Nancy Drew Mysteries – Secret of the Scarlet Hand (walkthrough)
Nancy Drew Mysteries - Secret of the Scarlet Hand
By Catalina Navarro
Once the opening sequence is over you are in Joanna Riggs' office, still
talking to her. Ask questions about the other people in the museum, the monolith,
and everything you feel like asking, of course while the subject is on the screen.
So now you have to go and find the Lab and see your to-do list; before you
exit look around the office carefully. Don't forget to read the magazine about
Mrs. Rutherford. Take particular interest in the name of the foundation she is
associated with. Okay, now exit.
Once outside turn around and read the plaques on either side of the door. Now turn
around and go to the counter and look at the maps of the museum that are on top.
Now go behind the counter and open the cash drawer, take a museum key card from
the drawer. Turn around and look at the display with all the headphones. You can't
open them because you need a knob. Get out from behind the counter and go to the
bench that is on the other side of the counter that is to your left. On the left
side of the bench is a piece of paper. It is an Addenda, take it. Now let's enter
the exhibit.
When you first enter the exhibit go to the first aisle on your right and
look at the displays. One of them opens and you can take the little square tile.
We don't know what it is for... yet. Look at all the aisle and when you get to the
steps turn to your right and go to the door that says Employees. Enter and enter
the door that says Laboratory.
Look around first, like at the HAM radio, the pieces of pottery you need to
put together, the desk that has locked drawers. Now go to the other desk, this one
is yours now, but it used to be Sonny Joon's. Look at the to-do list and call the
bubble wrappers. The telephone number is on a paper taped to the desk to your
WHOW! They won't sell any to you now what do you do? Before we become
unglued let's look around the desk. Open the top drawer on your left. Open the
book and read it.
Boy! This guy has some issues. Take the knob. And look at the wrapper. Now go
around the room and look at everything especially at the x-ray thing. Now go and
talk to the guy.
You find out that the guy's name is Henrik and he is translating the
monolith. Ask him what to do about the bubble wrap. Great! He says nothing, okay,
go and scratch that thing off your list. Well, he tells you to go take a look
around. First let's go and take the Addenda to the Mexican Consulate. So go to the
Once there go to the big double doors at are in front of the entrance to the
exhibit. Exit and you automatically find yourself at the subway. Now click on the
Mexican Consulate stop.
Once you arrive go to office and first go to counter where there are a lot
of brochures on the left side of a bench. Read about possession. Now turn to your
left and go to the man sitting behind the counter, his name is Alejandro del Rio.
Talk to him and give him the Addenda. Talk to him and find out how angry he is
about taken artifacts. Once you give him the Addenda, he won't give it back, don't
worry. Exit and go to the subway and click on the Museum stop.
Since you are there, might as well get the headphones. Go behind the counter
and using your knob click it on the door. Take the headphones and go to the main
exhibit hall and then to the pyramid.
Go up the stairs, once inside look around and look inside the one of the two
vases that are in the far right corner of the room. Take the piece of pottery.
Play the games using the card you took from the cash drawer. When you're finished
exit the room and I'll meet you at the bottom.
Finished? So quick? Did you finish the quiz? Don't worry; we'll get to the
games later, okay. Now turn right and go around the pyramid to the passage way.
Go to the garden and look at all the exhibit. On the first bench you see
take the other square tile. When you start to look at the monolith, a Mr. Sinclair
approaches you and tells you that he wants to talk to you at his place. Ask him
for his address and continue your tour exiting the garden from the other side.
Once inside the museum, go to the shipping room and look around. Look at
the locked boxes and notice their numbers. Go to the desk and look at the
receiving sheet. And look at Jung's things and take the other piece of pottery and
the computer disc.
Now let's go back to the Lab and try to put the pottery together. Once you
do it go to your to-do list and scratch it off as well as the Addenda one.
When you come to a recording that doesn't correspond what you are seeing
take notice of what you should be hearing and what you are actually hearing. Now,
let's go back to the shipping room.
When you enter the room immediately to your left there is a black square on
the wall go to it. When you click on the little doors you see a large capital
letter and a number to its right. Click on the green arrow and listen to what it
is saying if it is not what you heard go to the next door until you hear the on
you just heard. Now with the up down arrows you can change what you are hearing.
So keep clicking until you hear the one you are supposed to hear. So you will have
to do it with every item. Yes really! Get to work. You can use Joon's map for
this. I will wait for you until you are finished.
Little frustrated? Don't worry I have the answers... if you want them. Don't
look if you want to try it yourselves. A=5, B=8, C=14, D=7, E=1, F=6, G=9, H=15,
I=3, J=13, K=12, L=4, M=2, N=10, O=11. Once you do it go and scratch it of the
Now let's go and fix the logographs. Once you exit the employee area go to
the first aisle on your right. Now walk all the way down to the chest.
Click on the lock and open the lid, now look inside and your little
artifacts disappear from the inventory, because they belonged to this exhibit. You
have to number them from zero to nineteen. Zero is the lonely eye and nineteen is
the guy with a bone jaw, beard and flower on the side of his face, the side you
can't see. Now you try the rest. You need some hints, right? Well, we can get some
at your hotel room, of Sonny Joon's disc.
Exit the exhibit and go to the main lobby. Once there, go to the light brown
doors and when you exit you are in the metro, click on the Colonial Hotel. When
you click on the hotel you automatically arrive at your room. Go to the computer
and taking the disc from the inventory click it on the disc slot. Now click on the
computer screen and then on the disc. You need a password. Remember the name of
the chocolate bar. Koko Kringle. Now read all his files and write down the
description of the numbers. Once you have done that look at yours too, and before
you go back to the museum call Bess and George. Exit the room and go back to the
museum for now.
Once inside the museum, go back to the logograph exhibit and finish the
display. Go ahead; I won't go on without you. I will be patient. ..... Ready? Boy,
you did it faster than me. Oh! You want some hints. Well, I will write the way it
should go and you go as far as you like. 0- eye; 1- vertical double eye with dot
in middle; 2- use Joon's description; 3- use Joon's description; 4- four vertical
dots, rounded corner square, curly legs, stylized cross, four circles; 5- vertical
line, same rounded square as in number 4; 6- use Joon's description; 7- two
vertical dots, vertical line; 8- three vertical dots, vertical line, rounded
corner square, curly legs, robot face; 9- use Joon's description; 10- two vertical
lines, same rounded corner square as in eight; 11- symbol for one, two vertical
lines; 12- two dots, two vertical lines; 13- use Joon's description; 14- four
dots, two vertical lines; 15- three vertical lines, rounded corner square, curly
legs, X in it; 16- one dot, three vertical lines; 17- two dots, eye, three
vertical lines; 18- three dots, three vertical lines; 19- like drawing on test in
pyramid. Once you have finished go and scratch it off your list.
Well it is too late to go anywhere so might as well do the games in the
The first one is the bul game. It is to your right when you enter. Put your
key card in the slot and then click on the screen. Read the instructions. There is
a reference to this game and Pascal's Triangle in Sonny Joon's book. Pascal's
Triangle is about probabilities and doesn't really tell you how to solve it. It is
really random, so you are on your own. You have to win the game in order to get
points on your card.
What sort of worked for me was on the first turn roll and then pass. The
computer never passes. On the second and later rolls don't pass. When you capture
one of his guys start over by rolling and passing. That's about all the help I can
give you on this one. Once you complete it go to the hieroglyphic one.
Put the key card in the slot. Try it remember the hieroglyphics you have
seen through out the exhibit. Starting from your top left side the first one
is nineteen, ink, road, north, black, throne. Now go to the last computer and once
again enter the key card.
When you get to the Main Menu, click on your progress button. You should
have two parts of the three part snake. The only part you need to finish is the
quiz. Are you ready to answer the questions?
The answers are in the main exhibit hall. So go to it. You can do it.
The answers are: Palenque, Lady Zac Kuk, Tzolkin, Itzamna, Quiche.
Once you answer all the questions correctly, you can now use your key card
to open the door that is behind you and to your left. Use the key card and slide
it through the card reader. The door opens automatically.
Look around see all the displays and video. Now go to the computers. It
doesn't matter in which order you do the games. I started with the ball game. So
go there and don't forget to insert the key card. Try it. It is all about the
hyperbolic curve, velocity and angles. That is easy. No really you can do it by
trial and error. The only thing is that every time you miss you have to start all
over again. Try it. The way to do it is: High 4, Mid 3, Mid 5, Low 6.
Now go to the next one. This is a maze. For this one you need a login name
and a password. Remember where you saw one? It was on Sonny Joon's disc. It said:
login: sjoon and password: spacebaby.
You can wonder around until you find a mosaic picture on the floor or you
can just put a shoulder to one side of the wall and do not separate it until you
come to the picture. No, really that is the way it is done. It is not a joke. It
is one of those strange and useless things you learn and don't forget.
Now it is time to see your progress and to answer the quiz. The answers are
all in the garden exhibit. So let's start. The answers are: Lady Xoc,
Bicephalic, Huipil, noble man. Oops... the last answer is nowhere to be found. Oh
well guess we will have to leave it like that and come to it later.
Well for now let's exit the pyramid and go a talk to Mr. Sinclair. Exit the
museum and click on Mr. Sinclair's stop.
Go inside his office and speak to him, ask him about the painting and all
questions you can. Let's go back to the museum.
When you enter the hall and you reach for the Lab knob the alarms go off. Oh
Joanna comes blasting in and tells you that there has been a robbery and to
sit tight. You are let out until after the police leave. So once you can leave the
hall, go and see what was taken.
It was the Pacal jade tile. See the piece of paper with the red handprint
and some glyphs. Now go to Joanna's office
Talk to her, and get permission to take the piece of paper.
Get piece of paper and go back to Joanna's to get permission to use the x-
ray machine.
Talk to Joanna and get the translation of the glyphs. It says "The magician
suffers the yellow death" Now go to the lab to use the x-ray machine.
Once at your desk read the note Henrik left you. Find out if you have voice
mail. That is strange. Why would he run? He's definitely a suspect. Go to the x-
ray machine and follow the instructions to find out that the substance is HgS. Now
go to the Periodic Table that is on the wall by your desk. Click on it and find Hg
which corresponds to Mercury and S corresponds to sulfur. Go back to Joanna's
She tells you that mercury and sulfur is cinnabar. It is used on the
artifacts. They have been out of it for a while because of a shipping error.
Let's go and visit Mr. Alejandro and Mr. Sinclair.
Talk to Alejandro and ask all the questions. He was there when the burglary
occurred and he is declaring political immunity. He doesn't look too worried. Exit
and go to Mr. Sinclair's
Talk to Sinclair and find out that Ms. Rutherford's medallion was stolen
from the Old Canyon Museum. Where Henrik used to work. Very interesting! Go to the
Call Bess and then call Mr. Rose. He will give you Ms. Rutherford's
telephone. It is 785- 555-7279. Now go back to the museum and to the lab.
In the lab call the chemical suppliers the number is 555-6766. You find out
that only last week a shipment of mercurial sulfite was delivered to the museum.
Well it wasn't delivered it was picked up by a J.R. (Joanna Riggs). The man
doesn't remember anything about the person that picked it up though. You also find
out that that substance is toxic and it makes you crazy. Now call the Canyon
Museum at 1-505-555-1222. That is strange there is an error ring. Let's go see
what Alejandro and Mr. Sinclair have to say about this.
Talk to Alejandro and tell him about the cinnabar and the scarlet hand. Well
so much for that. Now let's see Mr. Sinclair.
He definitely has nothing to say. Let's go to the hotel room
Call Bess and find out that the Hardy Boys are there to. Call Mr. Rose.
Let's go back to the Museum.
Look at your desk and read the note Joanna left for you. So you are in
charge now. Well it is time to go and snoop around Joanna's office.
Go to her desk and read the invoice paper, it is like the one you saw in
shipping. Open the drawer and take the key, wonder what this fits? Looks like a
computer key but I don't see a computer.
Now turn right and go to the filing cabinet. Open the third drawer from the
top in the middle column. Read about the history of the Pacal tile. It cost more
than a million dollars. And Mr. Sinclair took his 10% commission. Wow! More than
100,000 dollars. Nice commission. Let's see if we can't find to where the key goes
Walk around looking for anything out of the ordinary. I couldn't find or see
anything. How about you? Well, let's go to the pyramid and see there.
When you enter the museum you hear a sound and somebody falls from the top
of the pyramid. It is Henrik! When the scene is over you are at your hotel room
talking to Bess and trying to figure out why he got amnesia and why he was there.
Well, go back to the museum.
When you go and see your voice mail, you find out that Joanna has been fired
and prohibited from entering the museum. She asks you if you could talk to Mr.
Rose for her and put in a good word for her. There is also a message from the
hospital. The number is 555-4000.
Call it and find out that you have been named his closet adoptive relative.
Call Mr. Rose and see what he has to say. Now you find out you are in charge
of the exhibit and the case. GREAT!
Once you are finished calling everybody, go to the hospital
Once there you talk to Henrik. Show him the palm print and you find out Joanna
called to find the access code. After a while you are thrown out of the room, so
go to Taylor's Office.
Ask Taylor for a copy of the Pacal carving and talk to him. Now, let us go to the
Mexican Consulate.
Talk to Alejandro and that is about all you can do for now. So now go back to the
hospital to show the picture Taylor gave you.
Put the picture on the board and talk to Henrik. He recognizes it and admits to
taking the carving, but doesn't remember where he put it. He talks about a plot
and gives you a key. After finishing all the questions go to the museum.
Using the key open his desk and from the top drawer take the computer disk and at
the bottom drawer look at all the papers. There is a translation you can take, a
book that tells you about the operation of the Ham radio and that the password is
snake in Nahuatl, and a journal. Read all these.
Depending on the time try calling Chacon Canyon and ask about the thefts, well
actually you can't call from the office you have to do it from your hotel room.
Now go and see Alejandro.
Ask Alejandro how you say snake in Nahuatl. He won't tell you unless you do a
favor for him. He wants the provenance papers. Now go to your hotel room.
Call Chacon Canyon and find out about the thefts, and that they will try to send a
picture of the stolen carving. Call Mrs. Rutherford and ask her about her theft
and find out that she will send you a replica of her carving. Put Henrik's disc
into your computer and notice that you need a password. Well we better start
looking for it. Now go to the museum.
Go to Joanna's office and then to the filing cabinet look at the provenance file.
It will now appear in your inventory. Now go to the laboratory and start working
the Ham radio. When I tried it first I punched in 2050 and the lady on the radio
gave me the following number: 83271. Now doing the conversion I get 2710+21=2731.
Now I punch in that number and a voice comes on and says that there will be no
transmissions today.
Since you are at the museum and you need to kill time, go to the first display
case where the ham radio is. You there already.... Now using the key we found in
Joanna's desk drawer open the case and click on the ham radio. It turns, click on
the little door on the side and take the bulb. Just keep it for now.
Now go to Joanna's office and take the provenance file from the filing cabinet.
When it is morning, around 9 o'clock go to the hospital.
When you enter the room you find Henrik asleep and snoring, pin the translation on
the bulletin board and then go to the Mexican Consulate.
Go talk to Alejandro and he takes the file and says that the Nahuatl word for
snake is coatl. Now go back to the museum.
Once in the museum go to the ham radio and take out the instruction book for the
operation of the ham radio. Translate the word coatl into Morse code. You will
also need the Morse code for leche, because that means you want them to send the
artifact, whatever it is. Turn on the radio and the bulb blows out, good thing you
have a spare. Change bulbs. Now turn the radio on and enter the code 2731. Now
using your Morse code enter the word coatl. The way you do it is: -.-. click on
send, --- send, .- send, - send, .-.. send. A voice comes on and says to enter
message. So enter leche, .-.. send, . send, -.-. send, .... Send, . send. A voice
comes over and says that it will be done. Now it is time to go to the hospital to
see if Henrik is awake.
He is awake!! He says he has remembered and he wrote a riddle and at the bottom of
the page is the word for the glyph is stone which is the password for the disc.
Talk to him and find out about the plot and about the monolith, but he still
doesn't remember where he hid the Pacal carving. So now go to the hotel room to
read the disc.
Enter the password and you get in. There are three files you can see read all of
them. Find out about the existence of six keys in order to open the monolith. You
also find out that the missing word for matchmaker is atanzahab. Now you can
finish the quiz and go to the next level. Once you are reading the files go to the
Once inside go to shipping and receiving to see if anything has arrived. You get a
package which looks like it is from the people on the ham radio. Open it. You see
it is a box with three faces and the eyes move, but no matter where you put the
eyes the box won't open ... Bummer... Oh wait, according to Mayan costume being
cross-eyed is beautiful. So put all the eyes cross-eyed. Don't worry I will wait
right here. I am not moving . Just in case you want some help try this:
numbering the faces from 1 to 3 from left to right and each face has a left and
right so if I say 1L it means the first face on your left and the left eye. Okay,
so now that we understand each other the answer is: 1L, 2L, 3r, 2r, 1r, 2L, 2L.
You hear something slide, click on the lid and it opens to reveal a jade carving
piece. Take it, it is a rabbit.
Now go to the pyramid and to the quiz on the second level now enter all the
answers. Remember what they were. Didn't you write them down? ... Okay I will repeat
them: Lady Xoc, bicephalic, huipil, noble man, atanzahab. Now take the card and
open the door behind you. Go down the stairs to the third level.
Look around you see a word association puzzle, a calendar puzzle, a tomb but no
puzzle and a quiz. You can start where ever you want, but I am going to start at
the word association puzzle. You try it but if you give up I have the answers for
you. Kukulcan- wind god, tlaloc- rain god, ixchel- moon goddess, balac- war god,
xbalanque- jaguar god, yum cimil- god of death, ekahau- god of travelers, ahua
kin- sun god, yum kaax- corn god and I will leave the last one to you.
Okay, now go to the calendar puzzle. Look at the diagram and you have to put Kaban
12. So look for the kaban symbol on the chart and now go to the dials and move the
outer ring until you get the symbol in the square window, The number is easy just
click 12 times on the inner dial and you arrive at twelve or two lines, two moons
and a dot. Now go to the quiz.
It says that once you finish the quiz you can go back to the tomb and get a light
stick. The first question is a dousy... What is Pacal afraid of? Guess we will have
to go and ask Henrik. But that will be until tomorrow.
Once there call Henry Daddle the number you got from Henrik's files. Yea remember
the number is 1-605-555-3195. When he answers he says that his great-grandfather
inherited it to him. He in turn gave it to his daughter Penelope whose number is
Call that number and when Penelope answers she will say that it is not her, but it
is she changed her name to Poppy Dada. She says she had it but she put it on a
painting that Taylor Sinclair has. The painting's name is "Deadly Midnight Snack".
She tells you that you can take the jade carving if you replace it with something
organic. Great! So when it is morning around 9 o'clock go to Taylor's office.
Talk to him and ask him for an Oaxacan cookie, then ask him to let you see Poppy's
painting. He accepts and leaves the office. Look at the painting and click on the
painting, now click on the cookie in the inventory and then on the square thing on
the canvas. You automatically obtain the jade carving that has a face with big
lips and a sort of curl on the forehead. Now let's go to the hospital and tell
Henrik the good news.
Talk to Henrik and tell him that the smugglers sent you one of the jade carvings
and he tells you that he hid the Pacal carving in Pacal's tomb, but to get to it
first you need to solve the quiz. You ask him what animal Pacal is afraid of, he
doesn't know, but tells you that, that question was done by Sonny and he is afraid
of the coatimundi which is a polecat. So now go to the museum.
Go to the computer with the quiz, which is crossing the bridge. At the question
enter the word coatimundi. Bravo!!! It is the only question. So now take the card
and go back over the bridge to the replica of Pacal's tomb.
Enter the card and click on the tomb, it opens automatically. Click on the mask
and inside the skeletons mouth is the Pacal carving. Take it and close the lid, by
clicking on it.
Once you have done that a green light stick appears on your right side. Take it
and go to your hotel room.
Call Mr. Rose to tell him about your progress and he will tell you that, he will
reinstate Joanna. Now call Chaco Canyon and ask how the search is going. She tells
you that no luck, but they can send the shipping box it was originally transported
in. Great!! You can make a mold in the lab. Go back to the museum.
Go to Joanna's office to see if she is there. Talk to her and she tells you that
you have a lot of work to do and gives you the code to the crate that has an
electronic device. The code is 0677.
Go to shipping and to the crate that is in the first aisle way to the back and on
the top shelf. Click on it and enter the code. Open it ant take the jade carving.
No go and see if the package arrived. When it arrives open it and take the box go
into the lab.
When you enter turn right and go to the white vertical gun you see and place the
box on the slab and click on the white tube it fills the hole. Now take the box
and open it and take the mold. Once you have the mold go to the table where you
first assembled the pottery.
Place the pieces and arm the cube. It is fairly straight forward. Once you have
done that.
Go to the main exhibit and to the second aisle on your right. To the right hand
display and using Joanna's key open it. Take the two rings. I know they are heavy,
but you have to do it. Take the rings to the monolith.
Once at the monolith take the rings and place them on the recess of the wall. Now
you must know the date in which Pacal ascended to the throne.
You can find that at the main exhibit. Second aisle on your left, where the Pacal
carving used to be. Read the display on your left. It says he ascended 615 CE.
Great! What we need is the date in Mayan terms. Guess we will have to look for it
somewhere else.
Let's go to the garden exhibit using the entrance near the door to the lab. Go to
the first exhibit and read.... Yes!!! It says that the date of ascension was 6
Well, let's go back to the calendar puzzle to find out what the glyph for Lamat
is, because I know you know the glyph for six is. Well, just in case it is a
dash and a dot. Ok, the glyph for Lamat is a square, a cross and for dots each in
a corner of the cross.
Now, let's go to the monolith
Move the inner circle to the symbol for six. Now the outer ring, move it to the
symbol for Lamat. If you did it right you should hear a click. HUM??!!! The door
won't open. So we still aren't finished.
Back up and go to the left side and using the cube click on the hole on that side.
Turn the cube until the design corresponds to the correct glyph. It will click and
Nancy will tell you. Do this to each side. WAIT!! Before you do it to the last
door that is the one where you started, SAVE YOUR GAME!
Now put the cube in and the door opens revealing a mummy with some kind of tablet
in its hand.
Oh! NO! The culprit is Taylor Sinclair. It was him all along. So after a
conversation he shuts you in the tomb.
Quickly, using the green stick turn right twice, you should be facing the mummy.
Click on the mouth and inside the mouth you should see a rod, take it. Turn right
once and click on the wall where you can see a square hole. Take the rod and stick
it in. OK, ok so be calm, the more impatient the faster you suffocate.
Turn back towards the mummy and turn left one more time now look down you should
be able to see the real Whisper's writings. If it is not there turn left once
more. Take the writings and behind them you can see a rod with a flower at the
end. Look up and you should see the face where an eye is missing. Stick the flower
rod in and ... THE DOOR OPENS.
CONGRATULATIONS! You have solved another mystery. Sit back and watch the end.
Copyright March, 2004
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