Unreal Tournament 3 (šifre)

Unreal Tournament 3

Submitted by: Tonnie

works with opening [TAB]

Code          Result
walk        - walk normal
allweapons  - all weapons
allammo     - full ammo
god         - god mode
playersonly - geen bots
fly         - (vliegt)
ghost       - (geest)
suicide     - (zelfmoord)
killbots    - alle bots death
addbots     - extra bots
stat fps    - frames per second

Cheatmode [Demo]:
Submitted by: RM

Press ~  or Tab to display the console window, then enter 
one of the following codes to activate the cheat function.

Result                      Code 
All weapons and full ammo - loaded  
God mode                  - god 
Spawn indicated object    - summon   
View frame rate           - stat fps  

Object names:
Use one of the following entries with the summon code.

Object             Code 
Cicada           - utgamecontent.utvehicle_cicada_content  
Dark Walker      - utgamecontent.utvehicle_darkwalker_content  
Fury             - utgamecontent.utvehicle_fury_content  
Nemisis          - utgamecontent.utvehicle_nemesis  
Paladin          - utgamecontent.utvehicle_paladin  
Scavenger        - utgameContent.utvehicle_scavenger_content  
Slow Volume Cube - utgamecontent.utslowvolume_content

Unlock all characters:
Press [Tab] during a match and enter unlockallchars. A message stating 
that a new character has been unlocked will appear . Go to "Settings", 
then "Player", then "Edit Character" to select someone other than Malcom. 

Beta Demo Cheats:
Insert the cheats listed on the left into the in-game console (which can be brought 
up using the tilde [~] key). The cheat listed will then be activated. Please keep 
in mind that these cheats are only guaranteed to work in the Beta Demo, and may 
not work when the final product is released.

Cheat         Results 
Allammo     - Refill ammunition to full 
Fly         - Fly around 
Ghost       - Walk through walls and other obstacles 
God         - Invincibility 
Loaded      - Unlocks all weapons with full ammunition 
Playersonly - Freeze AI movement 
Slomo #     - Enhance game speed (# = value) 
Stat fps    - See active framerate 
Walk        - Code to disable "Fly" or "Ghost"

Beta Demo Vehicles:
Insert the cheats listed on the left into the in-game console (which can be brought 
up using the tilde [~] key). The vehicle listed will then be unlocked. In front of 
each cheat listed should be "summon utgamecontent.utvehicle_". After the name of the 
vehicle, type in "_content". Hence, to unlock the Cicada, you will type in 
"summon utgamecontent.utvehicle_cicada_content" (minus the quotes). 
Please keep in mind that these cheats are only guaranteed to work in the Beta Demo, 
and may not work when the final product is released.

Cicada           - cicada 
Dark Walker      - darkwalker 
Fury             - fury 
Nemesis          - nemesis 
Paladin          - paladin 
Scavenger        - scavenger 
Slow Volume Cube - slowvolumecube

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