Geneforge (šifre)

Debug console

To use these cheats, press SHIFT+D and type them in the console without 
quotes while in an area (not on the island map).

''healmenow''		recovers all damage on selected character

''rechargeme''		recovers essence and energy

''pleaselikeme''	all towns forget your crimes

''iwanttobestronger''	increases XP (number of XP decreases per level)

''clearthisarea''	don't need to fight monsters in an area

''igotarock''		adds a (useless) rock to your inventory

''nomorecheats''	deactivates use of cheat codes

''forgiveme''		lesser crimes in towns forgotten (stealing, etc.)

''iloveserviles''	the serviles now think you respect them

''ihateserviles''	the serviles don't think you respect them

''clearallsects''	all sects forget opinion of you

In gameplay, press Shift+D and type in "ilovemoney" without the quotes. 
Tihs will give you 100 gold, but is only in the early versions of the game.

To use these codes, press SHIFT+D and type them in the console without 
quotes while in an area/zone (not on the island map).

''dbugkill'' - Kills all hostile monsters in open area and gives you the 
experience points. However, monsters behind doors and friendly monsters 
are spared.

''exitzone'' - Brings you to the island map. Useful when you want to 
escape a sticky or tough combat

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