Unreal Tournament 2003 (šifre)

Unreal Tournament 2003

Update by: Paul Docherty
Update by: Rajloves GAMES
Update by: Wilfredo Rojas
Update by: Gaurav Jhaveri
Submitted by: conner54

Press ` in game to bring down the console, or press 
TAB for the quick console. 
Then type one of the following commands:

Code                    Result
God                   - Toggle God Mode
Amphibious            - Underwater Breathing
Fly                   - Fly Mode
Ghost                 - Walk through walls
Walk                  - Return walking to normal
Invisible [bool]      - Turn inivisibility on or off (true / false)
Teleport              - Teleport to where your crosshair is pointing
AllAmmo               - Full ammo on all possessed weapons
Allweapons            - Give all weapons
Loaded                - Give all weapons and full amo on them (combo of 
                        allammo and allweapons
SkipMatch             - Win the current match and advance on the ladder
JumpMatch [int]       - Jump to a specific match on the ladder, where 
                        (int) is a number. For example 43 for ladder 4, 
                        rung 3
ChangeSize [float]    - Change the player size by factor # (i.e. 0.25 
                        or 2.0)
LockCamera            - Toggle locking the camera in its current position
FreeCamera [bool]     - Delink the camera rotation from the actor
ViewSelf [bool]       - Reset the camera to view the player (true to be 
                        quiet, false to have sound)
ViewBot               - Cycle the camera through the viewable bots
ViewFlag              - View the actor current carrying the flag
ViewPlayer [string]   - Change the camera view to the given player
ViewActor [string]    - Change the camera view to the given actor
ViewClass [string]    - Change the camera view to the given class
KillViewedActor       - Kill the actor the camera is currently 
                        viewing. Do NOT kill yourself! 
Avatar [string]       - Possess a pawn of the given class
Summon [string]       - Summon the given object
SetCameraDist [float] - Set the distance the camera has from its target
SetGravity [float]    - Change gravitional pull
SetJumpZ [float]      - Change Jump height
SetSpeed [float]      - Mutiply the Player water and ground speed 
                        with the given value
ListDynamicActors     - Output all dynamic actors to the log file
FreezeFrame [float]   - Pause the game for the given duration
SetFogR [float]       - Set red color component of fog
SetFogG [float]       - Set green color component of fog
SetFogB [float]       - Set blue color component of fog 
SetFlash [float]      - Set the duration a screen flash takes to fade away
CauseEvent [string]   - Trigger the given event
LogSciptedSequences   - Toggle logging for all scripted sequences
KillPawns             - Kill all actor pawns except the player
KillAll [string]      - Kill everything of the given class, 
                        i.e. KillAll Pawn
KillAllPawns [string] - Kill all pawns of the given class
PlayersOnly           - Toggle the level to a players only level
CheatView [string]    - Toggle to view to the given actor
WriteToLog            - Write the string 'NOW!' to the game log
ReviewJumpSpots [str] - Test jumping, the parameter can be '
                        Transloc', 'Jump', 'Combo' or 'LowGrav'


How to use the adrenaline:
Submitted by: Wilfredo Rojas

Three or four times up             - gives you Speed
Three or four times back           - gives increase your life 
Two times up and two times back    - gives you Berserker
Two times right and two times left - make you invisible

Unlock All Skins:
Submitted by: arun prakash

Edit the file UT2003.ini (Located in your game system directory) with 
notepad and add the following lines to the end


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