Club Penguin (šifre)

Club Penguin

Submitted by: RM 

Puffles special trick:
Make sure they are well fed and rested then play with them.
Green puffle : Uses propeller cap 
Blue puffle  : Bounces ball on its head 
Black puffle : Catches fire and fly around the room 
Pink puffle  : Uses the trampoline 

Easy coins:
Go to the mines and play Cart Surfer. Keep jumping by pressing [Space] and 
press [Down] [Down] [Down] to do a backflip for 100 points. Then, jump and 
press [Right] or [Left]. You will spin for 80 points. Keep switching off. 
When you come to a turn, grind it by holding [Down] and pressing the [Side]. 
Eventually, you should finish with somewhere between 230 and 360 coins in less 
than one minute. Repeat this to get as many coins as desired

Furniture Catalog secrets:
Click on the orange rug to get a puffle pumpkin.
Click on the stool on the coffee table to get a fireplace.
Click on the oven to get the big screen TV.
Press [Up] or [Down] on some of the items and they will change.

Igloo upgrades:
Click on the doors to make them open.

Secret places:
The dojo is on the purplish mountain.
The iceberg is the floating ice in the water.
The lighthouse brings you to the beach.
The mining shack is the snow drift to the right of the forts. 
The sewer in the plaza brings you to the ice caves.
The upper right speaker in the dance club brings you to the boiler room.
The first closet at the sport shop is the entrance to the secret agent HQ. 

Boiler Room:
Clicking on the top left cabinet lets you read the past eight newspapers 

Note: Always click at the same time.
ET shows a music note and makes a noise
EI shows an igloo
EP shows a blue puffle
ES shows a skull
ED shows a sun(the D stands for day)
EF shows a flower
EG shows a game controller
EH shows a red heart
EL shows a fourleaf clover(the L stands for lucky)
EZ shows a slice of pizza(the Z stands for the z's in pizza)
EC shows a cup of coffee
EN shows a moon and stars(the N stands for night)
EM shows a coin(the M stands for money)
E1 shows a laughing face
E2 shows a smiley face
E3 shows a straight face
E4 shows a frowning face
E5 shows a surprised face
E6 shows a face sticking out tongue
E7 shows a winking face
E8 shows a green sickly face
E9 shows a red angry face
E0 shows a red angry face
Shift! shows a large !
Shift? shows a large ? 

Different dances:
Wear the coffee apron to pour coffee. 
Wear the chef's hat to make pizza. 
Wear water wings and/or the inflatable duck to swim. 
Wear a Hawaiian lei and/or a grass skirt to hula. 
Wear a hard hat or a mining hat to drill using a jackhammer. 
Wear the lasso to twirl it around. 

Press the indicated key to use the corresponding command. 

KEY		Effect
D - Dance
W - Wave (or wear a whistle)
S - Sit
T - Throw a snowball
J - Tell a joke
Y - Say yes
O - Say ok
H - Say hello
B - Say good-bye
N - Say no

Astro Barrier:
On the level 11 wait for about 25 seconds for a blue ship to appear. 
Shoot it, then the secret levels will be available. 
On level 7, when it tells you about the blue dots hit it. 
You will gain an extra life.
On level 11, shoot the orange switch and the other things to get extra 

Sometimes clicking on the jokes, riddles, or poems at the top with allow you 
to read bonus ones.
When you put your mouse on Aunt Artics face it shows her wearing spy glasses.

Spy Phone:
The red light is flashing something in Morse code. 
Click on the red light to make a comb, scissors, and a wrench appear.

Ice fishing:
In the end keep a fish and do not let it go. Keep it in the water and let the 
big one eat it.

Diver's Helmet:
Click on the newspaper hat in the clothing catalog to get the Diver's Helmet.

Machine gun snowballs:
To fire the machine gun snow balls make sure your mouse pointer is not clicked on 
the chat bar. Press T and click the mouse at the same time very fast. 
When you press T, the targeter will appear on screen. 
Note: If you do not press T and click at the same time, instead of firing you will 
start walking to where the pointer is located. This requires practice.

Bean Counters:
If you carry six bags you fall.
The anvil, fish, and flower pot fall in the same place the entire game.

Hiding places:
At the beach inside the fish cart. 
At the pizza parlor in the desk. 
At the dance club in the speaker. 
At the lodge attic, go to the bottom left hand corner. 
Any place with an object against the wall. 

Parties and special occasions: 
Open your own party at your own igloo or a place in Club Penguin. 
Find anything that has a source. 
For example, at the lighthouse there is a fish cooler; sell fish.

Free item:
When the Migrator (big pirate ship) appears, there will always be one free item.

Glitch: Walk on walls:
Go to the fish cooler and click on the door. Then, quickly click on the top sign. 
You can now walk the walls

Viking Helmet:
If you find the Viking Helmet in the clothing catalogue, open it and close it 
until it 
turns blue. You can now buy it for 1,200 coins.

Hidden message:
The light on the spy phone flashes "SOS" in Morse code.

Hidden animations:
Click the door of the coffee shop on the home page. A penguin comes out.
Click the penguin above the "Login" button to have it appear with different colors 
and costumes.

Red Viking Helmet:
Go to the gift shop or sports shop. Open the clothes catalog. Look for the paint 
can. Click on the brown spot on it. The Red Viking Helmet should appear on the 
penguin's head. click on it. 
The Viking Helmet should then appear on the screen. It cost 750 coins.

Gold Viking Helmet:
Click all the stars on the necklace. Keep clicking the Red Viking Helmet. Once The 
Blue Helmet appears do not close out of it. Keep it open then click the tiara.

Blue Viking Helmet:
Go to the gift shop or sports shop. Open the clothes catalog. Look for the paint 
can. Click on the brown spot on it. The Red Viking Helmet should appear on the 
penguin's head. click on it. The Viking Helmet should then appear on the screen. 
Click on the helmet. Then click the helmet on the penguin'shead again. 
Repeat this process two to four times. The Blue Viking Helmet should appear. 
It costs 1,200 coins.

Night Vision Goggles:
Find the snow shoes in the catalog. Click on them and the night vision goggles 
will appear.

Perfect Puffles:
Click on the Puffle. Have it take a bath. Feed it before it gets done taking a 
bath. You now have a perfect Puffle.

Bow tie:
Click on the white part on the Leprechaun Tuxedo in the clothing catalog for a 
green bow-tie to appear.

3D Glasses:
Go to the gift shop and open up the clothing catalog. Click on the Winter Boots 
and the 3D glasses will appear. They will cost 50 coins.

Fuzzy look:
Press [Minus] during game play and the screen will change to a fuzzy look.

Hidden animations:
While on the home page of Club Penguin, look at the very top. You should see the 
Coffee Shop, the Night Club, the Gift Shop, and a penguin. Click on the "N" on 
the Night Club. The penguin should now look like a ninja. Then, click on the 
penguin several times. It will change into different clothes. Next, go to the 
"Contact Us" page. Look at where the three buildings are located. The penguin 
is not there anymore, but put your pointer over the Coffee Shop door then quickly 
over the Gift Shop door. Two penguins should waddle out towards each other. 
When they meet they will say, "Hello!" and switch buildings.

Pizzatron 3000: Dessert mode:
Click the giant red lever on the pizza machine until it turns to play in Dessert 
mode. Note: You must do this every time you play.

Moving other peoples furniture:
Submitted by: hacker dude

first go to your house and click edit house. Then go to your spyphone and press visit hq.
Then go to someones igloo and you will be able to move their furniture.

Massive snowballs:
When you are on the iceberg in the top right hand corner, you can see the town of 
Club Penguin. Throw snowballs at it and they will look massive.

Submitted by: isaiah

while ur playing sled racing, s soon as ur about to hit a slope or hill press (s). 
u will then teleport a little further than the other opponent(s)

Hidden animations:
While on the home page of Club Penguin, look at the very top. You should see the 
Coffee Shop, the Night Club, the Gift Shop, and a penguin. Click on the "N" on 
the Night Club. The penguin should now look like a ninja. 
Then, click on the penguin several times. It will change into different clothes. 
Next, go to the "Contact Us" page. Look at where the three buildings are located. 
The penguin is not there anymore, but put your pointer over the Coffee Shop door 
then quickly over the Gift Shop door. Two penguins should waddle out towards each 
other. When they meet they will say, "Hello!" and switch buildings.

Perfectly healthy Puffles:
If you have a Puffle that you need to fill, do the following. Bathe your Puffle. 
Feed your Puffle. Then when you look at your Puffle's stats, they will be completely
full, no matter what stage they were at before.

Catching Waves:
Submitted by: stephen

When you have a silver surfer and your surfing,rotate your mouse left so many 
times in tha air and you will spin about 10 times!but!always click your mouse 
when your going down!thats is how you make good money!

Toggle sites:
If you are a Secret Agent, get your Spy Phone out. On the left side of the phone, 
there is a scroll button. Use it to scroll or use the normal way.

Submitted by: Nyasia

When you go surfing take you red puffle with you and the puffle will surf too! 

Submitted by: Ruby3859

to get a stone igloo click on the door of the white deluxe igloo.

Submitted by: brian roman

to get a silver surfboard go to any fashion catalouge and press the penguin with 
the surfboard then the clam then finaly the starfish now simply buy it

Submitted by: rose0923

If you want a giant bracelet, popping in front of you on the screen, this is the 
cheat for you. First, go to the book room. go as far as you can from the stairs. 
After, click on the stairs. Hurry, and click on the books and click on Rockhopper 
and the stoaway. Rapidly click to the last page. You will see a friedship bracelet.
When you are at the first floor of the coffe shop, you should see a BIG friendship 
bracelet in front of you.

Submitted by:kellie leaterwood

Club Penguin How To Get Your Clothes To Take Over Your Body!!
First, open your player card. Then take all of your clothes off and keep the 
player card open the with the player card open dance then don't close the player 
card and just move it to the side and your clothes will be moving by themselve

Submitted by: maikel2000

go inside shop called winter sport then click on the book in the right hand side 
then go to page 6 and you will see a penguin with a surf bourd click the surf 
bourd and it will change colour

clubpenguin glitch:
Submitted by: devin

click on your player card end put on some clothes then exit your player card then 
click on it again then put some difrendt cothes on the whith out exiting your plaer 
card click on your penguin then exit then when you go on your player card again you 
will have diffrent colothes on your player card

Submitted by: ajit

Go to book room and take out captain rockhoppers book and at the end of the book 
there is a free item

Submitted by: Kiyo31

This cheat works for members.
1. you haft to have a work out thing.
2.When your moving it to a place press up on your aroow key and it w ill have wheights on it!

Submitted by: candygirl69

Click on the headphones on the clothing catalog and u will get a red electric guitar. 
It will cost 975.


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