Half-Life 2 Insurgency mod 2.0e

Half-Life 2 Insurgency modIzašla je nova verzija Insurgency (INS) modifikacije za Half-Life 2. Ova modifikacija koristeći Valve Software's Source Engine vrši potpunu konverziju igre stavljajući igrača na moderno bojište. Radnja se odvija na ulicama Iraka, gde su timski rad i unapred ispanirana taktika prvi uslovi za preživljavanje. U nastavku teksta možete pročitati koje novine donosi verzija 2.0e koju možete skinuti sa sledećih linkova:


Half-Life 2 – Insurgency Mod v2.0e Client (821.49MB)
Half-Life 2 – Insurgency Mod v2.0e Server
Half-Life 2 – Insurgency Mod v2.0e Client Patch
Half-Life 2 – Insurgency Mod v2.0e Server Patch


Changelog 2.0e
Fixed: Missing weapon scripts for server patch
Fixed: A server side crash

Changelog 2.0d
Fixed: Damage not being correct at extreem close range
Fixed: Weapons being to accurate ( Like the shotgun being to accurate)
Fixed: Serveral crashes
Fixed: Hud icon color not allways updating correctly
Fixed: Radio menus ( used by admin tools ) not correctly working trough death
Fixed: Using ammo crate with m203 and not having any grenades would prevent you from getting more.
Fixed: When using supply crates on a weapon pickup up it would not allways resupply you ( When it was a weapon your class dident suppport)
Fixed: Recoil on SVD and m249

Changelog 2.0a to 2.0c
Fixes serveral server side crashes.

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