Star Wars – Episode I – Racer (šifre)
Star Wars - Episode I - Racer Get Cash: -------- At the screen where you purchase pod parts press [Shift] + [F4] + 4. You can do this up to five times High Floating: -------------- On any Oovo IV level just before exiting an anti-gravity tunnel pull up and keep pulling up away from the ground and if done right, after exiting you will keep floating in the air hugging the ceiling. CheatCodes: ----------- For those of you lucky enough to be playing this hot new game based on the upcoming Star Wars Episode I movie, here are some cheat codes to help you out: Type these codes in while playing the game, or you may simply speak them into the microphone (using Microsoft's new DirectVoice implementation): SW_IWANNABEAJEDIKNIGHT - God Mode On/Off SW_PRINCESSLEIAISAHOTCOOKIE - Access to All Weapons SW_YODAWANTSTOBEAREALBOY - Makes All Racers Tiny (and Green) SW_EWOKSTURNMEON - Access to All Levels SW_THEFORCESUCKS_TRYSCIENTOLOGY - Instant Death SW_DONTSEEAUSTINPOWERS - Win Current Level SW_IWISHMYDADDYWASDARTHVADER - Bonus Level - "Dark Insemination" SW_ICANTBELIEVEIACTUALLYFELLFORTHISCRAP - Display's"April Fool's" on the Screen --------- GameTips --------- Tip 1: ------ As soon as you can, invest in a full complement of pit droids; this will ultimately save you the money you would spend replacing the worn-out parts that reduce your pod's performance. Tip 2: ------ Save your in-race repairs for twisting areas or hairpin turns where you have to slow down anyway. Tip 3: ------ For big money (and impossible odds), jump ahead to the Invitational races as soon as they're available.