Battlefield 2 – Special Forces (šifre)

Battlefield 2 - Special Forces

Drive a forklift:
Submitted by. Haspa

On the Night Flight level in multi-player mode, when you start on 
the helipad, there is a flag directly south of you. Enter one of 
the warehouses just south and very near the flag. Inside is a 
forklift that you can drive around. 

Cheat mode:
Press ~ to display the console window. Then, enter one of the 
following console commands on a server to activate the corresponding 
cheat functions. 

Effect      Code
Exit game  - exit
Quit game  - quit

Easy escape:
Use the following trick to easily escape or get over barriers fast. 
You must have the grappling hook. If you find yourself outnumbered 
or on low health and need to get out of an area quickly, run and find 
a corrugated steel wall or any other high barrier. Throw the hook 
over the top. Climb over and the game will instantly transport 
you to the other side . As you run away, press G to gather up the 
hook and delay the pursuers greatly. The majority of times, the 
enemy will just give up chasing you.

Unlockable weapons:
(Ver. 1.12) As you know you may purchse unlockable weapons in special 
forces for use in core Battlefield2. However you need not own special 
forces in order to use these weapons in the core game. Simply log onto 
a friends account from the special forces log in screen, play 1 round 
of any map that was included in special forces, then logout of that 
acount and log back in, you will then be able to choose 1 if not several 
unlocks from the selection screen, though to unlock the special forces 
kits you must have already unlocked the previously unlockable one, 
(for instance, you cant unlock the scar-l for the spec-ops kit if you 
havent unlocked the g36c). After choosing your special forces unlocks, 
you can then log unto any computer with BF2 on it, and use your special
forces unlocks in the Core: BF2 game with out having to buy special 

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