Make a bot:
First, press [F8]. Press W to move a little bit forward.
Go into the console and type:
new AIPlayer(bot) { datablock="LightMaleHumanArmor";; };
To resume the game press [F7] or type aiplayer::spawnplayer();
To spawn another bot, press [F8] from a new place than where you
spawned the first bot. Then, go into the console and type:
new AIPlayer(bot2) { datablock="LightMaleHumanArmor";; };
To resume the game, press [F7].
Invisible bot:
Go into the console and type bot.setCloaked(1);
Make bot visible again:
Go into the console and type bot.setCloaked(0);
Get guns:
You must be the administrator in the game. Press [F11], then [F4]. Then on
the bottom right-hand corner, click on the second list thing from the top,
then "Weapons". The object or objects will spawn in the middle of the screen
-- point it at the ground next to you.
Build a wall:
Go into the console, then type: buildwall[number];
Give bot weapon:
Go into the console and type:
Note: you can also enter (swordimage,0); or other weapon images.
Some weapons will run out of ammunition. When this happens, type
bot.incInventory([weapon name]Ammo,5);
Bots fight each other:
To make two bots fight each other, go into the console and type:
Bot fights a player:
Go into the console, then type:
bot.setAimObject([player's null number]);
Make bot aim higher:
Go into the console, then type:
bot.setAimLocation(VectorAdd(bot2.getPosition(),"0 0 1"));
Kill bots:
Go into the console, then type:
Make bots follow player:
Go into the console, then type:
following(%obj,%this); = (following([bot null number],[playernull number]))
Give bot a name and a health bar:
Go into the console, then type:
Note that the health bar does not go down and the bot will not die.
Make bot walk around randomly:
Go into the console, then type:
Note: It will be named "bot bot bot".