Bunny Must Die – Chelsea and the 7Devils (walkthrough)

Bunny Must Die - Chelsea and the 7Devils


Author: Quadrapod
Email: JakeT12@msn.com

The Table of Continents: 
Version 2.00 as of 1/26/08

I. Overview

II. Installing
A. A Possible Error

III. The Walkthrough: White Section
A. Basic Controls
B. First Boss
C. Second Boss

IV. Red Section
A. Useful Secret Item
B. Third Boss

V. Green Section
A. Fourth Boss

VI. Blue Section
A. Fifth Boss

VII. Yellow Section

VIII. Teal Section
A. Sixth Boss
B. Seventh Boss
C. Eighth Boss
D. Ninth Boss

IX. Purple Section
A. Section Completion
B. Shortcuts
C. Tenth Boss
D. Additional Bonus

X. Full Item List with Descriptions

XI. Boss Strategies

XII. All Item Locations
A. Inventory Items
B. Hearts
C. Hourglassi
D. Dolls


XIV. Closure

XV. Update Info

XVI. Copyright and Request Info

I. Overview ==================================================================
Chelsea and the 7devils: Bunny Must Die is a platform game created by
Platine Dispositif some time around 2006.  The game's fusion of Metroid and
Castlevania gameplay creates a fun exploration style that undoubtedly has a
very high difficulty.  The cute anime style may throw off some players 
initially; this game is not for beginners.  I decided to write this 
walkthrough due to the sheer confusion many players have over the game's 
objectives and progression.  The game may appear simplistic and unchanging, 
but the ten to twenty hours of game play are truly unique and addicting.  This 
walkthrough is the exact method used for my second time around the game, and 
should be very accurate despite a few possible improvements.  If you have any 
questions or comments you can email me at jaket12@msn.com for a reply within 
(about) two or three days.

The walkthrough is written in a natural method.  I will explain a room or two
in each paragraph, depending on their contents, in relation to the previously
explained room.  This allows readers who wish to follow a complete treasure 
hunting style to find everything with ease.  The Color Sections represent the 
colors on the map, to which I have divided the major parts of the walkthrough.
If you are stuck, match the colored section and read for the specific room.  
Every difficult obstacle is explained in exact detail.  Easier obstacles may 
be ignored so that this guide takes up minimum space.

II. Installing: ==============================================================
A large portion of the official Platine Dispositif page cannot be accessed at 
the time of writing, although the main and some subsequent pages can be
accessed at     http://www.murasame.com/

The first time the game is run it will ask two questions in Japanese.
Say Yes (button furthest left) to the first to create a config file.
The second question chooses full or windowed screen.  Yes(left) is for full, 
no(right) for windowed.  You will then be placed into the main screen.

A Possible Error: 

If you are not, then there is a language problem.  When I tried to play the 
game, it would only go so far as the 7Devils screen and then crash.
The reason is that the computer does recognize the characters (letters) being 
processed. A program called Microsoft AppLocale can solve the problem.  

Install and then run it.  Click browse and search for the exe bmd.  Click
next.  On the drop down window, choose the very last option and finish.  It 
will ask if you want to make a shortcut so that you don't need to run 
AppLocale every time you want to play.  If you choose yes, a folder in the 
start menu is created.  This should make the game work.

Another (easier) route is to enable Foreign Languages in the Windows XP 
control panel.
Open Regional and Language Options.  Select the Advanced tab.  Select Japanese
under the Language for Non-Unicode Programs.  This may require a restart 
and/or the Windows CD.  
Credit to XKilla.

On the main screen you can choose to Play, View Achievements, set Options,
and Quit.  Achievements are challenging or goofy things you can do within the

III. The Walkthrough =========================================================
White Section (Level 1, or "The Junk Yard"):

You start out with a goony Japanese-style intro.  Once thrown into the
Game get a feel for the controls (if you haven't checked the options menu, 
pressing A pauses the game and allows them to be viewed or changed).  For only 
God knows why, Bunny doesn't have the capability to move right.  Go left and
jump into the square with gears inside (If Bunny must go right, try jumping 
while holding that direction).  This is the tutorial for movement 
and allows Bunny to move right.  Only it's in Japanese...  So:

Arrow keys move Bunny.  Default actions are Z, X, and C to Shoot, Jump, and 
use Time, respectively.  A brings up the pause menu and S takes a screenshot 
(Bunny will pose for you!).  I reconfigured my keys at the start into ASD for 
Jump, Shoot, and Time.  QW are pause and screenshot.  Therefore, I will only 
use the ability names, not the keys.
Bunny can shoot in 7 directions (not down) either by facing that way or 
holding the arrow keys.  Holding Shoot allows a constant stream of attacks 
faster than mashing allows.  When a specific target is too difficult to hit, 
move left or right during a jump to spin.  While Bunny may not go as high in 
comparison to a normal jump, attacking during a spin will fire a sphere of 
attacks, provided the weapon is capable of it.

An advanced ability is Defend.  Whenever a projectile is heading towards 
Bunny, pressing the direction she is facing will 'Defend' against damage, in 
addition to damaging the damage slightly.  The downside is that Defending is 
rather difficult, and I don't know the perfect methods myself execute 
flawlessly.  Keep in mind that any damage can be Defended against.  This 
includes projectiles, monsters running into Bunny (or vice versa), and even 

With all of this in mind, continue going left despite the tempting nature of a 
new found plane of existence.  Jump on the 'spring' that sits on the floor.  
These springs are Switches (I will call them Switches throughout this 
walkthrough) that open bronze Gates up, just like the one to the left (cause 
left is awesome) of the Switch.  Most of the gates are timed and this one 
gives 5 seconds.  If a Gate closes it can almost always be reopened by another 
Switch in the room (all Switches open all Gates in a given room).  Go through 
the Gate to get the Heart in a purple box within the next room.  This will 
increase Bunny's life by 50% and is much needed for the challenges ahead.  
An impossible task blocks Bunny from progressing left any further, so head 
back to the starting point.

Attack the pillar of brown blocks which obstruct Bunny's path to clear the 
way.  Holding down while in front of the purple moon altar will save the game 
and recharge Bunny's life and time.  You can save as many times as you want, 
only so long as the altar has left the field of sight first.

Keep heading right into the next room and get the obvious Hourglass below.

1st Hourglass: Stop Time.  Pressing the Time button will halt all movement 
(except Bunny's) in the room.  The Time meter below Bunny's life will go down 
at a steady rate until time is resumed or the meter runs out.  Killing 
monsters or torches creates purple triangles which restore the Time meter 
(these triangles will always fly directly to Bunny; there is no need to chase 
after them).  Pausing Time may affect specific events in unique ways.

Continue on (save if you want) and ignore the doll above!  Unless you are some
amazingly skilled creature, it is not yet possible to reach.  Enter the next 
room across from the moving platform.  Note that the room is vertical and 
poses a challenge when rushing through.  Go up to find the Ball and Chain 
hiding inside a torch just below the top floor's next room.   Now go all the 
way down to the bottom.

Remember: It is safe to fall on an enemy or projectile while doing a standard 
jump (not holding a direction which makes Bunny spin).  Bunny will damage the 
object with her stiletto heels.

Note the Red Door to the right.  These doors will prove a pain to anyone who 
forgets they are needed.  Anyways, enter the next room on Bunny's left.  Save 
here (Do it!) and enter the first boss chamber.

1st Boss "Flying Devil": I assume the short conversation had something to do 
with this fight.  Avoid the arcs of blue fire she will send Bunny's way by 
staying about half a screen away or Defending.  Every five to seven arcs sent 
signal a horizontal diving attack.  It's fine if Bunny gets a concussion by a 
flying female, but jump over if you have the reflexes.  The Ball and Chain 
(Bunny calls it a psycho hammer?) can be lethal to any boss provided that it 
is used correctly.  To owninate this boss, Pause Time when the girl completely 
lands on the ground to launch a line of red fire at Bunny.  Swing the Ball and 
Chain and unPause Time right as the ball is behind the boss.  Now just sit 
there and watch massive chunks get taken off very quickly.  To make it faster, 
gauge the chain's length so it just barely passes the boss at its max reach.  
The more recoil the ball has after a hit, the slower the damage rolls in.  It 
is possible to have the ball actually stuck within any boss (if you are 
lucky).  This causes instant death provided that the boss does not move.

Bunny receives the red dash shoes in the next room.  Why do they make her so

Red Shoes: Press left or right twice to dash.  Bunny can jump long distances 
but not great heights.  While dashing, an attack will cause Bunny to do a 
flying flame kick, instantly killing most enemies in her path.  Holding Up 
while kicking gains altitude.  An upwards Dash Kick can give more horizontal 
distance than a jump.  On long flat surfaces, she can kick infinitely with
only a millisecond of downtime.  This makes her nearly unstoppable.

With these shoes, Bunny can leap the gap at the very top of the vertical room.
Save and then use the platform with a Turret Tank to Dash Jump over the gap.  
The next room has a bunny sign for instructions.  The Electric Traps turn off 
whenever time is stopped, but will turn back on whenever Bunny crosses them,
touching it or not.

In the next room, go all the way up and save (Do it!).  Enter the next boss 
room and see if Bunny's feet are lucky.

2nd Boss "Flame Tank": No weapons are needed.  Just have at least one heart 
increase (that one to the left of where Bunny first started) to take on the 
onslaught of flame.  Dash all the way to the Tank at the other end and mind 
the floor traps.  Dash Kick the Tank quickly and back off just enough to Dash 
Kick again.  Bunny will plow through the flames during a kick.  They can mess 
up the sequence if they damage her, however.  About four hits should do it.  
If Bunny gets cornered by an Electric Trap and the boss, she will nearly die.

An alternate method:
The first time player will typically use normal attacks against this boss at a 
medium distance.  While the flames are easier to dodge, bounce, and defend by 
this method, the fight takes much, much longer.  If Dash Kicking is not a 
viable method for one reason or another, take it slow and do it right.

Bunny receives the red orb in the next room.

Orbs: Place at colored doors by their altars.  In this case, the door would be
red.  All doors are quite visible and also appear on the map.  Place them by 
holding down (just like saving) over 'altars' nearby the door which have a 
circular indentation on them.  The orb in Bunny's inventory list will fade
out, indicating it has been placed.  Bunny can also pick them back up.  
Remember this because they will always be needed again.

Alright now.  Head back down to where that Red Door was I said to take note 
of.  Look on the map if you forgot.  This red pillar of some sort is a door.  
Place the Red Orb on the altar beside it and go through.  Bunny will
receive more Time in the next room, along with the next ability:

2nd Hourglass: Reverse time. Undo all previous actions caused by everything 
when the Time button is held.  Bunny does not move in reverse, but her
blue streak may do so.  Switches that have been triggered will have time added 
to them.

Take back the Red Orb.  Head back to the start location and enter that room 
with the one second Switch.  Bunny can now gain access to the NEXT LEVEL!!  
Hit the Switch on the far right side of the room and Dash all the way to the 
left Gate.  No matter what, Bunny cannot succeed unless time is Reversed while 
nearby the Gate.

IV. Red/Green Section (Level 2, "The Garden with a Mail Box"): ===============
This second area sucks because it's so short for now.  Just above the entrance 
is a save room to the left with a Heart inside.  There is a secret room behind 
the spikes on the ground.  Break the spikes below by attacking from above 
(hold down and left to attack diagonally) to Dash safely to the floor.
Break the wall to the left and enter the secret room.  Bunny can get the 
'Pumps' after a kind of difficult platform course.  Use the top two platforms 
to get to the item, and the bottom platform to get back.  It may take awhile 
before the platforms synch together.  Jump on and off of them until there is a 
good chance.  I paused the room twice and made it out with ease.

A purple door in the above section of the Section blocks Bunny from the rest 
of the Section...  So, go inside the Red Door at the very bottom.  You brought 
that Red Orb with you, right?  Enter Section 3 by going through the blue 
tunnel.  I want to call them tubules.

Red Section (Level 3, "How Chibis Are Made"):
The monsters in here get quite tough for beginners.  To start off, jump right 
above the door Bunny just entered.  Hit the right wall to find a doll.

Bunny Dolls act as an extra life.  If Bunny dies, pressing the Time button 
will 'Recall' the room.  Everything will be set back to how it was when Bunny 
entered the room, with her included.  Each Recall uses one doll which cannot 
be recovered.  There are 22 dolls in total.

Ignore the Laser Tank and head all the way to the left exit.

Ignore the switch in the top left corner for now and clear all the monsters in 
the entire room.  There is a LIGHT SWORD!!! within a torch where Bunny reaches 
what seems to be too small a passage for her to enter.  Use the Light Sword to 
break the false wall to make a larger gap.  Further below is a doll in the 
middle of the room blocked by a Gate.  To reach it, hit the switch that was 
all that way up top and then drop down quickly.  Reverse Time when Bunny gets 
close to the gate so more time is added or the Gate reopens.  Obtain the 
second of many Dolls and drop down to the save point.  Just above and left of 
the point is a pillar of brown blocks that conceal a secret room.  Break the 
brown blocks and walk through the wall.  Get the easy Heart and leave.

Below the save point is a split drop.  Take the path to the right.  At its 
bottom is a Switch.  Use the moving platform to get back up.  Bunny can stand 
underneath the platform and she will pop up on top safely.  Continue hitting 
the Switches that keep the Gates open until she reaches the next room at the 
very bottom.

Save your game (DO IT!) and hit the torch to the left for the boomerang (Gatsu
Begu?) only if you want it.  The wall to the right is breakable and leads to 
the next boss (save again after killing the Eye for reduced stress).  There is 
a Light Sword in the torches that can speed up the Eye fight immensely.  This 
one is sure to amuse you.

3rd Boss "Kitty":  The cat in the background isn't the target; his paws are.  
The paws will come up wherever a red fire appears at the bottom of the 
screen.  Fire where it will come up and don't wait.  Jump over the red fires 
it shoots, both high and low.  At about half life another paw will appear.  
They do funky cat stuff together.  The fire is still just as easy to dodge, 
but sometimes the paws will slam together or attempt to pummel Bunny.  Simply 
jump up (don't spin) and Bunny can bounce off of them safely.  Try not to fall 
into the fire as Bunny can get stuck underneath the platforms.

An alternate method:
Dash Kick the Kitty Paws as they are rising from the flames.  If done 
correctly, the paws do not even attack because they sustained too much damage 
before they had a chance.  This works great when only one is up and can cut 
the fight time in half.  With two paws it becomes more difficult to complete a 
flawless kick, so I would advice against it.
An alternate to the alternate:
The Light Sword owns.  Bunny can get double to triple attacks off by jumping.  
Jump into the air a short distance and swing the sword.  Holding the attack 
button will make Bunny swing again right as she lands, resulting in a quicker 
swing.  She can jump again after this to continue attacking at double rate.  
When two paws are up, getting wedged between them allow double damage.  The 
Light Sword reaches both paws when Bunny is attacking between them dead 

After the kitty (which Bunny gets pissed at in the 'cut scene' just like every 
other boss), get to the save in the next room by Dash Kicking upwards from the 
ledge above the entrance.  A grey block hanging on a chain is just to the left 
of the moving platform above.  Dash Kick from the moving platform in an 
upwards fashion to the left.  If done correctly, Bunny will fly into the third 
miniature Bunny Doll that is can't be seen.  Use the Light Sword (found to the 
right of the save point) to kill the Laser Cannon (as it can go through 
walls), and take the Hourglass to the top right.  Alternatively, Bunny can get 
swing the Sword while in midair to fizzle out the laser.  Proceed up.

3rd Hourglass: Unknown at the moment.

This vertical room splits two ways at the top.  Take the left to get the 
Purple Orb after a simple platform course.  Pause Time if it's too hard.  Now 
go back and take the right passage.

Skip the monsters in this room, and Head On (apply directly to the bunny...) 
into the next room.

In here, drop into the fire pit and head to the right wall.  Break it open to 
find a hidden fourth Doll.  Go all the way up carefully (gauge the platforms 
by jumping as they begin to move towards Bunny, not as they stop).  Note the 
gray pillar on the right side of the final moving platform when it is at its 
lowest point.  This is a secret, super useful shortcut to the final section 
(walking through the wall on the top right).  But, Bunny cannot get in yet.  
Take the top room (note the Green Door) and get the fifth easy Doll above in 
the tubule.  Chelsea, Bunny's feminine rival, charges through the Gate at the 
bottom.  Gates around the game will appear broken from now on, so Bunny won't 
need to use the Switches for them.  To the left is Section 2, where you will 
now go!

V. Green Section (Level 2, "Why is it after 3?"): ============================
Take back the Red Orb below and proceed up with Purple Orb in paw.  Before 
going in the Purple Door, however, there is a secret room between the Cannons 
at the top right.  Clear the blocks that have an unusual ledge to the right 
(they are all the same type of block laid horizontally) and enter.

Pause Time to land on the platforms safely (the first one Bunny can 
Dash Jump onto if two spikes are on the left of it).  Pause Time before the 
top platform reaches the gap on the right to leap to the right wall.  Go to 
the top level and get the Hourglass.  The Switch opens the gate to the left.

4th Hourglass: Pausing Time uses a set amount of the meter.  It no longer 
wears down.  Damaging enemies reduces the Time meter while Paused.

Now go into the Purple Door and move on up.  Pausing Time in this Section at 
any point reveals ghost pumpkinsuckers.  It's hard to kill them and they 
aren't worth it.  Just left above the platform with the save point and cannons 
is a ledge leading to a secret room.  Kill all pumpkinsuckers, they aren't 
needed.  Jump onto the middle right block, and then hop onto the block above 
and to the right.  Bunny should be quite high.  Quickly Dash Kick upwards 
towards the left and Bunny will easily land on the Heart's ledge.

Go to the very top right of the previous vertical room to get the hidden Doll.
Hit the purple blocks above the passage to find it.  There is a Boomerang just 
before Bunny enters the next room, inside the torch.

Clear the way (slowly!) to the right side of the room (the Armored Knights can 
crush Bunny between a wall, killing her instantly.  Think of the bunny!).  
Note the skylight opening in the middle (for later on).  To get the Doll in 
this room, break the pillar that is just past the brick wall in the background 
to take a hidden passage. Continue on.

In the next room is another platform course.  Pause Time whenever it has a 
benefit.  Note the gate below, inside the ledge to the right.  There is a 
false floor on top which will throw Bunny back to the White Section.  Avoid it 
for now.

In the next room are the Spring Boots which allow Bunny to climb walls.  Bunny
can jump off of walls or climb them depending how the jump and direction 
button is used.

Spring Boots: Allows Wall Kicks.
Perform a Wall Jump by moving into a wall in midair.  Hold the direction 
facing the wall and press the jump button to move upwards in a diagonal 
fashion.  Perform a Wall Climb by moving into a wall in midair.  Press (and do 
not hold) both the jump button and the direction the wall is facing to bounce 
against a wall.  This allows Bunny to gain height off any flat wall.

(If you head back to that skylight and jump the way up, note the 
Yellow Door here.  This is a very important place, so remember it!)

Drop down the false floor in the previous room, but try to not fall very far.  
It's a pain getting back up.  Clear the top half of the room and note the 
Switch above, and the Doll below.  A yellow block to the right of that Doll 
signifies a hidden gate which the Switch opens.  Plan out a fall pattern and 
Dash Kick to the ledge below the gate; Reverse Time if necessary and enter.  A 
hidden switch to the left (because left is still bad ass) allows Bunny to 
leave.  Drop down into the White Section.

Head left back into the Green Section to reclaim the Purple Orb.  Bunny can 
now get a hidden doll to the left room of the Kitty boss (where that Eye was) 
in the Red Section.  On the furthest left of that room are flames that 
occasionally erupt.  Get the normal Sword (maniba shuta!) within one of the 
torches and stand inside the very left flame pit and fire upwards into the 
ceiling (only the normal sword weapon can reach).  A Doll is hidden within the 
ceiling.  Use the 'Pumps' to bounce off of the torch nearby the wall, and then 
use the Spring Boots to Wall Jump into it.  Reload the room if a mistake is 

Take back the Red Orb if you used it.  Now go back to the White Section 
(again, ugh!) and head to the right.  Note the first doll you've ever did 
seen.  Use the Spring Boots to Wall Jump (not climb) into it with incredible 
ease.  Use the LEFT ledge to Wall Jump.  Bunny should now have 9 clones of 
herself, which is a great amount to have for various reasons.  Try not to use 
them please!

Grab the Light Sword in the torch just above the passage to the vertical room.
To the top right of the vertical room is a Purple Door above.  Enter it and 
begin the next level!

VI. Blue Section (Level 4, "This Reminds Me of Castlevania!"): ===============

This first room is a pain in the ass.  Clear the three pumpkinsuckers up top 
and go to the Switch on the bottom right.  Hit it, then Dash Kick all the way 
over to the gap in-between the two floating platforms.  Wall Jump on the left 
(so that Bunny moves towards the right) and Reverse Time until 2 to 4 seconds 
are left on the Gate.  Dash Jump or Kick past the Gate (hopefully, as it isn't 
easy) and enter the next room.

Watch your step carefully!  If Bunny dies you must do it all again!  The 
Dual Laser Cannons can be killed after an extended duration and are not worth 
it for the most part.  There is a golden ball at the bottom right ledge of 
this room that gives time when hit (if needed).  Pausing Time alternates those 
grey/purple Time Blocks so Bunny can pass through.  To get the Doll, get rid 
of the Dual Laser Cannon first and then pace a Dash Jump to Pause Time just as 
Bunny passes the first wall.  It might take a few tries.  (Also, there is a 
kinda secret shaft to Wall Jump up at the passage leading to the previous 
room.  It can save effort.)
To enter the gate in the top left corner, a hidden Switch is just above the 
passage on the right side of the screen.  Reverse Time to make it through and 
break the torch the get the Ball and Chain.  Get the easy Heart.  Exit to the 
vertical room, and enter the passage behind the Time Blocks on the left.

Be extra careful with this Mobile Cannon!  When it shoots at Bunny, take a 
normal jump to bounce onto the laser.  Striking it will cause it to go into 
defense.  It takes some time to kill and does massive damage, so be careful!  
However, if Bunny has the Ball on a Chain, one shot will remove the sucker.  
Clear the Cannons and solo pumpkinsucker here.  The Switch up to the top right 
opens all gates in the room, and the one on the bottom resets them all if you 
screw up (hold left and jump a lot to free the bouncing bunny).  Dash across 
the bottom floor and jump onto the ledge to cut out the hard Gates.  Save if 
you like.  There is a hidden switch to the left of the save point, giving 
another 9 seconds.  A Doll is hidden just above the Gate which is on the right 
side of the save point.  This Gate is the rightmost one where the leftmost 
brick wall in the background ends.  Jump above this Gate (don't go through it) 
to find a false ceiling.  Continue on, and go through the false Gate on the 
top left (by the Green Door) and 'use' the bronze Button by holding down on 
top of it.  Ride the platform over the spikes and get the Ball and Chain 
inside the torch.  Do NOT try to enter the next room.  There is a Time Bunny 
above the passage that resets the whole room, including Bunny, if she passes 
under him.  Kill him with the Ball and Chain (nothing else works) and then 

Clear the suckers here, and use the boss killing Ball and Chain on the Scythe 
Devil (a programmer mascot I assume).  Bounce on the first laser she fires, 
and then leap up before she fires the second.  Bunny will land either well 
below the laser or bounce on top of it.  Take the Light Sword in the torch to 
the left of the spikes after the Scythe Girl.  Use the save (DO IT!) and put 
your thinking caps on for a humorous, yet horrendous boss.

4th Boss "Mr. Flash":  Flash got his name for a reason.  He will shoot a laser 
out of his Elvis hairdo, fireballs launch from within his crotch, and will 
teleport about the room after every attack or two.  On the first encounter 
Bunny might die, even at full life.  Same goes for the second, third, and 
fourth try.  Every time Flash summons fireballs from the ground a bright red 
glow surrounds him, killing Bunny instantly.  What he is doing, is flashing 
her.  Yes, he is showing his glorious naked self to poor, innocent Bunny.  The 
only way to save her virgin eyes is to not look in his direction while he 
flashes, or just have him outside the screen.  Wear him down with the Light 
Sword cautiously (by standing right beside him and facing the same direction 
he is to swing) and this impossible boss is actually quite easy!  For those 
who wish to know, his death sequence shows a pixilated crotch zone.

Save in the next room and then proceed down.
If Bunny has the "Pumps" she can reach the Heart within the room nearby the 
Mobile Cannons.  Dash Jump into the room and hold the jump button.  Bunny hits 
the first torch, she will miss the second, and fly right into the Heart.  Use 
the middle torch to get back.

There is a hidden section at the very bottom in what appears to be a drain.  
Use the Button in here and then enter the next section!

VII. Yellow Section (Level 5, "Bunny Likes the Men"): ========================

In this section, all torches give a light radius.  The room will dim if they 
are removed.  Using all the Buttons in a given area will turn light bulbs on.  
There is a visible Button in the initial room.  Use it and then proceed left.

In this downward room, there is a hidden room just below (land on the right 
wall's ledge) with a Button in it.  Use it, and drop down to save.  Ignore the
Yellow Door.  At the very bottom right of the room is a passage which leads to 
a darkened room.  Attack blindly to hit a ball which emits a flash of light.  
Look for the Button on the ground, use it and then leave.  Take the left 
passage above the Gate.  Kill ALL the monsters in this massive room by jumping 
on them while Time is Paused.  It's hard not to break torches, but it can be 
done.  Use the Button at the very end.  Go back to the bottom right of the 
room and trigger a hidden Switch (it's partially surrounded by that purple 
goop floor) to open the Gate at the left.  Reverse Time to open the gate if 

Wall Jump from the Gate's door and continue Jumping upwards until Bunny 
reveals a small, hidden room on the left side of the wall.  Above the Switch 
is a hidden pathway to reach a Doll (13).  Once that is achieved, head into 
the next room below.

To get the Heart, kill anything in here for ease.  Pause Time when the moving 
platform is furthest left.  Wall Jump off of the wall right of the platform to 
land on top of the platform.  Dash Kick upwards (hold up while kicking) to 
reach the Heart, and unPause Time while in midair.  Exit back to the previous 
vertical room.

The Gate below is now open.  (Save if you want above) Place Bunny on top of 
the black thing sitting nearby the light bulb to enter a hidden room.  There 
is a chick having a seizure from a TV with a mouse on it (I assume everyone 
takes a screenshot of this).  Proceed to the right and get another laugh.

Dash Run through the corridor and Reverse Time when the Million Man March of 
Manly Bunnies enter the scene.  They will reverse movement and exit the room, 
allowing our fearless Bunny to trek onwards. 

Clear the next room.  Don't forget the Button on the left side of the screen, 
just below the passage Bunny came in.  There is a Purple Door at the bottom.  
Bunny can't go through.  Go up and hit the Switch on the right side to go 
through the Gate.  There is a Doll in the next room and a glowy ball thingy.
There will be a tradeoff to this soon enough.
(If you notice, the game seems to pause a moment after the Doll is obtained.  
I wonder who did that?)

Go back through the Manly Bunny room and head down to the bottom of the room 
following it.  The Purple Door is gone for some reason.  Save in the spike 
filled room and get the easy Button to the left (Wow, That Was Easy!).  There 
is a section of spikes on the ground (just right of this Button) which is 
elevated slightly higher than the others at a dead end.  A hidden Doll can be 
found underneath them in the false ground.  They are real spikes and hurt 
pretty bad, but can be destroyed when attacked.  Dash and Wall Climb back to 
safety.  Exit to the next room by an upward Dash Kick. Save if Bunny makes it.

Take the left passage, tubule thing, and shoot upwards at the red stuff on the 
ceiling, just left of the Quadcannon (go Quadcannons!) to find a Doll.  Use 
the lasers it shoots to bounce up to it.
(Bunny can wander further into this secret passage to find a yellow tank with 
numbers on it.  What these do, I couldn't tell.  If Bunny passes through the 
Gate that is in the White Section, she cannot go back.  Remember that!)
Go back into the previous goopy room.  At the bottom of the room is another 
Button along with the next boss.

5th Boss: There is no fifth boss.  The room is empty, and Bunny is proud.

Continue on to the next room. Get the obvious Button and save.  Drop down to 
the vertical purple bar on the left side of the screen, below the Button.  
Within the floor hides another Doll (17).  Keep going down, and get freaked 
right the fuck out.  Malformed Cabbage Patch Heads will hop around and blow up 
with massive damage.  They rise from the depths of chibi hell itself whenever 
Bunny nears too close to a light source (bulbs!).  In addition, they also are 
immune to Time effects.  In the room to the bottom right is the Yellow Orb.  
Get it and go back to save.  Clear this room again (including the torches at 
the bottom half), and then turn the Button at the very top OFF.  The lights 
will cut out and Bunny must drop all the way down to the bottom Gate.  A power 
supply at the bottom (is that what the black things are?) turns the Button 
back to ON, and will then open the Gate for a few seconds.  Enter it and pass 
through the false wall for an easy Heart.  But that's not all!  Save up top of 
the vertical room again.  Return to the Yellow Orb room and go through a 
hidden passage in the spikes (which are fake).

Pause Time when the platform gets low and Dash to it.  Pause Time again when 
it's at mid-height and Dash Jump to the Switch.  This requires a perfect 
landing, and it's tough.  If there is Time to spare, Pause Time when the 
platform is low again, and then Pause Time once more right before the platform
reaches its maximum height.  Dash Jump into the Doll (18).  Be very, very 
careful getting back to that save point.  It's hella hard with plant babies in 
yo face.  Turn that Button back ON.

Work Bunny's butt up to the Yellow Door previously ignored in this Yellow 
Section.  Place the Yellow Orb and then save.  Turn the secret button OFF 
that's right above the save point, and then make way into the Yellow Door.  
The button triggers the Gate on the far right to open with one second.  The
fire spitting Dolphins may be cute, but they can cause more agony than their 
worth to Sea World.  Dash Run (not kick, jump, or bounce) past the dolphins in
the fire.  Yes, Bunny gets burned.  She also gets a face full of 3rd degree 
Dolphin kisses.  Bounce on the top of the last Dolphin to get onto the 
pillar.  Dash Jump to the floating platform and Reverse Time on it to open the 
Gate and jump in.  This is a very hard task, so don't beat yourself up over 
If you happen to fail getting the Hourglass, go back to use the Button in the 
previous room for every attempt.  The gate will kindly stay open once Bunny 
takes the Hourglass.  Get the Yellow Orb back and SAVE!!!

5th Hourglass: Slow Time.  While Dashing, pressing the Time button will slow 
all Time, including Bunny.  The meter wears down.  This is good for times when 
precision is required.  (In addition, the Bunny Suit begins to use time.)

This completes the Grape Flavored Madness.

If you want to complete the next Section (is it green? Teal?) without much 
hassle, I suggest backtracking all the way to the Green Section (Level 2), 
with the Purple and Yellow Orb.  Jump up that skylight I previously mentioned 
and use the Orb on the Yellow Door.  In here, Time and torches must be used 
wisely!  Dash through the first Gate without Pausing Time.  Dash Kick across 
the conveyor belt to the second Gate and Reverse Time just enough to get in.  
Dash or walk wisely through the next one, reverse if necessary.  Use all the
torches in the final room and hit the next switch.  Dash Jump into the purple 
Bunny Suit.  You might not understand the Japanese information.  You will, 
however, notice a 'sizeable' change.

Bunny Suit: Bunny um... gets older?  By holding Down and the Time button, 
Bunny transforms into Bountiful Bunny.  A peculiar increase in weapon skill 
gives double damage or projectiles.  Because of her added body padding, Bunny 
receives much less damage from many attacks.  Spikes do half damage and can 
easily be survived.  However, because of her massive melons, Bunny's weight 
prevents her from jumping to her usual heights.  Jumping twice while standing 
still will allow her to reach normal heights, creating a loud slam as she hits 
the ground.  Those bunny beach balls must be made of iron...
Press Down and Time again to remove the transformation.  After a certain 
amount of Time is collected the transformation to and back from Bunny eats up 
some Time.  Bunny will always need at least 1 Time to transform.

Hit the Switch in this tiny room to open all Gates for 9 seconds.  Guide 
Bunny's tail out as quickly as possible.  Do NOT hit any switches or the time 
goes straight to 2.  Take back the Yellow Orb and SAVE! 

Cro7ss the platforms in the room to the right and drop down the false floor.  
If all the switches in the Blue and Yellow Sections have been turned on, a 
secret room by the tiny moving platforms will be open.  Go over to them and 
jump headstrong into the right wall.  There is a hidden room with some 
peculiar rolling balls (I call them thorny coconuts... Thornconuts) and a 
Time Bunny.  Get the easy Doll(19) and leave.  Drop all the way down into the 
White Section.  (Don't forget the Purple Orb either!)

Head over to the Blue Section now (with the Orbs of course).  After passing 
the boss room save and hit the Switch nearby.  Wall Jump up to the Gate and 
enter it once it reopens.  Jump to the next Gate and Reverse Time to get 
through the next three.  Continue on up (there is a Light Sword in the lone 
torch) and at the very top is the next Section.
(If Bunny happens to stand on the left platform with spikes on the side, a 
spaceship will come down and suck her up for reasons unknown.  This is an 
achievement in the game too.  Save first if you want to see it,
because it counts as a death.)

VIII. Teal (is it green?) Section (Level 6, otherwise known as "OMFGWTFBS!"):=

Right from the start, you will experience an OMFGWTFBS moment.  Using the 
altar will place the Yellow Orb down.  The Red Door will not open.  Bunny will 
take a moment to think while you give up in frustration.  Don't worry.  
Pick up the Yellow Orb.  Go directly below the altar, behind the pillar, and 
hold Down.  There was a Red altar there the whole time!  Save, and enter your 

Dash Jump past the Sword Bunny (They have a ton of life and deal massive 
damage).  Work her high heels up the tower slowly and avoid getting hit the 
best you can.  Try taking on the second Sword Bunny.  If you kill it, stand on
the black thing to the left and a rocket platform will rise.  Jump off midway
and stand on the black thing again to fall into the ground that hides a Doll 
Get out quick because Bunny can get stuck.  Pausing Time opens a hidden wall 
in this same area.  Bunny can enter the area with a door in the background, 
for a Light Sword (don't take it!).  Continue up, and watch for the spikes.  
At the top, save (Dear God... DO IT!).  You will now face what is known to me 
as Pope Pumpkinsucker.  Transform with the Bunny Suit before entering.

6th Boss "Pope Pumpkinsucker": If you have the Bunny Suit and the initial 
sword weapon, they will save a ton of grief.  Stay at the door and fire swords 
only for protection.  Killing all the Altar Boy Pumpkinsuckers will take the 
Pope's shield down.  The best method is to wait until there are only two to 
four spawned and kill those.  Don't waste time when too many are out firing.  
Once the Altar Boys are down, the Pope will fire mercilessly on Bunny's 
bouncy, purple rump.  The Pope will always move to the right side of the 
screen first, back to the middle, the left, and back to the middle again.  Use 
this as an advantage by firing where it is going to stop, rather than where it 
Alternate method:
If the Bunny Suit has not been discovered yet, the same tactics still apply.  
Be more careful about the damage, however.  With the lower damage output 
coming from Bunny, direct hits are required more.
It might take two tries, but this is only a warm up.  Go back into the 
previous room and save! (DO IT!)

Transform back to normal and go into the next room.  Avoid the first torch so 
Bunny does NOT get the boomerang.  Kill off all the Cannons and the 
pumpkinsucker above.  Dash Jump to the ledge with a Switch on the right, but 
ignore it as it won't be needed.  
Wall Climb up to get the Doll(21) and do the same (or Wall Jump) on the other 
end of the room to continue up.  Take time getting to that save.  If Bunny 
gets one too many pumpkins to the face, the Sword Bunny will typically get the 
first hit in.  Save! (Christ almighty, DO IT!)  Face the second boss of the 
arguable color Section, King Pumpkinsucker.

7th Boss "King Pumpkinsucker": Using Time at any point will crush Bunny in a 
wall of time blocks.  Try it.  It's fun having to start over.  The regular 
sword weapon is ideal.  Have Bunny become of legal age before starting the 
battle and head towards the center of the room.  Fire callously into the air
and don't bother to move (unless it speeds things up).  King will fly around 
while saintly pumpkins drop from the heavens, but it always rubber bands back 
to the middle if it goes too far.  At 1/4th life the King will fall to the 
ground and shoot a circle of... is it candy corn?  Regardless, Bunny will take 
little to no damage in this fight.  Just shoot up.  (Note:  When using the 
Bunny Suit, jumping can break thin floors beneath her.  In the Pumpkinsucker 
battles this is a terrible thing!)
Return to the previous room and save (do ... it).
Alternate method:
T7his is highly useless, but if you want to show off, Bunny can Dash Kick the 
boss whenever it falls to the ground.  It does more damage, but can screw up 
the rhythm of the fight.

Enter the next room and take a break.  You (the player) will need to be at 
zero stress.  Kill EVERYTHING in the room, and don't worry too much if you 
make a bunny flop every step of the way.  The Bunny Suit will speed up the 
fights, but never use it while moving.  Get to the second most difficult save 
point and SAVE!  (Only Satan can save you now... DO IT!!!)  Enter the next 
room to meet the lord of all candy corn time has forgotten:  "Corn Clog" 
Jester Pumpkinsucker.

8th Boss "Jester Pumpkinsucker": You MUST practice the initial entrance and 
stick the mount every time or you will fail miserably.  Start as normal 
Radiant Red Bunny and Dash Jump to the middle platform the moment the room 
Loads (if you don't flames will shoot up and hit her).  Switch to Provocative 
Purple Bunny just before the corn hits her from the left.  Transforming makes 
Bunny temporarily invincible and this dodges a guaranteed hit while saving 
time.  Bide time whittling away Jester's life.  Getting hit with corn isn't a 
major problem.  Getting hit into the spikes is unspeakably bad (you will 
probably say something out loud, but it won't make much sense).  Always, 
Always! Stay in the middle and jump to dodge.  About halfway through the fight 
Jester's cornballs on the ceiling will lower themselves down and shoot 
fireballs.  Bunny can bounce off of these.  If she gets hit at an edge there 
is a good chance you will have to start over.  The cornballs will follow 
Bunny's Y axis, so watch out for variable shots.  Take only clean shots at 
Jester until it's down to about a fifth in life.  The very moment it begins to 
lower to the middle of the screen, take a high normal jump nearby him (Bunny 
ca7nnot be in the dead center of the room.  Move slightly to the side).  Hold 
that jump button and ride the Sucker for what it's worth (about twenty five 
cents in candy corn).  Bunny must hit the pumpkin, not the hands, to do 
damage.  While Jester moves to the left, avoid being on its left side.  The 
corn will fly almost vertically and knock the bouncing bunny ball down to her 
death.  If you manage to kill it (with the grace of Satan), continue FORWARD 
so that you can SAVE!
Alternate method:
It is possible to Slow Time in this fight to create a vastly more manageable 
transition to the final stage.  It requires knowing when that stage begins.
Alternate method:
If you can manage getting the Light Sword to him (way back before the first 
boss), it can make the fight easier.  Using the bunny Suit, jump and swing as 
much as possible whenever the sucker happens to be.  The fight will go very 
quick. If care isn't taken to avoid flying corn, Bunny will typically hit the 

Use Time as much as you need to get to that save point.  There is a Ball and 
Chain within the last torch below the save point and you need that too.  Use 
the Laser Cannon here to bounce Bunny up to the platform.  Time the bounces 
on the next cannon so that Bunny will be to the right side of the laser going 
downwards.  Use that laser to bounce up when possible and by chance she can 
land on the third laser which goes up.  But it doesn't end here.  There is a 
final downward laser to bounce up, and the final pumpkin boss room is to the 
left.  This fight is no where near as hard as the last one.
(Th77ere is a Light Sword on the highest torch on the far right.  It is more 
effective than the Ball and Chain for those inexperienced with its 

9th Boss "Pumpkin Girl":  As a rule: Tits or gtfo.  Dash right into her and 
begin the cut scene (why does Bunny get angry in every one of these?).

Method one: If you have the Ball and Chain:  Time those shots perfectly.  Her 
slow movement can lock the ball within her and deal a whirlwind of damage that 
cannot even be seen.  You can waste her without a sweat given this 
Method two: If you have the Light Sword: Swing it as much as possible ignoring 
any damage Bunny will take, but only if a hit will land on the Girl.
Method three: It is possible to Dash Kick in this fight at the cost of life.  
Try it if either weapon above fails to work.

There isn't much to be surprised about in this fight.  Defend against the 
flames and watch out for random ugly fireballs.  She teleports about the room 
creating pumpkinsuckers along the way.  Eliminate the ones on the ground as 
soon as possible to prevent a stun lock on Bunny.  Moving towards her general 
location at all times is a good idea.  Compared to the previous boss, this one 
is no challenge.

Once she is defeated by the help of Bunny's personal padding, take a chance 
and get the green orb in the next room or go back and save (which I suggest).  
The room isn't all that difficult but fighting the boss again is aggravating.  
Wall Jump to the top level and Dash Kick into the Orb.  Now leave the Teal 
Section by doing it all in reverse!

In the vertical room just before the Jester is a hidden passage.  Turn Purple 
and fall all the way down.  Hop along the middle to find a faulty floor and 
walk into the right wall below.  The Hourglass in this room needs a spike hit 
or two as the entire ground is covered by them.  Get Bunny close to the left 
side of the room to Wall Climb up to the Hourglass.

6th Time: Hold Up and the Time button to heal Bunny at the cost of Time.  Very 
useful!  Bunny's bosom will be in an unstable state while healing, disallowing 
her to move.

Once out of this hell hole, take the hidden Red Orb (and Yellow if it's still 
there) and leave.  With every item in hand, you can choose to go treasure 
hunting within the remaining Green Doors for the Time, Life, and dolls missed. 
Or, cut to the chase and enter the final section.

An Hourglass in the Blue Section requires the Green Orb.  Wall Climb to get to 

The map has had a purple dot inside the White Section for some time now.  Head 
over to that room and Pause Time in front of the purple clock.  What is it 
there for?  It should cause a cut scene with Chelsea.

There is a gate above the Red Door just outside.  It is now broken.  Enter it 
without using the Red Orb.  Avoid getting Bunny tenderized on her way down the 
Armored Knights beneath the false floor.  (If you want to go back up, you need 
the Light Sword to get past the final Knight) Place the Green Orb down to 
access the final Section.  Are you ready?

IX. Purple Section ("The Cannons Taste Like Hurting"): =======================

I have to tell you that there is both an easy and a hard way to 'finish' this 
section.  I have sent you down the hard way to get the final Hourglass.  Skip 
this part and read the Easy Way if that isn't a necessity to you.

---The Hard Way:---
Place the Purple Orb above its Door and turn the Button on.  Take the Purple 
Orb back and save if you want.  Dash Kick and Jump to the next room.  All 
passages are blocked by doors that completely rip off Metroid.  Hit them with 
anything and they will open.

Transform while on the elevator to take less damage.  Killing the Cannons is 
helpful but not required.  Exit to the next room on the right.

Transform back to normal :( and place the Yellow Orb down.  Pause Time when 
No Fire Traps or pumpkins block the path ahead and then Dash Jump across.  
Mind Bunny's speed.  Falling into the fire makes a difficult second attempt.  
Enter the next elevator room.

This elevator has a door at the middle, yet it doesn't stop.  Make sure to 
have a decent amount of time (take out the Cannons and re-enter the room to 
get more) to Pause Time just when the elevator gets below (not above) the door 
and the Switch.  Toggle Time to hit the switch and run to the door.  Now 
attempt to reach a difficult Hourglass.

Pause Time!! Use the torches to bounce towards the faulty platform (which will 
not move while time is paused!) if possible, but I've only been able to do so 
once.  Take a hit from the spikes (in either form).  The moment Bunny lands on 
the platform she must Dash Jump into the top right wall and Wall Jump into the 
next platform.  Dash Jump or Kick upwards past the floating spikes and make 
SURE to get the Hourglass!  The wall to the left is fake.  If 
Bunny missed the Hourglass the room must be done all over again!  Be sure to 
save.  This will be the final Hourglass if Bunny also took the Easy way first.

Now continue down (Bunny can squeeze through the bottom door if she is quick 
enough).  The next room will prove a challenge based on pure chance.  Toggle 
Time to leap from each pillar, and don't fall in the fire.  It won't hurt too 
Much, but it is a great annoyance.  At the other end is the final save point 
(if you don't do it, I will lose all hope for you) and a Purple Door.  Enter 
it, drop down the hole, and prepare for the final boss.

Alternatively!  You can also do the easy way.  This REQUIRES that Bunny 
reclaims each and every Orb.  That means going all the way back to the White 
Section again... 
(All the Orbs will be placed by now, remember this!  That means if you need an 
Orb it MUST be taken back!  The Easy way doesn't need any to get through, so 
you'll be pissed off if you don't have them all...)

---Easy way:---
Go to where the Green and Red Section meet and head towards the Red Door.  The 
Gate is broken above, so don't use the Orb (it's needed).  Enter the Gate and 
drop down to save.  Enter the Green Door if you wish.

To get the Hourglass in the Green Door, a large amount of Time is required.  
Break the false ground to the left side of the screen and hit the Switch 
underneath.  Enter the hidden gate to the right to continue.  Kill the Laser 
Cannon and Dash Kick to the faulty platform (Jump if it's easier).  Pace the 
bunny hops carefully.  Pause Time to get through the Time Blocks.  Cut down on 
the Time use by Wall Jumping or Climbing here.  Take the Hourglass and 
then hit the Switch above it.  Bunny has 9 seconds to reach that first gate 
entered, plus another 9 by Reversing Time.  Be careful not to Reverse so far 
back that the gate closes permanently!  There is a hidden Time ball... thingy 
below the 3 second Switch nearby the entrance.

Exit to the previous room and save (get the Green Orb).  Drop down to the 
moving platforms at the bottom and go into the secret room to the right, which 
is at the right side of the top platform at its lowest height.  Get the final 
Hourglass here and wall jump to the top right of the screen.  Walk through the 
wall and enter the next room.
This is the last Hourglass and gives a full Time meter.  Bunny discovers an 
additional ability!

10th Hourglass: Bunny gains titular radar while wearing the Bunny Suit, 
allowing her to sense hidden and fake objects.  They are noted by flashing 
exclamation boxes on the screen.

Pause Time and leap to the far top right of the room.  Drop down until there 
are two tanks on the right side of the screen.  The bottom most tank has a 
Doll (22) hidden in a nearby block within the second ledge on the wall.  
Randomly shoot around if you cannot find it.  Watch for the spikes at the 
bottom of the room while going down.  The next room has the final Doll (23) 
hidden underneath the first moving weight.  Work through as best as possible 
without getting hit and reach the final room.
--End of Easy Way-

Heal up before dropping down the long hole in the ground, and place the Red 
Orb to enter.  (If there is something you forgot, Dash Kick upwards to the 
grey block on the ceiling to Wall Jump back up.)  Without placing the Purple 
Orb down in the top right room, that path is blocked.  Chelsea waits for 

-- Search of Noteness --
10th Boss "Chelsea": This one isn't easy.  This is the first time you will 
encounter a true multi-staged boss.  Use your preferred weapon of choice, they
all vary.  However, I suggest using the normal Sword and switch to the Light 
Sword for the final two parts.  Stick to the Light Sword if you plan to fight 
without using a Doll.

Stage 1: (Any weapon, Dash Kick works.  Use the Bunny Suit.) See if you can 
corner Chelsea into the wall at either side of the room by Wall Jumping past 
her.  She will not move very much which makes an easier fight.  Try doing this 
for the third stage as well.  Chelsea will fire a trio of candy corn and 
fireballs at the bunn with a constant rate.  Bunny's older, more 'gifted' self 
can take her on well enough.  Defend the attacks, but don't be scared to 
ignore them.  Dash Kicks may give variable, effective results.  When Chelsea 
charges her laser, hop up and attempt to bounce on it.  If that doesn't work, 
it is possible to defend against it given enough luck.  Once Chelsea loses all 
of her life she gets another bar, and flies off the screen.

Stage 2: (Any weapon, Dash Kick works.  Do not use Bunny Suit) Look at the top 
of the screen.  A 'Danger!' will appear anywhere above Bunny.  Moments later, 
a giant weight falls that will either cause fire to erupt from the ground or 
have fire expelled from the platforms.  When the weight lands on the ground,
Chelsea will fire a barrage of corn at you.  The best (although painful) 
method is to let Chelsea fall at one end of the screen while Bunny Dashes to 
the other side.  Normal Bunny is at an advantage here due to her agility.  Use 
some quick heals if there is time.  Wall jump to the upper level to Dash Kick
into Chelsea with the strength of a female bunny dog.  It's hard to stay on 
top, let alone have Chelsea land on the ground, but it is possible with timing 
jumps while on the second level.  Or can also Wall Jump off of either side's 
wall just before Chelsea lands.
At a fourth life, weights will surround Bunny, falling either on the ground or 
the top level.  Do not get wedged between them by dashing away.  If Bunny 
happens to find herself caged in, hop on top of the fire that waves back and 
forth to minimize damage.  Take time out to get up top and Dash Kick her 
again.  If Bunny happens to fly upwards with Chelsea as the weight goes off 
the screen, she will die.
Time for stage 3.

Stage 3: (Regular Sword preferred.  Use Bunny Suit) Chelsea drops to the 
ground and gets a few new attacks.  She will hurl grenades at Bunny's button 
nose (wait... does she have a nose?!), which cause decent damage.  If you are 
looking at the screen (and not reading this), a green scope sight chases 
Bunny.  If it hovers over her for a split second, it will 'lock' and fire.  
The moment the sight fires is when the crosshairs stop spinning, every 180 
degrees.  Bunbun can jump up and down to dodge the scope, but don't get too 
cocky (fluffy?).  Move when you have to, and attack only at an advantage.  One 
hit from the scope is a Head Shot! that kills Bunny instantly.  Dispositif 
must have played CounterStrike a tad too much during wabbit season.
At half life, Chelsea now has TWO scopes for her!  I would suggest Slowing 
Time (Dash and Time) to lower the pressure for moving precisely.  Bunny slows 
as well, but this gives a better reaction time.  Every successful hit to 
Chelsea returns Time, so only a little will be lost.  Move like crazy and fire 
at the rare chances allowed.  Bunny cannot Dash Kick her safely.

Stage 4: (Any weapon.  Bunny Suit ok) Chelsea removes all obstacles in the 
room and summons blue fluffy explosions to protect her.  She will begin to 
strafe left and right to aim terribly drawn fireballs at Bunny.  After two 
attacks the blue balls will lay down on the ground in a fashionable order.  
Use this moment to attack Chelsea directly below her.  If a fluffy ball is 
destroyed Bunny obtains some Time to heal with.  If Bunny has the Light Sword 
she can jump while attacking and hit Chelsea at any point in the fight.  This 
makes it go much faster.
Stage 5: (Any weapon.  Don't use Bunny Suit) Chelsea leaves the screen as 
numerous swords fall downward.  Fire rises from the floor which deals decent 
damage to a Bunny who doesn't like being poked or poached.  Chelsea will now 
fly around with a circle of swords protecting her from any damage while little 
fuzz balls gently float down.  These balls explode and hurt Bunny a hella lot. 
But this is an easy stage.  Go about stomping the swords into the ground 
until they don't go in further.  For some reason this damages Chelsea.  While 
Bunny is in no immediate danger she can heal (Up and Time) while standing on a 
sword.  Move on to Stage 5 when ready.

Stage 6: (Light Sword practically required.  Use Bunny Suit) The walls close 
in and Chelsea appears in the middle with a not so friendly vortex.  Have you 
ever wondered where all that candy corn comes from?  If you stare into the 
center for long enough, they say it's possible to see Halloweens of the past.  
Always use the Bunny Suit here, however Bunny may not have the proper weapon.  
The Light Sword does great damage while she spins above Chelsea.  Sit in 
either corner and swing wildly for protection.  The time to attack Chelsea is 
whenever the candy corn spirals or lasers are fired.  Use these attacks to 
bounce up and over her.  Bunny may only get one or two hits in each cycle, but 
she can win sure enough.
If you don't have the Light Sword (Just leave the room if Bunny dies and check 
the torches), you're in for a hard fight.  She can bounce on Chelsea for minor 
damage at her own expense, or pray that some ranged attack will get through.  
Homing Missiles are completely useless here (like they are everywhere), as is 
the Ball and Chain.  There is just too much stuff flying around.

Stage 7: Let this be their final battle!  Chelsea will use as many attacks as 
she can against our likeable lapin, but nothing never seen before.  Oh yeah, 
except she can stop time just like Bunny!  Dash Kicking her is effective once 
again.  Bounce on the lasers, defend against the fire, and when time is 
frozen, Bunny can still move and make actions.  You just won't see it.  After 
she is taken out, Bunny has proved who the dominant species is.  Move onward 
to the next room.

Another cut scene commences.  From what I can tell, this bunny man doesn't 
look all that happy.  Find out what happens next, and check your stats!  I got 
100% by following this guide.  Thanks for reading, send a comment if you like 

X. Full Item List with Descriptions: =========================================
Gears: Able to move Bunny to the right.  Probably an explanation to movement, 
it does nothing else.

Heart: Increases Life substantially.  Each heart adds another 'box' to Bunny's 
life.  There are nine to find.

Hourglass: Increases time meter.  Each hourglass adds another box to the 
meter, and most also come with an additional ability.

======= Time Abilities: =========
1st: Stop Time.  Press the time button to halt all movement on the screen 
(minus Bunny) until the bar runs out.  Press the time button again to resume 

2nd: Reverse time. Undo all actions caused by everything BUT you.  You do not 
move backwards.  Switches that have been triggered will have time added to 
them, which is great.

3rd: Unknown at the moment.

4th: Pausing time uses a set amount.  It no longer wears down.  Damaging 
enemies reduces the meter.

5th: Slow Time.  While Dashing, pressing the Time button will slow all Time, 
including Bunny.  The meter wears down.  This is good for times when precision 
is required.  (In addition, the Bunny Suit begins to use time.)

6th Time: Hold Up and the Time button to heal Bunny at the cost of Time.  Very 
useful!  Bunny's bosom will be in an unstable state while healing, disallowing 
her to move.

7th: Gate time is reversed at a higher rate.  This is a sometimes effect.

8th and 9th: No effect is given.

10th Hourglass: Bunny gains titular radar while wearing the Bunny Suit, 
allowing her to sense hidden and fake objects.  They are noted by flashing 
exclamation boxes on the screen.


Red Shoes: Obtained by first boss.  Press left/right twice to dash.  You jump 
long distances but not great heights.  While dashing, if you press attack 
Bunny will do a flying flame kick, instantly killing most enemies.  You can 
increase altitude by holding up while kicking.  On long flat surfaces, you can 
kick infinitely, with only a milisecond of downtime.  This makes her near 

Red/Green/Purple/Yellow Orb: Place at the corresponding colored door on the 
altars.  Do this by holding down (just like saving).  Bunny can also pick them 
back up.  Remember this because you will always need them again.

Spring Boots: Allows Wall Kicks.
Perform a Wall Jump by moving into a wall midair.  Hold the direction facing 
the wall and press the jump button to move upwards in a diagonal fashion.
Perform a Wall Climb by moving into a wall midair.  Press (and do not hold) 
both the jump button and the direction the wall is facing to bounce against a 
wall.  This allows Bunny to gain height off any flat wall.

"Pumps": Damage torches by jumping on them and increase bounce damage.  This 
allows Bunny to get a small height boost which some areas require.  This is 
not a necessary item.

Bunny Doll: Allows Bunny to come back to life within the same room once per 
doll.  She will enter the room at the same location, form, life, and time she 
initially came in with.  Dolls are usually hidden as they are useful for times 
just after a boss without saving.  Use dolls only under extreme circumstances, 
as they are essential to the last boss (3 at least).
Bunny Suit: Bunny um... gets older?  By holding Down and the Time button, 
Bunny transforms into Bountiful Bunny.  A peculiar increase in weapon skill 
gives double damage and projectiles.  Because of her added body padding, Bunny 
receives much less damage from many attacks.  Spikes do half damage and can 
easily be survived.  However, because of her massive melons, Bunny's weight 
prevents her from jumping to her usual heights.  Jumping twice while standing 
still will allow her to reach normal heights, creating a loud slam as she hits 
the ground.  Those bunny beach balls must be made of iron...  Press Down and 
Time again to remove the transformation.  After a certain amount of Time is 
collected the transformation to and back from Bunny eats up some Time.  Bunny 
will always need at least 1 time to transform.

XI:  Boss Strategies: ========================================================

1st Boss "Flying Devil": 

I assume the short conversation had something to do with this fight.  Avoid 
the arcs of blue fire she will send Bunny's way by staying about half a screen 
away or Defending.  Every five to seven arcs sent signal a horizontal diving 
attack.  It's fine if Bunny gets a concussion by a flying female, but jump 
over if you have the reflexes.  The Ball and Chain (Bunny calls it a psycho 
hammer?) can be lethal to any boss provided that it is used correctly.  To 
owninate this boss, Pause Time when the girl completely lands on the ground to 
launch a line of red fire at Bunny.  Swing the Ball and Chain and unPause Time 
right as the ball is behind the boss.  Now just sit there and watch massive 
chunks get taken off very quickly.  To make it faster, gauge the chain's 
length so it just barely passes the boss at its max reach.  The more recoil 
the ball has after a hit, the slower the damage rolls in.  It is possible to 
have the ball actually stuck within any boss (if you are lucky).  This causes 
instant death provided that the boss does not move.

2nd Boss "Flame Tank":

No weapons are needed.  Just have at least one heart increase (that one to the 
left of where Bunny first started) to take on the onslaught of flame.  Dash 
all the way to the Tank at the other end and mind the floor traps.  Dash Kick 
the Tank quickly and back off just enough to Dash Kick again.  Bunny will plow 
through the flames during a kick.  They can mess up the sequence if they 
damage her, however.  About four hits should do it.  If Bunny gets cornered by 
an Electric Trap and the boss, she will nearly die.
An alternate method:
The first time player will typically use normal attacks against this boss at a 
medium distance.  While the flames are easier to dodge, bounce, and defend by 
this method, the fight takes much, much longer.  If Dash Kicking is not a 
viable method for one reason or another, take it slow and do it right.

3rd Boss "Kitty":

The cat in the background isn't the target; his paws are.  
The paws will come up wherever a red fire appears at the bottom of the 
screen.  Fire where it will come up and don't wait.  Jump over the red fires 
it shoots, both high and low.  At about half life another paw will appear.  
They do funky cat stuff together.  The fire is still just as easy to dodge, 
but sometimes the paws will slam together or attempt to pummel Bunny.  Simply 
jump up (don't spin) and Bunny can bounce off of them safely.  Try not to fall 
into the fire as Bunny can get stuck underneath the platforms.

An alternate method:
Dash Kick the Kitty Paws as they are rising from the flames.  If done 
correctly, the paws do not even attack because they sustained too much damage 
before they had a chance.  This works great when only one is up and can cut 
the fight time in half.  With two paws it becomes more difficult to complete a 
flawless kick, so I would advice against it.
An alternate to the alternate:
The Light Sword owns.  Bunny can get double to triple attacks off by jumping.  
Jump into the air a short distance and swing the sword.  Holding the attack 
button will make Bunny swing again right as she lands, resulting in a quicker 
swing.  She can jump again after this to continue attacking at double rate.  
When two paws are up, getting wedged between them allow double damage.  The 
Light Sword reaches both paws when Bunny is attacking between them dead 

4th Boss "Mr. Flash":

Flash got his name for a reason.  He will shoot a laser out of his Elvis 
hairdo, fireballs launch from within his crotch, and will teleport about the 
room after every attack or two.  On the first encounter Bunny might die, even 
at full life.  Same goes for the second, third, and fourth try.  Every time 
Flash summons fireballs from the ground a bright red glow surrounds him, 
killing Bunny instantly.  What he is doing, is flashing her.  Yes, he is 
showing his glorious naked self to poor, innocent Bunny.  The only way to save 
her virgin eyes is to not look in his direction while he flashes, or just have 
him outside the screen.  Wear him down with the Light Sword cautiously (by 
standing right beside him and facing the same direction he is to swing) and 
this impossible boss is actually quite easy!  For those who wish to know, his 
death sequence shows a pixilated crotch zone.

5th Boss:

There is no fifth boss.  The room is empty, and Bunny is proud.

6th Boss "Pope Pumpkinsucker":

If you have the Bunny Suit and the initial sword weapon, they will save a ton 
of grief.  Stay at the door and fire swords only for protection.  Killing all 
the Altar Boy Pumpkinsuckers will take the Pope's shield down.  The best 
method is to wait until there are only two to four spawned and kill those.  
Don't waste time when too many are out firing.  Once the Altar Boys are down, 
the Pope will fire mercilessly on Bunny's bouncy, purple rump.  The Pope will 
always move to the right side of the screen first, back to the middle, the 
left, and back to the middle again.  Use this as an advantage by firing where 
it is going to stop, rather than where it is.
Alternate method:
If the Bunny Suit has not been discovered yet, the same tactics still apply.  
Be more careful about the damage, however.  With the lower damage output 
coming from Bunny, direct hits are required more.

7th Boss "King Pumpkinsucker":

Using Time at any point will crush Bunny in a wall of time blocks.  Try it.  
It's fun having to start over.  The regular sword weapon is ideal.  Have Bunny 
become of legal age before starting the battle and head towards the center of 
the room.  Fire callously into the air and don't bother to move (unless it 
speeds things up).  King will fly around while saintly pumpkins drop from the 
heavens, but it always rubber bands back to the middle if it goes too far.  At 
1/4th life the King will fall to the ground and shoot a circle of... is it 
candy corn?  Regardless, Bunny will take little to no damage in this fight.  
Just shoot up.  (Note:  When using the Bunny Suit, jumping can break thin 
floors beneath her.  In the Pumpkinsucker battles this is a terrible thing!)
Return to the previous room and save (do ... it).
Alternate method:
This is highly useless, but if you want to show off, Bunny can Dash Kick the 
boss whenever it falls to the ground.  It does more damage, but can screw up 
the rhythm of the fight.

8th Boss "Jester Pumpkinsucker":

You MUST practice the initial entrance and stick the mount every time or you 
will fail miserably.  Start as normal Radiant Red Bunny and Dash Jump to the 
middle platform the moment the room Loads (if you don't flames will shoot up 
and hit her).  Switch to Provocative Purple Bunny just before the corn hits 
her from the left.  Transforming makes Bunny temporarily invincible and this 
dodges a guaranteed hit while saving time.  Bide time whittling away Jester's 
life.  Getting hit with corn isn't a major problem.  Getting hit into the 
spikes is unspeakably bad (you will probably say something out loud, but it 
won't make much sense).  Always, Always! Stay in the middle and jump to dodge.
About halfway through the fight Jester's cornballs on the ceiling will lower 
themselves down and shoot fireballs.  Bunny can bounce off of these.  If she 
gets hit at an edge there is a good chance you will have to start over.  The 
cornballs will follow Bunny's Y axis, so watch out for variable shots.  Take 
only clean shots at Jester until it's down to about a fifth in life.  The very 
moment it begins to lower to the middle of the screen, take a high normal jump 
nearby him (Bunny cannot be in the dead center of the room.  Move slightly to 
the side).  Hold that jump button and ride the Sucker for what it's worth 
(about twenty five cents in candy corn).  Bunny must hit the pumpkin, not the 
hands, to do damage.  While Jester moves to the left, avoid being on its left 
side.  The corn will fly almost vertically and knock the bouncing bunny ball 
down to her death.  If you manage to kill it (with the grace of Satan), 
continue FORWARD so that you can SAVE!
Alternate method:
It is possible to Slow Time in this fight to create a vastly more manageable 
transition to the final stage.  It requires knowing when that stage begins.
Alternate method:
If you can manage getting the Light Sword to him (way back before the first 
boss), it can make the fight easier.  Using the bunny Suit, jump and swing as 
much as possible whenever the sucker happens to be.  The fight will go very 
quick. If care isn't taken to avoid flying corn, Bunny will typically hit the 

9th Boss "Pumpkin Girl":

As a rule: Tits or gtfo.  Dash right into her and begin the cut scene (why 
does Bunny get angry in every one of these?).

Method one: If you have the Ball and Chain:  Time those shots perfectly.  Her 
slow movement can lock the ball within her and deal a whirlwind of damage that 
cannot even be seen.  You can waste her without a sweat given this 
Method two: If you have the Light Sword: Swing it as much as possible ignoring 
any damage Bunny will take, but only if a hit will land on the Girl.
Method three: It is possible to Dash Kick in this fight at the cost of life.  
Try it if either weapon above fails to work.
There isn't much to be surprised about in this fight.  Defend against the 
flames and watch out for random ugly fireballs.  She teleports about the room 
creating pumpkinsuckers along the way.  Eliminate the ones on the ground as 
soon as possible to prevent a stun lock on Bunny.  Moving towards her general 
location at all times is a good idea.  Compared to the previous boss, this one 
is no challenge.

10th Boss "Chelsea": See just a few pages above in the walkthrough by using 
your internet browsers Search function.  Search for the word Noteness.  I 
don't think I've used it anywhere else.  It's a lot of typing.  No need to add 
more copy paste.

XII: Item Locations: =========================================================

Useable Items:

1. Red Shoes: Obtained after the first boss in the White Section.

2. Spring Shoes:  In the Green Section's very top-rightmost room.

3. 'Pumps': Within a hidden room in the Green Section's save room (with a 
Heart in it).  Breaking the spikes in the room allows entrance through a wall 
at the bottom left.

4. Red Orb: Obtained after the second boss in the White Section.

5. Purple Orb: Obtained after the third boss in the Red Section.  It's inside 
a room past (above when viewing the map) the boss, but close enough to it.

6. Green Orb:  In the Teal Section after the very last boss in there.  It's 
within the last room to this linear Section.

7. Yellow Orb:  In the Yellow Sections bottom-rightmost room.

8. Cog Wheels: Dead left of the starting location.

9. Dolls: Obtained in various locations.


1. Directly left of the starting point in the White Section has a room with a 
Heart in it.  There is no challenge.

2. The first room in the Green Section connects to a save room.  Left of the 
save point, past the brown block pillar, is the second Heart.

4. In the Red Section a vertical room with a Save Point before the Kitty boss 
(left side) has two pillars on opposite sides.  The left side is breakable 
brown blocks that have a hidden room in the wall.  The Heart is simple enough 
to get.

5.  In the Green Section is a hidden room to the left of the second save 
point, going up.  Walk through the wall with a ledge where a platform is, 
along with some cannons facing left.

6. In the Blue Section, just above where Doll #11 is, hides a hidden Switch 
above the right side passage.  Enter the Gate to the left (Reverse Time) to 
receive an easy Heart.

7.  In the Blue Section, just after the 4th Boss is a vertical room that 
connects to a room on the right with spikes on the floor.  Dash Jump into the 
room and hold the jump button.  Bunny hits the first torch, she will miss the 
second, and fly right into the Heart.  Use the middle torch to get back.

8.  In the Yellow Section, just below where Doll #13 is below and left of the 
Yellow Door.  To get the Heart, kill anything in here for ease.  Pause Time 
when the moving platform is furthest left.  Wall Jump off of the wall right of 
the platform to land on top of the platform.  Dash Kick upwards (hold up while 
kicking) to reach the Heart, and unPause Time while in midair.

9.  In the Yellow Section is a Heart to the left of the Yellow Orb room.  
Break all of the torches in the first half of the vertical room, and then turn 
the Button at the very top OFF.  Drop down and the Gate will open.  Walk into 
the wall for an easy Heart.

1. The first is obtained in to the right of the starting point, under a ledge.
There is no challenge.

2. To the right of the first boss room in the White Section is a Red Door.  
The room that the Door blocks holds the second one.

3. In the room just after the Kitty Boss has a Laser Cannon to the right.  Use 
the Light Sword while in midair to safely cross the laser and grab the 

4. In the first room to the Green Section connects to a hidden room far up 
top.  There are purple blocks on the right side of the room that all match in 
a horizontal manner.  Breaking them reveals in the entrance to the third one.

5. In the Yellow Section is a Yellow Door.  Turn the secret button OFF 
that's right above the save point in the vertical room, and then make way into 
the Yellow Door.  The Button triggers the Gate on the far right to open with 
one second.  The fire spitting Dolphins may be cute, but they can cause more 
agony than their worth to Sea World.  Dash Run (not kick, jump, or bounce) 
past the dolphins in the fire.  Yes, Bunny gets burned.  She also gets a face 
full of 3rd degree Dolphin kisses.  Bounce on the top of the last Dolphin to 
get onto the pillar.  Dash Jump to the floating platform and Reverse Time on 
it to open the Gate and jump in.  This is a very hard task, so don't beat 
yourself up over it.
If you happen to fail getting the Hourglass, go back to use the Button in the 
previous room for every attempt.  The gate will kindly stay open once Bunny 
takes the Hourglass.

6.  In the vertical room below the third boss in the Teal Section is a false 
floor.  Destroy the ground below the tri-cannon and walk into the right wall.  
Wall Climb the left wall to get the Hourglass.

7.  An Hourglass in the Blue Section requires the Green Orb.  Wall Climb to 
get to 

8.  In the Purple Section's second elevator is a Switch and a Gate at the 
middle.  Go inside by Pausing Time on the elevator to get the Switch and Gate.
Inside the room, Pause Time!! Use the torches to bounce towards the faulty 
platform (which will not move while time is paused!) if possible, but I've 
only been able to do so once.  Take a hit from the spikes (in either form).  
The moment Bunny lands on the platform she must Dash Jump into the top right 
wall and Wall Jump into the next platform.  Dash Jump or Kick upwards past the 
floating spikes and make SURE to get the Hourglass!  The wall to the left is 
fake.  If Bunny missed the Hourglass the room must be done all over again!  

9.  In the Red Section is a Green Door.  To get the Hourglass in the Green 
Door, a large amount of Time is required.  Break the false ground to the left 
side of the screen and hit the Switch underneath.  Enter the hidden gate to 
the right to continue.  Kill the Laser Cannon and Dash Kick to the faulty 
platform (Jump if it's easier).  Pace the bunny hops carefully.  Pause Time to 
get through the Time Blocks.  Cut down on the Time use by Wall Jumping or 
Climbing here.  Take the Hourglass and then hit the Switch above it.  Bunny 
has 9 seconds to reach that first gate entered, plus another 9 by Reversing 
Time.  Be careful not to Reverse so far back that the gate closes permanently!
There is a hidden Time ball... thingy below the 3 second Switch nearby the 

10.  Just below the Green Door in the Red Section (Hourglass 9) are moving 
platforms.  Use the topmost platform to reach a hidden room at the platforms 
lowermost height.  Break the pillar that juts out of the right wall to get the 
final Hourglass.  Bunny MUST have removed the purple dot on the minimap before 
this can be done.


1. The first obtainable Doll is in the beginning to the Red Section.  Just 
above the passage are purple blocks that can be destroyed, revealing the Doll.

2. The second is behind a Gate in the Red Section's leftmost vertical room.  
Use the Switch at the top of the room to open the Gate at the midsection.

3. The room just after the Kitty Boss has a hidden Doll directly left of the 
moving platform.  Dash Kick upwards and to the left BELOW the ledge to pass 
over the grey block and into the Doll.

4. In the Red Section is a vertical room on the right side of the map (with a 
green door).  At the very bottom is a fire pit.  To the right side of this pit 
is false wall that hides a Doll.

5. The room where the Red and Green Sections meet (the right side, NOT the 
entrance with the Red Door) has a Doll inside a tubule.  Get it by completing 
the Red Section first.

6. In the Green Section there is a Doll at the very top of the second room 
with a save point.  The blocks just above the passage are breakable.

7. In the room just after #6 is a Doll trapped in-between spikes.  Break the 
pillar that is just outside the brick wall in the background to find a hidden 

8.  The Green Section has a false floor just before the room with the Spring 
Boots (further right than #7).  A yellow block to the right of that Doll 
signifies a hidden gate which the Switch opens.  Plan out a fall pattern from 
the Switch above and Dash Kick to the ledge below the gate; Reverse Time if 
necessary and enter.  

9. The Red Section has a hidden doll to the left room of the Kitty boss (where 
that Eye was).  On the furthest left of that room are flames that occasionally 
erupt.  Get the normal Sword within one of the torches and stand inside the 
very left flame pit and fire upwards into the ceiling (only the normal sword 
weapon can reach).  A Doll is hidden within the ceiling.  Use the 'Pumps' to 
bounce off of the torch nearby the wall, and then use the Spring Boots to Wall 
Jump into it.  Reload the room if a mistake is made.

10. The White Section has a Doll to the right of the starting point above a 
spike pit.  Use the Spring Boots to Wall Jump (not climb) into it with 
incredible ease.  Use the LEFT ledge to Wall Jump.

11.  The Blue Section has a vertical room with Three Dual Laser Cannons and 
Time Blocks just after the Section's entrance.  A Doll is in a peculiar area 
on the bottom.  Remove the Dual Cannon and then Pause Time.  Dash Jump over 
the gap and unPause Time the moment Bunny passes the first wall.

12.  The room just past #11's Blue Section bunny has another Doll.  It is 
hidden just above the Gate which is on the right side of the save point.  This 
Gate is the rightmost one where the leftmost brick wall in the background 
ends.  Jump above this Gate (don't go through it) to find a false ceiling.  

13.  In the Yellow Section there is a 2x2 room to the bottom left of the 
Yellow Door.  Wall Jump from the Gate's door on the far left side and continue 
Jumping upwards until Bunny reveals a small, hidden room on the left side of 
the wall.  Above the Switch is a hidden pathway to reach a Doll

14.  In the Yellow Section is a room below the Yellow Door with Manly Bunnies.
Above the Manly Bunny passage is a Doll.  Simply use the Switch in the room to 
the right to open the Gate which leads to it.  Time will pause here.  Chelsea 
has learned a new ability!

15.  In the Yellow Section where the second Save Point is located  are spikes 
across the ground.  At the far left is a Button.  To the right of that Button 
are spikes elevated above the others.  Break the spikes to reveal a Doll 
hidden underground.

16.  Just to the right of #15 is a tubule passage that leads to a secret area.
Shoot upwards at the red mark on the ceiling (left of the QUADCANNON!!!) to 
find a Doll.  Bounce on the laser to reach it.

17.  In the Yellow Section is a false Boss room.  To the right of it is a 
vertical room with a Button at the top.  Directly below the Button is a purple 
bar of some sort.  Break the ground to the right of the bar to find a Doll 

18.  In the Yellow Section where the Yellow Orb is, are spikes on the ground.  
Walk through the spikes and into the right wall.  Pause Time when the platform 
gets low and Dash to it.  Pause Time again when it's at mid-height and Dash 
Jump to the Switch.  This requires a perfect landing, and it's tough.  If 
there is Time to spare, Pause Time when the platform is low again, and then 
Pause Time once more right before the platform reaches its maximum height.  
Dash Jump into the Doll (18).  Be very, very careful getting back to that save 
point.  It's hella hard with plant babies in yo face.

19.  If all the switches in the Blue and Yellow Sections have been turned on, 
a secret room in the Green Section will be open in the hidden vertical room 
that leads to the White Section.  By the tiny moving platforms will be a 
hidden passage.  Go over to them and jump headstrong into the right wall.  
There is a hidden room with some peculiar rolling balls (I call them thorny 
coconuts... Thornconuts) and a Time Bunny.  Get the easy Doll without great 

20.  In the Teal Section, in the first vertical room, Dash Jump past the first 
Sword Bunny.  Work up the tower slowly and avoid getting hit the best you can.
Try taking on the second Sword Bunny.  If you kill it, stand on the black 
thing to the left and a rocket platform will rise.  Jump off midway and stand 
on the black thing again to fall into the ground that hides a Doll.

21.  In the Teal Section, just after the first boss is a vertical room.  A 
Doll sits inside a ledge.  Wall Climb to get it.  Easy stuff.

22.  In the hidden Section between the Red and Purple Sections is a vertical 
room.  Pause Time and leap to the far top right of the room.  Drop down until 
there are two tanks on the right side of the screen.  The bottom most tank has 
a Doll (23) hidden in a nearby block within the second ledge on the wall.  
Randomly shoot around if you cannot find it.

23.  In the hidden Section that connects both the Red and Purple Sections is 
the final Doll.  Go to the room where four weights are (there is a yellow 
thing with numbers above) and a fire pit.  The corner of the floor on the left 
of the fire pit (where the first weight is landing) hides the final Doll.  
Break the ground to get it!

XIII: FAQ: ===================================================================

1.  I can't get the game to start!
         Read the second part to this walkthrough that you so blindly ignored!
Reading is good!

2.  How do you move right?
         You press the right arrow key.  Aside from that, Bunny needs the 
Cogwheels that are found just to the left of the starting area.  They allow 
her to move right.

3.  How do I defend?
         It's difficult, but just press the direction Bunny is facing right 
before the attack lands.  You could also read the very first part of the 
walkthrough to get more information.  You know... Basic Controls?

4.  How do I get that Doll at the start?
         You don't.  Wait until you are further into the game to get it in a 
much easier fashion.

5.  What do the orbs do?
         They open their respective colored doors.  Place them on the altars 
right by the door to open it.  Remember that the orbs can be picked up again!

6.  How do I get past the electric walls?
         Pause Time.  They go away until Bunny crosses them.

7.  How do I get through that 1 second door in the White Section?!
         Hit the Switch, Dash to the left Gate, and stand still.  Hold the 
Time button to Reverse Time and the gate will open.

8.  How come I can't go anywhere in the Yellow Section, with all the purple 
goop stuff?
         Find the hidden Buttons all around the place.  There should be at 
least one per room.  They turn on the lightbulbs, which open the Gates.

9.  Where are those other shoes?
         I hear they're called "Pumps".  I could be wrong, so too could my 
sources.  Either way, they are found in the Green Section.  There is a hidden 
room below where the Heart can be found in a save room.  They are not 
required, by the way.

10.  How do I get past those godlike male bunnies?!
         Reverse Time when you see them.  They may be godlike, yes.  I think 
the attraction between them and Bunny is mutual.

11.  How do I wall jump?
         Press the Jump and direction against a wall.  Read the information 
about the Spring Boots in the Full Item List for a better description.

12.  How do I get into the frikkin Red Door to the Teal Section?
         Attach frikkin lasers to the frikkin bunny!
Seriously, take back the Yellow Orb, and go directly below the altar, behind 
the pillar.  Hold down and the Red Orb will be placed.

13.  How do I transform?
         You can alter Bunny's age by pressing Down and Time, provided the 
Bunny Suit is in possession.  I get the feeling a lot of jokes can be made 
with this item...

14.  How do I do anything in the Purple Section?!
         Have every Orb in possession!  Seriously.  Go to the purple dot on 
the map and Reverse Time on it.  The Gate above the Red Door to the right room 
will be broken.  Do NOT use the Red Orb to get to the Purple Section.

XIV: Closure: ================================================================
I'd like to thank Dispositif for making this addicting game most of all.
The VGCats forums not only showed me this game, but also gave much needed aid.
Thanks to: Kash, XKilla, Chowder, TheNinjew, Scopes, Ragin2340, Narok, 
Hamsterman, Jenova Spawn.  In no specific order.  That's just by the dates 
they posted.

XV: Updates: =================================================================

1/17/08: Version 1.00
100% of Bunny's item list located and in walkthrough.
The walkthrough can complete the game by reading it beginning to end.
All bosses have useful information which explain tactics.  Some need 
All Hearts and Hourglasses revealed.
Items are explained in detail.  Item list noted at bottom for speed reading.

1/26/08 Version 2.00
Reworded minor details for clarification.
Added additional boss methods.
Corrected an error in the Green Section.
Placed the missing stage to the Chelsea fight.
Locations of all items in their own section for speed reading.

There will be no further updates unless I am notified of an error, 
improvement, or alternate method.  E-mail me at JakeT12@msn.com if there is 
something I should know!

XVI: Copyright and Request Info: =============================================
The document above is copyright to the original owner, Jake Turner (c) 2008.
Do not copy, distribute, host, or alter the contents for public use without 
permission by the owner.

To gain rights to distribute, contact me (Quadrapod) at JakeT12@msn.com for 

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