Time Runners 7
1. Flip switch #1 (switch #2 will now appear)
2. Flip switch #2 (you can now enter the room with the metal bar)
3. Get the metal bar
4. Go to the room with the button. Press the button (open hand icon). Short
out the circuit with the metal bar (open hand icon).
5. Exit the room with the button. Press up right away. Instead of going back
to the room with the button you are now outside.
6. Go flip switches #3, #4, and #5 in this order.
7. Find the entrance to the base and enter it. Find the power card and bring it
to the room with the broken robot and the remote control. Take the remote
control and put the power card in the robot. After talking to the robot you
can now go to the room with the big robot.
8. Press "U" on the Big robot screen...go to the indicated spot (just to the
right of the robot). Press up to activate the remote control. Yip. The
robot has been deactivated.
9. Go ahead and pull switch A...then go to the location where you are done your
game and you will be recaptured again (no, really?).