Redneck Rampage (šifre)

Redneck Rampage

Cheat Codes:
Enter one of the following codes during game play to activate 
the cheat function.

Code             Result
RDELVIS        - Invincibility toggle
RDALL          - All health, items, ammo and weapons
RDGUNS         - All weapons
RDINVENTORY    - All inventory
RDITEMS        - All items
RDKEYS         - All keys
SHOWMAP        - Full map
RDCLIP         - No clipping mode
RDMONSTERS     - Enemy toggle
RDSKILL#       - Restart level at skill # (1-4)
RDRATE         - Display frame rate
RDVIEW         - Chase plane view
RDUNLCOK       - Toggle locks
RDDEBUG        - Debug mode toggle
rdyerat        - Display coordinates
rdmoonshine    - Toggle moonshine mode
rdshowmap      - Toggle full map
rdelvis        - Toggle invincibility
rdhounddog     - Toggle invincibility
rdrafael       - "For your grandpa!" message
rdhounddog     - "Elvis is dead" message
rdmaxx         - "Maxx rules" message
rdtime         - Remove aiming feature on guns
rdteachers     - "You were all wrong" message
Ghost driver:
At the beginning of the Junkyard level, turn around 90 degrees 
to see one of the old men shooting at you from behind an impassable
fence. Avoid shooting him for now, because he will get hit by a 
moving pickup truck. Enable the rdclip code and get through the 
fence. Watch for the truck. You will notice that it is the same 
wrecked pickup truck you would normally see if you followed the 
regular path through the level; face smeared across the windshield
and all. This is not the only time you will run into this phantom.
When playing in the J. Cluck's Poultry Plant level, you will see 
his truck parked in the parking lot, except the hand wedged in 
the door seems to have disappeared.

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