Zoo Tycoon (šifre)

Zoo Tycoon

Submitted by: Sharon Veatch

The current list of cheats that do work on all versions of the game are as follows:

Name a guest while the game is Not paused and get the following things,be
sure to type with capitol letters!!

John Wheeler - all animal shelters
Hank Howie - all staff resarch
Steve Serafino - All endangered species
Andrew Binder - All animal houses
Charlie Peterson - All foliage
Lou Catanzaro - All animal toys
Adam Levesque - All animal care programs
Akiyama - Unlock all scenarios
Bill Gates - higher donations
Alfred H - white birds attack and scare people
Yoko Ono - all fences deteriate

Name a tour guide Rosalie and all your guides will work for free

Name an exhibit-(go to the exhibit list and change the name after the game has named it)

Xanadu -get unicorn
Creteaous(check spelling) -get trriceratops
Microsoft -more donations
Blue Fang -more people want to come to your zoo

Cnotrol-F -folaige off and on
Control G - grid off and on
Shift-4 - all the mony you want .
Keep holding them down and you will get tons of money, but do it at the
beginning of the game because it tears down your fences-you must NOT have
the game paused while doing this.

The down side to all these cheats is that they disappear when you save a
game and then load it to play again. But you can type them in again and
they will work.

Submitted by: Pham Quang Thien/Potter_PTH

Go to folder install Zoo Tycoon
Click right mouse in zoo.ini ( Configuration Settings )
Select Properties, click out Read Only then click OK
Next, you open this file - zoo.ini - and then find line have this text:
"MSStartingCash = 8888888
MSCashIncrement = 100000
MSMinCash = 8888888
MSMaxCash = 9999999"

and then you change value of money.
Goodluck to you.

Submitted by: AJK1030

Put penguins and warthogs in the same pen. In a few minuts you should see
one of the penguins attacking or killing one of the warthogs.
this cheat is just for fun. I found it out my self!

Submitted by: Dj Simo

To make a baby animal of any species then build an exhibit.
Go to the Adopt an Animal then in between the middle and the
bottom you will see three golden symbols. A circle with an arrow
pointing southeast, an I, and a circle with a cross pointing down.
Click on any species then the circle with the arrow. Put to animals
in the exhibit. Then click on the circle with the cross on it.
Put two of that species in the exhibit. Then try to make that
species really happy and you will get a baby. (It takes time)

Submitted by: Dr.minesh vadsmiya
E-mail: min_cancer@rediffmail.com

To reduce the cost of animals and everything of this game:
Open any file with *.ztd extension like animals2.ztd with
winzip/winrar, than search for *.ai files like leopard.ai
and open it with notepad and search for cpurchasecost and
reduce the cost and save it.. by changing cost of all
animals, stones, fences, items and everything in the game
you can reduce the cost.

bonus $10,000:
Submitted by: Levi

hold down shift and 4 to get $10,000.note do this before
starting to build your zoo because while doing this cheat
the fences will wear out very quickly.

Name cheats:
Submitted by: stuff
E-mail: wobblexl@hotmail.com

Click on a geust and then rename them

Result Code
Blue shirts Mr. Blue
Yellow shirts Mr. Blonde
White shirts Mr. White
Brown shirts Mr. Brown
Orange shirts Mr. Orange
Pink shirts Mr. Pink
White birds attack Alfred H
Fences deteriorate 100% Russell C
Sick guests Zeta Psi
All animal shelters available John Wheeler
All research complete Hank Howie

Exhibit cheats:
After the game automatically names an exhibit,
rename it to one of the following entries to get
the corresponding animal.

Animal Name
Triceratops Cretaceous Corral
Unicorn Xanadu

Yellow brick road footpath:
Place a lion, tiger, and a bear in an exhibit.

All scenarios:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file;
create a backup copy of the file before proceeding.
Use a text editor to edit the "zoo.ini" file. Add
the following entries under the [scenario] section.


Submitted by: Stephanie Spicer
E-mail: spicer4us@qwest.net

Hit ctrl+d, this puts you in developers mode. Now you will see a
little "x" on the bottom right hand side of the screen.
Hit the "x" and you will be able to give your self as much
money as you want PLUS there are a few other things you can do.
Found this by accident so hope ya like it!

Submitted by: nightraider
This method works for Freeform games only, for
the scenarios you have to edit scnXX.scn, where
XX means the number of the scenario, and which
is located in the scenario.zip.

Open config.zip, then search for the file economy.cfg.
Open it with Notepad, the search the following
line:cash=50000. Enter the amount of money you would
like to have, than save the file. When you start a
new game you will have the cash you wanted. I
discovered this myself,so if you use this cheat on
your web site then please give me the credits.

Editable scenarios:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a
backup copy of the file before proceeding. To change a scenario
feature, edit a scn.scn file, where indicates
the number of the scenario, located in the "scenario.zip" file.

Change starting money:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a
backup copy of the file before proceeding. Open the "config.zip"
file, then search for the file "economy.cfg". Use a text editor
to edit that file and search for the "cash=50000" line. Enter
the amount of money you would like to have, than save the file.

Unlock the Triceratops:
Name one of your exhibits "Cretaceous Corral".
This will unlock the Triceratops.

Unlock the Unicorn:
Name one of your exhibits "Xanadu".
This will unlock the Unicorn.

Cheat Method:
1. Open config.ztd with winzip.
2. Open Economy.cfg with notepad or wordpad.
3. Search for cZooDooRecyclingAmount and change the number
to whatever you want. This will be the profit for every
recycle you do. Normally you recycle around 8-12 times per month.
4. Also, look for cKeeperCost which should be 800. This is the salary
you pay your zoo keepers. Change it to something lower and your
expenses will decrease dramatically.
5. If you want more money at start of the game, edit zoo.ini with notepad
or wordpad and find a line called MSMaxCash. Change that to whatever
you want and you can start out with a couple of million.

Getting More Cash In The Demo Version:
Submited by nick noddyclock@hotmail.com

in your zoo tycoon demo directory find the zoodemo.ini
and open it with notepad. Find where it has "MSStartingCash"
and type the amount of money you want to start with.
Under that you will see a "MSCashIncrement" skip that
and go to "MSMinCash" and type the minimum amount of
cash you can get. Under that you will see a "MSMaxCash"
and type the amount you want the max cash you can get to

Getting More Cash In The Demo Version:
E-mail: abc@hotmail.com
Suvmitted by: S.karthik ,Chennai

Open the path where ZOO TYCOON is installed.
Click the zoodemo(not the game file which has a
eye with the word ZOO)which is the configuration
settings file.Search for MSStartingCash= 75000.
Change the 75000 into some other value.Run ZOO TYCOON,
and play a FreeForm game.Now you will have the amount
you entered.
Submitterd by: Mental

Crazy fountain:
Enter the menu to buy a fountain. Right click on the
"Elephant Fountain" and press [Shift] + [Ctrl] + [Alt].
Your fountain will spray water all over your guests.

Set all tour guides salaries to zero:
Name one of the tour guides Rosalie.

Dancing cucumbers guests:
Name your zoo Green Brine and on May 17 a group of dancing cucumbers
with hula skirts will appear.

Jurassic Park:
Name a guest Barney. The guest should now be in a Barney the dinosaur
costume. Rename the same guest Bad Weekend. Open the Freedom game menu
and select the "Jurassic Park" entry.

Darth Vader worker:
Name any staff Darker Side. Darth Vader will be on the Hire Staff screen.

Evil Penguins:
Put a herbivore with a penguin. After a fight, all penguins will be evil.

Killer bees:
Put an insect house in a crocodile's exhibit. A swarm of killer bees will
attack your guests.

Animals rampage:
Put all the animals in the same exhibit then set them free. They will tear
down your trees, trample your paths, and reduce your buildings to rubble.

Yellow brick road footpath:
Place a lion, tiger, and a bear in an exhibit.

Zoo Tycoon and Dino Digs Hints:
Submitted by: Sharon Veatch

I have learned these through trial and error while playing the game for hours
on end. All this information works on freeform and scenario games. It isn't
foolproof and sometimes you can't get the guests happy no matter what.

Start the research as soon as you start playing the game, you need to get the
zookeeper and worker training as soon as possible. Guests do not start coming
until you buy an animal.If you have too many guests, raise your entrance
fee to over $50 and you won't get as many new ones.

The guests don't care whether you a beautiful zoo or not. All they care about
is food,trash,poo,bathrooms, and ANIMALS,ANIMALS,and MORE ANIMALS. The spacing
of these things is extremely important. When you add ANY building, put a path
to it and one path square under the entrance.

I play the game on Pause while I build exhibits and decorate so that I don't
use all my time trying get the geusts happy. I only turn it back on to see if
the animals like the exhibit or if I need to change something.Time does not
pass while you are Paused. You can check the suitibility of the exhibit by
clicking on the tree at the bottom right hand corner. The click on the exhibit
name.Then put you cursor on the end of last of the bars on the graph that should
come up. This you suitiblity rating-it should be 90 or better-. If it isn't, go
back and add or subtract some foliage and rocks till it is.If your animals aren't
happy, neither are your guests!!

The resaurant that is originally in the game has a bathroom and trash cans-use it
only and you won't have any trash.
Be sure to place it facing different directions. One restaurant will feed about 75
people. Be sure to place one within 20 squares of the entrance because they enter
and get hungry FAST.

The only other buildings that the guests care about are the petting zoo and animal
theater, and occassionally , the japanese garden. The carousel works pretty well,too.
The animal houses only please the children.

If you have a long path between restaurants ,place a large bathroom about half way,
this cuts down on complaints. Family bathrooms hold 8 people at a time and small
ones hold 2.

It does not matter which fence or which path you use for anything you build. If
you leave a row of grass between the exhibits and your path the animals will not
feel crowded by guests and the guests can still see them. Exhibits shoud be at
lest 10 fence sections in each direction-be sure to put windows so guests can
see in.

Make sure that your guests are always walking past an animal exhibit--even when
there is resaurant or animal house on one side-put an exhibit on the other side
or around the building and showing on each side of it. They are not happy if
they can't see animals!!

Once you place a trash can or a bench you will get trash everwhere and guests
will complain about no seating and the the trash. I do not put benches in, or
trash cans.If you use any of the small buildings, the same thing happens.

Hire lots of maintenence workers and they will take care of the trash and repair
fences. One for every 50 guests works pretty good.

Assign one zoo keeper per exhibit- it will get you better care of animals.
Then put one in and don't assign himher to an exhibit-he will roam and help
the others.

The savannah animals are least popular so I put them in the front of my zoo so
that they see them first. More popular animals in the back will draw your guests
that direction.

If you build terrain use the cliff type one,animals like it better. When you put
in foliage or rocks- put four in each square- it is denser and the animals like
it better. Use Control-G to turn the grid on and off so you can see the squares.
Most of the animals like the little rocks better. Whey you stop getting happy
faces ad get a red one- stop putting that item in. Most animals like more than
one kind of tree-experiment and you have prettier exhibits.

I hope all this helps ease some of the frustration while playing this game. You can
get more animals,objects and builing on line at the different Zoo Tycoon sites and
some great cheats and hacks,too. If you have not upgraded you game through the
Microsoft game upgrade available on the Microsft site, you will never get animals
or guests happy. I play with all the cheats and hacks because for me the obect of
tha game is to have fun and enjoy the experiece!!!!!!

unlock the dragon:
Submitted by: hannah

you name an exhibit fire reptile.

Submitted by: harsh

Place a lion and a girafe in an exhibit.you will see that
the lion eats the giraffe in a few moments.

Submitted by: Pangeran Akbarsyah

#cheat1)Additional Money
This requires you to do some file editing, but it's very easy. Open the zoo.ini
in your Zoo Tycoon directory with notepad or a similar text editor. Find the line
that says ''MSMaxCash''. Change the figure next to it to whatever you want.
This will change the maximum amount of money you can choose from when you
start a zoo in the sandbox mode, for example

#cheat2)Additional Money (2nd Method)
Press Shift+4 (basically like typing the $), and you'll get an instant $10,000

#cheat3)All Animal Shelters Available
Rename one of the guests to John Wheeler

#cheat4)All animal toys
Rename one of your guests Lou Catanzaro and you'll receive all the animal toys

#cheat5)Change Guest's Shirt Color
Rename the guests to the name indicated below to get the desired color:

Mr. Blue - Changes everyone's shirt blue.
Mr. Blonde - Changes everyone's shirt to yellow.
Mr. White - Changes everyone's shirt to white.
Mr. Brown - Changes everyone's shirt to brown.
Mr. Orange - Changes everyone's shirt to orange.
Mr. Pink - Change's everyone's shirt to pink.

#cheat6)Developer Mode
If you have one of the BETA versions, hit Ctrl-D to access the Developer Mode.
It will allow you to move zoo entrances and fences, add odd buildings, and even
add vehicles. Remember, this only works in the BETA builds of Zoo Tycoon.
I tried it with the full version, and it didn't work.

#cheat7)Double Exhibit Donations
Name one of your exhibits ''Microsoft.''

#cheat8)Get all Animal Shelters
Name one visitor to your zoo Adam Levesque to unlock all Animal Shelters

#cheat9)Get All Scenarios Completed
Name any visitor to your zoo Akiyama, and all scenarios will become unlocked.

#cheat10)Make Fences Deteriorate
Rename one of the guests to Russell C

#cheat11)Make Some Guests Puke
Rename one of the guests to Zeta Psi

#cheat12)Make Trees or Grid Disappear/Appear
By pressing CRTL + F, you can make all trees in your zoo ''disappear''
(they still exist, they are just invisible for building purposes).
Select CRTL + F again to make them reappear

By pressing CRTL + G, you can make the main zoo grid appear of dissappear,
allowed you to judge the zoo from a regular smooth vantage point, or see
each individual square.

#cheat13)Research all Staff Research Automatically
Rename one of the guests to Hank Howie

#cheat14)Unlock all animal toys
Re-name a guest 'Lou Catanzaro' to unlock all researchable animal toys

#cheat15)Unlock All Foliage
To unlock all foliage, name a guest Charlie Peterson.

#cheat16)Unlock all of Animal Houses and types
Name a guest Andrew Binder

#cheat17)Unlock Endangered animals
Re-name a guest 'Steve Serafino' to unlock all the researchable endangered animals

#cheat18)Unlock Triceratops
Name one of your exhibits ''Cretaceous Corral''. This will unlock the Triceratops.
I should also note that if you name a brand new exhibit using this cheat, it will
crash the game. Everyone who's done it with a new exhibit has experienced this,
so keep it in mind.

#cheat19)Unlock Unicorn
Name one of your exhibits ''Xanadu''. This will unlock the Unicorn. I should
also note that if you name a brand new exhibit using this cheat, it will crash
the game. Everyone who's done it with a new exhibit has experienced this, so
keep it in mind.

#cheat20)Yellow brick road
Make an exhibit with a lion, a tiger and a bear. This will unlock the yellow brick path.

Zoo Tycoon: General Game Tips:
Submitted by: abhishek

Here's where you'll find tips on the basics of exhibit creation, animal
care, guest relations, and zoo finances. Be sure to check out the Hints and
Tips list for more articles with additional in-depth information.

This article will cover some basic tips on Exhibits, Guests, Animal Care,

One of the keys to animal happiness is exhibit suitability. Click an animal
to view the Animal Information panel; the "I" tab displays four bars that
measure the animal's happiness, hunger, health, and exhibit suitability.
Hover your mouse over any bar to see the exact number rating. Generally
speaking, if the "tree" bar (representing the exhibit suitability) is in the
green, the animal finds its home satisfactory. If the bar is yellow, click
the Zookeeper Recommendations button (the guy in the hat) and adjust the
exhibit according to the Zookeeper's suggestions.

Bigger is better: Build your exhibits initially larger than you think you
need to. Should the animal require a mate and have babies, you will
eventually need a larger exhibit. It's best to head this problem off from
the start.

When you build exhibits, it's a good idea to use the zoo walls as part of
the exhibit's borders. It not only saves on fence costs, but zoo walls never
deteriorate. No maintenance required! (On those sections, at least.)

Some types of foliage and other exhibit features only take up

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