Evil Islands (walkthrough)

Evil Islands


Certainly not the greatest RPG in the world, but it was 
cheap as a part of the Cinemaware "Wizard's War Chest"
bundle, and the concept of initially being a stone-aged
character is rather interesting.  The game gets bogged
down in too much walking and mini-quests, but it's still 
a steal at 9 bucks when combined with Etherlords 1 & 2.  

Unfortunately the game had no manual - not even a PDF 
file and it doesn't explain the mechanics in-game outside 
of the pop-up hints.

Reasons for liking this?  Well the action is pretty
decent for a low budget game and the world is rather 
interesting in a small-scale way.  Additionally, 
the voice-acting is really cheesy in a fun way.  Anyways
note that this faq/walkthrough is for North America ver. 1.0

Sorry if there is a bit too much hand-holding in this faq,
I'm basing off my experience with no manual and really
suffered for that.

Hints and Tips

25 for a stat is the average for a person in this
game.  At 25, a character gets no bonuses or penalties.
That said the stat I personally favor working on first
is intelligence.  The reason is that intelligence gives
you a bonus to the amount of experience you earn if you
are intelligent enough.  This is good as each time you
purchase a skill, the cost in experience in raising a
skill level or buying a new skill goes up tremendously.
If you intend on carrying a lot, such as best quality
armour - you'll need to be able to take about 630 
encumberance (480 if your equipment is all meteorite-based
and less if you go for even lighter materials).  Besides
using experience to buy more skill points or special
attributes, whenever you get enough experience - your
health and stamina go up by 1.  So eventually you will
grow tough enough to take some strong hits, even if you
never increase any stats or buy attributes.

Having a hard time harming a tough enemy?  Try to go
around them or see if you can backstab then in the head.
Backstabbing can also get a critical hit bonus and it's
much easier to land a blow, so go for the head if you 
can.  Plus Zak starts off talented in backstabbing, so 
he does greater than normal damage with a backstab.  Also
spell damage on a weapon kicks in before the actual weapon
damage; so a Weaken spell will significantly reduce an
enemy's maximum health, before the sword it's on lands
during a backstab. Just keep in mind that some enemies
are INDESTRUCTIBLE!!!!! and are there for you to outwit
or avoid.

Your enemies never run out of stamina.  So enemies
can shoot spells like a machine gun and it's almost
impossible to flee enemies.  Running away can actually
make things worse, not only do you end up wasting
stamina but your footsteps can alert nearby monsters.
Besides many monsters can run faster than you.  The
best way to flee is probably to break a foe's leg and
then you can walk away (since I played this game on
a laptop, I could only get limb hits by accident as
I had no keypad - then I found out about changing the
command keystrokes).  There is still some use for running
away.  If you know an enemy has friends, but they're
too far away to hear you then you can run away and 
lead the foe to isolate it.

Even lowly goblins pose a big threat to you initially,
especially with the huge damage that can be done in
critical hits.  When you get the chance to add some
characters, I'd go for it.  Stealth and backstabbing
can only go so far.  Zak can fight small animals and
goblins solo, but unless he's well equipped and very
skilled then any monster tougher than that will likely
mop the floor with him.  So it might be good to grab
some followers early.  Also keep in mind that backstabs
can get critical hit bonuses as well!  You can almost
kill an Ogre outright with your starting weapon if
you backstab him in the head.

Unlike other rpgs, metal equipment doesn't show up for
a long time.  While the best material in Gipath (the
starting island that you're stranded on) is Green Dragon 
bone, the usual top materials that appears on Gipath, are 
Shell bones (from Armadillos), Hard leather (from Lizards 
and Ogres) and Obsidian (from Orcs in Sands).  The bronze 
dagger you start with can last a long time and you don't 
have to buy any armour as you can get decent armour early 
by killing specific foes during early quests.  Eventually 
you can get equipment made from Meteorite - except at the 
very last battle, these metal goods are the finest you can 

Not only does good material make equipment mightier and/or 
lighter but it can also increase durability and hold more 
complex runes.  Equipment only drops during special 
encounters.  Since it takes money to deconstruct equipment 
or spells and make new ones from scratch, save the game 
before experimenting.  Runes and Equipment sold to a shop 
will enable that particular shop to replicate their designs 
but this happens only after you complete whatever quest
you are currently on. Note that a spell can only be modified
up to the rating of the best spell-caster in the party.  
This includes spells that will be used to enchant equipment.

Magic is not nearly as powerful as in other games.  
It's still useful, but usually a good clout to 
the head does much more than a souped-up fire arrow 
spell.  If you get a warrior to join you, the only 
magic that they need is of the astral variety - these 
heal and can alter stats.  Magic is quite weak in 
intensity and there's not much variety, but a few 
runes can change a spell dramatically.  Also when you 
get the Trigger Rune or other item rune, you can build 
nice enchanted items depending on the complexity of the 
item.  Keep in mind that there is a limit to how many
runes you can add to a spell and no item can hold spells
of truly great power.  Also you cannot build an enchantment 
greater than what your best spellcaster can normally cast
(if all you have are warriors, you're out of luck).  Note
that unlike many other games, wands can be built to 
constantly a spell, since they have by far the best threshold
for complexity and energy - they can make the finest items
for giving you passive abilities.

Armour doesn't just reduce damage from physical attacks,
it also protects against magical ones as well.  
Additionally, it appears that nothing is fully immune
to a particular attack - eg. you can burn a Lava 
Elemental, though such creatures usually have very good
resistance to the particular attack.  Also keep in mind 
Armour vulnerabilities, attacks from such will go through 
with much less damage reduction.

When it comes to shops, Gipath only sells bone and stone
weapons plus leather armour.  Gipath also only stocks up
on Fire spells when it comes to elemental magic.  Ingos 
sells metal equipment, plus cloth and hide armour - they 
also sell the blueprints for leather armour but DO NOT 
carry any leather in stock.  Ingos only has Lightning spells
for elemental magic, but they have everything else that
Gipath has and more.  Suslanger is like Ingos in terms of
what equipment they stock, the key difference is that 
Suslanger, except for the final stage, is the only place 
that carries crossbows!!  However Suslanger has no regular
bows, so bow technology hits its peak in Ingos.  Suslanger
only carries Acid spells for elemental magic.  Also unlike
Gipath and Ingos, Suslanger has Ultra runes for enchantment!
However they lack the regular runes, so if you didn't bring
your own then fine-tuning an enchantment can be a hassle.
Otherwise in all the other magic, they have everything
Ingos and Gipath has plus more.

If things get way too tough then you might want to 
temporarily reduce the difficulty.  Regular difficulty
is actually the hard difficulty level and monsters are
far more damage resistant and better at avoiding your

The sentiment is ugly, but if your party is strong and
ruthless enough to handle it, try to thoroughly wipe
out all enemies in the area.  There is no monster 
re-spawn in this game and equipment drops are few and 
not random (however it is NOT only quest enemies or 
tough foes that drop equipment, some normal opponents
have them as well).  So to make sure you get every 
bit of equipment and experience you can. 

* Parts of this walkthrough is done from events I didn't
write down and are from my memory so the early parts
might have some inaccuracies.  Also I tend to use some
creature names interchangablely, because I'm too lazy

The Characters for your Party

These are the possible characters in your party.  You
can only have 2 heroes in addition to Zak.  If you want
someone new you'll have to release someone.  Don't worry
as you can re-enlist people.  Note that to release someone,
you'll have to go to the person's home area.

When you travel to other lands, you'll be going alone.
Your party members can't travel out of their native land.

Strength 23
Dexterity 30
Intelligence 25
Health 39
Stamina 50

Equipment: Ritual bronze knife
	   Light shirt of rough fabric
	   Light gauntlets of rough fabric
	   Light trousers of rough fabric
	   Light boots of rough fabric

Spells: Healing
	Eagle sight

Skills: Melee 10
	Use/Steal 3
	Sensory Magic 12
	Astral Magic 9

Abilities: Backstab

* Zak is the main character of the game and the
only who stays throughout the whole game.  He's
very agile but a bit low on the strength side
and of average intelligence (which is still 
better than lot of people).  Since he'll be the 
one to collect the most experience by a far 
margin, you'll probably want to make him 
something of a jack of all trades with a mastery
in a few useful departments especially in the 
times when he's alone.

As it is he's strongly oriented to stealth but
I'd personally have him learn the Encumberance
ability so he can have the best armour and
Swords so he can benefit even more from the 
defence bonus innate to swords.  Since he already
starts with Backstab, you might wish to master
it completely.  Also keep in mind that he's a 
competent magician to start and it'll be useful 
for him to have a high Elemental magic skill, 
especially for casting solid protection spells.

Khador the Rowdy
Strength 31
Dexterity 22
Intelligence 19
Health 48
Stamina 34

Equipment: Stone axe
	   Bow (stone head arrows)
	   Gipath simple coat of thin leather
	   Gipath simple breastplate of thin leather
	   Gipath simple leggigs of thin leather
	   Gipath simple gauntlets of thin leather

Skills: Melee 10
	Archery 8

* Khador is certainly strong, unfortunately
everything else about him is below average.
As such he misses a lot and he gains 
experience at a much slower rate.  Still, 
he's there early for you and makes a decent
meat shield (barring that he is an easy, clumsy 
target).  He also has some potential as his 
abilities aren't heavily pre-selected.

Besides his stats, the other factor against
him is Gipath's technology.  All the armour 
in Gipath is light enough that Zak can wear the 
heaviest available armour with ease and he can 
become your choice front-line fighter.  
Likewise there's no weapon that's so heavy
that no one other than a strong guy can use it.

Since he's going to get hurt, I'd get him more
health and some Astral magic so he can heal.
Besides increasing his melee and archery, I'd
also have him get more actions for more attacks.

Naya the Secretive
Strength 16
Dexterity 26
Intelligence 30 
Health 27
Stamina 44

Equipment: Bow (granite head arrows)
	   Gipath light shirt of thin leather
	   Gipath light leggings of thin leather
	   Gipath gauntlets of tiger skin

Skills: Archery 11
	Elemental Magic 18
	Astral Magic 9

Spells: Healing
	Protection from fire E+
	Fire arrow E+

* I like Naya alot for the most part.  She's quicker
than the average person and certainly a lot smarter.
However her strength is so horrible that she can't
wear much armour and her health level is atrocious.
This hurts her but since she spends most of her time
in the back, it's surprisingly not too much of a 

Because of her intelligence, she'll earn a lot of
experience and since she doesn't start off with
any abilities, it'll be very cheap for her to get
some.  She's a good archer and a potent starting
mage in Elemental and Astral magic.  She even has
the potential to be a decent 3rd melee fighter
provided that the enemy is too occupied to go after

It might be nice to increase her intelligence, but 
I would definitely suggest increasing her magic 
abilities.  In any case she's very flexible in terms 
of how you wish to develop her.

Rint the Archer
Strength 21
Dexterity 32
Intelligence 19
Health 48
Stamina 73

Equipment: Short bone bow (shell bone head arrows)
	   Gipath stitched breastplate of thin leather
	   Gipath stitched gauntlets of tough leather
	   Gipath long stiched trousers of tough leather

Skills: Archery 31

Abilities: Bow (Level 2)

* I personally think he's too overspecialized and I'm not
a big fan of his stats which are pretty bad overall other
than his agility.  But he certainly is a fantastic archer.  
And he comes with some decent items.  If you pick him, I'd 
recommend learning things that will balance him out such 
as Melee skills, as he has potential to be a good fighter.
The major problem is that he's done in by the local 
technology.  Gipath lacks equipment to really make him
shine and a pure melee fighter or magician is more useful
in Gipath, where you have less margin for error.

Eila the Sandwoman
Strength 18
Dexterity 30
Intelligence 24 
Health 37
Stamina 61

Equipment: Stone dagger
	   Gipath leggings of tiger skin
	   Gipath breastplate of tiger skin
	   Gipath gauntlets of tiger skin

Skills: Melee 4
	Elemental Magic 23
	Astral Magic 20

Spells: Fire arrow E+
	Fireball E+
	Strengthen D+

Abilities: Magic of Fire 

* I'm not a real fan of Eila.  She's got plenty of
stamina from her high dexterity but she's kind of
dumb, especially for a mage.  Her good magic skills 
come from brute force point buying, but she'll soon 
find it harder to gain the experience to buy more 
magic.  She can make a good archer if you build up 
that skill, but why bother with this old hag.  Just
pick her up long enough to strip her of spells 
and equipment.

Strength 18
Dexterity 30
Intelligence 24 
Health 37
Stamina 61

Equipment: Short bronze bow
	   Canian woolen hunting jerkin
	   Canian heavy gauntlets of thin leather
	   Canian heavy trousers of tough leather
	   Canian heavy boots of thin leather

Skills: Melee 23
	Archery 37

Abilities: Bow

* I like her a lot.  She has a good basic bow and her
stats are more balanced than most.  While she is
highly specialized, she has good melee skills in
combination with her agility and so she'll be quite
good in a melee fight as a secondary fighter if
you give her some good armour that's not so heavy. 

Strength 16
Dexterity 27
Intelligence 30
Health 44
Stamina 74

Equipment: Bronze dagger
	   Canian light coat of tough leather
	   Canian silk hunting jerkin
	   Canian heavy trousers of hard leather
	   Canian cotton hunting boots

Skills: Elemental Magic 41
	Sensory Magic 29
	Astral Magic 32

Abilities: Magic of Lightning

Spells: Lightning E+, E+, M-
	Clairvoyance A+, D+
	Haste D+

* Rinas is a very useful wizard to have.  He has
fantastic skill in all the branches of magic and
comes with a couple of strong spells.  His stats
outside of his strength is very good too.  Sure 
he's never learnt to pick up a sword but if you give
him an accurate bow, he can be a pretty accurate
shot with it because of his dexterity.  Also with
his high intelligence, it should be pretty easy
to learn new skills.  Still it's best to have him
focus on magic.  

Strength 21
Dexterity 35
Intelligence 17
Health 61
Stamina 101

Equipment: Steel long sword
	   The family helmet of Knight Brissen
	   The family cuirass of Knight Brissen
	   Canian army bronze leggings
	   Canian jerkin of green Troll hide
	   Canian silk hunting gauntlets
	   Canian cotton hunting trousers
	   Canian silk hunting boots

Skills: Melee 42

Abilities: Sword (Level 3)

* Brissen is a rather strange one but effective.  
He's got low strength especially for a fighter 
but then he's not going to get hit too often 
because of his fantastic agility and mastery of 
the sword.  Even if he does get hit, his two pieces
of unique, enchanted armour will boost his health
and heal wounds - if an attack manages to breach
his armour's strong protection.  

On pure strength of items alone, he's a worthy 
pick-up if only to strip him of his equipment.  
His skill in a fight and his high agility means 
that he'll be consistently striking his foes and
attacking at a quick rate.
He's probably the dumbest guy you'll ever meet, 
but since he's already a melee machine - the 
experience he gets could go far in fleshing 
him out as an expert archer.  

I'd definitely consider him a keeper.  His health, 
encumberance and strength could use some work, but 
the good points he has are very impressive.  Just 
remember that he starts off overloaded and can't 
run!  So probably best to up his encumberance a bit.
Unfortunately, because of his stupidity - he likely
won't earn enough experience for more attributes
once you modify his encumberance.  When that happens,
cram his skills into melee and to a lesser degree,
the archery skill.

Strength 30
Dexterity 25
Intelligence 20
Health 134
Stamina 112

Equipment: "Lethal Lightning" spear
	   Light top trousers of thin leather
	   Khadaganian tough leather gauntlets
	   Khadaganian tough leather trousers
	   Khadaganian thin leather leggings

Skills: Melee 62
	Archery 55

He's a fantastic front-line fighter with an incredible
unique weapon.  His starting equipment is otherwise
really poor at this stage, but his spear more than
makes up for it and you can always buy some new armor
or give him some extra ones from your stockpile.
Kharad is a master of combat, but he could benefit from
a bit of tweaking here and there - such as some new 
abilities.  Pretty much anything will work for him and 
while he's still dumb, he's smarter than the average 
fighter as well which is kind of a bonus.  

Strength 20
Dexterity 30
Intelligence 25
Health 92
Stamina 222

Equipment: Mithrill dirk
	   Long Khadaganian woollen shirt
	   Silk gauntlets
	   Khadaganian silk trousers

Skills: Elemental Magic 68
	Sensory Magic 56

Abilities: Stamina (Level 2)

Spells: Acid blast E+, E+, E+, E+, E+
	Acid fog T++, E+, E+, E+, En
	Silence T++, D++, Fr
	Night vision D++

Fayrakh is a great magician.  His equipment is sparse
on armour, but that dirk of his can't be sneered at.

Where he really shines is this - no one compares to 
him in terms of how many spells he can lob without
exhausting himself.  

He is not the most intelligent guy around with only
average intellect, but certainly he is the most muscular
of magicians, and can take some really good hits - his 
stats pretty much balance well.  With some tweaking, 
he can even be a strong melee fighter, though he'll
better off as a crossbowman.  

I'd recommend boosting his intelligence and getting 
him to learn some Astral Magic, then add even more 
to his other magic skills.  Beyond that, you can be
pretty flexible in how to develop him.

Strength 21
Dexterity 34
Intelligence 19
Health 91
Stamina 148

Equipment: Adamantite dirk
	   Light woollen shirt
	   Woollen gauntlets
	   Light top trousers of tough leather

Skills: Melee 42
	Use/Steal 57
	Sensory Magic 54

Abilities: Dagger

Spells: Invisibility D++, D++, M-
	Field of vision T++, D+, :En
	Clairvoyance A++, A++

Sahilia is my least favourite member of the Suslanger
bunch.  I personally don't see much use for stealing,
when it's almost always much easier just to kill your
foe.  However, barring that - Sahilia is still a very
good character to have.  Her current armour sucks, but 
her dirk packs a powerful punch and she's good with it.  
Sahilia has fantastic Dexterity and while the rest of 
her stats are pretty low - she has a number of skills 
and spells at very high levels.  As such she can actually 
be a very good fighter provided that you have someone 
else take the hits.   

Personally I'd have her learn to use Missile weapons 
and let her potshot foes.  After that, anything else 
should work okay - though take into account her low 
intelligence, so she'll have trouble gaining experience 
for new abilities.  

The Walkthrough

1) Gipath

Zak first starts off waking up from the ruins 
and there you'll startle some praying villagers.  
They'll bolt too quickly for you to run after.  
So just continue to the west and you'll fight 
your first enemy.  Kill that wolf and there'll 
soon be a boar.  The initial parts of this land 
will mainly have you fighting Toads, Boars and 
Wolves.  Since these creatures are all immature, 
it'll be easy to defeat them especially the Toads.  
Just make sure not to be surrounded.  This is 
a good time to earn some easy experience so have 
at it!

Now as you progress further down south you'll 
reach a shallow brook where you can go east or 
south.  Taking the east route will have you fight 
some Toads.  Gut them and go south.  There you'll 
encounter an Ogre who's way too much for you to 
handle.  But he carries some money so you'll want 
to sneak up on him and pickpocket him.  Make sure 
to save before you do so, the amount the Ogre has 
is random and you can get money over 100 or just 
under 70.  After that go south and you'll see a 
lazy Ogre who's too stuffed to be alert.  Go 
behind and rob him and then you can go either 
south or east.  For now go east, you'll see a 
fairly active Ogre but it's still easy to sneak 
up on him and make off with his loot.  From there 
continue on east and you'll encounter Goblin 
Spearmen.  Take them out and head back to where
you robbed th Ogre who's stuffed.  Now move south
past the bridge and then backstab those goblins.  
You're now safe at the village.

Once you are given the welcome, talk around.  
There's nothing to buy right now as Babur the 
craftsman is in no mood to talk to you.  Talk 
to Khador the Rowdy and he'll be wanting to join 
you but not immediately.  Talk to Erfarr and Gort 
for your first real assignment.

Your first task is to kill the Goblin Sentry.  With 
luck you should be able to backstab him but even if 
you don't he's still easy to defeat.  Hold back on 
branching out too far.  The wildlife here is a fair 
bit tougher than what you faced earlier.

With the sentry dead, go back and get your next 
assignment which is to kill a White Wolf.  Also talk 
to Babur and he'll tell you why he can't work for you 
yet, he's had his tools stolen.  The Brigand Chief and 
his wife have them.  You can now recruit Khador

To kill the White Wolf simply follow the path north 
to where it's outlined on your map.  If you saw it 
earlier, it's backed by an adult White Wolf but now 
it's alone.  Move close to some young Boars and this 
will panick them into running to the wolf pack that 
helps the White Wolf.  While the wolves are distracted, 
go to the White Wolf, it's much tougher than you so 
backstab it.  This is pretty easy as it's pre-occupied 
with eating a pig.  Killing the White Wolf will earn 
you 150 gold from either Gort or Erfar depending on 
who talk to (sorry you can only get one reward but 
who you talk to doesn't matter).

As for the tools, go northeast and fight some young 
poisonous toads.  Watch out for Bats, these guys shoot 
damaging fire!!!  When your way is clear, walk across 
the shallow stream to the Free Hunter campsite.  Now 
the Free Hunters are just brigands and will attack you 
on sight.  However the Free Hunters are also carrying 
pieces of Tiger Skin armour, enough to cover your whole 
body.  Tiger Skin is lighter than leather and almost as 
effective as Tough Leather.  Not only that, but Babur 
cannot make Tiger Skin equipment unless you sell them 
or their blueprints to him.  So kill off all the Brigands 
except for the Chief and his wife.  These two are way 
too powerful for you.  The wife can use lightning 
spells while the Chief is a strong warrior with an 
obsidian battle-axe.  Instead crawl behind each one 
and pickpocket them.  Babur will now be able to sell 
you stuff when you return to the Village.  Even though 
you have new armour, I'd refrain from selling the 
clothes you start with.  While Babur can duplicate 
their blueprints, there is no fabric to make new clothes 
on Gipath.  Your clothes have some fairly decent innate 
stats and you might want to wait until you go to a place 
where they can manufacture fabrics before selling them.

After returning his tools, if you talk further to Babur, 
he'll mention about a Redheaded Brigand who's a contact 
with the Orcs.  He wants you to get evidence from the 
brigand regarding this alliance.

Also Gort wants you to go on a punitive mission to kill 
7 or more goblins.  He'll also make mention of the Orc 
Seer in that area which will eventually lead to a quest 
from Babur.  Between you and Khador itt should be quite 
easy fighting the Goblins unless you face a mob of 5.  
So go east through a southern path from your start.  
There'll be some boars to fight but that's fairly easy, 
going across you'll cross some swamps with a Weak Banshee 
and some poisonout toads.  Kill them and you'll bypass 
the bridges with their heavy sentry presence.  Now 
whenever you see a campfire in this region, there's 
going to be a group of 4 goblins - 2 spearmen and 2 
slingers.  That might still be a bit tough so try to 
look around for stragglers.  Whatever happens avoid 
going too far out to the southeast.  There is a stone 
idol that will kill you outright from the damage its 
lightning inflicts!!!  When you  kill 7, it's time to 
go after the Redhead brigand.  Before Babur gave you 
the quest, Red'll be talking to 3 Orcs but now he's 
only with one Orc.  The two of them will still be 
a challenge but you should do fine.  Backstabbing 
may not work because the pair is watching each other's 
back, but it is still possible to nail one guy with 
a knife to the back (I got the Orc before with a 
backstab to the head).  Kill them both and now you can 
get the Redhead's map.  Time to return to the Village.

Babur will check out the map and point out that it 
mentions the location of a Magic bit in another region 
called the Cave.  Also if you talk further with him, 
you'll mention what Gort said about the Orcs and this 
will get you a quest to disable that Stone Idol of theirs.  
Now Babur mentions that the Cave can only be reached by 
a drawbridge and Gort has the mechanism for it.  Gort 
will trade you the mechanism in exchange for letting 
him take the credit.  Erfar is dismayed by the killing 
of the Redhead.  He does have a new quest for you, the 
crystal eye of the Goblin Chief Gogo is the same material
as what's used in Portals to other lands, he wants you 
to force Gogo into a bargain by having you steal the 
Goblin's sacred Head of the First Chief.  You might 
want to hold off on it for just a little bit as you 
can soon get another new character. 

You could do the Stone Idol quest now but it can be 
fairly tough and you might want to wait until you get 
the third person and access from the River and Islands 
area.  Otherwise here's how to do it.  Crawl in from 
the north to the Orc village.  There's 4 Young Orcs 
guarding the area but you can still crawl pass the 
furthest Young Orc to the east.  This can be done even 
in broad daylight.  Now once you are past, there are some 
random young Orcs mucking about and an Adult Ogre hanging 
about the huts closest to the mountain.  Pick off the 
Orcs you can and avoid that Ogre.  Check your map to 
see the location of the controller and make your way
there.  You'll need to kill the Young Orc Seer controlling
it and so as the Seer makes his rounds, jump him when he's
at his most isolated.  He's quite skilled so he does have
a firewall and fireball spell but his health is low, so it 
should be easy to kill him.  Do that and he'll drop an
Extra Area rune.  Now you can use the Obelisk to stop the 
lightning.  In this Orc village is a bunch of goblins, so 
your choice if you want to fight them.  Anyways with the 
Idol stopped, head north and exit through the way to the 
cave.  As you reach the path, be on the lookout for a Young 
Troll patrolling the area.  He is easy to avoid and so just 
sneak past him to exit.  Time to collect the reward from 
Babur before going to the Cave area.

Babur has 200 gold and a Gipath simple coat of hard leather 
waiting for you (note that while the material is great, the 
armour type isn't the best of its kind - you might want to 
get Babur to reconstruct it to a better class, Hard Leather 
is the best armor material you can get in Gipath).  The 
silicon gained from the Orcs also makes some good starting 
weapons.  If you do get some silicon weapons, I'd still hold 
off selling the Ritual bronze knife as even when Babur does 
replicate the blueprints, there's no metals to make use 
of it.

Use the mechanism to release the drawbridge.  This cave has
a few Orcs and quite a few rats on the other side of where
you are.  It also has Earth Elementals, Evileyes and 
Armadillos, these guys are far beyond what you can currently
fight so don't venture too far.  The object now is find the
crypt with the Magic bit in it and kill the young Orc Seer
who has the key to opening the crypt.  This Seer will go
back and forth between Young Orcs to cast Strengthen on them.
The Young Orcs here are usually facing a single direction and
so you might want to backstab a few to thin out the numbers,
but make sure to leave a few alive on either side.  This will
make the Seer walk longer distances and give you the chance
to attack him when he's at the most isolated.  Kill the 
Seer and you'll receive an Extra Targets rune as well as
the Sarcophagus key.  Best to gut the rest of the Orcs from 
behind for more experience and wealth.  Use the key found 
on the Seer to open the crypt.  Get the Magic bit and go home.  
Babur will then tell you the location of the Witch as you know 
have the Magic bit as a bargaining tool.

The Witch really doesn't like tresspassers and so she has
a number of traps and 2 Young Trolls to keep outsiders
away.  All the of the above will kill you right away, but
besides them there's also the local wildlife and a Weak
Banshee to deal with.  Where you first start from is a few
boars to fight.

Now first go to the area that is furthest to the west on
the map.  You'll see a number of stone structures.  These
are lightning traps and you must go through these before
you can deactivate the next traps.  Look for scorched
patches on the ground.  This is where the lightning traps 
will fire their bolts.  So long as you avoid stepping on
these you're completely safe.  When you get past the last
of these, you'll see the 1st Young Troll and to his west is
a tree stump with an object on it.  Grab the object - it's
the deactivation key.  Now look for a stone obelisk that's
north of the stump.  Use the key on it to deactivate the 
the obelisk and the lightning will shut off.

To shut off the fire trap, go to the east and turn off that
obelisk.  Now to shut off the acid trap, go to the centre
of the map.  There'll be some wolves to kill but they're
nothing serious, when you reach that final obelisk - you'll
have turned all the traps off.

Cross the swamp to the east, you'll face the Weak Banshee
and some Poisonous Toads.  When you cross the swamp you'll
see the 2nd Troll guarding the entrance to the Witch's
home.  So turn west and sneak past the 1st Troll.  You'll
be able to go see the Witch.

After the intro with the Witch, Estera, you'll get a free 
Field of Vision spell keystone from her.  As well Estera 
will make Naya the Secretive available for recruiting.  
Estera mentions about a Magic Orb to let her see your past.  
This doesn't give you a quest but it triggers a conversation 
to Erfar about the Magic Orb. Note that some of Naya's spells
have the Enhanced Effect rune in them.  The Witch currently
can't make Enhanced Effect runes so if you wish you can
take one of Naya's spells like Fire arrow and have it broken
down.  After removing and selling the rune, you can then
make a spell out of the remaining keystone.

You can buy spells and runes from Estera but I'd hold off
for now, her prices are very expensive and some runes can
be found only by killing enemy Seers.  Also she will only 
sell spells of Fire when it comes to the offensive stuff.
One important thing though, eventually you'll leave Gipath
and Estera's is the only magic shop ever!!!!!!  Take whatever 
opportunity to get the spells you need before you leave the 

Go back to the Village and talk to Erfar about the Magic
Orb, no quest yet but it does trigger the event after you
get the Goblin Sacred Object.  First thing is Erfar's 
mission.  From your starting point go southeast and then 
straighten out east.  You should find some trained goblins 
lurking in the area.  Go kill the goblins and one of them 
will have a Cage key on them.  With the goblins dead, 
you're free to get the First Goblin's head.  Also the 
Goblin Village has 4 Forest Lizards in their stockade, 
so you can free them if you wish.

With the head in his position, Erfar will try to
finangle a deal with the Goblin Chief Gogo.  Gogo had
all the relevant information stolen by Orcs and so
he can't do anything.  You can give the head back to
Gogo and he will reward you with a fantastic treasure.
You will get a Magic Doll that can cast the Weaken
spell on enemies.  This is fantastic and I used it
heavily on any tough cases.  Every fight should make
use of the doll unless you don't want to accidentally
hit a nearby strong foe with the weakness spell.

Now you can go after some new leads, talk to the people
to get some new quests.  Erfar finally gives you the 
Magic Orb quest but you'll need the Island Orc Drawbridge 
mechanism.  Gort mentions how the Drawbridge mechanism 
was lost in the Middle Mountains.

Without the mechanism, there's nothing more to do here but
it might be a good idea to thin out the monster population
here.  There are regular wolves and boars plus the odd
poison toads.  But there are also White Wolves and Black
Boars, these Black Boars do provide useful Thick Leather
though you can hold using these for a long time (the Tiger
Skin items you find are plenty effective enough for now).  
In the swamp, north of the Goblin village, there are weak 
and strong Banshees.  Also there are Willow-o'the-Wisps.  
They come as regular and a more powerful Hot version.  
The deadliest creature is a single Searing Willow-o'the- 
Wisp, it's very agile, quite damage resistant and packs 
a heavy punch.  If you encounter it, either run or have 
Naya keep blasting it with fire arrow while your men act 
as meat shields.  Finally there are more Goblins and some
dangerous Bats kicking about - the Bats are probably the
greatest danger to you after the Searing Willow-o'the-Wisp.
Make sure to fight them individually or you'll get scorched.


Plenty of Black Boars lurk in this area as does a few 
Orcs including archers.  Fight or stealth works, so
just keep following the path detailed in the map until
you reach the smashed cart.  Take the Drawbridge mechanism
and leave.  The monsters that are located beyond the cart
are very powerful so best to leave them alone for now.

Time to return and lower the drawbridges, you'll want 
to lower the drawbridges from all areas even though 
it'll take some trudging.  The reason is that there's 
3 Ogres patrolling the southern central island and a 
number of bridges on the islands are broken so access 
is limited.  For the Magic Orb, you'll be cutting through 
an Orc Village and pasting a Trained Orc Seer.  The danger 
of this improved Seer is that he can unleash an onslaught 
of fireballs and fire walls in addition to the spells 
you saw before.  Besides isolating the Seers, if you have 
trouble with them then try to lure the Seer into his own 
firewall and pin him there with melee combat.  Shooting 
him with arrows is a bad idea as that usually provokes 
him into ripping off a flurry of spells at the poor archer.

Go down the path detailed in the map and kill off every 
Orc you see.  Eventually you'll see a pedestal on a hill 
with the Magic Orb on it.  The Seer is guarding the Orb 
and should be alone, so run in there and let him have it.  
With the Seer dead, he'll drop an Extra Effect rune.  
Another rune to sell to Estera.

For the stolen document, this mission is easy just go and 
lower the eastern drawbridge while killing any wildlife 
in your way.  With that done, go to the island indicated 
by the map and open the coffer.  Voila!  The Hide with 
letters is yours.

Time to go to Estera, she'll use the Orb to see a Great 
Magician but then the Orb will break and you'll need a 
record of the Magic Orb's origin so she wants you to go 
back and get it.  Go to the Village and talk to Erfar 
about your recent adventures.  Erfar acts if the Hide 
with letters is useless and now tells you of quest in 
Dead City to record a sack of gold.  If you talk to Babur 
about this, he'll tell the truth of your quest and you 
will have then have the option of aborting the mission.  
Still I'd go through with it because of the nice prize.

This is a very dangerous mission and it'd be tempting to
put it off.  Unfortunately, you won't be getting much more 
powerful for a while.  This mission is going to involve
seeing the enemies before they see you, but they have an
advantage.  The Skeletons detect enemies by life force
and so they can spot enemies behind them plus darkness
doesn't reduce their sight radius.  You might want to get
the Fireworks spell to work as a distraction, but it's 
rather iffy especially with no modifications.

From where you start, you'll encounter a lot of Tigers
and smaller numbers of the regular wildlife.  You may
also find a few Willow-o'the-Wisps.  These guys aren't
a problem.

The real danger are the Skeletons.  Commoner Skeletons
aren't too bad but can still put up a fight.  Recruit
Skeletons are definitely tougher.  Warrior Skeletons will
likely take your whole party to fight.  The worst by
far are the Veteran Warrior Skeletons, these guys are
devastating fighters and will mop up your heroes quicker
than an Ogre onslaught!  Unlike the others who all look
the same, the Veteran Warrior Skeletons are brownish
in colour.  Well at least the Skeletons have some money
and they drop Hard Bone which makes good bow material.

To reach the caravan, you'll have to take the long way
around in order to avoid Veteran Warrior Skeleton patrols.
Fight isolated skeletons of the other kinds to a clear path 
for yourself.  Remember stealth is much less of an option 
due to skeleton magical senses.  Darkness is not your 
friend here, as this reduces your sight only.  If night 
comes, you might want to wait it out.  

The caravan is guarded by some Recruit Skeletons.  There
are 2 coffers and I strongly recommend grabbing the extra
one.  But before you do so, you'll need to prepare yourself.
The moment you open the coffer with the gold in it, Veteran
Warrior Skeletons will come down and block off both routes
out of the caravan area.  

Now for the gold, take out the Recruit Skeletons (if you're
lucky one might wander off on a patrol) but first save the
game.  Where the vengeful Veteran Warrior Skeletons will 
appear is somewhat randomized.  Now grab the gold and grab 
what's in the other coffer.  The prize is an Ancient Helm.  
Not only is it made of iron and fantastic protection for 
your poor noggin, it also generates a constant Eagle Sight 
spell on the wearer!  Now run out as long as you can, the 
Fireworks spell can be pretty useful at baiting the enemy 
here, until you get the message that you have escaped. 
with luck you'll have left before the enemy converge on you.  
In your quest log, it mentions a second coffer full of gold.  
That one is located roughly south of where you started off 
from, you'll also see it in your map as a treasure icon.  
It's in a ruin that's guarded by some Commoner Skeletons 
and a Warrior Skeleton with a few Young White Wolves in 
the area.  Smack these idiots about and you can go
open the coffer to a tune of 500 gold!  When you return 
home, you'll give Erfar a piece of your mind and he'll give 
you 400 gold to placate you.  Whether you do this gold 
retrieval quest or abort it, you'll be told of an impending 
goblin attack and Erfar wants you to go in alliance with the 
Free Hunters and stop the attack.

I'd recommend taking on Erfar's quest first as you can 
receive some really useful items here.  As you make your 
way to the Free Hunter Lieutenant, you see he's broken the 
agreement by coming armed and not alone.  You've been set 
up by these damn Brigands!!!  Now if you fight the Lieutenant 
and the 2 Brigands with him, you'll get crushed by a mob 
of incoming brigands.  So you'll have to destroy his ambushers.  
There are 4 groups of them located in the area and they're 
spread quite far from each other.  So take your time and 
hunt about until your quest log notesthe death of all 4 
groups, killing the Brigands is also worthwhile because 
they have tough leather equipment of a design that's superior 
to what Babur can make.  Since one of the groups is really 
close to the goblin encampment, you might as well kill them 
too.  There's quite a number of goblins but they should pose 
no threat to you.  With all the Brigands and Goblins dead, 
there's just the Lieutenant and his friends.  The Lieutenant 
is carrying a Heavy silicon hammer which is superior to the 
regular hammer type and he's a pretty dangerous fighter.  
So kill his Brigands first, then focus all your might on 
the Lieutenant and then he's dead.  Besides the heavy hammer, 
the Lieutenant also has a letter in Orc writing.

Now for the Orc records, go through the second northern 
drawbridge.  As usual keep killing Orcs until you reach 
the objective island.  Now you'll need to be more careful, 
there are 3 Orcs by the campfire and more Orcs to the south 
of it.  Between them is the Seer who goes back and forth 
strengthening the Orcs.  So lure out the Orcs at the campfire 
one at a time with an arrow or two before running past the 
bridge but leave at least one guy alive so that the Seer 
is still making his patrols.  Now move about so you can 
potshot the Seer where his guards won't notice.  Lure 
the Seer out and then let him have it.  Besides the Orc 
records, he also drops an Extra Energy rune.  Without the 
Seer, the Orcs are easy pickings so time to clear the islands 
of them.

Going back to Estera you find that she can only read a bit 
of the record but she does find out that the Orb came from 
Dead City.  Airy will go out to find out more information.  
Sell the Extra Energy rune to Estera, this is one of the 
most useful runes you can get so far and having a regular 
supply of these will be helpful.

Now go to the Village and talk to Babur about the letter 
you found during the ambush.  He'll tell you to take it 
to Estera.  Talk some more about it to Erfar and Gort.  
When you get the dialogue regarding Airy from Erfar, that's 
the trigger to a new bout of quests.

When you return to Estera, Airy will have returned.  Ask 
them and they will give you a rather convoluted list of 
quests which will eventually take you to the Master of 
Dead City.  You need to go to the Observatory in the Middle 
Mountains for records of the password that lets you into 
the secret passage to Dead City's interior.  But to reach 
that observatory, you'll need to get a Green Crystal from 
Dead City to freeze the lake blocking your way and you'll 
need a Dragon Amulet to lure a dragon out to fight the 
Harpies occupying the Observatory.  Airy knows that a 
Lizard has the Amulet and she knows where to find him.  
By this point you should have a lot of cash so if you can 
afford it, you might want to invest in a Fire wall spell.  
The Fire wall will be of great use in any fight.  With this 
done, ask Estera about the Orc letter you just found.  
From this dialogue, you have two new quests open up - the 
Green crystal and the Dragon amulet.

Estera cannot read it and so she'll need an Orc ABC book 
to decipher the letter.  You can find that item in Sands.  
So yet another quest.  But before you take on Sands, you 
might want to go for the Amulet first.  The Lizard holding 
the Amulet, also has a very strong weapon that you can 
also recover.  It's also only a short trip to go and take 
the amulet, so you might want to tackle this quest first.

Time to go on part of the Witch's major quest.  The first 
phase would be to get the Dragon Amulet.  The Lizard-tamer 
has it and he's guarded by a pair of Adult Poisonous Toads.  
Because the Lizard isn't too far away from where you got 
Island Orc's Drawbridge mechanism, the local wildlife is 
probably a lot thinner and you can probably fight the 
Lizard-tamer and his Toads without interference.  Kill them 
and not only do you get the Amulet but you get a nice Bone 
Spear.  Keep it if you wish, I personally sold it so that 
Babur could duplicate the design.

Bring the Dragon Amulet to Estera and Airy will join in your
conversation.  It turns out that if you proceed now on your
quest for the Observatory, you will get slaughtered by once
pacifist Lizards in that area.  You find out that you'll be 
going to certain death if you go to the Observatory now.  
The Lizards in the way were formerly peaceful but are now 
at war with humans since the Big Shell - a symbol of that 
peace accord was stolen.  However Babur is somehow able to 
go and fetch stone from his quarry and is never attacked by 
the Lizards. The effects of this conversation gets you the
quest regarding the Observatory.

Now return to the Village and talk to Babur.  He'll be 
reluctant to give out his secret, so go talk to Erfar 
who'll mention more details about the Lizards.  Armed with 
this new information, go and confront Babur.  Eventually Zak 
will realize that Babur is the thief of the Big shell and 
now you'll have to retrieve it, triggering a new quest.  
Talk to Gort for more details about Babur's involvement 
with the Lizards.  But right now, it's time to go to Sands.

The region you are in has a number of Adult Orcs of various
Clans.  Unlike regular Orcs, these Clan guys carry 
obsidian - the best material for making stone weapons!!!  
Unfortunately there's also a pair of Trained Seers, some 
Veteran White Wolves and Veteran Orcs.  But these are in 
a somewhat more northerly area and we're going south.

So kill what you can for the obsidian and you'll eventually 
see an Ogre bumming around in his lair.  He isn't going 
anywhere unless you provoke him and his lair is far down 
enough that there's plenty of room to avoid him.  Go over 
to the area indicated in the map and you'll find the Seer 
and his little isolated hut.  Since he's alone, he's easy 
prey.  Kill him and recover the ABC book for Estera.  He 
also drops an Extra Target rune.

Estera will translate the Orc note and find that there's 
a letter waiting on the Islands for some Orcs.  This 
document is a request for assassinating Zak!  A group of 
Orcs is on their way to get the letter, so time to head 
them off.

Back to this place again!  You only have a limited time 
before the messenger escapes but because the wildlife here 
is likely all extinct from your earlier trip, you'll have 
a free run to the Orcs.  The messenger Orc is an Adult Orc 
and he's as dangerous as the Kharu Clan Orcs you just fought 
(unfortunately he doesn't drop obsidian despite his obsidian 
axe).  He's also got back up from a Young Orc and a Female 
Orc (maybe it's 2 Female Orcs, I forget).  Kill the Orcs 
and if the messenger looks to make a run for it, provoke 
him an arrow or spell.  Now grab the letter and return to 
the Village.  It turns out the letter was written by Gort 
and he makes a run for it in the Foothills.  Time to go Gort 

Go where the map points to.  Gort is a powerful fighter with
a Silicon battle axe.  He also has some Skilled Brigands with 
him (one is a female archer).  Still with your new obsidian 
weapons and all that experience you've gained, you should be 
able to defeat them all.  And Gort's mighty axe is now yours!!  
Sell it or upgrade it to obsidian, the price is very steep and 
understandably so.  Gort has been replaced by Rivar the Hulk 
and he'll use a magic word to increase your strength by 1 point!
You can also recruit Rint the Archer (I personally didn't like 
the guy as I think he's overly specialized and missed out on a 
lot of experience opportunities but he has a short bone bow 
made of shell bone and some decent armour so I took those and 
left him with only a loin cloth to guard his virtue).

If you return to the Village, Erfar is likely to give
you a quest for a Magic Herb to save the village from
illness.  Talking to Babur and you'll find he doesn't
feel ill at all but he'd like to get the Herb and market it.

So go back and kill the wildlife in your way until you reach
the forest where this Herb is.  You'll see a ring of Orcs
scattered about, so time for some wet works.  When you finish
picking them off, grab the Herb and go to the Witch. 

She also says that the Herb is actually rather common and 
confirms that you've been setup.  Go to the Village to make 
your accusations and that's it.  However this talk will set 
in motion, plans to trap the traitor.  Go back to Estera and
talk to her about the Villagers, she'll give you her advice
and now you should return to the Village and talk to Babur
and Erfar to set your trap.  A new quest for you to finally
deal with the backstabber!  I'd recommend delaying your main
quest just a little longer, if you go after the Traitor, you'll
get a very nice weapon out of the deal.

Now time to find the Traitor, go to the spot you mentioned
to Babur and there's only some Adult Poisonous Toads,
so he's innocent.  Get ready for tough fight, when you
approach the spot mentioned to Erfar.  There's a Young
Seer, 2 Female Orcs and an Adult Orc.  I had the Seer killed
with a barrage of arrows and magic before trying to hold 
off the Adult Orc with my most heavily armoured guy.  The
rest of my team then picked off the Female Orcs and we 
finished the last guy.  The  Young Female Orc has a Long
Bone Bow which is a definite sell for Babur.  Once he 
replicates that, having 3 Long Bone Bows is truly a fearsome 
thing and you can make some with Green Dragon Bones later on.
With the ambush broken, you now have evidence of the Traitor!

Time to bust the Traitor.  Everyone but Erfar is happy
but no further rewards here.  Oh well it's good to see that
pig Erfar sweat a little.  

Going back to the main quest, it's time to go to Dead City 
and get the Green Crystal.  Follow the path indicated while
avoiding the Veteran Warrior Skeletons.  Eventually you
see the the opening of your objective and it is blocked off
by a massive Slow Adult Black Troll.  It's far more powerful 
than you can take on so you'll have to lure it out.  Use 
Fireworks if you have it, or else you can shoot some arrows 
at it and back away.  As it follows, run around it and you'll 
eventually get to an area too narrow for it to follow.  
There'll be all manner of skeletons inside so be cautious.  
Your target is the Green Crystal in the north part but when 
you get those, I suggest getting Blue Crystal as well.  The 
Witch will buy the Blue Crystal from you for 400 gold during 
this quest.

Time to head back.  As you probably noticed, the Black Troll
really is slow.  His stride is long enough that he can catch
up to you when you're walking but you can blow by him each
time you run.  So if you run long distances then stop to
recover stamina, you'll be able to run all the way back to
your start point if you had cleared the area of interfering

Stupid Babur!  The reason why he's not attacked is that he
stole the Big Shell and left it in Remote Mountain so that the
Lizards won't attack him there.  So you need to steal it back.
There's plenty of Forest Lizards and Black Boars but right
now only the Black Boars are a threat.  So go boar-hunting
until you're clear.  Now make your way to the Big Shell but
remember the moment you take it, the local Lizards will be
at war with you.  However they drop Hard Leather, the best
stuff for your type of armour.  So pick off as many Lizards
as you can but avoid the ones near the altar that you took
the Big Shell from.  There's a Green Dragon in the skies,
near the vicinity and he's allied with the Forest Lizards.
Now you can go home.

Babur will complain that he can't go to his quarry anymore
but there is another route.  Unfortunately it's blocked
by a Cyclops who stole some village pigs and is tending
them there.  The Cyclops hurls boulders at anyone getting
too close to where it keeps the pigs, but if you kill the
pigs then it will leave and Babur will reward you handsomely.

Going back to the Remote Mountains, you should keep an eye
out for a Green Dragon in the sky as you make your way through
the area where you stole the Big Shell.  This route avoids
direct confrontation with the Cyclops.  So keep going north
until you find Babur's quarry.  Now go east and you'll find
the Pigs.  There are 7 of them, so time to let fly with the
arrows.  If you don't kill them all and you hear the Cyclops
returning, then go back and hide somewhere out of his sight
radius.  The Cyclops will investigate but won't go too far
from the pig lair.  When he resumes his patrol, you now have 
a lot of time to finish off the remaining pigs.  When that's 
done the Cyclops will eventually leave, so bum around until 
the quest ends.  Now return to Babur and you get a pair
of Green Dragon Bones (probably stolen from a grave).  These
make fantastic bone weapons as they are as strong as iron 
and are good at containing enchantments.

Time to go to the Observatory.  But first we want to make
peace with the Forest Lizards, especially since they have
a massive Green Dragon with them.  So go to them and you'll
have to fight a few Lizards.  With the way a bit more clear,
sneak in and put the Big Shell on the altar indicated.
The Lizards are now at peace with you.  So time to go to
the Lake.  There are some local wildlife to deal with but
also there is an Ogre in the tunnels so be wary of him.
Get to the lake and go find the Green Dragon that the amulet
is for.  When you get him, he'll only be under control for
a limited time before he flys away.  So quickly go to the
Observatory and let him kill the 3 Young Red Harpies there.
They have some very deadly fire magic that'll mop the floor
with you but are clearly no match for your Dragon friend.  
Each Harpy will drop an Extra Effect rune.

But when you kill the last Harpy don't go for the document 
yet.  Instead go west and look for a village of Mountain 
Lizards.  You'll see a pen but don't open it unless you 
look forward to fighting a horde of Young Black Boars 
and that'll just waste your Dragon's time.  Instead have 
him annihilate the powerful Mountain Lizards and if you're 
lucky you might even encounter a patrolling Ogre that the 
Dragon can paste.  By the time the carnage is over, the 
Dragon will leave so go and sort through the loot and get 
the Observatory record.  

Now when you return to the frozen lake, look on your map 
and you will find a path in the southeast corner of the map.  
You can't proceed far in the region as the doors are held 
fast and there's nothing to activate the altar controlling
them.  However you can find a humble wooden casket and 
inside is Lightning keystone.  Time to put that Lightning 
spell to good use.  The Lightning keystone is extremely 
expensive.  Little else in Gipath compares to it, so if you 
do sell it to Estera, you may not have the money to buy a 
copy back from her.  It's a great spell base though and will 
be an extrememly nice tool for the future, so I personally
recommend selling it.  If you do sell it, then it'll take a 
great effort to buy more copies and will drastically eat into 
your ability to buy decent equipment in the immediate future.  
However, you won't have the opportunity to otherwise get more
lightning spells for a very long time - so sell that keystone.  
Anyways when you get the Lightning keystone, an Earth 
Elemental appears and blocks your way.  By this time 
you should be tough enough to defeat it without too much 
difficulty.  Time to go see Estera and then continue with 
the quest.  Also talk to Airy, you'll find out how she 
survived going to the Observatory and she'll boost your 
Sensory Magic skill for 10 points!

At long last you can finally meet the Master of Dead City.
Going through the front would be near suicidal but now you 
have knowledge of the secret entrance.  Go there and you'll
see an Earth Elemental of ridiculous amounts of health.
Because you have the password, he'll let you in freely.
You might bump into some skeletons but most are of the
Commoner type.  Just keep an eye out for tougher guys.
Now go to the hilltop where the Master of Dead City and
you get a cutscene.

It turns out the Master isn't a wizard but an old Dragon!
He is friendly and has a request for you before he helps
you out.  He wants you to go kill all the Armadillos and
the Armadillo Mother in the Cave region.  He gives you
a bottle of poison to do in the young and which will 
reduce the Armadillo Mother to something much less 

This is still going to be tough because of the Evileyes.
I hope you're capable of killing them because if not you'll
need to look into either reducing the difficulty or changing
your troops skills and stats.  Evileyes are fairly damage
resistant and they shoot fire arrows at 3 targets.  Their
health isn't that great but they are fairly damage resistant
and they see all around themselves.  There is also a 
patrolling Earth Elemental.  If you can't take on the 
Evileyes, then see if you can kill the Elemental and 
avoid the Evileyes.

When you get past this danger zone, go to the closest 
fountain and poison it.  This will kill every Armadillo 
in the cave so plenty of free Shell Bones to collect!  
The Armadillo Mother is reduced from a titanic 500 HP 
to a much humbler 70.  She's still very vicious so try 
to go for a backstab first.

The Dragon is happy but unfortunately he doesn't know 
how to help you.  He is however very honourable in his 
own way and he knows of a camp of foreign humans with 
metal equipment!  He had his skeletons attack the camp, 
but to help you he has withdrawn them from the camp.  
Also talk further and he gives you the Ancient Sword!  
This is a great magical weapon, the damage isn't as 
good as you might expect but it provides a fantastic
defense bonus and there is a permanent Weakness spell 
that only affects targets you swing at which works even 
if you miss!  Oh happy day!

Go to the camp clearing out any wildlife in your way.
Of interest are the Banshees near the camp.  Unlike
your typical Banshee, these guys don't carry scythes.
They have magic crystals which project lightning instead.
Anyways the camp turns out to be destroyed but if you
search the corpse you get an Item: Trigger rune and a 
letter.  The Item: Trigger is fantastic as now you can 
build nice magic items (such as a Fire Arrow built into 
a Green Dragon Bone weapon - extra damage that never 

See the Witch and sell her the Trigger Rune, so she can
replicate it later.  She can't read the letter but knows 
that Erfar can.  Go and get it translated.  Also her 
grand-daughter Airy has left and the Witch had a dream 
about Airy being imprisoned by Goblins that she wants 

Going to Erfar, he will translate the letter for
you.  This will trigger an event where Estera 
encounters a foreign agent.  So go see Estera and 
talk to her.  She'll introduce you to the diplomat 
and he invites you to check out the Khadaganian camp.

The Goblins are near the area you had setup for Babur.  
Go in and crush the Orcs and Goblins in your way.  There
is also an Ogre in the compound, so watch for him.  When 
you get to the stockade, you'll find Airy's jug and a 
letter in it.  Go back to see the Witch and she reads 
the  letter which leads to a quest in Sands to go 
negotiate with Shei-Var who holds Airy hostage.

Going to the village you find that Erfar has 
escaped.  So now all you can do is go on a quest.
I would recommend meeting the Khadaganians first.  
You can get a pretty nice prize in a few short 
quests linked to this.

You start off with a number of Warrior Skeletons in
the area.  If you don't want to fight, keep an eye out
for them.  They're all guarding that ruin you're in,
so no need to worry once you're past there.  In the
forest though are plenty of Veteran Black Boars, so
expect in a tough fight every so often.

Follow all the way to the camp and suddenly your team
gets jumped by the Khadaganians!  A cut scene happens
and Zak is interrogated by the Expedition Captain.
When the talk ends, you get a look at the camp from
your prison.  There is a blue Lizard and you have
the option of talking to him.  Speak twice to him and
he'll free you (there's also the option to talk to
the Captain but he won't help) if you meet him at his
home in Sands.  Zak agrees and is released while getting
an Ancient Claw to get him there safely.  Make your way 
back and go to Sands.

Go to the Hermit Lizard's home in the Northwest.  
The entrance is blocked by a lightning trap but the 
controlling stone is nearby and it can be stopped by 
puting the Ancient Claw into the stone.  Now you can 
go and talk to the Hermit Lizard.

The Lizard says that Orcs are stealing his water by
damming up the river.  He wants you to redirect the
water, he already has half the work done.  All you
need is to use a lever he gives you to turn the dam's 
gear and then go drop a prepared boulder into the 
water.  He also mentions that you can pick up a 
treasure from the Lake Lizards to the south.  Note
that the Hermit Lizard thinks that last bit is an 
attempt at a joke.

From earlier ventures, here you should only encounter
a few Orcs, a Seer and a Veteran White Wolf.  Go over 
and restore the Lizard's water, when that's done go 
to the islands mentioned by the Lizard.  The area has 
some Lake Lizards who are hostile to you.  They don't 
have many members here but each is very strong.  Still
beat them all and you can get a pair of Green Dragon
Bones that the Lizards were guarding.  Also these
Lizards are just loaded with money and have the 
standard Hard Leather drop.

Head back to the Hermit Lizard and he will tell you
about the Old Wizard and how to reach him, as well
as the Golem guarding that area.  As a gift, he also 
gives you the Green Dragon Horn which can generate 
Acid Clouds (like a large area Fire Wall).  Very nice!

If you are playing on Easy and have a ton of money
(say 40 000 gold), you might want to do a part of
the quest to find the Great Magician before you get
Airy.  This can get you the Ultra Effect rune which
you can then sell to Estera for duplication.  Frankly
I would sell it - the Ultra Effect rune can be pretty
inefficient in terms of stamina cost so you won't be
able to use it well right now and you get alot of money
for selling it.  Finally you'll get some more of them 
for free in the future.

Now to fetch Airy.  Go to the area indicated regarding
the Orc who has the Drawbridge mechanism.  He's fairly
well guarded, so you'll need to backstab him.  With
the way clearer, you can go through the drawbridge
and reach Shei-Var.  Beware of fighting Orcs of the 
Sheivar clan, each one of them is a Veteran type and
much stronger than the average Orc.  As well they tend
to cluster in large groups so if you do fight them, do
what you can to isolate an Orc and then pick them off.

Shei-Var has no beef with you and he's very reasonable
for an Orc.  He wants Airy so that she can be sent
to a "Demon" in order to spare his people.  Zak offers
to kill this Demon but Sheivar wants to see if you
have the skill.  Shei-Var makes the magician Eila the
Sandwoman available for recruitment and he gets the
Orcs of Sheivar clan to make peace with you.  So the
Orcs of Sheivar will not attack you anymore.  Eila is
a powerful sorceress and she has modified Strengthen,
Fireball, and Fire arrow spells, as well as some skill
in Magic of Fire.  Still I personally stuck with Naya,
and just stripped Eila of her belongings before 
stranding her back in Sands.

Shei-Var mentions that there 3 Ogres and these must be 
dealt with and their money stolen.  The money is all 
located in the eldest brother, Utundry's casket.  
However the way to unlock the casket is through the 
younger brothers' keys and so you must kill them all.  
The first Ogre to take out is Byr who is north of the 
Sheivar settlement.  Watch out as Byr is guarded more 
heavily than the others and Byr even has 2 Seers 
helping him out.  Killing Byr will get you the key 
to Gym.  Gym is the one with the key to Utundry's 
gold and he's west of Sheivar, in a narrow lair.  
Gym is a bit stronger than Byr, but still not a
full adult, so it shouldn't be too bad to kill him.
Once Gym is dead, it's time to kill Utundry who's 
a full grown Ogre.  Go over and backstab him, then 
hammer him down if he survived that.  With this done 
you get 1000 gold from the coffer and you can go 
back to Shei-Var.  Despite what Shei-Var said you get
to keep the gold you found off Utundry.  Now  Shei-Var 
feels you can kill the Demon.

The Demon is located south from Shei-Var.  He's inside
a spiral rock formation and the area is crawling with
Adult Bats.  Going further in, you find out that the
Demon is nothing more than a somewhat weaker Khadaganian 
warrior with a heavy spiked mace.  This guy is very 
formidable as a fighter but you should still be able 
to kill him.  I wished the Demon would drop a piece of 
equipment when he died.  Too bad, but the Demon does 
drop a large sum of money.  Go back to Shei-Var and tell 
him the deed is done.  Shei-Var accepts and has Airy sent 
back to the Witch.  

Go back to the Witch's Cave and you will see Estera 
give Ari a stern lecture.  To thank you, Estera 
gives you a Rune of Extra Duration.  She will also
tell you more about the Golem, the Hermit Lizard
mentioned.  Before you go, make sure to buy a fireworks
spell if you haven't already done so before, upgrade it
extensively and give it to Zak!!!  In fact, you might 
want to buy 2 of these upgraded fireworks spells - as you 
will encounter friendly magicians who will join you in 
the future.  So now it's off to see the Wizard.

The Remote Mountains should be a lot more barren after
your team went through it in the past.  Your first
task is to go Northwest to find the entrance of the
objective.  As you go further you'll encounter Veteran
White Wolves and Baby Armadillos, smash through these
and you'll find that you can't enter the entrance as
it's been sealed.  To break the seal you must activate
the lever which is somewhere far to the east as shown
on the map.  I also would strongly recommend following
the Hermit Lizard's advice.  If you go directly to the
Great Magician, the hostile Lizards there are no problem.
The big trouble comes from a massive Blue Dragon in the
area and because the area you enter from is so narrow,
you're bound to attract the Dragon's attention.  Still
you can lure out a couple of Lizards from a safe spot
and kill them for Hard leather and money.

Unfortunately, you'll have to fight some Willow-o'the- 
Wisps and Veteran Poisonous Toads, along the way.  
As well you'll have to sneak past the Khadaganian camp,
you might be able to defeat one of them but they're
so closely clustered together that a fight with one
will end up having more join in.  The Leader is the
one to especially watch for, by your current standards 
he's an absolute juggernaut in melee with his battle axe.  
Besides their fantastic amounts of health, these warriors 
are brutal in hitting power for Khadaganian equipment is 
of the finest craftsmanship and these are made of 
mithrill - one of the best metals in the game!!  So try 
to avoid them for now and just go to the opening of the 
narrow passage.  If you must fight them, well their metal 
armour does conduct lightning very nicely.  So lay them 
out with some lightning and any other effective spell, 
front-line fighters will mostly be trying to hold off 
enemies from attacking your mage.

Now before you continue, I have to say that on your
map is the symbol of treasure just south of where you
are.  It is a Firewall keystone and heavily guarded
by Young Red Harpies.  Unlike the Harpies you fought
at the Observatory, they don't drop runes if you kill
them.  Still you can take their heads for a large
sum of gold and they drop quite a tidy sum of money as 
well.  Grabbing the Firewall keystone is actually a
quest and so will you get the quest experience as well.

As for your actual current quest, you'll find lots of 
Adult Bats to test your patience and many of these are 
located in areas that you can't walk to, so you'll need 
a lot of bow work here!  There's also Veteran Tigers 
as well so be prepared for some melee.  Keep pressing 
north until you see a chasm and then follow it, like 
your quest log says.  Eventually you'll reach your 
objective.  Too bad there's a Young Green Troll there.  
Best to sneak the past the blithering idiot and have 
someone reach that lever mechanism and turn it on.  
This not only lifts the door on that earlier entrance 
but it also activated the teleportation grids in the 
region.  Go into the teleport grid and transport 
yourself to where the entrance has opened. 

Your first thing is to grab the key to the Altar
Room for controlling a Golem.  You can fight
the Earth Elementals and even the far mightier
Lava Elementals (they're not immune to fire) but
the Golems are more than 5 times stronger than
the devastating Lava Elementals!!!  Just send Zak
out as the fewer people the better and have him
go to the path indicated to the key room.  The
map indicates where the Golems are as well and
you'll see that the key room has a golem guarding
it.  Before this you'll have to sneak past 2 Lava
Elementals and 2 Earth Elementals.  

Once you snuck past the Elementals, use the Fireworks
spell to lure the Golem away from the entrance and
grab the key.  When leaving the room do likewise.
Return to where you started from and open the 
chamber to the right.  This is the Altar Room and 
so place the key as indicated.  The Altar controls
only 1 Golem but it's the Golem who has is by 3
Lava Elementals and a corpse.  The Golem will 
utterly pummel the Elementals and so go across 
to the area of the battle.  The Golem is now 
inactive and you can help yourself to everything
here.  The Corpse has an Ultra Effect rune!!!  
Backtrack and sell it to Estera.  There'll be
more in the future for free, so don't worry about

Now go back and cross your way past the circular 
pass at the Northwest corner of the map.  Keep 
going, killing anything in your path until you 
reach past the rockslide and go to the room with 
many Golems.  The Golems are made of diamond, so
they are essentially indestructible.

When you're there, stay still.  The Golems are 
active and will kill anyone setting them off.  
There are also 2 coffers.  One at the southwestern
corner of the room, which holds 1500 gold and the
other at the northeast corner which has 1000.  Use
the Field of Vision spell to see where the Golems
are facing and then move through their blindspots.
Grab the money and then escape from the room into
the last stage of the tunnel.  One thing is that
you should make one final use of your camp feature
and transfer items and spells over from your party 
as your friends will not accompany you for your 
next trek.

Anyways when you leave the Golems and that path,
you're on the next mission which is to find this
Great Magician.  The Great Magician's chamber is
nearby and there's no monsters here, so you get
a lot of experience just for taking a light stroll!

When you're in you get a cut-scene and will be
given a mission from the Tka Rik the Great Magician.
Tka Rik will send you to the land of Ingos in the
Canian Empire to find a girl that belonged to his 
people, the Joon.  Unfortunately, your friends 
cannot come with you and so you must tell them 
good-bye.  This is the reason why you should
remove their equipment and spells after you escape 
the Golems.  Also you might want to stock some hard
or tough leather on hand for a new set of armor, and
maybe all the various fire spells.

2) Ingos

You are teleported to the middle of nowhere in
this icy tundra.  Throughout the land are Snow Tigers
to watch for, killing one individually isn't too hard
and they drop a really good fur.  Now first go south 
and you'll see a large village of Woodcutters.  These 
guys are good fighters as are all armed Ingos people,
but do drop significant gold so fighting is a viable 
option here if the odds aren't too bad against you.  
Whatever you do, avoid fight the Woodsfolk as they 
have powerful Unicorns who have devastating lightning 
attacks.  Still if you could fight the Woodsfolk
in a safe ambush, it can be really rewarding as they
drop steel and steel is the best stuff you can get
her in Ingos!

Now on your map you'll see to that there is a treasure
symbol.  That is a treasure for the Ultra Duration Rune
Getting it means fighting some more Snow Tigers but
it is entirely a good gambit (just be careful of a
Blue Troll when you head to the city again).  If you do
meet the Blue Troll and are capable of beating him, 
there is no better hide material in Ingos than Blue 
Troll.  After that cross the closest bridge and you'll 
see a tiny village that does not show up on the map.  

As for the village, the villagers here are also hostile, 
so sneak through or start fighting.  Do this and you 
can force your way through until you fight clear to 
the eastern city gates.  

Now before you go into the city, look on your map for 
the site where you see a green head of a Woodsfolk.  If 
you go there you can encounter a knight named Brissen.  
Talk to him and while he will not join right away, he 
will be willing to join when he's free up.  Going to
this area now is purely optional but eventually you
will have to come to the area in a future quest.

With that done, you can expect a cut scene with the
City Guard but at least they're not hostile.  With
that done talk around with everyone, Svern the Trapper
is a friendly man with the most info while you can
almost certainly feel the tension with Diera, Valrasian 
and Tilvar.  You can recruit the archer Mairana and the 
mage Rinas (though he won't join you until you finish 
your quest first).  

Now through Karansul, you can finally get your hands 
on metal equipment and troll hide armour!!  The items 
sold can often come with magic placed in them, but these are 
extremely expensive, many items sold by Karansul can go for 
tens of thousands of gold.  Still it'd be nice to get some 
armour that has a Heal spell in it.  Keep in mind too, that 
your Green Dragon Bones are as good as iron, but the items 
used to house them have only a low threshold for complex 
spells.  One last thing to remember is that Karansul has 
blueprints for some nice leather armour, but he doesn't have 
any material for them nor does he sell pre-made leather armour.  
So you'll have to provide your own supply of leather!  If 
you are willing to risk it, you can avoid buying top-line 
armour as you can soon find even better.  

Karansul also sells spells, but you will need to activate 
the switch between magic/equipment shop.  The spells sold 
are better than the basic selection found in Gipath, but it 
will cost you a lot of money!  As well Karansul doesn't have 
any fire-based spells and so you have to sell him whatever 
fire spells you have if you want him to manufacture duplicates. 
On the other hand, there are plenty of spells based on 
lightning.  These are fantastic for battling enemies wearing 
metal armour and that's most of the humans in this and later 

The girl you are looking for, the Princess - well she's
been kidnapped it seems and a snoop was on her trail
before he got killed.  So it's your turn to look for
his body.  Hmm, looks like it's going to be another
long stretch before we find her.

So that's the name of the area you were teleported to,
anyways you'll need to head east to the Woodcutter's
village.  There'll be more Snow Tigers.  The biggest
threat will be from the villagers themselves, but
with Mairana's help you should be able to fight them
off and it's not too hard to sneak by them as well.
There is a Snow Tiger trapped in a pit by the open fire.
You can kill it without fear of attack with your bows.
After that continue on to the Snoop's corpse.  The 
corpse is watched over by an unarmed Commoner woman, 
so you better assassinate her before she gives the 

The Snoop has been killed with a poison dart, so it's
time to ask questions back at the City of Ingos.  
Asking Tilvar will enable you to make friendly with
Valrasian and when you talk to Valrasian, you will
discover that his collection of exotic weapons has been
stolen.  Staying with the Snoop case, talk to Sver
and he will give you a quest to rescue the Keeper of 
the Sacred Flower belonging to the Woodfolk Green Clan,
as well he has more info on them later.  If you talk 
to Karansul about the theft, he will let slip a name 
that will lead to a later quest.  In the meantime, 
go back to Sver and ask him about Karansul.  Sver has 
a way to squeeze Karansul but he needs a favour from 
you first.  He needs you to go to Karansul's domain 
to contact a trader as Sver is marked by Karansul.

By this time Rinas will be able to travel with you.
The man is a fantastic magician and an expert with
every form of magic.  He has Haste, Clairvoyance,
and Lightning, these will definitely come in handy.   

I'd recommend doing the Sver's fur exchange first as
that quest is a lot easier than his quest to rescue
the Green clan Keeper.

For contacting the trader, go to the area indicated
by the map.  You will fight a number of Armed 
Commoners.  But with that done, you're free to
leave the furs that Sver gave you.  For contacting
the trader, Sver will give you a lot of info and
1200 gold.  He gives you a quest to find Karansul's
account in order to blackmail the corrupt Karansul.  
Sver also sets you up to meet Trickster.  Trickster 
can be found in the southeast section of the city 
and he will add 10 points to your Use/Steal skill.  
If you're up to it, you might wish to go do Sver's 
quest of rescuing the Keeper now.

So to make friends with the Green clan Woodsfolk, you 
need to rescue their Keeper from the White clan Woodsfolk.
Because you encounter hostile Unicorns, you might want
to have a strong Protection from Lighting spell in your
party.  Go west from the city and fight or evade the 
hostile villagers in your way.  It shouldn't be too hard 
as many of them are unarmed and will prefer to flee from
you.  Once you're past the village, head north to
the White Woodsfolk territory.  Now with 3 members, 
you should be more than a match for the Woodsfolk even
the dreaded Trained Black Woodsfolk.  If you have 
2 Green Dragon long bone bows from before, they and 
Mairana's Bronze short bow will be enough to take down 
individual Woodsfolk in your way.  Some funky magic and 
strong armour that's been enchanted with healing spells 
should enable you to be a match for the odd Unicorn, 
though try to open things up with a backstab to the 
head first.  There's also a Black Clan trained Seer, as
well so expect a couple of nasty lightning bolts from 
him.  When you fight your way through you can see the
prison where the Keeper is.  The opening is on the south
but it's trapped and will blast you with devastating 
lightning.  The way to nullify the trap is to look for 
the Green leaf to put on the mushroom stump on
the northern wall of the prison.

So go west and you'll see another prison but much smaller.
You can free the inhabitants here without any special
procedures.  The White Clan Seer carrying the Green leaf 
is just a bit west of this second prison, so go kill him 
- being wary of his lightning and use the leaf to disarm 
the prison trap.  Meet the Keeper and he'll give you the 
Sacred flower.  Now you have a new but easy quest.  Simply 
take the flower to meet Green Clan, who are directly south 
of the City.  Do that and the Green clan chief Grey Leaf 
will have a new task - rescue the elder from Karansul's 

As for rescuing Habbura, the guard camp is just north 
of the trader.  Go in and ambush the Guards that wander 
the area, eventually you will face the Commander who is 
wearing full heavy armour and carrying an Iron Axe.  
Kill him and the Axe is yours.  He'll also drop the key 
to the stockade and you can now free the Elder.  But 
first make sure to clear the area of hostiles as the 
Elder is badly weakened by his ordeal and he could end 
up getting killed by incoming Guards.  When you do 
finish the rescue, go back to the Green Clan residence
and talk to Grey Leaf.  Grey Leaf now gives a quest to 
kill the kidnapper of the Elder.  He also tells you that 
the arrow doesn't belong to any clan.  You will now 
be able to learn that the Green Clan will be moving to 
another residence in the east, in Karansul's Domain.  
However, don't go there yet.  If you do, this can trigger 
a bug that utterly kills your game!  Finally, Brissen will 
now be recruitable (this usually happens, if not then do
the spy-killing mission first and then come back to
recruit him)!

When you decide to kill the spy, go east to the armed
encampment.  There are plenty of soldiers plus some dogs,
but killing the Sentry Guards can net you the excellent 
Canian heavy army armour pieces.  When you find the Spy, 
you'll see he's a potent archer.  However after all you've 
been through, this should be a cakewalk for you.  Kill him 
to get the Spy badge and and Long iron bow from Spy.  
Return to the Green Clan and give the Spy badge to Grey 
Leaf, you'll receive a keystone "Celestial Lightning" as 
a reward.  

Note that a bit to the northeast of your starting point
is the hideout of the Black Clan.  They are much mightier
warriors than the other clans and they have alot more 
Magicians.  However they have no Unicorns to protect them.
So go and in kill for dropped steel and money.  Eventually
you can find a chest with the Ultra Effect rune.  Note
that despite the quest description, Green Leaf is not 
particularly happy about this and so he does not reward
you any further.

When you're up to it, nows a good time to grab Karansul's
account.  Go east just above the camp where you rescued
the Elder.  Keep going and you'll see a small mining camp
to the north on your map.  If you go there you'll find
an isolated mine, that you can raid as a quest.  Robbing
the place will net you some nice experience, as well there's
a chest with 10 Steel inside of it.  So if you haven't been
killing many Woodsfolk, here's an opportunity to get more
steel.  Also nearby is the abode of the Old brigand, you
encounter an armed commoner and he has trained dogs all over
his area.  Kill them all and look for the chest near his
cabin.  Inside is a nice Ultra Effect rune.

Now you can take the long way around to the mining site,
just go south of the lone mine you found.  Once you get
past the bridge, you'll encounter hostile dogs.  Wipe them
out and continue following the path.  You'll mostly 
encounter unarmed workers, but there are the odd mercenaries
kicking about.  Further up the mercenary count goes up, but
this can be real profitable for you.

By killing them en masse, these mercenaries will net 
you some pieces of Canian army armour including a new
type of light armor.  When you find what looks like a 
giant windmill, go and use it to break it down.  This will 
alert nearby forces to investigate and so you'll have more 
room to look for the Foreman.  When you find the Foreman, 
you'll see he's a wimp.  The guy does have a pretty mighty 
bodyguard with him.  Still just go in and kill the two.  
You'll get an Iron spear from the bodyguard while the Foreman 
nets you an Iron mace.  The Foreman is also carrying the 
notes you need.  With that done, go out west of where you 
have likely killed the Foreman.  On your map, there's a 
treasure chest at the head of a nearby river.  Go there 
and you'll find a very useful Ultra Energy rune.  Now go 
back and head out west further.

From there you'll find an open gate that has guards around 
it.  Still you should be able to take them and in the process,
you'll win some nice armor from the mercenaries.  Time to
go back to the city and talk to Karansul.  He'll get the
picture and tell you about the robbery at the Governor's
house.  It was the fault of Baldie Flein and Karansul tells
you to find him in the Abandoned Mine area.

You can also take this opportunity to deal with Baldie
Flein.  Just go northwest of the area where you killed
the Spy.  There'll be plenty of tough brigands and Snow
Tigers to fight.  There's even a stockade full of Snow
Tigers, if you wish to pick a fight for more experience.
The two characters to watch for is the Fence and the Killer.
The Killer is a vicious axe-murderer and is the toughest
nut amongst these thieves, while the Fence is a coward with
decent health for such a wimp.  The Fence's point of interest
isn't his non-existent fighting prowess, rather he's carrying
a fortune on himself.  Kill what you can and go north to
grab the box with the collection.  Now return to the city
and talk to Karansul.  There'll be a cut-scene with Flein
the Baldie there, it turns out he was the man who had the
Snoop killed.  It was his idea to use a Woodsfolk arrow
from the governor's collection to throw off any suspicion.
The person who ordered him to do it, was a guy in grey.
Baldie believes that the Green Woodsfolk saw the grey man.
So now we can safely go on the quest to find the Green 
Woodsfolk's new residence.

If you go east of the Green Clan residence, you'll find
a gate that you can open.  It leads to a dangerous area
with Snow Tigers, Snow Elementals and Blue Trolls.  Pick
your fights carefully even if you are able to handle them.
Continue until you reach the end point.  You'll now be
going to the labyrinth in Karansul's Domain which leads 
to the new residence.

Now you are in a labyrinth, with plenty of Snow Tigers
and Blue Trolls.  The worst of the lot is an Old Blue Troll,
so keep an eye out for it.  Keep heading south until you
find what looks like a tree stump with some mushrooms around.
Activate it, otherwise the altar further up will zap you with
lightning.  With the altar de-activated, you can now go to
the new residence.  If you go north of the altar into a narrow
pass, you'll meet an Adult Blue Troll.  Kill it and then help
yourself to the chest.  There you can get an Ultra Targets 
rune.  Talk to Grey Leaf here, and you find out that the man 
in grey was actually a woman with white hair.  In fact, it's 
magician Diera!  Go back to the city and talk to Diera.  
You'll trick her into divulging her hideout location.  Now 
you have a new quest, to kill Diera!

Go pass the military camp where you earlier killed the Spy.
You'll meet Diera.  Diera has very powerful lightning spells 
which can strike all 3 members of your team at once and she has 
a pair of bodyguards.  However she often moves too far behind 
the pair for them to catch up to her in an ambush, and armour 
with healing enchantment can help immensely against her.  Just 
go and beat the crap out of her.  You'll get an Ultra Effect 
rune for your troubles.

Head back to the city to talk to Tilvar about the Abandoned
mines.  He'll tell you the reason they are abandoned.  Deadly
beings known as Wormheads or Lords of the Dungeons haunt the 
place.  To get the mines open again, you'll need to convince 
Valrasian to give you the keys.  Hmm, Tilvar seems to be a 
pretty nice guy here for once.  Now talk to Karansul, Karansul 
suggests you fetch a gold nugget from an abandoned pit and use 
that to bribe Valrasian.  He gives you the Gate key to open 
the path to the pit.

Go back to the Abandoned mines and head northeast of the 
military camp.  There you'll see the gates, so use your key 
and enter.  There'll be plenty of Snow Tigers, Snow Elementals 
and Blue Trolls for you to fight.  Crush all in your way and 
fetch the nugget from where it's located on your map.  Note
that even though one of the objectives says to find the body
of the dead miner, when you enter a narrow passage full of
Snow Tigers it'll say you found the body and it tells you
to take what he was holding - well no body appears at all!!!
Lovely little bug there.

Return to the city and talk to Valrasian.  He is much taken 
with your nugget, so he'll give you the keys.  It's time to 
head back.  We're in the final stretch of the Ingos missions.
The trek into the Forbidden Catacombs will be very dangerous.
So you might wish to invest in strong Protection from Lightning
spells and upgrade your Protection from Fire, if you hadn't
done so before.

Going to the mines' outer quarter, you'll encounter a Blue 
Troll and assorted Snow Tigers.  Smash through and you'll
encounter brigands, including a bunch of Veteran Brigands
who are loaded with money.  Slaughter these and take your pick
of the 3 tunnel entrances.  The further west you go the
quicker, you'll reach the "believed" location of the Princess.
Of course, you'll encounter more monsters along the way.

Anyways, inside there'll be plenty of powerful brigands, 
including the Brigand leader.  He's found in a lair that
has 2 chests with 10000 and 15000 gold!  He's a mean bastard,
who has strong armor and a steel axe - so he hits hard and
can take it too!  Lightning is your friend and Brissen can
hold him at bay with his sword skills.  The bum only drops
the North lever and money, so no new weapons or armor this 

You'll need to go east, along the way you'll encounter 
more Giant Rats, deadly Fox-bats shooting lightning, and 
devastating Red Evileyes who shoot powerful fireballs. 
All you can do is be careful and look for a turn-stile to 
use the key on.  If you have to fight the Fox-bats, try 
to isolate them with fireworks spells.  Against the Red 
Evileyes - haVe some distance between your wizard and 
fighters, this will keep the Evileyes from targeting your 

Keep going and look for a nest of 3 Stony Harpies.  They
can blast you with devastating Celestial Lightning spells.
Still you should win through.  When you do, go north of the
nest and follow the path until you reach the next turn-stile.
You don't need a key to activate this.  So use it and go 
through the door that opened.  Head on south and eventually
you'll find a southern turn-stile, use that and you can 
go through a previously locked door surrounded by water 
and high on a ledge.  This has an Ultra Effect rune.

You will now encounter Wormheads, who blast you with Lightning
and Celestial lightning.  They also use Haste on themselves.  
However, they are really unhealthy and will go down quick.  
Continuing forward, you will find the lair of the Wormheads.  
None of these guys are a big threat and so you can mop the 
floor with them.  Likewise roughly in the same area are Stony 
Harpies.  They also tend to use Celestial lightning to blast you
as well as the odd Lightning, these Stony Harpies stay together 
in one room so you can avoid them if you wish.  The most powerful 
creature in the catacombs is the Old Stony Harpy, you must get 
past her to reach the Princess and you can sneak by, but killing 
her can net you well over 100000 gold!  Okay, if you use the 
switch to the northeast, you can get the ol' chest near the 
Brigand's lair.  This has 3 medium Healing vials for you!  With 
the way clear, go and strip your team of all their equipment and 
spells.  Trust me, you'll want to have the extra equipment!!!  
You might also want to return to the city to get your equipment 
repaired... it'll be a while before you can get repairs and you'll 
be fighting enemies that can really tear it up on your equipment.

Find the Princess and talk to her.  Her real name is Lu-a-Jalla,
and she tells you of her seperation from her true love At-Zarko.
She also tells you of her kidnapping by Diera and the Joon
treaty with the Wormheads that allowed her to escape the 
Brigands.  Take her back to Gipath and Tka Rik will have you 
go to Suslanger.  You might want to have some Hard leather 
remaining and bring over some fire and lightning spells, before
you set out.

Remember the Khadaganians from before?  Well unfortunately, 
you'll be facing hordes of them with even more elite troops 
amongst the bunch.  So be prepared for gruelling battles!  Also 
this is the last third of the game, so be willing to fork out 
money for the best equipment money can buy - as you will not 
need any more cash when this area is done.  Top class
Khadaganian enchanted items are a must in Suslanger, if you
don't want your weapons blunting themselves on the enemy or
watching your foes cut your armour to shreds.

3) Suslanger

The moment you arrive, you are captured and stripped of all your
equipment.  You wake up and see a pair of bald thugs Aiset-Bek 
and Kardaur talking about the new "slave" and a little game they
wish to play with you.  You are now the target for the military 
to train on.  Also beware of giant spiders sent for hunting 
fugitives.  You have only a Bronze sabre and a pair of cheap 
pants.  Damn, not a good way to start!  Oh well time for the 
most dangerous game.

This area is one big military training ground, so it's crawling
with young rookie soldiers - archers with powerful crossbows, 
warriors carrying sabres and magicians with lightning spells.  
While the archers are easy to take down with their slow reload time, 
the warriors can be dangerous if you are a poor swordsman and the
magicians will quickly whittle you to nothing with their lightning.

To help you are 3 magic obelisks or fountains, the first is nearby 
and will cast a long Strengthen spell.  Between the soldiers and 
Haunt Spiders, you'll be in serious danger.  Avoid a head-on fight 
and sneak past or backstab your foes.  There's also 2 chests 
that have 50000 gold in them.  The next fountain will have a 
lot of Haunt Spiders, this fountain will cast Night vision.  Also 
near this fountain, on the map there'll be a small niche with a 
big red mark, right now this area is empty but it'll be of 
importance soon.  Finally the last fountain will cast Healing.  

If you continue along much further, you'll be in a tight area with 
a pair of magicians, to avoid them - go back to the 2nd bridge 
linking to the Healing fountain and cross through the other side
before crossing back with the northernmost bridge.  Don't go to 
the cave section to the northwest, it's guarded by a mighty 
Imperial Guardsman.  Instead go to the northeast and immediately 
enter in the military compound.  Trying to explore the area around 
it, would not be good.  There's a lot of strong Guards all over
the place so you'd be committing suicide.  So go to the designated  
area and it's back to the prison for you.

A girl called the Odalisque appears in front of your cell.  Talk 
to her and she will offer to help you escape.  You now have full 
control of her.  The Odalisque has virtually no fighting ability 
and low health, but she's a fantastic sorceress in the Sensory 
category.  Amongst her spells are invisibility and silence.  So 
cast these two spells on her and explore the area a bit.  While 
regular guards can't see her while she's invisible, the wandering 
warrior-magicians can, so be careful. Now head east and look for 
Kardaur, when you find him - go and steal from him.  You'll get 
the key, so return to Zak and free him.

Now it's Zak's turn, he'll now be fully equipped.  Have him use 
sneak about and evade the guards until he can exit the prison gate.  
If you are good at backstabbing, try to kill as many guards as you
can (if you can do it, then a complete massacre is easily the best
option).  Now head north and you'll see that Kardaur is guarding the 
compound gate.  Kardaur is a tough nut to crack especially with his 
adamantite armour.  Since you must kill him, you should wait until 
his back is turned and then stab him in the head as he has no helmet.  
When he's dead, take his key and activate the lever next to him.  
The lever frees all the animals in the compound.  If you don't use 
the lever, in a fairly short time, all the surviving guards will 
get your scent and run after you - since they never lose stamina, 
they'll quickly catch up.  Now use the key to open the gate and leave.  
You're back in the place you first started from, but now you're 
well-equipped.  The Haunt Spiders are back, but the young punks 
chasing you before have been replaced with Black Banshees who have 
powerful lightning spells.  So make the run as you did before, taking 
into account your newly re-armed status.  

Remember the empty niche that was marked on your map, there'll 
be a small camp of 3 young Warriors and their Archery Instructor.  
Kill these guys for an impromptu quest and you will get a very lovely 
Mithrill heavy crossbow from the Archery Instructor's cold dead hands.  
Make sure you do kill them as there is no returning here after you 
leave the Wormheads's Cave.  Continue on but instead of going northeast, 
this time head to the northwest.  The Imperial Guardsman has been 
replaced with a far less powerful, special Young Warrior, though he's 
still quite tough - his armour is of a cheaper design but it's made of 
adamantite.  You likely won't be able to backstab him, so try to give 
him a taste of lightning in your weapons.

There are some old friends here, in the form of Lava Elementals
and Giant Rats.  Unfortunately the Giant Rats here are viciously
big and can really wear down your already damaged leg armour.

Hopefully you remember the Protection spells from earlier lands.
The Black Wormheads are dangerous in large numbers as they're
significantly tougher than the ones you fought in Ingos and use
more devastating Lightning and Celestial lightning.  Add some 
Green Evileyes and it gets pretty ugly without some Protection.  
The worst though would have to be the Grey Harpies.  Indeed, 
the meanest creature I found there was a solo Veteran Grey Harpy
who is actually invulnerable!  What makes them so dangerous is 
their heavy use of souped-up acid spells including Acid Cloud.  
Still whenever you get the chance to isolate and backstab - go 
for it, especially against the Black Wormheads who drop Meteorite,
the strongest metal in the game!!!  Your new Heavy crossbow will be 
pretty useful here, especially if you're a good enough marksman 
that you can pull off head shots on a regular basis - possibly 
killing some creatures in a single shot. 

East of your starting point is a drawbridge.  This unfortunately
has been raised.  You'll need to find the lever controlling it
to your south.  The lever area is guarded by some Lava Elementals
but by now you should be able to pick them off without help.
Activate and cross the bridge.

Now to get to the exit, you'll need to find the next drawbridge.
It is also raised, so you need to find the switch on a tiny island 
to the southeast corner of the Wormhead's temple.  The temple is 
guarded by a mighty Veteran Grey Harpy, so avoid her as she does 
her patrol and then crawl down to the island.  Kill the Lava 
Elemental and turn on the switch.  Leave through the temple and
go to the now lowered drawbridge.  Cross it and you're home-free.
However try to destroy as much as you can, once you leave you
can't return!

You have found your way to Last Sanctuary and get to meet a 
resistance movement, who will help you once you prove your 
worth to them.  There are a number of mighty companions 
available but they won't join you yet until this quest is 
complete.  You must recover the Emperor's seal from a Cyclops 

Head northwards from your starting point.  There'll be plenty
of Hyenas which should be easy for you to take down.  Too bad
there's also Veteran Black Banshees who are vicious in melee,
Old Spiders and even a Veteran Sand Ogre in the immediate area.
Note that Sand Ogres carry rare and valuable meteorite, if you
manage to bring one down!  Avoid these unless you're confident 
you can take them and your equipment is in good shape.  

As you go further north, you'll eventually see Green Evileyes.
Kill any in your path, as you'll need a clear way back from
the Cyclops.  When you kill enough, continue north and you'll
see the Cyclops.  There's no way to sneak past him, but for
now leave him be.  Instead go to the narrow passage to his
northeast.  There are two Green Evileyes there and they'll
join forces with the Cyclops if you steal the treasure now.
Kill the two Evileyes, and you'll have a lot less problems.

One way to lure them out is to use Clairvoyance to detect the 
Evileyes and shoot at them from long-range before running away.  
They'll follow, but the Cyclops can't.  Ambush the Evileyes
with vicious melee attacks, as you spring from an angle where 
the wall cuts off their fireball attack until it's too late. 
When they're dead, remember to turn off attack mode and
run to the chest where the seal is.  Grab the contents and
run away.  The Cyclops will nail you with a few stones, but
he's too large to leave his lair.  So you'll be safe soon.
Heal up any hurts in case you bump into some more enemies,
and then go back to the Last Sanctuary.  If you have a Black
Banshee following you, it's possible to outrun it as they do
move pretty slow.

You are now officially accepted as a Brother to them.  Brother
Blacksmith will be happy to deal with you and he's got some
awesome items for sale!  The valuable steel you had to win in 
Ingos, is worse than the least of the metal he sells!  So truly 
there are excellent items to buy in this land.  Just prepare 
for the costs, as they can run you over 2 million gold for magic 
weapons!!!  Alas Brother Blacksmith has no leather to go with 
his leather armor blueprints so you'll have to bring your own 
if you like that kind of stuff.  Now sell that heavy crossbow 
you won, Brother Blacksmith can eventually duplicate it and your 
party will have some serious firepower to menace the enemy with, 
once you put some spells and meteorite in it.  If you have the 
money, use the meteorite you won in the Wormshead's cave to make 
reinforced armor - Brother Blacksmith has the best armor design 
next to the Joon items you get at the end; the one Suslanger 
encounter where the enemies drop armor, well it's not as good 
as Brother Blacksmith's reinforced armor design.  Brother 
Blacksmith also has the best wand design around, so you might
want to make a meteorite version.

Brother Blacksmith is your source of spells here, and you can 
toggle between buying in his equipment shop or his magic shop.  
The spells he sells are very potent, but come with a nasty price 
tag.  Since his focus is on acid spells, he has no spells of other
elements.  This is bad as the lightning spells you got earlier 
are more useful as almost all of the human enemies you face are
wearing strong metal armour - if you don't have an adequate number
of lightning-based spells, then sell one of each type that you 
do have so he can duplicate them for you.  If you have any fire 
spells, you could also sell those to him for duplication, but 
that's more of a novelty.  Additionally, Brother Blacksmith sells
Ultra runes, but lack the regular kind.  So sell him some regular
ones for duplication and then you can mix-and-match to squeeze
every last ounce of potential for your enchanted items!  As for the 
party, Kharad and Fayrakh will join you.  Now you have some serious 

Now talk further with Brother Blacksmith and you will get a
quest to kill Whip-Aga and Lash-Aga, a pair of slavers.  You
can also talk with Sahilia, she won't join you yet, but talking
with her will set you on a quest to find the Joon artifacts
that she stashed away.  You'll also get a letter of invitation
from her as a quest item. This nets you a quest to meet the
collector of Joon artifacts, so that you can get info from
him.  Additionally go down to near the entrance where Brother
Blacksmith found you from the Wormshead's cave, there you will
find Kehel.  He will give you a quest to find and kill a Harpy
found in the Necromancer's desert.

Hopefully you have massed millions in cash, as you can really 
benefit from the new equipment - especially since your new 
friends are poorly armoured and lack missile weapons.  With 
new equipment and new allies, you'll be well set for your 

It might be best to fight the slavers first.  When you enter
the desert, you will have to battle Strong Black Banshees of
the scythe and lightning stone types.  There are also Hyenas,
but with your new friends - these animals will get crushed 
with ease.  Provided they've been given good armour, your party
should also have no real problems with the Banshees.  The worst
threat you can face is a small Blue Dragon that is just south
of the area you start from, so avoid it when you see it.  

Now continue on to the area, shown on your map where the 2 Slavers
are marked.  Go down and cross the central bridge, but be sure 
to kill everything in the immediate vicinity-not just the guards.  
The guards are in cahoots with the Hyenas and Black Banshees in 
the area, so the more you thin out before you take on the bridge -
the less possible reinforcements for the guards, who include
Female Guards that are archers with crossbows.  When you wipe
them out, go past the bridge and start hunting.  Whip-Aga is to
the north while Lash-Aga is to the southwest to your location.
It'll be easiest to take on Lash-Aga first, so head southwest 
until you see a guard standing on a strange looking bridge.  Kill
him and you'll see a ton of unarmed Peons.  It sounds ugly, but
kill the Peons!  These Peons will alert the Veteran Guards in
the area, so make sure to wipe them out.  Luckily these mighty
Veteran Guards don't move about in patrols, so both Slavers will
be without escort.  Still both Slavers are almost as tough as a
Veteran Guard, so be ready for that.  Anyways, if possible 
backstab Lash-Aga or fire upon him to draw him well away from
any Veteran Guards.  With your party jumping on Lash-Aga, he 
should perish fairly quickly.  Lash-Aga's foul corpse gives
up a Mithrill heavy spiked mace.  

Now go back through the strange bridge and onto Whip-Aga.  First 
clear out the patrolling Banshees and Hyenas, then continue north 
to the field that Whip-Aga is managing.  Luckily he'll be alone 
as his Peons are further north of him.  So fire a shot at him, to 
lead him out.  Jump him with your friends and soon dead Whip-Aga 
coughs up a Mithrill battle axe.  Return to Brother Blacksmith 
and he will give you 3 pieces of Meteorite.  He also explains why 
the Peons were helping the Slavers.  Now talk to Brother Khatul, 
he's a bit displeased by your actions but is understanding.  He 
also realizes that you could use a bit of help so he asks you to 
talk to Brother Blind for some training.  Talking to Brother Blind 
will net you a hearty +3 Dexterity!!!!

Hopefully you didn't have too much trouble with the 
Slavers.  If you don't feel quite ready for them, then you 
could try to kill the Harpy that Kehel was talking about.  
In any event, this can be a pretty rewarding side-mission.  
Go south from your starting location, as you go further there 
will be Old Spiders and Very Strong Banshees to fight, so this 
could be quite dangerous except that you'll likely be fighting 
them one at a time (they're usually isolated enough that they 
don't notice nearby battles).  Keep carving your way south, 
and you'll eventually find the Harpy flying about.  You should 
actually leave her alone first.  Instead use your Fireworks 
spell to lure her outside of her lair and then go inside.  
There'll be 3 Old Spiders, kill them and then go attack 
the Harpy.  Otherwise, if you fight the Harpy outright - the 
Old Spiders will quickly track you down and attack.  Even a 
fairly well-equipped party would go down under that assault.  
The Harpy drops 3 Meteorite, and to add on top of that - Kehel 
will give you 40000 in cash and the Acid fountain keystone.  
With that done, time to go back to your main quest.

Now remember to avoid that Blue Dragon, and go southeast to 
deliver the letter.  Kill what is convenient and sneak past 
what you can't fight.  There are a number of Veteran Soldiers 
in addition to the normal assortment of riff-raff that we 
saw before.  When you get to the city, watch for the pair of 
Veteran Soldiers watching the gates.  Use Fireworks to lead 
them out one by one and assasinate them.  After that go inside
and you'll unfortunatley be massacring as many civillians as 
you can!  Yup, that's right as soon as you get inside - fire 
away with the magic.  Any citizen that sees you will alert 
the nearest guard!  Oh well, at least the citizens are chock
full of gold.  In addition to the regular Guard complement, 
there's also a Veteran Soldier who is an archer.  Provided she 
doesn't get back-up she should still be easy to take down.  
If you go to a gated zone in the south section, there'll be 
a door.  Don't open it as it leads to more guards including 
Warrior Mages.  Keep assasinating and sneaking until you get 
all the way in.  Use the Letter on the area indicated and now 
that particular mission is complete.  That quest is done, but 
something more needs to be done before you can continue further.

Go southwest past the bunker, there will be Veteran SOldiers 
but they are quite isolated.  The most common foe you will 
encounter will be Black Banshees and Hyenas plus the odd 
Spider.  These should be no problem for you by this time, 
so just keep on progressing until you find a broken building 
with a chest.  Keep an eye out for more Guard patrols and 
beasts, assasinate your foes until the way is clear.  Go 
open the chest to collect the Collector's things.  With that 
done, return to the Last Shelter.

Brother Khatul will confer with Brother Blacksmith for a good 
location to meet the Art Collector.  Sahilia still won't join, 
but she's impressed by your thieving talents and gives you a 
quest to rob a rich manor.  So two new quests in the area.

The easiest to do of these is Sahilia's robbery.  Go northwards 
from your start and you'll find a mansion with a locked gate.  
Now further up is a building that you can enter, go there and 
soon a very weak Veteran Guard will see you and attack.  Go 
and jump him, when he's down he'll cough up the Key.  So take 
the Key and open the gates.  There's only a regular Guard and 
Female Guard protecting this fortune.  Kill the two and open 
the chest for a nice 100000 in cash.  Go back and talk to 
Sahilia and now she'll be willing to join you for further 

Now for the Art Collector, go to the market square indicated on 
the map.  This is where Brother Blacksmith gets his supplies and 
its a good meeting place for you and the collector.  Unfortunately 
a guard patrol has come and slaughtered a lot of the people at 
the market.  You'll have to kill the patrol which has 3 Guards, 
2 Female Guards and 2 Warrior Mages.  Your best bet is to backstab 
the Warrior Mages and that'll greatly increase your odds.  Next 
find whatever opportune victim is around and assasinate them.
Pretty soon you'll have wiped out the whole squad - whose every 
member is carrying new armour for you - Mithril Forged items and 
Mithril Lamellar items. You can now enter the zone and when you 
do so you'll get into a heated discussion.  The Art Collector 
had met the Joon youth but he was kidnapped by "scientists".  
Later on the kidnappers themselves were jumped and killed by the 
necromancer Taivo and his men, so now the Joon is missing.  So 
it's time to talk to Kehel again.  Kehel mentions that Taivo has 
an enemy called Kholai and you could find Kholai at the northeast 
of Necromancer's desert.  So it's time to enlist Kholai's help.

It'll probably be easier to start off from the southeast 
entranceway as there's a lot fewer Old Spiders and Very Strong 
Banshees, plus you have almost no chance of encountering the 
Red Dragon in the middle of the desert.  However, instead you 
will meet a number of Zombies of varying strength and Hungry 
Ghouls.  Fight them and you should prevail - just keep following 
the trail of ghastly ornaments until you reach the point of 
Kholai's tower.  His tower is blockaded by 2 Female Guards, 
a Guard and a Necromancer so it should be easy to kill these 
ruffians if you draw them out.  Also in this area are a bunch 
of buildings, these contain Hungry Ghouls so fight them if you 
wish or just leave their doors shut.  Also to the Northeast of 
Kholai's tower will be some Sorceror Shadows, fight them if you 
wish.  If you do fight the Sorcer Shadows, keep in mind that 
they are masters of Acid Blast and Acid Fog just like the Grey 
Harpies you fought earlier.  When you're done go to the exit 
zone.  When you do so, you can go see Kholai.  He wants to 
humiliate Taivo by having you steal one of the scientist's 
corpses from under Taivo's nose.  Kholai also has a magnificent 
present for you - the awesome Special Cuirass!

Armed with this new treasure, you should be well-equipped for 
handling your new task.  Now there are 3 entrances to the 
compound.  Unfortunately each is well guarded by Veteran Soldiers.  
There's also a much smaller compound to the southeast of our 
destination, and it's quite close to the southeast exit point.  
Best not to take that one on unless you're really ferocious, it's 
guarded by 2 mighty Imperial Guardsmen.  If you are strong enough 
to gut them, you can get over a million gold from them plus they 
drop meteorite!

Anyways regardless of which entrance you take you'll need to 
beware of patrols which includes a few Old Spiders, Guards and 
Veteran Soldiers.  Since the compound is so large, it should be 
fairly easy to evade or pick off these patrols.  Of the 2 marked 
laboratories, go to the one that is more southwest.  This is the 
Commandant's home and he's a potent necromancer himself.  He'll 
be guarded by a Skilled Zombie and Female Zombie Guard, so try 
to take out the Commandant as quickly as you can so that you take 
less damage from his lightning.  Then you can quickly mop up the 
Zombies.  Besides the key to Taivo's lab, the Commandant also 
drops a much valued Long mithrill spear.

Now to go to Taivo's lab, unless you really want a huge fight 
try to avoid going through the centre of the compound.  There's 
a large pack of Ghouls and they're backed by a powerful Necromancer.  
If you wish to fight them, then lure them out and pick them off.  
Now before you go to Taivo's, you should be prepared for a similar 
fight to the Commandant's.  However this time it's just a regular 
Necromancer, so kill him and his Zombie friends and grab the 
Scientist's head.

Beware there is an Imperial guardsman lurking near the middle of 
this compound.  Also in the southwest, there is one unusually 
dangerous lab.  This one not only has a Necromancer but he has 
an entourage of four unusally powerful Zombies.  This will be a 
very brutal fight.  If you could do these, you might as well clear 
out the other labs, which typically house a Necromancer with a 
couple of Zombies of decent power.  You can always try hunting 
the Guards and Veteran Soldiers who lurk outside the compound 
walls - there's alot of them but they're too spread out to do 
much (also there is 1 Imperial guardsman to the southwest of the 
compound on the outside of the walls).

Go back to Kholai and he'll conjure up the Scientist's spirit.  
The spirit tells you that they were jumped by some horrible 
creature and the Joon escaped by changing shapes and teleporting 
out.  Kholai says that such a teleportation in such a short time 
had to be done by a magic item.  So now you are to search for this 
amulet, which is located in a mansion to the northeast area of 

So go to the northeast and you'll encounter lots of Hyenas.  
Wipe the floor with these mongrels and enter the mansion.  
You'll encounter a Necromancer and some Zombies, but nothing 
exceptional.  Kill them and further up will be another 
Necromancer with a Warrior Mage sentry.  Kill these guys 
and grab the amulet.

Returning to Last Sanctuary, talk to Kehel.  Only a Great 
Magician can tell where the Joon teleported to.  So you need 
to return, but to do so you'll need to go through the portal 
that you came from.  Ugh, so talk to Brother Khatul and he'll 
have Brother Faceless go direct you to the Portal.  Gee, 
doesn't Brother Faceless look rather familiar.

Get ready for anything then, but I would strongly suggest 
loading up on the strongest meteorite armour you can get, make
some Carved meteorite wands with constant Hasten or other spells, 
and  outfitting everyone with enchanted Heavy meteorite crossbows 
will help as well!  In any case, this is the last stage of 
Suslanger and where money is concerned blow it all, if you 
save money here - it should only be for using it towards 
harnessing any more meteorite you win on this stage.  
Definitely money has no meaning, after you go through the 
portal - so spend freely!

Go to the point northeast of your starting position.  On your 
map, you'll see an estate with a treasure symbol.  Inside will 
be a pair of Private guards.  Now outside of these guards and 
the local wildlife, the only "hostile" is a Citizen.  No 
opposition at all.  So wipe them out and look for a chest to 
the east of the main building of the manor.  Inside is a 
whopping 1000000 in cash! 

Now head south, you'll go through cultivated fields so expect 
a bunch of peons to rat you out.  Throughout these fields will 
be Slavedrivers, who are just souped-up Guards carrying heavy 
spiked maces.  They're tough but nothing you can't handle.  
Fight through these and look on your map for another bit of 
treasure.  It's at a narrow ledge behind the long wall.  Go 
there and pick up a Feeblemind keystone for your troubles.  
During this trek, you might encounter a Sergeant and a pair 
of Imperial Guardsmen, including one Imperial Guardsmen who's 
actually an archer.  Yup the whole southern area is just 
crawling with the best of Suslanger's warriors.  Besides the 
usual melee troops, these Imperial Guardsmen also have archers 
and warrior-mage types to round out their numbers.  Well at 
least barring the Sergeant, these guys all carry Meteorite.  
Plus even the Sergeant can hold over a million gold.  If your 
equipment isn't all meteorite, then return to Last Shelter 
and convert them, as you off more of these Imperial Guardsmen.

Muck things up as much as you can, before you go to meet Brother
Faceless.  Proceed east and you'll find a small walled town.  
Nothing in it except some peons and citizens.  Going further 
and you'll meet plenty of Old Spiders and you'll come across 
another cultivated field.  Kill off a few more Slavedrivers 
and you'll soon be arriving at the meeting spot.

Brother Faceless tells you that the portal is in the southeast 
but to activate it you need more than your single piece.  You'll
have to assasinate the commander of the region and steal his 
portal key, as well you'll need to get keys to disarm traps in
your way.  His info is good, but alas Faceless reveals himself as
Erfar.  Erfar turned out to be Suslanger all along and was only
looking for a meteor that crashed in Gipath.  He has a large 
gang of young warriors out to ambush you.  Hopefully you have
strong armour and some crossbows?  While a there are a few good
swordsmen amongst them, the majority seems to be just archers
and there also 3 who are magicians.  Take out the magicians and
the melee types first, then start showering arrows back against 
the archers.  Hmm, our old friend Erfar didn't get to play 
chicken this time and so he gets to perish along with his thug
friends.  Alas Erfar is a tightwad and only drops a single gold.

With this out of the way, avoid going southeast as that leads
to a Blue Dragon, instead head for the main area of the city.
The city walls are guarded by 3 Imperial Guardsmen and an
Imperial magician.  Take them out if you could, and then go 
go out west past the cultivated fields and then head south
through this less heavily-guarded region.  Had you gone through
the main gate, you'd be instantly detected by 4 Imperial Guardsmen
including one Magician.  Still there'll be plenty of Imperial
Guardsmen in your path, including a large number of them with a
Corporal in a fortress in this western area.  There are also some
guards of lesser stature and a few citizens kicking around here
and there.  Do what you will and then head southeast to look for
a bridge.  This bridge is guarded on both ends by a pair of Veteran
Soldiers.  If you've been able to dispose of Imperial Guardsmen 
then these guys will prove no problem.  When you're past, you're
now to look for the Portal Key holder.

Go past the bridge and then go north.  You'll meet Veteran Soldiers
at regular intervals.  Avoid or kill 'em, and eventually you'll
see a crossroads.  Don't go north or you'll trigger all the 
Imperial Guardsmen of the main gates.  Instead turn east and a
bit to the south.  You'll encounter the Portal key holder, who's
easy to take down.  Now return to the path and head east until
you find a pedestal.  This is one of the altars that activates
the traps.  Luckily the Traps Key Holder will do regular rounds
to maintain the altars.  Hang around your altar a bit but don't
proceed futher.  When you see this lonely soldier, draw his 
attention and lead him safely towards you.  Kill him and take his
Traps key.  Use that and you can safely proceed through this passage
to the fort.  Now there will be a second bout of traps.  Head 
southwest until you find another altar.  Now stay still unless
you're attacked.  Look for the altar on the opposite side of this
trapped passage.  When you find, cast clairvoyance on it.  You'll
see this second Key holder.  Save the game and move about a bit
further, you are to lure the soldier out with fireworks.  Unless
you've modified your fireworks spell with increased range, it'll
be tricky finding the right spot to connect with the Key holder.
Do your best and when you lead him out, kill him and deactivate
the altar.

Bypass the Imperial Guardsmen in whatever fashion you can.  Now
go and check out the bridge, there are 4 Imperial Guardsmen around.
If you kill two of them, this will leave you enough space to move
about freely if it's night.  Do so and you can leave east through
the bridge.  Now go and hunt down each Veteran Soldier (there'll 
be archers and magicians included), and kill them all.  Had you
not killed them, the moment you tried to use the Portal key -
they will attack you. Now you can just use the Portal key on each
of the indicated stones.  Once you get both east and west stones,
you will have activated the portal.  Go inside and prepare for
the very lame climax and ending.

The Great Magician is a bit pissed off at finding out you don't
have the Joon youth.  But wait, oh it turns out that all along
you were the Joon youth At-Zako.  Now you must defeat the Curse
that wiped out your people, but you have help from the Great
Magician himself.  He will sell you unique diamond equipment which 
seems really great, as it's even stronger than meteorite - why he
even does it for free.  He also sells spells for free, so use this
opportunity to make the most powerful magic items you can.  Too bad 
the Curse is not fazed by anything you can throw at him and unless 
you've been augmenting your health, you can't withstand the amount 
of damage he can level at you in one spell, regardless of how tough 
your armor is.  The Curse is pretty much immune to you.  In fact, 
the way that I beat the Curse is to let the Great Magician win it for 
me.  First I casted Strengthen on the Great Magician, this greatly 
increased his maximum health.  Next when the Curse appeared, I casted 
Weakness on it to reduce its maximum health.  I just let the Great 
Magician attack.  The two ended up killing each other and I won.  
If the Great Magician goes down first, then you'll likely just die.  
With the Curse dead, you'll gain a crap load of experience points 
that means nothing (there's no New Game+ option) then up comes a 
lousy video clip of the dying Curse and a burning Joon temple.  
Thus ends the whole game.  Man, that was absolutely pathetic!   

Equipment, Item and Spell Descriptions

Most of the stats for items are pretty much self-explanatory.
Two of them are a bit different from the usual RPG format.
Energy is the amount of stamina inside an object, this fuels
any spells that have been placed on an enchanted item.  
Complexity determines how complex a spell that an item can
hold.  While some items can be bought off the shelves, many
in this list had to be built from scratch.

Personally I'd hold off on buying any starting design for 
equipment - except for swords, wands and Khadaganian reinforced 
armour.  You can almost always find better quality items than 
the ones that are first available in a shop.  As well the best 
materials of a particular land have to be found and not bought.  
Meteorite is the best material for weapons and armour, until 
you get Diamond items at the very last mission.  Meteorite is 
only available in Suslanger.  For the people of Ingos, the top
material is Steel.  Steel is a fine metal for your equipment
until you reach Suslanger, where even superior Mithrill and Red
Dragon hide items are considered the bottom rung and Steel doesn't
even place.  In terms of picking weapons to specialize with, note 
that crossbows are only available in Suslanger (those are their
only missile weapons) and it is only in Gipath that you can
start out being able to buy a basic spear or axe - in the other
lands, spears and axes must be found.

In terms of spells, until you get to Suslanger - there are no
Ultra runes available for sale.  However Suslanger lacks the
regular runes for enchantment.  Each land only has keystones
to one particular element, except for the last mission.  Gipath
only has fire, Ingos only has lightning and Suslanger only has
acid.  Of these, lightning is by far the most useful.  Fire 
spells have okay range and use less stamina, than any other 
spells but the effect is rather weak.  Acid spells have strong 
effect but it requires tremendous stamina to cast, and the range 
is absolutely pathetic.  Lightning does not use much stamina and 
has fairly good effect, additionally the spells have the best 
range and will always strike instantly.  As well many opponents 
wear metal armour that is vulnerable to lightning.

Also Protection from lightning is the most practical of 
protection spells, though Protection from fire has its 
moments too.  Lightning is the most common element you 
will encounter, once you leave Gipath.  Foxbats, all 
magician-types outside of Gipath, Unicorns, Stony Harpies, 
Blue Dragons, Wormheads and certain Banshees use lightning.  
Magicians in Gipath except the Brigand Chief's wife, 
all Evileye varieties, Red Harpies, Willow'o'the wisps, 
Bats and Red Dragons use fire.  So you face fire fairly 
regularly, though the instances drop off tremendously 
outside of Gipath.  Acid is faced by far the least, the 
only common creature you face that uses acid are the Toad 
varieties and these are only in Gipath.  Otherwise only 
Grey Harpies, Sorceror Shadows and Green Dragons use acid, 
and the vast majority of these you face before you have the 
chance to buy Protection from acid.  Protection from magic 
comes way too late for it to do any good and it is an 
extremely demanding spell in complexity and stamina cost.

Paralysis, Feeblemind and Teleport sound good in title, but 
they have little value as they are very complex, require 
tremendous amounts of stamina and have ridiculously short 
durations.  With Paralysis and Feeblemind, you won't notice 
their effects unless you use a large amount of Ultra runes 
to improve them.  Clairvoyance is rather iffy as the area 
is a bit too small to start with, though this can be greatly 
improved without too much hassle.  Field of Vision has some
uses especially for certain quests but it's mostly a novelty 
item.  Silence and Invisibility are useful and last long, but 
their effects aren't absolute.  Haste and Deceleration can 
be quite effective, especially after some modification.  Night
Vision, I can't really notice any improvement, but I could be  
wrong.  Of the various Filter runes, only the Friends and 
Enemies Filter are useful.  The other Filter runes are truly 
useless as they only apply to a specific creature type; 
to top it off these creatures are fairly weak overall 
and only exist in Gipath. 

The most useful spells I found for myself were: Fireworks, 
Strengthen, Weakness, Healing, Regeneration, Eagle Sight, 
Lightning and the various elemental wall spells.  Note 
that this is just based on my personal experience and you 
may see things much differently.  

1. Quest Items

These are items that have some bearing
on your various quests.  Sometimes they
just need to be shown but others need
to be used on something.

White wolf's head
A trophy gained after a dangerous hunt;
it will also prove that the leader of
the wolfpack is really dead.

The steel chisel is one of the tools 
stolen from Master Babur.

A steel bodkin is one of the tools 
stolen from Master Babur.

Redhead's map
The map taken from the brigand called 

Cave bridge mechanism
A part of the Cave Orcs' drawbridge.
This will lower the bridge in the cave.

Sarcophagus key
The key to the sarcophagus where the Orc
leader keeps his treasure.

Magic bit
Magic bit which might be of interest to
Estera the Witch.

Traps key
A figurine which can switch off magic traps
(use it on magic obelisks).

Cage key
Use this to open a cage

Goblins' sacred object
The head of the First Goblin worshipped by
the tribe.  The Goblin leader would pay
dearly to have it back.

Island Orcs' mechanism
Use it to lower the drawbridges to the Orc islands
in the river delta.

Magic orb
A mysterious magic orb which the Orcs worshipped.

Hide with letters
The Orc "document" which tells about the Blue Stone.
Try showing it to the Chief.

Sack of gold
Just what it looks like: a big, heavy sack full of gold.

Note in Orc language
You will need the Orc alphabet to translate it.

Orcs' records
There may be alot of interesting things in these.  You
should show them to Witch Estera.

Dragon amulet
This can suppress a Dragon's will, but it can only be
used on one Dragon at a time.

Orc ABC - book
Without it you will not be able to translate Orcs'
records which the made using their own letters.

Letter to Orcs
This will servet as proof that the murder of the Chosen
is indeed planned.

White flower
A healing plant capable of curing many diseases.

Big shell
The Lizards' idol, a symbol of peace.  Lizards behave
less aggressively near a shell.

The Witch uses such crystals for her spells.

The Witch uses crystals like this for her spells.

Book from observatory
This contains information which will open the way 
to Dead City.

Poison issued by the Dragon for the mission.

Note from abandoned camp
A note written in strange language.  Chief Erfar
may know it.

Use it to switch off the trap near the bridge
leading to the hermit Lizard's lair.

Dam lever
Use this lever to control the Orc dam.

Airy's jug
The jug Airy used to take with her.

Gear to the bridge over the ravine
A part of the drawbridge across the
dry ravine.  You have to cross it to
get to Shei-Var.

Key to ogre Gym's coffer
This key will help you to open Gym's

Key to ogre Utundry's coffer
This key will help you to pen Utundry's

Key for altar
Use it to switch off the mechanical killers
- the Golems.

The snoop who was looking for the Princess was
killed by this arrow.

Skins are good merchandise, but people in the
city will not pay a decent price for them!

Green leaf
The one who has a green leaf can switch off
a magic trap.

Sacred flower
The Sacred Flower of Woodsfolk's Green Clan.
They would honor the one who brings it back.

Woodsfolk cage key
Use this to open the cage. 

They will prove useful later on!

Spy's badge
This will serve as proof that the spy has 
been avenged.

Box with collection
Part of the collection of rare weapons stolen
from governor Valrasian.

Gate key
The gates block the way to the abandoned pits. 
They cannot be opened without the key.

A golden nugget left behind by the workers 
during their escape from the pits.

Mine key
You must use this key to reach the mines.

Key to the cave passage
This key can be used to open the passage in 
the deepest part of the dungeon.

Letter to collector
This letter must be tossed to the Joon antique
collector's house.

Collector's things
Part of the collection stolen from the house 
of the Joon rarities collector.

Key to mansion
The key to a rich mansion.

Key to Necromancers' laboratory
The key which opens the laboratory where the 
scientist's body is kept.

Scientist's head
The remnants of the scientist whose spirit
can tell you all about the young Joon man.

Fractions of teleport amulet
Those shreds would tell a skilful magician
where the teleport has been directed. 

Portal key
Use this to activate the Portal.

Traps key
The key to the magic traps of the Portal

2. Items for sale only

These are items that have no practical
value.  However they do have monetary
worth that could be anywhere from 1
gold to several thousand gold.

Wolf cub fangs
Sell: 1 gold

They are inexpensive, but you can always
sell them.

Wolf fangs
Sell: 2 gold

They are in demand as decoration material.

Large wolf fangs
Sell: 5 gold

The bigger the fangs, the more expensive
the necklace.

Young White Wolf fangs
Sell: 10 gold

Even a young White Wolf makes a more 
honourable trophy than an adult grey one.

White wolf fangs
Sell: 20 gold

A necklace made of these will be more
expensive than one made of common wolves'

Large White Wolf fangs
Sell: 40 gold

The most expensive decorations are made 
of these.

Small rat tail
Sell: 1 gold

Dried and salted, these make an excellent
snack with ale!

Small rat tail
Sell: 350 gold

Rat tail soup is the favourite dish of the

Rat tail
Sell: 650 gold

You can make a strong rope out of dried
rat tails.

Long rat tail
Sell: 1250 gold

Dried long tails make fine strong cables.

Small Toad legs
Sell: 2 gold

Toads may spit poison but their meat is
quite edible, so there is always a demand
for it.

Toad legs
Sell: 10 gold

They pay good money for these: a nice
addition to the family table.

Fat Toad legs
Sell: 40

Legs of grown Toads are tender, considered a
delicacy and cost good money.

Wings of small bat
Sell: 1 gold

A provident man may find some uses for the
wing's leather.

Bat wings
Sell: 5 gold

They can fetch you a few coins in the shop.
Anything at all is useful.

Wings of large bat
Sell: 20 gold

Its leather has various domestic uses, so it
can fetch you a few coins in the shop.

Wings of small black fox-bat
Sell: 80 gold

Its leather has various domestic uses, so it
can fetch you a few coins in the shop.

Banshee cloak
Sell: 2 gold

Legend has it that such a cloak can protect
you from ghosts.

Very big banshee cloak
Sell: 10 gold

According to legend, this cloak can protect
you from ghosts.

Strong black banshee cloak
Sell: 10000 gold

Reliable protection from ghost - if the
rumour is correct, of course. 

Veteran black banshee cloak
Sell: 40000 gold

They say no ghost would ever come near close
to the home where the owner of this cloak lives!

Banshee stone
Sell: 20 gold

They say this stone will protect a home from
evil magic.

Strong banshee stone
Sell: 40 gold

They say this stone protects a home from evil

Black banshee stone
Sell: 2500 gold

Legend has it that this stone will protect
your home from evil magic.

Strong black banshee stone
Sell: 10000 gold

The legend says that this stone might really 
protect your home from evil magic.

Small luminous stone
Sell: 4 gold

Used for lighting instead of candles or lamps.

Luminous stone
Sell: 14 gold

Used by the villagers for lighting their homes.

Large luminous stone
Sell: 60 gold

Used by villagers for street lighting.

Eye of young Green Evileye
Sell: 40 gold

They say the eye of Evileye brings luck, so you
can always sell it.

Eye of small Red Evileye
Sell: 2500 gold

Not very expensive stuff, but still something.

Small eye of Evileye cub
Sell: 5000 gold

Small eye - small money.

Eye of Evileye cub
Sell: 20000 gold

It brings luck, but not a lot of it.  Costs
next-to-nothing as well...

Head of young red harpy
Sell: 350 gold

A head like that on a spike in front of the
village gates would keep other Harpies away.

Head of young harpy
Sell: 5000 gold

A scarecrow like that set in front of the gates
would keep more than just thieves away.

Small crystal of warmth
Sell: 2500 gold

Good for warming wine or soup.

Small crystal of cold
Sell: 1250 gold

Used for keeping milk or water cool in the jug.

Crystal of cold
Sell: 5000 gold

Used for keeping cellars cool in summer.

Puppy tail
Sell: 40 gold

Makes a good collar.

Dog tail
Sell: 80 gold

Makes a good collar.

Large dog tail
Sell: 155 gold

Makes a good collar.

Horn of young White Unicorn
Sell: 20000 gold

This is the poison indicator, so it is always
in demand.

Sting of spider
Sell: 10000 gold

They are cheap but are widely used, so they
are always in demand.

Ears of small hyena
Sell: 40 gold

There is a reward for killing hyenas, so any
merchant would pay you for this trophy.

Simple ominous amulet
Sell: 650 gold

This is a bad thing, humans should leave it
alone!  Sell it...

Strong ominous amulet
Sell: 10000 gold

The sooner you sell this dangerous item, the

Powerful ominous amulet
Sell: 40000 gold

It is very dangerous to keep this on your person!
Sell it as quickly as possible!

Black sorceror claw
Sell: 20000 gold

They say when restless souls leave killed shadows,
they settle in these claws.  Magicians will always
buy them.

3. Materials

These are the substances used to make new
weapons and armour.  Initially all you have
are leather, bones and stones to work with.
Later on you will get hides, animal skins,
cloths and metals.  

I don't know if its a bug or my game is 
corrupted but for some reason ALL cloth 
materials have the same stats except in 

The strongest metal (and material) bar none,
is meteorite, but it is also by far the
most expensive.  The strongest non-metal is
Red Dragon hide, but unfortunately it is
only available for making light armor.

Rough fabric
Type: Material
Class: Cloth
Weight: 1
Energy: 3
Complexity: 1
Durability: 3
Damage: 3.3
Armor: 3.3
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 4/2 gold

The cheapest fabric and lowest quality.
Only very poor people wear such clothes.

Type: Material
Class: Cloth
Weight: 1
Energy: 3
Complexity: 1
Durability: 3
Damage: 3.3
Armor: 3.3
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 80/40 gold

Cotton is not much more expensive than
rough fabric, but it does look better.

Type: Material
Class: Cloth
Weight: 1
Energy: 3
Complexity: 1
Durability: 3
Damage: 3.3
Armor: 3.3
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 120/60 gold

Wool fabric is strong and can even absorb
a blow (though not very well).

Type: Material
Class: Cloth
Weight: 1
Energy: 3
Complexity: 1
Durability: 3
Damage: 3.3
Armor: 3.3
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 400/200 gold

This is a most expensive fabric valued not 
only for its durability.

Thin leather
Type: Material
Class: Leather
Weight: 2
Energy: 6
Complexity: 2
Durability: 3
Damage: 3.5
Armor: 3.5
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 8/4 gold

The flimsiest and weakest material for
making leather armor.  Use it only when
nothing better is available.

Tough leather
Type: Material
Class: Leather
Weight: 2
Energy: 12
Complexity: 4
Durability: 3
Damage: 3.8
Armor: 3.8
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 40/20 gold

Common material for leather armor.

Hard leather
Type: Material
Class: Leather
Weight: 2
Energy: 18
Complexity: 6
Durability: 4
Damage: 4.2
Armor: 4.2
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 130/65 gold

The best material for leather armor.

Tiger skin
Type: Material
Class: Fur
Weight: 1
Energy: 9
Complexity: 3
Durability: 3
Damage: 3.6
Armor: 3.6
Vulnerability: Crsh
Buy/Sell: 16/8 gold

Tiger skin is used for making beautiful
and very hard armor.

Snow Tiger skin
Type: Material
Class: Fur
Weight: 1
Energy: 21
Complexity: 7
Durability: 4
Damage: 4.4
Armor: 4.4
Vulnerability: Crsh
Buy/Sell: 260/130 gold

Snow Tiger skin is beautiful, strong, 
reliable... and expensive!

Green Troll hide
Type: Material
Class: Hide
Weight: 2
Energy: 21
Complexity: 7
Durability: 4
Damage: 4.4
Armor: 4.4
Vulnerability: Pirc, Fire
Buy/Sell: 260/130 gold

Troll hide makes very strong leather 

Blue Troll hide
Type: Material
Class: Hide
Weight: 2
Energy: 27
Complexity: 9
Durability: 4
Damage: 4.9
Armor: 4.9
Vulnerability: Pirc, Fire
Buy/Sell: 1100/550 gold

Troll hide makes very strong leather

Red Dragon hide
Type: Material
Class: Hide
Weight: 2
Energy: 36
Complexity: 12
Durability: 5
Damage: 5.6
Armor: 5.6
Vulnerability: Pirc, Ltng
Buy/Sell: 9000/4500 gold

Dragon hide makes strong leather armour,
with good protection against fire.

Type: Material
Class: Stone
Weight: 4
Energy: 3
Complexity: 1
Durability: 3
Damage: 3.3
Armor: 3.3
Vulnerability: Crsh
Buy/Sell: 4/2 gold

Ordinary stone.  Of course you can
make weapons from it, but the quality
would be rather poor.

Type: Material
Class: Stone
Weight: 4
Energy: 9
Complexity: 3
Durability: 3
Damage: 3.6
Armor: 3.6
Vulnerability: Crsh
Buy/Sell: 16/8 gold

Heavier and nicer looking than ordinary
stone.  Makes better weapons, too.

Type: Material
Class: Stone
Weight: 4
Energy: 12
Complexity: 4
Durability: 3
Damage: 3.8
Armor: 3.8
Vulnerability: Crsh
Buy/Sell: 40/20 gold

A decent material for stone weapons.

Type: Material
Class: Stone
Weight: 4
Energy: 18
Complexity: 6
Durability: 4
Damage: 4.2
Armor: 4.2
Vulnerability: Crsh
Buy/Sell: 130/65 gold

The best material for stone weapons
capable of carrying powerful spells.

Thin bone
Type: Material
Class: Bone
Weight: 1
Energy: 6
Complexity: 2
Durability: 3
Damage: 3.5
Armor: 3.5
Buy/Sell: 8/4 gold

This material is easy to get, but it
is practically impossible to make 
decent weapons out of it.

Tough bone
Type: Material
Class: Bone
Weight: 1
Energy: 12
Complexity: 4
Durability: 3
Damage: 3.8
Armor: 3.8
Buy/Sell: 40/20 gold

Tough bone weapons can be honed
sharper than thin bone ones.

Hard bone
Type: Material
Class: Bone
Weight: 1
Energy: 15
Complexity: 5
Durability: 4
Damage: 4.0
Armor: 4.0
Buy/Sell: 70/35 gold

Hard bone weapons can be made both sharper 
and stronger than tough bone ones.

Shell bones
Type: Material
Class: Bone
Weight: 1
Energy: 18
Complexity: 6
Durability: 4
Damage: 4.2
Armor: 4.2
Buy/Sell: 130/65 gold

Shell bone is not easy to come by.  But 
the result is worth the effort!

Green Dragon bone
Type: Material
Class: Bone
Weight: 1
Energy: 27
Complexity: 9
Durability: 4
Damage: 4.9
Armor: 4.9
Buy/Sell: 1110/550 gold

Great for constructing bone weapons.

Type: Material
Class: Metal
Weight: 6
Energy: 21
Complexity: 7
Durability: 4
Damage: 4.4
Armor: 4.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 260/130 gold

The cheapest and softest metal.

Type: Material
Class: Metal
Weight: 5
Energy: 27
Complexity: 9
Durability: 4
Damage: 4.9
Armor: 4.9
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 1100/550 gold

Iron is better than bronze but inferior
to other metals.

Type: Material
Class: Metal
Weight: 5
Energy: 33
Complexity: 11
Durability: 5
Damage: 5.3
Armor: 5.3
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 5000/2500 gold

Common steel.

Type: Material
Class: Metal
Weight: 3
Energy: 36
Complexity: 12
Durability: 5
Damage: 5.6
Armor: 5.6
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 9000/4500 gold

Lightweight, very hard metal.  Mithrill
objects are capable of carrying strong

Type: Material
Class: Metal
Weight: 5
Energy: 42
Complexity: 14
Durability: 6
Damage: 6.2
Armor: 6.2
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 40000/20000 gold

Very good material for making weapons
and armor.

Type: Material
Class: Metal
Weight: 4
Energy: 48
Complexity: 16
Durability: 6
Damage: 6.8
Armor: 6.8
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 70000/35000 gold

The hardest of metals, the best material
for weapons and armor.

Type: Material
Class: Crystal
Weight: 3
Energy: 60
Complexity: 20
Durability: 8
Damage: 8.2
Armor: 8.2
Vulnerability: Crsh
Buy/Sell: 0/0

Only the best craftsmen of the bygone race
know the secret of processing this material.

4. Blueprints for weapons

The blueprints for making weapons.  All weapons
and armour are made by mixing blueprints with
materials.  However making any item from scratch
is no cheaper than buying something already
built.  The main reason to build from scratch
is if you have materials on hand or wish to
build a magic item.

Gipath has no blueprint for metal items and has
by far the poorest quality.  However it is much 
cheaper than anything else (still it'll feel 
expensive, as money is so scarce in Gipath).  On 
the other hand, nothing beats Khadaganian 
manufacture (outside of Joon but that's a one-shot
deal) - but Khadaganian is extremely expensive.  
Canian designs are expensive, but not too the 
extreme of Khadaganian equivalents.  They are 
also of good quality but can't match Khadaganian's 
designs there.

The best items are from the Joon, but that only
appears once and for only the last fight where
your items don't really matter except whether you
die in one shot or two.

Stone axe
Type: Weapon blueprint
Material: Stone x 4
Weight: 4
Energy: 30
Complexity: 0/6
Durability: 4378/4378
Damage: 22-44 Slashing
Actions: 33
Attack change: 0
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 400/200 gold

The simplest axe, and thus, not very 
efficient.  But the price is quite 

Stone battle axe
Type: Weapon blueprint
Material: Stone x 4
Weight: 4
Energy: 60
Complexity: 0/12
Durability: 5051/5051
Damage: 27-51 Slashing
Actions: 33
Attack change: 0
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 2600/1300 gold

The battle axe is heavier than a simple axe,
so it causes more damage.

Stone sword
Type: Weapon blueprint
Material: Stone x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 40
Complexity: 8
Durability: 4592
Damage: 14-43 Slashing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 0
Defense change: 5
Buy/Sell: 700/350 gold

The weapon for those who cannot lay 
their hands on a metal sword.

Stone dagger
Type: Weapon blueprint
Material: Stone x 1
Weight: 1
Energy: 10
Complexity: 2
Durability: 3980
Damage: 10-40 Piercing
Actions: 27
Attack change: 5
Defense change: 0
Buy/Sell: 50/25 gold

A simple but worthy piercing weapon.  
You do not need much material to make 

Stone spear
Type: Weapon blueprint
Material: Stone x 2
Weight: 3
Energy: 20
Complexity: 0/4
Durability: 4174/4174
Damage: 21-49 Piercing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -10
Buy/Sell: 160/80 gold

The simplest possible spear.

Stone hammer
Type: Weapon blueprint
Material: Stone x 5
Weight: 5
Energy: 30
Complexity: 6
Durability: 4378
Damage: 26-40 Crushing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 400/200 gold

This will prove useful, both in the 
smithy and in combat.

Heavy stone hammer
Type: Weapon blueprint
Material: Stone x 5
Weight: 5
Energy: 50
Complexity: 10
Durability: 4816
Damage: 29-44 Crushing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 10
Defense change: -10
Buy/Sell: 1300/650 gold

With this hammer you will not strike quickly,
but every blow will cause serious damage to
the enemy.

Bow (stone head arrows)
Type: Weapon blueprint
Material: Stone x 2
Weight: 2
Energy: 20
Complexity: 4
Durability: 4174
Damage: 28-35 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 10
Range: 12
Buy/Sell: 160/80 gold

Stone is not the best possible material,
but it will have to do for now.

Bone club
Type: Weapon blueprint
Material: Bone x 5
Weight: 5
Energy: 10
Complexity: 2
Durability: 3980
Damage: 21-37 Crushing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 80/40 gold

The simplest and most ancient weapon.

Bone spear
Type: Weapon blueprint
Material: Bone x 2
Weight: 3
Energy: 10
Complexity: 2
Durability: 4816
Damage: 24-57 Crushing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 1300/650 gold

You can make a bone spearhead sharper
than a stone one.

Short bone bow
Type: Weapon blueprint
Material: Bone x 2
Weight: 2
Energy: 40
Complexity: 8
Durability: 4174
Damage: 31-39 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 15
Range: 12
Buy/Sell: 700/350 gold

This bow is reinforced with bone, making 
it better than an ordinary one.

Long bone bow
Type: Weapon blueprint
Material: Bone x 2
Weight: 2
Energy: 60
Complexity: 12
Durability: 5051
Damage: 35-43 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 20
Range: 16
Buy/Sell: 2600/1300 gold

An arrow shot with such a bow hits much harder
than one shot from the short bow.

Long sword
Type: Weapon blueprint
Material: Metal x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 80
Complexity: 16
Durability: 5556
Damage: 17-53 Slashing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 0
Defense change: 10
Buy/Sell: 11000/5500 gold

A serious weapon, especially if you
use quality material.

Metal sabre
Type: Weapon blueprint
Material: Metal x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 130
Complexity: 26
Durability: 7051
Damage: 22-67 Slashing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 0
Defense change: 10
Buy/Sell: 400000/200000 gold

You can strike with a sabre faster than
with a long sword, but it causes less
damage to the enemy.

Ritual knife
Type: Weapon blueprint
Material: Metal x 1
Weight: 1
Energy: 20
Complexity: 4
Durability: 4174
Damage: 20-31 Piercing
Actions: 27
Attack change: 5
Defense change: 0
Buy/Sell: 160/80 gold

Looks rather impressive, but it is
not a combat weapon.

Type: Weapon blueprint
Material: Metal x 1
Weight: 1
Energy: 60
Complexity: 12
Durability: 5051
Damage: 12-51 Piercing
Actions: 27
Attack change: 10
Defense change: 0
Buy/Sell: 1500/750 gold

A quick, simple weapon.  Use it
with a backstab and you will have
an edge.

Type: Weapon blueprint
Material: Metal x 1
Weight: 1
Energy: 130
Complexity: 26
Durability: 7051
Damage: 17-71 Piercing
Actions: 27
Attack change: 10
Defense change: 0
Buy/Sell: 250000/125000 gold

Its shape causes more damage than a
a straight dagger.

Combat hammer
Type: Weapon blueprint
Material: Metal x 5
Weight: 5
Energy: 80
Complexity: 16
Durability: 5656
Damage: 34-51 Crushing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 11000/5500 gold

An advanced hammer, really.  Useless
at home, but can be very useful in a

Type: Weapon blueprint
Material: Metal x 5
Weight: 5
Energy: 100
Complexity: 20
Durability: 6111
Damage: 37-56 Slashing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 50000/25000 gold

A step forward compared to hammers -
both in terms of efficiency and price.

Spiked mace
Type: Weapon blueprint
Material: Metal x 5
Weight: 5
Energy: 130
Complexity: 26
Durability: 7051
Damage: 43-65 Slashing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 400000/200000 gold

The spikes make this mace even more

Heavy spiked mace
Type: Weapon blueprint
Material: Metal x 5
Weight: 5
Energy: 150
Complexity: 30
Durability: 7756
Damage: 47-72 Slashing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 1400000/700000 gold

This is a really scary weapon if you
know how to use it!

Metal axe
Type: Weapon blueprint
Material: Metal x 4
Weight: 4
Energy: 100
Complexity: 20
Durability: 6111
Damage: 33-61 Slashing
Actions: 33
Attack change: 0
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 50000/25000 gold

Easy to make, easy to use!

Metal battle axe
Type: Weapon blueprint
Material: Metal x 4
Weight: 4
Energy: 150
Complexity: 30
Durability: 7756
Damage: 42-78 Slashing
Actions: 33
Attack change: 0
Defense change: -10
Buy/Sell: 1400000/700000 gold

The battle axe is heavier than the
simple axe, and it can cause much
more damage.

Type: Weapon blueprint
Material: Metal x 2
Weight: 3
Energy: 100
Complexity: 20
Durability: 6111
Damage: 30-72 Piercing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 10
Defense change: -15
Buy/Sell: 50000/25000 gold

A good weapon, especially if you use
qualitiy material.

Long spear
Type: Weapon blueprint
Material: Metal x 2
Weight: 3
Energy: 150
Complexity: 30
Durability: 7756
Damage: 39-91 Piercing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 10
Defense change: -15
Buy/Sell: 1400000/700000 gold

This will make even the most antagonistc
people keep their distance.

Short bow
Type: Weapon blueprint
Material: Metal x 2
Weight: 2
Energy: 80
Complexity: 16
Durability: 5556
Damage: 38-47 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 15
Range: 12
Buy/Sell: 11000/5500 gold

In this case, power was sacrificed
for speed.

Long bow
Type: Weapon blueprint
Material: Metal x 2
Weight: 2
Energy: 100
Complexity: 20
Durability: 6111
Damage: 42-52 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 20
Range: 16
Buy/Sell: 50000/25000 gold

A good ratio of arrow power and 
speed of shooting.

Type: Weapon blueprint
Material: Metal x 3
Weight: 2
Energy: 130
Complexity: 26
Durability: 7051
Damage: 48-60 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 30
Range: 16
Buy/Sell: 400000/200000 gold

This can't shoot as quickly as a bow,
but can pierce heavier armor.

Heavy crossbow
Type: Weapon blueprint
Material: Metal x 3
Weight: 2
Energy: 150
Complexity: 30
Durability: 7756
Damage: 53-66 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 40
Range: 20
Buy/Sell: 1400000/700000 gold

Slower than a regular one, but still
more powerful!

Crystal sword
Type: Weapon blueprint
Material: Crystal x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 200
Complexity: 40
Durability: 9843
Damage: 31-93 Slashing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 0
Defense change: 15
Buy/Sell: 0/0 gold

The best possible sword.

Crystal dagger
Type: Weapon blueprint
Material: Crystal x 1
Weight: 1
Energy: 200
Complexity: 40
Durability: 9843
Damage: 24-99 Piercing
Actions: 27
Attack change: 5
Defense change: 0
Buy/Sell: 0/0 gold

The best possible dagger.

Crystal spear
Type: Weapon blueprint
Material: Crystal x 2
Weight: 3
Energy: 200
Complexity: 40
Durability: 9843
Damage: 49-116 Piercing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 15
Defense change: -20
Buy/Sell: 0/0 gold

You cannot find a better spear!

Crystal mace
Type: Weapon blueprint
Material: Crystal x 5
Weight: 5
Energy: 200
Complexity: 40
Durability: 9843
Damage: 60-91 Crushing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 0/0 gold

Look at me and die - that is the
crystal mace!

Crystal axe
Type: Weapon blueprint
Material: Crystal x 4
Weight: 4
Energy: 200
Complexity: 40
Durability: 9843
Damage: 53-99 Slashing
Actions: 33
Attack change: 0
Defense change: -10
Buy/Sell: 0/0 gold

The best possible axe.

Crystal crossbow
Type: Weapon blueprint
Material: Crystal x 3
Weight: 2
Energy: 200
Complexity: 40
Durability: 9843
Damage: 68-83 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 40
Range: 24
Buy/Sell: 0/0 gold

The best possible crossbow.

5. Blueprints of heavy armor

Use these to build heavy armor from
scratch.  If you have the material
on hand, it may save you money.

Canian hunting jerkin
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Cloth x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 6
Complexity: 2
Durability: 835
Armor: 13.9
Buy/Sell: 70/35 gold

Not every wolf could bite through
this... but you cannot say the same
for knives.

Canian hunting trousers
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Cloth x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 3
Complexity: 2
Durability: 417
Armor: 13.9
Buy/Sell: 70/35 gold

You will not freeze in these!

Canian hunting hat
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Cloth x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 3
Complexity: 2
Durability: 139
Armor: 13.9
Buy/Sell: 40/20 gold

A feather in your cap is guaranteed - 
it is stitched there permanently!

Khadaganian coat
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Cloth x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 9
Complexity: 3
Durability: 876
Armor: 14.6
Buy/Sell: 130/65 gold

The richer the man, the more impressive
the coat.

Khadaganian top long trousers
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Cloth x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 5
Complexity: 3
Durability: 438
Armor: 14.6
Buy/Sell: 130/65 gold

Typical Khadaganian garment.

Khadaganian turban
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Cloth x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 6
Complexity: 2
Durability: 835
Armor: 13.9
Buy/Sell: 70/35 gold

Both rich and poor can wear one.  The
material for the rich will be different,

Hunting Gipath cloak
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Fur x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 9
Complexity: 3
Durability: 876
Armor: 14.6
Buy/Sell: 130/65 gold

This supplements the breastplate,
it protects your elbows and
shoulders from blows.

Hunting Gipath leggings
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Fur x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 5
Complexity: 3
Durability: 438
Armor: 14.6
Buy/Sell: 130/65 gold

Of course, you may feel a bit hot
in these, but it is a small price
to pay for such good leg protection.

Hunting Gipath helmet
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Fur x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 5
Complexity: 3
Durability: 146
Armor: 14.6
Buy/Sell: 80/40 gold

Such headgear should give its owner 
the strength and cunning of wild

Light Gipath helmet
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Leather x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 2
Complexity: 1
Durability: 133
Armor: 13.3
Buy/Sell: 20/10 gold

One must have some sort of head 
protection - from the sun if 
from nothing else.

Light Gipath shirt
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Leather x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 3
Complexity: 1
Durability: 796
Armor: 13.3
Buy/Sell: 40/20 gold

Provides additional protection for
breast, neck and shoulder if you
wear it with your breastplate.

Light Gipath leggings
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Leather x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 2
Complexity: 1
Durability: 398
Armor: 13.3
Buy/Sell: 40/20 gold

Protect your knees and feet from accidental 
scratches and bruises - but not from serious 

Simple Gipath helmet
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Leather x 8
Weight: 3
Energy: 3
Complexity: 2
Durability: 139
Armor: 13.9
Buy/Sell: 40/20 gold

Due to its cut, it provides better
protection than a light helmet.

Simple Gipath cloak
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Leather x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 6
Complexity: 2
Durability: 835
Armor: 13.9
Buy/Sell: 70/35 gold

Its cut helps it give better protection
than a light shirt.

Simple Gipath leggings
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Leather x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 3
Complexity: 2
Durability: 417
Armor: 13.9
Buy/Sell: 70/35 gold

Due to their cut, they provide better 
protection than light leggings.

Stitched Gipath helmet
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Leather x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 6
Complexity: 4
Durability: 153
Armor: 15.3
Buy/Sell: 160/80 gold

If you do not pay for a nicely cut
helmet, you can get a nicely cut

Stitched Gipath coat
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Leather x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 12
Complexity: 4
Durability: 918
Armor: 15.3
Buy/Sell: 260/130 gold

Due to efficient use of material, this
provides good full-length arm protection.

Stitched Gipath leggings
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Leather x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 6
Complexity: 4
Durability: 459
Armor: 15.3
Buy/Sell: 260/130 gold

Extra protection and elegance for extra

Canian light coat
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Leather x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 0
Complexity: 0
Durability: 759
Armor: 12.6
Buy/Sell: 16/8 gold

Not very good protection from blows
with weapons - but it will hide
your chainmail armor.

Heavy Canian coat
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Leather x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 21
Complexity: 7
Durability: 1059
Armor: 17.7
Buy/Sell: 2100/1050 gold

If the wearer of this owner is stabbed
from the rear, he will still have a chance
to get revenge!

Heavy Canian top trousers
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Leather x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 11
Complexity: 7
Durability: 530
Armor: 17.7
Buy/Sell: 2100/1050 gold

Provides decent protection and also ensures
freedom of movement.

Heavy Canian helmet
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Leather x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 11
Complexity: 7
Durability: 177
Armor: 17.7
Buy/Sell: 1300/650 gold

Protects your head, and not just from cold!

Khadaganian light top trousers
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Leather x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 0
Complexity: 0
Durability: 379
Armor: 12.6
Buy/Sell: 16/8 gold

The second layer of cloth cannot be considered
as serious leg protection.

Khadaganian leather coat
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Leather x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 36
Complexity: 12
Durability: 1345
Armor: 22.4
Buy/Sell: 70000/35000 gold

This one will come in very handy during
a long hike.

Khadaganian leather top leggings
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Leather x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 18
Complexity: 12
Durability: 672
Armor: 22.4
Buy/Sell: 70000/35000 gold

Do not anger sleeping Tigers while wearing

Khadaganian leather helmet
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Leather x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 18
Complexity: 12
Durability: 224
Armor: 22.4
Buy/Sell: 50000/25000 gold

If you are struck on the head with a club,
this will not help much.  But it can protect
you from a glancing blow.

Light Canian cuirass
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Metal x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 24
Complexity: 8
Durability: 1111
Armor: 18.5
Buy/Sell: 5000/2500 gold

Provides additional protection from sharp

Light Canian metal leggings
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Metal x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 12
Complexity: 8
Durability: 556
Armor: 18.5
Buy/Sell: 5000/2500 gold

Metal plates will not protect you from
blows from behind.

Light Canian metal helmet
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Metal x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 12
Complexity: 8
Durability: 185
Armor: 18.5
Buy/Sell: 2600/1300 gold

Good head protection from side blows, but
no match for a direct blow to the face.

Canian army cuirass
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Metal x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 27
Complexity: 9
Durability: 1165
Armor: 19.4
Buy/Sell: 9000/4500 gold

No brigand would try to backstab the
wearer of this!

Canian army leggings
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Metal x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 14
Complexity: 9
Durability: 583
Armor: 19.4
Buy/Sell: 9000/4500 gold

Approved by the Emperor as standard
Canian army issue.

Canian army helmet
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Metal x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 14
Complexity: 9
Durability: 194
Armor: 19.4
Buy/Sell: 6000/3000 gold

The wearer looks formidable - and
his head is safe.

Heavy Canian cuirass
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Metal x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 30
Complexity: 10
Durability: 1222
Armor: 20.4
Buy/Sell: 17000/8500 gold

With the forged onlays, they provide better
protection than a light cuirass.

Heavy Canian leggings
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Metal x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 15
Complexity: 10
Durability: 611
Armor: 20.4
Buy/Sell: 17000/8500 gold

Not for a dance - for battle!

Winged Canian helmet
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Metal x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 15
Complexity: 10
Durability: 204
Armor: 20.4
Buy/Sell: 11000/5500 gold

This is not just protection, this looks

Canian heavy army cuirass
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Metal x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 33
Complexity: 11
Durability: 1282
Armor: 21.4
Buy/Sell: 40000/20000 gold

Hardly anything can cut through this!

Canian heavy army leggings
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Metal x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 17
Complexity: 11
Durability: 641
Armor: 21.4
Buy/Sell: 40000/20000 gold

Issued to Cania soldiers who stand in
the front line of battle.

Canian heavy army helmet
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Metal x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 17
Complexity: 11
Durability: 214
Armor: 21.4
Buy/Sell: 21000/10500 gold

Formidable protection!

Khadaganian light cuirass
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Metal x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 39
Complexity: 13
Durability: 1410
Armor: 23.5
Buy/Sell: 140000/70000 gold

Will protect you from simple weapons.

Khadaganian chainmail trousers
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Metal x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 20
Complexity: 13
Durability: 705
Armor: 23.5
Buy/Sell: 140000/70000 gold

They are reinforced with metal and will
protect you from simple weapons.

Khadaganian light helmet
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Metal x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 20
Complexity: 13
Durability: 235
Armor: 23.5
Buy/Sell: 90000/45000 gold

Soft cloth hides tough metal...

Khadaganian forged cuirass
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Metal x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 42
Complexity: 14
Durability: 1479
Armor: 24.6
Buy/Sell: 270000/135000 gold

Makes a living and dangerous metal
statue out of the owner.

Khadaganian forged top leggings
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Metal x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 21
Complexity: 14
Durability: 739
Armor: 24.6
Buy/Sell: 270000/135000 gold

Provide excellent additional leg

Khadaganian forged helmet
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Metal x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 21
Complexity: 14
Durability: 246
Armor: 24.6
Buy/Sell: 170000/85000 gold

The worst scenario for the wearer would
be a bad headache.

Khadaganian reinforced cuirass
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Metal x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 45
Complexity: 15
Durability: 1551
Armor: 25.9
Buy/Sell: 600000/300000 gold

Chainmail cuirass reinforced with
metal plates.

Khadaganian reinforced leggings
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Metal x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 23
Complexity: 15
Durability: 776
Armor: 25.9
Buy/Sell: 600000/300000 gold

Chainmail leggings reinforced with metal
plates will protect you from the weapons
of backstabbers.

Khadaganian reinforced helmet
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Metal x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 23
Complexity: 15
Durability: 259
Armor: 25.9
Buy/Sell: 400000/200000 gold

Decent head protection.

Joon cuirass
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Crystal x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 60
Complexity: 20
Durability: 1969
Armor: 32.8
Buy/Sell: 0/0 gold

There are no more craftsmen capable of
making such things...

Joon full leggings
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Crystal x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 30
Complexity: 20
Durability: 984
Armor: 32.8
Buy/Sell: 0/0 gold

The ability to make such things would be
worth half a lifetime to most...

Joon helmet
Type: Heavy armor blueprint
Material: Crystal x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 30
Complexity: 20
Durability: 328
Armor: 32.8
Buy/Sell: 0/0 gold

Ancient secrets of such craftsmanship are 
now lost to us...

6. Blueprints for light armor
Blueprints for building light armor.
from scratch.  If you have the material,
it may save you money.

Light shirt
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Cloth x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 0
Complexity: 0
Durability: 379
Armor: 7.5
Buy/Sell: 8/4 gold

A simple sleeveless shirt.

Light trousers
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Cloth x 6
Weight: 20
Energy: 0
Complexity: 0
Durability: 190
Armor: 7.5
Buy/Sell: 8/4 gold

About the only thing these do is
cover your nakedness...

Light gauntlets
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Cloth x 1
Weight: 1
Energy: 0
Complexity: 0
Durability: 190
Armor: 7.5
Buy/Sell: 6/3 gold

Cloth gauntlets, they will only
save your ankle from a sprain.

Light boots
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Cloth x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 0
Complexity: 0
Durability: 190
Armor: 7.5
Buy/Sell: 6/3 gold

Plain and simple cloth boots.

Canian hunting jerkin
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Cloth x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 6
Complexity: 2
Durability: 417
Armor: 7.0
Buy/Sell: 40/20 gold

Provides better arm protection due to its
longer sleeves.

Canian hunting trousers
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Cloth x 6
Weight: 20
Energy: 3
Complexity: 2
Durability: 209
Armor: 7.0
Buy/Sell: 40/20 gold

Their cut makes them comfortable for long

Canian hunting gauntlets
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Cloth x 1
Weight: 1
Energy: 2
Complexity: 2
Durability: 209
Armor: 7.0
Buy/Sell: 24/12 gold

Not much different from the farmer's.

Canian hunting boots
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Cloth x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 2
Complexity: 2
Durability: 209
Armor: 7.0
Buy/Sell: 24/12 gold

Good hunting footwear.

Long Khadaganian shirt
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Cloth x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 9
Complexity: 3
Durability: 438
Armor: 7.3
Buy/Sell: 70/35 gold

In this, you would be better off in a
tavern than in combat.

Long Khadaganian trousers
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Cloth x 6
Weight: 20
Energy: 5
Complexity: 3
Durability: 219
Armor: 7.3
Buy/Sell: 70/35 gold

Just pants, really - we all must have
some ready for wear...

Long Khadaganian gauntlets
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Cloth x 1
Weight: 1
Energy: 3
Complexity: 3
Durability: 219
Armor: 7.3
Buy/Sell: 50/25 gold

Nice - but not particularly useful.

Long Khadaganian boots
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Cloth x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 3
Complexity: 3
Durability: 219
Armor: 7.3
Buy/Sell: 50/25 gold

At least they are waterproof...

Hunting Gipath breastplate
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Fur x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 9
Complexity: 3
Durability: 438
Armor: 7.3
Buy/Sell: 70/35 gold

Provides decent protection and 
looks better than simple breastplate.

Hunting Gipath shorts
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Fur x 6
Weight: 20
Energy: 5
Complexity: 3
Durability: 219
Armor: 7.3
Buy/Sell: 70/35 gold

These shorts provide decent protection
and are suitable for long hikes through
the forests.

Hunting Gipath gauntlets
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Fur x 1
Weight: 1
Energy: 3
Complexity: 3
Durability: 219
Armor: 7.3
Buy/Sell: 50/25 gold

Nice decoration and additional
protection too!

Hunting Gipath boots
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Fur x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 3
Complexity: 3
Durability: 219
Armor: 7.3
Buy/Sell: 50/25 gold

People who often walk in forests
will surely value the softness and 
comfort provided by fur footwear.

Simple Gipath breastplate
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Leather x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 6
Complexity: 2
Durability: 417
Armor: 7.0
Buy/Sell: 40/20 gold

Due to its cut, this provides
better protection than a light

Simple Gipath shorts
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Leather x 6
Weight: 20
Energy: 3
Complexity: 2
Durability: 209
Armor: 7.0
Buy/Sell: 40/20 gold

Due to their cut, these provide
better protection than light

Simple Gipath boots
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Leather x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 2
Complexity: 2
Durability: 209
Armor: 7.0
Buy/Sell: 24/12 gold

Due to their cut, they provide
better protection than light 

Simple Gipath gauntlets
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Leather x 1
Weight: 1
Energy: 2
Complexity: 2
Durability: 209
Armor: 7.0
Buy/Sell: 24/12 gold

Due to their cut, they provide
better protection than light 

Stitched Gipath breastplate
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Leather x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 12
Complexity: 4
Durability: 459
Armor: 7.7
Buy/Sell: 130/65 gold

It takes longer to make, but provides 
better shoulder protection.

Long stitched Gipath trousers
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Leather x 6
Weight: 20
Energy: 6
Complexity: 4
Durability: 230
Armor: 7.7
Buy/Sell: 130/65 gold

Due to their cut, they provide much
better protection for legs than

Stitched Gipath gauntlets
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Leather x 1
Weight: 1
Energy: 4
Complexity: 4
Durability: 230
Armor: 7.7
Buy/Sell: 100/50 gold

Cut and stitched gauntlets protect
a much bigger part of your arm than
light, simple or even hunting 

Stitched Gipath boots
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Leather x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 4
Complexity: 4
Durability: 230
Armor: 7.7
Buy/Sell: 100/50 gold

A pair of stitched boots is a couple of 
steps in the right direction.

Heavy Gipath shirt
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Leather x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 18
Complexity: 6
Durability: 505
Armor: 8.4
Buy/Sell: 600/300 gold

Provides full-length arm and shoulder

Heavy Gipath long trousers
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Leather x 6
Weight: 20
Energy: 9
Complexity: 6
Durability: 253
Armor: 8.4
Buy/Sell: 600/300 gold

Good protection from the belt down to
the ankles.

Heavy Gipath long gauntlets
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Leather x 1
Weight: 1
Energy: 6
Complexity: 6
Durability: 253
Armor: 8.4
Buy/Sell: 400/200 gold

Provides practically full-length arm

Heavy Gipath high boots
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Leather x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 6
Complexity: 6
Durability: 253
Armor: 8.4
Buy/Sell: 400/200 gold

The best footwear you can hope to make under
the circumstances.

Heavy Canian jerkin
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Leather x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 21
Complexity: 7
Durability: 530
Armor: 8.8
Buy/Sell: 1100/550 gold

A good compromise between comfort and

Heavy Canian trousers
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Leather x 6
Weight: 20
Energy: 11
Complexity: 7
Durability: 265
Armor: 8.8
Buy/Sell: 1100/550 gold

A good choice for a warrior who wants to have
both protection and freedom of movement.

Heavy Canian gauntlets
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Leather x 1
Weight: 1
Energy: 7
Complexity: 7
Durability: 265
Armor: 8.8
Buy/Sell: 800/400 gold

Reliable protection from a knife stab in a 
chance fight.

Heavy Canian boots
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Leather x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 7
Complexity: 7
Durability: 265
Armor: 8.8
Buy/Sell: 800/400 gold

Many a wild beast would break teeth on these!

Khadaganian leather lower breastplate
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Leather x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 36
Complexity: 12
Durability: 672
Armor: 11.2
Buy/Sell: 40000/20000 gold

Very nice... Provided you have a real breastplate
on top of it!

Khadaganian leather trousers
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Leather x 6
Weight: 20
Energy: 18
Complexity: 12
Durability: 336
Armor: 11.2
Buy/Sell: 40000/20000 gold

These will protect you from a spider's bite...
But nothing more piercing.

Khadaganian leather gauntlets
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Leather x 1
Weight: 1
Energy: 12
Complexity: 12
Durability: 336
Armor: 11.2
Buy/Sell: 25000/12500 gold

A match for wolves' fangs.

Khadaganian leather leggings
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Leather x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 12
Complexity: 12
Durability: 336
Armor: 11.2
Buy/Sell: 25000/12500 gold

Good protection from the fangs of beasts,
but not from the weapons of enemies.

Canian thick hide jerkin
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Hide x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 24
Complexity: 8
Durability: 556
Armor: 9.3
Buy/Sell: 2100/1050 gold

Will protect you from a chance arrow shot 
from a short bow.

Canian thick hide trousers
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Hide x 6
Weight: 20
Energy: 12
Complexity: 8
Durability: 278
Armor: 9.3
Buy/Sell: 2100/1050

They will protect you from the teeth of the
wolf, but not from the fangs of the Tiger.

Light Canian combat gauntlets
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Hide x 1
Weight: 1
Energy: 8
Complexity: 8
Durability: 278
Armor: 9.3
Buy/Sell: 1600/800 gold

Provides some additional hard protection.

Light Canian combat boots
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Hide x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 8
Complexity: 8
Durability: 278
Armor: 9.3
Buy/Sell: 1600/800 gold

Do not rely on them too much for protection.

Khadaganian light armor
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Hide x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 39
Complexity: 13
Durability: 705
Armor: 11.8
Buy/Sell: 70000/35000 gold

Provides decent protection.

Khadaganian thick hide trousers
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Hide x 6
Weight: 20
Energy: 20
Complexity: 13
Durability: 353
Armor: 11.8
Buy/Sell: 70000/35000

Provides good protection from poor weapons.

Khadaganian thick hide gauntlets
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Hide x 1
Weight: 1
Energy: 13
Complexity: 13
Durability: 353
Armor: 11.8
Buy/Sell: 50000/25000 gold

Provides some arm protection from poor

Khadaganian thick hide boots
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Hide x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 13
Complexity: 13
Durability: 353
Armor: 11.8
Buy/Sell: 50000/25000 gold

Excellent in a chance skirmish, but not
too reliable in real combat.

Canian army chainmail shirt
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Metal x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 27
Complexity: 9
Durability: 583
Armor: 9.7
Buy/Sell: 5000/2500 gold

This is standard Canian army issue - which
confirms the quality.

Canian army chainmail trousers
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Metal x 6
Weight: 20
Energy: 14
Complexity: 9
Durability: 291
Armor: 9.7
Buy/Sell: 5000/2500 gold

Not every arrow would pierce that weave.

Canian army high gauntlets
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Metal x 1
Weight: 1
Energy: 9
Complexity: 9
Durability: 291
Armor: 9.7
Buy/Sell: 3100/1550 gold

These can fend off a light weapon blow!

Canian army boots
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Metal x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 9
Complexity: 9
Durability: 291
Armor: 9.7
Buy/Sell: 3100/1550 gold

Soldiers walk the roads of war in
these - what more can you want?

Canian chainmail shirt
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Metal x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 30
Complexity: 10
Durability: 611
Armor: 10.2
Buy/Sell: 9000/4500 gold

Better than a leather jerkin; it softens
the blows.

Canian chainmail trousers
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Metal x 6
Weight: 20
Energy: 15
Complexity: 10
Durability: 306
Armor: 10.2
Buy/Sell: 9000/4500 gold

Provides additional leg protection due 
to the thick weave.

Reinforced Canian combat gauntlets
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Metal x 1
Weight: 1
Energy: 10
Complexity: 10
Durability: 306
Armor: 10.2
Buy/Sell: 7000/3500 gold

The metal inlays provide better arm
protection than light combat gauntlets.

Canian chainmail boots
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Metal x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 10
Complexity: 10
Durability: 306
Armor: 10.2
Buy/Sell: 7000/3500 gold

They do not cover as much of the leg
as light boots do, but they at least
provide better protection for portion

Khadaganian light breastplate
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Metal x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 42
Complexity: 14
Durability: 739
Armor: 12.3
Buy/Sell: 140000/70000 gold

Good protection and freedom of movement!

Khadaganian laminar trousers
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Metal x 6
Weight: 20
Energy: 21
Complexity: 14
Durability: 370
Armor: 12.3
Buy/Sell: 140000/70000 gold

Provide excellent leg protection.

Khadaganian laminar gauntlets
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Metal x 1
Weight: 1
Energy: 14
Complexity: 14
Durability: 370
Armor: 12.3
Buy/Sell: 100000/50000 gold

In these you can fend off even a sword blow.

Khadaganian laminar boots
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Metal x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 14
Complexity: 14
Durability: 370
Armor: 12.3
Buy/Sell: 100000/50000 gold

Together with the leggings, these will protect
your legs and feet from any blow.

Khadaganian reinforced chainmail shirt
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Metal x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 45
Complexity: 15
Durability: 776
Armor: 12.9
Buy/Sell: 270000/135000 gold

A chainmail shirt reinforced with metal
plates artfully woven in.

Khadaganian reinforced chainmail trousers
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Metal x 6
Weight: 20
Energy: 23
Complexity: 15
Durability: 388
Armor: 12.9
Buy/Sell: 270000/135000 gold

Chainmail trousers reinforced with metal

Khadaganian reinforced gauntlets
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Metal x 1
Weight: 1
Energy: 15
Complexity: 15
Durability: 388
Armor: 12.9
Buy/Sell: 270000/135000 gold

Forged metal plates ensure much greater

Khadaganian reinforced boots
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Metal x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 15
Complexity: 15
Durability: 388
Armor: 12.9
Buy/Sell: 270000/135000 gold

Boots, reinforced with forged plates.

Joon shirt
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Crystal x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 60
Complexity: 20
Durability: 984
Armor: 16.4
Buy/Sell: 0/0 gold

No modern craftsman would even know where
to start making this... 

Joon trousers
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Crystal x 6
Weight: 20
Energy: 30
Complexity: 20
Durability: 492
Armor: 16.4
Buy/Sell: 0/0 gold

Even the best of craftsmen are not up to 
making trousers of such quality!

Joon gauntlets
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Crystal x 1
Weight: 1
Energy: 20
Complexity: 20
Durability: 492
Armor: 16.4
Buy/Sell: 0/0 gold

Craftsmen just do not make things like that

Joon light leggings
Type: Light armor blueprint
Material: Crystal x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 20
Complexity: 20
Durability: 492
Armor: 16.4
Buy/Sell: 0/0 gold

So much talent!  Where are such craftsmen

7. Weapons

The things in your hand to bash or shoot people with.  
These are highly durable, far more so than your pieces 
of armour.  Still the cost will rack up eventually for 

Every weapon has a bonus and/or penalty of some kind - 
while some weapons have no drawbacks, there is no weapon 
that is completely blank in terms of changing attack or 
defense ratings.

Bone club (thin bone)
Type: Weapon
Material: Thin bone x 5
Weight: 5
Energy: 16
Complexity: 0/4
Durability: 13930/13930
Damage: 8-12 Crushing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 120/60 gold

A club is a club.

Bone club (tough bone)
Type: Weapon
Material: Tough bone x 5
Weight: 5
Energy: 22
Complexity: 0/6
Durability: 15124/15124
Damage: 9-14 Crushing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 280/140 gold

Using this, you could deal
with a Goblin, but do not
be so sure with an Orc!

Bone club (hard bone)
Type: Weapon
Material: Hard bone x 5
Weight: 5
Energy: 25
Complexity: 0/7
Durability: 15920/15920
Damage: 9-14 Crushing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 430/215 gold

A good instrument to use on alone Orc.

Bone club (shell bone)
Type: Weapon
Material: Shell bones x 5
Weight: 5
Energy: 28
Complexity: 0/8
Durability: 16716/16716
Damage: 10-15 Crushing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 730/365 gold

Shell bone is a good material for all
kinds of weapons.

Bone club (Green Dragon bone)
Type: Weapon
Material: Hard bone x 5
Weight: 5
Energy: 37
Complexity: 0/11
Durability: 19502/19502
Damage: 12-18 Crushing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 430/2790 gold

No one can ignore a tap from this!

Bone spear (thin bone)
Type: Weapon
Material: Thin bone x 2
Weight: 3
Energy: 56
Complexity: 0/12
Durability: 16856/16856
Damage: 8-19 Piercing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -10
Buy/Sell: 1316/658 gold

Much lighter than stone spears - about 
all you can say for it.

Bone spear (tough bone)
Type: Weapon
Material: Tough bone x 2
Weight: 3
Energy: 62
Complexity: 0/14
Durability: 18300/18300
Damage: 9-21 Piercing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -10
Buy/Sell: 1380/690 gold

This is sharper than one made of thin bone;
but maybe you should get something better?

Bone spear (hard bone)
Type: Weapon
Material: Hard bone x 2
Weight: 3
Energy: 65
Complexity: 0/15
Durability: 19264/19264
Damage: 9-22 Piercing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -10
Buy/Sell: 1440/720 gold

Not a bad weapon against Goblins... 
but that's it.

Bone spear (shell bone)
Type: Weapon
Material: Shell bones x 2
Weight: 3
Energy: 68
Complexity: 0/16
Durability: 20227/20227
Damage: 10-23 Piercing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -10
Buy/Sell: 1560/780 gold

Now this is something serious.

Bone spear (Green Dragon bone)
Type: Weapon
Material: Green drag. bone x 2
Weight: 3
Energy: 77
Complexity: 0/19
Durability: 23598/23598
Damage: 11-27 Piercing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -10
Buy/Sell: 3500/1750 gold

A Dragon bone spear is a good thing.  
A magical one is even better.

Short bone bow (thin bone)
Type: Weapon
Material: Thin bone x 2
Weight: 2
Energy: 46
Complexity: 0/10
Durability: 16072/16072
Damage: 11-13 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 15
Range: 12
Buy/Sell: 716/358 gold

Not a bad weapon, but some enemies will 
not even notice it...

Short bone bow (tough bone)
Type: Weapon
Material: Tough bone x 2
Weight: 2
Energy: 52
Complexity: 0/12
Durability: 17449/17449
Damage: 12-14 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 15
Range: 12
Buy/Sell: 780/390 gold

Better than a simple bow, but you should think
about trying a more decent material...

Short bone bow (hard bone)
Type: Weapon
Material: Hard bone x 2
Weight: 2
Energy: 55
Complexity: 0/13
Durability: 18368/18368
Damage: 12-15 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 15
Range: 12
Buy/Sell: 840/420 gold

Arrows shot from this one are dangerous 
and not just for Goblins!

Short bone bow (shell bone)
Type: Weapon
Material: Shell bones x 2
Weight: 2
Energy: 58
Complexity: 0/14
Durability: 19286/19286
Damage: 13-16 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 15
Range: 12
Buy/Sell: 960/480 gold

No one is going to like being hit by arrows shot
from this bow.

Short bone bow (Green Dragon bone)
Type: Weapon
Material: Green drag. bone x 2
Weight: 2
Energy: 67
Complexity: 0/17
Durability: 22500/22500
Damage: 15-19 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 15
Range: 12
Buy/Sell: 2900/1450 gold

In a different league altogether...

Long bone bow (thin bone)
Type: Weapon
Material: Thin bone x 2
Weight: 2
Energy: 66
Complexity: 0/14
Durability: 17678/17678
Damage: 12-15 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 20
Range: 16
Buy/Sell: 2616/1308 gold

Good enough for training or hunting.

Long bone bow (tough bone)
Type: Weapon
Material: Tough bone x 2
Weight: 2
Energy: 66
Complexity: 0/16
Durability: 17678/17678
Damage: 12-15 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 20
Range: 16
Buy/Sell: 2616/1308 gold

Not the worst option, but there
are better weapons than this!

Long bone bow (hard bone)
Type: Weapon
Material: Hard bone x 2
Weight: 2
Energy: 75
Complexity: 0/17
Durability: 20204/20204
Damage: 14-17 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 20
Range: 16
Buy/Sell: 2740/1370 gold

An improvement on a dry bone bow.

Long bone bow (shell bone)
Type: Weapon
Material: Shell bones x 2
Weight: 2
Energy: 78
Complexity: 0/18
Durability: 21214/21214
Damage: 14-18 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 20
Range: 16
Buy/Sell: 2860/1430 gold

Not a bad thing to have with you
when you go for a walk!

Long bone bow (Green Dragon bone)
Type: Weapon
Material: Tough bone x 2
Weight: 2
Energy: 66
Complexity: 0/21
Durability: 17678/17678
Damage: 17-21 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 20
Range: 16
Buy/Sell: 4800/2400 gold

Few other bone bows can compare with
this one!

Stone axe
Type: Weapon
Material: Stone x 4
Weight: 16
Energy: 33
Complexity: 0/7
Durability: 14447/14447
Damage: 7-14 Slashing
Actions: 33
Attack change: 0
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 416/208 gold

The simplest of axes.  More of a club than an
axe, really...

Granite axe
Type: Weapon
Material: Granite x 4
Weight: 16
Energy: 39
Complexity: 0/9
Durability: 15760/15760
Damage: 8-15 Slashing
Actions: 33
Attack change: 0
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 464/232 gold

Better than stone - you could even cut
some wood...with difficulty.

Silicon axe
Type: Weapon
Material: Silicon x 4
Weight: 16
Energy: 42
Complexity: 0/10
Durability: 16636/16636
Damage: 9-16 Slashing
Actions: 33
Attack change: 0
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 560/280 gold

Silicon is a step forward - at least you 
can cut with it.

Obsidian axe
Type: Weapon
Material: Silicon x 4
Weight: 16
Energy: 48
Complexity: 0/12
Durability: 18387/18387
Damage: 10-18 Slashing
Actions: 33
Attack change: 0
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 920/460 gold

You might even cut yourself with this axe!

Stone battle axe
Type: Weapon
Material: Silicon x 4
Weight: 16
Energy: 63
Complexity: 0/13
Durability: 16668/16668
Damage: 8-16 Slashing
Actions: 33
Attack change: 0
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 2616/1308 gold

This is not just a stone tied to a stick, but
not far off it...

Granite battle axe
Type: Weapon
Material: Granite x 4
Weight: 16
Energy: 69
Complexity: 0/15
Durability: 18183/18183
Damage: 9-18 Slashing
Actions: 33
Attack change: 0
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 2616/1308 gold

Better than a stone battle axe - but, alas,
not much better!

Silicon battle axe
Type: Weapon
Material: Silicon x 4
Weight: 16
Energy: 72
Complexity: 0/16
Durability: 19193/19193
Damage: 10-19 Slashing
Actions: 33
Attack change: 0
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 2760/1380 gold

Now you can really rely on this one (provided
your opponent is not too strong).

Obsidian battle axe
Type: Weapon
Material: Obsidian x 4
Weight: 16
Energy: 78
Complexity: 0/18
Durability: 21214/21214
Damage: 11-21 Slashing
Actions: 33
Attack change: 0
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 3120/1560 gold

This axe will make your opponent respect you.

Stone sword
Type: Weapon
Material: Stone x 3
Weight: 12
Energy: 43
Complexity: 0/9
Durability: 15153/15153
Damage: 4-14 Slashing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 0
Defense change: 5
Buy/Sell: 712/356 gold

You should try to trade it for something more

Granite sword
Type: Weapon
Material: Granite x 3
Weight: 12
Energy: 49
Complexity: 0/11
Durability: 16531/16531
Damage: 5-15 Slashing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 0
Defense change: 5
Buy/Sell: 748/374 gold

Better than simple stone, but not by much.

Silicon sword
Type: Weapon
Material: Silicon x 3
Weight: 12
Energy: 52
Complexity: 0/12
Durability: 17449/17449
Damage: 5-16 Slashing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 0
Defense change: 5
Buy/Sell: 820/410 gold

You can definitely do some damage with this 

Obsidian sword
Type: Weapon
Material: Silicon x 3
Weight: 12
Energy: 58
Complexity: 0/14
Durability: 19286/19286
Damage: 6-18 Slashing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 0
Defense change: 5
Buy/Sell: 1090/545 gold

Only metal swords are better than those 
made of obsidian.

Stone dagger
Type: Weapon
Material: Stone x 1
Weight: 4
Energy: 13
Complexity: 0/3
Durability: 13134/13134
Damage: 4-14 Piercing
Actions: 27
Attack change: 5
Defense change: 0
Buy/Sell: 54/27 gold

Almost worthless, both in terms of price
and efficiency.

Granite dagger
Type: Weapon
Material: Granite x 1
Weight: 4
Energy: 19
Complexity: 0/5
Durability: 14328/14328
Damage: 3-14 Piercing
Actions: 27
Attack change: 5
Defense change: 0
Buy/Sell: 66/33 gold

Could be useful at the start, but do not rely
on it too much.

Silicon dagger
Type: Weapon
Material: Silicon x 1
Weight: 4
Energy: 22
Complexity: 0/6
Durability: 15124/15124
Damage: 3-15 Piercing
Actions: 27
Attack change: 5
Defense change: 0
Buy/Sell: 90/45 gold

Not a bad piercing weapon - 
efficient and not too expensive.

Obsidian dagger
Type: Weapon
Material: Obsidian x 2
Weight: 4
Energy: 28
Complexity: 0/8
Durability: 16716/16716
Damage: 4-16 Piercing
Actions: 27
Attack change: 5
Defense change: 0
Buy/Sell: 180/90 gold

A good piercing weapon - the
best of stone daggers.

Stone head spear
Type: Weapon
Material: Stone x 2
Weight: 12
Energy: 23
Complexity: 0/5
Durability: 13774/13774
Damage: 6-16 Piercing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -10
Buy/Sell: 168/84 gold

The cheapest, most simple spear.

Granite head spear
Type: Weapon
Material: Granite x 2
Weight: 12
Energy: 29
Complexity: 0/7
Durability: 15026/15026
Damage: 7-17 Piercing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -10
Buy/Sell: 192/96 gold

Granite is better than stone..., but worse
than any other material.

Silicon head spear
Type: Weapon
Material: Silicon x 2
Weight: 12
Energy: 32
Complexity: 0/8
Durability: 15861/15861
Damage: 7-18 Piercing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -10
Buy/Sell: 240/120 gold

Silicon heads are much sharper than other 
stone ones...

Obsidian head spear
Type: Weapon
Material: Obsidian x 2
Weight: 12
Energy: 38
Complexity: 0/10
Durability: 17530/17530
Damage: 8-20 Piercing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -10
Buy/Sell: 420/210 gold

Now this does look like a real spear...

Stone hammer
Type: Weapon
Material: Stone x 5
Weight: 20
Energy: 33
Complexity: 0/7
Durability: 14447/14447
Damage: 8-13 Crushing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 420/210 gold

Would come in very handy both in the smithy
and in a fight...

Granite hammer
Type: Weapon
Material: Granite x 5
Weight: 20
Energy: 39
Complexity: 0/9
Durability: 15760/15760
Damage: 9-14 Crushing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 480/240 gold

Good enough for starters.

Silicon hammer
Type: Weapon
Material: Silicon x 5
Weight: 20
Energy: 42
Complexity: 0/10
Durability: 16636/16636
Damage: 10-15 Crushing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 600/300 gold

One way to equip an inexperienced fighter.

Obsidian hammer
Type: Weapon
Material: Obsidian x 5
Weight: 20
Energy: 48
Complexity: 0/12
Durability: 18387/18387
Damage: 11-16 Crushing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 1050/525 gold

Sufficient to break a Goblin's head with the
first blow!

Heavy stone hammer
Type: Weapon
Material: Stone x 5
Weight: 20
Energy: 53
Complexity: 0/11
Durability: 15892/15892
Damage: 9-14 Crushing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 10
Defense change: -10
Buy/Sell: 1320/660 gold

The heavier the stone, the greater the

Heavy granite hammer
Type: Weapon
Material: Granite x 5
Weight: 20
Energy: 59
Complexity: 0/13
Durability: 17337/17337
Damage: 10-15 Crushing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 10
Defense change: -10
Buy/Sell: 1380/690 gold

Looks a bit better and is a little bit
more efficient than a stone one - and
only a little bit.....

Heavy silicon hammer
Type: Weapon
Material: Silicon x 5
Weight: 20
Energy: 62
Complexity: 0/14
Durability: 18300/18300
Damage: 11-16 Crushing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 10
Defense change: -10
Buy/Sell: 1500/750 gold

The sharp silicon edges cause additional 
damage to the enemy.

Heavy obsidian hammer
Type: Weapon
Material: Obsidian x 5
Weight: 20
Energy: 68
Complexity: 0/16
Durability: 20227/20227
Damage: 12-18 Crushing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 10
Defense change: -10
Buy/Sell: 1950/975 gold

This is a heavy one!  Only metal hammers
are better.

Bow (stone head arrows)
Type: Weapon
Material: Stone x 2
Weight: 8
Energy: 23
Complexity: 0/5
Durability: 13774/13774
Damage: 9-11 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 10
Range: 12
Buy/Sell: 168/84 gold

Your chances of hitting the target are not great,
but this bow can still shoot arrows.

Bow (granite head arrows)
Type: Weapon
Material: Granite x 2
Weight: 8
Energy: 29
Complexity: 0/7
Durability: 15026/15026
Damage: 10-12 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 10
Range: 12
Buy/Sell: 192/96 gold

The shortcomings are many, but it is still 
better than nothing.

Bow (silicon head arrows)
Type: Weapon
Material: Silicon x 2
Weight: 8
Energy: 32
Complexity: 0/8
Durability: 15861/15861
Damage: 10-13 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 10
Range: 12
Buy/Sell: 240/120 gold

Now you can risk going beyond the gates, 
and maybe you will even get back!

Bow (obsidian head arrows)
Type: Weapon
Material: Obsidian x 2
Weight: 8
Energy: 38
Complexity: 0/10
Durability: 17530/17530
Damage: 12-14 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 10
Range: 12
Buy/Sell: 420/210 gold

Causes the maximum damage possible
with this kind of weapon.

Bronze long sword
Type: Weapon
Material: Bronze x 3
Weight: 18
Energy: 101
Complexity: 0/23
Durability: 24446/24446
Damage: 7-23 Slashing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 0
Defense change: 10
Buy/Sell: 5160/2580 gold

A bronze sword is fine if your opponent
forgot to get good armor.

Iron long sword
Type: Weapon
Material: Iron x 3
Weight: 15
Energy: 107
Complexity: 0/25
Durability: 27224/27224
Damage: 8-25 Slashing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 0
Defense change: 10
Buy/Sell: 14300/7150 gold

This causes more damage than a bronze one,
but it cannot pierce many types of armor.

Steel long sword
Type: Weapon
Material: Steel x 3
Weight: 15
Energy: 113
Complexity: 0/27
Durability: 29446/29446
Damage: 9-28 Slashing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 0
Defense change: 10
Buy/Sell: 26000/13000 gold

A serious weapon in the hands of an
experienced fighter...

Mithrill long sword
Type: Weapon
Material: Mithrill x 3
Weight: 9
Energy: 116
Complexity: 0/28
Durability: 31113/31113
Damage: 9-29 Slashing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 0
Defense change: 10
Buy/Sell: 38000/19000 gold

Expensive, but worth it!

Adamantite long sword
Type: Weapon
Material: Adamantite x 3
Weight: 15
Energy: 122
Complexity: 0/30
Durability: 34447/34447
Damage: 10-32 Slashing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 0
Defense change: 10
Buy/Sell: 131000/65500 gold

Even a less than experienced fighter
could win a serious battle with this

Meteorite long sword
Type: Weapon
Material: Meteorite x 3
Weight: 12
Energy: 128
Complexity: 0/32
Durability: 37780/37780
Damage: 11-36 Slashing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 0
Defense change: 10
Buy/Sell: 431100/215500 gold

No blacksmith could make a better
long sword!

Bronze sabre
Type: Weapon
Material: Bronze x 3
Weight: 18
Energy: 151
Complexity: 0/33
Durability: 31024/31024
Damage: 9-29 Slashing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 0
Defense change: 10
Buy/Sell: 400780/200390

Do not rely too much on a bronze blade,
although it is a little better than

Iron sabre
Type: Weapon
Material: Iron x 3
Weight: 15
Energy: 157
Complexity: 0/35
Durability: 34549/34549
Damage: 10-32 Slashing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 0
Defense change: 10
Buy/Sell: 403300/201650

Not bad, but nothing special.

Steel sabre
Type: Weapon
Material: Steel x 3
Weight: 15
Energy: 163
Complexity: 0/37
Durability: 37370/37370
Damage: 11-35 Slashing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 0
Defense change: 10
Buy/Sell: 415000/207500

A serious weapon in the hands of
an experienced fighter... but it
will not pierce every kind of

Mithrill sabre
Type: Weapon
Material: Mithrill x 3
Weight: 9
Energy: 166
Complexity: 0/38
Durability: 39485/39485
Damage: 12-37 Slashing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 0
Defense change: 10
Buy/Sell: 427000/213500

This one is definitely not for

Adamantite sabre
Type: Weapon
Material: Adamantite x 3
Weight: 15
Energy: 172
Complexity: 0/40
Durability: 43716/43716
Damage: 13-41 Slashing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 0
Defense change: 10
Buy/Sell: 520000/260000

You could win a serious fight
with this one!

Meteorite sabre
Type: Weapon
Material: Meteorite x 3
Weight: 12
Energy: 178
Complexity: 0/42
Durability: 47946/47946
Damage: 15-45 Slashing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 0
Defense change: 10
Buy/Sell: 820000/410000

This blade will ensure at least a half

Ritual bronze knife
Type: Weapon
Material: Bronze x 1
Weight: 6
Energy: 41
Complexity: 0/11
Durability: 18365/18365
Damage: 9-13 Piercing
Actions: 27
Attack change: 5
Defense change: 0
Buy/Sell: 420/210 gold

Yes...you should start looking for something 
more serious as soon as possible...

Ritual iron knife
Type: Weapon
Material: Iron x 1
Weight: 5
Energy: 47
Complexity: 0/13
Durability: 18365/18365
Damage: 9-13 Piercing
Actions: 27
Attack change: 5
Defense change: 0
Buy/Sell: 1360/630 gold

Iron, bronze - not much difference really.

Ritual steel knife
Type: Weapon
Material: Steel x 1
Weight: 5
Energy: 53
Complexity: 0/15
Durability: 22122/22122
Damage: 10-15 Piercing
Actions: 27
Attack change: 5
Defense change: 0
Buy/Sell: 5160/2580 gold

Looks exquisite, but it is not much use.

Ritual mithrill knife
Type: Weapon
Material: Mithrill x 1
Weight: 3
Energy: 56
Complexity: 0/16
Durability: 23374/23374
Damage: 11-17 Piercing
Actions: 27
Attack change: 5
Defense change: 0
Buy/Sell: 9160/4580 gold

One could find better use for mithrill!

Ritual adamantite knife
Type: Weapon
Material: Adamantite x 1
Weight: 5
Energy: 62
Complexity: 0/18
Durability: 25878/25878
Damage: 12-19 Piercing
Actions: 27
Attack change: 5
Defense change: 0
Buy/Sell: 40160/20080 gold

This metal is far too expensive to waste
on trifles like this!

Ritual meteorite knife
Type: Weapon
Material: Meteorite x 1
Weight: 4
Energy: 68
Complexity: 0/20
Durability: 28383/28383
Damage: 14-21 Piercing
Actions: 27
Attack change: 5
Defense change: 0
Buy/Sell: 140160/70080 gold

Is meteorite iron really so cheap you would
waste it like this?

Bronze dagger
Type: Weapon
Material: Bronze x 1
Weight: 6
Energy: 81
Complexity: 0/19
Durability: 22224/22224
Damage: 5-22 Piercing
Actions: 27
Attack change: 10
Defense change: 0
Buy/Sell: 1760/880 gold

The best way to kill with this is to stab
your enemy in the back.

Iron dagger
Type: Weapon
Material: Iron x 1
Weight: 5
Energy: 87
Complexity: 0/21
Durability: 24749/24749
Damage: 6-24 Piercing
Actions: 27
Attack change: 10
Defense change: 0
Buy/Sell: 2600/1300 gold

Modest...both in terms of price and quality.

Steel dagger
Type: Weapon
Material: Steel x 1
Weight: 5
Energy: 93
Complexity: 0/23
Durability: 26770/26770
Damage: 6-27 Piercing
Actions: 27
Attack change: 10
Defense change: 0
Buy/Sell: 6500/3250 gold

A steel dagger is a worthy weapon!  But
steel cannot get through all kinds of

Mithrill dagger
Type: Weapon
Material: Mithrill x 1
Weight: 3
Energy: 96
Complexity: 0/24
Durability: 28285/28285
Damage: 7-28 Piercing
Actions: 27
Attack change: 10
Defense change: 0
Buy/Sell: 10500/5250 gold

A light and sharp dagger.  Expensive,
but worth it.

Adamantite dagger
Type: Weapon
Material: Adamantite x 1
Weight: 5
Energy: 102
Complexity: 0/26
Durability: 31316/31316
Damage: 7-31 Piercing
Actions: 27
Attack change: 10
Defense change: 0
Buy/Sell: 41500/20750 gold

One of the best daggers available on
this world.

Meteorite dagger
Type: Weapon
Material: Meteorite x 1
Weight: 4
Energy: 108
Complexity: 0/28
Durability: 34346/34346
Damage: 8-34 Piercing
Actions: 27
Attack change: 10
Defense change: 0
Buy/Sell: 141500/70750 gold

Causes maximum damage possible.  To
achieve more, you would need a magician,
not a blacksmith.

Bronze dirk
Type: Weapon
Material: Bronze x 1
Weight: 6
Energy: 151
Complexity: 0/33
Durability: 31024/31024
Damage: 7-31 Piercing
Actions: 27
Attack change: 10
Defense change: 0
Buy/Sell: 250260/125130

More reliable than a simple dagger, 
lighter than a sword.  But try for 
something better...

Iron dirk
Type: Weapon
Material: Iron x 1
Weight: 5
Energy: 157
Complexity: 0/35
Durability: 34549/34549
Damage: 8-34 Piercing
Actions: 27
Attack change: 10
Defense change: 0
Buy/Sell: 251000/125500

Not the worst possible dirk, but a lot
worse than a steel one!

Steel dirk
Type: Weapon
Material: Steel x 1
Weight: 5
Energy: 163
Complexity: 0/37
Durability: 37370/37370
Damage: 9-37 Piercing
Actions: 27
Attack change: 10
Defense change: 0
Buy/Sell: 255000/127500

A serious weapon in the hands of an
experienced warrior...

Mithrill dirk
Type: Weapon
Material: Mithrill x 1
Weight: 3
Energy: 166
Complexity: 0/38
Durability: 39485/39485
Damage: 9-39 Piercing
Actions: 27
Attack change: 10
Defense change: 0
Buy/Sell: 259000/129500

Light, sharp, finely honed... and

Adamantine dirk
Type: Weapon
Material: Adamantite x 1
Weight: 5
Energy: 172
Complexity: 0/40
Durability: 43716/43716
Damage: 11-44 Piercing
Actions: 27
Attack change: 10
Defense change: 0
Buy/Sell: 290000/145000

This one is a weapon for serious combat,
not for an alehouse brawl!

Meteorite dirk
Type: Weapon
Material: Meteorite x 1
Weight: 4
Energy: 178
Complexity: 0/42
Durability: 47946/47946
Damage: 12-48 Piercing
Actions: 27
Attack change: 10
Defense change: 0
Buy/Sell: 390000/195000

The very best!  But the price, of course, 
tends to scare one off.

Bronze battle hammer
Type: Weapon
Material: Bronze x 5
Weight: 30
Energy: 101
Complexity: 0/23
Durability: 24446/24446
Damage: 15-22 Crushing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 12300/6150 gold

Good enough for training, but not try
not to use this if you get into serious

Iron battle hammer
Type: Weapon
Material: Iron x 5
Weight: 25
Energy: 107
Complexity: 0/25
Durability: 27224/27224
Damage: 16-24 Crushing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 16500/8250 gold

In an "iron on iron" fight, this will be
good enough.

Steel battle hammer
Type: Weapon
Material: Steel x 5
Weight: 25
Energy: 113
Complexity: 0/27
Durability: 29446/29446
Damage: 18-27 Crushing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 18000/9000 gold

Many would have to take this seriously!

Mithrill battle hammer
Type: Weapon
Material: Mithrill x 5
Weight: 15
Energy: 116
Complexity: 0/28
Durability: 31113/31113
Damage: 19-28 Crushing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 56000/28000 gold

One can find better uses for mithrill
than simply smashing heads with it...

Adamantite battle hammer
Type: Weapon
Material: Adamantite x 5
Weight: 25
Energy: 122
Complexity: 0/30
Durability: 34447/34447
Damage: 21-31 Crushing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 211000/105500 gold

An exotic weapon.  One does not often
come across something like this!

Meteorite battle hammer
Type: Weapon
Material: Meteorite x 5
Weight: 20
Energy: 128
Complexity: 0/32
Durability: 37780/37780
Damage: 23-34 Crushing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 711100/355500 gold

Makes an unforgettable impression on
your enemies...

Bronze mace
Type: Weapon
Material: Bronze x 5
Weight: 30
Energy: 121
Complexity: 0/27
Durability: 26888/26888
Damage: 16-24 Crushing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 51300/25650 gold

Inexpensive but impressive.  At least
in terms of apperance.

Iron mace
Type: Weapon
Material: Iron x 5
Weight: 25
Energy: 127
Complexity: 0/29
Durability: 29943/29943
Damage: 18-27 Crushing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 55500/27750 gold

Not as nice looking as a bronze one,
but it will cause greater damage.

Steel mace
Type: Weapon
Material: Steel x 5
Weight: 25
Energy: 133
Complexity: 0/31
Durability: 32388/32388
Damage: 19-29 Crushing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 75000/37500 gold

The heaviness of the steel makes the
blows extra powerful!

Mithrill mace
Type: Weapon
Material: Mithrill x 5
Weight: 15
Energy: 136
Complexity: 0/32
Durability: 34221/34221
Damage: 21-31 Crushing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 95000/47500 gold

A most serious weapon.  And not cheap

Adamantite mace
Type: Weapon
Material: Adamantite x 5
Weight: 25
Energy: 142
Complexity: 0/34
Durability: 37888/37888
Damage: 23-34 Crushing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 250000/125000 gold

With a heavy item like this in your hand,
you can take on anything.

Meteorite mace
Type: Weapon
Material: Meteorite x 5
Weight: 20
Energy: 148
Complexity: 0/36
Durability: 41554/41554
Damage: 25-38 Crushing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 750000/375000 gold

The only thing better than a meteorite mace
is a spiked meteorite mace.

Heavy bronze mace
Type: Weapon
Material: Bronze x 5
Weight: 30
Energy: 151
Complexity: 0/33
Durability: 31024/31024
Damage: 19-28 Crushing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 401300/200650

A spiked bronze mace - you can only
weight it more.

Heavy iron mace
Type: Weapon
Material: Iron x 5
Weight: 25
Energy: 157
Complexity: 0/35
Durability: 34549/34549
Damage: 21-31 Crushing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 405500/202750

Iron is not the best material for spikes,
but this mace is heavier than a regular

Heavy steel mace
Type: Weapon
Material: Steel x 5
Weight: 25
Energy: 163
Complexity: 0/37
Durability: 37370/37370
Damage: 23-34 Crushing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 425000/212500

Steel doesn't make good spikes, but a
mace is a formidable weapon anyway.

Mithrill spiked mace
Type: Weapon
Material: Mithrill x 5
Weight: 15
Energy: 166
Complexity: 0/38
Durability: 39485/39485
Damage: 24-36 Crushing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 445000/222500

Even steel armor will not resist mithrill

Adamantite spiked mace
Type: Weapon
Material: Adamantite x 5
Weight: 25
Energy: 172
Complexity: 0/40
Durability: 43716/43716
Damage: 26-40 Crushing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 600000/300000

Good things do not come cheap.

Meteorite spiked mace
Type: Weapon
Material: Meteorite x 5
Weight: 20
Energy: 178
Complexity: 0/42
Durability: 47946/47946
Damage: 29-44 Crushing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 1100000/550000

After a blow with this mace, you can
use the armor of your opponent as a

Heavy bronze spiked mace
Type: Weapon
Material: Bronze x 5
Weight: 30
Energy: 171
Complexity: 0/37
Durability: 34126/34126
Damage: 21-31 Crushing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 1401300/700650

You can't make a good spiked mace out
of bronze...

Heavy iron spiked mace
Type: Weapon
Material: Iron x 5
Weight: 25
Energy: 177
Complexity: 0/39
Durability: 38004/38004
Damage: 21-31 Crushing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 1405500/702750

Of course iron is better than bronze but
poorer than all other metals...

Steel heavy spiked mace
Type: Weapon
Material: Steel x 5
Weight: 25
Energy: 183
Complexity: 0/41
Durability: 41106/41106
Damage: 25-38 Crushing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 1425000/712500

A good weapon for one about to embark on
a dangerous voyage.

Mithrill heavy spiked mace
Type: Weapon
Material: Mithrill x 5
Weight: 15
Energy: 186
Complexity: 0/42
Durability: 43433/43433
Damage: 26-40 Crushing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 1445000/722500

With an argument like this in your
hands, you are well-placed to claim
the right to go first... 

Adamantite heavy spiked mace
Type: Weapon
Material: Adamantite x 5
Weight: 25
Energy: 192
Complexity: 0/44
Durability: 48087/48087
Damage: 29-44 Crushing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 1600000/800000

This is capable of breaking any skull!

Meteorite heavy spiked mace
Type: Weapon
Material: Meteorite x 5
Weight: 20
Energy: 198
Complexity: 0/46
Durability: 52740/52740
Damage: 32-48 Crushing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 2100000/1050000

The blacksmiths did all they could.  Now
it is the turn of the magicians.

Bronze axe
Type: Weapon
Material: Bronze x 4
Weight: 24
Energy: 121
Complexity: 0/27
Durability: 26888/26888
Damage: 14-26 Slashing
Actions: 33
Attack change: 0
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 51040/25520 gold

The simplest of metal axes.  Do not
rely on it too much.

Iron axe
Type: Weapon
Material: Iron x 4
Weight: 20
Energy: 127
Complexity: 0/29
Durability: 29943/29943
Damage: 16-29 Slashing
Actions: 33
Attack change: 0
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 54400/27200 gold

This causes more damage than a bronze
one.  But there are better materials than

Steel axe
Type: Weapon
Material: Steel x 4
Weight: 20
Energy: 133
Complexity: 0/31
Durability: 32388/32388
Damage: 17-32 Slashing
Actions: 33
Attack change: 0
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 70000/35000 gold

This won't penetrate all types armor, but
it can still be dangerous in the hands of
an experienced fighter...

Mithrill axe
Type: Weapon
Material: Mithrill x 4
Weight: 12
Energy: 136
Complexity: 0/32
Durability: 34221/34221
Damage: 18-34 Slashing
Actions: 33
Attack change: 0
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 86000/43000 gold

Light, sharp, finely honed... and expensive.

Adamantite axe
Type: Weapon
Material: Adamantite x 4
Weight: 20
Energy: 142
Complexity: 0/34
Durability: 37888/37888
Damage: 20-37 Slashing
Actions: 33
Attack change: 0
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 210000/105000 gold

This weapon is very expensive - but it is
worth it.

Meteorite axe
Type: Weapon
Material: Meteorite x 4
Weight: 16
Energy: 148
Complexity: 0/36
Durability: 41554/41554
Damage: 22-41 Slashing
Actions: 33
Attack change: 0
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 610000/305000 gold

In the hands of an experienced fighter,
this can really make the enemy suffer...

Bronze battle axe
Type: Weapon
Material: Bronze x 4
Weight: 24
Energy: 171
Complexity: 0/37
Durability: 34126/34126
Damage: 18-34 Slashing
Actions: 33
Attack change: 0
Defense change: -10
Buy/Sell: 1401040/700520 gold

This is not much better than a simple
bronze axe.

Iron battle axe
Type: Weapon
Material: Iron x 4
Weight: 20
Energy: 177
Complexity: 0/39
Durability: 38004/38004
Damage: 20-38 Slashing
Actions: 33
Attack change: 0
Defense change: -10
Buy/Sell: 1404400/702200 gold

There are better materials than this - 
if you can afford them, of course.

Steel battle axe
Type: Weapon
Material: Steel x 4
Weight: 20
Energy: 183
Complexity: 0/41
Durability: 411064/411064
Damage: 22-41 Slashing
Actions: 33
Attack change: 0
Defense change: -10
Buy/Sell: 1420000/710000 gold

This one is not bad at all!  Though
your opponent may have even better

Mithrill battle axe
Type: Weapon
Material: Mithrill x 4
Weight: 12
Energy: 186
Complexity: 0/42
Durability: 43433/43433
Damage: 23-43 Slashing
Actions: 33
Attack change: 0
Defense change: -10
Buy/Sell: 1436000/718000 gold

Really good... And the price is appropriate.

Adamantite battle axe
Type: Weapon
Material: Adamantite x 4
Weight: 20
Energy: 192
Complexity: 0/44
Durability: 48087/48087
Damage: 26-48 Slashing
Actions: 33
Attack change: 0
Defense change: -10
Buy/Sell: 1560000/780000 gold

This is worth the price and good enough
for serious fighting.

Meteorite battle axe
Type: Weapon
Material: Meteorite x 4
Weight: 16
Energy: 198
Complexity: 0/46
Durability: 52740/52740
Damage: 28-53 Slashing
Actions: 33
Attack change: 0
Defense change: -10
Buy/Sell: 1960000/980000 gold

You would be hard pressed to find armor
which would withstand this axe, even in
the coffer of kings.

Bronze spear
Type: Weapon
Material: Bronze x 2
Weight: 18
Energy: 121
Complexity: 0/27
Durability: 26888/26888
Damage: 13-31 Piercing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 10
Defense change: -15
Buy/Sell: 50520/25260 gold

The simplest metal spear.  Not the
worst weapon...

Iron spear
Type: Weapon
Material: Iron x 2
Weight: 15
Energy: 127
Complexity: 0/29
Durability: 29943/29943
Damage: 15-35 Piercing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 10
Defense change: -15
Buy/Sell: 52200/26100 gold

Not the best weapon, but not the
most expensive either.

Steel spear
Type: Weapon
Material: Steel x 2
Weight: 15
Energy: 133
Complexity: 0/31
Durability: 32388/32388
Damage: 16-38 Piercing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 10
Defense change: -15
Buy/Sell: 60000/30000 gold

Now this is something efficient,
and not too expensive.

Mithrill spear
Type: Weapon
Material: Mithrill x 2
Weight: 9
Energy: 136
Complexity: 0/32
Durability: 34221/34221
Damage: 17-40 Piercing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 10
Defense change: -15
Buy/Sell: 68000/34000 gold

The material speaks for itself!

Adamantite spear
Type: Weapon
Material: Adamantite x 2
Weight: 15
Energy: 142
Complexity: 0/34
Durability: 37888/37888
Damage: 19-44 Piercing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 10
Defense change: -15
Buy/Sell: 130000/65000 gold

A very good weapon.  And costs
very good money.

Meteorite spear
Type: Weapon
Material: Meteorite x 2
Weight: 12
Energy: 148
Complexity: 0/36
Durability: 41554/41554
Damage: 20-48 Piercing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 10
Defense change: -15
Buy/Sell: 330000/165000 gold

Only meteorite armor could withstand
this... and that's a big maybe...

Long bronze spear
Type: Weapon
Material: Bronze x 2
Weight: 18
Energy: 171
Complexity: 0/37
Durability: 34126/34126
Damage: 17-40 Piercing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 10
Defense change: -15
Buy/Sell: 1400520/700260 gold

Better than a simple bronze spear, 
but that is a small comfort...

Long iron spear
Type: Weapon
Material: Iron x 2
Weight: 15
Energy: 177
Complexity: 0/39
Durability: 38004/38004
Damage: 19-44 Piercing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 10
Defense change: -15
Buy/Sell: 1402200/701100 gold

Not the best of long spears, but not
most expensive either.

Long steel spear
Type: Weapon
Material: Steel x 2
Weight: 15
Energy: 183
Complexity: 0/41
Durability: 41106/41106
Damage: 20-48 Piercing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 10
Defense change: -15
Buy/Sell: 1410000/705000 gold

This one would fend many an opponent

Long mithrill spear
Type: Weapon
Material: Mithrill x 2
Weight: 9
Energy: 186
Complexity: 0/42
Durability: 43433/43433
Damage: 21-50 Piercing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 10
Defense change: -15
Buy/Sell: 1418000/709000 gold

The material and the quality are most
impressive; certainly worth the price!

Long adamantite spear
Type: Weapon
Material: Adamantite x 2
Weight: 15
Energy: 192
Complexity: 0/44
Durability: 48087/48087
Damage: 24-56 Piercing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 10
Defense change: -15
Buy/Sell: 1480000/740000 gold

A very good weapon.  And costs very
good money.

Long meteorite spear
Type: Weapon
Material: Meteorite x 2
Weight: 12
Energy: 198
Complexity: 0/46
Durability: 52470/52470
Damage: 26-61 Piercing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 10
Defense change: -15
Buy/Sell: 1680000/840000 gold

Absolutely the best!

Short bronze bow
Type: Weapon
Material: Bronze x 2
Weight: 12
Energy: 101
Complexity: 0/23
Durability: 24446/24446
Damage: 16-20 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 15
Range: 12
Buy/Sell: 11520/5760 gold

Metal gives bows additional properties -
but bronze is not the most flexible of

Short iron bow
Type: Weapon
Material: Iron x 2
Weight: 10
Energy: 107
Complexity: 0/25
Durability: 27224/27224
Damage: 18-23 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 15
Range: 12
Buy/Sell: 13200/6600 gold

Wave away an arrow shot form this bow,
if you can!

Short steel bow
Type: Weapon
Material: Steel x 2
Weight: 10
Energy: 113
Complexity: 0/27
Durability: 29446/29446
Damage: 20-24 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 15
Range: 12
Buy/Sell: 21000/10500 gold

Steel makes arrows quicker and more

Short mithrill bow
Type: Weapon
Material: Mithrill x 2
Weight: 6
Energy: 116
Complexity: 0/28
Durability: 31113/31113
Damage: 21-26 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 15
Range: 12
Buy/Sell: 29000/14500 gold

Even a very well-protected opponent
will have to take the owner of this
one seriously.

Short adamantite bow
Type: Weapon
Material: Adamantite x 2
Weight: 10
Energy: 122
Complexity: 0/30
Durability: 34447/34447
Damage: 23-29 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 15
Range: 12
Buy/Sell: 91000/45500 gold

The springy adamantite makes this 
short bow an awesome weapon!

Short meteorite bow
Type: Weapon
Material: Meteorite x 2
Weight: 8
Energy: 128
Complexity: 0/32
Durability: 37780/37780
Damage: 26-31 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 15
Range: 12
Buy/Sell: 291000/145500 gold

If you see that your enemy has this
bow, make a will.

Long bronze bow
Type: Weapon
Material: Bronze x 2
Weight: 12
Energy: 121
Complexity: 0/27
Durability: 26888/26888
Damage: 18-22 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 20
Range: 16
Buy/Sell: 50520/25260 gold

A long bow is better than a short one.
But think about obtaining better 

Long iron bow
Type: Weapon
Material: Iron x 2
Weight: 10
Energy: 127
Complexity: 0/29
Durability: 29943/29943
Damage: 20-25 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 20
Range: 16
Buy/Sell: 52200/26100 gold

Not a bad weapon if you want to shoot
somebody in the back.

Long steel bow
Type: Weapon
Material: Steel x 2
Weight: 10
Energy: 133
Complexity: 0/31
Durability: 32388/32388
Damage: 22-27 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 20
Range: 16
Buy/Sell: 60000/30000 gold

An opponent armed with this one is
a worthy enemy.

Long mithrill bow
Type: Weapon
Material: Mithrill x 2
Weight: 6
Energy: 136
Complexity: 0/32
Durability: 34221/34221
Damage: 23-29 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 20
Range: 16
Buy/Sell: 68000/34000 gold

An arrow shot from this bow hurts a
lot more than the sting of a hornet!

Long adamantite bow
Type: Weapon
Material: Adamantite x 2
Weight: 10
Energy: 142
Complexity: 0/34
Durability: 37888/37888
Damage: 26-32 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 20
Range: 16
Buy/Sell: 130000/65000 gold

Not every warrior can wear armor capable
of withstanding arrows from this bow.

Long meteorite bow
Type: Weapon
Material: Meteorite x 2
Weight: 8
Energy: 148
Complexity: 0/36
Durability: 41554/41554
Damage: 28-35 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 20
Range: 16
Buy/Sell: 330000/165000 gold

Would you like something better still?  
Forget it, this is the best!

Bronze crossbow
Type: Weapon
Material: Bronze x 3
Weight: 12
Energy: 151
Complexity: 0/33
Durability: 31024/31024
Damage: 21-26 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 30
Range: 16
Buy/Sell: 400780/200390 gold

Do not expect too much of a bronze

Iron crossbow
Type: Weapon
Material: Iron x 3
Weight: 10
Energy: 157
Complexity: 0/35
Durability: 34549/34549
Damage: 23-29 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 30
Range: 16
Buy/Sell: 4003300/201650 gold

Like any other iron item, this crossbow
is better than the bronze but worse than
the steel.

Steel crossbow
Type: Weapon
Material: Steel x 3
Weight: 10
Energy: 163
Complexity: 0/37
Durability: 37370/37370
Damage: 25-31 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 30
Range: 16
Buy/Sell: 415000/207500 gold

Bolts shot from a steel crossbow pierce
even very good armor.

Mithrill crossbow
Type: Weapon
Material: Mithrill x 3
Weight: 6
Energy: 166
Complexity: 0/38
Durability: 39485/39485
Damage: 27-33 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 30
Range: 16
Buy/Sell: 427000/213500 gold

A strong and long-range weapon.
Go for it!

Adamantite crossbow
Type: Weapon
Material: Adamantite x 3
Weight: 10
Energy: 172
Complexity: 0/40
Durability: 43716/43716
Damage: 30-37 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 30
Range: 16
Buy/Sell: 520000/260000 gold

With this one in your hands, you 
can afford to be a bit impolite.

Meteorite crossbow
Type: Weapon
Material: Meteorite x 3
Weight: 8
Energy: 178
Complexity: 0/42
Durability: 47946/47946
Damage: 33-40 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 30
Range: 16
Buy/Sell: 820000/410000 gold

About the only way to improve
on it is to add an extra spring.

Heavy bronze crossbow
Type: Weapon
Material: Bronze x 3
Weight: 12
Energy: 171
Complexity: 0/37
Durability: 34126/34126
Damage: 23-29 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 40
Range: 20
Buy/Sell: 1400780/700390 gold

An extra spring will never hurt,
even with a bronze crossbow.

Heavy iron crossbow
Type: Weapon
Material: Iron x 3
Weight: 10
Energy: 177
Complexity: 0/39
Durability: 38004/38004
Damage: 26-32 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 40
Range: 20
Buy/Sell: 1403300/701650 gold

Not the most awesome of crossbows... but
do not write it off yet.

Heavy steel crossbow
Type: Weapon
Material: Steel x 3
Weight: 10
Energy: 183
Complexity: 0/41
Durability: 41106/41106
Damage: 28-34 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 40
Range: 20
Buy/Sell: 1401500/700750 gold

A good weapon!

Heavy mithrill crossbow
Type: Weapon
Material: Mithrill x 3
Weight: 6
Energy: 186
Complexity: 0/42
Durability: 43433/43433
Damage: 30-36 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 40
Range: 20
Buy/Sell: 1427000/713500 gold

Tough and flexible mithrill is an 
excellent material for crossbows.

Heavy adamantite crossbow
Type: Weapon
Material: Adamantite x 3
Weight: 10
Energy: 192
Complexity: 0/44
Durability: 48087/48087
Damage: 33-40 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 40
Range: 20
Buy/Sell: 1520000/760000 gold

A long-range and powerful weapon -
one of the most awesome on this

Heavy meteorite crossbow
Type: Weapon
Material: Meteorite x 3
Weight: 8
Energy: 198
Complexity: 0/46
Durability: 52740/52740
Damage: 36-44 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 40
Range: 20
Buy/Sell: 1820000/910000 gold

An arrow shot from this one will cut
through adamantite armor like a steel
needle cuts through paper!

Diamond sword
Type: Weapon
Material: Diamond x 3
Weight: 9
Energy: 260
Complexity: 0/60
Durability: 80712/80712
Damage: 25-76 Slashing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 0
Defense change: 15
Buy/Sell: 0/0 gold

A whole crystal sword is as awesome
in combat as it is beautiful in your

Diamond dagger
Type: Weapon
Material: Diamond x 1
Weight: 3
Energy: 260
Complexity: 0/60
Durability: 80712/80712
Damage: 20-81 Piercing
Actions: 27
Attack change: 5
Defense change: 0
Buy/Sell: 0/0 gold

A stab with a diamond dagger is as
fatal as a lightning strike!

Diamond spear
Type: Weapon
Material: Diamond x 2
Weight: 9
Energy: 260
Complexity: 0/60
Durability: 80712/80712
Damage: 40-95 Piercing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 15
Defense change: -20
Buy/Sell: 0/0 gold

No armor will resist a diamond spear!

Diamond mace
Type: Weapon
Material: Diamond x 5
Weight: 15
Energy: 260
Complexity: 0/60
Durability: 80712/80712
Damage: 49-74 Crushing
Actions: 36
Attack change: 5
Defense change: -5
Buy/Sell: 0/0 gold

Even meteorite iron will not resist its

Diamond axe
Type: Weapon
Material: Diamond x 4
Weight: 12
Energy: 260
Complexity: 0/60
Durability: 80712/80712
Damage: 43-81 Slashing
Actions: 33
Attack change: 0
Defense change: -10
Buy/Sell: 0/0 gold

The only thing better than a diamond 
weapon is a diamond weapon infused with

Diamond crossbow
Type: Weapon
Material: Diamond x 3
Weight: 6
Energy: 268
Complexity: 0/60
Durability: 80712/80712
Damage: 55-68 Piercing
Actions: 40
Attack change: 40
Range: 24
Buy/Sell: 0/0 gold

This does not come cheap: but a bolt
shot from this crossbow will pierce
any kind of armor at all.

8. Heavy armor

Armour worn on the exterior.  Worn in 
conjunction with light armor to provide 
a full suit of armor for maximum protection.  

For those who can't handle much weight, 
heavy armor often weighs no more than
its light counterpart, but provides better 
protection.  So you should usually deck
yourself with a least a suit of heavy armor,
and skip over the light armor if it's too

Keep in mind too, that it is the materials
that affect the weight of an item.  Different
designs of the same type of equipment have
equal weight.  A Khadaganian metal cuirass
weighs no more than a Gipath fur coat, until
you start putting in the materials.

Canian hunting jerkin of rough fabric
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Rough fabric x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 9
Complexity: 0/3
Durability: 2672/2672
Armor: 4.6
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 102/51 gold

Such a good blueprint - and such poor

Canian cotton hunting jerkin
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Cotton x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 9
Complexity: 0/3
Durability: 2672/2672
Armor: 4.6
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 390/195 gold

The tailor did his best to make this cheap
material look good.

Canian woollen hunting jerkin
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Wool x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 9
Complexity: 0/3
Durability: 2672/2672
Armor: 4.6
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 1030/515 gold

Not every wolf could bite through this...
but look for better protection for real

Canian silk hunting jerkin
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Silk x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 9
Complexity: 0/3
Durability: 2672/2672
Armor: 4.6
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 3270/1635 gold

Only lucky hunters wear these!

Canian top hunting trousers of rough fabric
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Rough fabric x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 6
Complexity: 0/3
Durability: 1334/1334
Armor: 4.6
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 102/51 gold

Alas, not too strong, alas...

Canian cotton top hunting trousers
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Cotton x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 6
Complexity: 0/3
Durability: 1334/1334
Armor: 4.6
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 390/195 gold

These look good enough, and the price is

Canian woollen top hunting trousers
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Wool x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 6
Complexity: 0/3
Durability: 1334/1334
Armor: 4.6
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 1030/515 gold

You will not freeze in these!

Canian silk top hunting trousers
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Silk x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 6
Complexity: 0/3
Durability: 1334/1334
Armor: 4.6
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 3270/1635 gold

These would look good even after a very
long trip!

Canian hunting hat of rough fabric
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Rough fabric x 8
Weight: 3
Energy: 6
Complexity: 0/3
Durability: 444/444
Armor: 4.6
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 104/52 gold

This would tear at the first contact with
rough scrub - it wouldn't be a great loss

Canian hunting hat of cotton
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Cotton x 8
Weight: 3
Energy: 6
Complexity: 0/3
Durability: 444/444
Armor: 4.6
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 160/80 gold

You could find better material than that.

Canian woollen hunting hat
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Wool x 8
Weight: 3
Energy: 6
Complexity: 0/3
Durability: 444/444
Armor: 4.6
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 1240/620 gold

A feather in your cap is guaranteed - in
this hat it is a permanent fixture!

Canian silk hunting hat
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Silk x 8
Weight: 3
Energy: 6
Complexity: 0/3
Durability: 444/444
Armor: 4.6
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 400/200 gold

The girls would just love it - and it is
excellent for travelling in the woods too.

Khadaganian coat of rough fabric
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Rough fabric x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 12
Complexity: 0/4
Durability: 2803/2803
Armor: 4.8
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 162/81 gold

It would be a shame to wear this in public...

Khadaganian cotton coat
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Cotton x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 12
Complexity: 0/4
Durability: 2803/2803
Armor: 4.8
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 550/225 gold

Common Khadagan garment.

Khadaganian woollen coat
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Wool x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 12
Complexity: 0/4
Durability: 2803/2803
Armor: 4.8
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 1090/545 gold

Well cut, and decent material too.

Khadaganian silk coat
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Silk x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 12
Complexity: 0/4
Durability: 2803/2803
Armor: 4.8
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 3330/1665 gold

A most distinguished garment!

Khadaganian rough fabric trousers
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Rough fabric x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 12
Complexity: 0/4
Durability: 1401/1401
Armor: 4.8
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 162/81 gold

If you can afford something better,
why not?

Khadaganian cotton trousers
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Cotton x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 8
Complexity: 0/4
Durability: 1401/1401
Armor: 4.8
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 550/225 gold

A common Khadagan garment.

Khadaganian woollen trousers
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Wool x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 8
Complexity: 0/4
Durability: 1401/1401
Armor: 4.8
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 1090/545 gold

A good cut, and comfortable too.

Khadaganian silk trousers
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Silk x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 8
Complexity: 0/4
Durability: 1401/1401
Armor: 4.8
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 3330/1665 gold

Strong and it looks good too!

Khaganian turban of rough fabric
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Rough fabric x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 8
Complexity: 0/4
Durability: 467/467
Armor: 4.8
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 92/46 gold

Only the poorest Khadagans wear these.

Khadaganian cotton turban
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Cotton x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 8
Complexity: 0/4
Durability: 467/467
Armor: 4.8
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 200/100 gold

A common Khadagan head gear.

Khadaganian woollen turban
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Wool x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 8
Complexity: 0/4
Durability: 467/467
Armor: 4.8
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 440/220 gold

Better wear this in cold weather.

Khadaganian silk turban
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Silk x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 8
Complexity: 0/4
Durability: 467/467
Armor: 4.8
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 1280/640 gold

A rich citizen would be proud to
wear this.

Gipath hunting coat of tiger skin
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Tiger skin x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 18
Complexity: 0/6
Durability: 3153/3153
Armor: 5.3
Vulnerability: Crsh
Buy/Sell: 258/129 gold

Not suitable for just an average hunter - 
this garment is for a leader!

Snow tiger fur cloak
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Snow tiger skin x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 30
Complexity: 0/10
Durability: 3854/3854
Armor: 6.4
Vulnerability: Crsh
Buy/Sell: 258/129 gold

Snow Tiger's fur provides perfect camouflage
in snow.

Gipath leggings of tiger skin
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Tiger skin x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 14
Complexity: 0/6
Durability: 1576/1576
Armor: 5.3
Vulnerability: Crsh
Buy/Sell: 258/129 gold

Not suitable for just an average hunter - 
this is a garment for a leader!

Snow tiger fur leggings
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Snow tiger skin x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 26
Complexity: 0/10
Durability: 1927/1927
Armor: 6.4
Vulnerability: Crsh
Buy/Sell: 2210/1105 gold

Some extra leg protection against both 
weapons and cold can prove useful.

Gipath "Tiger Head" helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Tiger skin x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 14
Complexity: 0/6
Durability: 525/525
Armor: 5.3
Vulnerability: Crsh
Buy/Sell: 128/64 gold

Not suitable for just an average hunter - 
this is headgear for a leader!

"Snow Tiger's head" helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Snow tiger skin x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 26
Complexity: 0/10
Durability: 642/642
Armor: 6.4
Vulnerability: Crsh
Buy/Sell: 860/430 gold

Much prettier than a fur hat, and much
stronger, too.

Gipath light shirt of thin leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Thin leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 9
Complexity: 0/3
Durability: 2786/2786
Armor: 4.6
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 104/52 gold

Not the best option, but sufficient if you 
do not have anything else.

Gipath light shirt of tough leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Tough leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 15
Complexity: 0/5
Durability: 3024/3024
Armor: 5.1
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 360/180 gold

It will cover what your breastplate leaves
unprotected.  But it leaves a bit to be

Gipath light shirt of hard leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Hard leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 21
Complexity: 0/7
Durability: 3343/3343
Armor: 5.6
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 1080/540 gold

Maybe it will save you from a wolf's teeth...but,
sadly not from a blade or an axe.

Gipath light helmet of thin leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Thin leather x 3
Weight: 6
Energy: 8
Complexity: 0/3
Durability: 465/465
Armor: 4.6
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 44/22 gold

More decoration than protection.

Gipath light helmet of tough leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Tough leather x 3
Weight: 6
Energy: 14
Complexity: 0/5
Durability: 505/505
Armor: 5.1
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 140/70 gold

It will protect you from a pine cone falling
on your head, but not from a stone...

Gipath light helmet of hard leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Hard leather x 3
Weight: 6
Energy: 20
Complexity: 0/7
Durability: 558/558
Armor: 5.6
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 410/205 gold

Now you can risk getting into a fight - but
not into combat!

Gipath light leggings of thin leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Thin leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 8
Complexity: 0/3
Durability: 1393/1393
Armor: 4.6
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 104/52 gold

They save your knees and feet from accidental
scratches and bruises, but not from weapons!

Gipath light leggings of tough leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Tough leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 14
Complexity: 0/5
Durability: 1512/1512
Armor: 5.1
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 360/180 gold

Cannot say they are totally useless.  But you will
not get much use out of them!

Gipath light leggings of hard leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Hard leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 20
Complexity: 0/7
Durability: 1671/1671
Armor: 5.6
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 1080/540 gold

Maybe they will save you from a wolf's teeth...
But, sadly, not from a blade or an axe.

Gipath simple coat of thin leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Thin leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 12
Complexity: 0/4
Durability: 2922/2922
Armor: 4.8
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 134/67 gold

A strange mix of design and material.
Only very poor people would think of
making such things.

Gipath simple coat of tough leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Tough leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 18
Complexity: 0/6
Durability: 3173/3173
Armor: 5.3
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 380/195 gold

Now you can risk venturing into a forest.
(providing, of course, you do not go too

Gipath simple coat of hard leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Hard leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 24
Complexity: 0/8
Durability: 3506/3506
Armor: 5.9
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 1110/555 gold

Decent protection from a wolf's teeth and
a boar's fangs, but it may not stand up
against sharp weapons.

Gipath simple leggings of thin leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Thin leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 9
Complexity: 0/4
Durability: 1459/1459
Armor: 4.8
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 134/67 gold

They will protect your legs from splinters and
thorns...what else could you expect for that

Gipath simple leggings of tough leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Tough leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 15
Complexity: 0/6
Durability: 1584/1584
Armor: 5.3
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 390/195 gold

Give added protection to your legs, though
better is available.

Gipath simple leggings of hard leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Hard leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 21
Complexity: 0/8
Durability: 1751/1751
Armor: 5.9
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 1110/555 gold

Provides decent protection for your legs,
but with sort of material other designs
may be better.

Gipath simple helmet of thin leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Thin leather x 3
Weight: 6
Energy: 9
Complexity: 0/4
Durability: 486/486
Armor: 4.8
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 64/32 gold

It is better than nothing, but not by much.

Gipath simple helmet of tough leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Tough leather x 3
Weight: 6
Energy: 15
Complexity: 0/6
Durability: 528/528
Armor: 5.3
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 160/80 gold

It will protect you from a pine cone falling on
your head, but not from a stone...

Gipath simple helmet of hard leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Hard leather x 3
Weight: 6
Energy: 21
Complexity: 0/8
Durability: 583/583
Armor: 5.9
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 430/215 gold

Such a helmet will save your head from the first
strike, but not the second one...

Gipath stitched coat of thin leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Thin leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 18
Complexity: 0/6
Durability: 3213/3213
Armor: 5.3
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 324/162 gold

Good cut, but rather poor material.

Gipath stitched coat of tough leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Tough leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 24
Complexity: 0/8
Durability: 3488/3488
Armor: 5.9
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 580/290 gold

Good cut, decent material.  Sensible
choice if your resources are limited.

Gipath stitched coat of hard leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Hard leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 30
Complexity: 0/10
Durability: 3855/3855
Armor: 6.4
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 1300/650 gold

Worthy protection for your body.

Gipath stitched leggings of thin leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Thin leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 12
Complexity: 0/6
Durability: 1606/1606
Armor: 5.3
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 324/162 gold

Not the best material, though they would
still protect you from the weaker blows.

Gipath stitched leggings of tough leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Tough leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 18
Complexity: 0/8
Durability: 1744/1744
Armor: 5.9
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 580/290 gold

They look good and protect better.

Gipath stitched leggings of hard leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Hard leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 24
Complexity: 0/10
Durability: 1927/1927
Armor: 6.4
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 1300/650 gold

Good additional leg protection.

Gipath stitched helmet of thin leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Thin leather x 3
Weight: 6
Energy: 12
Complexity: 0/6
Durability: 535/535
Armor: 5.3
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 184/92 gold

Decent head protection, but you should
still avoid exposure to the axe!

Gipath stitched helmet of tough leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Tough leather x 3
Weight: 6
Energy: 18
Complexity: 0/8
Durability: 581/581
Armor: 5.9
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 280/140 gold

Decent head protection, but by no means

Gipath stitched helmet of hard leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Hard leather x 3
Weight: 6
Energy: 24
Complexity: 0/10
Durability: 642/642
Armor: 6.4
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 550/275 gold

Good head protection.  You can get better still,
but it shall not be easy.

Gipath heavy coat of thin leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Thin leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 24
Complexity: 0/8
Durability: 3535/3535
Armor: 5.8
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 1164/582 gold

A fine coat made out of poor quality leather.
A very strange combination indeed!

Gipath heavy coat of tough leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Tough leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 30
Complexity: 0/10
Durability: 3838/3838
Armor: 6.4
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 1420/710 gold

Good cut, decent material.  Sensible choice if
your resources are limited.

Gipath heavy coat of hard leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Hard leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 36
Complexity: 0/12
Durability: 4242/4242
Armor: 7.1
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 2140/1070 gold

The best coat you can get in Gipath.

Gipath heavy leggings of thin leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Tough leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 15
Complexity: 0/8
Durability: 1767/1767
Armor: 5.8
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 1164/582 gold

The best blueprint and the worst kind of leather.
They look good but provide poor protection.

Gipath heavy leggings of tough leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Tough leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 21
Complexity: 0/10
Durability: 1919/1919
Armor: 6.4
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 1420/710 gold

Good leg protection.  You can only improve it 
further by using hard leather.

Gipath heavy leggings of hard leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Hard leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 27
Complexity: 0/12
Durability: 2121/2121
Armor: 7.1
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 2140/1070 gold

The best leggings you can get in Gipath.

Gipath heavy helmet of thin leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Thin leather x 3
Weight: 6
Energy: 15
Complexity: 0/8
Durability: 588/588
Armor: 5.8
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 724/362 gold

No point in protecting the head which
decides to combine this great blueprint
with this flimsy material!

Gipath heavy helmet of tough leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Tough leather x 3
Weight: 6
Energy: 21
Complexity: 0/10
Durability: 638/638
Armor: 6.4
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 820/410 gold

Gives your head decent protection, though not
from every weapon.

Gipath heavy helmet of hard leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Hard leather x 3
Weight: 6
Energy: 27
Complexity: 0/12
Durability: 705/705
Armor: 7.1
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 1090/545 gold

The best kind of this armor you can get in Gipath.

Canian light coat of thin leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Thin leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 6
Complexity: 0/2
Durability: 2656/2656
Armor: 4.4
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 80/40 gold

Would hardly protect you from the rain...

Canian light coat of tough leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Tough leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 12
Complexity: 0/4
Durability: 2884/2884
Armor: 4.8
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 336/168 gold

A very undistinguished coat - one could do much
better than that.

Canian light coat of hard leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Hard leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 18
Complexity: 0/6
Durability: 3187/3187
Armor: 5.3
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 1056/528 gold

Not very good protection from weapons, but this
will cover your chainmail shirt - if you have
one that is.

Canian heavy coat of thin leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Thin leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 27
Complexity: 0/9
Durability: 3706/3706
Armor: 6.2
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 2164/1082 gold

You should consider using another material for this
type of coat...

Canian heavy coat of tough leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Tough leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 33
Complexity: 0/11
Durability: 4024/4024
Armor: 6.8
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 2420/1210 gold

Good choice - provides protection and freedom of

Canian heavy coat of hard leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Hard leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 39
Complexity: 0/13
Durability: 4447/4447
Armor: 7.4
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 3140/1570 gold

Protects you from a knife stab in the back!

Canian heavy top trousers of thin leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Thin leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 17
Complexity: 0/9
Durability: 1885/1885
Armor: 6.2
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 2164/1082 gold

The material is a bit thin - maybe you should pay
a bit more for something better?

Canian heavy top trousers of tough leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Tough leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 23
Complexity: 0/11
Durability: 2014/2014
Armor: 6.8
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 2420/1210 gold

These are better, but you could still find better

Canian heavy top trousers of hard leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Hard leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 29
Complexity: 0/13
Durability: 2226/2226
Armor: 7.4
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 3140/1570 gold

Provides decent protection and also ensures
freedom of movement.

Canian heavy helmet of thin leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Thin leather x 3
Weight: 6
Energy: 17
Complexity: 0/9
Durability: 619/619
Armor: 6.2
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 1324/662 gold

You should look for a stronger material...

Canian heavy helmet of tough leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Tough leather x 3
Weight: 6
Energy: 23
Complexity: 0/11
Durability: 672/672
Armor: 6.8
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 2420/1210 gold

It is well-made and strong.

Canian heavy helmet of hard leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Hard leather x 3
Weight: 6
Energy: 29
Complexity: 0/13
Durability: 743/743
Armor: 7.4
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 1690/845 gold

Protects your head, and not just from the

Light top trousers of thin leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Thin leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 6
Complexity: 0/2
Durability: 1326/1326
Armor: 4.4
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 80/40 gold

These are just for show, not for protection.

Light top trousers of tough leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Tough leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 12
Complexity: 0/4
Durability: 1440/1440
Armor: 4.8
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 336/168 gold

These cannot be considered serious leg protection.

Light top trousers of hard leather
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Hard leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 18
Complexity: 0/6
Durability: 1591/1591
Armor: 5.3
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 1056/528 gold

Good enough for working, but not for fighting.

Khadaganian thin leather coat
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Thin leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 42
Complexity: 0/14
Durability: 4707/4707
Armor: 7.8
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 70064/35032 gold

Thin and flimsy - but light.

Khadaganian tough leather coat
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Tough leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 48
Complexity: 0/16
Durability: 5111/5111
Armor: 8.6
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 70320/35160 gold

Good for travel - if you are not expecting
to face enemies.

Khadaganian hard leather coat
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Hard leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 54
Complexity: 0/18
Durability: 5648/5648
Armor: 9.4
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 71040/35520 gold

Provides decent protection against wild beasts.

Khadaganian thin leather top leggings
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Thin leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 24
Complexity: 0/14
Durability: 2352/2352
Armor: 7.8
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 70064/35032 gold

Almost completely useless in combat.

Khadaganian tough leather top leggings
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Tough leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 30
Complexity: 0/16
Durability: 2553/2553
Armor: 8.6
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 70320/35160 gold

Would come in handy for a walk in thorny

Khadaganian hard leather top leggings
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Hard leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 36
Complexity: 0/18
Durability: 2822/2822
Armor: 9.4
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 71040/35520 gold

Do not kick a sleeping Tiger when you
are wearing only these...

Khadaganian thin leather helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Thin leather x 3
Weight: 6
Energy: 24
Complexity: 0/14
Durability: 784/784
Armor: 7.8
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 50024/25012 gold

This will protect your head from a falling
pine cone - but not from a good blow.

Khadaganian tough leather helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Tough leather x 3
Weight: 6
Energy: 30
Complexity: 0/16
Durability: 851/851
Armor: 8.6
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 50120/25060 gold

Provides certain protection, but do not
rely on it too much in combat.

Khadaganian hard leather helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Hard leather x 3
Weight: 6
Energy: 36
Complexity: 0/18
Durability: 940/940
Armor: 9.4
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 50390/25195 gold

This may save you from a blow to the

Canian light bronze cuirass
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Bronze x 8
Weight: 180
Energy: 45
Complexity: 0/15
Durability: 4888/4888
Armor: 8.2
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 7080/3540 gold

Provides additional protection from sharp
weapons, but try to find a better material.

Canian light iron cuirass
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Iron x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 51
Complexity: 0/17
Durability: 5443/5443
Armor: 9.0
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 13800/6900 gold

Would probably resist a chance arrow.

Canian light steel cuirass
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Steel x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 57
Complexity: 0/19
Durability: 5888/5888
Armor: 9.9
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 45000/22500 gold

Provides decent protection and also ensures
freedom of movement.

Canian light mithrill cuirass
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Mithrill x 8
Weight: 90
Energy: 60
Complexity: 0/20
Durability: 6221/6221
Armor: 10.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 77000/38500 gold

Mithrill's lightness and strength ensure
that this cuirass provides good protection.

Canian light adamantite cuirass
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Adamantite x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 66
Complexity: 0/22
Durability: 6888/6888
Armor: 11.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 325000/162500 gold

Provides reliable protection and also ensures
freedom of movement.

Canian light meteorite cuirass
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Meteorite x 8
Weight: 120
Energy: 72
Complexity: 0/24
Durability: 7554/7554
Armor: 12.5
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 1125000/562500 gold

Meteorite iron provides the best possible 
protection and also ensures freedom of

Canian light bronze leggings
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Bronze x 8
Weight: 180
Energy: 33
Complexity: 0/15
Durability: 2446/2446
Armor: 8.2
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 7080/3540 gold

They may be called light, but bronze is still
a heavy metal...

Canian light iron leggings
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Iron x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 39
Complexity: 0/17
Durability: 2724/2724
Armor: 9.0
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 13800/6900 gold

Iron gives better protection than bronze, but you
could still find something more reliable.

Canian light steel leggings
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Steel x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 45
Complexity: 0/19
Durability: 2946/2946
Armor: 9.9
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 13800/22500 gold

Canian light mithrill leggings
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Mithrill x 8
Weight: 90
Energy: 48
Complexity: 0/20
Durability: 3113/3113
Armor: 10.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 77000/38500 gold

Even a Tiger would break its teeth on 
such leggings!

Canian light adamantite leggings
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Adamantite x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 54
Complexity: 0/22
Durability: 3447/3447
Armor: 11.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 325000/162500 gold

Adamantite is expensive but reliable 
protection is worth the money.

Canian light meteorite leggings
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Meteorite x 8
Weight: 120
Energy: 60
Complexity: 0/24
Durability: 3780/3780
Armor: 12.5
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 1125000/562500 gold

These would protect from any blow - except
one from the back...

Canian light bronze helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Bronze x 3
Weight: 18
Energy: 33
Complexity: 0/15
Durability: 814/814
Armor: 8.2
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 3380/1690 gold

Inexpensive, but can be broken by almost
any weapon...

Canian light iron helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Iron x 3
Weight: 15
Energy: 39
Complexity: 0/17
Durability: 906/906
Armor: 9.0
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 5900/2950 gold

Will protect your head from side blows,
but the material is rather poor.

Canian light steel helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Steel x 3
Weight: 15
Energy: 45
Complexity: 0/19
Durability: 980/980
Armor: 9.9
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 17600/8800 gold

Serious protection in combat especially
for experienced warriors.

Canian light mithrill helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Mithrill x 3
Weight: 9
Energy: 48
Complexity: 0/20
Durability: 1036/1036
Armor: 10.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 29600/14800 gold

A really light - and reliable - helmet.

Canian light adamantite helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Adamantite x 3
Weight: 15
Energy: 54
Complexity: 0/22
Durability: 1147/1147
Armor: 11.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 122600/61300 gold

Not every weapon can cleave this one!

Canian light meteorite helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Meteorite x 3
Weight: 12
Energy: 60
Complexity: 0/24
Durability: 1258/1258
Armor: 12.5
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 422600/211300 gold

This helmet would only protect you from
a direct blow to the face.

Canian army bronze cuirass
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Bronze x 8
Weight: 180
Energy: 48
Complexity: 0/16
Durability: 5126/5126
Armor: 8.6
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 11080/5540 gold

These are issued to raw recruits - that
tells the whole story.

Canian army iron cuirass
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Iron x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 54
Complexity: 0/18
Durability: 5708/5708
Armor: 9.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 17800/8900 gold

A cuirass for privates.

Canian army steel cuirass
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Steel x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 60
Complexity: 0/20
Durability: 6174/6174
Armor: 10.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 49000/24500 gold

Army standard for officers.

Canian army mithrill cuirass
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Mithrill x 8
Weight: 90
Energy: 63
Complexity: 0/21
Durability: 6524/6524
Armor: 10.9
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 81000/40500 gold

Approved by the Emperor as standard for
the guard force of the Canian Veterans.

Canian army adamantite cuirass
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Adamantite x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 69
Complexity: 0/23
Durability: 7223/7223
Armor: 12.0
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 329000/164500 gold

A luxurious and reliable armor, standard
for Canian military chiefs.

Canian army meteorite cuirass
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Meteorite x 8
Weight: 120
Energy: 75
Complexity: 0/25
Durability: 7922/7922
Armor: 13.2
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 1129000/564500 gold

You could find something even better and
more expensive, but t'will not be a simple

Canian army bronze leggings
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Bronze x 8
Weight: 180
Energy: 35
Complexity: 0/16
Durability: 2565/2565
Armor: 8.6
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 11080/5540 gold

Issued to Canian army raw recruits.

Canian army iron leggings
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Iron x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 41
Complexity: 0/18
Durability: 2856/2856
Armor: 9.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 17800/8900 gold

These are for privates.

Canian army steel leggings
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Steel x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 47
Complexity: 0/20
Durability: 3089/3089
Armor: 10.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 49000/24500 gold

These are for officers.

Canian army mithrill leggings
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Mithrill x 8
Weight: 90
Energy: 50
Complexity: 0/21
Durability: 3264/3264
Armor: 10.9
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 81000/40500 gold

Approved by the Emperor as standard
for the guard force of the Canian

Canian army adamantite leggings
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Adamantite x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 56
Complexity: 0/23
Durability: 3614/3614
Armor: 12.0
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 329000/164500 gold

A simple soldier would never even see
such leggings.

Canian army meteorite leggings
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Meteorite x 8
Weight: 120
Energy: 62
Complexity: 0/25
Durability: 3964/3964
Armor: 13.2
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 1129000/564500 gold

It would be very difficult to find better
leggings in Canian - or more expensive

Canian army bronze helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Bronze x 3
Weight: 18
Energy: 35
Complexity: 0/16
Durability: 853/853
Armor: 8.6
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 6780/3390 gold

Train hard, fight easy - this helmet
says it all...

Canian army iron helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Iron x 3
Weight: 15
Energy: 41
Complexity: 0/18
Durability: 950/950
Armor: 9.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 9300/4650 gold

Helmet for Canian army privates.

Canian army steel helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Steel x 3
Weight: 15
Energy: 47
Complexity: 0/20
Durability: 1028/1028
Armor: 10.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 21000/10500 gold

Standard for Canian army officers.

Canian army mithrill helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Mithrill x 3
Weight: 9
Energy: 50
Complexity: 0/21
Durability: 1086/1086
Armor: 10.9
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 33000/16500 gold

Approved by the Emperor as standard
for the guard force of the Canian

Canian army adamantite helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Adamantite x 3
Weight: 15
Energy: 56
Complexity: 0/23
Durability: 1202/1202
Armor: 12.0
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 126000/63000 gold

Anyone wearing a helmet like this would
be immediately recognized as a high-ranking

Canian army meteorite helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Meteorite x 3
Weight: 12
Energy: 62
Complexity: 0/25
Durability: 1319/1319
Armor: 13.2
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 426000/213000 gold

Looks awesome - and costs an awesome

Canian heavy bronze cuirass
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Bronze x 8
Weight: 180
Energy: 51
Complexity: 0/17
Durability: 5376/5376
Armor: 9.0
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 19080/9540 gold

Additional inlays make the cuirass even

Canian heavy iron cuirass
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Iron x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 57
Complexity: 0/19
Durability: 5987/5987
Armor: 9.9
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 25800/17900 gold

Forged iron is better than bronze but
worse than common steel...

Canian heavy steel cuirass
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Steel x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 63
Complexity: 0/21
Durability: 6476/6476
Armor: 10.9
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 57000/28500 gold

Wearing this, you could deal with
brigands easily.

Canian heavy mithrill cuirass
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Mithrill x 8
Weight: 90
Energy: 66
Complexity: 0/22
Durability: 6843/6843
Armor: 11.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 89000/44500 gold

One of the best to wear in combat.

Canian heavy adamantite cuirass
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Adamantite x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 72
Complexity: 0/24
Durability: 7576/7576
Armor: 12.6
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 337000/168500 gold

If your enemy is armed with anything
less than steel, you may simply ignore

Canian heavy meteorite cuirass
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Meteorite x 8
Weight: 120
Energy: 78
Complexity: 0/26
Durability: 8309/8309
Armor: 13.8
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 1137000/568500 gold

If you wear these, you can forget about
the need to protect yourself during 

Canian heavy bronze leggings
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Bronze x 8
Weight: 180
Energy: 36
Complexity: 0/17
Durability: 2688/2688
Armor: 9.0
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 19080/9540 gold

Not the most sensible choice of

Canian heavy iron leggings
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Iron x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 42
Complexity: 0/19
Durability: 2993/2993
Armor: 9.9
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 25800/12900 gold

Could you try to find something better?

Canian heavy steel leggings
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Steel x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 48
Complexity: 0/21
Durability: 3238/3238
Armor: 10.9
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 57000/28500 gold

That's real protection and the price is
reasonable too.

Canian heavy mithrill leggings
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Mithrill x 8
Weight: 90
Energy: 51
Complexity: 0/22
Durability: 3421/3421
Armor: 11.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 89000/44500 gold

It would be silly to economize on armor
which could save your life.

Canian heavy adamantite leggings
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Adamantite x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 57
Complexity: 0/24
Durability: 3788/3788
Armor: 12.6
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 337000/168500 gold

A sensible enemy would think twice before
he attacked a person who was wearing these.

Canian heavy meteorite leggings
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Meteorite x 8
Weight: 120
Energy: 63
Complexity: 0/26
Durability: 4154/4154
Armor: 13.8
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 1137000/568500 gold

No way to dance in these - but that's not
what their for, is it?

Canian bronze winged helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Bronze x 3
Weight: 18
Energy: 36
Complexity: 0/17
Durability: 876/876
Armor: 9.0
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 11780/5890 gold

It is not so much protection as moral
advantage: it looks so mean...

Canian iron winged helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Iron x 3
Weight: 15
Energy: 42
Complexity: 0/19
Durability: 999/999
Armor: 9.9
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 14300/7150 gold

Stronger than bronze, but your could find
better material still.

Canian steel winged helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Steel x 3
Weight: 15
Energy: 48
Complexity: 0/21
Durability: 1081/1081
Armor: 10.9
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 26000/13000 gold

This will not only instill fear into the 
enemy, it will also provide excellent
head protection.

Canian mithrill winged helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Mithrill x 3
Weight: 9
Energy: 51
Complexity: 0/22
Durability: 1142/1142
Armor: 11.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 38000/19000 gold

You could use this as a target for the 
village bowmen's archery training without
fear of damage.

Canian adamantite winged helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Adamantite x 3
Weight: 15
Energy: 57
Complexity: 0/24
Durability: 1264/1264
Armor: 12.6
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 131000/65500 gold

Very expensive, but very strong!

Canian meteorite winged helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Meteorite x 3
Weight: 12
Energy: 63
Complexity: 0/26
Durability: 1387/1387
Armor: 13.8
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 431000/215500 gold

No cutting off of wings with this one!

Canian army heavy bronze cuirass
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Bronze x 8
Weight: 180
Energy: 54
Complexity: 0/18
Durability: 5640/5640
Armor: 9.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 42080/21040 gold

They do not make these for the modern
army - bronze is too heavy and 

Canian army heavy iron cuirass
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Iron x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 60
Complexity: 0/20
Durability: 6281/6281
Armor: 10.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 48800/24400 gold

Issued to Canian soldiers who stand in
the front line of battle.

Canian army heavy steel cuirass
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Steel x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 66
Complexity: 0/22
Durability: 6794/6794
Armor: 11.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 80000/40000 gold

Issued to Canian officers who stand in
the front line of battle.

Canian army heavy mithrill cuirass
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Mithrill x 8
Weight: 90
Energy: 69
Complexity: 0/23
Durability: 7179/7179
Armor: 12.0
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 112000/56000 gold

Issued only to Canian veterans.

Canian army heavy adamantite cuirass
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Adamantite x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 75
Complexity: 0/25
Durability: 7948/7948
Armor: 13.2
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 360000/180000 gold

Not every Canian officer can afford this!

Canian army heavy meteorite cuirass
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Meteorite x 8
Weight: 120
Energy: 81
Complexity: 0/27
Durability: 8717/8717
Armor: 14.5
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 1160000/580000 gold

This is not armor, it is a work of art!
And the price is appropriate...

Canian army heavy bronze leggings
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Bronze x 8
Weight: 180
Energy: 38
Complexity: 0/18
Durability: 2820/2820
Armor: 9.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 42080/21040 gold

The army does not use these any more:
bronze is too heavy and soft.

Canian army heavy iron leggings
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Iron x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 44
Complexity: 0/20
Durability: 3140/3140
Armor: 10.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 48800/24400 gold

Issued to Canian soldiers who stand in
the front line of battle.

Canian army heavy steel leggings
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Steel x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 50
Complexity: 0/22
Durability: 3397/3397
Armor: 11.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 80000/40000 gold

Issued to Canian officers who stand in
the front line of battle.

Canian army heavy mithrill leggings
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Mithrill x 8
Weight: 90
Energy: 53
Complexity: 0/23
Durability: 3589/3589
Armor: 12.0
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 112000/56000 gold

Issued only to Canian veterans.

Canian army heavy adamantite leggings
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Adamantite x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 59
Complexity: 0/25
Durability: 3974/3974
Armor: 13.2
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 360000/180000 gold

Only high-ranking officers order these.

Canian army heavy meteorite leggings
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Meteorite x 8
Weight: 120
Energy: 65
Complexity: 0/27
Durability: 4358/4358
Armor: 14.5
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 1160000/580000 gold

The best of Canian armor!  And the price
is more frightening than a Tiger...

Canian army heavy bronze helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Bronze x 3
Weight: 18
Energy: 38
Complexity: 0/18
Durability: 941/941
Armor: 9.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 21780/10890 gold

These are made to order - for the
very poor soldiers.

Canian army heavy iron helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Iron x 3
Weight: 15
Energy: 44
Complexity: 0/20
Durability: 1048/1048
Armor: 10.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 24300/12150 gold

Issued to Canian soldiers who stand in
the front line of battle.

Canian army heavy steel helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Steel x 3
Weight: 15
Energy: 50
Complexity: 0/22
Durability: 1134/1134
Armor: 11.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 36000/18000 gold

Issued to Canian officers who stand in
the front line of battle.

Canian army heavy mithrill helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Mithrill x 3
Weight: 9
Energy: 53
Complexity: 0/23
Durability: 1198/1198
Armor: 12.0
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 48000/24000 gold

Issued to the best veterans of the Canian army.

Canian army heavy adamantite helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Adamantite x 3
Weight: 15
Energy: 59
Complexity: 0/25
Durability: 1326/1326
Armor: 13.2
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 141000/70500 gold

Only senior officers can afford these.

Canian army heavy meteorite helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Meteorite x 3
Weight: 12
Energy: 65
Complexity: 0/27
Durability: 1455/1455
Armor: 14.5
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 441000/220500 gold

This looks awesome indeed, as does the price!

Khadaganian light bronze cuirass
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Bronze x 8
Weight: 180
Energy: 60
Complexity: 0/20
Durability: 6204/6204
Armor: 10.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 71040/71040 gold

It is quite heavy, really...

Khadaganian light iron cuirass
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Iron x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 66
Complexity: 0/22
Durability: 6909/6909
Armor: 11.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 74400/74400 gold

Provides some serious protection.

Khadaganian light steel cuirass
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Steel x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 72
Complexity: 0/24
Durability: 7473/7473
Armor: 12.6
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 90000/90000 gold

Will protect you from simple weapons.

Khadaganian light mithrill cuirass
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Mithrill x 8
Weight: 90
Energy: 75
Complexity: 0/25
Durability: 7896/7896
Armor: 13.2
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 212000/106000 gold

Ensures freedom of movement and provides
decent protection.

Khadaganian light adamantite cuirass
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Adamantite x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 81
Complexity: 0/27
Durability: 8742/8742
Armor: 14.5
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 460000/230000 gold

A strange choice: rare metal and simple

Khadaganian light meteorite cuirass
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Meteorite x 8
Weight: 120
Energy: 87
Complexity: 0/29
Durability: 9588/9588
Armor: 15.9
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 1260000/630000 gold

An exotic combination of design and materials!

Khadaganian bronze chainmail trousers
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Bronze x 8
Weight: 180
Energy: 41
Complexity: 0/20
Durability: 3102/3102
Armor: 10.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 142080/71040 gold

Bronze onlays provide additional protection - 
and weight...

Khadaganian iron chainmail trousers
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Iron x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 47
Complexity: 0/22
Durability: 3454/3454
Armor: 11.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 148800/74400 gold

They are reinforced with metal and protect the
wearer from blows from simple weapons.

Khadaganian steel chainmail trousers
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Steel x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 53
Complexity: 0/24
Durability: 3736/3736
Armor: 12.6
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 180000/90000 gold

These ensure freedom of movement and provide
decent protection.

Khadaganian mithrill chainmail trousers
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Mithrill x 8
Weight: 90
Energy: 56
Complexity: 0/25
Durability: 3948/3948
Armor: 13.2
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 212000/106000 gold

These are really light - and provide good

Khadaganian adamantite chainmail trousers
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Adamantite x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 62
Complexity: 0/27
Durability: 4371/4371
Armor: 14.5
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 460000/230000 gold

This metal is too expensive to use it for such
simple armor.

Khadaganian meteorite chainmail trousers
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Meteorite x 8
Weight: 120
Energy: 68
Complexity: 0/29
Durability: 4794/4794
Armor: 15.9
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 1260000/630000 gold

Meteorite iron is too good for this design!

Khadaganian light bronze helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Bronze x 3
Weight: 18
Energy: 41
Complexity: 0/20
Durability: 1034/1034
Armor: 10.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 90780/45390 gold

You wouldn't call it light after a couple
of hours!

Khadaganian light iron helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Iron x 3
Weight: 15
Energy: 47
Complexity: 0/22
Durability: 1151/1151
Armor: 11.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 93300/46650 gold

Soft cloth hides tough metal...

Khadaganian light steel helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Steel x 3
Weight: 15
Energy: 53
Complexity: 0/24
Durability: 1245/1245
Armor: 12.6
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 105000/52500 gold

Not too expensive, but provides decent 

Khadaganian light mithrill helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Mithrill x 3
Weight: 9
Energy: 56
Complexity: 0/25
Durability: 1316/1316
Armor: 13.2
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 117000/58500 gold

It is light, it is pretty, and it's strong!

Khadaganian light adamantite helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Adamantite x 3
Weight: 15
Energy: 62
Complexity: 0/27
Durability: 1457/1457
Armor: 14.5
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 210000/105000 gold

Not the best possible design for this

Khadaganian light meteorite helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Meteorite x 3
Weight: 12
Energy: 68
Complexity: 0/29
Durability: 1598/1598
Armor: 15.9
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 510000/255000 gold

It is a waste, really - to use meteorite
iron like that!

Khadaganian forged bronze cuirass
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Bronze x 8
Weight: 180
Energy: 63
Complexity: 0/21
Durability: 6507/6507
Armor: 10.9
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 272080/136040 gold

Why carry heavy and inefficient armor?

Khadaganian forged iron cuirass
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Iron x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 69
Complexity: 0/23
Durability: 7247/7247
Armor: 11.9
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 278800/139400 gold

Decent body and arm protection.

Khadaganian forged steel cuirass
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Steel x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 75
Complexity: 0/25
Durability: 7838/7838
Armor: 13.1
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 310000/155000 gold

Very serious protection for a skilled

Khadaganian forged mithrill cuirass
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Mithrill x 8
Weight: 90
Energy: 78
Complexity: 0/26
Durability: 8282/8282
Armor: 13.8
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 342000/171000 gold

Good protection is worth any price.

Khadaganian forged adamantite cuirass
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Adamantite x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 84
Complexity: 0/28
Durability: 9169/9169
Armor: 15.2
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 590000/295000 gold

You can rely on this in the heat of battle!

Khadaganian forged meteorite cuirass
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Meteorite x 8
Weight: 120
Energy: 90
Complexity: 0/30
Durability: 10057/10057
Armor: 16.7
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 1390000/695000 gold

It is almost impossible to find anything

Khadaganian forged bronze top leggings
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Bronze x 8
Weight: 180
Energy: 42
Complexity: 0/21
Durability: 3251/3251
Armor: 10.9
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 272080/136040 gold

Good work - but cheap material...

Khadaganian forged iron top leggings
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Iron x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 48
Complexity: 0/23
Durability: 3621/3621
Armor: 11.9
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 278800/139400 gold

Good extra leg protection.

Khadaganian forged steel top leggings
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Steel x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 54
Complexity: 0/25
Durability: 3916/3916
Armor: 13.1
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 310000/155000 gold

Very good additional leg protection.

Khadaganian forged mithrill top leggings
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Mithrill x 8
Weight: 90
Energy: 57
Complexity: 0/26
Durability: 4138/4138
Armor: 13.8
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 342000/171000 gold

Good price/quality ratio.

Khadaganian forged adamantite top leggings
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Adamantite x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 63
Complexity: 0/28
Durability: 4581/4581
Armor: 15.2
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 590000/295000 gold

Probably the best leggings.

Khadaganian forged meteorite top leggings
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Meteorite x 8
Weight: 120
Energy: 69
Complexity: 0/30
Durability: 5025/5025
Armor: 16.7
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 1390000/695000 gold

A perfect mix of metal and design!

Khadaganian forged bronze helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Bronze x 3
Weight: 18
Energy: 42
Complexity: 0/21
Durability: 1082/1082
Armor: 10.9
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 170780/85390 gold

Perfectly made!  If only there were 
better metal available...

Khadaganian forged iron helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Iron x 3
Weight: 15
Energy: 48
Complexity: 0/23
Durability: 1205/1205
Armor: 11.9
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 173100/86550 gold

You should add decent material to the
smith's good work.

Khadaganian steel forged helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Steel x 3
Weight: 15
Energy: 54
Complexity: 0/25
Durability: 1303/1303
Armor: 13.1
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 185000/92500 gold

Very good head protection.

Khadaganian forged mithrill helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Mithrill x 3
Weight: 9
Energy: 57
Complexity: 0/26
Durability: 1377/1377
Armor: 13.8
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 197000/98500 gold

Few weapons can pierce this helmet.

Khadaganian forged adamantite helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Adamantite x 3
Weight: 15
Energy: 63
Complexity: 0/28
Durability: 1525/1525
Armor: 15.2
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 290000/145000 gold

It is pretty, it is strong... and

Khadaganian forged meteorite helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Meteorite x 3
Weight: 12
Energy: 69
Complexity: 0/30
Durability: 1672/1672
Armor: 16.7
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 590000/295000 gold

The worst which can happen to your head
now is a concussion!

Khadaganian bronze reinforced cuirass
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Bronze x 8
Weight: 180
Energy: 66
Complexity: 0/22
Durability: 6824/6824
Armor: 11.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 602080/301040 gold

Not a sensible choice of metal for this 

Khadaganian iron reinforced cuirass
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Iron x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 72
Complexity: 0/24
Durability: 7599/7599
Armor: 12.6
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 608800/304400 gold

Iron plates on top of a chainmail cuirass
provide additional protection.

Khadaganian steel reinforced cuirass
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Steel x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 78
Complexity: 0/26
Durability: 8220/8220
Armor: 13.8
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 640000/320000 gold

Good price/protection ration.

Khadaganian mithrill reinforced cuirass
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Mithrill x 8
Weight: 90
Energy: 81
Complexity: 0/27
Durability: 8685/8685
Armor: 14.5
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 672000/336000 gold

It's main strength is freedom of movement
during combat.

Khadaganian adamantite reinforced cuirass
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Adamantite x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 87
Complexity: 0/29
Durability: 9616/9616
Armor: 16.0
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 920000/460000 gold

As any adamantite armor is, this is worth
the high price.

Khadaganian meteorite reinforced cuirass
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Meteorite x 8
Weight: 120
Energy: 93
Complexity: 0/31
Durability: 10546/10546
Armor: 17.6
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 1620000/860000 gold

A perfect mix of free movement and protection!

Khadaganian bronze reinforced leggings
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Bronze x 8
Weight: 180
Energy: 44
Complexity: 0/22
Durability: 3414/3414
Armor: 11.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 602080/301040 gold

Too heavy and inefficient.

Khadaganian iron reinforced leggings
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Iron x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 50
Complexity: 0/24
Durability: 3802/3802
Armor: 12.6
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 608800/304400 gold

Not too much protection.

Khadaganian steel reinforced leggings
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Steel x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 56
Complexity: 0/26
Durability: 4112/4112
Armor: 13.8
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 640000/320000 gold

Chainmail leggings reinforced with metal
plates will protect your back.

Khadaganian mithrill reinforced leggings
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Mithrill x 8
Weight: 90
Energy: 59
Complexity: 0/27
Durability: 4345/4345
Armor: 14.5
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 672000/336000 gold

The material speaks for itself.

Khadaganian adamantite reinforced leggings
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Adamantite x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 65
Complexity: 0/29
Durability: 4811/4811
Armor: 16.0
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 920000/460000 gold

These will protect you from almost any blow!

Khadaganian meteorite reinforced leggings
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Meteorite x 8
Weight: 120
Energy: 71
Complexity: 0/31
Durability: 5276/5276
Armor: 17.6
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 1620000/860000 gold

A perfect mix of freedom and protection!

Khadaganian bronze reinforced helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Bronze x 3
Weight: 18
Energy: 44
Complexity: 0/22
Durability: 1139/1139
Armor: 11.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 400780/200390 gold

Bronze should be used for simpler designs!

Khadaganian iron reinforced helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Iron x 3
Weight: 15
Energy: 50
Complexity: 0/24
Durability: 1269/1269
Armor: 12.6
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 403300/201650 gold

Despite the smith's skill, this will not
protect you from the blows of good weapons.

Khadaganian steel reinforced helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Steel x 3
Weight: 15
Energy: 56
Complexity: 0/26
Durability: 1372/1372
Armor: 13.8
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 415000/207500 gold

Not too pretty - and not too expensive 

Khadaganian mithrill reinforced helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Mithrill x 3
Weight: 9
Energy: 59
Complexity: 0/27
Durability: 1450/1450
Armor: 14.5
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 427000/213500 gold

Not the most expensive of helmets, but still
serious head protection.

Khadaganian adamantite reinforced helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Adamantite x 3
Weight: 15
Energy: 65
Complexity: 0/29
Durability: 1605/1605
Armor: 16.0
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 520000/260000 gold

Adamantite is worth any price.

Khadaganian meteorite reinforced helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Meteorite x 3
Weight: 12
Energy: 71
Complexity: 0/31
Durability: 1761/1761
Armor: 17.6
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 820000/410000 gold

Do not beat walls with your head wearing this
one - you will have to pay for the damage.

Joon diamond cuirass
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Diamond x 8
Weight: 90
Energy: 120
Complexity: 0/40
Durability: 16145/16145
Armor: 26.9
Vulnerability: Crsh
Buy/Sell: 0/0 gold

There are no craftsmen alive who are capable
of making such things...

Joon diamond full leggings
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Diamond x 8
Weight: 90
Energy: 90
Complexity: 0/40
Durability: 8068/8068
Armor: 26.9
Vulnerability: Crsh
Buy/Sell: 0/0 gold

Anyone would trade half a lifetime for 
such skill...

Joon diamond helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Diamond x 8
Weight: 9
Energy: 90
Complexity: 0/40
Durability: 2689/2689
Armor: 26.9
Vulnerability: Crsh
Buy/Sell: 0/0 gold 

No one knows the ancient secrets of such

9. Light armor

Worn above the skin, this acts an extra layer 
of protection under heavy armor and is often
of minimal protection, though many are highly

Despite the name, this armour is usually just 
as heavy as the heavy armour version.  Main
thing is you can layer heavy armour on top.

There was a bug in the game where Canian army
trousers made of meteorite was just called 
Cania army leggings and a comment that was 
likely erroneous.

Light shirt
Type: Light armor
Material: Rough fabric x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 5
Complexity: 0/1
Durability: 1212/1212
Armor: 2.5
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 40/20 gold

A simple, plain garment made of rough fabric.

Light cotton shirt
Type: Light armor
Material: Cotton x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 5
Complexity: 0/1
Durability: 1212/1212
Armor: 2.5
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 328/164 gold

A sleeveless shirt of average quality.

Light woollen shirt
Type: Light armor
Material: Wool x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 5
Complexity: 0/1
Durability: 1212/1212
Armor: 2.5
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 968/484 gold

A simple sleeveless shirt.

Light silk shirt
Type: Light armor
Material: Silk x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 5
Complexity: 0/1
Durability: 1212/1212
Armor: 2.5
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 3208/1604 gold

Stronger than others, but not much

Light trousers of rough fabric
Type: Light armor
Material: Rough fabric x 6
Weight: 20
Energy: 3
Complexity: 0/1
Durability: 608/608
Armor: 2.5
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 16/8 gold

A simple, plain garment made of rough fabric.

Light cotton trousers
Type: Light armor
Material: Cotton x 6
Weight: 20
Energy: 3
Complexity: 0/1
Durability: 608/608
Armor: 2.5
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 248/124 gold

About all these do is cover your nakedness...

Light woollen trousers
Type: Light armor
Material: Wool x 6
Weight: 20
Energy: 3
Complexity: 0/1
Durability: 608/608
Armor: 2.5
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 728/364 gold

Just trousers - no more, no less.

Light silk trousers
Type: Light armor
Material: Silk x 6
Weight: 20
Energy: 3
Complexity: 0/1
Durability: 608/608
Armor: 2.5
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 2408/1204 gold

Not very serious protection, maybe from
wind or dust.

Light gauntlets of rough fabric
Type: Light armor
Material: Rough fabric x 1
Weight: 1
Energy: 3
Complexity: 0/1
Durability: 608/608
Armor: 2.5
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 10/5 gold

A simple, plain garment made of rough fabric.

Cotton gauntlets
Type: Light armor
Material: Cotton x 1
Weight: 1
Energy: 3
Complexity: 0/1
Durability: 608/608
Armor: 2.5
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 46/23 gold

Just a piece of cloth, really.

Woollen gauntlets
Type: Light armor
Material: Wool x 1
Weight: 1
Energy: 3
Complexity: 0/1
Durability: 608/608
Armor: 2.5
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 126/63 gold

Cloth gauntlets provide hardly any
protection at all.

Silk gauntlets
Type: Light armor
Material: Silk x 1
Weight: 1
Energy: 3
Complexity: 0/1
Durability: 608/608
Armor: 2.5
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 406/203 gold

Cloth gauntlets - maybe they would
protect you from thorns.

Light boots of rough fabric
Type: Light armor
Material: Rough fabric x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 3
Complexity: 0/1
Durability: 608/608
Armor: 2.5
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 18/9 gold

A simple, plain garment made of rough fabric.

Light cotton boots
Type: Light armor
Material: Cotton x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 3
Complexity: 0/1
Durability: 608/608
Armor: 2.5
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 126/63 gold

Poor boots for poor people...

Light woollen boots
Type: Light armor
Material: Wool x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 3
Complexity: 0/1
Durability: 608/608
Armor: 2.5
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 366/183 gold

Plain and simple cloth boots.

Light silk boots
Type: Light armor
Material: Silk x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 3
Complexity: 0/1
Durability: 608/608
Armor: 2.5
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 1206/603 gold

Silk is prettier than wool, but it 
does not provide any protection.

Canian hunting jerkin of rough fabric
Type: Light armor
Material: Rough fabric x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 5
Complexity: 0/3
Durability: 1334/1334
Armor: 2.3
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 72/36 gold

Rough fabric is not the best protection.
Even the long sleeves are no compensation.

Canian cotton hunting jerkin
Type: Light armor
Material: Cotton x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 9
Complexity: 0/3
Durability: 1334/1334
Armor: 2.3
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 360/180 gold

Long sleeves provide better protection for
your arms, but you should try a better material.

Canian woollen hunting jerkin
Type: Light armor
Material: Wool x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 9
Complexity: 0/3
Durability: 1334/1334
Armor: 2.3
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 1000/500 gold

This is good for travelling in the woods.

Canian silk hunting jerkin
Type: Light armor
Material: Silk x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 9
Complexity: 0/3
Durability: 1324/1324
Armor: 2.3
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 3230/1615 gold

A lucky hunter could afford this...

Canian hunting trousers of rough fabric
Type: Light armor
Material: Rough fabric x 6
Weight: 20
Energy: 6
Complexity: 0/3
Durability: 668/668
Armor: 2.3
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 64/32 gold

They would only last for a few days, but
for that sort of price...probably the best
you will find.

Canian cotton hunting trousers
Type: Light armor
Material: Cotton x 6
Weight: 20
Energy: 6
Complexity: 0/3
Durability: 668/668
Armor: 2.3
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 280/140 gold

Specially designed to make you comfortable
during long hikes.

Canian woollen hunting trousers
Type: Light armor
Material: Wool x 6
Weight: 20
Energy: 6
Complexity: 0/3
Durability: 668/668
Armor: 2.3
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 760/380 gold

They are strong and comfortable - what more
do you want?

Canian silk hunting trousers
Type: Light armor
Material: Silk x 6
Weight: 20
Energy: 6
Complexity: 0/3
Durability: 668/668
Armor: 2.3
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 2440/1220 gold

Will not save you in battle, but indispensable 
for hunting.

Canian hunting gauntlets of rough fabric
Type: Light armor
Material: Rough fabric x 1
Weight: 1
Energy: 5
Complexity: 0/3
Durability: 668/668
Armor: 2.3
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 28/14 gold

A rag is a rag.

Canian cotton hunting gauntlets
Type: Light armor
Material: Cotton x 1
Weight: 1
Energy: 5
Complexity: 0/3
Durability: 668/668
Armor: 2.3
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 64/32 gold

Not very much different from the ones
for farmers.

Canian woollen hunting gauntlets
Type: Light armor
Material: Wool x 1
Weight: 1
Energy: 5
Complexity: 0/3
Durability: 668/668
Armor: 2.3
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 144/72 gold

They may save you from the bite of
a wolf.

Canian silk hunting gauntlets
Type: Light armor
Material: Silk x 1
Weight: 1
Energy: 5
Complexity: 0/3
Durability: 668/668
Armor: 2.3
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 424/212 gold

Strong and pretty.  Decent protection for
a moderate price.

Canian hunting boots of rough fabric
Type: Light armor
Material: Rough fabric x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 5
Complexity: 0/3
Durability: 668/668
Armor: 2.3
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 36/18 gold

Only the poorest hunter would wear these...

Canian cotton hunting boots
Type: Light armor
Material: Cotton x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 5
Complexity: 0/3
Durability: 668/668
Armor: 2.3
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 144/72 gold

They look good enough - before you try
them out on your first expedition.

Canian woollen hunting boots
Type: Light armor
Material: Wool x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 5
Complexity: 0/3
Durability: 668/668
Armor: 2.3
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 384/192 gold

Good footwear for hunting.

Canian silk hunting boots
Type: Light armor
Material: Silk x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 5
Complexity: 0/3
Durability: 668/668
Armor: 2.3
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 1224/612 gold

Good footwear for hunting, and respectable
enough for the village fair.

Long Khadaganian shirt of rough fabric
Type: Light armor
Material: Rough fabric x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 12
Complexity: 0/4
Durability: 1401/1401
Armor: 2.4
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 101/51 gold

Good enough to wear for work.

Long Khadaganian cotton shirt
Type: Light armor
Material: Cotton x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 12
Complexity: 0/4
Durability: 1401/1401
Armor: 2.4
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 390/195 gold

Cotton is not much better than rough fabric.

Long Khadaganian woollen shirt
Type: Light armor
Material: Wool x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 12
Complexity: 0/4
Durability: 1401/1401
Armor: 2.4
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 1030/515 gold

This will protect your skin from sun, not
from weapons.

Long Khadaganian silk shirt
Type: Light armor
Material: Silk x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 12
Complexity: 0/4
Durability: 1401/1401
Armor: 2.4
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 3270/1635 gold

This would look better in a tavern than in

Long Khadaganian trousers of rough fabric
Type: Light armor
Material: Rough fabric x 6
Weight: 20
Energy: 8
Complexity: 0/4
Durability: 700/700
Armor: 2.4
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 94/47 gold

Just trousers, really - you cannot do without
them, or can you?

Long Khadaganian cotton trousers
Type: Light armor
Material: Cotton x 6
Weight: 20
Energy: 8
Complexity: 0/4
Durability: 700/700
Armor: 2.4
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 310/155 gold

Any cheap bazaar has these aplenty.

Long Khadaganian woollen trousers
Type: Light armor
Material: Wool x 6
Weight: 20
Energy: 8
Complexity: 0/4
Durability: 700/700
Armor: 2.4
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 790/395 gold

Citizens with a middle income wear 
such apparel.

Long Khadaganian silk trousers
Type: Light armor
Material: Silk x 6
Weight: 20
Energy: 8
Complexity: 0/4
Durability: 700/700
Armor: 2.4
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 2470/1235 gold

These do look good and the cost 
reflects it!

Khadaganian rough fabric gauntlets
Type: Light armor
Material: Rough fabric x 1
Weight: 1
Energy: 6
Complexity: 0/4
Durability: 700/700
Armor: 2.4
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 54/27 gold

These may save you from a sprain.

Khadaganian cotton gauntlets
Type: Light armor
Material: Cotton x 1
Weight: 1
Energy: 6
Complexity: 0/4
Durability: 700/700
Armor: 2.4
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 90/45 gold

Not much good in a fight...

Khadaganian wool gauntlets
Type: Light armor
Material: Wool x 1
Weight: 1
Energy: 6
Complexity: 0/4
Durability: 700/700
Armor: 2.4
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 170/85 gold

These may save you from thorns.

Khadaganian silk gauntlets
Type: Light armor
Material: Wool x 1
Weight: 1
Energy: 6
Complexity: 0/4
Durability: 700/700
Armor: 2.4
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 450/225 gold

These may look nice, but no cloth
can provide real protection...

Light Khadaganian boots of rough fabric
Type: Light armor
Material: Rough fabric x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 6
Complexity: 0/4
Durability: 700/700
Armor: 2.4
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 62/31 gold

Rough fabric deteoriates almost immediately...

Light Khadaganian cotton boots
Type: Light armor
Material: Cotton x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 6
Complexity: 0/4
Durability: 700/700
Armor: 2.4
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 170/85 gold

These look better than rough fabric boots,
but the quality is almost as bad.

Light Khadaganian woollen boots
Type: Light armor
Material: Wool x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 6
Complexity: 0/4
Durability: 700/700
Armor: 2.4
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 410/205 gold

These certainly are waterproof.

Light Khadaganian silk boots
Type: Light armor
Material: Silk x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 6
Complexity: 0/4
Durability: 700/700
Armor: 2.4
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 1250/625 gold

Look very nice!  Not much protection

Gipath breastplate of tiger skin
Type: Light armor
Material: Tiger skin x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 18
Complexity: 0/6
Durability: 1576/1576
Armor: 2.7
Vulnerability: Crsh
Buy/Sell: 198/99 gold

Provides decent protection and looks better
than a simple breastplate.

Snow tiger's fur breastplate
Type: Light armor
Material: Snow tiger skin x 8
Weight: 30
Energy: 30
Complexity: 0/10
Durability: 1927/1927
Armor: 3.2
Vulnerability: Crsh
Buy/Sell: 2150/1075 gold

It is tough, it is beautiful, and most
importantly it is warm!

Gipath trousers of tiger skin
Type: Light armor
Material: Tiger skin x 6
Weight: 20
Energy: 14
Complexity: 0/6
Durability: 788/788
Armor: 2.7
Vulnerability: Crsh
Buy/Sell: 166/83 gold

Provides decent protection and are suitable
for long marches through the woods.

Snow tiger's fur trousers
Type: Light armor
Material: Snow tiger skin x 6
Weight: 20
Energy: 26
Complexity: 0/10
Durability: 963/963
Armor: 2.7
Vulnerability: Crsh
Buy/Sell: 1630/815 gold

Provide adequate protection from weapons
and cold.

Gipath gauntlets of tiger skin
Type: Light armor
Material: Tiger skin x 1
Weight: 1
Energy: 12
Complexity: 0/6
Durability: 788/788
Armor: 2.7
Vulnerability: Crsh
Buy/Sell: 66/33 gold

Good decoration plus additional protection.

Snow tiger's fur gauntlets
Type: Light armor
Material: Snow tiger skin x 1
Weight: 1
Energy: 24
Complexity: 0/10
Durability: 963/963
Armor: 3.2
Vulnerability: Crsh
Buy/Sell: 310/155 gold

A strong hand in a soft gauntlet is a 
formidable combination!

Gipath boots of tiger skin
Type: Light armor
Material: Tiger skin x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 12
Complexity: 0/6
Durability: 788/788
Armor: 2.7
Vulnerability: Crsh
Buy/Sell: 98/49 gold

Anyone who has spent time marching through 
the woods will appreciate the stealth that fur 
footwear provides.

Snow tiger's fur boots
Type: Light armor
Material: Tiger skin x 3
Weight: 3
Energy: 24
Complexity: 0/10
Durability: 963/963
Armor: 3.2
Vulnerability: Crsh
Buy/Sell: 830/415 gold

Your walk will be as soft as a Tiger's in

Gipath simple breastplate of thin leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Thin leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 12
Complexity: 0/4
Durability: 1459/1459
Armor: 2.4
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 104/52 gold

Here is a garment for these who do not anticipate
very dangerous encounters.

Gipath simple breastplate of tough leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Tough leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 18
Complexity: 0/6
Durability: 1584/1584
Armor: 2.7
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 360/180 gold

It is not bad, but certainly better is available.

Gipath simple breastplate of hard leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Hard leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 24
Complexity: 0/8
Durability: 1751/1751
Armor: 2.9
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 1080/540 gold

Decent price/performance ratio.

Gipath simple gauntlets of thin leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Thin leather x 1
Weight: 2
Energy: 8
Complexity: 0/4
Durability: 731/731
Armor: 2.4
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 32/16 gold

They look good, but are not very useful for

Gipath simple gauntlets of tough leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Tough leather x 1
Weight: 2
Energy: 14
Complexity: 0/6
Durability: 794/794
Armor: 2.7
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 64/32 gold

They can protect part of your arm from accidental
scratches and cuts.

Gipath simple gauntlets of hard leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Hard leather x 1
Weight: 2
Energy: 20
Complexity: 0/8
Durability: 877/877
Armor: 2.9
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 154/77 gold

Decent protection for the part of your arm which
it covers.  Unfortunately, most of your arm
remains bare!

Gipath simple shorts of thin leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Thin leather x 6
Weight: 40
Energy: 9
Complexity: 0/4
Durability: 731/731
Armor: 2.4
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 88/44 gold

These are nothing special.  Not a lot of protection,
for not a lot of money.

Gipath simple shorts of tough leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Tough leather x 6
Weight: 40
Energy: 15
Complexity: 0/6
Durability: 794/794
Armor: 2.7
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 280/140 gold

Nothing special.  Just pants, really, except they are
a bit tougher than the ones made of thin leather.

Gipath simple shorts of hard leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Hard leather x 6
Weight: 40
Energy: 21
Complexity: 0/8
Durability: 877/877
Armor: 2.9
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 820/410 gold

Provides decent protection for the part of the leg
they cover.  Unfortunately, most of your leg remains

Gipath simple boots of thin leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Thin leather x 3
Weight: 6
Energy: 8
Complexity: 0/4
Durability: 731/731
Armor: 2.4
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 48/24 gold

Not very protective - but you cannont expect
much for that price, can you?

Gipath simple boots of tough leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Tough leather x 3
Weight: 6
Energy: 14
Complexity: 0/6
Durability: 794/794
Armor: 2.7
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 144/72 gold

Simple and comfortable.  And not very 
expensive, either.

Gipath simple boots of hard leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Hard leather x 3
Weight: 6
Energy: 20
Complexity: 0/8
Durability: 877/877
Armor: 2.9
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 414/207 gold

The best leather boots possible.

Gipath stitched breastplate of thin leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Thin leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 18
Complexity: 0/6
Durability: 1606/1606
Armor: 2.7
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 194/97 gold

It is not bad, but there's definitely better 

Gipath stitched breastplate of tough leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Tough leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 24
Complexity: 0/8
Durability: 1744/1744
Armor: 2.9
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 450/225 gold

Provides decent protection for your shoulders and 
part of your back.

Gipath stitched breastplate of hard leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Hard leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 30
Complexity: 0/10
Durability: 1927/1927
Armor: 3.2
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 1170/585 gold

A bit heavy, but provides good protection for your

Gipath stitched gauntlets of thin leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Thin leather x 1
Weight: 2
Energy: 10
Complexity: 0/6
Durability: 805/805
Armor: 2.7
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 108/54 gold

Provide almost complete protection for your arms,
though the material could be better.

Gipath stitched gauntlets of tough leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Tough leather x 1
Weight: 2
Energy: 16
Complexity: 0/8
Durability: 874/874
Armor: 2.9
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 140/70 gold

Provide decent protection for nearly the entire
length of your arms.

Gipath stitched gauntlets of hard leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Hard leather x 1
Weight: 2
Energy: 22
Complexity: 0/10
Durability: 965/965
Armor: 3.2
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 230/115 gold

Wolf's teeth will no longer present any danger 
to you - but beware of more dangerous creatures!

Gipath stitched boots of thin leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Thin leather x 3
Weight: 6
Energy: 10
Complexity: 0/6
Durability: 805/805
Armor: 2.7
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 124/62 gold

They are light and relatively strong.

Gipath stitched boots of tough leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Tough leather x 3
Weight: 6
Energy: 16
Complexity: 0/8
Durability: 874/874
Armor: 2.9
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 220/110 gold

Good price/performance ratio.

Gipath stitched boots of hard leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Hard leather x 3
Weight: 6
Energy: 22
Complexity: 0/10
Durability: 965/965
Armor: 3.2
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 490/245 gold

Now you can risk getting into a fight - but
not into combat!

Gipath heavy shirt of thin leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Thin leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 24
Complexity: 0/8
Durability: 1767/1767
Armor: 2.9
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 664/332 gold

The best possible blueprint with the worst
type of leather.  Of course it'll protect you,
but you could do much better.

Gipath heavy shirt of tough leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Tough leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 30
Complexity: 0/10
Durability: 1919/1919
Armor: 3.2
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 920/460 gold

Good protection for your shoulders and part
of your back.

Gipath heavy shirt of hard leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Tough leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 30
Complexity: 0/12
Durability: 2121/2121
Armor: 3.5
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 1640/820 gold

The best shirt you can get in Gipath.

Gipath heavy long trousers of thin leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Tough leather x 6
Weight: 40
Energy: 15
Complexity: 0/8
Durability: 885/885
Armor: 2.9
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 648/324 gold

The best blueprint and the thinnest leather.
Strange choice!

Gipath heavy long trousers of tough leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Tough leather x 6
Weight: 40
Energy: 21
Complexity: 0/10
Durability: 961/961
Armor: 3.2
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 840/420 gold

Good leg protection.

Gipath heavy long trousers of hard leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Hard leather x 6
Weight: 40
Energy: 27
Complexity: 0/12
Durability: 1062/1062
Armor: 3.5
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 1380/690 gold

The best pair of trousers you can get in Gipath.

Gipath heavy gauntlets of thin leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Thin leather x 1
Weight: 2
Energy: 12
Complexity: 0/8
Durability: 885/885
Armor: 2.9
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 408/204 gold

The best type of gauntlets, but made out of
the thinnest leather.  Not a sensible choice.

Gipath heavy gauntlets of tough leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Tough leather x 1
Weight: 2
Energy: 18
Complexity: 0/10
Durability: 961/961
Armor: 3.2
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 440/220 gold

Decent protection for your arms, they are
almost full-length.

Gipath heavy gauntlets of hard leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Hard leather x 1
Weight: 2
Energy: 24
Complexity: 0/12
Durability: 1062/1062
Armor: 3.5
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 530/265 gold

The best gauntlets you can get in Gipath.

Gipath heavy boots of thin leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Thin leather x 3
Weight: 6
Energy: 12
Complexity: 0/8
Durability: 885/885
Armor: 2.9
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 424/212 gold

This blueprint is for an excellent design
but made out of the poorest leather.  The
price is high and the

Gipath heavy boots of tough leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Tough leather x 3
Weight: 6
Energy: 18
Complexity: 0/10
Durability: 961/961
Armor: 3.2
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 520/260 gold

Good leg protection.  Only hard leather is
better in Gipath.

Gipath heavy boots of hard leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Hard leather x 3
Weight: 6
Energy: 24
Complexity: 0/12
Durability: 1062/1062
Armor: 3.5
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 790/395 gold

The best kind of footwear available in Gipath.

Canian heavy jerkin of thin leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Thin leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 27
Complexity: 0/9
Durability: 1855/1855
Armor: 3.1
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 1164/582 gold

Provides freed om of movement - and some
protection too.

Canian heavy jerkin of tough leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Tough leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 33
Complexity: 0/11
Durability: 2014/2014
Armor: 3.4
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 1420/710 gold

Better than a thin leather shirt, and ensures
freedom of movement too.

Canian heavy jerkin of hard leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Hard leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 39
Complexity: 0/13
Durability: 2226/2226
Armor: 3.7
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 2140/1070 gold

Good mix of protection and freedom of

Canian heavy trousers of thin leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Thin leather x 6
Weight: 40
Energy: 17
Complexity: 0/9
Durability: 927/927
Armor: 3.1
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 1148/574 gold

A bit thin, but comfortable.

Canian heavy trousers of tough leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Tough leather x 6
Weight: 40
Energy: 23
Complexity: 0/11
Durability: 1007/1007
Armor: 3.4
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 1340/670 gold

A Tiger would not break any teeth on these,
but at least you can run quickly.

Canian heavy trousers of hard leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Hard leather x 6
Weight: 40
Energy: 29
Complexity: 0/13
Durability: 1113/1113
Armor: 3.7
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 1880/940 gold

A good choice for a warrior who wished both
protection and freedom of movement.

Canian heavy gauntlets of thin leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Thin leather x 1
Weight: 2
Energy: 13
Complexity: 0/9
Durability: 927/927
Armor: 3.1
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 808/404 gold

Well, if this is all you can afford...

Canian heavy gauntlets of tough leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Tough leather x 1
Weight: 2
Energy: 19
Complexity: 0/11
Durability: 1007/1007
Armor: 3.4
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 840/420 gold

These would protect your arms in a tavern
knife fight.

Canian heavy gauntlets of hard leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Hard leather x 1
Weight: 2
Energy: 25
Complexity: 0/13
Durability: 1113/1113
Armor: 3.7
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 930/465 gold

Good protection, and good freedom of 

Canian heavy boots of thin leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Thin leather x 3
Weight: 6
Energy: 13
Complexity: 0/9
Durability: 927/927
Armor: 3.1
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 824/412 gold

Light and comfortable, but not too strong...

Canian heavy boots of tough leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Tough leather x 3
Weight: 6
Energy: 19
Complexity: 0/11
Durability: 1007/1007
Armor: 3.4
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 920/460 gold

The material is stronger than thin leather 
- and the price is higher.

Canian heavy boots of hard leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Hard leather x 3
Weight: 6
Energy: 25
Complexity: 0/13
Durability: 1113/1113
Armor: 3.7
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 1190/595 gold

Many a beast would break their teeth on

Khadaganian lower breastplate of thin leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Thin leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 42
Complexity: 0/14
Durability: 2352/2352
Armor: 3.9
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 40064/20032 gold

Thin leather is not the best possible
protection for a warrior.

Khadaganian lower breastplate of tough leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Tough leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 48
Complexity: 0/16
Durability: 2553/2553
Armor: 4.3
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 40320/20160 gold

Stronger than thin leather.  Good enough
for hunting.

Khadaganian lower breastplate of hard leather
Type: Light armor
Material: Hard leather x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 54
Complexity: 0/18
Durability: 2822/2822
Armor: 4.7
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 41040/20520 gold

This is some good protective equipment.

Khadaganian thin leather trousers
Type: Light armor
Material: Thin leather x 6
Weight: 40
Energy: 24
Complexity: 0/14
Durability: 1176/1176
Armor: 3.9
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 40048/20024 gold

Almost no protection at all, at least
they're comfortable.

Khadaganian tough leather trousers
Type: Light armor
Material: Tough leather x 6
Weight: 40
Energy: 30
Complexity: 0/16
Durability: 1276/1276
Armor: 4.3
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 40240/20120 gold

These will save you from a spider's bite...
But not from much more.

Khadaganian hard leather trousers
Type: Light armor
Material: Hard leather x 6
Weight: 40
Energy: 36
Complexity: 0/18
Durability: 1411/1411
Armor: 4.7
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 40780/20390 gold

Provide some protection, but not sufficient
for serious combat.

Khadaganian thin leather gauntlets
Type: Light armor
Material: Thin leather x 1
Weight: 2
Energy: 18
Complexity: 0/14
Durability: 1176/1176
Armor: 3.9
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 25008/12504 gold

Good enough for a fist fight at a 
village festival.

Khadaganian tough leather gauntlets
Type: Light armor
Material: Tough leather x 1
Weight: 2
Energy: 24
Complexity: 0/16
Durability: 1276/1276
Armor: 4.3
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 25040/12520 gold

These will protect your hands from
thorns - and maybe even from wolf's

Khadaganian hard leather gauntlets
Type: Light armor
Material: Hard leather x 1
Weight: 2
Energy: 30
Complexity: 0/18
Durability: 1411/1411
Armor: 4.7
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 25130/12565 gold

Enough to turn a wolf's fangs, most likely.

Khadaganian thin leather leggings
Type: Light armor
Material: Thin leather x 3
Weight: 6
Energy: 18
Complexity: 0/14
Durability: 1176/1176
Armor: 3.9
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 25024/12512 gold

Not strong, but light.

Khadaganian tough leather leggings
Type: Light armor
Material: Tough leather x 3
Weight: 6
Energy: 24
Complexity: 0/16
Durability: 1276/1276
Armor: 4.3
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 25120/12560 gold

Good enough for hunters, but not for

Khadaganian hard leather leggings
Type: Light armor
Material: Hard leather x 3
Weight: 6
Energy: 30
Complexity: 0/18
Durability: 1411/1411
Armor: 4.7
Vulnerability: Pirc
Buy/Sell: 25390/12695 gold

Very good for long marches.

Canian jerkin of green Troll hide
Type: Light armor
Material: Green troll hide x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 45
Complexity: 0/15
Durability: 2446/2466
Armor: 4.1
Vulnerability: Pirc, Fire
Buy/Sell: 4180/2090 gold

More suited to combat than the hunt!

Canian jerkin of blue Troll hide
Type: Light armor
Material: Blue troll hide x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 51
Complexity: 0/17
Durability: 2724/2724
Armor: 4.5
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 10900/5450 gold

This will protect you from a chance arrow
from a short bow.

Canian jerkin of Red Dragon hide
Type: Light armor
Material: Red drag.hide x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 60
Complexity: 0/20
Durability: 3113/3113
Armor: 5.2
Vulnerability: Pirc, Ltng
Buy/Sell: 74100/37050 gold

Will protect you from more than arrows!

Canian trousers of green Troll hide
Type: Light armor
Material: Green troll hide x 6
Weight: 40
Energy: 33
Complexity: 0/15
Durability: 1223/1223
Armor: 4.1
Vulnerability: Pirc, Fire
Buy/Sell: 3660/1830 gold

These will protect you from the teeth
of the wolf, but the fangs of the Tiger
are another story...

Canian trousers of blue Troll hide
Type: Light armor
Material: Blue troll hide x 6
Weight: 40
Energy: 39
Complexity: 0/17
Durability: 1362/1362
Armor: 4.5
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 8700/4350 gold

With these, you can walk in the woods at
night, with nary a care in the world!

Canian trousers of Red Dragon hide
Type: Light armor
Material: Red drag.hide x 6
Weight: 40
Energy: 48
Complexity: 0/20
Durability: 1556/1556
Armor: 5.2
Vulnerability: Pirc, Ltng
Buy/Sell: 56100/28050 gold

You can fall into a fire with these!

Canian light gauntlets of green Troll hide
Type: Light armor
Material: Green troll hide x 1
Weight: 2
Energy: 29
Complexity: 0/15
Durability: 1223/1223
Armor: 4.1
Vulnerability: Pirc, Fire
Buy/Sell: 1860/930 gold

Will provide some additional hand protection.

Canian light gauntlets of blue Troll hide
Type: Light armor
Material: Blue troll hide x 1
Weight: 2
Energy: 35
Complexity: 0/17
Durability: 1362/1362
Armor: 4.5
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 2700/1350 gold

These provide decent hand protection.

Canian light gauntlets of Red Dragon hide
Type: Light armor
Material: Red drag.hide x 1
Weight: 2
Energy: 44
Complexity: 0/20
Durability: 1556/1556
Armor: 5.2
Vulnerability: Pirc, Ltng
Buy/Sell: 10600/5300 gold

These would save you from a knife - and mayhap
from bites too.

Canian light boots of green Troll hide
Type: Light armor
Material: Green troll hide x 3
Weight: 6
Energy: 29
Complexity: 0/15
Durability: 1223/1223
Armor: 4.1
Vulnerability: Pirc, Fire
Buy/Sell: 2380/1190 gold

Do not rely too much on these for protection.

Canian light boots of blue Troll hide
Type: Light armor
Material: Blue troll hide x 3
Weight: 6
Energy: 35
Complexity: 0/17
Durability: 1362/1362
Armor: 4.5
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 4900/2450 gold

They are not very cheap - but the quality 
matches the price.

Canian light boots of Red Dragon hide
Type: Light armor
Material: Red drag.hide x 3
Weight: 6
Energy: 44
Complexity: 0/20
Durability: 1556/1556
Armor: 5.2
Vulnerability: Pirc, Ltng
Buy/Sell: 28600/14300 gold

You can walk on more than soft green grass
in these boots.

Khadaganian armor of green Troll hide
Type: Light armor
Material: Green troll hide x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 60
Complexity: 0/20
Durability: 3102/3102
Armor: 5.2
Vulnerability: Pirc, Fire
Buy/Sell: 78080/36040

Provides decent protection.

Khadaganian armor of blue Troll hide
Type: Light armor
Material: Blue troll hide x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 66
Complexity: 0/22
Durability: 3454/3454
Armor: 5.7
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 78800/39400

Good protection from poor weapons.

Khadaganian armor of Red Dragon hide
Type: Light armor
Material: Red drag.hide x 8
Weight: 60
Energy: 75
Complexity: 0/25
Durability: 3948/3948
Armor: 6.6
Vulnerability: Pirc, Ltng
Buy/Sell: 142000/71000

Dragon hide is the best material for leather

Khadaganian trousers of green Troll hide
Type: Light armor
Material: Green troll hide x 8
Weight: 40
Energy: 41
Complexity: 0/20
Durability: 1553/1553
Armor: 5.2
Vulnerability: Pirc, Fire
Buy/Sell: 71560/35780

Not a bad pair of pants.

Khadaganian trousers of blue Troll hide
Type: Light armor
Material: Blue troll hide x 8
Weight: 40
Energy: 47
Complexity: 0/22
Durability: 1729/1729
Armor: 5.7
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 76600/38300

Good protection from poor weapons.

Khadaganian trousers of Red Dragon hide
Type: Light armor
Material: Red drag.hide x 6
Weight: 40
Energy: 56
Complexity: 0/25
Durability: 1976/3948
Armor: 6.6
Vulnerability: Pirc, Ltng
Buy/Sell: 124000/62000

A good mix of comfort and protection.

Khadaganian gauntlets of green Troll hide
Type: Light armor
Material: Green troll hide x 1
Weight: 2
Energy: 34
Complexity: 0/20
Durability: 1553/1553
Armor: 5.2
Vulnerability: Pirc, Fire
Buy/Sell: 60260/25130

Good equipment, and not just for a fistfight
at a village fair!

Khadaganian gauntlets of blue Troll hide
Type: Light armor
Material: Blue troll hide x 1
Weight: 2
Energy: 40
Complexity: 0/25
Durability: 1729/1729
Armor: 5.7
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 61100/25550

Provide decent protection in combat.

Khadaganian gauntlets of Red Dragon hide
Type: Light armor
Material: Red drag.hide x 1
Weight: 2
Energy: 49
Complexity: 0/25
Durability: 1976/1976
Armor: 6.6
Vulnerability: Pirc, Ltng
Buy/Sell: 59000/29500

Dragon hide provides the maximum protection 
any leather can offer.

Khadaganian boots of Green Troll hide
Type: Light armor
Material: Green troll hide x 3
Weight: 6
Energy: 34
Complexity: 0/20
Durability: 1553/1553
Armor: 5.2
Vulnerability: Pirc, Fire
Buy/Sell: 50780/25390

These will protect your feet, and not just
from swamp mud!

Khadaganian boots of Blue Troll hide
Type: Light armor
Material: Blue troll hide x 3
Weight: 6
Energy: 40
Complexity: 0/22
Durability: 1729/1729
Armor: 5.7
Vulnerability: Pirc, Acid
Buy/Sell: 53300/26650

You can walk safely in these!

Khadaganian boots of Red Dragon hide
Type: Light armor
Material: Red drag.hide x 3
Weight: 6
Energy: 49
Complexity: 0/25
Durability: 1976/1976
Armor: 6.6
Vulnerability: Pirc, Ltng
Buy/Sell: 77000/38500

You can walk on burning coals in these!

Canian army bronze chainmail
Type: Light armor
Material: Bronze x 8
Weight: 180
Energy: 48
Complexity: 0/16
Durability: 2565/2565
Armor: 4.3
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 7080/3540 gold

Raw recruits usually wear these - for
exercise and general use.

Canian army iron chainmail
Type: Light armor
Material: Iron x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 54
Complexity: 0/18
Durability: 2856/2856
Armor: 4.7
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 13800/6900 gold

Chainmail for Canian privates.

Canian army steel chainmail
Type: Light armor
Material: Steel x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 60
Complexity: 0/20
Durability: 3089/3089
Armor: 5.2
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 45000/22500 gold

Army standard for officers.

Canian army mithrill chainmail
Type: Light armor
Material: Mithrill x 8
Weight: 90
Energy: 63
Complexity: 0/21
Durability: 3264/3264
Armor: 5.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 77000/38500 gold

Approved by the Emperor as standard for 
the guard force of the Canian Veterans.

Canian army adamantite chainmail
Type: Light armor
Material: Adamantite x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 69
Complexity: 0/23
Durability: 3614/3614
Armor: 6.0
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 325000/162500 gold

Approved by the Emperor for Canian army
military chiefs.

Canian army meteorite chainmail
Type: Light armor
Material: Meteorite x 8
Weight: 120
Energy: 75
Complexity: 0/25
Durability: 3964/3964
Armor: 6.6
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 1125000/562500 gold

Only military chiefs can have these - 

Canian army bronze chainmail trousers
Type: Light armor
Material: Bronze x 6
Weight: 120
Energy: 35
Complexity: 0/16
Durability: 1280/1280
Armor: 4.3
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 7560/3280 gold

Only raw recruits wear these.

Canian army iron chainmail trousers
Type: Light armor
Material: Iron x 6
Weight: 100
Energy: 41
Complexity: 0/18
Durability: 1425/1425
Armor: 4.7
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 11600/5800 gold

Approved as standard for privates.

Canian army steel chainmail trousers
Type: Light armor
Material: Steel x 6
Weight: 100
Energy: 47
Complexity: 0/20
Durability: 1542/1542
Armor: 5.2
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 35000/17500 gold

Army standard for officers.

Canian army mithrill chainmail trousers
Type: Light armor
Material: Mithrill x 6
Weight: 60
Energy: 50
Complexity: 0/21
Durability: 1629/1629
Armor: 5.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 59000/29500 gold

Approved by the Emperor as standard for 
the guard force of the Canian Veterans.

Canian army adamantite chainmail trousers
Type: Light armor
Material: Adamantite x 6
Weight: 100
Energy: 56
Complexity: 0/23
Durability: 1804/1804
Armor: 6.0
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 245000/122500 gold

Approved for Canian army military chiefs.

Cania army leggings
Type: Light armor
Material: Meteorite x 6
Weight: 80
Energy: 62
Complexity: 0/25
Durability: 1978/1978
Armor: 6.6
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 1125000/562500 gold

Approved by the Emperor as Cania army

Canian army bronze high gauntlets
Type: Light armor
Material: Bronze x 1
Weight: 6
Energy: 30
Complexity: 0/16
Durability: 1280/1280
Armor: 4.3
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 3360/1680 gold

Only raw recruits would wear these without

Canian army iron high gauntlets
Type: Light armor
Material: Iron x 1
Weight: 5
Energy: 36
Complexity: 0/18
Durability: 1425/1425
Armor: 4.7
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 4200/2100 gold

Issued to Canian privates.

Canian army steel high gauntlets
Type: Light armor
Material: Steel x 1
Weight: 5
Energy: 42
Complexity: 0/20
Durability: 1542/1542
Armor: 5.2
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 8100/4050 gold

High gauntlets for officers.

Canian army mithrill high gauntlets
Type: Light armor
Material: Mithrill x 1
Weight: 3
Energy: 45
Complexity: 0/21
Durability: 1629/1629
Armor: 5.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 12100/6050 gold

Approved by the Emperor as standard
for the guard force of the Canian

Canian army adamantite high gauntlets
Type: Light armor
Material: Adamantite x 1
Weight: 5
Energy: 51
Complexity: 0/23
Durability: 1804/1804
Armor: 6.0
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 43100/21550 gold

Standard for Canian military chiefs.

Canian army meteorite high gauntlets
Type: Light armor
Material: Meteorite x 1
Weight: 4
Energy: 57
Complexity: 0/25
Durability: 1978/1978
Armor: 6.6
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 143100/71550 gold

Not every officer can afford these!

Canian army bronze boots
Type: Light armor
Material: Bronze x 3
Weight: 18
Energy: 30
Complexity: 0/16
Durability: 1280/1280
Armor: 4.3
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 3880/1940 gold

Heavy and uncomfortable - just right for
raw recruits.

Canian army iron boots
Type: Light armor
Material: Iron x 3
Weight: 15
Energy: 36
Complexity: 0/18
Durability: 1425/1425
Armor: 4.7
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 6400/3200 gold

Standard Canian army boots for privates.

Canian army steel boots
Type: Light armor
Material: Steel x 3
Weight: 15
Energy: 42
Complexity: 0/20
Durability: 1542/1542
Armor: 5.2
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 18100/9050 gold

Canian army issue for officers.

Canian army mithrill boots
Type: Light armor
Material: Mithrill x 3
Weight: 9
Energy: 45
Complexity: 0/21
Durability: 1629/1629
Armor: 5.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 30100/15050 gold

Approved by the Emperor as standard
for the guard force of the Canian

Canian army adamantite boots
Type: Light armor
Material: Adamantite x 3
Weight: 15
Energy: 51
Complexity: 0/23
Durability: 1804/1804
Armor: 6.0
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 123100/61550 gold

Used by Canian army leaders.

Canian army meteorite boots
Type: Light armor
Material: Meteorite x 3
Weight: 12
Energy: 57
Complexity: 0/25
Durability: 1978/1978
Armor: 6.6
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 423100/211550 gold

These are for military chiefs and
the scions of rich families only...

Canian bronze chainmail shirt
Type: Light armor
Material: Bronze x 8
Weight: 180
Energy: 51
Complexity: 0/17
Durability: 2688/2688
Armor: 4.5
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 11080/5540 gold

A bit too heavy, and the additional protection
is no real compensation for the extra weight.

Canian iron chainmail shirt
Type: Light armor
Material: Iron x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 57
Complexity: 0/19
Durability: 2993/2993
Armor: 5.0
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 17800/8900 gold

The chainmail weave provides extra toughness,
but you could find a better material.

Canian steel chainmail shirt
Type: Light armor
Material: Steel x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 63
Complexity: 0/21
Durability: 3238/3238
Armor: 5.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 49000/24500 gold

This would withstand an arrow shot from an
average crossbow.

Canian mithrill chainmail shirt
Type: Light armor
Material: Mithrill x 8
Weight: 90
Energy: 66
Complexity: 0/22
Durability: 3421/3421
Armor: 5.7
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 81000/40500 gold

Even the thick weave does not make this
too heavy.

Canian adamantite chainmail shirt
Type: Light armor
Material: Adamantite x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 72
Complexity: 0/24
Durability: 3788/3788
Armor: 6.3
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 329000/164500 gold

You can rely on this in serious combat.

Canian meteorite chainmail shirt
Type: Light armor
Material: Meteorite x 8
Weight: 120
Energy: 78
Complexity: 0/26
Durability: 4154/4154
Armor: 6.9
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 1129000/564500 gold

You would be hard pressed to harm anyone
who wears this shirt!

Canian bronze chainmail trousers
Type: Light armor
Material: Bronze x 6
Weight: 120
Energy: 36
Complexity: 0/17
Durability: 1346/1346
Armor: 4.5
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 10560/5280 gold

Bronze is heavy anyway, and here we have the
thick weave...

Canian iron chainmail trousers
Type: Light armor
Material: Iron x 6
Weight: 100
Energy: 42
Complexity: 0/19
Durability: 1499/1499
Armor: 5.0
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 15600/7800 gold

Not the worst possible material for this armor.

Canian steel chainmail trousers
Type: Light armor
Material: Steel x 6
Weight: 100
Energy: 48
Complexity: 0/21
Durability: 1621/1621
Armor: 5.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 39000/19500 gold

These provide additional leg protection due to
their thicker weave.

Canian mithrill chainmail trousers
Type: Light armor
Material: Mithrill x 6
Weight: 60
Energy: 51
Complexity: 0/22
Durability: 1713/1713
Armor: 5.7
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 63000/31500 gold 

Such trousers are very good in combat, and they
are not too expensive.

Canian adamantite chainmail trousers
Type: Light armor
Material: Adamantite x 6
Weight: 100
Energy: 57
Complexity: 0/24
Durability: 1897/1897
Armor: 6.3
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 329000/124500 gold 

Such lightness and reliability are certainly
worth the price!

Canian meteorite chainmail trousers
Type: Light armor
Material: Meteorite x 6
Weight: 80
Energy: 63
Complexity: 0/26
Durability: 2080/2080
Armor: 6.9
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 849000/424500 gold 

The material speaks for itself!

Canian bronze combat gauntlets
Type: Light armor
Material: Bronze x 1
Weight: 6
Energy: 31
Complexity: 0/17
Durability: 1346/1346
Armor: 4.5
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 7260/3630 gold

Uncomfortable and not too strong.  Only people
with few resources would buy these.

Canian iron combat gauntlets
Type: Light armor
Material: Iron x 1
Weight: 5
Energy: 37
Complexity: 0/19
Durability: 1499/1499
Armor: 5.0
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 8100/4050 gold

Cheap - and not great.

Canian steel combat gauntlets
Type: Light armor
Material: Steel x 1
Weight: 5
Energy: 43
Complexity: 0/21
Durability: 1621/1621
Armor: 5.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 12000/6000 gold

Not bad, but do not rely on them too much
in serious combat.

Canian mithrill combat gauntlets
Type: Light armor
Material: Mithrill x 1
Weight: 3
Energy: 46
Complexity: 0/22
Durability: 1713/1713
Armor: 5.7
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 16000/8000 gold

Not many weapons could pierce these.

Canian adamantite combat gauntlets
Type: Light armor
Material: Adamantite x 1
Weight: 5
Energy: 52
Complexity: 0/24
Durability: 1897/1897
Armor: 6.3
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 47000/23500 gold

Adamantite inlays increase the price - 
but the level of protection too - indeed
an important factor!

Canian meteorite combat gauntlets
Type: Light armor
Material: Meteorite x 1
Weight: 4
Energy: 58
Complexity: 0/26
Durability: 2080/2080
Armor: 6.9
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 147000/73500 gold

There is simply no way to pierce forged
meteoric iron!

Canian combat bronze boots
Type: Light armor
Material: Bronze x 3
Weight: 18
Energy: 31
Complexity: 0/17
Durability: 1346/1346
Armor: 4.5
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 7780/3690 gold

Not the lightest material for footwear, and
not very good protection either.

Canian combat iron boots
Type: Light armor
Material: Iron x 3
Weight: 15
Energy: 37
Complexity: 0/19
Durability: 1499/1499
Armor: 5.0
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 10300/5150 gold

These are not as high as the light high
boots, but the parts they do cover are
protected better.

Canian combat steel boots
Type: Light armor
Material: Steel x 3
Weight: 15
Energy: 43
Complexity: 0/21
Durability: 1621/1621
Armor: 5.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 22000/11000 gold

Difficult to flee from wild beasts in

Canian combat mithrill boots
Type: Light armor
Material: Mithrill x 3
Weight: 9
Energy: 46
Complexity: 0/22
Durability: 1713/1713
Armor: 5.7
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 34000/17000 gold

Light, comfortable, reliable - mithrill
is unmistakeable!

Canian combat adamantite boots
Type: Light armor
Material: Adamantite x 3
Weight: 15
Energy: 52
Complexity: 0/24
Durability: 1897/1897
Armor: 6.3
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 127000/63500 gold

Worth the price.

Canian combat meteorite boots
Type: Light armor
Material: Meteorite x 3
Weight: 12
Energy: 58
Complexity: 0/26
Durability: 2080/2080
Armor: 6.9
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 427000/213500 gold

So light and durable - they are
obviously "out of this world!"

Khadaganian light bronze body armor
Type: Light armor
Material: Bronze x 8
Weight: 180
Energy: 63
Complexity: 0/21
Durability: 3251/3251
Armor: 5.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 142080/71040 gold

Too heavy and uncomfortable.

Khadaganian light iron body armor
Type: Light armor
Material: Iron x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 69
Complexity: 0/23
Durability: 3621/3621
Armor: 6.0
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 148800/74400 gold

Better than bronze, but there's better
yet available...

Khadaganian light steel body armor
Type: Light armor
Material: Steel x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 75
Complexity: 0/25
Durability: 3916/3916
Armor: 6.6
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 180000/90000 gold

No way to pierce this with a chance arrow.

Khadaganian light mithrill body armor
Type: Light armor
Material: Mithrill x 8
Weight: 90
Energy: 78
Complexity: 0/26
Durability: 4138/4138
Armor: 6.9
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 212000/106000 gold

Not very cheap, but one of the strongest.

Khadaganian light adamantite body armor
Type: Light armor
Material: Adamantite x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 84
Complexity: 0/28
Durability: 4581/4581
Armor: 7.6
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 460000/230000 gold

Adamantite is very expensive, but it is 
worth it!

Khadaganian light meteorite body armor
Type: Light armor
Material: Meteorite x 8
Weight: 120
Energy: 90
Complexity: 0/30
Durability: 5025/5025
Armor: 8.3
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 1260000/630000 gold

You can find even better, but it will cost
an awful lot!

Khadaganian bronze laminar trousers
Type: Light armor
Material: Bronze x 6
Weight: 120
Energy: 42
Complexity: 0/21
Durability: 1628/1628
Armor: 5.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 141560/70780 gold

Will not last long in combat...

Khadaganian iron laminar trousers
Type: Light armor
Material: Iron x 6
Weight: 100
Energy: 48
Complexity: 0/23
Durability: 1813/1813
Armor: 6.0
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 146600/73300 gold

Good leg protection.

Khadaganian steel laminar trousers
Type: Light armor
Material: Steel x 6
Weight: 100
Energy: 54
Complexity: 0/25
Durability: 1961/1961
Armor: 6.6
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 170000/85000 gold

These would serve an experienced warrior well.

Khadaganian mithrill laminar trousers
Type: Light armor
Material: Mithrill x 6
Weight: 60
Energy: 57
Complexity: 0/26
Durability: 2072/2072
Armor: 6.9
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 194000/97000 gold

They are light - but not to make running
away from the enemy easier!

Khadaganian adamantite laminar trousers
Type: Light armor
Material: Adamantite x 6
Weight: 100
Energy: 63
Complexity: 0/28
Durability: 2294/2294
Armor: 7.6
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 380000/190000 gold

A silly Tiger would simply break its teeth
on these.

Khadaganian meteorite laminar trousers
Type: Light armor
Material: Meteorite x 6
Weight: 80
Energy: 69
Complexity: 0/30
Durability: 2516/2516
Armor: 8.3
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 980000/490000 gold

The very best!

Khadaganian bronze laminar gauntlets
Type: Light armor
Material: Bronze x 1
Weight: 6
Energy: 35
Complexity: 0/21
Durability: 1628/1628
Armor: 5.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 100260/50130 gold

Bronze is too soft and heavy to protect well.

Khadaganian iron laminar gauntlets
Type: Light armor
Material: Iron x 1
Weight: 5
Energy: 41
Complexity: 0/23
Durability: 1813/1813
Armor: 6.0
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 101100/50550 gold

Such high-class armor should be made of
better materials.

Khadaganian steel laminar gauntlets
Type: Light armor
Material: Steel x 1
Weight: 5
Energy: 47
Complexity: 0/25
Durability: 1961/1961
Armor: 6.6
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 105000/52500 gold

Serious protection!

Khadaganian mithrill laminar gauntlets
Type: Light armor
Material: Mithrill x 1
Weight: 3
Energy: 50
Complexity: 0/26
Durability: 2072/2072
Armor: 6.9
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 109000/54500 gold

Mithrill's lightness and flexibility make
it perfect armor material!

Khadaganian adamantite laminar gauntlets
Type: Light armor
Material: Adamantite x 1
Weight: 5
Energy: 56
Complexity: 0/28
Durability: 2294/2294
Armor: 7.6
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 140000/70000 gold

Only meteorite gauntlets are better!

Khadaganian meteorite laminar gauntlets
Type: Light armor
Material: Meteorite x 1
Weight: 4
Energy: 62
Complexity: 0/30
Durability: 2516/2516
Armor: 8.3
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 240000/120000 gold

These can easily fend off a sword blow!

Khadaganian bronze laminar boots
Type: Light armor
Material: Bronze x 3
Weight: 18
Energy: 35
Complexity: 0/21
Durability: 1628/1628
Armor: 5.4
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 100780/50390 gold

Use better material, and they will be

Khadaganian iron laminar boots
Type: Light armor
Material: Iron x 3
Weight: 15
Energy: 41
Complexity: 0/23
Durability: 1813/1813
Armor: 6.0
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 103300/51650 gold

Good protection, but not the best

Khadaganian steel laminar boots
Type: Light armor
Material: Steel x 3
Weight: 15
Energy: 47
Complexity: 0/25
Durability: 1961/1961
Armor: 6.6
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 115000/57500 gold

Together with the leggings, these provide
excellent protection for legs and feet.

Khadaganian mithrill laminar boots
Type: Light armor
Material: Mithrill x 3
Weight: 9
Energy: 50
Complexity: 0/26
Durability: 2072/2072
Armor: 6.9
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 127000/63500 gold

Worth any price!

Khadaganian adamantite laminar boots
Type: Light armor
Material: Adamantite x 3
Weight: 15
Energy: 56
Complexity: 0/28
Durability: 2294/2294
Armor: 7.6
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 220000/110000 gold

Protect your feet from almost any blow.

Khadaganian meteorite laminar boots
Type: Light armor
Material: Meteorite x 3
Weight: 12
Energy: 62
Complexity: 0/30
Durability: 2516/2516
Armor: 8.3
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 520000/260000 gold

Together with the leggings, these make perfect
protection for feet and legs!!

Khadaganian reinforced bronze chainmail
Type: Light armor
Material: Bronze x 8
Weight: 180
Energy: 66
Complexity: 0/22
Durability: 3414/3414
Armor: 5.7
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 272080/136040 gold

Heavy and not too efficient armor.

Khadaganian reinforced iron chainmail
Type: Light armor
Material: Iron x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 72
Complexity: 0/24
Durability: 3802/3802
Armor: 6.3
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 278800/139400 gold

Iron plates are a bit stronger than
bronze ones...

Khadaganian reinforced steel chainmail
Type: Light armor
Material: Steel x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 78
Complexity: 0/26
Durability: 4112/4112
Armor: 6.9
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 310000/155000 gold

Not too expensive, and provides decent

Khadaganian reinforced mithrill chainmail
Type: Light armor
Material: Mithrill x 8
Weight: 90
Energy: 81
Complexity: 0/27
Durability: 4345/4345
Armor: 7.2
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 342000/171000 gold

Light and strong armor.

Khadaganian reinforced adamantite chainmail
Type: Light armor
Material: Adamantite x 8
Weight: 150
Energy: 87
Complexity: 0/29
Durability: 4811/4811
Armor: 7.9
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 590000/295000 gold

Not the cheapest armor, but this does provide
good body protection.

Khadaganian reinforced meteorite chainmail
Type: Light armor
Material: Meteorite x 8
Weight: 120
Energy: 93
Complexity: 0/31
Durability: 5276/5276
Armor: 8.7
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 1390000/695000 gold

Very reliable body protection!

Khadaganian reinforced bronze chainmail trousers
Type: Light armor
Material: Bronze x 6
Weight: 120
Energy: 44
Complexity: 0/22
Durability: 1707/1707
Armor: 5.7
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 271560/135780 gold

Not the best choice of metal for good armor.

Khadaganian reinforced iron chainmail trousers
Type: Light armor
Material: Iron x 6
Weight: 100
Energy: 50
Complexity: 0/24
Durability: 1901/1901
Armor: 6.3
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 276600/138300 gold

Quite reliable, but not in hard combat.

Khadaganian reinforced steel chainmail trousers
Type: Light armor
Material: Steel x 6
Weight: 100
Energy: 56
Complexity: 0/26
Durability: 2056/2056
Armor: 6.9
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 300000/150000 gold

Steel provides good leg protection.

Khadaganian reinforced mithrill chainmail trousers
Type: Light armor
Material: Mithrill x 6
Weight: 60
Energy: 59
Complexity: 0/27
Durability: 2172/2172
Armor: 7.2
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 324000/162000 gold

These will protect you, and not just from thorns.

Khadaganian reinforced adamantite chainmail trousers
Type: Light armor
Material: Adamantite x 6
Weight: 100
Energy: 65
Complexity: 0/29
Durability: 2405/2405
Armor: 7.9
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 510000/255000 gold

Few weapons could pierce this armor.

Khadaganian reinforced meteorite chainmail trousers
Type: Light armor
Material: Meteorite x 6
Weight: 80
Energy: 71
Complexity: 0/31
Durability: 2638/2638
Armor: 8.7
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 1110000/555000 gold

Expensive but most efficient armor!

Khadaganian bronze reinforced gauntlets
Type: Light armor
Material: Bronze x 1
Weight: 6
Energy: 36
Complexity: 0/22
Durability: 1707/1707
Armor: 5.7
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 200260/100130 gold

It does not pay to economize on the metal!

Khadaganian iron reinforced gauntlets
Type: Light armor
Material: Iron x 1
Weight: 5
Energy: 42
Complexity: 0/24
Durability: 1901/1901
Armor: 6.3
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 201000/100550 gold

Even steel would give more protection.

Khadaganian steel reinforced gauntlets
Type: Light armor
Material: Steel x 1
Weight: 5
Energy: 48
Complexity: 0/26
Durability: 2506/2506
Armor: 6.9
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 205000/102500 gold

Not too expensive, and rather good.

Khadaganian mithrill reinforced gauntlets
Type: Light armor
Material: Mithrill x 1
Weight: 3
Energy: 51
Complexity: 0/27
Durability: 2172/2172
Armor: 7.2
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 209000/104500 gold

Forged mithrill provides much better protection.

Khadaganian adamantite reinforced gauntlets
Type: Light armor
Material: Adamantite x 1
Weight: 5
Energy: 57
Complexity: 0/29
Durability: 2405/2405
Armor: 7.9
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 240000/120000 gold

Adamantite plates are expensive but they can
save your life.

Khadaganian meteorite reinforced gauntlets
Type: Light armor
Material: Meteorite x 1
Weight: 4
Energy: 63
Complexity: 0/31
Durability: 2638/2638
Armor: 8.7
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 340000/170000 gold

These could withstand a knife stab!

Khadaganian bronze reinforced boots
Type: Light armor
Material: Bronze x 3
Weight: 18
Energy: 36
Complexity: 0/22
Durability: 1707/1707
Armor: 5.7
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 200780/100390 gold

The extra protection is not worth the extra

Khadaganian iron reinforced boots
Type: Light armor
Material: Iron x 3
Weight: 15
Energy: 42
Complexity: 0/24
Durability: 1901/1901
Armor: 6.3
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 203300/101650 gold

Good protection from poor weapons.

Khadaganian steel reinforced boots
Type: Light armor
Material: Steel x 3
Weight: 15
Energy: 48
Complexity: 0/26
Durability: 2506/2506
Armor: 6.9
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 215000/107500 gold

Steel plates provide additional strength.

Khadaganian mithrill reinforced boots
Type: Light armor
Material: Mithrill x 3
Weight: 9
Energy: 51
Complexity: 0/27
Durability: 2172/2172
Armor: 7.2
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 227000/113500 gold

Mithrill gives you almost no extra weight, 
but it does provide extra protection.

Khadaganian adamantite reinforced boots
Type: Light armor
Material: Adamantite x 3
Weight: 15
Energy: 57
Complexity: 0/29
Durability: 2405/2405
Armor: 7.9
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 320000/160000 gold

An expensive but classy armor.

Khadaganian meteorite reinforced boots
Type: Light armor
Material: Meteorite x 3
Weight: 12
Energy: 63
Complexity: 0/31
Durability: 2638/2638
Armor: 8.7
Vulnerability: Ltng
Buy/Sell: 620000/310000 gold

If you have meteorite iron to spare, the
protection level will be excellent.

Joon diamond shirt
Type: Light armor
Material: Diamond x 8
Weight: 90
Energy: 120
Complexity: 0/40
Durability: 8068/8068
Armor: 13.5
Vulnerability: Crsh
Buy/Sell: 0/0 gold

No modern craftsman can make such things...

Joon diamond trousers
Type: Light armor
Material: Diamond x 6
Weight: 60
Energy: 90
Complexity: 0/40
Durability: 4034/4034
Armor: 13.5
Vulnerability: Crsh
Buy/Sell: 0/0 gold

Even the best of craftsmen could not make
such a garment!

Joon diamond gauntlets
Type: Light armor
Material: Diamond x 1
Weight: 3
Energy: 80
Complexity: 0/40
Durability: 4034/4034
Armor: 13.5
Vulnerability: Crsh
Buy/Sell: 0/0 gold

No modern craftsmen can make such things...

Joon light diamond leggings
Type: Light armor
Material: Diamond x 3
Weight: 9
Energy: 80
Complexity: 0/40
Durability: 4034/4034
Armor: 13.5
Vulnerability: Crsh
Buy/Sell: 0/0 gold

One cannot find such craftsmen nowadays...

10. Potions and Wands

Potions heal or provides a boost to your stats
temporarily.  Too bad they're so expensive and
the medium vial strength potions is a rip-off,
it really does last such a short duration!
Wands are very expensive but worth it.  Wands 
allow you to make magic items without an 
item rune, which can be very useful - you can
make a strong spellcaster without being skilled
in magic.

Healing potion - very small vial
Type: Potion
Effect: 40
Duration: Immediately
Buy/Sell: 100/50 gold

Restores a very small fraction of a character's

Healing potion - small vial
Type: Potion
Effect: 60
Duration: Immediately
Buy/Sell: 500/250 gold

Restores a small fraction of a character's

Healing potion - medium vial
Type: Potion
Effect: 80
Duration: Immediately
Buy/Sell: 3000/1500 gold

Partially restores a character's health.

Healing potion - big vial
Type: Potion
Effect: 140
Duration: Immediately
Buy/Sell: 10000/5000 gold

Restores a character's health almost completely.

Strength potion - very small vial
Type: Potion
Effect: Constant
Duration: 40.0s
Buy/Sell: 100/50 gold

Increases a character's strength for a very
limited period of time.

Strength potion - small vial
Type: Potion
Effect: Constant
Duration: 60.0s
Buy/Sell: 500/250 gold

Increases a character's strength for a short
period of time.

Strengthen potion - medium vial
Type: Potion
Effect: Constant
Duration: 20.0s
Buy/Sell: 3000/1500 gold

Increases a character's strength.

Strengthen potion - big vial
Type: Potion
Effect: Constant
Duration: 140.0s
Buy/Sell: 10000/5000 gold

Increases a character's strength for a
long period of time.

Haste potion - very small vial
Type: Potion
Effect: 1
Duration: 20.0s
Buy/Sell: 100/50 gold

Increases a character's speed by a very small

Haste potion - small vial
Type: Potion
Effect: 1
Duration: 30.0s
Buy/Sell: 500/250 gold

Increases a character's speed by a small

Haste potion - medium vial
Type: Potion
Effect: 3
Duration: 30.0s
Buy/Sell: 3000/1500 gold

Increases a character's speed.

Haste potion - big vial
Type: Potion
Effect: 5
Duration: 30.0s
Buy/Sell: 10000/5000 gold

Significantly increases a character's speed.

Stone wand
Type: Wand blueprint
Material: Stone x 1
Weight: 2
Energy: 20
Complexity: 10
Buy/Sell: 500/250 gold

Such a wand may contain simple spells
(no need to have an "object" rune for

Bone wand
Type: Wand blueprint
Material: Bone x 1
Weight: 2
Energy: 50
Complexity: 20
Buy/Sell: 2000/1000 gold

Such a wand may contain simple spells
(no need to have an "object" rune for

Metal wand
Type: Wand blueprint
Material: Metal x 1
Weight: 2
Energy: 90
Complexity: 40
Buy/Sell: 20000/10000 gold

Such a wand may contain simple spells
(no need to have an "object" rune for

Carved metal wand
Type: Wand blueprint
Material: Metal x 1
Weight: 2
Energy: 140
Complexity: 60
Buy/Sell: 500000/250000 gold

Such a wand may contain simple spells
(no need to have an "object" rune for

Stone wand
Type: Wand
Material: Stone x 1
Weight: 8
Energy: 23
Complexity: 0/11
Buy/Sell: 504/252 gold

The simplest and weakest of

Granite wand
Type: Wand
Material: Granite x 1
Weight: 8
Energy: 29
Complexity: 0/13
Buy/Sell: 516/258 gold

A bit better than stone but worse
than all others.

Silicon wand
Type: Wand
Material: Silicon x 1
Weight: 8
Energy: 32
Complexity: 0/14
Buy/Sell: 540/270 gold

A decent stone wand.

Obsidian wand
Type: Wand
Material: Obsidian x 1
Weight: 8
Energy: 38
Complexity: 0/16
Buy/Sell: 630/315 gold

The best of stone wands.

Thin bone wand
Type: Wand
Material: Thin bone x 1
Weight: 2
Energy: 56
Complexity: 0/22
Buy/Sell: 2008/1004 gold

A simple bone wand.

Tough bone wand
Type: Wand
Material: Tough bone x 1
Weight: 2
Energy: 62
Complexity: 0/25
Buy/Sell: 2040/1020 gold

A decent bone wand. 

Hard bone wand
Type: Wand
Material: Hard bone x 1
Weight: 2
Energy: 65
Complexity: 0/25
Buy/Sell: 2070/1035 gold

A good choice for a trained magician.

Shell bone wand
Type: Wand
Material: Shell bones x 1
Weight: 2
Energy: 68
Complexity: 0/26
Buy/Sell: 2130/1065 gold

Good material - gives good effect.

Green Dragon bone wand
Type: Wand
Material: Green drag. bone x 1
Weight: 2
Energy: 77
Complexity: 0/29
Buy/Sell: 3100/1550 gold

Dragon bones enable one to use a very
high level of magic. 

Bronze wand
Type: Wand
Material: Bronze x 1
Weight: 12
Energy: 111
Complexity: 0/47
Buy/Sell: 20260/10130 gold

The simplest of metal wands.  An
experienced magician deserves something

Iron wand
Type: Wand
Material: Iron x 1
Weight: 10
Energy: 117
Complexity: 0/49
Buy/Sell: 21100/10550 gold

Better than bronze, but worse than any
other metal wand.

Steel wand
Type: Wand
Material: Steel x 1
Weight: 10
Energy: 123
Complexity: 0/51
Buy/Sell: 25000/12500 gold

Steel doesn't just make good weapons.

Mithrill wand
Type: Wand
Material: Mithrill x 1
Weight: 6
Energy: 126
Complexity: 0/52
Buy/Sell: 29000/14500 gold

Mithrill is light and strong and also
absorbs magic wonderfully.

Adamantite wand
Type: Wand
Material: Adamantite x 1
Weight: 10
Energy: 132
Complexity: 0/54
Buy/Sell: 60000/30000 gold

You can cast very powerful spells with 
this wand.

Meteorite wand
Type: Wand
Material: Meteorite x 1
Weight: 8
Energy: 138
Complexity: 0/56
Buy/Sell: 160000/80000 gold

Only an experienced magician can fully
use its potential!

Decorative bronze wand
Type: Wand
Material: Bronze x 1
Weight: 12
Energy: 161
Complexity: 0/67
Buy/Sell: 500260/250130 gold

You could choose a more serious material
for a decorative wand!

Decorative iron wand
Type: Wand
Material: Iron x 1
Weight: 10
Energy: 167
Complexity: 0/69
Buy/Sell: 501100/250550 gold

It will work, but not well enough for a
master magician.

Decorative steel wand
Type: Wand
Material: Steel x 1
Weight: 10
Energy: 173
Complexity: 0/71
Buy/Sell: 505000/252500 gold

Not a bad choice!

Decorative mithrill wand
Type: Wand
Material: Mithrill x 1
Weight: 6
Energy: 176
Complexity: 0/72
Buy/Sell: 509000/254500 gold

Many magicians in this world dream about
having one!

Decorative adamantite wand
Type: Wand
Material: Adamantite x 1
Weight: 10
Energy: 182
Complexity: 0/74
Buy/Sell: 540000/270000 gold

This one will shoot magic just as well
as the adamantite crossbow shoots arrows.

Decorative meteorite wand
Type: Wand
Material: Meteorite x 1
Weight: 8
Energy: 188
Complexity: 0/76
Buy/Sell: 640000/320000 gold

The best of all possible magic wands.

11. Unique Equipment
This is the list of equipment found or given to you that 
is of a unique nature and cannot be deconstructed or 
duplicated.  Each is very powerful in their own way, 
though the earlier of these artifacts will eventually
be surpassed by items you can manufacture yourself.

Goblin doll: Weaken
Type: Wand
Material: Stone x 1
Weight: 12
Energy: 100
Complexity: 40/50
Spell: Weaken T++, En
Buy/Sell: 2000/1000 gold

A magical stone doll used by Goblins.

Ancient helmet
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Iron x 3
Weight: 15
Energy: 50
Complexity: 15/50
Durability: 980/980
Armor: 10.0
Vulnerability: Ltng
Spell: Eagle sight Ic
Buy/Sell: 2000/1000 gold

No one knows the origin of this... but it is still

Ancient sword
Type: Weapon
Material: Steel x 3
Weight: 15
Energy: 150
Complexity: 15/50
Durability: 29446/29446
Damage: 10-15 Slashing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 0
Defense change: 15
Spell: Weakness It
Buy/Sell: 4000/2000 gold

A unique ancient weapon.  No one can deconstruct 
it or make another one like it nowadays.

Green Dragon horn: Acid fog
Type: Wand
Material: Green drag. bone x 1
Weight: 1
Energy: 150
Complexity: 38/45
Spell: Acid fog R++, A++
Buy/Sell: 2000/1000 gold

A magical Dragon horn used by Lizards.

The family helmet of Knight Brissen
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Steel x 3
Weight: 15
Energy: 150
Complexity: 29/50
Durability: 1590/1590
Armor: 10.0
Vulnerability: Ltng
Spell: Healing E+, Ic
Buy/Sell: 10000/5000 gold

No one could make a blueprint of this
helmet - the craftsmanship is exquisite!

The family cuirass of Knight Brissen
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Steel x 8
Weight: 50
Energy: 150
Complexity: 29/50
Durability: 10600/10600
Armor: 10.0
Vulnerability: Ltng
Spell: Strengthen D+, Ic
Buy/Sell: 10000/5000 gold

Only one craftsman could make such a
cuirass - and he took his secret with
him to the grave...

"Lethal Lightning" spear
Type: Weapon
Material: Mithrill x 2
Weight: 9
Energy: 300
Complexity: 43/100
Durability: 45550/45550
Damage: 30-45 Piercing
Actions: 30
Attack change: 20
Defense change: -30
Spell: Lightning E++, E++, It
Buy/Sell: 1000000/500000 gold

A unique weapn.  Brother Blacksmith is not
up to making anything comparable.

Special cuirass
Type: Heavy armor
Material: Adamantite x 8
Weight: 50
Energy: 500
Complexity: 69/100
Durability: 18600/18600
Armor: 17.0
Vulnerability: Ltng
Spell: Regeneration E++, E++, E++, Ic
Buy/Sell: 1000000/500000 gold

Even the old Kholai himself would have a
hard time making another one like this!

12. Spells (or Keystones)

Keystones are essentially basic spells that have not yet
been constructed and are the most minimum items you can
use to make a spell.  For this reason, I lump spells
and keystones together, after all their stats are completely

Type: Keystone
Stamina 20
Complexity: 9
School: Astral Magic
Effect: 20
Speed: Immediately
Range: 10m
Area: Target
Duration: Immediately
Targets: 1
Buy/Sell: 200/100 gold

Restores health damage in combat.

Type: Keystone
Stamina 30
Complexity: 8
School: Astral Magic
Effect: Constant
Speed: Immediately
Range: 10m
Area: Target
Duration: 20.0s
Targets: 1
Buy/Sell: 500/250 gold

Allows you to temporarily increase a
character's health and the damage he
can cause to enemies.

Type: Keystone
Stamina 30
Complexity: 10
School: Astral Magic
Effect: Constant
Speed: Immediately
Range: 10m
Area: Target
Duration: 20.0s
Targets: 1
Buy/Sell: 2000/1000 gold

Allows you to temporarily weaken your
opponent and lessen the damage he can

Type: Keystone
Stamina 75
Complexity: 14
School: Astral Magic
Effect: 1
Speed: Immediately
Range: 10m
Area: Target
Duration: 10.0s
Targets: 1
Buy/Sell: 15000/7500 gold

Increases the speed of health recovery.

Type: Keystone
Stamina 50
Complexity: 14
School: Astral Magic
Effect: 1
Speed: Immediately
Range: 10m
Area: Target
Duration: 10.0s
Targets: 1
Buy/Sell: 30000/15000 gold

Allows you to increase the speed of blows
which are struck and of spell casting.

Type: Keystone
Stamina 50
Complexity: 13
School: Astral Magic
Effect: 1
Speed: Immediately
Range: 10m
Area: Target
Duration: 10.0s
Targets: 1
Buy/Sell: 10000/5000 gold

Allows you to slow down the speed of blows
which are struck and of spell casting.

Type: Keystone
Stamina 100
Complexity: 30
School: Astral Magic
Effect: Constant
Speed: Immediately
Range: 5m
Area: Target
Duration: 0.3s
Targets: 1
Buy/Sell: 2000000/1000000 gold

Allows to paralyse your enemy for a certain
period of time (to cast it, the enemy must be
visible to you).

Type: Keystone
Stamina 300
Complexity: 50
School: Astral Magic
Effect: Constant
Speed: Immediately
Range: 20m
Area: Target
Duration: 0.3s
Targets: 1
Buy/Sell: 5000000/2500000 gold

Instant displacement from one point to another
(to cast this spell, you must see your destination).

Type: Keystone
Stamina 60
Complexity: 20
School: Astral Magic
Effect: Constant
Speed: Immediately
Range: 10m
Area: Target
Duration: 1.2s
Targets: 1
Buy/Sell: 800000/400000 gold

Prevents your enemy from casting spells for some
time (to cast this spell, the target must be visible).

Protection from magic
Type: Keystone
Stamina 150
Complexity: 50
School: Astral Magic
Effect: 10
Speed: Immediately
Range: 10m
Area: Target
Duration: 10.0s
Targets: 1
Buy/Sell: 0/0 gold

This spell protects you from the Magic of any of
the three Elements.

Eagle sight
Type: Keystone
Stamina 30
Complexity: 5
School: Sensory Magic
Effect: Constant
Speed: Immediately
Range: 10m
Area: Target
Duration: 333.3s
Targets: 1
Buy/Sell: 100/50 gold

Increases the range of your sight by
one and a half times.

Field of vision
Type: Keystone
Stamina 10
Complexity: 7
School: Sensory Magic
Effect: Constant
Speed: Immediately
Range: 150m
Area: Target
Duration: 3.3s
Targets: 1
Buy/Sell: 300/150 gold

Allows you to see what the spell's
target is seeing...

Type: Keystone
Stamina 5
Complexity: 14
School: Sensory Magic
Effect: Constant
Speed: Immediately
Range: 30m
Area: 16.0m
Duration: 5.0s
Targets: 1
Buy/Sell: 1000/500 gold

Will only attract the attention of an enemy
who sees or hears it, without raising a general

Night vision
Type: Keystone
Stamina 50
Complexity: 7
School: Sensory Magic
Effect: Constant
Speed: Immediately
Range: 10m
Area: Target
Duration: 100.0s
Targets: 1
Buy/Sell: 5000/2500 gold

Enables one to see as well in darkness as
in daylight.

Type: Keystone
Stamina 30
Complexity: 9
School: Sensory Magic
Effect: Constant
Speed: Immediately
Range: 50m
Area: 16.0m
Duration: 10.0s
Targets: 1
Buy/Sell: 10000/5000 gold

Allows you to see enemies around the point
at which the spell is directed.

Type: Keystone
Stamina 50
Complexity: 8
School: Sensory Magic
Effect: Constant
Speed: Immediately
Range: 10m
Area: Target
Duration: 33.3s
Targets: 1
Buy/Sell: 1500000/750000 gold

This spell doubles your invisibility to enemies.

Type: Keystone
Stamina 50
Complexity: 9
School: Sensory Magic
Effect: Constant
Speed: Immediately
Range: 10m
Area: Target
Duration: 33.3s
Targets: 1
Buy/Sell: 500000/250000 gold

This doubles your "silence" value making it
twice harder for the enemy to hear you.

Fire arrow
Type: Keystone
Stamina 10
Complexity: 7
School: Elemental Magic
Effect: 7
Speed: 10
Range: 15m
Area: Target
Duration: Immediately
Targets: 1
Buy/Sell: 300/150 gold

An arrow of fire which always hits the target.

Type: Keystone
Stamina 15
Complexity: 9
School: Elemental Magic
Effect: 7
Speed: 10
Range: 15m
Area: 25.9m
Duration: Immediately
Targets: 1
Buy/Sell: 1000/500 gold

This is an area effect spell.  The fireball will
cause damage to everyone near the explosion.

Fire wall
Type: Keystone
Stamina 25
Complexity: 12
School: Elemental Magic
Effect: 10
Speed: Immediately
Range: 15m
Area: 9.0m
Duration: 10.0s
Targets: 1
Buy/Sell: 3000/1500 gold

This is an area effect spell.  A wall of fire 
damages everyone within its range.

Protection from fire
Type: Keystone
Stamina 10
Complexity: 7
School: Elemental Magic
Effect: 3
Speed: Immediately
Range: 10m
Area: Target
Duration: 10.0s
Targets: 1
Buy/Sell: 500/250 gold

The person protected by this spell becomes 
less vulnerable to the effects of fire.

Type: Keystone
Stamina 15
Complexity: 8
School: Elemental Magic
Effect: 8
Speed: Immediately
Range: 20m
Area: Target
Duration: Immediately
Targets: 1
Buy/Sell: 10000/5000 gold

A lightning strike which always hits the target.

Celestial lightning
Type: Keystone
Stamina 25
Complexity: 10
School: Elemental Magic
Effect: 8
Speed: Immediately
Range: 20m
Area: 25.0m
Duration: Immediately
Targets: 1
Buy/Sell: 30000/15000 gold

This is an area effect spell.  The lightning
strike causes damage to everyone who is close by.

Lightning barrier
Type: Keystone
Stamina 35
Complexity: 11
School: Elemental Magic
Effect: 12
Speed: Immediately
Range: 20m
Area: 9.0m
Duration: 10.0s
Targets: 1
Buy/Sell: 15000/7500 gold

This is an area effect spell.  The barrier causes
lightning damage to anyone trying to cross it.

Protection from lightning
Type: Keystone
Stamina 20
Complexity: 9
School: Elemental Magic
Effect: 3
Speed: Immediately
Range: 10m
Area: Target
Duration: 10.0s
Targets: 1
Buy/Sell: 15000/7500 gold

The person protected by this spell becomes less 
vulnerable to lightning effects.

Acid blast
Type: Keystone
Stamina 50
Complexity: 14
School: Elemental Magic
Effect: 9
Speed: 10
Range: 5m
Area: Target
Duration: Immediately
Targets: 1
Buy/Sell: 300000/150000 gold

A spray of acid which always hits the target.

Acid fountain
Type: Keystone
Stamina 70
Complexity: 9
School: Elemental Magic
Effect: 9
Speed: Immediately
Range: 5m
Area: 25.0m
Duration: Immediately
Targets: 1
Buy/Sell: 700000/350000 gold

This is an area effect spell.  A fountain of
acid causes damage to everyone around.

Acid fog
Type: Keystone
Stamina 90
Complexity: 12
School: Elemental Magic
Effect: 15
Speed: Immediately
Range: 5m
Area: 16.0m
Duration: 10.0s
Targets: 1
Buy/Sell: 1000000/500000 gold

This spell is directed at a location and not at a
specific target.  It causes acid damage to everyone
inside the fog.

Protection from acid
Type: Keystone
Stamina 40
Complexity: 13
School: Elemental Magic
Effect: 3
Speed: Immediately
Range: 10m
Area: Target
Duration: 10.0s
Targets: 1
Buy/Sell: 1000000/500000 gold

The person protected by this spell becomes less vulnerable
to acid effects.

13. Runes
Runes are used to modify spells and can often do so
in a dramatic fashion.  Keep in mind that adding them
increases the complexity and stamina cost of a spell.

Also note that runes that multiply the effect of a spell,
only multiplies from the original attribute.  For instance,
a Fire Arrow with 2 Extra Effect runes only does 21 damage
not 28 (so 7 x 3 not 7 x 2 x 2).  Well something like that.

Also mounting offensive spells on armour does nothing.

Human Filter
Type: Rune
Stamina 10
Complexity: 10
Buy/Sell: 100/50 gold

The spell will only affect humans. Hu

Goblin Filter
Type: Rune
Stamina 10
Complexity: 10
Buy/Sell: 100/50 gold

The spell will only affect Goblins. Go

Orc Filter
Type: Rune
Stamina 10
Complexity: 10
Buy/Sell: 100/50 gold

The spell will only affect Orcs. Or

Lizard Filter
Type: Rune
Stamina 10
Complexity: 10
Buy/Sell: 100/50 gold

The spell will only affect Lizards. Dr

Friend Filter
Type: Rune
Stamina 10
Complexity: 10
Buy/Sell: 5000/2500 gold

The spell will only affect the Magician's allies. :Fr

Enemy Filter
TYpe: Rune
Stamina 10
Complexity: 10 
Buy/Sell: 5000/2500 gold

The spell will only affect the Magician's enemies. :En

Item: Trigger
Type: Rune
Stamina 5
Complexity: 5
Buy/Sell: 1000/500 gold

You can insert the spell into an object.
The spell will be triggered when the
object is used or struck.  It

Item: Continuous
Type: Rune
Stamina 10
Complexity: 10
Buy/Sell: 5000/2500 gold

You can insert the spell into an object and it will
be cast continously, as long as the object has enough
energy.  Ic

Extra Range
Type: Rune 
Stamina 10
Complexity: 8
Buy/Sell: 300/150 gold

Doubles the spell's range. R+

Extra Targets
Type: Rune
Stamina 20
Complexity: 12
Buy/Sell: 1000/500 gold

The spell will also affect another target
nearby. T+

Extra Duration
Type: Rune 
Stamina 15
Complexity: 11
Buy/Sell: 1000/500 gold

Doubles the spell's duration. D+

Extra Area
Type: Rune 
Stamina 15
Complexity: 9
Buy/Sell: 1000/500 gold

Doubles the spell's initial coverage area. A+

Extra Effect
Type: Rune
Stamina 30
Complexity: 20
Buy/Sell: 1000/500 gold

Doubles the spell's effect. E+

Extra Energy
Type: Rune 
Stamina -20
Complexity: 5
Buy/Sell: 500/250 gold

Decreases the amount of stamina used when 
casting the spell. M-

Ultra Range
Type: Rune
Stamina 25
Complexity: 12
Buy/Sell: 10000/5000 gold

Triples the spell's range. R++

Ultra Targets
Type: Rune
Stamina 40
Complexity: 20
Buy/Sell: 20000/10000 gold

The spell will also effect two other targets
nearby. T++

Ultra Area
Type: Rune
Stamina 30
Complexity: 14
Buy/Sell: 10000/5000 gold

Triples the area covered by the spell. A++

Ultra Duration
Type: Rune
Stamina 30
Complexity: 17
Buy/Sell: 10000/5000 gold

Triples the spell's duration. D++

Ultra Effect
Type: Rune
Stamina 50
Complexity: 15
Buy/Sell: 30000/15000 gold

Triples the spell's effect. E++

Ultra Energy
Type: Rune
Stamina -40
Complexity: 10
Buy/Sell: 5000/2500 gold

Signicifantly decreases the amount of stamina
used when casting the spell. M--

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