
– Sabotage industry should no longer give strange messages.
– The ai should now perform counter espionage.
– Disbanding a brigade should no longer cause a CTD.

******* Databases *******
– Changed tech fields for Mao
– Imp turbojet tac bomber uses one rocket component
– Changed event 971 to check for vichy owning Martinique
– Changed prerequesites for turbojet cag
– Changed tech component types in escort carriers and practical turbojet engine
– CAGs can now only be attached to carriers.
– Reduced probability of japan choosing option b in pearl harbour event
– Revised and tweaked a few technology teams.
– Basic Centimetric Radar Warning Sites (5440) now have radar_eff value = 15.
– The republicans will no longer win all the time in the Spanish civil war.
– Revised end dates in revolt database.

*******Scenario Setup*******

* 1936
– Corrected tech setup for Canada, New Zealand and Australia.
– Added a supplydepot to Shantou.
– Revised locations for Japanese Garrions.

* 1938:
– Corrected tech setup for Communist China.

* 1939:
– Gave blueprint 1240 to Germanu
– Corrected model of HMAS Australia and Canberra
– Corrected tech setup for Canada, Communist China, New Zealand and Australia.
– Added supply depots to Japan and tweaked their garrison and CVE setup.

* 1941:
– Corrected tech setup for Communist China and Japan.

* 1944:
– Corrected tech setup for Portugal, USA, Japan, Germany and Liberia.
– Revised bomber and escort setup for UK and USA.
– Changed ownership between Peru and Ecuador on a certain province.

– Removed a supply depot in Frankfurt in 1945, to make sure the oil and supply is traced from Bremen.
– Changed ownership between Peru and Ecuador on a certain province.
– Revised bomber and escort setup for UK and USA.
– Bornholm is now occupied by Soviets.
– Removed US IC bonus.
– Corrected SOV-POL and SOV-CZE borders
– Revised EXP of all soviet divisions.
– Corrected tech setup for a large amount of countries.

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