Doctor Who: Destiny of the Doctors (walkthrough)

– Doctor Who: Destiny of the Doctors walkthrough
– Version: 1.01
– Last updated: Sunday 20th November 2005


                            1.0 : Introduction

This is Jim Trenowden’s compiled walkthrough to the BBC Multimedia game, Doctor
Who: Destiny of the Doctors. Please use the index below to find the section you
want by copying and pasting the section titles into the Find command (Ctrl+F).
Any questions about this game or guide can be e-mailed to me via the address at
the top of this walkthrough.

                            2.0 : Contents

1.0: Introduction
2.0: Contents
3.0: Information from the instruction booklet
– 3.1: Story & background information
– 3.2: Controls
– 3.3: Other controls
– 3.4: Other useful information
– 3.5: Saving your game
4.0: Walkthrough
– 4.1: First Doctor
– 4.2: Second Doctor
– 4.3: Third Doctor
– 4.4: Fourth Doctor
– 4.5: Fifth Doctor
– 4.6: Sixth Doctor
– 4.7: Seventh Doctor
5.0: Other hints
6.0: Endgame
7.0: Items and their uses
8.0: Monster list
9.0: FAQ

                            3.0 : Information from the instruction booklet

This section contains the most relevant information from the game’s
instruction booklet. If you have lost your copy of this, this section will be
very helpful as it explains the basics of the game to you. If you feel any
vital information from the booklet is missing from this section, please e-mail

                            3.1 : Story & background information

The game is set in the orbit of the planet Siralos, one of the Seven Thousand
Wonders of the Galaxy. Siralos is composed entirely of malleable psychic
energy, which has been hijacked by the Master, allowing him to physically merge
his TARDIS with the Doctor’s.

Using the energy of Siralos, the Master has captured the first seven
incarnations of the Doctor, scooping them out of their own time streams and
placing their semiconscious forms at the far end of a vast combat arena known
as the Determinant.

You are the Graak, an energy-dependant, amorphous plasma matrix with
telepathic links to the Doctor. It is your mission to release each incarnation
of the Doctor, one at a time, via intelligent gameplay, physical and mental
dexterity, and some working knowledge of Doctor Who mythology.

People not familiar with the mythoogy shouldn’t worry – everything you need to
know is easily accessed via the in-game Monster Database (located in the
Master’s TARDIS) or the Doctor’s TARDIS Log, also known as the City of
Thoughts (accessable from the Doctor’s Console Room)

But be warned, your energy is not limitless and will deplete at various rates
depending on your status; slowly when you are at rest – or quite rapidly when
you are facing monsters or using either the Monster Database or City of

You will encounter ten of the Doctor’s most fearsom enemies, all of which
interact with you and respond to your movements with intelligent behaviour and,
where appropriate, speech. You must find ways to disable them without losing
too much energy.

                            3.2 : Controls

Use the four arrow (cursor) keys for simple navigation.
Use A to jump and Z to crouch down.
Page Up and Page Down to look up and down respectively.
SHIFT + left and right arrows increases speed.
CTRL + left and right arrows enables you to strafe.
F1 moves the Graak’s energy into a room surviellance camera.
F2 shows you which incarnations of the Doctor you have released.
SPACE BAR will fire or otherwise activate or place an object.
To pick an object up, walk into it, or click on it with the mouse/ pointer.
TAB to browse your inventory.
CTRL + TAB to browse backwards through your inventory.
SHIFT + TAB to remove an item from your inventory.
Note that objects carried in the inventory do result in an energy drain over
Picking up an object you already possess, such as a fire extinguisher, does not
give you two fire extinguishers, but does add to the life of the original.
ESC is used to exit the game at any point.

                            3.3 : Other controls

At the Great Divide you will sometimes have the opportunity to ask the Doctor
questions. You will be presented with a range of question heasings to choose
from. Use the TAB key to select a question heading and SPACE BAR to ask the

Doors automatically open as you approach them, unless the zones behind them
are closed off to you at that point in the game. In that case, the doors can
be distinguished at some distance by a difference in their appearance.

Note that you can increase and decrease the area of screen dedicated to the
Graak’s view using the MINUS and EQUALS keys. You will, however, notice a
decrease in screen refresh rate with larger screen areas which may make
gameplay difficult.

                            3.4 : Other useful information

You play the Graak from a first-person perspective – in other words, you see
the action as the Graak sees it. As the Graak, you possess a full range of
directional moves and views. The Graak can also briefly transfer his energy
into any of the cameras inside the TARDIS, so he gets a different perspective
of a room.

Both the Doctor’s TARDIS and the Master’s TARDIS feature a variety of
different environments, where you may find objects the Master sends you to
retrieve, puzzles that need to be solved, and power rods to replenish your own

Confronting you on your quests will be the various alien menaces that the
Master has captured, such as Daleks, Cybermen, and Autons. Often the puzzles
you need to solve will involve defeating these monsters – so keep your wits
about you… To learn their weaknesses (and strengths) use the Master’s Monster
Database – he’s made useful notes on all of his ‘pets’…

The corridors also contain psychic links – glowing enegry matrices that enable
you to communicate with the Doctor. Listen to him, and take careful note of
what he says.

You can also locate a radio set to get in touch with the Brigadier back at
UNIT HQ on Earth – he is one of Earth’s most experienced monster fighters, and
has more than a few useful tips to impart.

Listen carefully to the Master’s instructions and comments as well – but
remember: he’s never been the most trustworthy of fellows…

The Determinant is the vast arena created from the Master’s imagination using
the power of Siralos. He has built it to provide himself with amusement, and
to taunt the Graak with a series of fiendish challenges.

To enter the Determinant, you first have to cross the Great Divide – and this
isn’t possible until you’ve solved whatever task the Master has set for you.
Select a task by choosing a ‘Mind-Lock’ symbol at the Great Divide.

If you would like to dive straight into a challenge without completing a quest
you can do so by selecting the ‘Blast’ symbol at the Great Divide, but be
warned: the energy cost of taking this short cut can be very high.

When you select a symbol the Master will give you a clue. This clue takes the
form of a riddle or instruction, accompanied by a note. Study this note
carefully, scribbling down anything you think might be important. It could save
your life.

Once within the Determinant, you are compelled to face the Master in a
challenge appropriate to the particular Doctor you’ve chosen to rescue. This
could be anyhting from a joust with a Sontaran to a chase around the Celestial
Toyroom with the Quarks; from an underground train ride with an Abominable
Snowman to a battle against a Raston Warrior Robot inside the Doctor’s brain…

Should you win, the Master will release the incarnation of the Doctor – then
you can set the TARDIS to another tme frame, and so try to free another
incarnation of the Doctor. However, should you fail, the Doctor will be lost
to all times past and future. He will never have even existed…

To wholly release the Doctor you must free all seven past incarnations – and
cope with and final twists the Master may have lined up for you…

                            3.5 : Saving your game

To save the Graak’s progress as you proceed, there is a Time Winder located
close by at the start of each quest.

You can select a Time Winder simply by walking towards it. The Time Winder is
then activated by entering a name in the space provided on screen.

By activating a Time Winder, you save your progress and, should you die, you
will be able to restart the game at any Time Winder save point. The Time Winder
creates a Time Dam, stopping the action while you anchor your achievement. If
you choose not to select a Time Winder, it will disappear after a short time.

When you restart the game, you can select any of your Time Winder save points.

                            4.0 : Walkthrough

                             4.1: First Doctor

                        Getting to the Great Divide

Go out the TARDIS door, turn right, then left. Go up a long corridor (dodge the
Cyberman) and through the door. Turn to your left, go forward a little, and
through the door on your left (ie, the middle door of three). Follow this
corridor and up the stairs. Turn right. Go down the stairs and through the door
 on your right. The sonic screwdriver is in an alcove in the middle of the room
 (but watch out for Cybermen). Go through the room, turn right. The Great
Divide is through the door on the left.

"To the beginning you must go, to find the Doctor’s greatest foe…"

The Doctor’s greatest foes are the DALEKS. When you get back to the
Grid of Stones, step only on the letters D, A, L, E, K. You don’t have to step
on them in any order, and you can go back to find a better route.

"On this planet out in space, the Daleks made a brand new base"

The planet is KEMBEL. At the Grid of Stones, step only on the letters K, E, M,
B, L. You don’t have to step on them in any order, and you can go back to find
a better route.

"Through the galaxy you must roam,to find the greatest enemy’s home"

The planet is SKARO, home of the Daleks. At the Grid of Stones, step only on the
letters S, K, A, R, O. You don’t have to step on them in any order, and you can
go back to find a better route.

"La da da…Don’t like my voice, eh? Confused? Poor little Graak. Come back when
you’ve sorted things out"

The Master’s humming La Marseilles, a song from the French Revolution. Get back
to the Grid of Stones, and step only on the red, white and blue squares. You
don’t have to step on them in any order, and you can go back to find a better

"Oh, what a ghastly sight! Not just one Doctor, but three. Intrigued, Graak?
Well, come and see for yourself"

When you get back to the Great Divide (through the double doors on the left,
upstairs, door at the end and past the pool), you’ll see three paths, each with
a picture of the Doctor above them. To find out the real Doctor (and the
correct path), ask the Doctors questions. (Answers: Mavic Chen defeated himself
, Susan took the surname Foreman, WOTAN took over the Post Office tower, Vicki
found happiness in Troy, and the original inhabitants of Vortis were the
Menoptera and the Zarbi)

"Fetch for me the fluid link from the Doctor’s TARDIS. I wish to add it to my
collection of spare parts"

In the pool room, don’t go up the stairs. Instead, go through the door on the
other wall. Turn right at the t-junction, go through the door, and go through
the next room. Turn left, then right. The mercury fluid link is in the room at
the end of the corridor. But there’s a catch – it’s in a hidden alcove, which
only appears when someone is standing on a pressure plate. Go out the door, and
into the room on your left. There’s a Quark there. It will start to walk towards
you. If you’re patient, you can get it to follow you out of the room, and back
to the room with the fluid link. Keep going, and you should be able to get it to
walk over the pressure plate. Then you can grab the fluid link!

                             In the Determinant

Your object is to find a picture of the first Doctor. Be careful – the electric
gates will take off a lot of energy if you walk into them. Be patient. To avoid
falling into a pit, when going down a tunnel, take one or two steps forward,
then stop. If you hear a whooshing sound, and the Doctor say "Be careful", then
back away immediately. When you hear the Master saying "What is this nonsense
you’re undertaking?" it’s a sign that you’re getting close.

                             4.2: Second Doctor

Coming soon.

                             4.3: Third Doctor

                        Getting to the Great Divide

 Go out of the TARDIS doors. Wait until you hear the Doctor say "the TARDIS is
dimensionally transcendental", then go back the way you’ve just come. Go
straight ahead, dodging the Auton, and through the door. Grab the radio
transmitter from the far wall, and go through the door. (Try playing the radio
around the Autons… if at first nothing happens, persevere!). Follow the
corridor, then turn right. Turn right again, and go down the stairs. Follow
the corridor – the Great Divide is on the other side of the door!

"Seek out and bring me the Nestene sphere"

Go into the darkened main chamber room. Take the door on the left, and follow
the corridor. You’ll come to an antechamber. The sphere is on a raised
platform. You don’t have to climb up there, just click on the sphere (you can
even do it from as far away as the doorway). Go back to the main chamber room,
and tae go through either of the single doors. Follow the corridor until you
encounter some temporal displacement, and get back to the Doctor’s TARDIS. Go
up the stairs, turn right, and go through the door at the end of the passage.

"I happen to know that your dear Doctor has in his possession the blue crystal
of Metebelis III. Fetch, now"

Go up the stairs (first door on the left) to the end of the corridor. Go down
the stairs, past the pool, and out the door. Click on the wasps’ nest – it can
be used to kill Sontarans. Then get the watering can. Near the door is a large
round button. Click on it, and the room will suddenly be a little brighter. If
you look at the four pots, you’ll see that plants have appeared in them. Water
any of them, and they’ll open up. The crystal will be in one of them. If
you’re too slow to get it the first time, try again.

To get back to the Great Divide, go up the stairs, into the bedroom (first on
the right) and through the door there.

"Research the roars in which monsters speak,to one Doctor, two unique"

The Autons and Aggedor are the "two monsters", unique to the Third Doctor. At
the Great Divide, you’ll be confronted by two tiles, one with T, the other, F.
They stand for True and False. You’ll then hear a monster sound. If it’s the
sound made by the Autons or Aggedor, jump on T. If it’s another monster, jump
on F.

If you’ve guessed wrongly, it’s bye-bye time. If you’ve guessed right, two
more T/F tiles will appear, and you’ll hear another monster sound. Keep on
guessing, until you’re over at the other side.

Each monster sound will only be given once – therefore, there will be two true
answers, and the rest will be false. The order of the sounds changes from
game to game. To learn what the monsters sound like, try wandering around the
corridors for a while, and dodging the monsters.

"The sacred beast the miners fear, even Alpha Centauri came not near"

The answer is AGGEDOR. At the Grid of Stones, step only on the letters A, G,
E, D, O, R. You don’t have to step on them in any order (but don’t step on any
other letters) and you can go back across the grid to find a better path.

"The planet’s queen, beloved by all, Azaxyr had her in his thrall"

The answer is THALIRA. At the Grid of Stones, step only on the letters T, H,
A, L, I, R. You don’t have to step on them in any order (but don’t step on
any other letters) and you can go back across the grid to find a better path.

"Where Ice Warriors fought the sacred beast,Both king and planet you must

The answer is PELADON. At the Grid of Stones, step only on the letters P, E,
L, A, D, O, N. You don’t have to step on them in any order (but don’t step
on any other letters) and you can go back across the grid to find a better

                            In the Determinant

Your object is to shoot the Master’s ship three times. He’s flying around
the same area you are, so chances are he should fly into your field of
vision. If you can’t find him, listen for his laughter, or the roar of his
ship. Try doing 180-degree turns, and he should go across your field of vision.
Once you’ve got him in your sights, don’t stop shooting at him!

                           4.4: Fourth Doctor

                      Getting to the Great Divide

Go out the door, turn right, and turn left. At this point, if you don’t have
the radio transmitter, you won’t be able to go any further. (Go back to the
Third Doctor’s era, and get it). If you’ve got the transmitter, go through the
door, turn left, go up the stairs, turn left again (don’t go down the stairs,
the other corridor), and through the door at the end. Go through the next door,
and there you are at the Great Divide!

"Zygons have their own little mushroom that’s ever so precious to them. They’re
 going to be awfully upset when you steal it from them"

First up, get the clock from the foot of the stairs. It can be used to
hypnotise Zygons. Go through the double doors, and down a long passageway. Turn
 left to get to the Zygon chamber. Go to the back of the chamber. On the wall
will be a spot that’s lighter in colour than all the rest. It’s actually a
doorway to a little alcove – jump up and go through it. (This might take a few
 goes). The Zygon tracer (the ‘mushroom’) is inside the alcove. To get back to
 the Great Divide, retrace your steps until you’re in the darkened antechamber.
 Go through the single left-hand door at the other end of the room.

"All those blithering idiots who assisted the Doctor Assist me now in
him… for all time"

To get back to the Great Divide, turn around, and go out the door. Take the
 door on the right, and go up the stairs. Go through the door at the end of the
corridor, down past the pool, and through the door there.

 At the Great Divide, there’ll be three paths, with pictures above them. The
Master will say "Faces await at the bridge’s end, choose from the foe and the
friend". The pictures will begin to change. Most of the pictures are companions.
But eventually, two of the bridges will show pictures of enemies (usually the
Rani, Eldrad, and Sharaz Jek). Ignore these paths, and take the third one.

"Imposter – you’re no friend of the Doctor. If you think you know him, prove it
to me."

 When you enter the triangular shaped courtyard, take the left-hand most door.
Eventually you’ll see three doors in a wall – take the middle door. Follow the
corridor, go up the stairs, turn right. The Great Divide should be behind the
door at the end of the corridor.

 At the Great Divide, you’ll see three paths, each with a picture of the Doctor
above them. To find the correct Doctor (and hence, the correct path), ask the
Doctors questions. (Answers: Borusa meddled with forces beyond his control,
was sucked into a black hole, the War Chief gave away the secrets of time
you need a key to open the Seventh Door to physically enter the Matrix, the
Doctor was framed by Goth).

"The warrior of the Martian breed, Sent from the Moon, a deadly seed"

The answer is SLAAR. When you get back to the Grid of Stones, step only on the
letters S, L, A, R. You don’t have to step on them in any particular order, and
you can go back to find a better route.

To get back to the Great Divide, go through either of the single doors in the
darkened antechamber. Keep following the passage until you encounter some
distortion, and find yourself back in the Doctor’s TARDIS. Go up the stairs,
right, and right again. Go through the door at the end of the passage.

"A peaceful member of a warrior breed, On troubled Peladon he served his creed"

 The answer is IZLYR. When you get back to the Grid of Stones, step only on the
letters I, Z, L, Y, R. You don’t have to step on them in any particular order,
you can go back to find a better route.

 To get back to the Great Divide, go through either of the single doors in the
darkened antechamber. Keep following the passage until you encounter some
distortion, and find yourself back in the Doctor’s TARDIS. Go up the stairs,
right, and right again. Go through the door at the end of the passage.

                              In the Determinant

Be patient. This is probably the hardest challenge. Listen for the sound of the
Raston Warrior Robot appearing. When you hear the whooshing sound, don’t move
you hear a sound like two metal poles colliding, which means it’s gone. Don’t
and run through the sparkly gates or the expanding balls of brain fibre – you’ll
only lose time. Just wait for them to go away.

Listen to the Doctor’s voice. When he says "Be careful", it means there’s a pit
 near you. Back away, listen for the siren, and check the ground. When the
Master says "What is this nonsense you’re undertaking?" it’s a sign that you’re
 getting close. When you hear the Doctor say "You’re getting warm – I’m
over here" take the right-hand fork. If necessary, use the jelly babies as
guides (but it’s possible to get through without passing all of them).

                             4.5: Fifth Doctor

                      Getting to the Great Divide

Go out the TARDIS door. Turn right, then left. Go through the room (watch out
for the Silurian) and through the door. Turn right. Go through the room, and
through the door. Then turn around and go back through the door you’ve just
gone through. At some stage the Doctor might tell you to get the sonic
screwdriver. It’s not essential, but it’s probably a good idea to get it
early in the game.

"My aquatic reptilian friends have something in their possession that they
prize dearly. It’s of no use whatsoever to me – apart from the pleasure I
derive from watching their reaction when someone steals it"

You start off in the bathroom. Go to the fountain, and look down (Page Down)
at the grill. Jump though it (Z) when it’s open.

You start off in a room with a statue. There’s only one door. Swim out the
door and turn right. Follow the corridor straight ahead, and through the
door. Go into the room, and go through the doorway on the right hand wall.
Follow the corridor, turn right, and turn left. You should be looking at an
organic tunnel that goes upwards. Swim up the tunnel

Go out the door and into the room with the statue. Take the doorway on the
right, and into the room with the database (it’s a light blue rectangle).
Over in the corner, you’ll see a fish circling. Above it is a trapdoor. Go
up through this trapdoor, (get right underneath it and press A) and you’ll
be in a small room, with the relic floating on a platform in the middle.
(There’s also a couple of Sea Devils to keep you busy). Grab the relic, go
back down through the trapdoor, and find your way back up to the bathroom.
Go out the door, follow the corridor back to the darkened antechamber, and
go through the door on the left to the Great Divide.

A couple of notes: There are a lot of trapdoors in the underwater levels. Most
of them you can’t go through. The ones that you can go through are set a
little higher in the stone. When making my way through the levels, I usually
take all left-hand turns, so I cover all the area. (It works with all right
-hand turns, too. Just be consistent). And don’t go up a second tunnel.

"I wonder what it’s like in a Dalek nursery – little Daleks, learning to count
 on their toes. Exterminating their teachers when they get upset"

Go to the Dalek nursery. Look at the computer screens. The five symbols that
flash on them are the symbols you have to step on at the Great Divide. You
don’t have to step on them in any particular order, and you can go back and
choose a better route. (For the trivia buffs, the symbols are actually Dalek
numbers – they flash across the screen in the video footage in the Third
Doctor challenge)

"In the auditorium, win or lose, Autons – true or false? You choose"

When you get back to the Great Divide (through the single door at the far
end of the darkened chamber) you’ll be shown a picture, and two tiles will
appear – T for true, and F for false. If the picture is of an Auton (or
someone from one of the Auton stories), jump on T. Otherwise, jump on F.
Keep guessing true or false until you’re across the Divide. If you make
a mistake, your energy will decrease rapidly. Jump back to where you
started, and take the other tile. It seems that most of the pictures are
True, with only one or two False per game. (Usually Androids).

"In Earth’s skies the reason could be found, Which drove the Silurians

The answer is MOON. At the Grid of Stones, step only on the letters M, O, N.
You don’t have to step on them in any order, and you can go back and find a
better route.

To get back to the Great Divide, go through either of the single doors in the
darkened antechamber and follow the passage until you encounter some temporal
distortion and find yourself back in the Doctor’s TARDIS. Go up the stairs,
and turn right. Go through the door at the end of the corridor.

"Long buried deep beneath the ground, Sea devil brothers here are found"

The answer is CAVES. At the Grid of Stones, step only on the letters C, A, V,
 E, S. You don’t have to step on them in any order, and you can go back and
find a better route.

To get back to the Great Divide, go through either of the single doors in
the darkened antechamber and follow the passage until you encounter some
temporal distortion and find yourself back in the Doctor’s TARDIS. Go up the
stairs, and turn right. Go through the door at the end of the corridor.

"To reclaim the planet with mankind dead, This deadly disease the
Silurians spread"

The answer is PLAGUE. At the Grid of Stones, step only on the letters P, L,
A, G, U, E. You don’t have to step on them in any order, and you can go
back and find a better route.

To get back to the Great Divide, go through either of the single doors in
the darkened antechamber and follow the passage until you encounter some
temporal distortion and find yourself back in the Doctor’s TARDIS. Go up
the stairs, and turn right. Go through the door at the end of the corridor.

                             In the Determinant

Your object is to defeat the Sontaran warrior. Don’t attack him front-on,
because it doesn’t work. Instead, try getting behind him, or beside him. You
only need to hit him three times before he slumps forward, indicating that
you’ve won. Be aggressive – go after him. Don’t let him get an early advantage.
 Try not to let him hit you, and try to avoid crashing into the barrier too

                             4.6: Sixth Doctor

                        Getting to the Great Divide

 Go out the TARDIS doors. Turn right, then left. Go through the room (watch out
 for the Ice Warrior) and through the door at the end. Turn left and go up the
stairs. Turn left, and go down the stairs. Follow the corridor. Go through the
door at the end of the corridor, turn around so you’re facing the way you’ve
just come, and go through the left-hand most door (you’ve come through the
middle door). Go down the passage a little way, then turn around and go back
through the door.

"The Doctor holds the key to the matrix. Before I eliminate him from all time,
I’ll add it to my collection"

Go through the door nearest you. Dodge the Dalek, and go through the door at
the end of the corridor. Go straight across the room, and through the door.
And again. Dodge the Dalek, go right, down the stairs, and through the door at
 the end of the corridor. Press Page Down to look down, and examine the floor
near the sofa. You should see the gold matrix key poking out from underneath
it. Click on it, then press Page Up to get your vision back to normal.

Go out the room, and up the stairs. Turn left, and go down the stairs. Follow
the corridor, and go through the door at the end. Turn around and face the way
you’ve come from, and go through the left-hand most door. (You came through
the middle one). Follow the corridor, and go through the door on the left.

"Honour the strong, scorn the weak, Hark the words Sontarans speak"

To get back to the Great Divide, go out the door, and through the double doors
 at the far end of the room. Go into the lift. Double click on the bottom
button. Wait for the little shudder, then double click on the button again.
When you get down to the bottom level, the Great Divide is through the door
 in the right hand wall.

 At the Great Divide, you’ll see two tiles – T (for true) and F (for false).
 You’ll then hear a Sontaran say something. If it is a phrase the Sontarans
say, jump on T. Otherwise, jump on F.

 If you’re wrong, you’ll die a Glorious Death. If you’re right, two more T / F
 tiles will appear, and you’ll hear another Sontaran phrase.

Sontarans DO say:

No greater glory then to die for the Sontaran Empire.
The greater the odds, the greater the glory.
Seek not allies, Sontarans have no need for allies.
Let the fighting commence.
The probic vent is the weakness. Sontarans face the enemy.

Sontarans DON’T say:

Killing is the function of being.
Words shall never prevail against Sontaran might
The sword is mightier than the word.
Control or destroy
Sontarans lead, never follow.

"Cybermen get absolutely livid when someone steals their pet metal rats… As
you’re about to find out."

Go into the Cybermen chamber. The cybermat is at the rightof the structure
towards the end of the room. Go up two ramps to the top level, and head towards
 the right. Watch out – there’s often a Cyberman up there.

You can’t just jump off the sturcture, so you’ll have to go back down two
ramps, which can be tricky. Once there, head back to the darkened antechamber
, and go through either of the single doors at the far end. Follow the passage
 until you encounter some temporal distortion, and find yourself back in the
Doctor’s TARDIS. Go up the stairs, turn right, and go through the door at the
end of the corridor.

"La da da… Graak! I can see the answer from here. Pass me the soap"

The Master’s in the bath. To get to the bathroom, take the left hand door in
the darkened antechamber. You don’t actually need to go there, but it’s worth
it to hear what the Master says when you step around the bath!

Around the bath are tiles with various symbols on them – X, O, SSS. (The last
one’s a bit of approximation – it’s basically three wavy lines). When you get
back to the great Divide, step only on these three symbols. You don’t have to
step on them in any particular order, and you can go back to find a better

To get back to the Great Divide, go through either of the single doors at the
end of the darkened antechamber. Follow the passage uyntil you encounter some
 temporal displacement, and find yourself back in the Doctor’s TARDIS. Go up
 the stairs, turn left, left again, and through the door at the end of the

                           In the Determinant

Your object is to find the picture of the Sixth Doctor. But be warned – it’s
enclosed in an energy field. To disable the energy field, you’ve got to find
the six ice stars. The beeps are a homing system – the closer together the
beeps, the closer you are to an ice star. The ice stars are pretty recognisable.
 When you see one, I find it’s best if you slow right down (press the down
arrow) and use the A and Z keys to adjust your altitude. Try and keep the ice
 star in the centre of your field of vision.

When you’ve got all six stars, head back towards the (now disabled) energy
field. If you approach it before you’ve got all the stars, you’ll hear the
Master say "I wouldn’t recommend it". If this happens, steer away quickly.

                          4.7: Seventh Doctor

                     Getting to the Great Divide

Go out the TARDIS door. Turn right, and go out the other bedroom door. Turn left
, and go through the door at the end of the corridor (watch out for the Dalek).
Go right, then left. Go through the room, and through the door at the end.

(If you don’t have the sonic screwdriver, you might hear the Doctor tell you to
 go and get it. It’s not essential at this point, but it’s probably a good idea
 to get it early in the game.)

Go through the door on your right, turn around, and go back through it again.

"Read the colours and you will know, The title of a Validium foe"

Go out the door. Follow the corridor, turn left, and go up. Go through the door.
 Turn left, and go through the door there (ie, go through the middle door of
three; you’ve come from the lefthand most one). Go through the room, and
 the door at the other side. Turn left, and go through the door.

You should now be in the pool room. There’s an umbrella to your right, a multi-
coloured mural in front of you, and several Zygons. If you look closely at the
mural, the colours that also appear on the umbrella spell out a word – NEMESIS.

When you get back to the Great Divide (up the stairs and through the door), step
only on the letters N, E, M, S, I. You don’t have to step on them in any order,
and you can go back to find a better route.

"The Doctor admires Silurians, for some reason… Well, as you’re about to
discover, these bug eyed beauties can be most uncivilised when they’re separated
 from their very primative relics"

Your object is to find the jawbone of the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Go into the
chamber, and look for a hole in the ceiling, right in the middle of the chamber.
Use the A key to jump up into it. Click on the relic, grab the power rod that’s
up there too, and jump down again.

Go back to the darkened antechamber, and through either of the doors at the far
end. Follow the passageway around until you encounter some temporal
and find yourself back in the Doctor’s TARDIS. Go up the stairs, turn left,
 again, and go through the door at the end of the corridor.

"Ah, Excalibur! The Doctor’s most prized possession. It would be such a pity to
send you both off to oblivion without it"

Go to the fountain, where the rubber duck is circling. Look down (Page Down) and
you’ll see there’s a trapdoor beneath you. Jump through it (press Z). To get
Excalibur, you’ve got to go down two levels.

Starting from the room you’re in, go out the doorway, along the passage and
through the door. Go straight through the room, turn left, and go down the

From here, go through the door, turn left, turn right through the door, go
straight ahead for a while, turn left, and go down the tunnel.

Go through the doorway, turn left, then right. Go left through the door, then
 left again. You should see Excalibur in the weeds surrounding the statue. Grab
it, then go back the way you came. Jump up the trapdoor (press A). The Great
Divide is behind the door up the stairs.

While searching for Excalibur, watch out for the Sea Devils. Don’t let them trap
you behind a door.

"In the Doctor’s wardrobe, four instruments play, Step on their pictures to show
you the way. To find this wardrobe you must move, North, south, east and west in
each groove"

This is probably the most difficult of all the challenges, but it can be done.

Turn around. Go back along the passageway, and through the double doors on your
right. Grab the fire extinguisher that’s behind them. Go up the stairs, and
take the second door on your right. (Watch out for the Cybermen). Grab the fire
extinguisher from the room, then go back and kill the two Cybermen on this
 (Normally I don’t advocate killing monsters, but this challenge is an

When the level is clear, go back into that bedroom. On the far wall are four
coathooks, each pointing up (north). Click on the one second from the left, and
it will rotate ninety degrees. Click on it agan, and it rotates so it’s pointing
down (south). Get the other two pointing east and west. (going from the left
hand side). At this point, a panel will slide down, revealing a gramaphone.

Click on it, and you’ll hear some instruments play. When you get back to the
Great Divide (go out the room, into the room across the corridor and take the
 door on the left), step only on the pictures of instruments that were playing
on the gramaphone.

It can be frustrating trying to distinguish the sounds, and then work out what
the pictures represent, but it can be done. You might have to listen to the
gramaphone a few times.

                              In the Determinant

This is probably the most fun! Your object is to overtake the Master’s car. Try
 and stay close to him, then, when you’re ready, pull into the lane he’s in and
 hit the down arrow key. This has to be done quickly – if you do it correctly,
you’ll see the Doctor’s face come floating towards you.

Watch out for the Autons, they’re shooting at you. And when you hear a horn,
look out for the tractor.

                            5.0 : Endgame

You should have at least 6000 seconds left on your counter to do this
comfortably. Note: There is no Time Winder available at the start of this
challenge, so you may have to re-save the last Doctor who you rescued.

From the start, walk off the platform you are standing on, onto the ‘water’
surrounding it. Use the ‘Z’ button on your keyboard to enter the water, and
then use it again on the floor of the cavern when you are over the ‘trapdoor’
section (a square hole in the floor).

You’ll find yourself in another series of caverns. Go through the stone
archways visible. At one point you will see an access point to the Master’s
Monster Database (a stone base with a blue ‘screen’ on top), which will give
you useful advice about Sea Devils (although using it is not necessary, you
will use energy inside the Database)

From there, go up one level, and… well, the rest is up to you.

                            6.0 : Other hints

It’s usually easier to run past a monster than to kill it.

Save whenever you can. Don’t be afraid to revert back to a saved game.

Keep an eye out for blue crystals (which give you more time) and special weapons
for the monsters.

At the Grid of Stones, try altering your line of sight. Press Page Down to look
down – it’s easier to see which stone to jump to next. Looking down a little
also helps in the First and Fourth Doctor quests, where it’s important to notice
pits opening up.

The more Doctors you’ve rescued, the harder it is to cross the Grid of Stones.
 If you’ve rescued more than a couple of the Doctors, the stones will move up
and down a bit. If you’ve rescued most of the Doctors, they’ll bounce up and
down a lot. At this stage it might be easier to go looking for an artifact.

Or maybe not. Because the Master will often put a big expanding sphere in your
way. If you run at it, you’ll lose lots of energy. Just wait for it to go away,
 then run.

Towards the end of the game, your energy will also run out faster.

                            7.0 : Items and their uses

Sonic Screwdriver:

The Doctor’s favourite toy. This can be found underneith the console in the
console room in the Fifth Doctor’s TARDIS. Used to stun certain enemies, and
has other uses. A very useful (if not essential) item to have. The only
downside is that it drains your energy quite quickly.

Radio transmitter:

This device (found in the Third Doctor’s workshop) not only allows you to
contact Brigadier Alastair Gordon Leftbridge-Stuart (an old friend of the
Doctor’s who has quite a lot of useful advice for you), but also allows you to
kill Autons when up close. Simply activate it to make them self-destruct.

Blue crystal:

Restores some of your energy. Can be used once. Often they can be located it
you hear a ‘throbbing’ sound nearby. Almost always on the floor. Once used,
discard, as it will just use up your energy faster by hanging on to it.

Blue fire extinguisher:

Used to disable certain enemies. Runs out, but can be topped up by collecting
another blue fire extinguisher.

Red fire extinguisher:

Used to disable certain enemies. Runs out, but can be topped up by collecting
another red fire extinguisher.

Oil dropper:
Used to disable certain enemies. Runs out, but can be topped up by collecting
 another oil dropper.

                            8.0 : Monster list




Ice Warriors:


Rastn Warrior Robots:

Sea Devils:





                            9.0 : FAQ

What are the System Requirements?

Minimum system requirements are:
– a multimedia PC with 60MHz processor and 16 mB of RAM
– 16-bit (64K) colour display
– soundblaster 16-bit audio card (or 100% compatible)
– Windows 95
– At least 50 MB of hard drive space

Is there a Mac version?

Destiny of the Doctors hasn’t been released in a Macintosh version. BBC
Worldwide (or 2|entertain, whatever they are calling themselves now) has no
plans to do so.

Where’s the sonic screwdrver?

The sonic screwdriver is found in the Fifth Doctor’s era.

Where’s the radio transmitter?

The radio transmitter is found in the Third Doctor’s era, in the Doctor’s

Do I need to get the sonic screwdriver and radio transmitter?

Yes and no. The sonic screwdriver can be used against most monsters, and the
transmitter gives useful hints. At some points in the game you might not be
able to proceed unless you have them, although you can get through the entire
game without using either of them.

What order would you recommend rescuing the Doctors in?

Well, the Third Doctor’s era has the Radio Transmitter in it, so I would do
that first. The order I did it in was: 3, 4, 2, 1, 5, 7, 6.

I got to the endgame, but ran out of energy. How do I know if I’ve won?

During the endgame, energy runs out very quickly. If you’ve won, you’ll see
some video footage. If not, you’ll have to try again.

My friend said this challenge was easy, but when I tried, it was impossible.

The first few challenges are easier, however the going gets tougher as you
progress. For instance, if you do the First Doctor quest towards the end of
the game, the maze is trickier and there are more Quarks.

The database is cool. Can I access it without the game?

Nope. Sorry.

What’s this video clip? I don’t remember seeing it in the game?

The video clips for Destiny are found in D:/Video. There’s a couple of clips
I’ve never seen in gameplay, including GNMV0002.MOV. It is possible that they
were filmed and proved uneccesary, but were included n the CD ROM for whatever


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