Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts v2.201 patch

– Performance improvements, especially on single-core systems.
– Fixed a bug with account secret question collisions.
– Removed the ability to add chat messages with no content.
– Streamlined the in game downloader and added checksum verification.
– Increased the default volume mix output, should now be equivalent to original CoH.
– Fixed a bug where speech and music would stop mid-game.
– Replays now restore the custom atmosphere, and also do not reset the atmosphere for save games.
– Fixed a bug that resulted in the UI losing functionality after watching an NIS.
– The screen no longer remains black if you save the game during a black screen transition.
– Fixed a number of incorrect speech triggers.
– Fixed the ending of OMG M07 so that the final mission speech does not play twice.
– Fixed a potential crash that would occur in Caen M08.
– Fixed Normandy M10 to ensure that the medal objective occurs when the Rangers arrive.
– Ensured that the player would start with enough fuel to build a Howitzer at the start of Caen M01.
– Removed extra lines in OMG M02 that were inaudible to the player with regards to the found plans.
– Fixed a minor pathing issue in M05 of Best when squads garrison a particular house.
– Fixed a keyless text reference when the player selects the neutral Goliaths in Normandy M08.
– Fixed the special single player manpower point to increase in MP rate when an outpost is built on the point.
– Ensured that the forward Motorpool Normandy M06 does not disappear when destroyed.
– Map changes to Normandy M09.
– Airborne Satchel Charges reduced in cost from 75munitions to 50munitions.
– American 105mm artillery barrage recharge increased by 25s.
– American 76mm gun upgrade cost reduced from 200mp/100fuel to 200mp/85fuel.
– American Airborne Recoilless Rifles have their setup times reduced to enable them to fire more effectively at moving vehicles.
– American BAR weapon damage modifier increased from .5 to .75 against Marder III armour type. BAR will do more damage when it penetrates the armour of the Marder III.
– American Offmap artillery arrival delay reduced by 1s.
– American Rangers have some changes to their veterancy. Vet 1 received accuracy bonus is moved to Vet 2. Vet 2 received damage modifier is moved to Vet 1.
– American Rangers have their reinforce costs increased by approximately 10mp per soldier.
– American Riflemen receive longer range sticky bombs ability at Vet level 2.
– American Sherman .50cal turret mount cost reduced from 100munitions to 75munitions.
– British 17 pounder AT gun has its range increased marginally to account for the size of its emplacement.
– British 25 Pounder scatter tuned to reduce overshooting.
– British Armour Command Truck and Field Support Truck have their sight radii tuned.
– British Deploy Marksman ability range reduced from 35 to 30.
– British officers and Recon squads have their camouflage detection increased marginally.
– British Sappers have their health individually increased by 5.
– British trucks have a small camo detection radius.
– Commando Artillery cost increased from 80munitions to 100munitions.
– Defensive Operations (researched at the HQ) is required to enable healing at Panzer Elite Medical stations.
– Goliath has reduced chance of taking an engine critical from small arms fire.
– Jagdpanther costs set to be the same as King Tiger. Will cost 100mp upkeep per minute for 5 minutes.
– M8 Greyhound 37mm gun cool down reduced from 9s to 7s.
– MG42 Suppression increased vs tp_infantry_soldier (British Infantry/Panzer Elite Infantry)).
– On map American 105mm howitzers and all Flak 88 variants have their build times reduced from 90s to 60s.
– Pak 38 Vet 3 damage modifier reduced from 1.25 to 1.15
– Panzer Elite AT grenades set to do matching damage vs tp_infantry_soldier (British Infantry/Panzer Elite Infantry) target types
– Panzer Elite AT Halftrack Focused Firing ability increased in cost from
30munitions to 40munitions.
– Panzer Elite AT Halftrack Focused Firing ability will set a .55 speed modifier on the AT Halftrack for the duration of the ability.
– Panzer Elite AT Halftrack Treadbreaker ability cost increased from 25munitions to 40munitions.
– Panzer Elite AT Halftrack Treadbreaker ability range decreased from 45 to 32.
– Panzer Elite Booby Trap ability recharge time increased.
– Panzer Elite Defensive Operations cost increased from 100mp/20fuel to 150mp/30fuel
– Panzer Elite Fallschirmjager FG42 weapon has its rate of fire reduced from 8 to 7.
– Panzer Elite Fallschirmjager FG65 weapon is less effective against units in light and open cover.
– Panzer Elite Flakvierling 38 cost changed from 340mp/20fuel to 300mp/35fuel.
– Panzer Elite Funkwagen steals 100% of resources from enemy sectors now instead of 50%.
– Panzer Elite grenadiers receive veterancy at a slower rate. Required 8 points for vet 1, 22 for vet 2, 36 for vet 3, now requires 12 points for vet 1, 26 for vet 2, 40 for vet 3.
– Panzer Elite Infantry Halftrack cost increased from 240mp/15fuel to 240mp/20fuel.
– Panzer Elite Infantry Halftrack had main MG42 Suppression reduced vs units in heavy and light cover.
– Panzer Elite Infantry Halftrack health reduced from 300 to 285.
– Panzer Elite Infantry lose their received_accuracy modifiers for Defensive Vet 1 and Defensive Vet 2
– Panzer Elite Jager Kommand and Support Kommand costs increased from 220mp/20fuel to 220mp/30fuel.
– Panzer Elite Luftwaffe Commander tree has its command point costs modified.
Fallschirmjager increased from 2 to 3, Luftwaffe Ground Forces reduced from 2 to 1, Wirblewind increased by 1, Butterfly bombs reduced by 1.
– Panzer Elite Mortar Halftrack barrage tuned by adding 1s to each cool down.
– Panzer Elite Munition Halftrack cost reduced from 220mp/25fuel to 200mp/15fuel
– Panzer Elite Panzer IV Infantry Support tank had its main weapon accuracy increased vs tp_infantry (US and Wehrmacht infantry) and tp_infantry_elite (US Rangers) from .4 to .5.
– Panzer Elite Scout Car Logistik Upgrade decreased in cost from 40munitions to 25munitions.
– Panzer Elite Sector Artillery costs 3 command points instead of 4.
– Panzer Elite Tank Busters reduced in cost from 390mp to 360mp.
– Panzer Elite Wirblewind AA vehicle increased in effectiveness vs light vehicles.
Rounds Will have a greater chance of penetrating Armour of vehicles like M24 Greyhound and M19 Halftracks.
– Panzer Elite Wirblewind has improved accuracy modifiers against massed infantry.
– Panzer Grenadiers max builders set from 12 to 6. This will reduce the construction speed of Panzer Elite infantry.
– Probability of blowing up a flamethrower armed soldier is reduced.
– Turret mounted machine gunners have their chance of death criticals reduced in most weapon categories.
– Wehrmacht Flak 88 health increased from 200 to 325.
– Wehrmacht Registered Artillery cost reduced from 150munitions to 125munitions.
– Wehrmacht StuH 42 weapon does marginally increased area damage to infantry.
– Wehrmacht Volksgrenadiers get a new K98 rifle tuned vs tp_infantry_soldier (British Infantry/Panzer Elite Infantry). Damage modifier increased from .6 to .65.
Data Bug Fixes
– Set UI stats correctly for Jagdpanther. Was 3/5/5/4, should be 9/3/7/5.
– Axis 88 crews will no longer lose their medical kit during the Battle Phase.
– PE Assault Grenadiers cannot pick up dropped bazookas that they cannot use.
– Axis Wehrmacht and Stormtroopers no longer use the same group selection.
Double-clicking on either unit type will no longer select both unit types.
– British Command Trucks will crush tank traps or other blocking objects for a short duration when they first appear on the map.
– Kettenkrad will no longer have the rudimentary repair ability before the Tank Destroyer command tree is selected.
– The American Tank Depot will count properly in Annihilate Games. Players will not lose Annihilate Games if all they have left is a Tank Depot.
– Panzer Elite Sprint Ability is visible with requirements
– Activate Panther Battlegroup upgrade on HQ now has a shortcut key.
– Units can no longer repair slit trenches.
– Several UI bugs were fixed when British emplacements were taken over by non-British allied or enemy forces.
– Fixed a bug where the British Lt was applying his speed modifier bonus to some enemy and allied troops.
– Fixed a bug where Heroic Charge 'fatigue' modifiers were not being applied after Heroic Charge had been used.
– Fixed a bug where Panzer Grenadiers would detect mines while garrisoned in a halftrack.
– V1 Fixes – fixed a bug where the V1 would fail if it was targeted on a unit that died before the V1 arrived. V1s should only target position, not entity.
Map Changes
– Linden & Bedum added to the playlist.
– Bernieres Sur Mer – top fuel point on right side of island had a gap placed in the wall.
– Wolfheze – Some shotblocking hedgerows were placed by a house to the north of the bottom-left base.
– Bedum – Some shot blocking set around a house in the bottom center of the map.
– Linden – some points and victory points moved slightly to create better balance between the north and south teams.
– Best – some points moved to create better balance between the two players.
– Langres – Map base areas increased in size.