Spiderman – The Movie (šifre)

Spiderman - The Movie

Here are a whole load of extras and codes:
Submitted by: liran
E-mail: lirannat@netvision.net.il

All cheats need to be entered at the options menu and usually the Green 
Goblin will laugh if you have entered the code correctly  

All Levels + Movies                    - ARACHNID 
Get Super Coolant                      - CHILLOUT 
Get Big head mode                      - JOELSPEANUTS 
Unlock All-Fighting Controls           - KOALA 
All Production notes + some Movies     - IMIARMAS 
Get Character Scientist                - SERUM 
Get Character Shocker                  - HERMANSCHULTZ 
Get Character Mary Jane Watson         - GIRLNEXTDOOR 
Get Character Thug 1                   - KNUCKLES 
Get Character Thug 2                   - STICKYRICE 
Get Character Thug 3                   - THUGSRUS 
Get Character Matrix Spidey            - FREAKOUT 
Get Character Helicopter Pilot         - CAPTAINSTACEY 
Get Character Police Officer           - REAL HERO 
Get Matrix Attacks                     - DODGETHIS 
Get Unlimited Webbing                  - ORGANICWEBBING 
Get Next Level Feature in in-game menu - ROMITAS 
Get 1st Person Mode                    - UNDERTHEMASK 
Get Extra Training Levels              - HEADEXPLODY 
Get Big Head & Feet Spider-Man         - GOESTOYOURHEAD 
Get Tiny Spider-Man                    - SPIDERBYTE
Submitted by: liran
E-mail: lirannat@netvision.net.il

Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "ARACHNID" as a code. If you entered 
the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. All regular levels, 
FMV sequences, and gallery pictures will be unlocked. Repeat code entry to 
return to normal. 

Level select 
Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "IMIARMAS" as a code. If you entered 
the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry 
to return to normal. 

Level skip 
Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "ROMITAS" as a code. If you entered the 
code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry to 
return to normal. Pause the game and select the "Next Level" option to advance 
to the next level. 

Bonus training levels 
Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "HEADEXPLODY" as a code. If you entered 
the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry 
to return to normal. 

Infinite webbing 
Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "ORGANICWEBBING" as a code. If you entered 
the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry to 
return to normal. 

All fighting controls 
Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "KOALA" as a code. If you entered the code 
correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry to return 
to normal. 

Play as Mary Jane 
Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "GIRLNEXTDOOR" as a code. If you entered 
the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry 
to return to normal. 

Play as The Shocker 
Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "HERMANSCHULTZ" as a code. If you entered 
the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry to 
return to normal. 

Play as a scientist 
Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "SERUM" as a code. If you entered the code 
correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry to return 
to normal. 

Play as a police officer 
Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "REALHERO" as a code. If you entered the 
code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry to 
return to normal. 

Play as Captain Stacey (helicopter pilot) 
Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "CAPTAINSTACEY" as a code. If you entered 
the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry 
to return to normal. 

Play as thug model 1 
Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "KNUCKLES" as a code. If you entered the 
code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry to 
return to normal. 

Play as thug model 2 
Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "STICKYRICE" as a code. If you entered 
the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry 
to return to normal. 

Play as thug model 3 
Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "THUGSRUS" as a code. If you entered the 
code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry to 
return to normal. 

Matrix-style attacks 
Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "DODGETHIS" as a code. If you entered 
the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry 
to return to normal. 

Goblin-style costume 
Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "FREAKOUT" as a code. If you entered 
the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code 
entry to return to normal. 

Small Spider-Man 
Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "SPIDERBYTE" as a code. If you entered 
the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry 
to return to normal. 

Big head and feet for Spider-Man 
Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "GOESTOYOURHEAD" as a code. If you entered 
the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry 
to return to normal. 

Enemies have big heads 
Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "JOELSPEANUTS" as a code. If you entered 
the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry 
to return to normal. 

First person view 
Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "UNDERTHEMASK" as a code. If you entered 
the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry 
to return to normal. 

Super coolant 
Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "CHILLOUT" as a code. If you entered the 
code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry to 
return to normal. 

Pinhead Bowling mini-game 
Accumulate 10,000 points during game play to unlock the Pinhead bowling mini-
game in the training menu. 

Vulture FMV sequence 
Accumulate 20,000 points during game play to unlock the Vulture FMV sequence 
in the CG menu. 

Shocker FMV sequence 
Accumulate 30,000 points during game play to unlock the Shocker FMV sequence 
in the CG menu. 

Green Goblin FMV sequence 
Successfully complete the game on the hero or greater difficulty setting.

Submitted by: michael

play as harry osborn in goblin suit: start a new game in hero mode 
quit go to specials and type "arachnid" go to level select and click 
conclusion then go to secerate store go down to the bottom and turn 
it on (this also works for all the characters that you get by 
beatting the game).

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