The Sims 2 Free Time v1.13.0.161 Patch

The Sims 2: Free TimeOsveženja The Sims 2 naslova se nastavljaju. Naime, EA je izbacio još jedan patch kojim se ispravljaju uočeni propusti The Sims 2 Free Time igre, u kojoj naši simčići pronalaze mnogobrojne hobije poput: fudbala, vežbanja baleta, pravljenja maketa vozova i drugih. Patch teži 82Mb i moguće ga je preuzeti sa ove adrese, dok listu ispravki možete pogledati u nastavku teksta.

Pored ovog novog osveženja Electronic Arts nas obaveštava da je otvorena nova The Sims 2 radnja u kojoj je moguće pazariti na stotine različitih "predmeta", od kozmetike, nameštaja pa sve do kancelarijskog pribora.

The Sims 2 Free Time v1.13.0.161 Patch

* "Tinker" interaction is now available on the "Garbage Ninja by Kitchensations", "Big and Brown Dishwasher by Romantic Notions", "You Got Feets Bathtub", and "SuperJet Corner Shower by Sleek Sensations".
* Updated SecuRom version to resolve an issue where some players started their game through the launcher or clicked on the game executable, but never saw the game splash screen on monitor and fixed emulation problems players were experiencing.
* Added a new command line option “–blackfont” to make in-game fonts appear in black.
* Updated game code in order for The SimsTM 2 FreeTime to be compatible with The SimsTM 2 Store Edition. For users who have The SimsTM 2 FreeTime Expansion Pack installed, this patch must be installed in order to run The SimsTM 2 Store Edition with The SimsTM 2 FreeTime Expansion Pack. This patch runs automatically if FreeTime is already on your computer and you install The SimsTM 2 Store Edition on top of it.

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